HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - BOCC (006)GRANT COUNTY
(Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday)
PHONE: 2928
DATE OF ACTION: 3115-21-q
D1: _Zej
. . . ...................
A 00 0
RmAgreement / Contract
E]Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award
FIAP Vouchers
[:]Bid Opening Scheduled d
pp pp intrnent
❑ABPA Related
E]Cornputer Related
OCounty Code
/ Committees
DErnergency Purchase
❑ElEmployee Rel.
El Facilities Related
El Financial
11 Hearing
❑ Invoices / Purchase Orders
FGrants — Fed/State/County
El Leases
1:1 MOA / MOU
El Out of State Travel
E Petty Cash
E Policies
El Proclamations
El Request for Purchase
1-1 Resolution
1-1 Recommendation
OProfessional Serv/Consultant
E]Support Letter
ElSurplus Req.
ETax Levies
FIThank You's
ETax Title Property
CEK M ----- - ------ AM
NMI ---- LE=
American Rescue Plan Agreement (ABPA) Beneficiary Agreement ------ Grant -----
with County
District7 Auxiliary High Rollers in the amount of $3,500.00. Term is March 3, 2023 thru
September 30, 2026.
DATE OF ACTION: 3115-21-q
D1: _Zej
. . . ...................
-i�A UNE
This ARPABcneficlary Agreement (4`A grecment'') is dated asof th �h
e 24t day of May
by and between Gaut2023County a,
Washington vision (11C6untyt1),,
brant county Dist t7 Political subdi and the enfity
nc. . Auxiliary High Rollers
(Federal Tax ]j)# 32.0460601
taxexempt PuPlic charitable organiza Wa
60n 11B shmgton State
WHEREAS, the U.S. De- part m- ent 0
f the Treasury ("Treas
Ury allocated to the o
$1A983,40.00 of federal.stitnulu8tunaing from the C` C unty
the Coron% - ..Oronavirug State Fiscal Recovery Fund
avirus. Local Fiscal Re.covery and
Funds under CFDA No. 15
Q27 C`A",A Fu - ds
S eeb o 6bn I
�n..Q2()-and.6'03('b)ofthe.Soc*-ISe under,
la curl flos amended b
ty Ac
Y.Section 99010
Rescue Plan, Act CARPA Act' f the American
for the limit "Lit ed- -in the, Agr��mc�ted p pose.s 'diblitifiTreasur .-Y and Grant Countybetween the
designated under FAIN # #S FRp
. 0 1 .. . L.. ....2169 (Agreement) id
the Coron entified as
avrus State and Local Fisc Re over
Fiscal c: Y Funds.
idenatif, d Final Rule (`'`Flrlal Rule,
. . . . . . . . . . ...... ......
and the C h,
Recovqy Omp lance and Reporting Guadan.cc for State and Local Fiscal
& Reporting Guidelines") identified as
arc crpratd hereinattached hereto and* b . h
in ooe
Y tis reference.
WHEREA_ desires to allocat
th - County des i ns o
ate of the
.in support of replacing lost rev Funds awarded to Grant County
enUe for the Class. of loca I non-profit orga
Nzations sery ng our various -served populations
.us under
and other segments of ourpopulation.
Notable :negative onomi
e ec ic impacts b Bene
tnO ow-
.Lbgt rev by -ficiary ude the.foll, .10
.,ehue from,curtailed
operations. Non- prbfit-orgahizq*tfons. serve some of the rhost.heiaMl i
The negative physical and social impa Y mpact6d groups during the pandei-nic.
Cts of COVID-1 9 kept these organizationsfrorn being able to-taia funds and provide services as
theyriorri,ially would. These entities need an Infusion of fundin- to
g resure.their services to the
P0 ul ion5thevs
HERBA.Sthe -County believes the p ione- t a Wide rov.of services by local non-profit organizations to Our citizens
nefil. array of socio-econornie groups. .
operations U,ps. Assisting those organ izations with 'revenue. replacement is vital to- the
ions of those entities and ultimately benefits -both the under -served and the 98heiral citizenry y of our area,
.qualifies thi'sproject as an eligible us'f
e 0 ARPA Funds as outlinedpre sly.
tip ecounty and Beneficiary d
esire to enter into this Agreementmay advance ARPA Funds ' . Vso that the County
via a direct economic sQ.
