HomeMy WebLinkAboutOut of State Travel Request - RenewGRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AG ' ENDA ME.ETING REQUEST FORM (Mutt be submitted to the Clerk. of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) Renew I- Theraistsp REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: DATE41/18/24 Anna Serrano (509) 765-9239 Ext, 5353 REQUEST SUBMITTED BY., PHONE: l CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING. RO U NDTABLE.DelAnderson , CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ..4 OYES W NO UN IN LU 4 M I i F-1111 M :1 a- DAgr emeht/cofttract CIAP Vbuchers OAppOintment Reappointment OARPA Related 013ids [RFPs Quotes Award 013.1d Openi ng SchOdulod' 'ElBoairds Committees Li'sud'9 et OComputer Related County Code OEmergency Purchase nEmployee Rel, nFacilitie8 Related 1771 Financial 0 Hearing 1:1 Invoices I Purchase Orders 0 Grants Fed/State/County 01 -eases MMOA M, OU DMinutes 00rdinances i9out of State Travel 0 1 Petty Cash 0 Policies MProclamations 0 Request for Purchase 0 Resolution D.Recommendation ClProfessional Serv/Consultant OSupport Letter []Surplus Req nTax Levies DT.halnk You's OTax Title Property nWSLC'B [A= *3 9 A CUM Out of state travel for Juan Padilla 3/24/24.- 3/27/24, 2.024 Behavioral H ealth Management SuMmit, Conference in Las Vegas, .NV -.-Total Cost $ 3130.50 DATE OF ACTION:— DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D 1 1: D2: D3: 1 1118/24,11:18 AM OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION Traveler's Name* Juan Padilla Dept/Committee* Therapists ....... .... . -- 0— Grant County, WA Date of Request* Travel Type* 118/2024 Out of State Travel Departure Date* Return Date* Grant* Fund/Dept* MAMA Lw/2412024 3/27/2024 No Therapists :0t} AM 6:00 P Destination (City, County, State)* Purpose of Travel* Las Vegas, NV 2024 Behavioral Health Management Summit Hotel - GSA Rate* Hotel - Nightly Rate* Cost Application* Rental Car Required .......... $152 $236 Conference Rate No Hotel Total* Conference Fee* Daily MW at Destination* Rental Car Cost per day* $950 $1495 $69 $0 lee Explanation for Rate (required if hotel cost is greater than per diem, or government rate)* No GSA rate rooms avallablb, only conference rate rooms available, Air Carrier* Cost of Flight* Total trip cost (include all cost totals)* Delta $300 $31130.50 Preparer's Name* Preparer's T11tle* Anna Serrano Accounting Technician Preapproved by EO/DH?* Use of travel card to fill a rental vehicle gas tank prior to Its return Is Yes recommended. LTA" V https:llwww.graritcountywa.gov/FormCenterlPrint?formlD=86&Preview=YES&Save=False&savedProgressID-8 1/1 ❑f TRAINING REQUEST STAFF NAME: Juan Padilla NAME OF TRAINING: 2024 Behavioral Health Mjj LOCATION: Las Vegas Nevada a -da LOCATED )N-WA.STATE? MYes [:]No DATES CSF TRAINING: 3/25/24rQug th h 3/28/24 DEPARTING DATE &.TIME: 3/24/24 Sam TRAVEL REQUEST DATE 1/16/2024 TRAVEL PURPOSE: RECEIVED JAN 1 7 2024 RENEW RETURNING DATE & TI M E -3/217/24 8arn HOTEL NEEDED?[ZlYes [:]No AIRFARE NEEDED? ✓[] Yes []No FLIGHT PREFERENCES... Any REGISTRATION. NEEDED? Yes DNa WHO WILL B1! IMPACTED BY THIS TRAINING? QEmployee E] Team Members ❑Other Agency Staff MAII Agency Staff WHAT WILL YOU BE ABLE TO BRING BACK, TO THE AGENCY? (What can you then train your team, other teams, ..agency leadership, and other groups on?) Attending will help with learning in what direction 'BH 'I's going and its advancements. NOT TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE MANAGER APPROVAL TO TAKE PERSONAL CAR: Managerinitials MANAGER APPROVAL (CIRCLE ONE): ESSend form to Leadership for further approval NO, Training is denied Manager initials]'13 ESTIMATED COST: LEADERSHIP APPROVAL (CIRLCE ONES: YE NO I N ITALS Date I 'Y -7- 1/28/22 1/17/24, 2:35 PM 20.24'Behavioral He.alth Management Summit. - BRI Network Network Select Page .2024 Behavioral Health Mara; ement Summit Media Partner r Medheaffh Outiodik 5xMito—r, 2024 Behavioral Health Manage -m- ent Summit, March 25-26, 2024 * Aria Resort & Casino * Las Vegas, NV Registrer No\,\j EReCjUest Bt-aCITUr-e 2024 Behavioral Health Management Sun-imit Jr% u67 Uo 3 6% This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt -out if you wish. Read More https://brinetworlc.com/2024-behavioral-health-management-s.ummit/ 1/12 1/17/24,2:35 PM 2024 Behavioral Health Management Summit - Q.R.1 Network together caused enormous strain on the mental and behavioral health of people across the country-. There have been spikes in ankiety, depression, and other behavloral.healLh issues as people navigate these complexities, intens lf Jh&the n'eed. for access to treatment. Today's challenges have made clear the need for players across the behavioral health landscapp—including but not limited to healthcare prov dOrs, both private e a . nd public insurers, government policyrnakers,and employ* ers—toinnovate. to better serve the: behavioral health needs of people across the country. This conference will explore how doing so could not only address a pressing -social challenge but also improve healthcare outcomes; reduce healthcare costs; and create a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce. Who Should Attend? 4) Agenda Cbnfi�rence A' hd ,. Day ane. - Monday, March 25, 2024 7:15am - &.00AM Conference Registration & Networkin areakfast 9:00a. m- - 81.1sam Chairperson's opening Remarks 8:1 Sam - .9:00am Strategies to Address Behavioral Health Workforce.Shorta ges Nearly half of all Americans will have a behavioral health issue in their lifetime, from amood disorder to a substance use problem. B.Phav I loral healthcare encompasses a wide varioty of Interventions delivoredby many different types of providers.'In the U.S,, nearl' all theteprov-iders:�r�!in!�hdrtt-upply The'r Y scarcity t of behavioral .health fessionals is.undermining people's.abllkyto�get timely, care-, This is reinfo . ed by historical underinvestment in behavioral. pro.-- he-Wth care oy public insurance prgr ms'(Ilke Medicaid ndM dicarL private nsurersi and emplqyers -- including lack of coverage and. low reimb,ursd t rates. In 2Q21 fewer half of pe'- pte* with a mental illness were fe-'able to Ocde-S'S' Cim' ely c�ir-�; thos� with substanice disorders were even ven lesslike* Some &rqupsare Ois roportionately 1mpacted by.woTk(p p4.shortages. To better understand these shorts is session will- examine. who �ge makes upthe. behavloril 'hea' Ithw orikforde and the, challen'ges- they f6ce in n , providing care t 6 u -"Ade: rserved communities. Karen 'L. Fortuna, PhD, LICSW Assistant -Professor -of Psychiatry Gelse-1 School. of Medicine at Partmouth Research Health, Scientist Speciali st VA White Riverjuniction Healthcare System -9:00am - 9.45am organizational Design for Population Behavioral HeAh: Theory and Real World Applications ions This Session y4ill showcase the. potenda(of digital solutions in tackling prestiqg.k ehavi6ral heoldicam, c4ailenge!0ricluding, access; affordability, and eqUily.*. (see tf to *Inning of our -,UC Tech video,) The talk W- lit stress the ImI56'ratlVe rale of Enterprise Architecture in 6rMaW1z6ti6ns�-a'l ming to itnplem�nt, scale and sustain digital health tools, addressing the ,digital. health's high foilure rates (7.0-95% The discussion will also explore a specific type of Enb�rp'ise Architecture-, called Djgltal.Ou�ine.s Desi i r s De gn, and its essential or ga�izational caabilities.in more. detail. Those are known as'the "We building' blocks of digital trah . sf6rm atidn, Rachel Linonis, IVIS Director, Digital Solutions, UCLA Division of Population Behavioral Health UCLA Health System 9:45am - 10:15am Networking & Refreshments Break 100.15AM -11 00am Schooll-Based Mental and Behavioral Health Mentally healthy children are more successful In school and life. Research derno"ristrates that students who receive social-er6otional and mental and behavioral health support achieve betteracadernically, School climate, classroom behavior, engagement in learning, and students'sense GF-connectedhess and well-being all Improve en not simply the ab' prove as well, Mental health Is: absence of,metital Illness but also encompasses wellness promotion; social, emotional, and behavioral health; and the_abilltytbcopewith life's challenges. n L eft -uhrbet, mental health problerris are linked to costly* negative outcomes such as ,academic and behavior problems, dropping out, and delinquency, Mental