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GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: gOCC DATE:2/29/2024 REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: Karrie Stockton PHONE:@Xt. 2937 CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: KarrlE' Stockton CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: ❑YES ANO is i I I ❑A reement /Contrac t g DAP Vouchers ❑❑ /RFPs /Quotes Award Bid Opening Scheduled ❑Appointment Reappointment- --- ted DARPA RelaBids ❑Computer Related ❑County Code ❑Boards /Committees ❑Emergency Purchase ❑Budget ❑Facilities Related El ❑Funds ❑Employee Rel. ❑Invoices /Purchase Orders BGrants —Fed/State/County Ell 11 Hearing ❑Ordinances El Policies -eases ❑Out of State Travel ❑MOA / MOU E] Petty Cash ❑Proclamations F-1 Recommendation ❑Professional Sery/Consultant El Request for Purchase ❑Support Letter El Resolution ❑Tax Levies ❑Thank You's []Tax Title Property ❑Surplus Req. ❑WSLCB Reimbursement Request from Ho esource on t $3 9 p he Emergency Housing Fund Grant EHF #24-4619D-106, in the amount of $25,248.67 for January 2024 expenses. DATE OF ACTION: 3 I iLN APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: t-, ^F sz�4� st 4 STNTE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE. 1011 NilM. S"ef E -PO'Bux2525 01YM08, W510 On 98504-2525 ,60) 72-54M, Form 19-1A VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION AGENCY Short Code Commerce Contract Numb er NUMBER CMS Invoice ID: DEPARMENT OF 1030 24-4619D-106 387943 COMMERCE VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant payable to:) INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: Grant County Board of Commission Submit this form to claim payment for materials, merchandise or PO BOX 37 services. Show complete detail for each item. EPHRATA, WA98823-0037 Vendor's Certificate: The individual signing this voucher below Kerrie Stockton warrants they have the authority to do so as authorized and on behalf "�"'""'""" ""�,,,ym�----------r----------y------�--2F of (Vendor Contact Person) the entity identified in the Vendor/Claimant section. The individual signing below g g w certifies under penalty of penury that the items and (509) 754-2011 ext totals listed herein are proper charges for materials, merchandise or "2937 „ (Vendor Contact Phone) ry services furnished to the State of Washington, and that all goods furnished and/or services rendered have been provided without <kstockton angrantcountywa.gov> discrimination "national because of age, sex, marital status, race, creed, color, (Vendor Contact Email) origin, ' g' , handicap, religion or Vietnam era or disabled veterans 07/01/23 - 06/30/24 status. (Contract Period) 01/01/24 - 01/31/24 Karrie Stockton Kstockton2 2/29/2024 3:13:15 PM (REPORT PERIOD) (SUBMITTED BY) (SUBMIT DATE DESCRIPTION BUDGET REQUESTED EXPENDED TO.AMOUNTTHIS A WARD,. AMOUNT:DATE'INVOICE REMAINING Admin - Unassigned $120,383.00 $2,853.13 $30,664.76 $.00 $89,718.24 Operations - Unassigned $681,156.00 $14,744.88 $77,832.14 $.00 $603,323.86 Rent - Unassigned $27,153.00 $.00 $20,290.86 $.00 $6,862.14 Facility Support - Unassigned $325,646.00 $7,650.66 $68,913.77 $.00 $256,732.23 Non - Match Total: $1,154,338.00 $25,248.67 $197,701.53 $.00 $956,636.47 PROGRAM APPROVAL Dat e (The,individual signin this voucher warrants the 9 y have the authority to sign this voucher: REFERENCE DOC"NO. ''VENDOR NUMBER and S UFFIX DOC DATE- CURRENT DOC. NO. SWV0002426 03 ACCOUNT NO. AS D NUMBER - V EN DOR MESSAGE 45761 TRANS CODE ',.REV-:-- CODE MASTER INDEX SUB OBJ SUB SUB MG MS GL ACCT ,SUB -A OUNT PROGRAM OBJ SID INDEX 46ECO220 NZ 4620C READY to BATCH PREPARER DATE WARRANT TOTAL CREATED BY Karrie Stockton (Kstockton2)DATE 2/29/2024 3:10:19 PM HopeSource\� 606 West 3rd Ave Ellensburg, WA 98926 Phone: 509-925-1448 Fax: 509-925-1204 IName: Ariam Mehtsentu Signature: A � Grant County Courthouse - - - ----- ---- AttnJanice Flynn., Admin. Services Coordinator P.O.ate: 2/16/24 PBox 37 p I kEphrata, WA 98823-0037 I 606 West 3rd Ave Ellensburg, WA 98926 Phone (509) 925-1448 0 Fax (509) 925-1204 110 Pennsylvania Ave, Cle Elum, WA 98922 Phone (509) 67442375 0 Fax (509) 674-5187 S � iy,`�uU.�B as a�l� . �� As the lead grantee for this contract, I certify that the sub grantee expenses listed above have been reviewed and are accurate. Lead grantee staff name: Karrie Stockton Date: 2/29/2024 Totals Lead Grantee Name: Grant County Invoice Period (Month/Year): Jan -24 Organization Name: Hopesource Date . ,.. ..: .. .. ... , _.. :. -. .,. .- .. .. .< 2� 853.1=3� w :. , .a, .... ., tr. .•r,. av` .> r \ a ... \, .. 7• ��a ,.. � ,trf Nllfg \ �O \��� G ' r t�Y \_Y.� � \ot ,Y e.M �4 744:,98' \.Y .an.. ,b ..� , � w,c",..M-t,� a , � tv „ i.?4.. 'yxa3u r ..._, e_H_,;.a : .M ,.... ! . :. �, vi,-'•N`S 1,..�:...+.,.i. ce, <e \ .3�. � �+q'Y,.« .- om\.a•\ .: c>, -.,..t .y,.,r... y...--.,i...N...': ?�,F. ip�•w'- t 3. ,4 x-�.,.<.. � ,'y....,.c.,:. . .,. a>._..,r>i..v'' so.. at Y. ...R.. reb 11 .. ,`�-. ..}w' ....d�. a. � ,\.wr o-. „J..._..w . ua:�. . .+.Y ._�Y .,+. .,.:-��,...-. .ra,. ..1..v.,,.. . vntCAr. r t:„r a.i.`: v . .y4.. '._•,. , . ., v,F �.R, S . om:\. --'.s-�3,'wa., ,•,,�r_�1r., .,e. :1 Yb Y . 1 650.• 6: ,. .. ... a ... ::.. 'v. ... .o � n t .1 ..,t ... ...,. :r .. ✓ .C. \ .. „ .. .x , ,nr ,,. .n a.• , .-. ... 