HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (004)GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOCC REQUEST SUBMITTED sY: Karrie Stockton CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: Karrie Stockton CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: ❑YES ®NO DATE: 1/10/2024 PHONE:ext. 2937 EzX9Mz=-,- EM EMENEEM ❑Agreement / Contract ❑AP Vouchers ❑Appointment / Reappointment ❑ARPA Related ❑ Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award ❑ Bid Opening Scheduled ❑ Boards / Committees ❑ Budget ❑Computer Related ❑County Code El Emergency Purchase ❑Employee Rel. ❑ Facilities Related ❑ Financial ❑ Funds ❑ Hearing ❑ Invoices / Purchase Orders 0 Grants — Fed/State/County ❑ Leases ❑ MOA / MOU ❑Minutes ❑Ordinances ❑Out of State Travel El Petty Cash ❑ Policies ❑ Proclamations ❑ Request for Purchase ❑ Resolution El Recommendation El Professional Sery/Consultant ❑Support Letter ❑Surplus Req. ❑Tax Levies ❑Thank You's ❑Tax Title Property ❑WSLCB � x -M BGG .•.�.T. ... .. ..R .�.N .. �, ,. �. K ../._ r Reimbursement request from City of Moses Lake on the Department of Commerce grant Emergency Housing Fund (EHF) Grant No. 24-4619D-106 in the amount of $63,953.95 for September 2023 expenses. DATE OF ACTION: APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D2: D3: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: Lead Grantee Name: Grant Count Report Week or Month/Year: Sep -23 City of Moses Lake PO Box 1579 Moses Lake,, WA 98837 TO Grant County Attn.# Janice Flynn Via EMAIL DATE October 20, 2023 DEPT: ADMINISTRATION INVOICE #1 - 10-2023 FOR COVID — EMERGENCY HOUSING FUND GRANT ,Description - July - Sep 2023."Open Doors," Sleep Center Operations Amount Subcontract work for Grant County Dept of Commerce Contract: 24-4619D-1 06 Ground Works (ground lease) - September 51041. 7v"' Modern (restroom lease) - August $894.3l-' W1.11scot (office lease) - partial September $247.666.---* Grant County PUD (electricity) - july, August, September $278.63 City of MIL Utilities - August $729.58%°'" Basic Septic (Sanitizer' Stations) - August $220.00/ Basin Propane - August .$30..24 vo0000 General Laundry - August and Sept ember $2,443.39 Pacific Security - August and September $16,.119.82,000 HopeSource - Sept ember Operations $37t948.65 V/ ... ... ..... --- ---- .000 "41 M N --U, '3332,� 1 0 144T "MBER"'.4 11,03:00, EFEftERC 0 AIT Payment 'is due w1tn 30 days of Invoice date., Balance $63,,953-95 Due Make all checks payable to City of Moses Lake or call 509-764-3715 or 3719 to pay with a credit card. If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Finance Department at 509.764.3732 or - 3735. Contract,# I ___ zq_ 4(r Submitted to GC by: Request for RaImbur-semehl No. Grant County's riit Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: blade for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? v/ Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: Does the employee's time and of documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-1 22 ? Allocable to the program? (i.e.,, was the dollar amount charged to theprograin relative to the benefits recelved by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) Based on actual costs,.not budgeted ' or projected amounts? Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (Le... is the federal government being charged the same -amount as if non-federal funds were being used to, pay the cost)? Given consistent accounting treatment within andbetween accounting'periods? 41 (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same pu.rposle, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives). v1 Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally-s*upported activities of the current or a prior period? Net of all applicable credits? (e.go volume or I cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade- ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales), Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of 'Indirect costs? Properly classified (egg.., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost -rate). V Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? N:\Staff\ASC Files\Btrickler Pre Feb 2018\00 Grants\00 Subrecipient Checkfistdoex Page I Customer: City of Moses Lake (Continued Service Address: 1045 Broda8X awy, :�l 1" , . wwx�--- - vi Billing Demand: 9,356 Power Factor'. 