and behavioral health problems, not only affect students' -short-term classroot engagement, but also interfere with long-term.develo,pmen.t of positive relationships and work-related skills.. This session Will explore the landscape of mental and behavioral health services In schools, barriers to offering services, and how recent policies facilitate the expansion of schoo.1-based mental and behavioral healthcare. Rachel Jew, MPAff Project Manager Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine nR It 1h& soft This website uses cookies to improve your experience, We'l I assume you're ok with this, but you can opt -out if you wish. Read More https-//brinetwork.com/2024-behavioral-health-managenient-summit/ 2/12 1/17./24t 2:135 PM 2024.Behavioral Health Management Summit - BRI Network Sarah McLaughlin, LCSW Project Managrer Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium office otHealth Affairs The University ofTekat Systerh 11 !00am - 1111:45pm Telebealth and Behavioral Heald) integration. Wide adoption and expansion of telehealth in primary care and behavioral health took place rapidly as a means to provide ongoing patient care d.utihg the COVIb-1 9 pandemic. The implementation tation ortelehealth continues to rapidly change and evolve, particularly with regard to policies, payment, regulations and laws. To be able to provide patient -centered integrated behavioral healthcare in.primary and ambulatory care practices, those actively engaged In behavioral health integration must keep up with these changes with a. keen rocus,pn the importance of tailoring g teleheatth choices to the needs of patients, providers, and care teams, This session ill provide practical inform t!- on,andresources or using telehealth telc.hnol.qgiqs Ito implement Ratient-centered 'integrated. behavioral heal d, ambulator 7r health care in primary an. .y. care practices, including: Various components of irtegrated behaviora'I.hehealthcare L. ascan be suppored via telehealth technologies 'Integrated behavioral healthcare that have been fufi� or partially "y implemented using telehealth technologies Models of 'Evidence Wbehaviorahealth-I t 'ration for the use of ielehe6lth't&h hol oglestn eg Things . to consider when using tel , ehealth technologies esfbr behavioral toral heal I th I Integr ti on irearsanee C. Davis, DNP, FNP -BC, PMH VP Director, Cllhiol,Progtarns and Strategy UMMC Ceintdr for Telphealth Associate Professor, UM MCSchool of Nursing Urtiversity of Mississippi MedicalCenter 11:45am "12I1.30pm Te m .Mental Health and Virtual Pteal4y, The Role. of Emerging chnologips,inTransfor. Ing Behavioral. and Mental. Healthcare world ri behavioral concent With one out of eight people- In the wo d fivi g with a mental ditdrder, behav rat and health has become a critical c 6 erh of global i'mportance. I - still FortUnAt" ly,' e 0 atebecdm and Ho�vever, many peop e are s i I not receiving -the tare. they: need and deserve, e emerging techn ld&§ trig accessible offringn.ew possibilles to transform mental health care.Onesuch solution is Mental health services `in virtual realit. To eixplore the key role. emerging techn.ologies play in revolutionizing the field of behaVloralbrid mental health, this session will explore the current challenges -the industry faces and how new: t,echnologiescan potentially address them. We'll discuss how digital and immersive technologies can augment .the deliver .y of mental health care services. Donna Z. Davis.. Ph.D., APR Assoc lte Professorand Direetor, Imn7ersive Megfia GpIrmuhication. Master' Prograrn Director,Oregon Reality(ORI) Lab I 50JC university of Oregon Lunch Break 12,"Jdpirn -1:30 prn I 30pm - 24 Spm The intration of Care for Mental Heafth,.tubstance Ab* use,.and Other'Sehavioral Health Conditions into Primary care abuse mons, ealtKbth' lorc change, life s Behavioral health care Includes care for patients &bund mental health 'and substance condit' � I h av . h e I ttre sesahcl,crisies,, and stress-related physical s pto e n substance 0 physical diseases as a major cause of worldwide Ym ms..M Mental dsubst n eusedl�orclersal alone are estimated to surpass all p disability. This session will explore., - The