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Lead grantee staff name: Karrie Stockton Date: 2/29/2024 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 1/1/2024 Through 1/31/2024 GL Divisi... Sub Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit division Code 7000 Salaries & Wages 100 Administration 0.00 7000 Salaries & Wages JVA1612 100 Administration 1,080.11 99999 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense JVA1612 100 Administration 98.08 99999 7101 Employee Tax JVA1612 100 Administration 219.53 99999 99999 7105 Health Benefits JVA1612 100 Administration 199.36 99999 7107 L & I tax expense JVA1612 100 Administration 10.51 7108 Other Benefits JVA1612 100 Administration 1.71 99999 8010 Professional Fees JVA1612 100 Administration 632.21 9.999 g 8100 Office Supplies JVA1612 100 Administration 21.21 99999 Communication Expense JVA1612 100 Administration 16.42 99 999 999 8300 Postage & Shipping JVA1612 100 Administration 7.65 ggggg 8350 Dues & Subscriptions p JVA1612 100 Administration 19.73 99 999 8400 Rent - Space Lower County JVA1612 100 Administration 122.83 ggggg 8405 Utilities - Ellensburgggggg JVA1612 100 Administration 38.14 8406 Utilities - Upper County/Offsite JVA1612 100 Administration ggggg offices . 018 99999 8408 Occupancy Expenses JVA1612 100 Administration 12.52 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General JVA1612 100 Administration 99999 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program JVA1612 100 Administration 242.25 99999 8450 Insurance Expense p JVA1612 100 Administration 3.90 99999 8510 Program supplies and tools JVA1612 100 Administration 54.99 ggggg Photocopy Expense JVA1612 100 Administration 4.35 999998650 8660 Printing & Publications JVA1612 100 Administration 3.99 99999 Travel Expense JVA1612 100 Administration 6.04 999998700 8711 Training & Technical Assistance JVA1612 100 Administration 5.57 ggggg Interest Expenses JVA1612 100 Administration 51.06 999998990 8992 Bank Fee JVA1612 100 Administration 0.77 ggggg 0.02 99999 2,853.13 0.00 BalanlA a inistration =` z 100 7000 Salaries & Wages 612001 Personnel 0.00 7000 Salaries & Wages 9 CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 327.60 34.51 99999 99999 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 880.18 138.45 99999 7000 Salaries & Wages 9 CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 206.60 38.85 99999 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 1,932.00 169.22 99999 Date: 2/16/24 02:30:50 PM Name Opening Balance Transaction Total Opening Balance Brittany Bouchouari Chenell Wolfe John Raymond LuDene Loyalty Groves Page: 1 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 1/1/2024 Through 1/31/2024 GL Code GL Title Session ID Divisi... Code Division Title Debit Credit Subdivision Code Name 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 27.28 4.18 99999 Samantha Puntenne Y 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 687.97 197.75 99999 Susan Grindle 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 44.32 99999 Alice Miller 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 56.49 99999 Annie Ness 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 43.86 99999 Brian Fox 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 87.74 99999 Britt Smith 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 40.87 99999 Carina Torres 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 36.33 99999 James Pruitt 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 56.37 99999 Joseph Frangipaniani7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 16.68 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 23.86 99999 Megan Caponon7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 40.51 99999 Monica Diamond 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 62.14 99999 Su'an Shrestha � 7000 Salaries & Wages 9 CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 200.20 20.85 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 720.00 116.05 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 206.60 38.85 99999 John Raymond Y 7000 7000 Salaries & Wages 9 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1462 CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 2,208.00 193.40 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 000 Salaries & Wages 612001 Personnel 89.28 13.99 99999 Samantha Puntenn ey 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1462 CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 687.97 197.75 99999 Susan Grindle 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1463 612001 612001 Personnel Personnel 46.36 99999 Alice Miller Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 61.33 87.74 99999 Annie Ness 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 44.15 99999 Britt Smith 000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 10.20 99999 Carina Torres 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 61.22 99999 James Pruitt Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 15.51 99999 Joseph Fra ngipani7000 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 24.62 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 52.55 99999 Megan Capon 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 52.02 99999 Monica Diamond 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1464 612001 Personnel 18.48 99999 Su'an � Shrestha Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1464 612001 Personnel 58.00 99999 Brittany Bo uchouari7000 