HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (003)GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOCC REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: Karrie Stockton CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: Karrie Stockton CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: ❑YES ONO DATE: Z/1 3/2024 PHONE:ext. 2937 DATE OF ACTION: � On" UA_ � R,� APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN �Il D1: f.J D2: D3: 0_00'" 67 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: ❑Agreement / Contract ------ ------- ------- ❑AP Vouchers -EE ❑Appointment / Reappointment ❑ARPA Related ❑ Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award ❑ Bid Opening Scheduled ❑ Boards / Committees ❑ Budget ❑Computer Related ❑County Code ❑Emergency Purchase ❑Employee Rel. ❑ Facilities Related ❑ Financial ❑ Funds ❑ Hearing ❑ Invoices / Purchase Orders ® Grants — Fed/State/County ❑ Leases ❑ MOA / MOU ❑Minutes ❑Ordinances ❑Out of State Travel El Petty Cash ❑ Policies ❑ Proclamations ❑ Request for Purchase ❑ Resolution ❑Recommendation ❑Professional Sery/Consultant ❑Support Letter ❑Surplus Req. ❑Tax Levies ❑Thank You's ❑Tax Title Property ❑WSLCB Reimbursement Request from Grant County Housing Authority on the Dept. of Commerce Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) grant # 24-46108-10 in the amount of $231 499.00 for December expenses. DATE OF ACTION: � On" UA_ � R,� APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN �Il D1: f.J D2: D3: 0_00'" 67 DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: V. J StM 0-FWA: SHINGtION DEPARTMENT OF 00MMERCE. 10 11 Phim trey !F 42525 *0,65A)72540M. Form 19-11A VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION, AGENCY .,Short Code Commerce Contract Number NUMBER CMS Invoice ID: DEPARMENT OF 1030 24-46108-10 386868 COMMERCE VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant payable to:) INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: Grant County Board of Commission Submit this form to claim payment for materials, merchandise or PO BOX 37 services. Show complete detail for each item. EPHRATA, WA98823-0037 Vendor's Certificate: The individual signing this voucher below warrants they have the authority to do so as authorized and on behalf Janice Flynn of the entity identified in the Vendor/Claimant section. The individual (Vendor Contact Person) signing below certifies under penalty of perjury that the items and totals listed herein are proper charges for materials, merchandise or (509) 754-2011 ext 2937 (Vendor Contact Phone) services furnished to the State of Washington, and that all goods furnished and/or services rendered have been provided without discrimination because of age, sex, marital status, race, creed, color, iflynn(d.grantcountywa.gogy, (Vendor Contact national origin, handicap, religion or Vietnam era or disabled veterans status. 07/01/23 - 06/30/25 (Contract Period) Karrie Stockton Kstockton2) 2/13/2024 2:23:29 PM (REPORT PERIOD) (SUBMITTED BY) (SUBMIT DATE) DESCRIPTION BUDGET REQUESTED. EXPENDED TO."-. AMOUNT THIS AWARD AMOUNT DATE INVOICE REMAINING. Unassigned - Unassigned $.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 Admin - Unassigned $28,680.00 $883.55 $2,670.18 $.00 $267009.82 Rent - Unassigned $210,275.00 $13,612.41 $47,045.43 $-00 $163,229.57 Facility Support - Unassigned $27,902.27 $3,720.00 $27,902.27 $.00 $.00 Operations - Unassigned $1891417.73 $81466.30 $44,299.32 $.00 $145,118.41 HEN Admin 2024 - 1 Unassigned $2,000.001 $106.24 $991.85 $.001 $1,008.15 HEN Rent/Fac Support 2024 - Unassigned $184,345.00 $26,374.83 $95,091.73 $.00 $89,253.27 HEN Operations 2024 - Unassigned $42,000.00 $3,404.81 $18,407.43 $.00 $23,592.57 HEN Admin 2025 - Unassigned $5,000.001 $.00 $.00 $.001 $5,000.00 HEN Rent/Fac Support 2025 - Unassigned $173,345.