Sufficient resources to Proceed as a UPPort grant to provide the Beneficia.� w
flowed under the Attachments A & B.
.3 in consideration of the foregoing recitals which are ated herein by
reference, and the terms and conditi Incorpor
s On$ set forth below, 4;
the paities agree as. follows.
Page 1 of 4
Effective Date and Tel-tn. This A
greement shall commence when last
executed by all
Parties and remain in effect until Diecemb-
unless terminated b the C
writinz Y ounty in,
2, ARPA Mind. .. The County agrees to provide. to the B.enefici total dollar sl'Im
exceed $ 3,500.00 ary a not: to
-1 -------- . on aAdvance Payment,
incurred dur* tile per o basis for eligible costs
. I.i ing d. of March 3,, 202 11 through Septemb
ell gib. Ilit y - * a . , er 3.0, 2026 based on
criteria outlined M* Attaeet
ScOP Of Work.
3, Reimburvpment ReauestSunnArt. For, entities receiving AF-undsona-reimbursemen
basis, to facilitate release t
'MPA:Irunding to the Beneficiary th Beneficiar I y wi
Of 11 submit
.a detailed invoice in a form speci.ed and
approved by unty; no more ��e Ontly tb an
monthly ari;d at m inimij the Co qu
rn -on a -quarterly basis, deta-iling the eligible expenses i . . . _nses inQuit
the.Benefi.cia ea oy
..ry for which. Reimbursement is being -requested.
Each Reimbn ement
subm* ed b rs requ.est
itt ythe.8 - fi
ene, , ciary will include a signed coltific.atio
expenses represent el- ible e n by the Beneficiary that such
exp nses incurred by the Beneficiary rased on- the eligib-lity
criteria outlined in Attachment D and that s
uch expenses have notboen nor *11 'be
-reimbursed u'rider.any. other ovemment W.
91 or private: entity program.. Such. scbedul ay
modified with the tn be
prior aPPrOval aft County. Failure to provide. any of,
provide the required
ation may r
esult in termination of the Agreement *n
nonpayment of all rema* and i the withholding and/or
ining funds awarded to the: -Beneficiary b Unty -L
Agreement. I y the Co cinder the
4. Advance wivffient Sunnoma.
r or entities receiving A finds as an advance payment, a
progress and final report will, be re,qired u when, the
fading has been expended. At the
cretion of the 130CC,, all entiti in this category may be ' * ' d to de a nar
es require
budget either at the time this agreem -it i * - :prov rative
ei s s d
..191le or with the progress and final report.
5. gible lyses. No:n-allowab 'thout Ifollowing: a) usle uses of .A.A. Funds I UI.Judevii
,.., Imitation, the
age of. funds to either directly or indirectly offset a redubtion,
revenueresulting from a chan e in I Yulatio in net tax
9 aw.., reg nor administrative i t ion.. during
n erpretat
the cov
Bred period that reduces any tax or delays the Imposition. of any tax or tax increarine
b) damages covered 'by insurance- c) usage o w .� 1. 1 . 01V.;P
f funds as 4 deposit into any pensi on fund, �.�
expenses that, have been or will be reimbursed under any federal program
debt service
costs; f) contributions to a '"rainy dayj� fund; g) legal settlements and .
4. . I h) any and all other
ineligible uses listed in the Final Rul
6. Tern jA a
tion. The. County may terminate this Agreement, for convenience or otherwise and
far no consideration or damages, upon p
nor notice to the Benofioiary,,
7. Indel)e-ndent Contrac Eachu
party rider the Agreement shall be for all purp
Indepe . ase an
ndent Contractor. Nothing contained herein, will be deemed to create an association.,
a Paitnership, a j o venture
or a relationship of principal and agent, or employer and.
employee between the parties. The Bene
purport to act, as ficiary �shall not be, or be deem' ed to be,, or act or
all employee, agent, or representative of the County for any purpose.