100,0000% Usage, History (in KWH) 10651 8521 6391 4260 2130 0 3,t Page 17 of 31 Int: Thi PLCA2 Accotint Number: 6203200000, Billing Date: 0912912023 Due Date: 10124/2023 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $10,427.62 . - -1 poses Lake WA 98837-0000 (Continued I I ftV Rate 2 - General Service Billinci Period: 08/11/2023 - 09/11/2023 Prior Balance $91.83 Payments Applied THANK YOU -$91.83 Bala6ce1 1 $0.00 Basic Charge 32 Days @ $0.72 $23.04 Energy Charge 1,676.162 kWh @ $0.04389 $73.57 Jt**SUB TOTAL ENERGY*** $73.57 CURRENT CHARGES CURRENT AMOUNT DUE $96.61 .Sep Oct Nov Dee Jon Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 2022 2023 Service Address: Neppel Landing Park Christmas Lights, Moses Lake WA 98837-0000 Usage History (in KIM) Rate I - Domestic Service 13111inci Period: 08/12/2023 - 09/13/2023 Prior Balance $20.00 Payments Applied THANK YOU -$20.00 Balance $L.00 13asic Charge 33 Days @ $0157 $13.81 Energy Charge 0.279 kWh @ $0,04702 $0,01 Minimum Charge Addition $1,18 CURRENT CHARGES $20.00 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE $20,00 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 2022 2023 %Wgwli� Service Address: 10000 Interstate 90 E Radio, Moses Lake WA 98837-0000 00000001 0000009 0017-0031 TGCSTMNT093023022604 01 L 000001 E Page 17 of 31 Int. TMPLCA2 Account Number: 6203200000 Bilfing Date: 08/30/2023' Due Date: 092023 TOTAL AMOUNTWE:.. . . . . . . . . . . . 2130 5 0 Aug Sep Oct Nov t Jon P Mat Apr May Jun Jut Aug 2022 '2023 Service Address: Neopel Landing Park Christmastights-.-Moses Lake WA 98837-0000 Usggo History (in KWH) Rate I - Domestic Service 8111ina Period: 07114/2023 - 08111/2023 Prior Balance $20.00 Payments Applied THANK YOU -$20.00 Balance Basic Charge 29 Days @ $0.57 $16.53 Energy Charge 0,693 k @ $0,04702 $0.03 Minimum Charge Addition $3.44 CURRENT CHARGES $20.00 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE 00"WeNw- "wo-120,00 Aug Sep Oct Noy two Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun jut Aug 2.022 2023 Service Address: 10000 Interstate 90 E Radio, Moses Lake WA 98837-0000 00000002 0000019 0017-0031 TGC STIS NT083123022525 01 L 00000112 0009 Page 17 of 31 Int. TMPLCA2 Account Number: 6203200000 11 Billinct Date: 0713112023 Due Date: 0812512023 [.:TOTAL AMOUNT DUE,* $11,783.20 CLIstorner: City of Moses Lake (Continued) 0.00 yments Appliqd'rHANK YOU Service Address: 1045 Broadway Ave, E,fawHamm,Doses Lake WA 98837-0000 (Contin ed),, 0.0 Power Factor: 100.0.000% Rate 2 - General Servi me -I ,i rim Ch-arge Addition Billing Demand: 12,374 P eriod: NO $20.00 Usage History (in KWH) ,B1!l1nq Prior Balance $109,38 Payments Applied T14ANK YOU -S109,38 Basic Charge 30 Days Q $0.72 $21,60 EnerW Charge 1,562.856 kWh @ $0.04389 $68.59 6391 - ***SUBTOTAL ENERGY*** $6R59 CURRENT CHARGE8 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE M 910 ON A 0 2130 0 Jul Aug -$op Oct Nov Doc Jan Feb Mar Apr MOY Jun Jul 2022 2023 Service Address. Neopel Landing Park Christmas Liizhts, Moses Lake WA 98837-0000 U-,aao History 1(h KVVH) te 1 - Domestic Service Inci Pedod: 06/14/2023 - 07113/2023 or Balance 0.00 yments Appliqd'rHANK YOU -$20.00 lance 0.0 sic Charge 30 Days @ $0.57 $17.10 ,i rim Ch-arge Addition $2.90 JRRENT CHARG5S $20.00 IR NT AMOUNT DUE 1.20.00 Jul Aug Sop Oct Nov Doe Jan Fob Mar Apr May Jun Jul .2022 2023 Service Address-, 10000 Interstate 90 E Radio, Moses Lake WA 98837-0000 00000002 0000019 0017-0031 TGCSTMNT080'1 23022528 0`1 L 00000181 CITY OF MOSES LAKE P.O. BOX 1579 Mews Lake, WA 98887-0224 (509) 764-3719 or (509) 784-871 www.cityofmi.com / ub@cityofml.co Water Consumption 58500 52550 45800 4}050 35100 29250 23400 17550 11700 6550 JUL AUG SEP