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $173,345.00 HEN Operations 2025 - Unassigned $50,000.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $50,000.00 Eviction Prevention Admin - Unassigned $10,000.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $10,000.00 I Eviction Prevention Rent - Unassigned $1,132,655.00 $146,021.21 $.00 $-00 $1,132,655.00 Eviction Prevention Operations - Unassigned $350;000.00 $28;909.65 $.00 $.00 $350,000.00 Inflation Increase 2024 - Unassigned $110,242.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $110,242.00 Inflation Increase 2025 - Unassigned $110,242.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 $110,242.00 Local DRF Support 2024 - Unassigned $71,609.00 $.00 $17,591.69 $.00 $547017.31 Local DRF Support 2025 - Unassigned I $71)609.00 I $.00 I $.00 I $.00 $717609.00 I Non - Match Total: $2,769,322.00 $231,499.00 $253,999.90 $.00 $2,515,322.10 PROGRAM APPROVAL (The individual signing this voucher warrants they have the authority to sign this voucher.) Date DOC DATE CURRENT REFERENCE DOC NO. DOC. NO. VENDOR NUMBER and SUFFIX SWV0002426 03 ACCOUNT NO. ASD. NUMBER 45705 - VENDOR MESSAGE TRANS., REV MASTER SUB SUB MG MS GL ACCT SUB CODE CODE INDEX OBJ SUB SID OBJ AMOUNT PROGRAM INDEX , 46A70111 NZ 46155 46A70212 NZ 46155 46A20111 NZ 46151 46A20212 NZ 46151 465C1211 NZ 46114 465C2212 NZ 46114 465DO250 NZ 46108 46AK0210 NZ 46108 READY to BATCH PREPARER DATE WARRANT TOTAL CREATED BY Karrie Stockton (Kstockton2) DATE 2/13/2024 2:15:24 PM .. Form 194A VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION AGENCY `Short Code Commerce Contract Number NUMBER CMS Invoice ID: DEPARMENT OF 1030 24-46108-10 386868 COMMERCE I ❑D All Expenses under $1,000 1 Paid to Paid by Paid to Paid to Expense Paid by UBI Contractor Paid to UBI Amount Organization Name Type Organization Name Org Type Type Subcontractor Tota Sub Subcontractor Tota ,,... . N Invoice Month/Yea'r .Grantee; IVam:e . L Sub Grantee ernes; December 2023 n(' /JIA tl HAGC To11 tal $231,499.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $231,499.00 - -rN - - HA Grant County MINVIsMi-J"Names .:.. List Sub;Grantee Invoice Month/Year - - Gxantee Name_ Grant County Jul -23 Aug -23 Sep -23 23 -Oct 23 -Nov 23 -Dec Total $1,919,228.00 $33,859.47 $48,579.20 $51,667.92 $41,565.19 $50,736.43 $231,499.00 $1,461,320.79 -- - i.'._ 1' f� "t:.r . . !-;..r t ': •%{• 1+11., -1� :4. :':: .il: .. 1: $.'i':.:..*;i.. 17 "�'W'. { u-+ :,. t f (I ' ' i; : I - - 225 ;',: •• ", .... . -'A"..."'. • Y .: ,:; . . . -..i . . • • • •• $ 20 2T - 1 f.-. , .I - � .I.•I. _if _. . • . .!. • • . . :, I , �' 'F t r nor. v' i1' - •r. !_ . I . .. . HEN * FCS: Brid '.28 4 7f 1/� 1023-6/30j 024•. �^.-•r,r.;-!'� 'thN~;-=,s•• -!-t't•h-•r'l:,. 1 ` ? J'qg - i' •i.. R :!-i -.­.'k':..:.-'..­-!J"j , . �:; •i 1: ' . , fV}{.s J 102,. 'Ai_ jJ .1. -r :. : -I. .... :5i: '1i '?'iii•'-��:if,�"/i'j::i f.:,j':' . :i• ....... ''. . .... :,An't'cn ['n�r,,easy . ' i . ' 17 •1 i• •r:•t LI= f: r _t• ei• :i r: ,/-�y-.� [• yyf�yae.-.} •. I t *1 .. -!