HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Public WorksGRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: SMILO NELLIS CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: SAM GASTRO CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: DYES *NO DATE: 02/19/24 PHONE: 509-754-6082 DATE OF ACTION: APPROVE: DENIED AB�TAfN D1: ZIA- D2: D3: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: BAgreement /Contract ❑AP Vouchers ❑Appointment /Reappointment ❑ARPA Related ❑Bids /RFPs /Quotes Award ❑Bid Opening Scheduled ❑Boards /Committees F-1 Budget ❑Computer Related -1 El County Code ❑Emergency Purchase El Employee Rel. r -Facilities Related El Financial ❑Funds El Hearing F-1 Invoices /Purchase Orders []Grants —Fed/State/County ❑Leases ❑MOA / MOU El Minutes ❑Ordinances ❑Out of State Travel ❑Petty Cash ❑Policies F-1 Proclamations ❑Request for Purchase F-1 Resolution ORecommendation ❑Professional Sery/Consultant OSupport Letter ❑Surplus Req. ❑Tax Levies ❑7hank You's ❑Tax Title Property ❑WSLCB mamiazims W,* ilem, Request for approval of Amendment 27 with Paramatrix for the Ephrata landfill budgeted in the fiscal year 2024, total $624.431.05 DATE OF ACTION: APPROVE: DENIED AB�TAfN D1: ZIA- D2: D3: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: Grant County Department of Public Works :124 Enterprise St, S.E. Ephrata, WA 98823 publicworkg2grantcountyAg.gov MEMO Serial No. 24.014 DATE: February 15"', 20,24 TOO Grant COL111ty Board of CoLinty Conirnissioners FROM: Sani Castro, PUblic Works Directoi-, CPO SUBJECT: Amendment 27 — Paramatrix Ephrata Landfill, Fiscal Year 2024 Request for approval of Amendinent 27-, Board of County Commissioners: I am respectfiffly requesting approval fbr Amendment 27 with Paramatrix`nrhich provides for engineering and environmental services at the New 0, 0 Epluata landfill and the closed landfill. This project total is $624,431.05as shown in Exhibit B in the attached Scope of Work from Parainetrix for your review. It is accounted for within our budget allocation for the fiscal year 2024. Respectfiffly, Sai-n Castro., CPO Public Works Director SC:S11 To meet CLIti-ent and future needs, serving together with public and private entities, while -ink a res %- k- fibstei pectful and successful work environment." Information ......................................................... (509) 754-6082 John Brissey, Supervisor -Dist. No. 1.. . Ext. 3539 FAX -4 ................ 4 ............................ o ............ &......44509) 754-6087 Bob Bersanti, Construction Engineer .................... ..Ext. 3503 Mike DeTrolio, Supervisor -Dist. No. 2 ..............(509) 765-4172 Sam Castro, Public Works Director ................. ........... Ext..3504 Karen Maedke, Admin. Support Manager ............... Ext. 3551 Rusty Soelter, Supervisor -Dist. No. 3 ................ (509) 787-2321 Andy Booth, Assistant Public Works Director ............ Ext. 3519 Rod Follett, Foreman -Sign Shop ..............................Ext. 3579 John Spiess, Supervisor -Central Shop .............(509) 754-6086 Dave Bren, PE, County Road Engineer ........................Ext. 3502 Jason Collings, Solid Waste ...................... * ..... (509) 754-4319 Tim Massey, Bridge Supervisor .................................... Ext. 3535 Para etrik let's create tomorrow, together _v14-043 JLX-,(..w m - R.xhibit A - Amendment Twenty-Sevell Grant County FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill Engineering and Environmental Services Mql=� RUA Parametrix, Inc. (Parametrix), is currently providing engineering and environmental services for Grant County Public Works Department (County) at the New Ephrata Landfill (New Landfill) and Closed Landfill (Old Landfill). Parametrix is responsible for completion of the tasks below and will utilize County staff to perform specialized services as needed. This scope and budget amendment is based on conversations with County staff, Parametrix experience at the site, and continued development of the New Landfill. The County has requested Parametrix conduct additional tasks for the New Landfill and Old Landfill through fiscal year (FY) 2024 as listed below. The budget is attached as Exhibit B. 0 is Phase 08 � 2024 Ephrata Landfill Engineer3Lng and A ft Environmental Services m Task 1 - Project Management ® Task 2 -Groundwater Compliance Monitoring and Engineering Services • Task 3 - Landfill Gas Operations, Monitoring, and Reporting ® Task 4 - On -Call Engineering and Environmental Consulting Services • Task 5 - Financial Assurance Reporting Assistance ® Task 6 - Long -Term Disposal Options Study ® Task 7 -Design for Entrance Improvements • Task 8 - Phase 4 Development Design Accordingly, this amendment increases the scope of work and