Page 2 of 9
S..der.i�ication.. Thienefici � .-
ary agrees to defend, Inde and hold the County, its
officers, officals, employees.
agents and volunteers harmlessroxn and against clams, nJI' es, damages losses ore any and all
expenses including without l�ml.tat�on. personal injury,
hodlly ���y� s1c:I�ness, disease or d
cath, or da�n.age to or destr�:ctan. of � roe
are alleged or proves!, to be caused in .� p � �J which
ole or u1 part by� an act or omission o
enef cxarY, its officers di
rs, employees, and/or agents r at to the en
performance or failure to performs under ` g efciary s
this Agreement. T.he seetion .sha s
expiration or terra in o "t is . ree �i re the
9. on lxance with Daws +Cuieline
s . The ene:cary ,s ill cora I with all fie
�.�. local laws and all re ui�e�e
.� y decal, state
. nts �neluding �.ebarm..e.�t an,d ot�a.�r reqaired. cert"
and au.di ts) of .A.ttachrnents .� a� d if cations
ornplanc+e.epotng, ua.deiin.es to the extent
app �. able, when. disbursing . "A F mds toe
ne c
from the bounty. lary or when seeping Reimbursement
1 o. l'alntenance and Audit +off
Records. The ]Beneficiary shall:rna.i
documents, a .d. other materials rele tarn records, books,
vane to its performance under this tenlent. T
records'shall be subs ect to ins ection review hese
�" � a�a.�. auditby the: o o lits �.es� : ee
Washington State Aud tor's office , the
as requi, by t�achments I
Compliance Report* u�� ernes for v and
or xe e yews after all funds have been. expended
turned.. If it is determined aurin the course. ded
rs e of the audit that then of c is was
reimbursed four unallowable costs under
hi'een ent, the eneica agrees to
,p r e th nt far such payments u _ � prompti
poi request..
!LN' +ces. .Any notice desired or -re
uired to be given hereunde s albwriting,
be deemed received three �3 da s after de and: shall.
post with the J.. potat
prepazcia certified nail return r er��ce, postage fully
receipt x'equested, and. addressed to tho to
intended at its last known address or to
paw b ch it i
such other person or address as e�ithex� a
designate to the other froom tin e toe .. party shall
ng orad in lie manner:
Beneficiary: o'gan,lZatir:n: Grant County Fire District .? Auxiliary
High Rollers
ontaot Name; Jane Cha---
0. 2023'
Address: Po Ba -1449
ityl tater ip soap Lake, WA 9885-1
Grant ounty. Grant CountyCommissioners
P.O. fox 3.7
Ephrata.,,, WA 9 8 3
12. Irn ro er Tn.u.ence. Each
- party warrants that it did not and will not employ, retain, or
contract with any person or entity on a contingent a
seeking, dbtai � ,, nt con�pensaton basis four the purpose of
g, n�ng„ Malnta�nin , or extending th's ,� eeM
and represents that g ent. Each. party agrees, warrants
p no gratu�t�r whatsoever has been or will be o
view towards obtainin ' offered or conferred with a
g, maintai Mg, or extending this Agreement.
Page 3 of 9
1 3 . COnflict of Interest. The elected
anal. officials and employees Of the parties shall
, in
not have any personal interestdirect or * direct,
which gives rise toa confli
ct of interest.
14. Time.'me is
I of the essence in this A-
�Val. The provisions of this Agreement that by their .8 -se and p
sense urpose should
expiration or termination of the A nt shall survive
greerne so survive. Those
provisions I t
without limitation Indemnificafiot ncl.ide
and Maintenance and Audit of Records.
'16. Amendment. amen -nodi catio to
theNO amendment or i ' n the A.greellient will be effective without
Pr'O.r written consent of the authorize Ve
d rePreselltati ..s of the. parties.
17. Govern
in Lf
Law: venue. The Agreement will be governed -in all respects b the laws of
Washington State,, both as to inte Oct Y
Tretation and performance, without _ '
regard to con i f
law or ch rovision �ff. cts o
O'ce 0' aw provisions. Any action
arising out of or in connection with the
Agreement may be instituted And maintained only in a co of competent ompetent jurisdiction *in
Grant. County, wasbin
gton or as provided by RCW 36.01 .050.