importance of the healthcare system effectively addressing behavioral health conditions - Better Integration of behavioral health Into the p.Ornary care setting - Barriers to increased integration Into primary care � Various approaches of integrated care delivery Wason S. Turner, MD, DFASAM. Senior Medical ; )irectoro Behavloral , Iealth Inteirmoun'tain Health 2:15pm - 315prn Panel: Improving Behavioral Health: A Community Effort Across the country, communities are facing, significant challenges in meeting the growing needs for behavioral health care services. Healthcare and community-based organizations alike have seen that they cannot tackle this surge in demand alone. This session will explore strategic and coordinated efforts that champion a coniprehensive and proactive approach to mental wellness --leaving no individual or community behind. Topics to be discussed will Include: o The pivotal role of community-based organizations in enhancing mental health caredelivery MR 19 4,& ;1ft This website uses cookies to improve your experience', We'll assume youre ok with this, but you can opt -out if you wish. Read More https:/Ibrinetwork.com/2024-behaviora1-health-management-summit/ 3/12 1/17/24, 2:35 PM 2024 Be'havioral Health Management Summit - BRI Network Julia Bruner-, MD, MS, MEIA Senior Vice President Behavioral Health Opercltfdfzs and Correctional Medidne Metro Health Hossa.m. Mahmoud, MD, MPH East Re.orlon Chienviedical. Officer Carelon Behavioral Health 3:15prn - 3:45prn Networking &: Refreshments Break 3:45pm - 4:30prn Advancing Health Equity throughBehavioralHealth Integration This session will present considerations and approaches: to add ress_ disparities that d isproportionately affect racial ethnic 01 0 -and ethni min rtygr ups in receiving .equitable behaviloral healthcare andaccessing treatment, W.eWill focuson diversity./equity related to ra*ceiethnicfty,.socto-eco*no*mit status, .-and sexual orientation and gender Identity. We'll atso highlight, hbW mental, hea,lt,h and primary.0re...colleagues .can work together to provide coordinated, culturally informed and equitable care. Way6eyoung, MBA, PC, FACHE. Chief Executive officer The HArris Center for Mental Health & IDD 4:30pm 515pm Special Behavioral Health Treatment for Women Women who areaff6cted mainly by behavioral and mental health Illnesses Are often reluctant to get help. Seek I ing. treatment can feel dauntingThe -fight against behavioral and mental illness In the healthcafe Industry is real-Diagposing severe conditions isn't.easy. Depression 'and anxiety, bipolar cl&Mer as well as sch)-zophrenia are amongst the main conditions that requfte� proper cliag.nosls,, There is an. uriderlying:st! g -ma at.tac hed to mental cllseas­�, that.k.eeps people feom-being treated. Millions. of adults, io'tho Q's, are treated for Mental illness each year. 8 -rder'-c h.aff ctwi Mental ehavloral and men0l h4althdiso s a 6 omen and men differently. Some disorders are more common,in women such as depression,anxiet d eating disorders. There are _y an e t-ial.so.certain Alsorders that .are I unique, t. owomen For ex . a . m . p le,, 't d , rn .. e women o . me '. n. experience - . symptoms of depression at times of hdrmone change,- such as during or . after pregnane; ) fegna - nc y( around the time of their period (prert�enstru ol dly5 'horic,disdrd' and during menopause (per! enop�au -related,.Optession),,Thls I explore M se, session will I specialized behavioral health treatmen0or women. Uroj Kamal Haiddr,..MD tvIedical Director of Consultation Seryice$- Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at.the University ,of Massachusetts Medical.School Founder and, Director of the Women"s mental Health Outpatient Clinic 515prn End of Day One Qay'Two Tuesday, March .26, 2024 7.15ain - 8:00,am' Networking Breakfast 8,006m - 8:15am. Chairp:terson.ls Recap 8,015am - 9:00am Achieving Behavioral Health Care Integration In Rural America Integrating primary care services and treatment for mental health and substance use conditions not only enhances patients' access to needed care but aflso Improves health outcomes in a cost-0fectIve way. Yet the barriers to integrated care are, substantial, and