budget to include the additional tasks. Approved for CLI NT By :Z Accepted 0- :01 Title C- i{f0elOe-5 Z>1 R&7X.Jitle Date Date for PARAMETRIX, INC. Grant County 555-3746-001 FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill 1 February 2024 Engineering and Environmental Services WX& RarametriX Scope of Work Phase 08 mw 2024 Ephrata Landfill Engineering and Environmental Services Task 1- Project Management Task Leader - Dwight Miller, PE; Drew Norton, PE Approach Throughout the course of the Contract, Parametrix will provide effective project management and coordination to execute the scope of work within budget and schedule, meeting the County's expectations for content and quality. Project management activities will include: ■ Updating the internal Project Management Plan, including Quality Control Plan. ■ Managing project activities. ■ Preparing monthly invoices accompanied by a project status report. ■ Administering subcontractor agreements. ■ Coordinating, scheduling, and participating in project meetings, including preparation of meeting notes. Invoices and project status reports will include: ■ Itemization of costs by task. ■ Budget status by task. ■ Estimate of percent complete by task. ■ Backup information for invoiced costs. Project management is assumed to occur from January 2024 through December 2024. Deliverables for this task include: ■ Monthly invoice and status reports (PDF). ■ Project meeting notes (PDF). ■ Periodic schedule updates (MS Project or PDF). Grant County 555-3746-001 FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill 2 February 2024 Engineering and Environmental Services WWA ParametriX Scope of Work Task 2 - Groundwater Compliance Monitoring and Phase 4 Well Relocation Subtask A - Groundwater Compliance Monitoring Task Leader -Alla Skaskevych (Mott MacDonald) The County is required under WAC 173-351 to collect groundwater samples quarterly from solid waste monitoring wells surrounding the Old Landfill and New Landfill as outlined in the 2020 Environmental Monitoring Plan. The County is also required to submit quarterly and annual groundwater monitoring reports to Ecology and Grant County Health District (GCHD). Mott MacDonald (formerly Pacific Groundwater Group [PGG]), as a subcontractor to Parametrix, will assist the County in collection of samples through fourth quarter 2024 and produce four quarterly reports and the 2023 annual report. Mott MacDonald and the County will each provide one person for each sampling round. Mott MacDonald will continue to manage the water quality database and generate reports. Mott MacDonald will also submit quarterly groundwater data results to Ecology's Enterprise Information Management (EIM) database as required by WAC 173-351. Solid waste landfill groundwater sampling work for the Old and New Landfills occurs at the same time and the reports are combined; however, scope of work on the Old and New Landfills is estimated based on a standardized percentage of effort. 6�ubtask 2A.1 - Maintain Database through 2024 Mott MacDonald will work directly with Analytical Resources Inc. of Seattle (ARI) to receive groundwater monitoring data in standardized electronic digital format. Data will be reviewed for quality and entered into Mott MacDonalds' groundwater monitoring database for the Ephrata Landfill. This subtask also includes troubleshooting the database for any technical issues and errors. Upon receipt of data, Mott MacDonald will also submit monitoring data into Ecology's EIM database. Data will be entered for all wells sampled in each sampling event through 2024. The County will be provided a complete copy of the data upon request. Subtask 2A.2 - Assist County to Collect Groundwater Samples during Four Sampling Rounds r Mott MacDonald will work with the County to collect groundwater samples during four sampling rounds (through fourth quarter 2024). Mott MacDonald will coordinate the laboratory bottle order, and help County personnel operate the pumps, collect samples, measure field parameters, measure water levels, and transfer samples to the laboratory during each quarter. We anticipate that each sampling round will take three field days plus travel time; however, the estimated schedule is subject to change due to weather conditions, equipment malfunction, etc. This subtask also includes other direct costs such as travel expenses, analytical costs, field supplies and rental equipment. The County will maintain pumps and other County -owned field gear. ARI will invoice Mott MacDonald for analytical costs, and these invoices will be included in project billings. Grant County 555-3746-001 FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill 3 February 2024 Engineering and Environmental Services