OCT Noll DEC JAN FEES MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 CITY OF MOSES LACE P.Q. BOX 1 579 Moses Lake, USA 98837-9224 (509) 764-3719 or (509) 764-3715 www.cityofml.com / ub@cityofml.com This stub ensures that your payment is processed accurately. CITY OF ML C/O PROTECT OPEN DOORS PO BOAC 1579 MOSES LAKE WA 98837 i REGULAR WATER METERED Usage, Register 1 WATER METERED Fixed Charge WATER METERED , Tien I SEWER Fixed Charge SEWER 'Tier 1 STORM WATER AMBULANCE SERVICE COMMERCIAL DUMPSTERS UTILITY TAS TOTAL DUE $72958 CITY OF MOSES LAKE P.O. BOAC 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 Aw5%k* Rel INVOICE -AMIN PROPANE 955 f BROADWAY ACCT NO. CUST, W. INVOICE NO; IN DATC r005F.5 LAK El WA 98837 1 A., 4 4 c I Ili ivi, 0 S-11 34313 08/18/2� (-109) 7 r-56-0069 6 0 CITY OF MOSES LAKE LOC 1 crry OF MOSEES LAKE L PO BOX 1579 PO BOX 1575 D MOSES LAKE WA 9883�; DOCK T HOSES LAKE WA 98837 INV(-)Ir.,E A-40UW- $ 3 0 2.4 Vi DAITE SLS CUST, ORDER NOORDER DATE SHIP VIA TE" INVOICE NO, 08/18/223999 'SLEEP C E1QT EPU 110 30 DAY 34313 QUANTITY ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION uhiff 3 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 -ide 6.60 'PR}PANr Cylit r Fi 11 G 3.95000 6.60 WA Cap and laves .30000 1 98 State Sales .2 E: 3333 'TAXAhafi BLE Masin Septic Set -vices Inc. '110 S I I-1111ittoll Rd Nlw,us klike� \VA 08837 111mile H 5 () 1) - 7 65 - 4 0 0 Fax H 509-765-73184 11,111 T'w City of Nolww�- Lake P.O. Dri'mcf. 1579 N-Iose,,; I. -tike, �V,4\ 98K17 Avys� *fi At I N Joh At: City Of IN-10ses Lilke Brotmkv<av & I I ighwim- 17 Nloses L it� `A S E 'THIS AMOUNT Make chveks pay;thle to: Basin. Septic Se.rvices lite. PIC*aSQ, Check hm i f tlkfdrcN i�s incorrect or hz-is efulnifed, 4111d I I'Mo F -\1a *11? 11k.41"e wnw it 1tort��4 indie'lle dum, v*s) ('111 tv4er.,�C side. mw oft 46* AM fm Im 4m am a" em Am am mm OW* a* mo so OW WM WAO Oft 000" WJW WM N" OW OW *W "o WAW *WW WW 0* on kam ** gav wa "m "m "$A aft SW I" an& Am am am No am *ft VAJ* OW wo *ft a* am Nm sw am 0.'" *A A* vic ILksm septic seres 111C. P1,14',AS14, tw'rACII AND 111{.TURN 'TOP P01010IT1.1 PAYMENT kloses Lake. WA 989-337 T I `.$ W I L I - B 1,'� A S 3 5 Cl I A R 61: 1 `0 IN' ' L L, R f I'Ll R, �4 1 -1 1 ) C1 I C' S. I - ti , 1� HNANL CI IA.k(JES ON 30 DAY PAST AC( f OUN I S AlU. 1 14) N 1)1-.1 4 ON T 11 WII I A $.'.0 0 Pvl I N I N4 I JM. 13*111*111(1P, Inquirie's? Cilli 509-765-400*10 011C Mate Qty RVp Rate ----------- CRY OfMI-Aroad"", Arilount S'.MirM IMWaYo1MIa4... ubtotal I M.00 0. S220,00 Sales Tax (8.44yo) $0,00 Total si 2 " 2 o, () o Pay In ell ts/Cred its S0.00 'Ralatice Due 220.00 WILLSCOT 4646 E VAN BMEN ST PHOENIX, AZ 85008-6927 ('800) 782-1500, Option I ;4stomLtrsuc(:-L4,ss@w*lllscot.tc)m www,Wiilscot.coni Fed IDU 52-0665775 40 CITY OF M05FS LAKE PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE WA 988.37-0244 ���i����lrr��r�r�I����g�s�Nu�r����r���rw���r�l���rl�r�����r��r��� P06319860 2344150,5588 223312 9FUWA S000 I TOILET TRAILER 52 X 12 MBS -W7 PAYMENT OPTIONS Welcome to the WNScot I Mbbile 11 10i customer podal! Register' today to mrake onfine payments, sign up for Auto -Pay, or view invoices and statements, https://Portal.mobilemin'l'.COM (800) 782-1500, Option 1 You rarriatti rusponsiblo for Iho invoice bainnrm it there Is (In Isswo with your rnathod orpaytnat)L We fees and intivast cliargos 'may ba wqsamad If paymeW is not made within lornis. Thank you for your business! 0 1 ON "W30,907VOW? 000-10 $575.00 Rental $575.00 'ro Sub -total W5.00 Tax $48.30 INVOICE TOTAL $62330 bq 400 Es_cz Rerv\4aALIn�n 2.41. 6� botea 4o t'* -HF EMer0ertc_j -HOUSJh� kid invoice In USE) Denatel�e& LuAble item, N* - Denotc�fj non-taxablo Iter]. PLEASE REMIT WITH PAYMENT INVOICE TOTAL $623.30 Invoice It.. 9018787046 Due Dacey 9/1712023 Customer* CITY OF MOSES LAKE Customer # 10452459 PLEA M StAE WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC. PO BOX 91975 CHICAGO IL 60693-1975 0000104524590901878704kOOOOOOOOOOO623304 t Q t ( rx.cjrktt5 �V. Ground Works Three LLQ Inv oice 1224 S Pioneer Way- - - - ------------- Oats Involce Moses Lake, WA 98837 915l2023 27 P.O. No, Tenns ro1eat Net 13 1049 E Broadwa y Ave. ----------- Quantity Description Rate Amount MONTHLY RENTAL FEE I Monthly Rent for property located at 1049 E Broadwky AvL-. St.041.67 54041.67 Total $5,041.67 PO Box 1'10.9493 Porter Rd * Aumsville, OR97325 800.682.1422 Modern Bu ildi ngSystems.com Bill To: City of Moses Lake P.0 . Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Invoice Page: Invoice Number: 0145954 Invoice Date: 8/1/2023 Contract: R005155 Billing Cycle 9/1/2023 10/1/2023 Ship To Address: City of Moses Lake 1045. E Broadway Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 1 - 11 - - ------ I Customer PO: Ship Via: Confirm To: Terms: Rick Neil 25th of Month item Number Ordered Unit Price Extension 2577 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 575.00 575.00 Restroom/Shower STAIRS Stairs Access Ramp Please Submit Paymet to: RO. Box 110, Aurnsville OR 97325 0.00 1.00 0.00 O.Q 250.00 250.00 Net Order: 825.00 Less Discount: 0.00 Freight: 0.00 Sales Tax: 619.31 Order Total: 894.31 Less Deposit: 0.00 Order Balance: 894.31 u m zao°weAll; 4406 E Broadway Moses Lake 98837 Alb sk,1094765-979 DA t J CUSTOMSM230 ORDER NO. im Tr.— 1, 1 Ar6 r PAID OUT GN AGC7f. SUD WSH PRICE AMOUNT OuAn ID --GUT nu tt. 7 7 1011 -A Ae • A-4roi. --REMENCE Kms. FOR E. Aloses Lak-c 988.37 5-09-765.9-791 CUSTOMER'S ORNB 410. DATE .7-1 N NN111 E f J, Wfv, STATE, Z? CAV* CHARCLE ON. P=T- WE, REM S%Aosy W1 --q KEEP THIS: -SUV. FOR REF.ERENC:E 13 E 1kcR I PTic f1l" PH It IS, E :3 tj IL p : 4L, f FLECEWED BY' KEEP THIS: -SUV. FOR REF.ERENC:E KEEF THIS SLIP F OR REFERENCE 4()6 E aroadwa'v Lak Y,8;937 509-765-9791 do ORDER NO. NMA E y c C rit-Y. SYAC., ---------- S3L it LDY 1y &R ON. AMT, FABSE. REM. PoAJG OUT DESCRIPTAM Pil I C E AMOU UT J - k'A to, ld to: to :RECMfM BY --.XEEP,TfllS-SUPF0H-.flEFERENCE KEEF THIS SLIP F OR REFERENCE � Y � s /4L .."` i1 •'t,! #i ;0 R dt M Hanson, Inc R' y 1061 � 1-1: ri(Iic,rl p 1) r Sew 509 989-2246� Poland _ w_.. «,..,e..,.ro�.o.a.«.......�w..r,...+...-..:«..w•.,.;.......w....'...,.,..�...*.-..�++.ti..-.+.+ti+.v,,.«+......w...w......-. w..«e,.w.pK++...:..,...w«+e. ..+a..w...•+r.---.. .�.-+.,..- w�nu.+-+w.�,...._.-w�.,wr.r.�r.:.vu✓. .-..w�.«w.w..n.�.iw.,,a rrs�.•.;ro�, t PAYg} mti�y.✓ .. i i r,�#F 4s r a tY �FFt _ L a.iYc a� M H `1N s t..r ..� gs UU7SOMIEWS OMER NO. DATE ADDRESS Com, STATE, ZIP s✓.,, ar'.* `f 5 Y L.c� 3 #.',�i7.C3. ._ 2 G # air� f ew� ETA ,sa g. ve +"t r [�F"F. 4�'li.F$�: is '":...,.mcs e �,&L;.F + k ..00 -...KX QUA+p -3 E.m'.l"��s? 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A A ee.w.:......-+• +.v.w�.+m..mn•. w,ww,� Y _ 1 �•+�rY..^^P e.. -mayq. ` �.x. .nwe �F`�"-...s � ...... ... �,rr.� ... «+... ,wu,vMM4MMWW,.+'. _ . . �r E BY ��,Kf.V..,ptS,SJJr-F0H,. � � t " I� "� ``� PACIFIC 65CURITY a div.of Parker Corporate Svcs 2009 Iron Streal Bellingham, WA 98.225-42-11 UNITO s*mn:s t800)-743.2737 MOSESLO3 0 C4 of Mom Lake L Allison Witliams 401 8 Balsarn St D Moses Lnkut WA 98837 T 0 PAGE I INVOIC� DATE 9/30/2023 INVOICE NO 48451 8 1 Moses -Lake Sleop Conte( 1 46 R Broadway Ave P Moses Lake, WA 90837 T 0 TOTAL DUE BiOl 7A4 We appreciate your businass, Fedora Tax ID 91-2071184. TAXAME NONTAXABLE FREI 0 HT SALES TAX M180 TOTAL 0.00 445. 017.44 0100 0.00 . TOTAL DUE 8.017.44 SLSI SLS2 DUE OAT4 0180 DUE DATE ORDER NO ORDER DAT IR $HIP NO 913012023 9/3012023 448 913=023 TERMS DESCRIMON CU8TOMER PO NO SHIP VIA SHIP QATIFE Due On Recelpi ------------ NIA 91 Q1 ITEM IIS' T -X CL LIMITS MDERED UNIT. -PRICE' EXTeNON Goard Servfca (W) 0 269.6000. 269.6000 28,3300 7.634.04 Holiday (W) 0 94000 9.000*0 42.5000 362.50 month of Service - W 0 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.00 Soptember We appreciate your businass, Fedora Tax ID 91-2071184. TAXAME NONTAXABLE FREI 0 HT SALES TAX M180 TOTAL 0.00 445. 