HomeMy WebLinkAboutOut of State Travel Request - New Hope DV/SAG M N 1 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the 13oard by 12:000m 0M Thursday) REQUESTING : DEPARTMENT:New Hope DATE- 2/26/2024 REQUEST SUBMITTED BY:S-uzi Fode PHONE:764-8402 -CSuZI'ONTACT.PERSON 'ATTENDING ROUNDTABLEFOCiG - CONFIDENTIAL INFORIVIATIO.W.0 yr ES' ANG W. E!AOreerrieht I Contract DEids /(RFPs Quotes Award QComputer Related ElFacilities Related .at.ed 0 Inv . bic es Purchase orders El il�irl�r�es ElPol, Ides .E.I.Reko.mmendati Ion, CITa Ley).es., E3A.P-Vouchers OBid Opening Scheduled 000-Onty C,ode. El Financial DGrants — Fed/State/County E10 rdnances Oftclarriafion,s OProfessional 'Serv/ConSUItant IlThank..'You's 0401tmort/ea Rpiat EIA -PA, E]Boar4l Committees LIBudget nEmerg encyPurch,ase Ernployee Rel. OHearing ElL.eases 0 MOA ./ MOU 990 Ut of 'State.'Travoi t '_ElPetty Cash, Request for Purchase DResolution 'El CiSupportLetter 08urplus Re.q., E]Tax Title Properly nwSLCB, All FIT al- .0ut of state Crave( requestfor .Foden Elisa. Ado,lphsen and Trisha G lenn'to en th.1t. NationafChildren!All'an-oo Shp: S Leador i Conferenc-e in Washington 0C-6 J U,n e 2 �2 1 024 bKrE OF : A' CT 10' N:y J APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D2: D3: QE,FERRED OR CONTINUED TO: R E C E I V FEB 2 2024 C-4RANT PUNM W C,'MNe!1FV111SS!n ONERS-f OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION naveler's Nance* Trisha Glenn Departure Date* E6/2:/A2' 024 -- .11 E-07.:00 AM Destination (City, County, State)* Dept/Committee* .......... New Hope - ----- 41 Return Date* ['-NOWMENNAMM /6.2024 1 11:30 PM Washington DC Ile ................. j Hotel - GSA Rate* Hotel - Nightly Rate* - - --------- ---- - - ........ 258 258 Date of Request* Travel Type 2/26/2024 Out of State Travel V E/ - I Grant* Fund/Dept* Yes 128 --------------- ---- Purpose of "ftave*l* Wow National Childrens Alliance Leadership Cost Application* Rental Car Required Government Rate V Yes so Hotel Total* C04ference Fee* 7 Daily MME at Destination* Rental Car Cost per day* 1032 700 79 0 40 Explanation for Rate (required if hotel cost is greater than per diem, or gov 177 " " M." -- ---. L � - -- ----- -- ernment rate)* Air Carrier* Alaska Air788 Preparer's Name* Elisa Adolphsen Preapproved by E0/D11?* Yes V Cost of Flight* lei Total trip cost (Include all cost totals)* --------- -- 2127 --- ------- Preparees Title* CAC Coordinator Use of travel card to fill a rental vehicle gas tank prior to its return Is recommended. OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION Traveler's Name* Dept/Cominittee* Date of Request* ----------------- - Elisa Adolphsen New Hope E2/2:6/2024 Departure Date* Return Date* 6/2!2024 E ro/6/20E E] 61 0 7:.:-0 0 A M 11:30 PM EON., Destination (City, County, State)* Washington DC 0 MOW M44 0 4 ---j Hotel - GSA Rate* Hotel - Nightly Rate* 258 258 Hotel Total* 1032 Conference Foe* 700 Grant* Yes Purpose of Travel* Travel Vype* Out of State Travel Fund/Dept* r28 tj National Childrens Alliance Leadership CostApplication* Government Rate V Rental Car Required Yes Daily MME at Destination* Rental Car Cost per day* 79 0 lie E xplanation for Rate (required if hotel cost is greater than per diem, or government rate)* Air Carrier* Alaska AIr Preparer's Name* Elisa Adolphsen 'reapproved by E O/DH?* Yes Y Cost of Flight* 700 Total trip cost (Include all cost totals)* 2127 Preparees Title CAC Coordinator .......... Use of travel card to fill a rental vehicle gas tank prior to its return is recommended, OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION Traveler's Name* Suz!Fode 7M] Departure Date* E6/2 /2024 ------------ E7:00 AM 'I'll Destination (City, County, State)* Washington DC Hotel - GSA Rate* Dept/Comm*ttee* New Hope Return Date* 616/2024 11:30 PM Hotel - Nightly Rate* -258 258 1? ------- - - - - - - Date of Request* 2/26/2424 Grant* Yes Purpose of 1rave1* '11-avel Type* OUt of State Travel V Djawa Fund/t* . UP 1 ---- 2 - 8 - ------- - ------ - ------------ National Children$ Alliance Leadership --------- ---- Ile Cost Application* Rental Car Required Government Rate Y Yes V Hotel Total* Conference Fee* - - ---------- Daily MME at Destination* Rental Car Cost per day* F1 1 0 1032 700 79 elm* Explanation for Rate (required if hotel cost is greater thanper diem, or government rate)* Air Carrier* Cost of Flight* Total trip cost (Include all cost totals)* Alaska Air 70g,. 2'I 27 ------- ------ 41 1 --- Pr eparees Name* Pie parees Title* Elisa Adolphsen CAC Coordinator L ld L Preapproved by EO/DH?* use OT travel card to fill a rental vehicle gas tank prior to its Yes return is recommended. a