Kaft= � " °===~="""~ Scope of Work Direct and subcontractor costs include 10%markup, except per them and privately owned vehicle mileage reimbursement costs. Subtask 2A.3—Prepare and Submit Four Quarterly Reports Mott MacDonald will generate four quarterly reports combined for both the Old and New Landfills, beginning in first quarter 2024 and ending fourth quarter of 2024. The quarterly reports will conform to requirements ofWAC 173-351-415(2). Subtask 2A~4—Prepare and Submit 2023Annual Report Mott MacDonald will generate the annual 2023 report combined for both the Old and New Landfills. The report will conform to requirements of WAC 173-351-415. The annual report is due by April 1'2O24. Subtask 2A~5—Project Management The project management subtask includes costs associated with project controls, coordination, and communication. Mott MacDonald will coordinate with the laboratory and include subcontractor invoices in project billings. Subtask 2A~6—Pump Replacement Support Mott MacDonald will assist in replacing or coordinating maintenance on groundwater sampling pumps and appurtenances. This subtask will be specified upon request and may include elements of pump removal, sourcing replacement equipment from vendors, and equipment troubleshooting. Subtask 2A.7 - Monitoring Well Installation Event Mott MacDonald will assist Parametrix in replacing the monitoring well MW-22cas a part of the Phase 4development ofthe Grant County Ephrata Landfill. During drilling, Mott MacDonald personnel will be on site to observe and document the construction of the new well performed by the drilling subcontractor. Additionally, after well replacement, the short-term pumping test ofthe relocated MW -22c will be performed by Mott MacDonald in team with Parametrix, and the single groundwater sampling event will beperformed byMott MacDonald. |tis assumed that the short-term pumping test will benolonger than 8hours. This subtask also includes other direct costs such as travel expenses, analytical costs, field supplies and rental equipment. Direct costs include 10% markup, except per them and privately owned vehicle mileage reimbursement costs. The costs from drilling contractor, utility locator, and surveyor are not included in Mott MacDonald's scope and will be directly contracted and billed to Parametrix. Mott MacDonald will prepare the monitoring well installation report asastand-alone technical memorandum based on the work performed in Subtask 2.7. The technical memorandum will outline the general procedures and construction details for installation of the relocated MVV -22o, as well as the results from groundwater sampling and short-term pumping test. Mott MacDonald will also prepare as -built diagrams of the monitoring well construction and geologic logs for the new well upon receipt of survey data. Grant County 555-3746-001 pY2o24Ephrata usnunn 4 February 2024 ParamefiriX Scope of Work Mott MacDonald, under contract to Parametrix, will prepare and submit four quarterly reports and one annual groundwater monitoring report, which will be forwarded to Grant County Health District and to Ecology. In addition, Mott MacDonald will prepare a stand-alone monitoring well installation report for submittal to Ecology. Subtask B -Phase 4 Monitoring Well Relocation Task Leader -Mike Brady LHG/LG Parametrix will provide project management and oversight of the decommission of wells MW -16d and MW -22c as well as the installation of MW -22c at the new location north of the Phase 4 perimeter roadway as proposed in the Phase 4 Development Well Work Plan to Department of Ecology. Parametrix will contract a licensed driller (Driller) to perform the work and will manage the work under Parametrix's scope of work. Survey of the new well will be completed under Task 8. For this subtask, Parametrix will complete the following: m Manage subtask activities. m Review workplan and submittals by Driller. • Coordinate field activities between Driller and field staff (Parametrix and Mott MacDonald). • Prepare project status updates. • Coordinate with regulators for oversight. Deliverables for this subtask include: m Project meeting notes (PDF). • Periodic schedule updates (MS Project or PDF). • Well Installation report (prepared by Mott MacDonald under Subtask 2A). Task 3 - Landfill Gas Operations, Monitoring, and Reporting Task Leader -Drew Norton, PE Subtask 3.1 -Landfill Gas Monitoring and System Operational Support Parametrix will monitor the landfill gas collection system, including flare facility, and the gas probes during four rounds in 2024 on a quarterly basis. Parametrix will generate one annual letter report for 2024 combined for both the Old and New Landfills' landfill gas collection systems and gas probes, in accordance