HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - New Hope DV/SA (002)GRANT COUNTY
(Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday)
PHONEA 764 o 8402.
. ............ .. .
Na tion, ai childreih�s for Pro t P iod ;aqe6 -jan"Dec 2024
Alliance.gram Iran er of . ement is.
.in the award amount of $45,850. Agreement #MOSEMA-P124.
�E� 41'4 7.�,?R�
�Agrieernent,/ Contract
O,Appoin'tment I Reappoint -men- t
OMPA. Related
0131dsl RFPs / Quotes Award
013id 00eining Scheduled
013oa'rds Coimm,ittbes
DComputer Related
OCounty Code:
0 Emergency :Purchase
nEmployee Rel I
Ofacililles Related
0 R nancial
DInvoices / Purchase Orders
n Grants, — Fed/State/County
DO ut of State Travel
11 Petty Cash
n Policies
0 Proclamations
0 Request for Purchase-ol
1:1 Res ution
nProfessional Ser v/C,o*s Itant,
n W
OSuppoil Letter
Osutpl.us Req.
Max, Levies
ElThan"k You' t
.[]Tax tit'le'Property
.. 0 WS . LCB
Re ssion fir„quest for perm” jSuzi.Fod.e to ele0 ically.sign.the
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. ............ .. .
Na tion, ai childreih�s for Pro t P iod ;aqe6 -jan"Dec 2024
Alliance.gram Iran er of . ement is.
.in the award amount of $45,850. Agreement #MOSEMA-P124.
�E� 41'4 7.�,?R�
The Force Behind
ChildreWs Advocacy;Centers
]a 0
Coo.peratiove Agreement between 2024 Award Recipient
and, National Ch..fldren's Alliance
This form is for National Children's Alliance (NCA) 202 -4 approved s bawardees 'al
u This is an offici
agreement between your agency and NCA, acknowledging -that your agency e . is th - :f funding
ency a,cc p, 0 w -ing
awarded byMCA through a -coo, rative:agreement with the ited On States Dep'aftme ht of justice
00j) and will follow all requirements and special conditions: below,. outli nedIn the Grant Award
Notification,, INCA Engage Grane teResource Page and Request for Proposals. B g and
acceptingthis award on , behalf of t the authorized recipient offic'ial ac - he recipient, z y signing
accepts all material
requ Irements of the award, and specifically adopts all such assurances or certification s. The, recipient
agrees tea comply with the financial and Iadmini strative requirements set rent edition in the cur 0 ' n of
the Department of Justice wants Financial Guide and 2 UX Part 200 U - if'
h orm Requirements
The recip''ientag,rees to cooperate with NCA and the Office of Justice Programs BOJP) , m. o nito, ri ng of
this award pursuant to ACA's and 00s guidelines,c special award
procedures, and spe _i,
conditions, and to coop t, fth'NCA (inct
era e wi udi.ng the grant rn'a, aget oi� thisawa d an of
n_ f r
d the Office
Chief Fn'anda�l Officer (CS CFO)) requests ted to.such - ' ohitoring, including requ.'ests related t
ang or site visits. The recipient adroes t -u.
o provide to NCA all doc M t, t,
en. alf.on necessary for NCA
to complete its monitoring tasks. Further, the recipient -agrees to abide bythe-deadlineszetbyNCA
'for providing the requested documents., Failure to cooperate with NCA's. Monitoring activities s.ma-y
result in p s
actions that affect the recipient's NCA awards, including,,
but not limited to: 11imo ing
additional special conditiion's on the award, withho'lldings an e,r res rict n
d/or oth - ons o therecipient's
access to award funds; designation of the reci 'ent as, a' OJ High Disk grantee; or termination of an
p D
National children's Alliance has elected to enter into aCooperative Agreement Ment r th r than a e M a grant
with the recipient. This .decision n- reflects the
of emou
tqO'I interestf the
recipient and
NCA in the operation
the Proi.ctawell a8 the antici
e. NCA will conduct a final review of all recipients' detailed budgets and Budget s proce Modifications
requests (SMRs) as part of the annual de -obligation process. This ss will take place by October
of the current grant cycle. The specific due date for the subm'issionbf the final BMR. will be established
during the first 'programmatic call for the grant period..
f* The red ieht agrees to ensure that key grante a e rs com:plot 11 NCA grantee We inars
p e st ff'rh mbe e a bi
and t ra specifi . C to the awarded grant type.
