HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCGRANT COUNTY
(Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday)
DATE: 01 /23/24
PHONE: 292'8
ElAgreement Contract
F-1AP Vouchers
ElAppointment Reappointment
EIARPA Related
El Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award
E]Bid Opening Scheduled
[--]Boards / Committees
F-1 Budget
OComputer Related
E]County Code
E]Emergency Purchase
DEmployee Rel.
F Facilities Related
F Financial
1:1 Hearing
El Invoices / Purchase Orders
F Grants — Fed/State/County
El Leases
El Ordinances
El Out of State Travel
R Petty Cash
El Proclamations
El Request for Purchase
El Resolution
0 Recommendation
❑ Professional Serv/Consultant
ElSupport Letter
E]Surplus Req.
E]Tax Levies
F]Thank You's
E]Tax Title Property
'70 777W�,
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Commissioner Approval of the 1/15/24 Minutes.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of January 15,, 2024
No Meetings Scheduled
Signed this �KI day o .2024
Barba /alVasque4ymic'
Ie rI of the Board
Grant , '4nty, Was gto
Cindy, Carter, hair
Danny E. tone, Vice -Chair
Rob Jones, Member
Public meetings were held in person with a WEBER Conference Call/Video option available.
Office Closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
11:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. R Jones conference call w/ S Van Osten re: Homeless Task Force /
Coordinated Entry
The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:17 a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance.
8:15 a.m. — 8:30 a.m. Z Kennedy, Legislative Update
• Legislative Bills were discussed specifically bills regarding Climate Control (Bill 1589), Law
Enforcement, and Bills 5987, 2094, and 2095 (Collect unused gift cards).
8:30 a.m. — 8:55 a.m. K McCrae, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update
• Rebekah Kaylor was also in attendance. Rebekah discussed the contract (insurance) process and
confirmed that all questions for now regarding the insurance clause in contracts will be
forwarded to Kirk in HR.
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) Commissioner Carter called an Executive Session to order at 8:31
a.m. to go until 8:41 a.m. regarding Litigation. In attendance were Commissioners Carter, Jones and
Stone, Kevin McCrae and Rebekah Kaylor, Prosecuting Attorney's Office. Commissioner Carter
closed the session at 8:41 a.m.
9:00 a.m. — 9:25 a.m. S Palacios, Juvenile Court, and Youth Services Update
• Financial
• Intakes
• Courts
o Offender/Diversion
o Truancy
o Dependency
• Chelan County
• Administration
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of January 15, 2024
• Needs of the Department — Courtroom Security was discussed. Commissioner Carter proposed
talking with Tom Gaines to utilize e* the security guards to wand as needed for court until
decisions can be made in the upcoming Courtroom Security meeting.
9:30 a. m. — 9:55 a. m. E Pederson, Quincy Adult Recreational HOA Discussion
In attendance was Development Services, Ron Cridlebaugh of the HOA, and the Assessor's
Office. Mr. Cridlebaugh provided an overview of the situation happening with the Quincy Adult
Recreational HOA and ongoing issues regarding plats and the Assessors Office. Matt u„r,e of
AssessB F'50:9*ee will leekinte an RGW that would allew the Assess9F tO Fee= Feate the pkat as
10:00 p.m. —10:55 a.m. Commissioners Round Table — Miscellaneous Discussion
• Review of Consent Agenda Items
o Central Services Item 8 — asked about the roundabout at the new jail intersection.
o PW Items 10 and 11— Did PAO review? Sam Castro stated he was out of the office and
these were forwarded to consent without PAO review. He is ok with holding these
items to have PAO review.
o Renew item 14 — Request for Zoom licenses, use this to connect with their clients. They
also use Teams. This was not run through Technology Services and is not supported.
Should have been run through them first. Will hold until next week so they can discuss
this purchase. The state previously paid for this, now the organization will have to.
(After further discussion with Technology Services, this item will be approved at the
2pm meeting)
o Renew item 12 — email from concerned citizen related to the cost of $30,000. Dell
Anderson stated this training is something he will be bringing back to the
organization. This would benefit the 140 employees within Renew.
o Sheriff's item 15 — email from concerned citizen related to the costs associated with
• Commissioner District Updates
o DS — District 1 Update: Health Board meeting discussed the TB program. There was a
presentation at the meeting to share with Commissioner Jones at a future
meeting. May not attend the LSC meeting in person due to the upcoming storm
o RJ — District 2 Update: MACC is moving forward with the cell tower for the Gorge
Amphitheater. The Sheriff's Office received a grant to also move forward with
it. Spokane Home Builders meeting. Met with Sandra Van Osten re: Coordinated Entry
for Homelessness. Who is going to manage it now that Janice is gone? 5 -year plan to
end homelessness is due in December. Potential April roundtable of the Homeless Task
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of January 15, 2024
o CC — District 3 Update: Lots of snow in this district. Upcoming meeting with Live Nation
to discuss concert issues. Sam Castro discussed his recent conversation with Rep Dent
relating to a helipad being placed at the Amphitheater. This should be discussed with
this stakeholder group. Potentially use the old George transfer station for this helipad.