017.44 0100 0.00 . TOTAL DUE 8.017.44 bil$+ I O .Q X40;3 119Bil Parker grate Services ling s�m= Metail 3). Pate': 46 10/03/2023 18:.03 -Baa=aaa �xr�aar=a s7a���aaa�a �: a�at ��s�aflaQa aascagoa �a �rrsaaaa�ssa eraaa 152222ma= mit ssssx�rsrs7sECs� Asa �'7 G�a��'�`t�t�8� 5� 9a�s7�t :. ssiRA� ��� Yii-an.�i�'•lrr�.rlT Mini ii r�i.�i ii iiiY.Frri�iililii �r rr ria �i�ti��ia■iiilii Trite irrrY sto3n 30 i r � sssr I Site: ii iiiii tyiiii+i.�firr Wyf lY.ilirrrT'1.-w-+�•Y!-iYi it Tr..M r*.�l!•ir-T�� �Wifili I Mleep Cerates Status + A Sill cle: psw rYYr yn Y'-a!0!•i 7. r-riia►i iarwTr r...Y.\iitiaFr•♦ry. aYi iii a.--Mme•-i+!'�r�ii•►4li asi.r r Wil iiiifiaYi.aii � ll.Iriii �rrW Iii lliW a•ilii l!i r ari sii. ari Ilii!-ii+�+iia►aYi►�i4#fill-!lTTrr'�rrr Dept in Cit. Break TOMI a Boors Rate Tat Stat $Tl3 'Df -ow --------- VM'-lTli7TY�l iaf .■iw w..rw-i-r-ilii---STT-�--� a T �r:wr1!! Y a1 �.r-r:-rr W _•.l.rr:-.� r M i irrr:: r. -i- r r ----- -------- r tri 09101/2023 Lock HOS46 art ------ ---r7• M110. 00::00 06:x#0 0.000 6.900 Standard 6.000 28.330 28-330 169.98 84.99 �#9��#l,� 2#?23 irk 80546 ��`, �Ga3, X3.0 21-400-0000 110 �: �0 - -06-:00 : X�- 0f000 0.000 S . � 00 Standard 6.000 Standard .3 .000 6.000 28,330 169.9B 09102/2023� ����� Maker, ' X110. 2�.:Ot�•: 00� "�3�3 0-000 3.000 standard 3.000 28.330 $4 ..99 09�0��2023 � 805�� Baker, E��. #.��:+� 'k�.00t 8.000 St�+nda $_000 23.330 189.98 1032023 LCC $t5 Baker, Caleb •no' M110 21600* - 22 �0 i 0.0100 1.000 S rd 1.000 2.8.330 25.33 09/031202S Lo :k S i r r . f� 22: t0 00-:00 0.000 2.000 st..aridari 2.000 28.330 56.68 ,09/0312023 Lock aosv Q uttlewrezt O=r o 00: 00 ofi.iaa .0 - 00f0 6.000 Sy��+.�t 6: 42.495 254.917 09/94/2o23 Lock sQ567 Gutierrez, Omar � •y:wl� 110 211 00 00:00 :0.'060 X 3.000 Stat {000 3:000 42.495 127-49 09/0412023 R �7Yi7�r a��! +rs.►+ar•.... ��:��Qy �{��y":Q'Qh -0.�i/0��0e" . _ � '.��,�,�y��.��3 28.330 165.98 Q9�'05�2023� $0625 �c���$r a..a++Q���.i`l� �9'����.fiV�ra? �1J�fi� iiii.�R7�•� ��� a.Z��i} �i11V 2�.:07.1� 01i:04[ GrO�1�P'{s•- +9�..0}Qy0y� 3.i1�0�J' .�L�i�7.�id +6a.�Qy00 .7! ai700 28.330 8'�.S9 0'910612023 Lock 8062 5 Harris, r les :2.0 00.200.06z-00 10 21.iQD 0000 0.004 fib.000'' • 6.000 Standar 3.000 Standard 6.000 3.000 28_230 25.330 169-98 84.99 09/05/2023 14ck 50622 Jones, David M.1-10 00; 00 0��:00 i «t 0 6.-000 - 6.000. 28.330 265.58 09/06f2021 L 50622 s8, David 14110 2?•�.100 - 00 -0�0y 0.000 3.000 rd 3 t 000 28-330 94.95 09/06/2023 1 k St#5 8 fir* Caleb 0-a0-ao� o Si -.•7i000 Standard 6.000 a?in�.i#AR�rd G i �i00 28.330 169.98 09/07121021 Lock $054.6�'� i j CalebCalebt:.1a;10} .0.0M M�.IT 1 ::3 1 'Off ; rf # O .-00'0 rt . i �# .?t3f� 03 70A3 OS/0712023 Lock 8054,6 Bakker,, Caleb 09/0812023 Lock 8054,6 mer. Caleb M13.0 00-.00'06-.-00 .0.000-; 6.000 Standard 6.000 28.330 25.230 169.98 84.99 09/08,12023 L&ek 805415 �r , I "110 �1 f 00: �0� 00 M110 D0Z•00.0640 '0.000 '0.00.0 3.000 Standard # 6.100 Standard 3.000 6.000 28.330 � 09409/OS/2023 I�C�G3t Sli,EB Baker, r X10 2�.r00.00rt00:• 3.000 S 3-.000 28-33084.99 09/0912023 mak. 80546 Baker, Caleb "110�{�: ��• 06�:-l�0` .:0:0.0•:-:. • :0 . 0,00.'. 6 . O�IE� �a� x.000 • x$.330 1369. 98 09/10/2023 Lock �O�SE6� Baker,, Caleb -Hilo 00.00 s 00. 0.000:.•; 3.000 S'ta ard.: 3'.000: 28..33 0 84.99 09 '160 2 323 Lek 8Q5��i 1t #:�, . r ,-: 6 ::0�: �� - . 0: 0 o#' 6.000- Sa�asd 4.000 .{{0 2S_330 169.98 0.9/11/2023�2023 Lek 808:7 Suti'=, 7mas .t6 7-1W0'00i#0 0y000 3sV00�a� 3. 000 28.330 94.99 09/13/2023 Lock 806�G5 MaL5i�* l �y0_0 �D 91�L{{0DO�' 0.60-0 s■000 S}an 6a000 26.370 169.98 , 07/2212043 iorA 8V6a5 �isf 44aL��� Hilo 21 •. 60 00 v 00 0.000 3 ■ 00-0 standard 3.000 28{330 64.9 9 09/12/2023 L�+G�€ 805 5 # arr .6, r' 14110 0#:0l f�& -00 . -0+000.' 6.000 8_000 X8.330 3f>9.98 t g 13 2 }23 Lock SOS S Harr sr rl M130 21; 00•- 00 e•�i0 0.00 3.000 5 3-000 2$ .330 84.99 09/13/2023 Lek ~�#5�� � � l X110 0�6: X30 O� : Ott - . 0-. OOtI•. • � . �lO�M standard. - 8. �30i� 28.330 19.98 09�1��2#�23 Lek 805�i � mar, �l M10 21:00:00-t00 3.000 S a . 3.00022-330 8�it J 09/14/2023 5+ $ Baker,, 1 : 10 00:00 08.00 .0.000 -0.000 6,000 -Standard 61000 2S.330 299.98 rs 6� i 7i7� i �iF �Q� �4 aT e'VStandardStandard � 2.000 i� M3�N 64.99 09 ,L5 ii0G.7 a.Fr►+G�� 80s,%6 Baker,, CalebCalebiii: M110 00:00 �F 6-o .