9. The recipient agrees to comply with additional Terris and Conditions, as, established by DOJ and
NCA Engage Grantee Resource Page.
h. If the award amount is equal or greater than $30,000, the recipient is required to report to NCA the
information underthe Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) as specified in
Appendix One,
L All recipients that expend $750,000 or more in Federal funds (from all sources including pass
through gQbawords)i.h their -fiscal yearate required to arrange forasinge,o..-ga,nizaticin-ie audit
conducted in accordance with the.;' s ofprovisbA �R ocipients are required to
Aan 9 monthsa- .after e
submit a electronic of ir
..,ronic_copy the.' auditloNCA, nolater t
rtkl recipi.ent'sfisi.calyear
end, If there are any audit tions with those charged with gpvernance and/or
*it communica
communicated internal controls identified i
n the audit, it must be `included with the.audit report..
Based on the -g ant performance, fi1
nancial'stabi ity of the recipient and other special
circumstances, NCA may require an audit to be submitted/conducted by -:any of the recipient entities
regardless of their budget size.
ki All recipients must permit NCA and auditors to have access to the records and financial statements
as necessary for the pass-through entity to meet thee
requirem nts of 2 C F.R. Part 200.
1. If a
rlpcipient of Program Improvement - Meeting Accred _ita ion Standards award with a focus on
Healt hthe recipient agrees to sbmit d
U e-iclentifle.d mental outco.me. data i znc
NCAtr-'ak as: d.esi'griated s.-ftware, platform to evaluate theimproveoutcomes d odt erS foe children..
. ,
m. If a Chapter Recipient, the recipient agrees to meet the participation ci p -tion req u i re m en s cif
GAP Analysis and QMS Projects,.
11. All Grantees must establish a Bill.corn vender a.cc punt with NCA to facilitate disbursement of grant
funds. After the 'Initial setup for e -payment within NCA'$' Billcom network, any further changes to bank
accounts roust be made by the grantee themselves in their B.111.com vendor account no later than 15
business days prior to the next established payment/report schedule.
.01 All recipients must comply with the DOJ special conditions as found on the NCA Engage Grantee
Resource Page
Special condition
14 (Determ-ina*ti -on of suitability to interact with participating minors) and special condit'0n 20
(Employment eligibility verification) .
i ation) are.included .in the NCA Pre Award Checklist..
National Children's Alliance Cooperative Agreement Page 2 of 8
p.1f NCA funds are to be used for any product or service in excess of $1. 0,000.00, at least three quotes
must be obtained to ensure that the selection -process is competitive. The 'procurement process is
outlined in DOJ Guide to Procurement Procedures, which is included as part of the Grantee Resource
Page on the NCA Engage Website (https://engage.nat'ional.childrensailiance.org). Consideration must
be given to ensure more economical, cost effective, and efficient ways to obtain or use common or
shared goods or services as well as assessment of available resources. Any charges for such
expenditures or requests -for sole source contracts are subjectto. prior approval by NCA and review of
the procurement documentation to ensure it meets DOJ guidelines. The procurement rn
i ere ent entity must
avoid "splitting" , of purchases car transact" circumvent the dollar threshold ldlimitation:s,
o circumv er'sh o
q,The recipient, and any subredplent ..subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all a,pplicable
requirements to -obtain specific advance approval pproval to:'use a noncompetitive approach i I n any
procurement contract that would exceed the Simplified Acquisition Threshold (currently, $250 000).