• Department Head Luncheon Topics - Sam Castro suggested staff investigations and the role of
HR/Department Head. Disciplinary procedures should be consistent and have a unified
process. He feels the county should utilize a 3rd party entity running this process. Commissioner
Carter will work with HR.
11:00 a.m. —11:25 a.m. S Heston, Trask Insurance / WCRG Insurance Update
Open claims reviewed. Sheriff's Office accidents discussed briefly. Meeting concluded at 11:16
a. m.
11:30 a.m. —11:55 a.m. B Vasquez, Clerk of the Board Update
• Pending Decisions Spreadsheet
o Coordinated Entry — Remove Notes - Due date TBD
o Decision on Risk Coordinator — Remove due to HR currently handling
o Assessment on animal rescue - Remove
• Sister City Youth Exchange — Follow up (School/GC)
o To meet with Rob and Hochstetter after a date/time is determined
12:00 p.m. —1:00 p.m. MLIRD Swearing -In of Joe Ketterer
12:00 p.m. —12:55 p.m. R Jones, Position Management Review Team Meeting
1:00 p.m. —1:55 p.m. S Castro, Public Works Update
• AHS Drumheller Road Contract, Services with Eastern Washington University (Dave) — removed
from 1/16/24 consent agenda. Mr. Castro will give to the Prosecuting Attorney's Office for
• Dairy Activities on County Roads (Sam) — outside of Warden, manure and mud are being driven
onto county roads.
• Helipad for the Gorge Amphitheater (Sam) —they did not apply for a grant. He recommends the
George transfer station.
• Supplemental Agreement No. 5, Nicholls Kovich Engineering, PLLC (Sam) — water will be ran
under this bridge within 60 days. Dave Bren, County Engineer, will be signing contracts for this
bridge replacement project.
• Drumheller project — a request for funding will be forthcoming.
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), Commissioner Carter called an Executive Session to order at
1:02 p.m. to go until 1:05 p.m. regarding Litigation. In attendance were Commissioners Carter,
Stone and Jones, Sam Castro, Andy Booth, Dave Bren, Public Works; Kirk Eslinger, Human
Resources; and Rebekah Kaylor, Prosecuting Attorney's Office. Commissioner Carter closed the
session at 1:05 p.m.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of January 15, 2024
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(f), Commissioner Carter called an Executive Session to order at
1:06 p.m. to go until 1:16 p p.m. regarding Personnel Disciplinary Matters. In attendance were
Commissioners Stone and Jones, Sam Castro, Andy Booth, Dave Bren, Public Works; Kirk
Eslinger, Human Resources. The session was continued to 1:22 p.m. Commissioner Carter
closed the session at 1:22 p.m.
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(x), Commissioner Carter called an Executive Session to order at
1:23 p.m. to go until 1:28 p.m. regarding Negotiations. In attendance were Commissioners
Carter, Stone and Jones, Kirk Eslinger, Human Resources, and Sam Castro, Andy Booth, and Dave
Bren, Public Works. The session was continued to 1:34 p.m. Commissioner Carter closed the
session at 1:34 p.m.
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(f), Commissioner Carter called an Executive Session to order at
1:36 p.m. to go until 1:41 p.m. regarding Personnel Disciplinary Matters. In attendance were
Commissioners Carter, Stone and Jones, Kirk Eslinger, Human Resources, Sam Castro, Andy
Booth, and Dave Bren, Public Works. Commissioner Carter closed the session at 1:41 p.m.
2:00 p.m. — 2:55 p.m. Commissioner's Meeting
• Call to order
• Open Forum for Citizen Input (3 minutes per person, 15 -minute time limit)
o 2 Emails from Jerome Sheriff will reply directly to Jerome relating to his Sheriff email.
• Approval of Agenda A motion was made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner
Jones, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
• Correspondence (i.e. Emails that have come in that need response, letters of support etc.) None
• Commissioners Roundtable — Miscellaneous Discussion
o DS: Port of Moses Lake Tax Increment Finance (TIF) District Area map, he suggests
another meeting with the Assessor's Office. The City of Moses Lake is also considering
implementing a Tax Increment Area. Brittany to schedule meeting w/
o Renew Training was discussed.
o Renew Zoom licenses — Tom Gaines and Technology Services is ok with the purchase.
o Tom Gaines discussed the roundabout at the intersection of the new jail. He had a
conversation with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for a
traffic mitigation plan. He also discussed the new morgue and the potential to schedule
a meeting with Representative Tom Dent, Craig Morrison, Coroner, and the BOCC.