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1464 612001 Personnel 47.68 99999 Chenell Wolfe Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1464 612001 Personnel 138.00 99999 John Raymondmond7000 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1464 612001 Personnel 9.32 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7000 Salaries & Wages 9 CDSPRO1464 612001 Personnel 151.20 99999 Samantha Puntenne Y 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1466 612001 Personnel 2.40 99999 Susan Grindle 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1466 612001 Personnel 3.06 99999 Alice Miller 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1466 612001 Personnel 27.52 99999 99999 Annie Ness Britt Smith Date: 2/16/24 02:30:50 PM Page: 2 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 1/1/2024 Through 1/31/2024 Sub GL Divisi... division Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1466 612001 Personnel 5.04 99999 Carina Torres 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1466 612001 Personnel 1.96 99999 James Pruitt 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1466 612001 Personnel 15.30 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1466 612001 Personnel 0.79 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1466 612001 Personnel 1.79 99999 Megan Capon 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1466 612001 Personnel 2.40 99999 Monica Diamond 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1466 612001 Personnel 6.41 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 24.80 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 69.20 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 15.65 99999 John Raymond 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 151.88 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 2.84 99999 Samantha Puntenney 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 54.08 99999 Susan Grindle 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 4.15 99999 Alice Miller 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 5.22 99999 Annie Ness 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 4.01 99999 Brian Fox 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 11.42 99999 Britt Smith 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 4.36 99999 Carina Torres 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 5.71 99999 James Pruitt 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 5.29 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 1.42 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 2.00 99999 Megan Capon 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 3.49 99999 Monica Diamond 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 5.54 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 15.16 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 56.60 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 15.65 99999 John Raymond 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 173.58 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 9.30 99999 Samantha Puntenney 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 54.08 99999 Susan Grindle 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 4.35 99999 Alice Miller 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 5.70 99999 Annie Ness 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 11.42 99999 Britt Smith 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 4.31 99999 Carina Torres 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 1.36 99999 James Pruitt 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 5.77 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 1.38 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 2.09 99999 Megan Capon Date: 2/16/24 02:30:50 PM Page: 3 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 1/1/2024 Through 1/31/2024 Date: 2/16/24 02:30:50 PM Page: 4 Sub GL Divisi... division Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 4.53 99999 Monica Diamond 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 6.04 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 34.51 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 138.45 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 38.85 99999 John Raymond 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 169.22 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 4.18 99999 Samantha Puntenney 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 197.75 99999 Susan Grindle 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 8.48 99999 Alice Miller 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 10.78 99999 Annie Ness 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 7.14 99999 Brian Fox 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 31.50 99999 Britt Smith 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 8.90 99999 Carina Torres 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 4.22 99999 James Pruitt 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 10.95 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 3.12 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 3.72 99999 Megan Capon 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 3.89 99999 Monica Diamond 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 8.33 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 20.85 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 116.05 