X I s
r. No recipient (or subrecipient, at any tier) may (in any procurement trans I discriminate e aqainst
any person or entity on the basis of such person or entity's status as an "associate of the federal,
.government" (or on the basis of such person or entity's -status as a parent, affiliate, or subsidiary of such
an associate), except as expressly set out 2 C.F.R. 200.319(a,) 'or as Specifically authorized by USDOJ.
The red f,
..-cl,ti..pient's monitoring responsibilities include monitoring of subrecipient compliance with this
s. If NCA funds are used to support any part o a revenue producing venture, such ch. 8 a training or
cOnfere-nce at which registration fees are. ch
aged revenues shall beconsidered program income. The
award recipient gill report any related program ., income to NCA within 30 days and submit. -a budget
modification request.showing how those revenueswillbe used to further the purpose of the approved
NCA grant. Revenues must be expended within the grant yearthat they were accrued.
t. Copyright; Data rights: The recipient acknowledges that OJP reserves a royalty -free, non-exclusive,
and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use, and authorize others to use (in whole,
or in part, Includingin connection with derivative works), far Federal purposes, (1.) any work subject to
copyright developed Under an award or subaward, (at any tier); �ancl, (2) any eights of copyright to which
a recipient or subrecipient (at any tier) purchases ownership hi wFederal support., "'Data" 'Includes :data
with -
as defined in Federal Acquisition Requla (Rights in Data -
tion (FAR) provision 52227,14 ta m't is
the responsibility. of the recipient (,bn..d, o f each sub ecipi
r i ent (at any tier)Jfp'Plicable) to ensure that the
provi,sions of this. condition are included, in any s'ubaward -('at any tier) :under this, a -ward. and to Obtain,
from s ubrecipients contractors, . and subcontr - ctors cif ani}all -to u
-.11a.11rightsanddatanecessary fulfill
recipient's obligation to the. Government under this award.,
u. All recipients must disclose, in a time I ly manner, in writing to NCA all violations of Federal -criminal
law involving fraud, bribery, or gratuity violations potentially affecting the Federal award. Per 2 CFR §
200.113, recipients that have received a Federal award the he term and condition for recipient
Integrity and Performance Matters are required, to report ort
ep - , c
ertain civil, criminal, or administrative
proceedings to SAM. Failure to make required disclosures may place the recipient in . bad standing
with NCA and may result in establishment of special conditions and/or forfeiture of grant funds or
other provisions. outlined in 2 CFR § 200.339.
v. All Recipients are subject,to the critical Incident Polityat NCA:and 'r d to
a 0
. are requi e. report any
uncovered embezzlement, theft of grant funds and active investigations for such casese n their
w.AlI Recipients of OJP grantsand cooperative
agreements (and any subrecipier ts at any tier) mutt
comply with, and are subjectto, all applicable provisions of 41 U.S.C. 4712, including all applicable
National Children's Alliance Cooperative Agreement Page 3 of 8
provisions that prohibit, under specified -circumstances, discrimination against an employee of an OOP
recipient by the OJP recipient as reprisal for the employee's disclosure of informati, on related to gross
mismanagement of a federal grant,a
federal , gross waste of federal funds, an abuse of authority relating to a
grant, a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or a violation ref law, rule, or
regulation related to a federal 9 ra nt.
Award Spec ificat ons
Or �tio Na:
ganIzat, n me
Grant Award Identification Num-ber (AIN)*:
Grant Award Type and Purpose*
Grant Award Period:
Catalog of Financial Domestic Assistance (CFDA)
#: Total Awarded Amount:
County of Grant
2024 .Program Improvement - National 8tandards
1/1/2024 12/31/2024
the undersigned, have 'oad '.nd understand he conditions outlined in. the award notification,, the
h, a t
Request for Proposals, NCA Engage Grantee Resource. Page,,, Grantee Guidelines and the conditions
below required fcar the receipt of grant funding from National Chitdren"s Alliance. By sigmng this
statement I am agreeing to comply with the requirements outlined in tho, grant award notifi ati-
no ton, the
Request for Proposals, NCA. Engage Grantee understand - f this
O.nt- Resource Rage, and herein. I U' stand the term, 0
,grant is as listed above and that all approved activities must oc(ur within that period.