•- ''.i General Ledger Trial Balance for 12/112023 through 12/31/2023 Account NumberBegins with: 4 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Current Activity: Account Number Description Beginning Balance Debit- Credit Ending Balance DIRECT COSTS 0.00 408204-7-01 MGMT RETIREMENT:CHG 408205-7-01 MGMT MEDIDENTNISILI:CHG 411000-7-01 ADMIN SALARIES:CHG 417001-7-01 ADMIN FEES -GRANT CO-CHG 418200-7-01 ADMIN FICA-CHG 418201-7-01 ADMIN SUTA-CHG 4182027-01 ADMIN L&I-CHG 418204-7-01 ADMIN RETIREMENT:CHG 418205-7-01 ADMIN MED/DEN-F/VIS/L:CHG 419012-7-01 MEMBERSHIP DUES & FE -CHC 419018-7-01 P0STAGE:CHG 441000-7-01 MAINTENANCE SALARIES:,CHG 4433007-01 MAINT FICA:CHG 4433017-01 MAINT SUTA:CHG 443302-7-01 MAINT L&I:CHG 4433057-01 MAINT MED/DENTNIS/L:CHG 26.49 0.00 26.49 46.36 y 0.00 46.36 4226.91 344.22 4,571.13 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 311.04 25.42 336.46 62.61 0.001 62.61 20.87 1.56 22.43 658,.'80 5.98 664.78 2 008. 181.37 21189.42 �500.00. 0.00 500.00 125.79 27.09 152.83 1,534.74 263-27 11798.01 116.60 19.91 136.51 23.02 3_95 26.97 60.64 10.78 711.42 1.13 0.00 1.13 DIRECT COSTS: 111723.05 883.55 12,606.60 Report Total: 11,723.05 883.55,/ 0.00 121606.60 / Qd�ri s>'� �'�3. S S Run Date: 118/2024 12:47:15PM Page: I GIL Date: 12/2812023 User Logon: SKL General Ledger Trial Balance for 1211/2023. through 1213112023 Account NumberBegins with: 4 HOUSING AUTHORITY 0F GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Current Activity Account Number Description Beginning Balance Debit Credit Ending Balance DIRECT COSTS 411000-7-02 ADMIN SALARIES FACILITY SUPP & RA OPS-CHG' 57j123-82 5,673.89 62,797.71 418200-7-02 ADMIN FICA FACILITY SUPP & RA OPS-CHG 4s196.56 417.52 4,614.08 418201-7-02 ADMIN SUTA FACILITY SUPP & RA OPS-CHG 827.70 70-16 897.86 418202-7-02 ADMIN L&I FACILITY SUPP & RA OPS-CHG, 3211-75 2853 350.34 418204-7-02 ADMIN RETIREMENT FACILITY SUPP-CHS.7,286 27 .' 480.09 7,766.36 418205-7-02 ADMIN MED/DENTIVIS/L FACILITY SUPP-CHG 20,086.50 1,646'.'05 21,732.55 443000-7-02 CONTRCT SVC FAINT FACILITY SUPP FOR HH W CHILD-CHG' 11,107.27 15000 1257.27 DIRECT COSTS: 90,949.87 -8,466.30 99,416.17 .Re -port Tot .Re �8,466.3 0.00 99,416.17 - ��/44.3v✓ Page: I Run Date: 11812024 12:48:22PM User Logon: SIAL GIL Date: 12/28f2O23 General Langer Trial Balance for 1211/2023 through 1213112023 Account NumherBegins with: 4 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY {IG H} current Activity Account Number Description Beginning Balance Debit Credit Ending .Balance DIRECT COSTS 471501-7-04 HAP PAYMENTS RENTS -CH 86 212 111752,41 97,974.44 471502-7-04 HAP PAYMNT PROJECT LEASE COSTS-CHG 40,920.00 37720.00 441640.00 471545-7-04 REFIT DEPOSITS-CHG 30,714.00 1,850,00 32,564.00 471508-7-04 MOTEL VOUCHERS -CHG 660.00 o.00 660:00 DIRECT CCSTS-7 332.4�i - 175,838.44 15$,506.031 _ Report Total: 158,506.03 171332.41' 0.00 175,838.44 43 7 z 0 -4 Run Date: 1/812024 12:49:06PM Page: 1 GIL Date: 1212812 328 User Logon: SKL. General Ledger Trial Balance for 12/112023 through 12131/2023 Account NumberBegins with: 4 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Current Activity Account Number Description Beginning Balance, Debit Credit Ending Balance DIRECT COSTS 25,704.19 411000-7-08 ADMIN SALARIES-HEN-OPS-CHG 418200-7-08 ADMIN FICA-H15N�-OPS�-CH�G� 418201-7-08 ADMIN SUTA HEN-OPS-CHG 418202-7-08 ADMIN L&I HEN-OPS-CHG 418204-7-08 ADMIN RETIREMENT HEN-OPS-CHG 41.8205-7-08 ADMIN MED/DENT/VIS/L.HEN-0PS-CHG 23,310.47 1,723.05 334.33 130.50 2,944.66 9,004.74 DIRECT COSTS: '37447.75 'Report 'rota:l': 37,447.75 2,393.72 25,704.19 177.54 1,900.59 25.44 359.77 11.47 141.97 187.16 .81131.82 609.48 ..91614.22 3,404.81 40,852.55 3;404,8 0.06 0.00 40,852.56 All Run Date: 118/2024 12:50:01PM Page: I GIL Date: 12/28/2023 User Logon: SCI_. General Ledger Trial Balance for 12JI/2023 through 12/3112023 Account Num.berBeglns with: 4. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Current Activity Account Number Description Beginning Balance Debit Credit Ending Balance DIRECT COSTS 62.59 411000-7-09 ADMIN -SALRIES HEN-CHG 418200-7-09 ADMIN FICA HEN- CHG 418201-7-09 ADMIN SUTA HEN-CHG 418202-7-09 ADMIN L&I HEN-CHG 418204-7-09 ADMIN RETIREMENT HEN-CHG 418205-7-09 ADMIN MEDIDENTNIS/L HEN-CHG 471501-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT HEIS-CHG 471504-7-09 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIE -CHG 471506-7-09 RENT DEPOSITS HEN-CHG Run Date: 11812024 12:50:136PM GIL Date: 12/2812023 1,379.35 62.59 1,441.94 102.40 4.50 106.90 19.53 0.00 19.53 7.56 0-28* 7.84 423.87 .0.00 423.87 492.32 38,87) 531.19 176y195.75. 21,249.83 1971445.58 11333.30 0.00 11333.30 12,452.00 2,125.00 14,577.00 DIRECT COSTS: i 1921406.08 23,481.07 215,887.15 Report Total: 1927406.08 23,481.07V .0-00 215,887.15 Page: I User Logon: SIAL General Ledger Tefal. Balance for 121112023 through 1,2/3112023 Account NumberSegins with: 4 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Current Acdvfty AccDunt Number Deswipti-on Beginning Balance Debit Credit Ending Balance DIRECT COSTS 471504-7-05 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIES CtiG-05 770.00 0.00 770.00 DIRECT COSTS: T70-00 0.00 770.00 Report TotA- 770-00 0.00 0.00 770.00 Run Date: 1/812024 12:49:28PM Page: I GIL Date: 1212812023 User Logon: SKL General Ledger Trial Balance forl Account NumberBegins with: 4 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Beginning Current Activity Ending Account Number Description Balance Debit Credit 'Balance DIRECT COSTS 411000-7.06 ADMIN SALARIES EVICTION PREVENTION 14,217.59 12,279.78 26,497.37 418200.7-06 ADMIN FICA EVICTION PREVENTION 11052,56 909.57 11962.13 418201.7-06 ADMIN SUTA EVICTION PREVENTION17641 134,84 311.25 418202-7-06 ADMIN L&I EVICTION PREVENTION 78.96 138A 47150.1-7-06 HAP PAYMENTS EVICTION PREVENTION 59,265,91 146,021.21 DIRECT COSTS; 74,791.43 100,139.43 174,930.86 Report Total: 74,791.43 100,139.43 0.00 174,930.86 dec Qa1n11-),1 /4)/ FV 13 Oo 3x l Ct)"e4 om"o (jc) LO 41. ,7 v 4- 7 1- U C) Y44 3004. Ll L) Run Date: 1/8/2024 1*11:37PIVI Page: I GA Date: 12/28/2023 User Logon: SKL General Ledger Trial Balance for 1'l1lhr7gh� 1Ido2o " Account NumberRegins with: 4 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Beginning Current Activity Ending Account Number Descri tion Balance Debit Credit Balance DIRECT COSTS 411000-7-06 ADMIN SALARIES EVICTION PREVENTION 41645,37 91572,22 14,217,59 418200-7,,06 ADMIN FICA EVICTION PREVENTION 343.69 708.87 1,052,56 418201.7y06 ADMIN SUTA EVICTION PREVENTION 61.48 114,93 `' 176-41 418242-7-06 ADMIN L&I EVICTION PREVENTION 24,06 5490 78.96 471501-7-06 HAP PAYMENTS EVICTION PREVENTION 0,Q(�.266i9!1 w �... .-._ 59,265,91 DIRECT COSTS: 5107460 69,71683 741791.43 :Report Total: 51074,60 69,71 6,83 0,00 74,791,43 Aft 006�0�1r"l - Run Date: 1/8/2024 1:01:25PM G/L Date: 12/28/202.3 Page: 1 User logon: SKI. General Ledger Trial Balance: k.", Account RumberBegins with: 4 Account Number DIRECT COSTS 411000-7-.06 41.8200-7-06 418201-71-06 418202.7-06 Description HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY {GCI -1) Beginning Current Activity Balance Debit Credit Ending Balance ADMIN SALARIES EVICTION PREVENTION 0.00 41645; Goner al Led9or Detall Report Detail Postings for Period 12 Ending 1213112023 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (OCH) Account Number/Description Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Debit Credit NotChango End Balance 471501.7-04 HAP PAYMNTS RENTS-CHC 86,212.03 12 12/4/2023 AP-004460 300,00 0100 86,612.03 12 1214/2023 AP-004460 600-00 0100 87,112.03 12 1 . 