it is even more difficult to achieve In rural -and frontier communities, which are home to 1 In 7 Americans, Primary care providers already handle some of the behavioral healthcare needs of'I I ti e.'r patients, but they describe feeling overwhelmed, Ill-equipped to handle these tasks, and underpaid, To Incentivize and enable primary care providers -to take on a ,greater role in dell"Vedrig mental health and substance use treatment services, they need tr611hiqg, teichrilcal. assistance, adequate relrribursierneh%, and access to larger0 ' pool or behavioral , health providers for both consultations and referrals. This session will explore the opporwriftles.and challenges r,elated:to delivering integrated pare -in rural areas. Tawnya Meadows, PhD Director of Pediatric PCSH Gelsinger Health System 9:00am - 91,45am Importance of TalicIng about Mental Health In the Workplace Make no mistake, the success and longevity of a business rely an the collective, positive. mental health of its workers. Positive mental health gives a person resiliency against life's stressors, challenges, and setbacks ­­ obstacles that often go hand-in-hand with ajob. Being fortified against the negative emotions and anxietythat accompany difficult times can help a person navigate with agility and remain productive. Whileemployers are often aware of the costs of mental health issues to their business, they may not be as aware of the extent of employees' mental health struggles, one reason may be that employees �A& In This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're okwith this, but you can opt -out if you wish. Read More https://brinetwork..com/2024-behavioraI-health-nianagement-summit/ 4/12 1/17/24, 2.#35 PM 2024 Behavioral Health Management Summit - BRI Network session will explore the attributes for nurturing high performance and strong corporate culture, and the importance of talking about mental health In the workplace. orkplace. Natalie K. Kelly Chief Execud ve Officer Florida Association of Managing Entities 9:45am - 10:15am Networking & Refreshments Break 1015am - 11:00am Addiction is a Complex Disease: Linking Patients to Treatment Shouldn't be The MATTE R-S'(M ed icatio n for Addiction Treatment and Electronic Referrals) pr gram rapidly connects Individuals with opi 1&use disorder to community- based medicator assisted treatment programs. Re'* rrals to treatment are made in under 3 minutes,. linking individuals to services, including sup :port ive-s p peer support., transpoitation ass4s.tance,. and medication vouchers for the uninsured. Individuals can also request an evaluation vi-acine tej'eme.clj*­_for , a quick ,assessme'nt,ccosid6rationfor buprenorphine Prescri tion, and linkage to treatment, MATTERS also provides kee harm redut tion supplies, including fentanyl and xylazine teststrilps. MATTERS alms to breakdown barriers,to opioid use disorder treatment, adding new p I rtn' rs.and services to _e continually a e aur referral platf6rm, Mia Dickinson Naris Reduction Specialist Matters Network 11:00am - 11:45am The Future of Behavioral Healthcare Navigating through the aftermath'of the COVID-19 pandemic calls fora nimble, creative and robust redesign cif funding mechanisms: and associated policies to invest In the. U.S,'s. behavioral healthcare system This.sestlon will explore significaht and high -potential opportunities to, expand qualify Integrated x a y integi healthcare through community behavl".O:ral.health organizations, We'll also discuss addressingand a behavioral Nalth needs atth local, state federal level. Deb Goldfarb, LICSW Director of Behavioral Health,, Population Health Boston Medical -Center Grayken Center for Addiction I 1.:4,5.a rn - 1.2:30pm Hometessness and 6ehaVi.oral Health: Lessons Learned & Future Co nsiderations Mental health conditions are highly preval'en't in homeless populations, Although homeless individuals have higher mortafty.relate d to many causes, access .to care ipores o r than that forthe general population. This session will expl6re the. challenges homeless individuals encounter in accessing 9 quality of care sin mental healthcare, historical approachesto assessing ,and future.considerations,"f6r