18. Xon-waiver. No failure on the part of the County to exe ise,, and no d I
re e .4
any riga hereunderaY in exercisinshall operate as a wavier thereof;.not
by the County of an shal any single or Partial exercise
y right hereunder preclude any other R&
exercise or her exercise. thereof or the
Of any Other right. The 1, S
remedio here'M' provided are cumulative and -not
of any remedy available to the COuntY at law or in e ' ity. exclusive
pig -c -ti -R9 Effect. This Agreement shall be bindin upon and
I g e
hereto and their respecti M -Ur. to the benefit of the parties
. ve successors*.
20. A IN'
A���e�nt. TheBeneficiary
shall not assign. or transfer any of its filteres
obligat* ts. -in or
ions under this Agreement w-thout. the Pri ft.
or Wri
21. en consent of the..County.
Ln—fire--Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire a between the bounty
-an.d. the B ary greement
Benefit for the use of funds received under this Agreement
all Prior or contemporaneous communications and p, ement and it supersedes
proposals, Whether electron"c, oral
s .
written between the part' or
parr es with.respect to this Agreement.
22.'No Third PnqXvB
Nothing herein
right, action, or benefit in to I ing shall or be deemed to create or confer any
or on, the part -
e of an
Agreement. This Provision shall not lim, Y Person Or entitY that is not a party to this
in it any obligation which either Party has to Treas
connection with th f Ury
e use 0 ARPA Funds din
records and cooperate inclu JZ the Obligations to provide access to
with audits as provided in t -his Agreement.
23- SPYerabilit�- In the event that one or mo f this Agreement
, re provisions o
to be ffivalid by any court of comp shall be determined
etent jurisdiction, or agency having jurisdiction thereof, the
remainder of the Agreement shall remain in fall force and
shall be deemed deleted. effect and the invalid provisions
Page 4 of 9
24. CoLjnce arts. This A ement rn b ed in one or more counterparts., any of which
. gre - ay. e execut
shall be deemed an original b-ut all of which together shall constitute one
V, and the same
25. Authorization. Each party slybelow warrant
.. ants to the other party, that they have the fall
power and authority to execute this Agreement on behalf` f th
o e party for whom they sign..
INWITNESS VMEREOF this Agree is exec d al
ment ted an shall become effective as of
the last date signed below.
DATED this 14 day of J U CY
BErant County Fire District 7 NEFICIARY ORGANIZAT1,0N.'s GAuxiliary High Rollers
M TITLE.- Preside- nt
DATED this day of
-- - -------
Meff 1Vlex chalp" any S.
..ne, der
B Ira, J. Vasq4b. f the Board Date
pr V disjo Form:
Rebekah- .aylor, WSBA#: 53527
Deputy Prosecutiniz Attorney
Page.5 of 9
Attachment.A. to be, provided on a: s��arat� a�-.x�a.en
Page 6 of
Page 7 of 9
DATED 9-20-22
Version 5.0
: / . r I .
. 4 � stem./ . es/ l -) /SLFU- of arid
Page 8 of 9
The Board of Commissioners is directing to
provide the Beneficiary a total dollar amount not to
exceed $ 31500.00 -unds in Slipport of the class of ARPA F
ass of recipients known as non-profit
organizations. These organizations qualify under ABPA expenditure category 2 -Negative Economic Impacts and under subcategory
.2.34 -Assistance 'to Impacted Nonprofit Organizations. -------------------
Expenses under
this grant must meet the eligibility criteria outlined below:
Eligible Costs Any costs associated with the fit's t's mission to meet theneeds of their Community members. These
could include dealing with decreased revenue, financial insecurity,
. increased costs, the capacity to weather financial bardship,
challenges covering payroll, rent or'mortgage, and other operating costs (OFR P9 ' 23).
2. Prr - m Fundin
og a
I g and Award Amount
The County shall make $ 3,500-00
be paid to the Benefic, Payment
funds, available finder Attachment A. that will
iary on a.Advance Payment
All funds are to be disbursed no lat - th- September
er an 1 o, .off.
3. Reporting
The .A."A funding g will be proAded via warrant to tieB*
County f e)�p aTY Upon its submission to the
0 enditure details, together copies o nvoices, recelp's
t 'And
documentation for each f i other s ipporting
expense for which reimbursement is requested along with a signed
certification by the Beneficiary that such ex oases. represent el gi
p i '*ble expenses incurred by the
Beneficiary based on tie eligibility criteria outlined above and that such expenses have not. be
not will be reimbursed. under any other government or -private entity
program., The Beneficiary
may only submit one request for reimbursement per nth. and at - -
mo ' minimum on a quarterly basis.