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 38.85 99999 John Raymond 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 193.40 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 13.99 99999 Samantha Puntenney 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 197.75 99999 Susan Grindle 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 9.02 99999 Alice Miller 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 12.05 99999 Annie Ness 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 31.50 99999 Britt Smith 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 8.77 99999 Carina Torres 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 1.01 99999 James Pruitt 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 12.22 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 3.10 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 4.00 99999 Megan Capon 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 5.05 99999 Monica Diamond 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 9.64 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 56.87 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 148.09 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 26.39 99999 John Raymond Date: 2/16/24 02:30:50 PM Page: 4 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 1/1/2024 Through 1/31/2024 Sub GL Divisi... division Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 444.19 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 4.44 99999 Samantha Puntenney 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 37.37 99999 Susan Grindle 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 16.17 99999 Annie Ness 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 6.80 99999 Brian Fox 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 24.80 99999 Britt Smith 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 13.33 99999 Carina Torres 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.20 99999 James Pruitt 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 13.33 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 5.68 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 9.43 99999 Megan Capon 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.17 99999 Monica Diamond 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 16.17 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 34.75 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 111.05 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 26.39 99999 John Raymond 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 444.19 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 13.33 99999 Samantha Puntenney 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 37.37 99999 Susan Grindle 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 16.17 99999 Annie Ness 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 24.80 99999 Britt Smith 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 13.33 99999 Carina Torres 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 0.20 99999 James Pruitt 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 13.33 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 5.00 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 8.97 99999 Megan Capon 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 0.17 99999 Monica Diamond 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 16.17 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 1.90 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 7.49 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 0.77 99999 John Raymond 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 21.22 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 0.22 99999 Samantha Puntenney 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 1.87 99999 Susan Grindle 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.67 99999 Alice Miller 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.82 99999 Annie Ness 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.08 99999 Brian Fox 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.56 99999 Britt Smith Date: 2/16/24 02:30:50 PM Page: 5 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 1/1/2024 Through 1/31/2024 Sub GL Divisi... division Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.51 99999 Carina Torres 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.10 99999 James Pruitt 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.67 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.17 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.30 99999 Megan Capon 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.39 99999 Monica Diamond 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.78 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 1.44 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 7.49 99999 Chenell Wolfe 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 0.95 99999 John Raymond 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 27.46 99999 LuDene Loyalty Groves 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 0.90 99999 Samantha Puntenney 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 2.30 99999 Susan Grindle 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 0.85 99999 Alice Miller 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 1.04 99999 Annie Ness 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 0.89 99999 Britt Smith 