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*Other - Treasurer
GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Treasurer REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: Darryl Pheasant DArE:2/15/24 PHONE:X4253 CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: Not SUr2 If I WIII be there OC not CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: OYES ®NO DATE OF ACTION: APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: ❑Agreement / Contract ❑AP Vouchers ❑Appointment / Reappointment ❑ARPA Related ❑Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award ❑Bid Opening Scheduled ❑Boards / Committees ❑Budg et ❑ Computer Related ❑ County Code ❑ Emergency Purchase ❑ Employee Rel. ❑ Facilities Related ❑ Financial ❑ Funds ❑ Hearin g ❑ Invoices / Purchase Orders ❑Grants — Fed/State/County ❑ Leases ❑ MOA / MOU ❑ Minutes ❑ Ordinances ❑ Out of State Travel ❑ Petty Cash ❑ Policies ❑ Proclamations ❑ Request for Purchase ❑ Resolution ❑Recommendation El Professional Sery/Consultant ❑Support Letter ❑Sur lus Req. p q ❑Tax Levies ❑Thank You's ©Tax Title Property ❑WSLCB Approval of sale of tax title properties per private ne oifiiation a g DATE OF ACTION: APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: 1 APPLICATION FOR RESALE OF TAX TITLE PROPERTY Grant County Treasurer Darryl Pheasant PO Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear Treasurer: Please present to the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, this application for direct negotiation (if eligible) or for advertising for re -sale Grant County tax title property described as follows, to -wit: Parcel. No(s)_ 3 0c),�J<ig aGC! �bl('1 "i�L°�t(�' L(�% Legal. Description(s): 1 7 j3(, C'j�4-x3g 6'70 Z Z 4 r< 23 00a!!�I. fag 4� oOV41 �..�c��V19 c&u�r,,5- wAC LP(kee Pj _1 hereby guarantee to make a minimum starting DICI 01$ on. clay of resale, for the above described property, if the County Commissioners will issue an order for acceptance of bid by private negotiation or advertising and sale of same. Enclosed herewith find Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for deposit, which shall. be forfeited to the County as liquidated damage if there should be no bid for the above described property on day of sale for a public auction. For public auctions, if applicant should. be the highest bidder on day of sale the above deposit to be applied on. purchase price and expense of potential advertising, deed or contract, and recording expenses. If the parcel(s) are sold by public auction, the highest bidder on day of sale should be someone other than the applicant, the purchaser is required to pay the above described expense in addition to his or her bid, and the three hundred dollar deposit shall be refunded by the County Treasurer to the applicant. Signed this day of A. D, 2off. a A -7 This Space for Official Use Only Signature of Applf6`ant Date of Sale GR# 1 Applicant's Name - Printed * j4q Name of Purchaser - I / i� / f 7 y*.) Street Address Street Address IL/A It City State Zip Cit y State- Zip p,5 q -it- i <o6 I -_ jeJ&,L)d. L Phone Number/Email Address Cr R Deed/Contract No. t - z G;z Preferred Date and Time 'of Sale (Please read the attached Commissioner's Order for an explanation of the law.) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION ORDERING SALE OF RESOLUTION No. 24- -CC TAX TITLE PROPERTY WHEREAS, RCW 3 6.3 5.120 allows the County to sell real property acquired b tax q y foreclosure when it is found to be in the best interest of the County; and WHEREAS, RCW 3 6.3 5.120 requires the County to establish the minimumP rice for each unit of tax title property and to determine whether the sale will be for cash or whether a contract will be allowed; and WHEREAS, RCW 36.35.150 allows the County to sell tax titlero ert b direct p p Y y negotiations, without a call for bids, under certain circumstances. Direct sale for ap rice not less than the principal amount of the unpaid taxes is authorized when no acceptable bids were received d at the attempted public auction of the property for any of the following cases (a)when the sale is to any governmental agency and for public purposes; (b) when the county legislative authority determines that it is not practical to build on the property due to thePhy sical characteristics of the property or legal restrictions on construction activities on the property;(c)when the r0 ert has property y an assessed value of less than five hundred dollars and the property is sold to an adjoining g landowner; or (d) when no acceptable bids were received at the attempted public auction of p p the i property, f the sale is made within twelve months from the date of the auction; and P attem ted public auctip ' WHEREAS, Parce101-1326-000 was acquired through a tax foreclosure auction held in 1943 and whereas Parcel 0 1- 13 75000 was acquired through a tax foreclosure auction held January 16, 2015; and WHEREAS, The County Treasurer has informed the Board of Count Commissioners that there y were no bids for the property identified as Parcel 01-1326-000 and 01-1375-000 at thesep ast tax foreclosure sales; and WHEREAS, An Application for Re -Sale of Tax Title Property and a follow-uphone request p q has been received by the County Treasurer from Phillip Griesse. WHEREAS, Parcel 01-1326-000 and 01-1375-000 are being sold "as is" / "buyer beware" with no warranties by the County. WHEREAS, these parcels meet the requirements for a negotiated sale due to c when the property has an assessed value of less than five hundred dollars and thero ert is sold to an adjoining landowner. P p y N;\Admin\DPHEASA\WORD\Commissioner Letters\Tax Title Property Sale - Negoitiated Commisioner Pages.docx NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, as follows: 1. The Board finds it is in the best interest of the County to sell the following real property: Parcel 01-1326-000 and 01-1375-000 located in Grant County, and further described Lots 6 to 22 Block 23 Donaldsons Is' Addition and Lot 7 Block 29 Ls Tax#s Is' Addition respectively. 2. The Grant County Treasurer is authorized to sell Parcel 01-1326-000 and 01-1375-000 by direct negotiation to Phillip Griesse for a minimum price of $400.00 which is over the minimum bid required on the tax foreclosure sales long past. DATED this e7 day of 2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, ' SHINGTON F� Cindy Cartel Chair ATTEST: Danny 7Sne, —Vice -Chair Barbara J. _,squez Clerk of the Board Fq 7 Rob Jones, Member N:\Admin\DPHEASA\WORD\Commissioner Letters\Tax Title Property Sale - Negoitiated Commisioner Pages.doex