• Consent Agenda — (Items 1 through 17) All items are considered routine and will be.enacted by
one motion of the commissioners with no separate discussion. If a separate discussion is
desired, that item may be removed and placed under Board Discussion/Decision. A motion was
made by Commissioner Stone to approve items 1-9, and 14-17, holding items 10 and 11 until
the 1/23/24 consent agenda, and holding items 12 and 13 until 1/30/24 consent agenda.
Commissioner Jones seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of January 15, 2024
1. Payment of vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those
expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090,
as recorded on a listing, and made available to the Board. (In the amount of $695,935.31)
2. Approval of December 25, 2023, and January 01, 2024, Commissioners Minutes.
3. Reimbursement request from Fire District No. 12 in the amount of $ 34,120.49 from their
approved American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding to put towards the purchase of wheels,
tires, and the purchase of a new fire truck from J. Stout Auctions.
4. Reimbursement request from Big Bend Community College in the amount of $20,137.32 from
their previously approved American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding to put towards the remodel
of the nursing lab ($12,922.59) as well as expansion of their healthcare lab (7,214.73).
5. Reimbursement request from New Hope on the Department of Commerce Federal Interagency
Agreement, Emergency Housing Fund (EHF) Grant No. 24-4619D-106 in the amount of $3,831.90
for November 2023 expenses.
6. Reimbursement request from the City of Moses Lake on the Department of Commerce
Emergency Housing Fund (EHF) Grant No. 24-4619D-106 in the amount of $63,953.35 for
September 2023 expenses.
7. Letter to the Association of Grant County Cities and Towns regarding Development Services,
Planned Growth Committee, and Coordinated Water System Plan.
8. Amendment GMP NO. 2 to the AIA -313 contract with Lydig Construction. The amendment
includes clearing, leveling, and adding infrastructure to the new Jail Site. The total cost of the
work being performed is $2,932,109.00.
9. Master Professional Services Agreement with Deckard Technologies, Inc. in the amount of
$21,750.00 to provide a short-term rental platform to manage the transient rental program. This
was approved in their 2024 budget.
10. Agreement for Services with Eastern Washington University for cultural resources survey for the
Drumheller Road project to be performed by Archaeological and Historical Services (AHS) as
outlined in the agreement. The term of the agreement is January 3, 2024, through June 30,
2024, in the amount of $14,588.58. (Held until 1/23/24 Consent Agenda)
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of January 15, 2024
11. Washington State Department of Transportation Supplemental Agreement Number 5 with Grant
County and Nicholls Kovich Engineering, PLLC to provide on-call engineering support. Terms
have been amended to add a new completion date of December 31, 2024, and increase the
maximum payable amount to $202,754.59. (Held until 1/23/24 Consent Agenda) (It was later
decided by PW to hold until the 1/30/24 consent agenda)
12. Baldrige Fellows Program Tuition request in the amount of $30,000.00 for Dell Anderson to
participate in the 2024 Baldrige Executive Fellows Program. The total price covers lodging and
meals. (Held until 1/30/24 Consent Agenda)
13. Out -of -State travel request for Dell Anderson to attend (3) different sessions of the Baldrige
Fellows Program. The first date of travel would be April 7-10,2024, to National Harbor, MD. The
second date of travel would be May 15-16, 2024, to Towson, MD. The third date of travel would
be September 17-18 to Kansas City, Mo. The total cost of travel is $1,891.00. (Held until 1/30/24
Consent Agenda)
14. Request to purchase 90 Zoom licenses (HIPPA Compliant Business Plan), in the amount of
$15,750.00 plus taxes.
15. Out -of -State travel request for Ricardo Char, Luis Jimenez, Zane Bundy, and Nick Steward to
travel to Birmingham, AL., to select a K-9. Travelers will be staying in Birmingham February 20-
22, 2024, and will then travel to Nashville, TN., and fly home February 24, 2024. The total cost
for all travelers is $7,450.00.
16. Resolution No. 24 -005 -CC to adopt the Grant County Multi -Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
Update for 2023-2028 as approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
17. Purchase Order No. 512 From Leno in the amount of $27,629.10 to purchase (3) ThinkStation PX
Workstation computers with (5) year Premier Support Upgrade. This is a budget QUAD expense.
• Board Discussion/Decisions Items (Items to discuss and items that were removed from the
Consent Agenda. These items will be acted upon together)
• Adjournment
3:00 p.m. — 3:55 p.m. R Jones, Sand Scorpions ORV Discussion (Rescheduled to 1/18/24 at
1:00 p.m.)
3:15 p.m. — 4:15 p.m. R Jones at Tommer Construction (Hwy 28, Ephrata)
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of January 15, 2024
The session was continued to 8:30 a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance. Commissioner Carter
attended via Webex until 8:38 a.m'.