with the Notice of Construction (NOC) Approval Order No. 19AQ-E051, as well as summarize past landfill gas probe monitoring conducted by Parametrix. Grant County 555-3746-001 FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill 5 February 2024 Engineering and Environmental Services I�arametrik Scope of Work Parametrix will assist County staff in operating and maintaining the active landfill gas system, following the guidance provided in the Active Landfill Gas Operations and Maintenance Manual. Parametrix will provide guidance to safely and effectively operate the Ephrata Landfill gas collection system that will help control landfill gas from migrating around the Old Landfill and emitting from the New Landfill. The system operations monitoring will include and be based on the following: ■ Changes in landfill gas constituent concentrations and flow rates over monthly time intervals. ■ Operations and maintenance of the landfill gas system, with the exception of County - performed greasing and blower switches on a 3 -week schedule. ■ Performing routine inspections and maintenance of the gas system. ■ Monitoring individual trench/well wellheads for pressure, methane, oxygen, carbon dioxide, temperature, and flow. ■ Adjusting individual wellhead flows to reach stable operation and/or generation flows. ■ Quarterly surface emission monitoring. ■ Calibrating monitoring equipment. The Active Landfill Gas Operations and Maintenance Manual will be used as a reference and training guide to operate and maintain the gas collection system. Parametrix will assist the County in the proper operation and data collection required to satisfy greenhouse gas regulations. It is anticipated each landfill gas monitoring round to take 1 field day plus travel time and reporting. The County will supply the landfill gas meter (Landtech Gem500) to monitor for methane, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pressure. It is anticipated that the landfill gas system will be in stable operation. Landfill gas system stability will be evaluated based on the following: ■ Changes in landfill gas constituent concentrations and flow rates over monthly time intervals. ■ Changes in landfill gas temperature at individual collection points (e.g., wellheads). ■ Changes in overall volumetric flow and flows from individual collection points. Landfill gas system operational stability will be characterized by little change in the above parameters over significant time intervals (e.g., monthly) or steady, predictable data trends. Subtask 3.2 - Title V Air Quality Operating Permit Annual Reporting The Title V permit application for the Ephrata Landfill is currently in draft phase with Ecology. Once issued, the permit will require annual reporting of landfill operations. Parametrix will provide the following to assist the County with compliance of the new requirements outlined in the draft permit: ■ Provide assistance on any deviations throughout the year. ■ Prepare permit condition forms using Ecology Air Quality templates that communicate activities during the year. ■ Train County staff on proper permit condition reporting and compliance (assumes one site visit). Grant County 555-3746-001 FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill 6 February 2024 Engineering and Environmental Services on& varametrik Scope of Work • Update the landfill gas system overall site plan in accordance with Title V Operating Permit. • Prepare annual report in accordance with the Operating Permit conditions. Submit electronic copies to the County for review, and submit final electronic files to the County for delivery to Ecology Air Quality Program via email at Emissions.inventory@eg.wajs�ov by January 31. Each report will communicate year-to-date permit condition activities during the year. The 2024 Annual Report is due on January 31, 2025. The 2024 Annual Report will beprepared under the FY 2025 engineering services scope of work. In addition to the Title V Air Quality Permit Annual Report, Parametrix will prepare the Annual Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting documents submitted through the Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool (e-GGRT). This work will also include third -party verification per the Washington State Department of Ecology Cap and Invest Third Party Emissions Verification which became effective for landfills for the calendar year 2023 emissions calculations (reported in 2024). SCS Engineers, as a subconsultant to Parametrix, will perform the third -party verification as per the attached scope provided by SCS. M Deliverables for this subtask include: • A summary of landfill gas collection system and probe monitoring data, which will be forwarded to GCHD and Ecology. • One