Tb.is will ensure the eligibility of the expenditures consistent with the apon plicati
prior to payment., requirements
The Beneficiary reporting obligations listed above will not be required i
f one or both statements
bBlow are, checked:
A narrative budget and.plan has been previously submitted by the aPplicant an
by the BOCC.d approved
progress and final report from the benefici
laty on grant usage is d
This beneficiary is designated as being within an eligible class for grant allocation. A
progress and final report from -the beneficiary on grant usage is required and the BOCC
may require a narrative budget to accompany the progress and final report,
Page 9 of 9
OMB Approved No. 1505-0271
Expiration Date: 11/30/2021 MAY 0
Recipient name and address: DUNS Number: 010202562
Grant County, Washington Taxpayer Identification Number: 916001319
35 C Street NW Assistance Listing Number and Title: 21.027
Ephrata, Washington 98823
Sections 602(b) and 603(b) of the Social Security Act (the Act) as added by section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act, Pub, L.
No. 117-2 (March 11, 202 1) authorizes the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) to make payments to certain recipients from the
Coronavinis State Fiscal Recovery Fund and the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund,
Recipients hereby agrees, as a condition to receiving such payment from Treasury, agrees to the terms attached hereto,
Cindy Carter.# Vice -Chair Rob Jones, Chair
Authorized Representative Signature (above}
Authorized Representative Name: Danny E Stone, BOCC Chair'
---- - -----
Authorized Representative Title-. Chair
Date Signed:
U.S. Department of the Treasury:
Authorized. Representative Signature (above)
Authorized Representative Name:
Authorized Representative Title:
Date Signed:
Jacob Leibel-A-Lift
Chief Recovery Officer, Office of Recovery Programs
June 1, 2021
The information collected will be used for the U.S. Government to process requests for support. The estimated burden associated with this collection of
information is 15 minutes per response. Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and suggestions for reducing this burden should be directed
to the Office of Privacy, Transparency and Records, Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C, 20220. DO NOT send the
form to this address. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid
control number assigned by OMB.
R O'
v. Recipient Integrity and Performance Matters, pursuant to which the award term set forth in 2 C.F.R. Part 200,
Appendix XII to Part 200 is hereby incorporated by reference.
vi. Governmentwide Requirements for Drug -Free Workplace, 31 C.F.R. Part 20.
vii. New Restrictions on Lobbying, 31 C.F.R. Part 21.
viii. Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. §§ 4601-4655) and
implementing regulations.
ix. Generally applicable federal environmental laws and regulations.
Statutes and regulations prohibiting discrimination applicable to this award, include, without limitation, the following;
i. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d et seq.) and Treasury's implementing regulations at 31
C.F.R. Part 22, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin under programs or
activities receiving federal financial assistance;
ii. The Fair Housing Act, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1.968 (42 U.S.C. § § 3601 et seq.), which prohibits
discrimination in housing on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, or disability;
iii. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. § 794), which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of disability under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance;
iv. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. §§ 6101 et seq.), and Treasury's implementing
regulations at 31 G.F.R. Part 23, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities
receiving federal financial assistance; and
v. Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq.), Which prohibits
discrimination on the basis of disability under programs, activities, and services provided or made available by state
and local governments or instrumentalities or agencies thereto.
10. Remedial Actions.In the event of Recipient's noncompliance with sections 602 and 603 of the Act, other applicable laws,
Treasurys implementing regulations, guidance, or any reporting or other program requirements, Treasury may impose additional
conditions on the receipt of a subsequent tranche of future award funds, if any, or take other available remedies as set forth in. 2
C.F.R. § 200.339. In the case of a violation of sections 602(c) or 603(c) of the Act regarding the use of funds, previous payments
shall be subj ect to recoupment as provided in sections 602(e) and 603 (e) of the Act.