7:00 a.m. — 8:00 a.m. R Jones, Grant County EDC Board Meeting (ATEC Building BBCC)
8:30 a.m. — 8:55 a.m. J Kriete, Sheriff's Office Update
• They are looking to get a new camera system for Grant County in order to search databases.
• Update on current cases.
• The Sheriff thanked the Commissioners for new firearms and body cameras that were approved
in the budget.
• The passing of the Mattawa Police Chief was discussed and how the Sheriff's Office can assist.
• The K-9 program was discussed.
9:00 a.m. — 9:30 a.m. C Carter, WCRG Fiscal Committee Call (Did not attend)
9:30 a.m. —10:55 a.m. J McKiernan, Fairgrounds Long Term Planning Meeting Commissioner
Jones attended at 9:36 a.m.
Jim McKiernan and Tom Gaines discussed the Grant County Fairgrounds and future plans for the
11:00 a.m. —11:55 a.m. R Jones, Animal Shelter Project Discussion
1:00 P.M. -1:55 P.M. Grant County Organizational Change Meeting
The Commissioners relayed to the EO/DH in attendance that Kirk Eslinger is now the
Administrative Director of Organizational Services, Tom Gaines is Administrative Director of
Central Services, but with further duties. They will be taking on a "Hybrid County Administrator"
roles relating to Policy Updates, Administrative Functions (Grants/Finance).
Tom Gaines will take on the roll as a Project Manager, and will have delegated authority in
assigned areas.
A new Human Resources Director will be hired and will report to Kirk until further notice.
A salary survey committee may be put together and hire an outside company to manage.
Risk Management / Insurance will be placed on Kirk for now until a process can be figured out.
Suzi Fode: Asked where the 2 new positions fall in the organizational chart? She also asked
about grants/financial oversight. That will continue to be handled within the departments.
Visibility and Goals of the BOCC should be transparent. Communication is key!
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of January 15, 2024
2:00 p.m. — 3:25 p.m. K Eslinger, Human Resources Update
In attendance: Kirk Eslinger, Decorah Anderson -Cook, and Gina Saldana.
01. Internal Investigations
a. Comments at Roundtable
FYI Only
No Action Taken —InformationalOnly.
b. Training at EO -DH Lunch
FYI Only
No Action Taken —InformationalOnly.
02. Negotiations Update
a. Treasurer's Office
Labor Relations
FYI Only
No Action Taken —InformationalOnly.
b. Menke Jackson
Labor Relations
FYI Only
No Action Taken —InformationalOnly.
03. Benefits Correction
FYI Only
No Action Taken — Informational
04. Sick Leave Donation
FYI Only
No Action Taken —InformationalOnly.
05. PMRT
a. EO -DH Lunch Training
Position Management
Board Direction Given.
Board Approved Position
b. Deputy Clerk (3)
Position Management
Management Action — One
Position at This Time.
c. Jorgensen Retention
Position Management
Board Deferred Item to Next
Update Meeting.
d. Wash Retention
Position Management
Board Deferred Item to Next
Update Meeting.
e. Community Court Spec
Position Management
Board Approved Position
Management Action.
Board Approved Position
Management Action — Dependent
f. Financial Support Spec
Position Management
Upon Director Working with Chief
Accountant to Document
Available Funds.
g. Pending Positions
Position Management
Corrections RN
Prosecutor ($10k)
2nd Investigator
Peer Support
Sheriff Corporal
Position Management
FYI Only
No Action Taken — Informational
Deputy Sheriff
Patrol Deputy 2
Corrections Officer 2
2 Step Incr Fairgrounds
Reclass Mtnc 3 to 4
Maintenance 2
Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) Commissioner Carter called an Executive Session to order at 3:05 p.m.
to go until 3:15 p.m. regarding Job Applicant/Evaluation. In attendance were Commissioners Carter,
Stone and Jones, Kirk Eslinger, Gina Saldana and Decorah Anderson, Human Resources. The session was
continued to 3:20 p.m. Commissioner Carter closed the session at 3:20 p.m.
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of January 15, 2024
6:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. D Stone, Legislative Steering Committee Roundtable (Attended
The Commissioners approved and signed the Public Works County Payroll Salary Fund for their January
12, 2024 payroll.
The Commissioners approved a Sick Leave Donation Request for an employee of Public Works (#24-01)
for up to 200 hours.
8:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. D Stone, Legislative Steering Committee (Attended remotely)
8:00 a.m. —10:00 p.m. R Jones, CBSWC Board
10:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (BOE) MEETING
10:30 a.m. —12:30 p.m. R Jones, CBSWC Stakeholder Meeting
1:00 P.M. —1:55 P.M. R Jones, Sand Scorpions ORV Discussion
6:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. C Carter, Grant Transit Authority Board Meeting (Moses Lake Facility