annual report for communicating Title V Operating Permit activities, deviations, and compliance reporting. The report is due to the County for review by January 20, 2025, and to Ecology via the County by January 31, 2025. • Annual Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting documents submitted through the Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool (e-GGRT). A third -party verification statement, provided by SCS Engineers, will accompany the reporting documents. Task 4 - On -Call Engineering and Environmental Consulting Services Task Leader -Drew Norton, PE u7=0 Parametrix will assist County staff, if requested by the County, in responding to operations, design, and regulatory issues that arise during the contract period. Parametrix will assist the County in continuing landfill operations and future development of the New Landfill in accordance with current and approved Ephrata New Landfill Permit Application Phases 1 through 4 (Parametrix 2020). This work is assumed to consist of communications (both written and oral) with the County staff concerning site operations and development. This work is anticipated to require about 8 hours per month, with time and travel expenses included for four field visits or meetings between a Parametrix Project Manager or Engineer, agencies, and County staff in Ephrata. Additional on-call services may include the development of a Landfill Gas to Energy Feasibility Study. As directed by the County, Parametrix will prepare a detailed scope of work and budget once the Grant County 555-3746-001 FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill 7 February 2024 Engineering and Environmental Services Parametrik Scope of Work landfill gas generation for the New Landfill has stabilized. A general allowance of 120 engineering hours has been preliminarily allocated for this subtask. Parametrix support will remain within the available subtask budget unless additional subtask funds are authorized. Deliverables Deliverables for this task include: ■ Meeting notes and other correspondence in support of the landfill operation. Task 5 - Financial Assurance Reporting Assistance Task Leader - Dwight Miller, PE Background WAC 173-351 requires the preparation of detailed closure capital and post -closure operations and maintenance (0&M) opinions of probable costs in order to calculate an annual financial assurance payment schedule that will pay for closure and post -closure activities. Additionally, these landfill capital and O&M cost spreadsheets can assist County landfill managers with a quick and reliable retrieval system for budgeting and operations information. A131Droach Parametrix will update and complete the following: ■ Capital opinion of probable costs. ■ 0&M opinion of probable costs. ■ Financial assurance technical memorandum. Deliverables Deliverables for this task include: ■ Electronic copies of the draft and final financial assurance documents. Task 6 -Long-Term Disposal Options Study Task Leader - Dwight Miller, PE Background The County has identified the need to develop a new solid waste disposal option by 2032 to replace the existing operating landfill (New Landfill). This option could consist of either a future landfill or a new transfer station with the long haul of waste to an out -of -county landfill. Parametrix previously provided support to revise the Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) narrative and recommendations to better define the scope of the Disposal Options Study and eliminate the need for a SWMP amendment to implement the Disposal Options Study recommendations. Parametrix also provided the SWMP cost assessment based on revised recommendations. Grant County 555-3746-001 FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill 8 February 2024 Engineering and Environmental Services Ewa ParametriX Scope of Work Parametrix initiated the Long -Term Disposal Options Study effort under the FY 2022 amendment and continued effort under the FY 2023 amendment. This included draft development of options for siting and developing a new in -county landfill and contracting for long-haul and disposal at an out -of - county landfill. The Long -Term Disposal Options Study will be further advanced under the FY 2024 Amendment. Subtask 6.1- Disposal Options Study Complete the Disposal Options Study to evaluate future disposal options to include two options: Siting and developing a new in -county landfill. This option would include: —� Siting and developing a new, limited -access, mixed solid waste landfill. A limited -access landfill is one that is closed to the general public and is accessed only by haul trucks from County transfer stations/drop boxes, close -proximity collection route trucks, and