HomeMy WebLinkAboutOut of State Travel Request - RenewGRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA, MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Renew .Anna Serrano REQUEST SUBMITTED BY,. CONTACT PE I RSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE. Dell Anders -on CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION* E]YES ONO DATE/6/24.: 2 PHONE0,509) 76.5-9230 Ext. 5353 ­_ .: 101 UM A!�MLitIN I I jimcku . ,04'ree-Men't Cdhtrkt QAP Vo.U.'dhe'rs, n, , en -, pappht-_ t ,rhen DAppp 'I tM t R:: i''ARPA U ReM ated.. 0 Bids:/'.RFP,s i Quotes Award EJ131d Openb Scheduled ng OR` d�,/Cb' t OR` mmi tees []Bud -t ge GComputer Related ElCounty-Code. ElFtnergency.purchase ClEmplo -Rel, yee ElFacilities Related E]Financi.al [] Fund , s OHearing .El Invoices Purchase Orders 136rants — Fed/State/County 01 -eases -DIVIOA / mou 0 Minutes D Ordinances R 0 1 ut of State Travel ElPetty Cash MPoficies [].Proclamations [JR,equestfo, PUrchose, Ifo, .[:]Resolution EIRecorn.mendlatibri, F-11°rofessi.onal:Serv/Cons'ul.ta.nt []Su pport Lotto []Surplus Re rp q. OTax Lev"ies []Thank Yours DTa'x:'Ti tfie: Property 0 SLOB OOutoar stafe travel:- for..BeihainY E scam R1 a - -to 5 V 1� t� 'atCOff I eren 5/4/24 1 . /24 AA I V a. ion cel Lis FIs N11, to: 3:27.23 I' 08t 0 'Funding Code '108 150,00,.9g0U.566.51.4917 DATE. OF ACTION: c;� DEFERRED ORCONTI[ UEDTO. APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN Eg D1: -ED D2. I 2/6/244 3:03 PM OUT of STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION Traveler's Name* Bethany Escarnilla Departure Date* 5/4/2024 g8 :o0 LAM ..j Dept/Committee* Renew Return Date* E012024 05:0Ill.-, 0 PM Grant County, WA Date of Request* Travel Type* 2/8/2024 Out of Stake Travel w Grant* FundlDept* Yes AR PA Destination (City, County,. State)* Purpose of Travel* Las Vegas, IAV American Association of Suicidology Conference x -J I Hotel - GSA Rate* $120.00 f Hotel Total* $'13217.73 4 Hotel - Nightly Rate* $154.00 Y• Conference Fee* $'1,149.00 Cost Application* Conference Rate V Daily MME at Destination* $69.00 le Rental Car Required IV7.! V Rental Car Cost per day* Explanation for Rate (required if hotel cost is greater than per diem, or government rate)* No GSA rate rooms, conference rate only. Air Carrier* Cost of Flight* Total trip cost (include all cost totals)* ------------------------------- Delta $300 $31327.23 l i lei ---------------- - - 41 Preparees Name* Preparees Title* Anna Serrano Accounting Technician f Preapproved by EC/DIS? * Yes Y haps:llwww.grantcountywa.govIFormCenterlPrint?formlD=80&Preview=YES&Save=Fare&savedProgresslD= 112 TRAINING. REQUEST TRAVEL REQUEST STAFF NAME: EMAIL ADDRESS: NAME OF TRAINING,�c�j��-�'�DATE: ep,. o,� hw%w'� cav4trukct'� LOI.CATIO.N.::TRAVEL PURPOSE: 1NkkA'Vqk' C���'�r%�i,L�- Nv LOCATED IN WA STATE? ❑Yes MNo DATES 0 F TRAI N I N G:, 515 -through5110 2,,) DEPARTING DATE & TIME:: ,��(�� �,,,�.�, RETURNING DATE &TIME: HOTEL NEEDED? M Yes ❑ No ��yQ�,�� ��;Yl� ��U�'�� " vtu/ 4.xo'�(;(fin�� AIRFARE .NEEDED? Yes [:]No FLIGHT PREFERENCES: kkL�� REGISTRATION, NEEDED? [Yes E]No WHO WILL BE IMPACTED BY THIS T.R.A.I. N I N G? ]EmployeeTeam Members El Other Agency Staff FlA1.1 Agency Staff WHAT WILL YOU BE ABLE TO BRING BACK TO THE AGENCY? (What can you then train your team:, other c en a teams, agencv leadership, and other groups. on?) ����'1� �;� tal�t.%���;Li;�, �U�i�Ns �,�; �n,�, %i�l '� �.e.�,i�1rV r11,► ���cc�.� � tUu�,�'�=ts rtsavrClA-, IU ij orl 61 A .4 1 1A VM/ N V1 0 0 t -w' T . COMILETE PLOYEE MANAGER -APPROVAL TO TAKE- PERSONAL CAR:: Manager initials MANAGER APPROVAL (CIRCLE ONE): YES, :Send form to Leadership for further approval NO,. Training is denied Manager initials ESTIMATED COST: Wc� Ott 0 LEADERSHIP APPROVAL (CIRLCE ONE): Q! NO 1, N ITALS Date 1/28/22