21412023 AP-004450 13070,00 0.00 88182-03 , 12 12/6/2023 AP-004461 800.00 0.00 881982.03 12 12/612023 AP-004461 800.00 0.00 89,782,03 12 12/612023 AP-004451 825.00 0.00 90,607.03 12 12/712023 AP-004453 1,007.00 0.00 91,614.03 12 12/712023 AP-004453 11007-00 0100 92,621.03 12 1217/2023 AP-004453 760.00 0.00 93,401.03 12 12/7/2023 AP-004453 780.00 0,00 94$181.03 12 12/17/2023 AP-004468 400.00 0.00 94,681.03 12 12117/2023 AP-004468 11044.00 0.00 96,625.03 12 12/17/2023 AP-004458 290,50 0.00 95,916-53 12 12117/2023 AP-004468 700,00 0.00 96,615.53 12 12117/2023 AP-004468 029.01 Q, as 97,245.44 12 12/1712023 AP-004459 729.00 0.00 97t974.44 Account NumberlDeacription -4 Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Dabit Credit Not Change End Balance 471501.7-06 IHAP T, 59,265.91 F `" '�' "'M .0 - 12 1242023 AP-004450 11000.00 0,00 60,265.91 12 121412023 AP-004450 11198-00 0,00 Glj463.91 12 1214/2023 AP-004450 11260,00 0100 62,713.91 12 121412023 AP-004450 900.00 0.00 6%613.91 12 1214/2023 AP-004450 700.00 0.00 64,313.91 12 12117/2023 AP-004468 1j200.00 0.00 66,513.91 12 1211712023 AP-004458 600.00 0.00 663113,91 12 12/1712023 AP-004459 01000,00 0.00 72,113,91 12 12/17/2023 AP-004459 1,200 as 0.00 73,313,91 12 12117/2023 AP-004459 11000.00 0.00 74,313.91 12 1211712023 AP-004469 41900.00 0.00 791213.91 12 12117/2023 AP-004459 606,00 0.00 79,819.91 12 12M 712023 AP-004460 33025,00 0.00 82,844-91 12 12/17/2023 AP-004459 11109.21 0100 83,964.12 12 12/17/2023 AP-004459 1 t395Y00 0.00 86,349.12 12 12117121123 AP-004459 996.00 0100 86,344.12 12 12117/2023 AP-004469 950.00 0.00 87,294.12 12 1211712023 AP -004459 12 1211712023 AP -004450 12 12117/2023 AP -004469. 12 12117/2023 AP -004469 12 12/2612023 AP -004461 12 12/2612023 AP -004461 12 12126/2023 AP -004461 V 12/2612023 AP -004461 12 12/26/2023 AP -004461 12 12/2612023 AP -004461 12 12/2612023 AP -004461 12 12/2612023 AP -004461 12 12126/2023 AP -00440 12 12126/2023 AP -004451 Account Number/Description PGrlod Date Journal 471601-7-09 Comments l3eq Balance Debit 12 1214/2023 AP -004450 -12-121412023- -AP"GO74460 12 121412023 AP -004450 12 121412023 AP -004450 12 121412023 AP -004450 1'2 1.21412023 AP -004450 12 121412023 AP -004450 12 121412023 AP -004450 12 1214/2023 AP -004460 12 1214/2023 AP -004450 12 121412023 AP -004450 12 1214/2023 AP -004450 12 12/412023 AP -004450 12 12/4/2023 AP -004450 V 12/4/2023 AP -004450 12 12/412023 AP -004450 12 121412023 AP -004460 12 121412023 AP -004450 12 12/412023 AP -004460 12 1214/2023 AP -004450 12 1214/2023 AP -004450 12 12/4/2020 AP -004450 12 12/412023 AP -004460 895.00 0.00 88,189.12 3,175.00 0100 91,364.12 386.00 0.00 91,750-12 31905,63 0.00 95,656.75 1,387.00 0.00 97,042.76 41002.46 0,00 101,045.21 51196.00 0.00 106,241.21 1,560.00 0.00 107,701,21 291065.00 0.00 156,876.21 996.00 UO 137,871.21 11200.00 0.00 139,071,21 31900.00 0.00 142,971.21 2,100-00 0.00 U5,071.21 950-00 0100 146,021.21 69,265.91 86,766.30 146s02"1,21 Comments l3eq Balance Debit Credit Not Change End Baliance HAP PAYMENTS RENT HEN-OHG 176,196.75 300.00 0.00 176,495.76 839.OD,*"** 1-77-13-34.75 750,00 0.00 178,084.76 660.00 0.00 178,634,75 675.00 0.00 V9,309.75 625.OD 0.00 179,934.75 14262,00 0.00 181,196.76 800,00 0100 181,996.75 641.00 0.00 182,037.76 641-00 0.00 163,278.75 641.00 0,00 183,919.75 • 760.00 0.00 184,67935 776.00 0.00 185,454.76 646.00 0.00 186,099.75 826.00 0.00 186j924.76 800.00 0.00 187,724.75 800,00 0,00 