�i 0.000.. iG.;Q0Q Standard 6.000 28.330 169.98 09/16/z 23 Lock80546 SrllCale M10 21:60 00:00- 0. 0Q0 3.000 St�and Y 3.000 i000 2Q.330 84.99 16{3023LVr90625 =iD, rlGs 1 : -m0o '.0�wi�r� 6.00026.330 169. 99 t ()S/: 7/2023 J4k80625i=1St b: Vi0 'a0 3, ,�� 3.000 28.330 84i99�* 09173 U4JDASar svCharles Y 130 00.00.-06:0.0. :0,1400 .i 6 •,0600 bra 61.000 28-330 169-98 -g9/1S1202309118/2023 LoCk $0625 Harris, hamlas �p h 00 j� ��dQ4 :• �iI ./V�{V .ai �Y' y� ,•�} s •��jift� �' .■ta +� pyx Standard 3a�j1iL�Ry a��'�i}.R'i�ii� 3.000 8 0 O' a 3 iy�I 84.99 y 3�k sa6 6 5 �SSCLi .r if7 r �.iiGti len jQ� f��yZy $S� �i7�'#��•• Y�a��: 'fI•a•1fV�. -.6.��R.QYJ $�� /�y �.V��i� s28.330 y� y .G�a�a7L/ ���a�� fl9 19 1i�3 j.r 41i�i�3 �i���..+�t '�.rii+o6i.i�� 0 :00:• 00: #b: 0 , fl£! 3,-000 auftrd 3.000 28.330 .99 09/1912023 Lmk 80625 Ha,.rris, Cbarles M110 00 06: 06- 00: 0: 000 5.: 000 Standard 6.000 28.330 159:.98 09/20/202Z~ ilk 80£25 F3arls, rl+as i b�1�.0• • 2l � 00 00; 00.� .0 .000 � ", t�t�0 ��. 8.000 6.0'00 0. � 0 9 1S 2023 k 8{i�53� than f �c�� � x#10 00 : 00. 06; 00 0.06a Y 6 f 000 Unbill 6.000 0.000 0.00 09,12 /2023 %3* 80634 on � M110 21.1.0 is 00:00 0. 060 3 f 000 St �t� 3.000 2$.33�! 8�i.9�9 09120/2023 k 8063. VMS � Hilo _ 00Z 1D0k:. OS; 00 � : OOG Standard S . OOQ x.330 269.98 09/21/2023 Lek OO+fi3�1 as , C Milo 21 M 00. 00-i 00 .0.000- 0.000- 1-000 Stand&r � 3. QAQ 22-330$4.99 09/2112023 tic 80634 �+ C Y - bi190010 aKJ400 Parker corporate Services Page: 47 s3�x� ��3.g3sxg Surt�tar �'ta�i.l.�d� ����n 10/0:3/2023 �.�a *�3 2 23 Lock 80634 MnsOnor CcdY t+s31() 00+00 06.00 0.000 22 Lcck $0634 K =. COdY 6-000 Standard 6.000 28.330 169.98 09122-/2023 MIC 21:00 00:00 o. 000 3-000 n 3.000 2,8.330 84.9.9 09123/2023 Lock 8004 MMS M, COdy M10 00:00 06:00 0-000 9.000 Standard 6.000 28.330 169.98 09/23/2o23 irk 80634 MOngOn. Cody M11.0 21:00 00:00 o. ao� . � X00 Standard 3.000 28.330 94.99 0912412023 Lock 80634 Me"3011a Cly H1I0 00.00 06100 0.000 6.000 Standard 6..000 28_330 169.98 09/24/2023 Lock 80567 Gutie=ez, Ozar ' M110 21;00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standar 3,000 28_330 04.99 og[25/2023 Lock 8056 r 3r IIO 00000 06:00 0.000 6.000 Sta=lard 9.000 28.331 169*98 09/2-5/2023 Lock 80567tie1': ez,, O=r MIIO 21-000 00,00 o.000 3.000 StarAdard 3.000 28_330 84-99 09/2612023 LOCk SOS67 GUtie=&Z , C=r Hilo 00:06 06:00 0.000 6.000 Star4azd 6.000 28-330 169.98 O-q/26/2*23 Lock 80625 Haxsis4 Charles MO 2.1.100 00--00 0:.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 0%/27/2023 Lek 80625 Hax7 isr CbarleS _ }4110 0€ :00 09!GG 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.00# 28.330 169.98 09/27/2023 Lock 80634 onsont CcdY XIIO 21:00 00s QO pyY .Coo 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330/� 99 09/2s/2023 Lock 80634. M[ tin, Cady M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 28.330 7 t 189.38 09/28/2023 iooc]+C 80634 VIOnso s! Codi* 09/29/2023 Lock 80634 MOnzOn., COdY XIIO 21:00 00:00 MIIO 00:00 06:00 0.040 0.000 3 . DOO Standard 3.000 2,8.330 84.99 09/29/2023 Lock 80634 I"I cnJ CCdY XIIO 21-00 0:0 0.000 6_000 Standard 3.000 StarAjaxd 6.000 3.000 28.330 20.330 169,.98 k 80634 CU, C 0913012023 A Hilo 043.00 0 0.000 6.000 Stand 6.00G 2x.330 84_99 35.9.98 09/30/2023 Lock 80634 caf Cody M1I0 21:00 00:00 o. aoo 3.004 Stardard 3.000 28.331 84.99 j ri. 287.500 8 7 . 5 30 ��++..�������� All Standard 269-503 70634.94 0.000 0 .00 EOT 0.000 0160 Stat 9.000 382.46 Unbill 9_000 0.00 Other 0.000 0.00 ------------- -ii--a-a-r--297.5500 297.500 Allowances iI. OD --- -- a --l- Total with ;aicw=ces PACIPIC SECURITY a div of Parker Corporate Svgs 2009 Iron Street SECURITY Bellingham WA 98225-4211 UNITED STATES (800)-743-2737 S MOSESL0 0 3 City of Moses Lake L Allison Williams 401 S Balsam St D Moses Lake, WA 98837 T 0 PAGE 1 INVOICE DATE 8/31/2023 INVOICE NO 48070 I H Moses Lake Sleep Center 1 1045 E Broadway Ave P Moses Lake, WA 98837 T 0 TOTAL DUE 8.102,38 August We appteciate your business. Federal Tax ID 91-2071184 TAXABLE NONTAXABLE FREIGHT SALES TALC MISC TOTAL 0.00 8.102.138 0,00 0.00 0.00 8,102.38 TOTAL DUE 8,102,38 SLS1 SLS2 DUE DATE DISC DUE DATE ORDER NO ORDER DATE SHIP NO 8131/2023 8131/2023 463 8/3112023 TERMS DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER PO NO SHIP VIA SHIP DATE Due On Receipt N/A 8131 t2O23 ITEM ID TX CL UNIT. ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE EXTENSION Guard Service (W) 0 286,0000 286.0000 28.3300 8,102.38 Month of Service - W Q 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.00 August We appteciate your business. Federal Tax ID 91-2071184 TAXABLE NONTAXABLE FREIGHT SALES TALC MISC TOTAL 0.00 8.102.138 0,00 0.00 0.00 8,102.38 TOTAL DUE 8,102,38 bi19 0610 0g400 Barker cor ate Services Page: 48 sloe SiMUZ9 SwMaXT (D+etadled) 09/06/2023 10:09 4w w w s.rrr -aa -- s,..•• a ate. ft d& r r dr i M aaaaa�� www --+rr---r---:1 Customer: 3306 City Of Mases Lake ------ -----a- Site= 1 Slate Center -::.-.tea-aqF ww-w Statun.- ft A 9111 rcZe:P WTr."i r�/IWL.+��r l .' �r M#,QQrr f-lf!f!-rrf M� !i a•a i*&.. f w f a wi!f i i frl�iil� Date Stat lot waa+.Wria----r-r.�w ii !!W--!0. i4ra f as----r1- .w--w Dept r w.t.. +.A til a a ia.k--r lr! out a r a l.. rav Break f MMM ii-rr-i�l� Total a " �-rte:"r Hours rr aa� arywi���s }ir..r��ly��r��a��/�`ri Rate la l w--'Irl L'YiiO=t if ram ,0:-1;4&88--as•a,....iIrrr-r-al-a----r----- 08/0.1./2023 Lock 80580 "ter? D=2ald r r a wsiwfalas iwrir as la r r-.--rra f#rW r l r l M1.10 r f r l 00.00 r�TT. 07:00 --rrr 0.000: � --rr 7.000 W�fiti Standard 7.000 28.33:0 198.31 00101/2o23 Lock Mao Etter, Dowld M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Surd 3.000 28.330 84.99 08/02/2013 Lock 80S80 Lester, bead M110 00:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31. 08/02/2023 Lo-^k 80546 Bicker, Caleb MII0 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.0€ 0 Standaxd 3.000 28..330 84.99' 0810312023 Lcck 80546 Baker, Caleb M110 00:00 07100 0.000 00 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 1.98.31 0SI0312023 Lock 80546 .Baker, Caleb M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 08/04/2023 Lack 80846 Baker, Caleb M110 00:00 07:00 0►000 1.040 Standard 7.000 28.330 1.90,31 08104/2023 L*ck 80546 Baker, Caleb M110 21.:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 08/05/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M1.10 00;00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 08/05/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M110 2.1-00 00 *- 00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 20.330 a4.99 08/QG/2023 Lock 80546 Baker. Caleb H310 00:00 07200 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 22,330 198.31 08/0612423 Lock 0058D Etter. Donald M110 23Lt00 40:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28_330 04.99 08/0-2/2023 Lock 80580 Luer, Donald M120 00:00 07 ; 00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.33G 299.31 08107/2023 Look 8OSSO Lester, Donald M120 21..00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84." 08/0812023 Look 80580 Lester, Donald M110 00-00 07:00 0.00€ 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.32 08/0812023 Lock 80580 Lester.* Donald M110 21;00 00:00 0.040 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 08/09/2023 Lock &OSSb Lester, DamId MIIQ #4:00 07:00 0.000 7.000 Standard 7.000 28.330 198.31 08/09/2023 Look 80546 Baker, CaaeO M120 21:15 00:00 0.000 2.750 Sta=lard 2.750 28.330 77-91 08/10%2023 Lock 80549 Make', Caleb M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standawd 6.000 28.330 169.98 08110/2023 Look 8054.6 Baker, Caleb M110 2100 00:00 0.000 3.000 St rd 3.000 28.330 84.99 08/12/2023 Lock 80546 fir, Caleb M110 00:00 46:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 28.330 169.95 08/11/2023 U� 80546 Baker, Caleb M11.0 32645 00:00 0.000 1.2501 Standard 1_250 28.330 35.41 08/12/2023 Lcck 80545 Baker, Caleb M1.10 00;00 06:0#} 0.000 6.400 Standard 6.000 29.330 169-98 os/i2/2m Look 50546 Baker, Web MI-10 21:00 00-woo 0.1000 3.000 Staaftrd 3.000 28.33E 84.99 08/13/20123 Lock 80546 Bak6Vr Caleb M110 €10:04 06:.00 0.0€10 6.000 Standard 6-000 28.330 169.98 08/1312023 Lock 50580 Lester. Donald M110 21-00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.