improving outcomes. Andrew Kbpoll6w MPA, MSW, CPHQ, PMP, CLSSMBB, FNAHQ AsqfStapt Program Dfrecto, Healthcare Quality and Safe Adjunetp4eulty jeffersdo College of PopOlation Health Thomas Jefferson University 1.230 1, PM Conference Co'ncludes Workshop - Tuesday, March 26, 2024 11245pim - 2:45pm .Behavioral and Mental Health: Design to Meet the Challenges of Today and Tomorrow The mental health crisis around the world continues to grow at alarming rates that affects individuals of all ages, ethnicities and socio-economic positilons, These challenges reach fai- beyond the, behavioral health unit into -a myr . lad of care settings. Now, more than ever, it Is Imperativethat these settings respond w n, s to complexities of care, provide flexib - ility to fluid care needs, and offer equity to patients, To meet theIncrtased demand for care, support improved care and enhance staff safety, toda)(s, diestgn, facility and care professionals have to -advance 'the It understanding of the environment's impact on behavioral healthcare and learn how to incorporate the best and latest design solutions throughout gn all healthcare settings, This session will provide the latest in design, thinking for behavioral and mental'health care settingsandoffers state-of­the-art best practice I s. A . ttendees will have opportunities to pose questions and Interact with fellow attendees in fun and Innovative ways,. Jeff Reiter, PhD, ABPP Consultant Whole Team PLLC This website uses cookies to Improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt -out if you wish. Ai-cepo Read More https://brinetwork.com/2024-behavioral-health-management-summid 5/12 1/17/24, 2:43 PM 2024 Behavioral Health Management Summit - BRI Network ReqLiest Brochure 0 Register Your Team Today! Register Now Re-gisterby January 19th and Save an Additional $200 off the Registration Fee — Mention Promo Code WB200! Register As. 0 Hospitals'il-lealth Systems/Rehab Faclilides/Mental Health Facl.11tles/Cornrnunity Health Centers. 0 Vendors Hospitals/Health Systems/Rehab Facilities/Mental Health Facilities /Community �/Communit e by Register 9i -R , Register by Register by Health Centers 1/26/24 .2116/24 .3/25124 Con.ference Only $1.095 $12.95 $1495 or p CO'nFeren'ce. & W kthd $1,295 $1495 $1655 Register by Register by Register by Vend.qrs 1/26/24 :211612431 5/2 Conference Only $149.5 $1695 $1895 Conference. & Workshop $1895 $2095 Promo Code (if any): Name tF First Name Last Name This website uses, cookies to improve your experience, We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt -out if you wish. Read More https:Hbrinetwork.com/2024-behavioral-health-management-summit/ 719 1/18124, 11:20 AM OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION Traveler's Name* Irene Garza x Departure Date* [3/24/2024'.] I�II.i11.�w.rw 8:00 AM JM.rMM4NANNJ��.v.MW1 Dept/committee* Therapists Return [date* --w.r--rw•rvrr••.•w•rww•r-. 3127f)202yj�4 �lI.RYrNVNr•rvrlCllR�•'{OIIY IIfTr•1YI.r�.Wr/.•� Destination (City, County, state)* Las Vegas, NV 4 Hotel - GSA Rate* $152 Hotel `Total* $950 Hotel . Nightly Mate* $235 Conference Fee* $1498 Grant County, WA Date of Request* 111812024 I4MlY•�MW Mwrlw.r•J•r.♦�r�.rwin• Grant* No r Travel Type* Out of State Travel 1r Fund/Dept* Therapists T t Purpose of Travel* 2024 Behavioral Health Management Summit Cost Application* Conference Date Gaily M&lE at Destination* $80 �r Explanation for Rate (required if hotel cost is greater than per diem, or government rate* No GSA rate rooms available, only conference rate rooms available. Air Carrier* Delta Preparor's Name* Anna Serrano Preapproved by EOIDH?* Yes %* Cost of Flight* $300 Rental Car Required No Rental Car Cost per day* $0 oil Total trip cost (Include all cost totals)* $3130.60 r Preparer's Title* Accounting Technician Use of travel card to fill a rental vehicle gas tank prior to Its return is recommended. https:llwww.grantcountywa.govlFormCenterli'rint?formlD=86&Preview=YES&Save=False&savedProgross1D=8 1/1 TRAINING REQUEST TRAVEL. REQUEST STAFF NAME: DATE.