11. Hatch Act. Recipient agrees to comply, as applicable, with requirements of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. §§ 1501-1508 and
7324-7328), which limit certain political activities of State or local government employees whose principal employent is in
connection with an activity financed in whole or in part by this federal assistance.
12. False -Statements . Recipient understands that making false statements or claims in connection with this award is a violation of
federal law and may result in criminal, civil, or administrative sanctions, including fines, imprisonment, civil damages and
penalties, debarment from participating in federal awards or contracts, and/or any other remedy available by law.
13. Publications. Any publications produced with funds from this award must display the following language: "This�
ect J ro'is
being] . [was] supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number [enter project FAIN] awarded to Grant County, Washington
by the U.S. Department of the Treasury."
14. Debts Owed the Federal Government.
a. Any funds paid to Recipient (1) in excess of the amount to which Recipient is finally determined to be authorized to retain
under the terms of this award; (2) that are determined by the Treasury Office of Inspector General to have been misused; or
(3) that are determined by Treasury to be subject to a repayment obligation pursuant to sections 602(e) and 603(e) of the
Act and have not been repaid by Recipient shall constitute a debt to the federal government.
b. Any debts determined to be owed the federal government must be paid promptly by Recipient. A debt is delinquent if it has
not been aid b the date specified in Treasury's initial q
p Y p ury's initial written demand for payment, unless other satisfactory arrangements
have been made or if the Recipient knowingly or improperly retains funds that are a debt as defined in paragraph 14(a).
Treasury will take any actions available to it to collect such a debt.
OMB Approved No. 1505-0271
Expiration Date: 11/30/2021
As a condition of receipt of federal financial assistance from. the Department. of the Treasury, the Grant CountyWashington
(hereinafter referred to as the Recipient' decal financial assistance ) provides the assurances stated herein. The fe '
e may include
federal grants, loans and contracts to provide assistance to the recipient's beneficiaries, the use or rent of Federal land orro e
at below market value, Federal training, a loan of Federal pencompass ersonnelg, subsidies, and other arrangements with the intention of
p prty
providing assistance. Federal financial assistance does not contracts ntracts of guarantee or insurance, regulated programs,
licenses, procurement contracts by the Federal government at market value, or programs that provide direct benefits. This
assurance applies to all federal financial assistance from or funds made available through the Department of the Treasury
including any assistance that the Recipient may request in the future.'
The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 provides that the provisions of this assurance apply to all of the recipient's programs,
services and activities, so long as any portion of the recipient's program(s) is federallyassisted in the manner p p s,
r proscribed above.
1. Recipient ensures its current and future -compliance with Title VI of the Civil R.iglits Act of 1964, as amended which
prohibits exclusion from participation, denial of the benefits of, or subjection to discrimination under programs and
activities receivingfederal funds of an, p �
y person in the United States on the ground of race, color, or national origin (42
U.S.C. § 2000d et seq.), as implemented by the Department of the Treasury Title VI regulations at 31 CFR Part 22 and
other pertinent executive orders such as Executive Order 13166; directives; circulars; policies; memoranda anal/or guidance
2. Recipient acknowledges that Executive Order 13166, "Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English
Proficiency," seeks to improve access to federally assisted programs and activities for individuals who because
origin, have Limited English proficiency (LEP). Recipient understands that denying of national
P ying a person access to its programs,
services, and activities because of LEP is a form of national origin discritn nation prohibited under Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 and the Department of the Treasury's implementing regulations. Accordingly, p , Recipient shall initiate
reasonable steps, or comply with the Department of the Treasury's directives to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful
access to its programs, services, and activities. Recipient understands and agrees that meaningful access may entail
providing language assistance services, including oral interpretation and written translation where necessary, to ensure
effective communication in the Recipient's programs, services, and activities.
3. Recipient agrees to consider the need for language services for LEP persons during development of applicable budgets and
when conducting programs, services and activities. As a resource, the Department of the Treasury pp g
guidance at 70 FR 6067. For more information on LEP lease visit p Bury has published .its LEP
p visit http://www.lep.goy.