188,624.76 850-00 0.00 189,374.75 700.00 0100 190,074.75 450.00 0.00 190,524.75 800.00 0.00 191,324.76 400.00 0100 191,724,76 630.00 0100 192,364.75 12 12/412023 AP -004450 12 12/4/2023 AP -,004460 12 121412023 AP -004450 12 12/4/2023 AP -004450 12 1214/2023 AP -004450 12 12/412023 AP -004450 V 1211712023 AP -004458 12 12117/2023 AP -004458 12 12/1712023 AP -004469 Account NumWiDescriptlon Porlod Date Journal 4711502-7-04 0.00 12 121412023 AP -004450 12 121412023 AP -004430 12 1214/2023 AP -004480 12 1214/2023 AP -004450 12 121412023 AP -004460 12 1214/2023 AP -004450 Comments 700,00 0.00 193t054175 807.60 0.00 193,862,26 360.00 0100 194,212.25 600.00 0.00 194,812.25 50D.00 0100 1951312.25 050.00 0.00 195,962,25 800.00 0.00 196,762.26 68133 0.00 196,820.58 625-00 0.00 197,445.58 176,195.78 21,249183 0.00 21,249-83 197,445.68 Beg Balance MR Credit Not Change End Salance HAP PAYNINT-PROJECT LEASE CC 000100235 Ift. 1004120423 0001002351) N; 1006120423 00010023511N; 1008120423 000100236 /IN: 1010120423 00010023511N; 1102120423 000100235/1N:1104120423 471604-7-05 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIES CHG-06 471504-7-09 HAP PAYMNTS UTILITIE -GHG 471506-7-04 610,00 112 1211712023 AP -004468 12 1211712023 AP -004458 12 12/17/2023 AP -004458 12 12117/2023 AP -004459 471500-7-09 12 1211712023 AP -004458 12 12J17/2023 AP -004469 471608-704 RENT DEPOSITS-CHG RENT DEPOSITS HEN-CHG MOTEL VOUCHERS -CHG 40,920,00 0.00 0.00 660.00 660 00 0.00 0.00 0100 660.00 Report Total: 408,522,99 127*462.54 0.00 127,462.54 5353986.53 610,00 0.00 41,630.00 610.00 0.00 42s'140,00 640.00 0100 42,780.00 640.00 0100 43,420.00 610.00 0.00 44,030.00 610.00 0.00 44,640.00 40,920.00 31720.00 0.00 33720.00 443640.00 770.00 0.00 0.00 770.00 776.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 770.00 11333.30 0.00 0.00 1,333,30 1,333.30 0100 0,00 0.00 11333,30 30s714.00 300.00 0.00 314014.00 560.00 0.00 31,664.00 700.00 0.00 32j264.00 300.00 0.00 32,664.00 30,714-00 1,860100 0.00 11860M 02,664,00 12,452,00 876.00 0.00 13t327-00 11250.00 0.00 141677.00 ------ 12,462.00 2,126.00.. 0100 2 . s126-00 14,577.00 . 660.00 0.00 0.00 660.00 660 00 0.00 0.00 0100 660.00 Report Total: 408,522,99 127*462.54 0.00 127,462.54 5353986.53 CH - DECEMBER 2023 471501-7-04 HAP PAYMENTS RENT - CHC 382E30113 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0612023 $729,00 37FFE58ED Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 1210112023 $780.00 37FFE58ED Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0112023 $780.00 9D79E26FA Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12101/2023 $1,070.00 D63OE294C Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance U10112023 $400.00 91368F319A. Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0112023 $600.00 1BOE0IB38 Rental Assistance: Rentai Assistance 1210112023 $800.00 1136E011338 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 1210112023 $800.00 47A448616 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12101/2023 $300.00 679DOA509 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 121/0112023 $1,007.00 679DOA509 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12101/2023 $1,007.00 73EF413697 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/01/2023 $629-91 73r=F413697 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0i/2023 $700.00 A17723266 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0112023 $290.50 A7ID32BEI Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 1210112023 $1,044.00 - --------- - BO 837-35D D -- Rental -Assistance:- Rental -Ass I Stan ce. .12101.12023 $IV62.41 4715041- 7'-"061.' 