- X NAME OF TRAINING q0;,q ?,eVv-.vl O -N,-- �--TRAVLEL PURPOSE: SL4 rnfovv LOCATION: � p,� �(`�(�(►S LOCATED IN WA. STATE? ❑Yes.. (]No DATES OF TRAINING,. through 3��.c��� DEPARTING DATE TIMEN ��+�t�{ �c��' RETURNING DATE & TIME: 'b��yl ���"� HOTEL NEEDED? [Yes ❑No AIRFARE NEEDED? j 2/Yes QNo FLIGHT PREFERENCES: -,,l REGISTRATION NEEDED.? [v/YeSEI No RECEIVED JAN 1 7 2024 REN.EW WHO WILL. BE IMPACTED BY THIS TRAINING? [:]Employee oTeam Members �] Other Agency Staff Agency Staff WHAT WILL YOU BE ABLE TO BRING BACK TO THE AG.EN'CY?.(Wh8t can you then train your team, other teams, agency leadership, and other groups on?) ?) �-Ss� +lne 0.yZm S+ �l-�h [ea rn �n� lCr�aual �ctrr� `ia he-�� �tc� NOT TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE MANAGER APPROVAL TO TAKE PERSONAL CAR: Mapager initials. MANAGER APPROVAL (CIRCLE ONE r."E , Send form to Leadership for further approval NO, Training is denied Manager initials ESTIMATED COST: LEADERSHIP APPROVAL(CIRLCE. ONE): Y &S NO INITALS Date 4" 1/28/22 1118124,11:20 AM OUT OF STATE TRAVEL. REQUEST APPLICATION `traveler's Marne* Tanya Nunez Departure Date's M1 W MN tNM(+W YwNN1Y W �JsY /24f 2024 lW�Nn�n11YM��yyr��JJ.lM{{1��]]wfJY/�W{NrKW WYr1.rN Y:00 � M •Y +w..wrwn,w..NA.I•.Nr.... N.... Destination (City, County, State)* Las Vegas, NV Hotel - GSA Rate* $152 Hotel Tota I* $550 Dept/CoMMIttee* Therapists x Return Date* 3/27/2024 WNII ww�NN.NW NNfYNNMNi.w...lAl [5M,40 P ..aw,rYw..�W Nwen.N.wr.NN Grant County, WA Date of Request* Travel Type* 1MN IYA.M41N.Mww.rtirv... 1/13/2024 ] Out of State `travel � Grant* Fund/Dept* No `therapists T Purpose of Travel* 2024 Behavioral Health Management Summit Hotel - Nightly Rate* Cost Application* $233 Conference Rate r Conference Fee* $1405 Daily M&IE at Destination* $00 Explanation for hate (required 4f hotel cost is greater than per diem, or government rate)* No G8A rate rooms available, only conference rate rooms available. Air Carrier* Delta r Preparer's Name* Anna Serrano Preapproved by EO/DH?* Yes so Cast of Flight* $300 Rental Car Required' No Rental Car Cost per days* $0 Total trip cost (include all cost totals)* $3130.50 Preparer's Title's Accounting Technician Use of travel carts to fill a rental vehicle gas tank prior to its return is recommended. V htips:llwww.grante,ountywa.gov/FormCenter/Print?formID=86&Preview=YES&Save=False&savedProgressID=B 111 .0 TRAINING REtUEST f 0%0 ,STAFF NAME: Tanya Nunez DATE; January 16, 2024 F-1 TRAVEL REQUEST -NAME., OF TRAINING: 2024 Behavioral Health Management Summit Travel PURPOSE: i.e. 8tate\,N/,1*de1Mee tji n LOCATION:-- Las Vegas, NV 0' CATE'D IN WA NATE? El L Yes FX_1 No DATES OF TRAINING: 03/25/2024-03/26/2.024 DEPARTING DATE & TIME*- 03/24/2024 RETURNING DATE &TIME: 03127/2024 HOTEL NEEDED? 0 Yes C No AIRFARE NEEDED? FX -1. Yes 1:1 No FLIGHT PREFERENCES, Morning from Spokane REGISTRATION NEEDED?. Z Yes 1:1 No 'RECEIVED JAN 1. 7 2024 RENEW WHO WILL BE IMPACTED BY THIS TRAINING? ,X Employee MTeamMetubers E1 tither Agency Staff NAII Ag"e staffricy. WHAT WILL YOU BE ABLE TO BRING BACK TO THEAGENCY? (What c.a.n you then train your team, other teams agency lea-dersh.1 p, and other groups on. nay attendance at this co fe r-ence wo, Id oil n_ u ow me to learn new strategies to it the integration of telehealth in behavioral health and learn. about school based mental health and behavioral health as I oversee one of the school district contracts. NOT TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE EE MANAGER APPROVAL TO TAKE PERSONAL CAR: Manage I r initials tials DS MANAGER APPROVAL (CIRCLE. ONE): -.-E—. Send for'' to Leadership for further approval m s N, Training is denied Manager Initials ESTIMATED COST., LEADERSHIP APPROVAL (CIRLCE ONE): NES) NO I N ITALSDate 1// 17) /�_v 1 lk ( C� 3/21/19 1/18/24, 11:22 AM OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION Traveler's Name* Velma De La Rosa Departure Date* [3;2412024 6:00 AM Dept/Committee* WISE Return Date* w.w •Nvw.wa.. 3/ 27/2024 I - --- PMW WeirI Destination (City, County,, State)* Las Vegas, NV /0 Hotel - GSA Rate* Hotel Total* $950 Grant County, WA Date of Request* 111812024 Grant* No Travel Type* Out of State Travel Fund/Dept* Y WISE Purpose of Travel* 2024 Behavioral Health Management Summit Hotel - Nightly Rate* Cost Application* 1$236 Conference Rate Conference Fee* $1495 Daily M&IE at