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 0.79 99999 Carina Torres 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 0.16 99999 James Pruitt 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 0.90 99999 Joseph Frangipani 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 0.17 99999 Korri Zelenko-Jones 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 0.39 99999 Megan Capon 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 0.90 99999 Monica Diamond 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 0.73 99999 Sujan Shrestha 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 1.13 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 0.44 99999 John Raymond 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1460 612001 Personnel 0.20 99999 Samantha Puntenney 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1461 612001 Personnel 0.66 99999 Britt Smith 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 0.69 99999 Brittany Bouchouari 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 0.44 99999 John Raymond 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1462 612001 Personnel 0.60 99999 Samantha Puntenney 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1463 612001 Personnel 0.66 99999 Britt Smith 13,410.79 1,163.93 Transaction Total Balan... Personnels 12246.86 612001 8510 Program supplies and tools 613 Program Operations 0.00 99999 Opening Balance Date: 2/16/24 02:30:50 PM Page: 6 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 1/1/2024 Through 1/31/2024 GL Professional Fees 8010 Divisi... 8010 Professional Fees Subdivision Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code 8200 Communication Expense 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1049603 613 Program Operations 190.72 99999 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1049674 613 Program Operations 170.64 99999 8660 Printing & Publications AP1049710 613 Program Operations 48.09 99999 8700 Travel Expense AP1049763 613 Program Operations 59.30 99999 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 8420 468.75 0.00 8010 Professional Fees 8010 Professional Fees 8010 Professional Fees 8010 Professional Fees 8010 Professional Fees 8100 Office Supplies 8200 Communication Expense 8200 Communication Expense 8350 Dues & Subscriptions 8350 Dues & Subscriptions 8350 Dues & Subscriptions 8400 Rent - Space Lower County 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 8406 Utilities - Upper County/Offsite 613001 offices 8408 Occupancy Expenses 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 8..75 0.00 488.70 22.24 49.58 98.73 11.40 24.09 72.83 6.71 2.42 19.84 341.82 25.64 18.05 30.83 53.50 4.06 3.04 56.18 4.20 4.05 12.73 96.57 0.86 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 Name Shirtworks Inc. VISA - Chenell Wolfe Vistaprint Corporate Solutions Incorporated Brittany Bouchouari Transaction Total Opening Balance The David L. Aldridge Company, ADT LLC The David L. Aldridge Company, The David L. Aldridge Company, VISA - Sarai Padron VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - Britt Smith VISA - Britt Smith VISA - Britt Smith The Ridge Professional Plaza, LI VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 Friends of the Northern Pacific D Ellensburg The Locksmith Inc DBA: Absco Solutions dba Crystal Clear Custom Servic (Woodland RS) Prosite Pest Control LLC Visa - Staff 2 Iron Mountain A&E Janitorial -Detailing Arnold's Ranch & Home Inc Date: 2/16/24 02:30:50 PM Page: 7 Balan... 613 P.r_og.ram Operations` 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1048749 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049339 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049822 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049823 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049693 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049357 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049892 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049479 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049631 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049851 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1048851 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049682 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049893 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049751 613001 Program Support - Pool AIP1048908 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049600 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049611 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049612 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049636 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049730 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049752 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049866 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1049880 613001 Program Support - Pool 8..75 0.00 488.70 22.24 49.58 98.73 11.40 24.09 72.83 6.71 2.42 19.84 341.82 25.64 18.05 30.83 53.50 4.06 3.04 56.18 4.20 4.05 12.73 96.57 0.86 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 Name Shirtworks Inc. VISA - Chenell Wolfe Vistaprint Corporate Solutions Incorporated Brittany Bouchouari Transaction Total Opening Balance The David L. Aldridge Company, ADT LLC The David L. Aldridge Company, The David L. Aldridge Company, VISA - Sarai Padron VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - Britt Smith VISA - Britt Smith VISA - Britt Smith The Ridge Professional Plaza, LI VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 Friends of the Northern Pacific D Ellensburg The Locksmith Inc DBA: Absco Solutions dba Crystal Clear Custom Servic (Woodland RS) Prosite Pest Control LLC Visa - Staff 2 Iron Mountain A&E Janitorial -Detailing Arnold's Ranch & Home Inc Date: 2/16/24 02:30:50 PM Page: 7 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 1/1/2024 Through 1/31/2024 Sub GL Divisi... division Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit Code Name 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General AP1049881 613001 Program Support - Pool 8.41 6.09 99999 Knudson Lumber 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General AP1049890 613001 Program Support - Pool 89.87 99999 509 Facility Services, Inc 8450 Insurance Expense AP1049645 613001 Program Support - Pool 319.87 99999 Berkley Human Services 8650 Photocopy Expense AP1049634 613001 Program Support - Pool 6.42 99999 Canon Solutions America Inc 8700 Travel Expense AP1049544 613001 Program Support - Pool 30.26 99999 Britt Smith 8990 Interest Expenses AP1049643 613001 Program Support - Pool 132.46 99999 Cashmere Valley Bank 2,035.36 6.09 Transaction Total t�- �ASBalan... 613001 Prwj aograrn:Su ort-,Po:ol r N2,029:27 8200 Communication Expense 662 Facility Support 0.00 99999 Opening Balance 8200 Communication Expense AP1049892 662 Facility Support 94.71 99999 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 8407 Utilities - Shelter AP1049666 662 Facility Support 573.65 99999 VISA - HopeSource Admin 2 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General AP1049867 662 Facility Support 930.00 99999 Christine A. Beck 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program AP1049621 662 Facility Support 690.00 99999 Christine A. Beck 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program AP1049675 662 Facility Support 113.82 99999 Pointe Pest Control -ID, LLC 8421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program AP1049724 662 Facility Support 1,808.25 99999 VISA - Brittany Bouchouari 4,210.43 0.00 Transaction Total Balan... Facility Support -----s E4,10.43 662 7000 Salaries & Wages 662001 Facility Support- 0.00 99999 Opening Balance Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1460 662001 Facility Support- 264.00 36.14 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1460 662001 Facility Support- 1,105.00 186.07 99999 Raymond Bevers Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1462 662001 Facility Support- 230.40 32.90 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1462 662001 Facility Support- 1,398.26 237.83 99999 Raymond Bevers Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1464 662001 Facility Support- 9.60 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1460 662001 Facility Support- 18.30 99999 Neal Sutton Personnel Date: 2/16/24 02:30:50 PM Page: 8 HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 1/1/2024 Through 1/31/2024 GL Divisi... Code GL Title Session ID Code Division Title Debit Credit 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1460 662001 Facility Support- 86.87 Personnel 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1462 662001 Facility Support- 16.15 Personnel 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1462 662001 Facility Support- 109.93 Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1460 662001 Facility Support- 36.14 Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1460 662001 Facility Support- 186.07 Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1462 662001 Facility Support- 32.90 Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1462 662001 Facility Support- 237.83 Personnel 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1460 662001 Facility Support- 92.33 Personnel 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1462 662001 Facility Support- 73.86 Personnel 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1460 662001 Facility Support- 2.25 Personnel 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1460 662001 Facility Support- 11.18 Personnel 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1462 662001 Facility Support- 2.40 Personnel 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1462 662001 Facility Support- 17.45 Personnel 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1460 662001 Facility Support- 1.25 Personnel 7108 Other Benefits CDSPRO1462 662001 Facility Support- 1.00 Personnel 3,933.17 492.94 Balan... FacilityS� innnrt_ 3,440.23 662001 Personnel Sub division Code 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 99999 Name Raymond Bevers Neal Sutton Raymond Bevers Neal Sutton Raymond Bevers Neal Sutton Raymond Bevers Neal Sutton Neal Sutton Neal Sutton Raymond Bevers Neal Sutton Raymond Bevers Neal Sutton Neal Sutton Transaction Total Date: 2/16/24 02:30:50 PM Page: 9 GL Code GL Title Report Opening/Current Balance Report Transaction Totals Report Current Balances Report Difference HOPESOURCE Expanded General Ledger - BL- EHF - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 643202307 - Emergency Housing Fund (EHF)-Grant co From 1/1/2024 Through 1/31/2024 Divisi... Session ID Code Division Title 0.00 0.00 26,911.63 1,662.96 26,911.63 1,662.96 25,248.67 Sub division Code Name Date: 2/16/24 02:30:50 PM Page: 10