other approved high-volume haulers. —� Developing a transfer station/drop box system to support the new limited -access landfill. Contracting for long-haul and disposal at an out -of -county landfill. This option would include: —� Siting and developing a new transfer station with capacity to accept all County waste for loading of long-haul trailers. This option would assume a haul long enough to necessitate the use of a compactor to provide denser loads for more efficient refuse hauling. The nearest regional landfill is the Greater Wenatchee Landfill in East Wenatchee, which is 45 miles from Ephrata Landfill p (presumed location of transfer station). Hauling this distance would benefit from waste compaction. —� Conducting a disposal procurement process to obtain competitive bids for long-haul trucking and disposal. This option could also consider public or private operation of the transfer station. The Disposal Option Study will provide critical input to the long-term funding planning for the solid waste system, including high-level cost and greenhouse gas considerations. Follows SWMP cost assessment and takes 3 months, including County determination of preferred option. (Complete in June.) Subtask 6.2 - Capital Cost and Operation Costs Funding Plan Develop a capital cost and operation costs funding plan (Funding Plan) for solid waste facility development and operations based on the findings of the Disposal options Study and current solid waste system obligations. This Funding Plan will inform the rate study work to be conducted under Subtask 6.3. Elements of the Funding Plan will include: ■ Old Ephrata Landfill Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) Mitigation*. ■ Old Ephrata Landfill Post -Closure Care*. ■ New Ephrata Landfill Phase 4 Development. ■ New Ephrata Landfill Closure*. ■ New Ephrata Landfill Post Closure -Care*. Grant County 555-3746-001 FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill 9 February 2024 Engineering and Environmental Services Raramefirik ■ New Regional Landfill and Transfer System, or Long -Haul Infrastructure Siting and Development. ■ New Regional Landfill Phased Development and Closures (if chosen option)*. ■ Out -of -County Disposal Contracted Long -Haul and Disposal (if chosen option). ■ Annual Operations (including equipment replacement). *Closure and post -closure financial assurance obligations. The Funding Plan will provide the financial basis for the rate study. �M MM M_ M_ Overlaps Subtask 6.1 by 1 month and takes 2 months. (Complete in July.) Subtask 6.3 - Rate Study Scope of Work Subconsultant FCS Group, under contract to Parametrix, will develop a utility rate study to forecast annual operating and capital financial obligations over a multi-year period and recommendations for tipping fee adjustments to fully fund these obligations. An initial kickoff meeting will be scheduled to introduce the project team, review the scope of work, identify project objectives, outline the project schedule and key milestone review points, and discuss appropriate lines of communication. Attendees will also review a list of data items needed to begin the solid waste cost -of -service rate study. Parametrix will develop a rate and financial toolkit. The rate and financial toolkit provides the analytical framework for the rate study. The toolkit is a fully integrated financial management model that establishes a cause -and -effect relationship between solid waste activities (e.g., tons, transactions, loads) and County revenues, costs, and rates. Parametrix will perform solid waste data validation and forecasting. Once the conceptual design of the toolkit is finalized, Parametrix will review and validate solid waste operational data for use in the rate study. These data are the basis for developing key components for the revenue requirement and cost - of -service analyses. Data validation makes sure that tonnage, transaction, and load data are reconciled for accuracy and consistency within the rate study. Parametrix will determine revenue requirements. A revenue requirement analysis determines the total amount of money that the County must collect from tipping fees to pay for all operating and capital expenditures as well as the financial requirements to comply with the County's fiscal policies. The revenue requirement is net of other miscellaneous charges from grants and interfund transfers. Parametrix will perform a cost -of -service analysis. The cost -of -service analysis provides a defensible basis for allocating the revenue requirement to each customer class of service based on their unique service characteristics and requirements. In some cases, County expenses can be directly assigned to a particular customer class. In other