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Correspondence - BOCC (002)
February 27, 2024 GRANT COUNTY OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS P O BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 9B823 (509) 754-2011 To: Senate Transportation Committee (Marko. Liiasle .wa. John. Lovick le .wa. ov; aharon.Shewmake(@.Ie9,wa.c1ov; Curtis. Kinle .wa. ov; Jeff.Hol I wa. ov, q , ov° Annette.Clev eland le .wa. ov, ,@leg Phil.Fortunato le .wa.. ov'Drew,Hanen le .wa. o°Brad.Hawkins wa. ov; Claudia.Kaufman le .wa. ov; Liz.LoveletlewDrew.Mac. .ov'.... ov;Mike.Padden le .wa. ov, Jav�er.Valdez le .wa. ov;Claire.Wilsole .wa. Jeff. .wa. ov, RE: Requesting our support of the additional funding for the� i� i Connell Rail Interchange Pro ect that s included n the 2024 Supplemental Senate Transportation Budget Dear Senators, We are writing in support of the additional funding million ) for the Connell Rail Interchange Project that is in Budget to cover co � included in the 2024 Supplemental Senate Transportation Bud 9 costs for utility relocation in the City of Connell and increases in construction costs due to inflation. The Connell Rail Interchange is a key rail interchange in eastern Washington g on where the Columbia Basin rail line intersects with BNSF Railway's Lakeside Subdivision line, which runs between Spokane and Pasco' sco, Wash. The Columbia Basin rail line goes throw h the heart of the Columbia Basin in eastern Washington and serves Moses Lake Wheeler Sc g and Connell in Grant Adams � hrag, Warden, Ofihello, Royal City, Bruce, an d Franklin Counties. Over the past several years, a significant amount of economic development Columbia Basin rail ' ent and growth has been occurring in communities on the line, especially in Grant and Adams Counties. As a result the Columbia ' busy short line, haulingthousands 'mbia Basin rail line continues to be a very of loads of various agricultural, frozen foods, industrial commodities and other cargo annually for sixty (60) active rail shippers in the Columbia Basin, which employ nearly 7,000 people in Grant and Adams Counties. The Connell Rail Interchange was built nearly one hundred(100)ears a o '.. y ago, the configuration of the interchange is outdated inefficient. Consequently, the Connell Rail Interchange needs to be u � g ted and growth in rail � g upgraded and improved to accommodate current and future g cargo that is flowing to and through Connell. As the track and infrastructure design for the Connell Rail Interchange Pro' � is read for construction. g sect is 100 /o completed, this important infrastructure project y ction. p J "To MEET CURRENT AND FUTURE NEEDS, SERVING TOGETHER WITH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ENTITIESy WHILE A RESPECTFUL AND SUCCESSFUL WORK ENVIRONMENT." FOSTERING As a result, we would urge your support of the additional funding million )that is included in the 2024 Supplemental Senate Transportation Budget for the Connell Rail Interchange Project to co utility g J ver costs for utility relocation in the City of Connell and increases in construction costs due to inflation. Sincerely, BOARD OF GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, -B PA a -- Cindy Carter, Chair r Danny . Stone, Vice -Chair Robones, ember Enclosure: 2024 Supplemental Senate Transportation Budget which includes additional funding for the Connell Rail Interchange Project LEAP Transportation Docu,m+ent 2024- ALL PROJECT, as dlevelp_ d Fcbr°ua0 t 24 2023-25 Biennium - 2Supplemental RAI) Piogram (Y) (Codas in Thousands) Version,, 243TC001 Page 31 of 43 FurtidOg Source Tota r Rte P,toa?ct Project TitlerP Le, Mgt �t A-: k1c CW. MA h 2027-29 Futuee MO. Roti PiQramYPki r r, t�,Commirnent A - " Clinna _ -691}Q 2101 a$ 721 0011000324; kWteapp. . ...... .. .. ........ .. is ..e. : tliarce Drayage Truck Demonstration .. i f. El [1 ❑ _..� ..::" q _ M {. s800rk L_ 6�3�C oProject 6,300 000 !1000325 N-Saaport rA 4arnce • Zero E�mtssibn thorepowier, B d ❑ .d C: IOemonstratior► t rr�j'eci :11 140boo 0 '0 0 14,00+ 000- L100. 0327 Tacoma RA -it p.ZsirowErnisilgft l Ocorntives a 'd CC�ar�Ing � ❑ C] .❑_C] 12 5'00b 000,' 110010337R'0rt 8r0rinefth Elktriflotio D ❑ Cl Cl L Aq 0 0 0 Sr�rJ 000-11,000,838 port of Arracortes Elecrrific.at arti 0 ❑ ❑ CI' ❑ fl 02,Oo 000 L? 2 11 82 Prart Fle,ctrftic Iron tom trti +e grants P �8B ,� 0 00 u 0' 0 uMt�ani�errta�t =.Fs1t Etrrr_R+errcral &Chronic 0 3.50003 r 0010:110002,21 _. r ,:.. _., TRIO* * i:ai'I Bri i rlV+ert lm r! u Merit - MetrO darks fi. 28 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ r{ B '0 Q -i 'Tacoma X35 � 0 0 1,OOo tRa; llf i�reChrach lrri ivm+�rrt =` T _ _. , 000 52 1 _ Balrrion B,4y Bridge R I�al�itttatfr�rti i?riajr�ct �9 .`. ❑ ❑ C] ❑ Y ,3 54 , S, 6 F...,: p 0 84�B0 000, L1,0001,47 mouth Kelso Railroad Cross ng 19 ❑. ❑ �.: ❑ a0 5.r01€}5,�0 000 lI-0100233 Chelatchta iP.ratrie Raflroad Rcaad6$rfi Rahabitttatftar3: iB d Cl CI b L� 25, 2191 l i,207 000 L1 tIi 311 6elatchl'e P,r6lrie, Raiilrbar�d Trach. Improvements �B ❑ ❑ ❑ � ❑ 0 12 Soo ii 0 1X498 000 L1100080 port-ofo%s Lake 13 -❑ L asi o . 0 Soo 000 L20002.39 Rail Crossing Imor► veffli enU. at 6th Ave. and South 19th 2B ❑ 0 ❑ :❑ r 0 © .23,903 St. 227 0 0 0 1r15t1 000 L200.0-3.61 one's/John Lacer Relaid BNSF Railroad Uhd'arcross ng 39 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Ott L2000359 Abrdeen US 12 Mi lraa Rail S ratro+a g � � 14 a ❑ d 0 366_ 0 BSi 4. .... FreF tat Rolfi * ra r,�resarw�tloit 0 - 0 697 , _. I�00 l:Oi1 �B Isatotrs River ar�Coulee it RR R$na�ilitatton. (ficicel6,, 0'3, ❑ C; ❑ C7 31,649 ? Z75 �. 7,215 6,634 94,293 �_.... . pk.g) 12, 13 X212 576 576 IJ52 12,4 '96 000 L2000173 Coffin all! Rail Interchange 09 ❑ ❑ L` ❑ 120 18,553 Q 0 14r000 Version,, 243TC001 Page 31 of 43