4. Recipient acknowledges and agrees that compliance with this assurance constitutes a condition of continued receipt of
federal financial assistance and is binding upon Recipient and Recipient's ient's successors p
period in which such assistance is Provided, ,transferees and assignees for the
5. Recipient acknowledges and agrees that it must require any sub -grantees, contractors, subcontractors, successors
transferees, and assignees to comply with assurances 1-4 above, and agrees to incorporate the followinglanguage in e
contract or agreement subject to Title VI and its regulations between the Recipient and the Recipient's sub - very
p grantees,
contractors, subcontractors, successors, transferees, and assignees:
The sub -grantee, contractor, subcontractor, successor, transferee, and assignee shall comply with Title V1 o the
Civic Rights Act 0 1964, '' f
g f which prohibits recipients of federal f nancial assistance from excluding from a ro am
or activity; denying benefits of, or otherwise discriminating against a person on the basis o race color, p
national origin (42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq.),as implemented f . ' or
p rated by the Department of the Treasury's Title V1
regulations, 31 CFR Part 22, which are herein incorporated by reference and made apart othis contract or
agreement). Title V1 also includes protection to persons with "Limited .En " ' �
p English Proficiency in any program or
activity receiving federal financial assistance, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., as implemented by the Department y reference and made a part of this
o�' the
Treasury's Title V1 regulations, 31 CFR Part 22, and herein incorporated b
contract or agreement.
6. Recipient understands and agrees that if any real property or structure is provided or improved with the aid of federal
financial assistance by the Department of the Treasury, this assurance obligates the Recipient, or in the case of a subsequent
transfer, the transferee, for the period during which the real property or structure is used for a purpose q ent
financial assistance is extended or for another Purpose involving • • p � se for which the federal
perp ving the provision of similar services or benefits. If any
Separately or in addition, many recipients may choose to provide a subaward (e.g., via
contract or grant) to other entities to provide services to other end—users. For example,
a recipient may provide a grant to a nonprofit to provide homeless services to individuals
experiencing homelessness. In this case, the subaward to a nonprofit is based on the
services that the Recipient intends to provide, assistance to households experiencing
homelessness, and the nonprofit is serving as the subrecipient, providing services on
behalf of the recipient. Subrecipients are subject to audit pursuant to the Single Audit
Act and 2 CFR part 200, subpart F regarding audit requirements.
12. Special Tests and Provisions. Treasury has received comments on the Interim Final
Rule and will adopt a final rule after responding to these comments. In addition, Treasury
may add clarifications to the Final Rule and other subregulatory guidance as well as
frequently asked questions.
Across each of the compliance requirements above, Treasury described some best
practices for development of internal controls. The table below provides a brief description
and example of each best practice.
"r-1-1- A. ■_ _. ..
E. Award Terms and Conditions
The Award Terms and Conditions of the SLFRF financial assistance agreement sets forth the
compliance obligations for recipients pursuant to the SLFRF statute, the Uniform Guidance,
and Treasury's Interim Final Rule. Recipients should ensure they remain in compliance with
all Award Terms and Conditions. These obligations include the following items in addition to
those described above:
.g q;. en°. All eligible recipients are also required to have an active
1��: SAMA ov�: �.Re �u i re� { � .
registration with the System for Award Management (SAM) (htt /www.sam.qov). To
ensure timely receipt of funding, -Treasury has stated that Non -entitlement Units of
Government (NEUs) who have not previously registered with SAM.gov may do so after
receipt of the award, but before the submission of mandatory reporting.'
2. Recordkeeping Requirements. Generally, your organization must maintain records and
financial documents for five years after all funds have been expended or returned to
Treasury, as outlined in paragraph 4.c. of the Award Terms and Conditions. Treasury may
7 See flexibility provided in https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/M 21_20.pdf.
Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
Compliance and Reporting Guidance
Karrie S. Stockton
From: Highroller President <hrgc7pres@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 10:04 AM
To: Karrie S. Stockton
Subject: Re: ARPA Agreement
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Hi Karrie,
have been unsuccessful in getting a UEI number for the Highrollers. I have been working with the State tog et this
resolved. I have a UBI but I am sure that would not help you. I will look into that again today.
Jane Chambers
On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 12:57 PM Karrie S. Stockton <Icstockton@grantcountywa.gov> wrote:
My apologies I forgot to add this is for the Auxiliary High Rollers that we need the UEI for.
Thank you.
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(509) 754-2011 Ext. 2937