Destination* Explanation for Rate (required if hotel cost is greater than per diem, or government rate)* No GSA rate rooms avatiable, only conference rate rooms available. Air Carrier* Delta Preparer's Name 'Anna Serrano Preapproved by EO/DH7 Yes Cost of Flight* $300 Rental Car Required No Rental Car Cost per day* $0 40 Total trip cost (include all cost totals)* $3130.50 Preparees Title Accounting Technician Use of travel card to fill a rental vehicle gas tank prior to Its return Is recommended. Lvd, https,.Ilwww.grantcountywa.gov/FormCentorlPrint?formlD=86&Preview=YES&Seive=False&savedProgressiD=8 ill TRAINING REQUESI STAFF NAME: Velma De La Rosa. NAME OF TRAINING: banrJ LOCATION: Las Vegas, NV LOCATED IN WA STATE? ❑Yes C]✓No DATES OF TRAINING. 3/25/24 DEPARTING DATE & TIME: 3/24/24 RETURNING DATE &TIME : 3/27/24 HOTELNEEDED? [E]Yes ONo AIRFARE NEEDED? E Yes [DNo FLIGHT PREFERENCESO, through 3/27124 REGISTRATION NEEDED? [Z]Yes E]NO WHO WILL BE .IMPACTED BY THIS TRAINING? TRAVEL REQU EST DATE: 0 1 /1612024 RECEIVED JAN 1 7 2024 RENEW TRAVEL PURPOSE: C.on-�C r-42 rlCe, ❑EmployeeTeam 'Members ❑Other Agency Staff [All Agency Staff WHAT WILL YOU BE ABLE TO BRING BACK TO THE AGENCY? (What can you then train yourteam, other to encv ,. and other groups on?) ams, agency leader� h"Ps I n rg u Lill n (-j che ox\cv n,.e eco G N6�6 kjc\ uit-r ckryorp 1 . �'1 �� c�-� Y -e (.,I cv, -�oc�,�� � � �5-�- -�, L �t�L�J G�. Y7�c�G�1 "� � S �.Y�c�� � �"��� � �`1�� '� ��.p��k 'bhp Ylc.�� --E� (P �ge �keY- 5ey/-UQ-- Ou r- C-&MMU�r C- kw-►�.-s CLncV ot�.c ��4 NOT TO BE COMPLETED BYE PLOYEE MANAGER APPROVAL TO TAKE PERSONAL CAR: Manager initials, MANAGER APPROVAL (CIRCLE ONE): CE5) Send form to Leadership for further approval NO, Training is denied Manager initials ESTIMATEDCOST: LEADERSHIP APPROVAL (CIRLCE ONE); YES ) NO I N ITALS�`Date I/I 1/2.8/22 1/18/24, 11;22 AM OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION Traveler's Name* Anselmo Quezada NNNI Departure mate* �M�TMIIW.RI�NNMh.�w 3124/2024 MwrP.rYw�M1MrN...nv.r1-1 6.00 A� Dept/Committee* Crisis Return Date* WMf1111.1� IiMINMI�MMpM1M W MNI 312 712024 w�wrwv«I«Wwwll IW W111N/i.Mvlw.IWY 5:00 PIUI .Nrrnlnliw.Nlro1'rlw W IK..aur Destination (City, County,. State)* Las Vegas, NV 4 Motel - GSA mate* $152 Hotel Total* $950 Hotel - Lightly Rate* $235 Conference Fee* $1495 Grant County, WA Date of Request* NMPIMAI�V 11/18/2024 Grant* No Travel 'type* Out of State Travel � Fund/Dept* Crisis Purpose of Travel* 2024 Behavioral Health Management Summit Cost Application* Rental Car Required Conference BateNo Daily MWE at Destination* $09 Explanation for Rate (required If hotel east is ,greater than per diem, or government rate)* 1. No (38A rate rooms available, only conference rate rooms available. Air Carrier* Delta Cost of Flight* $300 lei Preparers Dame* Anna Serrano i Brea pproved by EO/DH s?* Yes Ne Rental Car Cost per day* $0 Total trip cost (Include all cost Totals)* $3130.50 Preparees Title* Accounting Technician Use of travel card to fill a rental vehicle gas tank prior to its return is recommended. https.Itwvvw.grantaountywa.govlFormCenter/Print?formID-8G&Preview--YES&Save=False&savedProgresslD=8 1/1 RECEIVED TRAINING REQUEST TRAVEL REQUEST JAN 17 2024 STAFF NAME: Anselmo QuezadaDATE: I 2��EW NAME OFTRAINING: TRAVEL PURPOSE; LOCATION: �Q� �I� C,,, J LOCATED IN WA STATE? [:]Yes bn-,No DATES OF TRAINING. through sl �-� (2`--j DEPARTING DATE & TIME'* - RETURNING DATE & TIME: -5 /21�-( '(� HOTEL NEEDED? �Yes .. -ONo AIRFARENE.EDIED? 6:�es E]No FLIGHT 'PREFERENCES M. REGISTRATION NEEDED? [Yes [:]No WHO 0 WILL BE IMPACTED BY TH IS TRAINING? �,;'Q,Employee jTeam Members ❑Other Agency StaffAll Agency Staff WHAT WILL YOU BE ABLE TO BRING -BACK TO THE AGENCY? (What can you then train your team., other teams, agency leadersh1p, and other.lgroupson?) � � � r�, c i � lC � 1 C ;� �.� �C cil NOT TO BECOMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE MANAGER APPROVAL TO TAKE PERSONAL CAR: Manager initials MANAGER APPROVAL (CIRCLE ONE)0 E , Send form to Leadership for further 'approval NO, Training is denied Manager initials ESTIMATED COST: LEADERSHIP APPROVAL (CIRLCE ONE): YES NO INITAL,S '(A Date 1/28/22