0 1 certify that the recipient agency . is a member in good standing with National Children's Alliance. I
understand that remaining i : n- good standing is a requirement of receiving these funds. This
includes the timely submission of statistical reports as a condition of me m bership, in J . anuary and
0 1 agree to submit, on dead -line, all required progress/financial reports and performance
-d i the Grantee nt e
measures reports as require, n r ntee Tirneline, 1 t d
I oca e .0 h N:CA Engage Grantee
Resource Pago. 1,understand : that failure to sub.mit timely reports w, ill resu It
of funds
0 1 understand that
National Children's AlHaince can only reirnburse federally aIlo''' ble expenses that
fit within the. requirements of the NCA Engage Grantee Resource a _d as
Mage, NCA RFP, h
designated by the U.S. Dept, of Justice and under theOMB 2 UR 200 Qn"form Guidance..
Submissions that fall0 - utside these constraints . will ill be d"JS allowed. NCA may change its
.requirements regarding allowable expenses at any time to reflect changes in federally allowable
.costs or necessary updates to policies. Changes will be published on the NCA Engage Gran -tee
Resource Page.
0 1 understand that failure to show reasonable progress toward meeting the deliverables agreed
upon under this Cooperative Agreement and those outlined in the NCA Engage Grantee Resource
Page may result in additional special conditions from NCA and/or termination of the agreement.
# 1, understand that our organizat,ion, s need. to provide upon requestt.o the National Children's
Alliance NCA) and the Department of Justice -fiscal documentation
ce, (DOJ) additional
demonstrating the expenditures included in the grant reports such as:
1) Bank statements for'inge benefitsconsultant/contractors,
personnel, f , r travel, equipment.,
supplies, & other expenditures
2) ACH transactions for personnel expenditures; &
National Children's Alliance Cooperative Agreement Page 4 of 8
Required Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA)
Supple -mental Information
NCA is req - uired to report all awardees information listed below into the FFATA -Sublaward Reporting
System. (FSRS) for,awards greaterthan or equal to $30,000..
Awardee Required Info01
, . . rmat ion:
.1) Name of the Entity (Legal Name)
2) Amount, of the Award $45,850.00
3.) Award Title Description and Purpose 2024 Program Improvement - National Standards
4) Entity Identification Number
Entity Identification Number —:(if urider-an uinbrella organization,please list their information)
Unique Entity ID (SAM) Don't know yotic
(ex. UP - KWM, 2AKF9)
UB (Al )
L for more hiformati:on.
NCA is required to report Executi e C 0
tv ompensation f the awarde'e, if the entity in the preceding fiscal
yea r:
1 received 80 percent or more of its annual gross revenues from federal financial "assistance, and
2) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from federal finan'Lia * I assistance, and
3 the public does not have access to information aboutthe compensation a ion of the executives through
periodic reports filed (i.e. IRS tax return 990),
Executive, C+nmp'. e,ns aoon — ation, 4e;asell t k , A
(*f under an umbrella organl c S tbeir informatio
1z P
Di you receive 80 percent, or more 'of your annualFede I a and
gross revenues I in Federal w
$25,000,000 ormorye , in annual gross revenues frim Federal awards?
R�& Yes 4, 11youarle ire. -6 supp] pe's6tion.