8IFF0493136 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 1210112023 $386.00 8FF0493136 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/12/2023 $3,905.63 64786D714 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/01/2023 $I,ao(),Qo 647860714 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12106/2023 $3,900,00 66CB2088E Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0112023 $1,250.00 3868A49BE Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0112023 $1,198,00 4C305DO60 Rental Assistance: Rental Asalstance 12/0512023 $1,387,00 4C3050060 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/12/2023 $4,002.46 87382A70B Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0112023 $950.00 87 82A70 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 121=2023 $2,100.00 170339176 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0112023 $1,395.00 170339176 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0612023 $3,175.00 7CUB90FA5 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/01/2023 $606.00 709896FA6 Rental Assistance, Rental Assistance 12/1112023 $3,025.00 A883CD9EO Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0112023 $950.00 A883CID9EO Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/04/2023 $59.21 A883CDOEO Rental Assistance; Rental Assistance 12/0412023 $1,1050.00 A212FCOAF Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12101/2023 $895,00 A212FCOAF Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 1210512023 $995.00 A7831 EAU Rental Assistance,, Rental Assistance 12/0112023 $1,550,00 A7831EAEB Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0612023 $5,196,00 31D081372IF6 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0112023 $995.00 3D09B72F6 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0612023 $29,085,00 FF2D31532 Rental Assistance,, Rental Assistance 12101/202$ $1,000.00 CE01I81DB Rentat Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/01/2023 $1,000.00 CE01 181 DB Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/11/2023 $4,900.00 722968878 Rental Assistance: Rental AsBistarice 12101/202$ $7000 99A9C1F63 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 121012023 $900,00 513IF78135F1 Rental Assistance:, Rental Assistance 12/0112023 $600.00 5BF78BSF1 Rental Assistance., Rental Assistance 12/04/2023 $600.00 6BF78B5F1 Rental Assistance'. Rental Assistance 1210412023 $600,00 0623134889 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 1210112023 $1,200,00 962364889 Rental Assistance: Rental Assistance 12/0612023 $6,000,00 471601-7-09 HAP PAYMENTS RENT - HEN 1BOB90DAF HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112023 $641.00 410E07E70 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2023 $1,262.00 22A8O0F3D HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2023 $800.00 7BAB2A4B3 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/0112023 $641.00 E37139BO80 HSN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/0V2023 $800,00 A585CARFI HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112023 $650.00 A27DD0130 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112023 $625.00 FD19E255B HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112023 $750.00 3Ci347377 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/0112023 $450.00 20A641;814 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/01/2023 $825,00 13998140F313 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/0112023 $550.00 135A3619AD HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2023 $800.00 