HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (011)5 GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOCC DATE: 2/9/2024 REQUEST SUBMITTED BY.. Karrie Stockton PHONE: ext. 2937 CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: Karrie Stockton CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: DYES 0 NO » r� ❑Agreement / Contract' ❑ Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award DAP Vouchers ❑ Bid Opening Scheduled ❑Appointment Reappointment pp ment DARPA Related ❑Com uter Related p ❑County Code ❑ Boar ds /Committees El Emergency Purchase ❑Budget ❑ Facilities Related ❑ Financial0 ❑ Funds Employee Rel. ❑ Invoices / Purchase Orders ® Grants — Fed/State/Count Y ❑ Lea ses ❑ Hearing ❑Minutes ❑ Policies ❑Ordinances DOW of State Travel EI MOA / MOU Cash ❑ Recommendation ❑ ProclamationsElPetty ❑ Professional Sery/Consultant ❑ Request for Purchase ❑Su pport Letter ❑ Resolution I�Tax Levies ❑Thank You's []Tax Title Property ❑Surplus Req. ❑WSLCB Request from Fire District #6 to apply the remaining p Y ng balance of ARPA funds In the amount of $36,229.56 towards the cost of a new ambulance. DATE OF ACTION: 0(- C;;LO'D'L' APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: January 15,, 2024 GRANT COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTr. 6 ru 1jUA11jz HARTLINE, WA 99135 PHONE: (509) 977-1056 EMAIL: GRANTFIRE6@GMAIL.COM 4 & Grant County Commissioners, We hope this letter finds you. all in good sprits k'* irts. Our department greatly appreciates ppre-ciates you (a" ing the thne to read this. Ware aywith a -proposal for the ARPA Funds that are availoable to e writin.2 to you too district. .After: discussing with. Janice over the phone, and then tai 't over as a 'board and With our chief, we th' - weiv come 'Lip '"t] Plan that w'dlnoi only satins *y, tb g I ink wi i a 'fifications l'or the fiandin g, but greatly improve our ,e qua i dep,artmenVs assets and Our patient care capab i .itis, e: In our original. proposal., due to the increased. call volu, - me from the COVID-19 virus, we discussed a need for addi'tional personnel within the district along w'l*tli a rapid response vehicle, to service the north end of the ILMOIng.tr district. Both of those idease eto,f-ruition and tba-nksto-the; OMthe ARPA Grant, the di'stn'et -was am -able to add. several EMTs to the -roster and the Rapid..'Respon.se, Vehicle (RRV) wl"11 be in sery 0 Ir ice very soon. Due to COVID related events, shipping on some equipment for the RRV Nvas delayed quite a bit. As ' discussed be,,fore, w'th thei[n.creased cal'i volume that our district has seenwitbl"11 thelast year, it has become very apparent that our EMS e' quipin ent tis expert"e-neing i sti stantial. wea ka.ad tOu ear, r sm.all fire district b responded to over 1,50 medt'ca" calls between the Hartline and Coulee CAy aras *n 20,23. Historically, tbe eI district respolids to roughly 15-20, calls a,yeas, As ofright now " 24 's son no si W-1 911 of slowinR down 01 N'the district bas already been ,medical cMls since the new ean, y After discuss* 'board along ire ch*ef, "t was determined that ing as a, W'i th ourr a new ambulance would be necessary to keep u. with. the icreasing average all volu- ,tne and expanded rcsponse area. The departaient-s CU!"rent ambulance is: aging,, and the Nvear and tear has taken a toll on its rehdbility,. An, ambulance -that would, fit within our distnd needs was found and purchased in November of 20213. The t � ta (he atnbulance'was 0� I cost of $651900. Ou d".s ct wou.ld like to -o ose thatthe remaining ARPA ftinds be applied toward the Cost of the r j, tri pt -p ambulance., Our proposal for the funds is as follows-: ............ -­--- cate9�01y Detail Vehicle 2019 RAM 5500 Upfitting SS Boxes for Gear Storage on Vehicle Vehicle 20,16, Ford E-4-50 Type 3 Ambulance —Total Purchase Price Personnel I EMTtra'n*i i ng costs for 6 students Total Approx. Cost 50j74w16 91716.28 (Total Cost 65,,900,00) Dept Porflon 29670,44 3..880.00 1000000 GRANT COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 6 PO BOX 132 HARTLINE, WA 99135 PHONE: (509) 977-1056 EM 4 - ft:.; GRANTFIRE6@GMAIL.COM Aga.m*, we greatly appreciate your time and consideration of this proposal. This fu,nd*njzwi11 substantially, 'I. _ inprove our EMS response fir lines, better equip our responders., and improve our patient care and outcomesq, lf you liarve any questions, please feel, free to Contact any of -u, or Cliie,Mori-naior, SM*ccrely, William Hr nbotham Ron Thomas . ......... Charlie Erickson 'Comnlissi ioner C01111 'hissioner Commissioner