U No If`''y to 2. if no, hot re dt executive corp n
y execu iv
2. Does the public have access to information about the compensation of the senior executives
through periodic reports filed (i.e., IRS Tax Re -turn 990)? YesNo
if "yes" you are not required to supply executive compensation, If "no" provide the executive compensation information below *t
Names and annual compensation amount of five most highly comvengated executives:
National Children's Alliance Cooperative Agreement Page 7 of 8
General Grantee Award Inforniation
National, Subgrants Program for Victims of Child Pornography
Recipient Name.: National Children's Alliance; Recipient ient UEI: KV,79V2J2AKF?.. Federal rd Project Title:
OJJDP FY2021 Victims of Child Abuse (VOCAL:
National Subgrants Program for Victims of Child
Pornography- Domestic Trafficking Victims Ffindsf FederalAward Identification Number (FAIN): 1,5PJDP-
21-C '-02760-DTVF, Federal Award Dat. � 911812023; Period of Performance Start and End Date from
101011202,3 to 0313112025; Total Amount- of Award: $2,000,000 FederalAwardP ' Description: The
VO CA Ch ildren "s Advo ' cacv Centers National Subgrants Program for Victims of Child Pornography
Domestic: 7Trafficking Victims Funds will provide funding for a national grant awards program expands"ng
access to Children's Advocacy Centers'resources and services for victims of child pornography and human
trafficking.- Name of Federal awarding agency,,, Department of Justice Office of J
ustice: Programs, Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; CFDA Number: 16.834, Identification of whether the award
is R&D., No.; NCA Indirect Cost Rate for the Federal Award: 16.48%.
National Military and CAC Partnership Program Award
Recipi(ent Name.- National Children's Alliance; Recipient Uth KV79'
V2J2AKF9; Federal Award Project Title.
N'ational Mill'to y r and A'Partnership
Program, Federal Award Identific ti n Number (FAIN): -21-
a, 0 r 15PJDP
GK -0276 1 - JJVO Federal Award Date: 911812023, Period of Performance and End Date: from
101011 '023 to 0313112025Tot I.Amount of Award: $1,000,000; Federal Award Project Description The.
project, wi, support a national program for CAC and military collaborations that provide a coordinated
response to child abuse.Name of Federal awarding agency." Department of 'Justice, Office of Justice
Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention CFDA Number 16,758; Identification of
whether the award is R&D: No - NCA Indirect Cost Rate for the Federal Award., 16.48%
National Subgrans Program. Award
Recipient Name.-, National Children'sAlliance; Recipient UEl: KV79V2J2AKF9; Federal Award Project
lit le:,QJJDP Victim s-, of Child Abuse (VOCA) Children's Advocacy Centers National Subara
nts Program -
Federal Award Identificati.on Number (FAIN): 1 SPJQPt2, 1 -GK -02'759 -VO, Federal Award
JJ - Date:.
911812023; Period of Performance Start and End Date: from 10/0 112023 to 0313112025- Total Amount
OfAward- $25,6 74,191 Federal Award Project Description: The VOCA Children's Advocacy Centers
National Subgrants Program will provide funding for a national grant awards program for local
children's advocacy center programs, state chapters, and multidisciplinary teams that provide a
coordinated investigation and response to child abuse, Name of Federal awarding agency. -
Department of Justice, Office of Justice"Programs
Officeof Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention; CFDA Number: 16.M; Identification of whether the award is R&D, No; NCA Indirect Cost
� I 1 0
Rate for the Federal Award: 16.48%.
NCA American Indian and Alaska Native Sub. ran Program
Recipient Name.- National Children"s Alliance; Recipient UEI: KV79V2J2AKF9; Federal Award Project Title..
National Children"s Alliance American Indian Alaska Native Subgrant Program; Federal Award Identification
Number (FAIN): 2020 -CI -FX` K037; Federal Award Date; 1012 212
- 020; Period of Performance Start and End
Date: from'October 1,2020 September 30, 2025; Total Amount of Award: $7,250,000; Federal Award
Project Description: to support the Office of Justice Program's goal of expand* Q CAC services to American
n - in,_
Indian tribal areas and Alaska Native villages to better meet theofc
needs hild victims and their families
living on tribal lands, Alaskan villages and more remote areas not easily accessible -to CACs currently;
Name of Federal awarding agency: Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention; NCA CFDA Number: 16.758; Identification of whether the award is
R&D: No; NCA Indirect Cost Rate for the Federal Award: 16,48%.
National Childrens Alliance Cooperative Agreement Page 8 of 8