8629766CA HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Ass.1stance 12101/2023 $760.00 9E6A977E8 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2023 $675.00 99CFE20F4 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112023 $350.00 0775DO3178 HEN Rent Assistance; HEN Rent Assistance 1210112023 $58.33 9776DG3F8 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112023 $800.00 DAD8CCF0G HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/01/2023 $400.00 4CBD53486 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/01/2023 $641.00 642299ID613 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112023 $775.00 D36857D0I HEN Rent Assistance,, HEN Rent Assistance 12/0112023 $500.00 1 BB817621 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/01/2023 $839.00 267IFF-2BE HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Aeslatance 12101/2023 $625.00 9B8FD6FB4 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12101/2023 $800-OD 3B763EBE0 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112023 $645.00 7FBA3A21C HEN Rent AsslBtance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112023 $850.00 FF4DE301E HEN Rent Assistance', HEN Rent Assistance 12/01/2023 $807.50 6EA898E46 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112023 $300,00 D3731 D014 HEN Rent Assistance,, HEN Rent Assistance 12/0112023 $700,00 463EI3001 9 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112023 $630.00 4665E3733 HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 1210112023 $600.00 427C2E35BF HEN Rent Assistance: HEN Rent Assistance 12/0112023 $700.00 471506-7-04 RENT DEPOSITS - CHG 382E36DI B Security Deposit: Security Deposit 73EF4B697 Security Deposit', Security Deposit A17723266 Security Deposit: Security Deposit AM32SE1 Security Deposit: Security Deposit 12105/2023 $300.00 12/0112023 $700.00 1210112023 $550.00 1210412023 $300.00 $IP850.00 471606-7-09 RENT DEPOSITS - HEN A27DI30130 HEM Security Deposit Payment,. HEN Security Deposit Payment 12/0612023 -9775D*G3FF—FEW 5-e-du*rTfD6—6§1(-Ra—ym-e-6t:"H'I:-N'-giFc-u-rry-D6�d-sirPayti -d-nf-- — 12/0112023 $2,125.00 MM www.hagc.net January 8, 2024 Ip 5111 IIIIIIII1111pi A* 0 sk 1139 LARSON BOULEVARD MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHONE, (509) 762-5541 FAX: (509) 762-2202 TOLL-FREE: (800) 747-9202 TTY: (8.00) 833-6388 Grant County Board of Commissioners P.0 0 . Box 37/35 C Street Ephrata, WA'98823 P I Wer this letter and alt I .ease consil coed documentatio.nt.he Housing Authority's claim for draw #6 for December, 2023, for the Consolidated Homeless Grant, I certify that: The information on. the A.-19 and supporting docom.e.htation for the C.onsolicla"ted Homeless Grant (CHC), contract # 24-46108-10, in the amount of $13-1,49 1 9.00, is a true and accurate report and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the CH G grant, Sincerely, Sheila K LaBelle Financial Director The Housing Authority of Grant County, Washington Is an equal opportunity provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, physical or mental disability,.or familial status. The Housing Authority of Grant County's policies and practices are designed to provide assurances that persons with disabilities will be given reasonable accommodation upon request, so that they may fully access and utilize the housing programs and related services. 5QUAL HOUSING If you are anyone in your family is a person with disabilities, and you require a specific accommodation in order to fully utilize our programs and services, please contact the Housing Authority. !OPPORTUNITY 6�v