cases, costs may not directly relate to a single customer class and, as a result, are treated as a shared cost. Landfill disposal costs would likely be allocated proportionally to all customer classes that deliver solid waste to County facilities. Parametrix will develop a rate design for changes to the system of charges for customers of the solid waste system. At a basic level, the rate design process establishes cost -based, equitable rates for each customer class, which generate the overall revenue needs to fully support the operations. Grant County 555-3746-001 FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill 10 February 2024 Engineering and Environmental Services Parametrik Scope of Work Parametrix will prepare and submit a draft report to County staff for review and comment. The report will document the assumptions, methodologies, findings, results, and recommendations of the solid waste rate study. Detailed technical analyses supporting the study will be included as appendices (e.g., financial schedules of forecasted revenues, fixed and variable expenditures, financial policy achievement, and rates). A final report will be prepared based on feedback on the draft report by County staff. The subtask includes up to five virtual meetings with the County as well as two on-site meetings with the Solid Waste Advisory Committee and/or Board of County Commissioners. Presentation materials will be provided to the County for review prior to the virtual and on-site meetings. Schedule R Subtask 6.3 overlaps Subtask 6.2 by 1 month and may take approximately 4 months depending on the County review process. (Complete in May.) With a 90 -day notification period required for rate increases, an initial increase would occur sometime after October 2024. Deliverables Parametrix will prepare and submit the following: ■ Draft and final Disposal Options Study technical memorandum for the alternatives analysis to inform the County during its decision-making process. ■ Draft and final Capital Cost and Operation Costs Funding Plan. ■ Draft and final a rate study. Task 7 - Pavement Design for Entrance Improvements Task Leader - Drew Norton, PE The New Landfill entrance in the vicinity of the scale facility has been experiencing roadway deterioration. The County plans to complete this work with its own crews but would like a pavement section design recommendation. Approach Parametrix will evaluate current conditions and provide recommendations for subgrade improvement, and base/top course and pavement type and thickness. The results of the evaluation will be a brief technical memorandum with a pavement section figure. Materials will be identified per the Washington State Department of Transportation 2024 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. The resulting technical memorandum will be for the County's consideration in self -performing the repaving of the entrance road and will not be appropriate for bidding or other third -party use. Parametrix will prepare and submit to the County: ■ Draft and final electronic copies of the technical memorandum. Grant County 555-3746-001 FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill 11 February 2024 Engineering and Environmental Services R�a Task 8 - Phase 4 Development Design Task Leader - Drew Norton, PE Ranamethxprovided engineering services during FY2O23for the Phase 4area development. Parametrix will continue this effort in 2024 to develop the final design Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) and the Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan for construction of Phase 4 Development of the New Landfill based on the design presented in the approved Ephrata New Landfill Permit Application Phases 1 through 4(Parametr|x2O2O). Subtask 8.1 - 90% PS&E Based on the design presented in the Ephrata New Landfill Permit Application Phases 14 (��me�2O�and oub�ue��|��nd�o��eppr�|,��m*��Up�de~eve| PS&E contract documents. Parametrix will prepare E0%PS&Einfinished detail sufficient for County staff and agency review. The specifications will contain the current CQA Plan as an appendix. The specifications will be developed in Washington State Department of Transportation 2024 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction format. Plans and specifications covering the following plan sheets will beprepared: • Title Sheet, Vicinity Map, and Index toDrawings • Abbreviation and Legend m Detailed Overall Site Plan • Phase 4Development West Grading Plan • Phase 4Development East Grading Plan • Grading, Access Road, and Surface Water Sections and Details •Uner System and Leachate Collection System Sections and Details • Landfill Gas Plan m Landfill Gas Sections and Details m Miscellaneous Details Ameeting will be