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Grant Related - BOCC (004)
GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOCC REQUEST suBnnrr-rED BY: Karrie Stockton DATE: 1/24/2024 PHONE:ext. 2937 CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: Karrl@ Stockton CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: DYES ❑ NO DATE OF ACTION: � � � ?,q APP DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: ®Agreement / Contract E] Bids /RFPs /Quotes Award ❑AP Vouchers ❑Bid OpeningScheduled ❑A ointment / Rea pp ppointmenfi ❑ABPA Related ❑ Computer Related ❑Facilities ❑ County Code ❑Boards /Committees ❑ Emer enc Purchase g y ❑Budget ❑Employee Rel. Related ElInvoices / Purchase Orders ❑ Financial ®Grants — Fed/State/County ❑ Funds ❑ Leases ❑ Hearin 9 ❑Minutes ❑Policies []Ordinances ❑Out of State Travel ❑MOA / MOU []PettCash y ❑ Recommendation ❑Proclamations ❑ Professional Sery/Consultant ❑ Request for Purchase ❑ Su ort Letter pp ❑ Resolution ❑Tax Levies ❑Thank You's ❑Tax Title Property ❑Surplus Req. ❑WSLCB a • EMIRA 11, Amendment A for Contract Number 24-46108-10 Consolidate Homeless Grant (CH G-) to add unspent 2023 CHG evictionrevention f ' p funds In the amount of $706,876.00 DATE OF ACTION: � � � ?,q APP DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: ON :paj!nbalj:tuawpuawV ZuejE) %I :PaACW WelD JO ZUa3Jgd aA.r4elnwn:) oo*ozlrEz$ :PaAOW:tunowV gAtZelnwn:) —wo7o—zEIEZ$ :UOMIAaH q4j PBAOIN zunotuv lezoj_ oo*gttlzgolz$ ::tunouiv juejE) leZo.L :p2pnq MON a2ueq:) :Pgpne auaiin:) SZoz 'oE aunt- Fzoz "L Ainr ja2pn8 '118W313B3U0:) :atueN:Pezuoz) 01-8019"Z :jaqwnN luejg Aiuno:) juejE) :aWEN A3uagV buv]-PII-145ul WJ0:1 UOISIABM ja2pnjg E)(IS/E)H:) W M` LLQ uu U} 00-609-IL5 00-609,Tf$ 00'0$ 00*609'TL$ -do-zvvolls V4, &JI oo,zt,z,oll$ 00-ys xg,". U6 szo oo-zoz,olT$ 00,0S Oo*ztzloil$ 00*0$ 00*0$ 00% 1p PSMA N3H 00 0$00'0$ 00*0$ 's zon14usV PIJS SN N3H oz (%f Pao—lou Aew) ulwpV of pa–i–;P'Ip—nq 1101AIC3# 00-0$ 00.0$ 00%89P SZ0zMWPV 8ZPIJG,S:)J'N3H " A N3H,, Papa-3-7xa sr d— W -PD ay; P ly- molaq/la-7 afIL 00.0$ 00-0$ 00*0$ 00% -60 �05 00-05 Lm, (%f Paa-azou kewFUILUPV of p.-Iogpnq 10/AICIN 00-0$ 00-0$ 00'0$ _'mmm 64 apaa3xa S�f no uIWPD aqjj! Pai urn; jym molaq 11a.7 aril m 66 00019a$ 00-70--001SLI$ suol3eiedo UOIIUDAaJd uOPIA3 00.6LL'SO9$ 00.0$ 00'6L/'S09$ W OU U013UOAald U0113IA3 UOIIUaAsJd WM P 00-000,5$ -60 ovo�-- 00'000'5$s UIWPV UOIIUOAgld U0140IA3 000105$ 00% oo*000'os$ SZ0ZlY0lleJGCIo:N3H 00-S6E'E4T$ 00'0$ OO'StE'ELT$ SZoZjjoddnS3e:j/4ua)J:N3H . Szoz MS N3H a:jou ew) ulwpV of paza2pnq %Z 00.000,s$ 55.0$ 00-000,5$ SZOZ UIWPV,:N3H, apaa.-jxa sl no u.iWPD ay; P pai ujnjmolaq lla3 aril 00.0007t,$ oo-000,s$- oo*000'os$ t'Zoz Suollejaclo-OH D0-5t6'DST$ oo-000,TT$ tZOZ:poadnS oL-_q/luau N3H tZoZ AjS N3H D:tou AEWJ u!LupV of paqazpnq %I 00-000'Z5 -60-70—o0as- Toro—oo's$ VZOZ ulwPV N3H �Paa3xa sl dD-1 uILUPP a—YITI P—aj ujnj 111m molaq 11a.7 aEU 00-0$ 00.0$ 00'0$ HSd 00-0$ '5070— 005 'yp dnS oej S Wo 00.0oo.s6T$ oo-OZE.zz$ GO'O$ oo-OZEzl$ 00-000'S6i$ -60 00010-1$ ... t ;: "T, 1. . 0 a M -n, 17� MR gm (%Sl poaaxa 4ou Aew) LqwpV ol palaNpnq %9 1 00 -oiig.gzs 36 'OZE,9$- ;aa-lxa si dD.7 LywpD ay; fj pay urn; 111m molaq Ila:) aql :p2pnq MON a2ueq:) :Pgpne auaiin:) SZoz 'oE aunt- Fzoz "L Ainr ja2pn8 '118W313B3U0:) :atueN:Pezuoz) 01-8019"Z :jaqwnN luejg Aiuno:) juejE) :aWEN A3uagV buv]-PII-145ul WJ0:1 UOISIABM ja2pnjg E)(IS/E)H:)