scheduled after the 90% completion for review with County and agency staff. Paramstrix will attend one review meeting with County and agency staff , which will be schedule for 1 day. Subtask 8.2 - Final Construction Contract Documents Parametrix will provide 100%-Ieve|design based onthe Q0%-Ieve|design and County and agency staff review comments. Parametrix will prepare PS&E and final bidding schedule. Parametrix will provide one reproducible copy and one disk copy of biddable plans and specifications for bidding by the County. Due toexcavation |nthe Phase 4area being self -performed bythe County during the design process, a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Survey of landfill will be performed by Parametrix Grant County 555-3746-001 pYoo24Ephrata Landfill 12 February 2024 Ewa Parametria Scope of Work survey between the 90%- and 100% -level design to quantify remaining excavation quantities required of the selected contractor to reach final subgrade. Subtask 8.3 - Bidding Assistance Parametrix will assist the County in soliciting and evaluating bids for the construction of Phase 4 Development. This work will consist of engineering support during the bidding process that is anticipated to occur over a 30 -day period. This work will include the following assistance to the County: ■ Address inquiries from prospective bidders and suppliers to provide clarification of design and elements of CQA. ■ Prepare up to two addenda as necessary for contract amendment. ■ Assist the County and attend a prebid meeting including a visit to the landfill site to familiarize prospective bidders with the site, discuss the major elements of the work, answer questions, and address concerns. ■ Assist the County in preparing a prebid meeting summary to be issued to all plan holders in the form of an addendum. ■ Prepare supplemental and revised contract drawings and specifications as needed for addenda. ■ Review bids and prepare an engineer's statement of bid tabulation stating the apparent low bidder and recommendation for award. (C I MR 7 -3 ". � Parametrix will prepare and submit to the County: ■ Electronic copies of the 90% -level PS&E. ■ One electronic copy of the final bid documents (100% -level design). Note, the CQA Plan will be incorporated into both the 90% -level and final specifications as an appendix. Parametrix will provide the following bidding process deliverables: ■ Addenda (two, as required). ■ Bid tabulation statement. Grant County 555-3746-001 FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill 13 February 2024 Engineering and Environmental Services Pa ra m e t r i k Scope of Work /et"s create tomorrow, together Exhibit B - Amendment Twenty -Seven Grant County FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill Engineering and Environmental Services - Budget Grant County 555-3746-001 FY 2024 Ephrata Landfill February 2024 Engineering and Environmental Services Client: Grant County, WA Project: Ephrata Landfill Engineering Svcs Project No: 5553746001 Cost Rates Billing Rates L M L _ Engineering and Environmental Services N c 0 t a U- c O Oc O M > O V7 SCS tin > a R tiLn a +� a v L Li + .L c O = Z !6 o Z Z M U = C Lca d 'o m >- � Z c i— f6 Ln tT °° M L M c 3 �O Ln c a Y _ > ' In 0 L a s 41 m c I— a 2 U V) m Y Y Q +, n — a Q `oCU O '^ Z ` O m y N_ .� L a a Y L ++ fn O U o O a a N v1 .E Q 1 � �_ to WO L _ +� tiD d +. O > 4- Ov a _ w B Ua n- U U o d I ate+ � � O U L tin w In 1 3 d /0 +' 00 U V7 a an W U v a W l/7 a a � W Ln L a tip W L tiD o 0 S (/) O QJ O -a = 7 a 0=A n Q U +� O d L � tro C to N r0 � Cf L $113.441 $46.27 $84.791 $67.40 $53.40 $58.31 $57.69 $76.06 $77.901 $44.90 $65.001 $35.90 $60.921 $30.00 $65.12 $62.40 $351.661 $143.441 $262.851 $208.941 $165.54 $180.76 $178.85 $235.79 $241.491 $139.191 $201.501 $111.291 $188.851 $93.00 $201.87 $193.44 �FY2024 — Engineering and Environmental Services FCS Group $53,752.60 Mott MacDonald $234,274.70 SCS $9,350.00 Drilling Contractor (To be determined) $51,463.98 Other Direct Expenses Total: Project Management $10,730.061 Mileage $6,500.00 Equipment Calibration $7,200.00 Other Direct Costs $4,000.00 ��Groundwater $17,700.00 Compliance Monitoring ��'Phase 4 Monitoring Well Relocation - Landfill Gas Operations, Monitoring, and Reporting Financial Assurance Reporting Assistance Long -Term Disposal Options Study Entrance Improvements Total: $309,353.75 Subconsultants FCS Group $53,752.60 Mott MacDonald $234,274.70 SCS $9,350.00 Drilling Contractor (To be determined) $51,463.98 Other Direct Expenses Total: $297,377.30 Other Direct Expenses Mileage $6,500.00 Equipment Calibration $7,200.00 Other Direct Costs $4,000.00 Other Direct Expenses Total: $17,700.00 Project Total $624,431.05 2/7/2024 Amendment 27—Budget.xisx