*00 28.330 84.99 08/14/2023 .Lock 80580 Lester, Donald M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Sta U-rd 6.000 28.330 169.98 08/14/2023 Lock 80580 Lester, D=ald M110 21:00 00:40 0.000 3.000 Standard 3-000 28.330 84.99 08115/2023 Bock 80580 Le ateri Dcmld 34310 00:00 06:00 0.400 6.000 Standard 6.000 28.330 169-99 08115/2023 LoCk 80580 Lester, Donald M210 22:00 0000 0.000 3.000 Standa 3.000 28.330 54.99 00/1612023 Dock 80580 Lester, Dom1d 1.0 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6..000 28.330 169.9a 0:8/19/2023 Lick 80580 Lester, Domld M110 21:00 23.15 +0.000 2.250 Standard 2.250 28.330 63.74 4 018116/2023 Lock 80546 Salo,. Calm M10 23:15 00:00 0.000 E0..750 Standard 0.750 28.330 21.25 08/17/2023 Ilk 80546 Baker, Caleb M10 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.004 Standard 6.000 286_330 169.98 0811712023 Lock B#846 Baker, M11.0 22:00 00:00 0.000 3-000 standard 3-009 29.33j0�, 84.99 {Caleb 08/18/2023 Lock 80546 Baker, .rales M110 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6 a OOD 28.3.3.E 169 . Ra 08/1812023 LoCk 80546 Baker, Caleb M110 21.:00 00100 0.000 3.000 Stand%rd 3.000 28.330 84.99 08/1.9,12023 Lock 80546 Baker, Ca.leke M120 00400 4£:40 0.000 6.0001 Standard 6.000 28.330 269.98 0811.912023 Lock. 8#1546 Baker, Caleb M110 21:00 00:00 E0.000 3.1000 StaU&S d- 3.000 28.320 84.99 08/2012023 Look. 50546 Sakerx Caleb M110 oozoo 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 28.330 169.98 0812012 E023 'Lock 8062.5 Harris, merles M110 21:00 00%00 0.000 3.000 StandaLrd 3.000 28.330 84.99 :1$123.12023 Lock 80625 Harris, Charier M;110 MOO 06.00 0.400 6'. 0d1Q Standard 6.000 28.330 1.69.98 08/2112023 Lock 80625 Ha iso CharleS M1.10 21:00 00-00 0.000 3.000 standard 3.000 28.330 54.99 0812212023 Lock 80625 Harms, Charles M110 00700 06:00 0.000 6.000 Surd 6.000 28.330 169.98 08/22/2423 Leek 80625 T1s, Charles X3310 21:00 0000 0.000 3.000 Staat rd 3.000 28.330 84.99 98/23/2023 .Luck 80625 Harris, Charles M110 00:00 06400 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 28.330 169.98 08/23/2023 14ak $0546 Balser. Caleb M10 21200 0000 0.000 1.000 Stand 3.0000 29.330 84.99 biI900010 OS400 Patksr Corppr tte rices Page: 49 along Billing Sumary Wstailed) 09/0612023 10:09 78124/2023Lock 80546 Baker, Caleb M110 D0:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 28.330 169.98 08/2.4/2021 Lock 00546 Baker, Caleb K110 21i00 00:00 0.000 3.ODO at=dard 3.000 28.330 84.99 08/2.5%2023 Lochs 80546 mer. Caleb K110 00.00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Sta ff 6.000 28_330 169.38 Q8/2S/2023 Lock 80$46 Baker, Caleb K3.10 2100 cozou 0.000 3.0000 Standard 2.000 20.330 $4.99 08/26/2023 Lock SOSi46 Baker, Caleb M110 00:00 86200 0.080 6.000 Standard 8=b00 28.330 169.98 05126/2023 Lock 90625 uarr1s, Cha lea 1110 21:DO 00200 0.000 3.000 standard 3.000 2.8.330 84.99 08/27/202.3 k 80623 Ra.rrls, merles [filo 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.400 Standard 6.000 28.330 169,.98 O B/27/2023 Lock 80625 .Harris, Charles 14110 21:00 00 : 04 0.000 3.000 Standard 3. ID 00 28.33 0 84.99 0813812023 mock 80625 ]arras, Charles IM110 00 a OB 06 t 00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 28.330 16.9.98 08/28/2023 Lock 88867 GUttlerrer, 0mr td110 21:00 00:00 € - 000 3.000 Standard 3.000 38.330 84.99 0812912023 Dock 80567 Gutlerrez, Omar Kilo 00:00 06:00 0.000 6.000 Standard 6.000 28.330 169.38 0812912023 Lock 80625 Harris, Charles KILO 21.00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3-000 28.330 $4.99 08/3012023 L k 8062S Na=19, Charles Kilo 00:00 06:00 MOD 6.000 st►ndArd 6.000 28.330 169.98 0813012023 Lock 80625 NarriS. Ch&r108 M110 21:00 00:00 0.000 3.000 Standard 3.000 28.330 84.99 08131/2023 Lock $0625 Harmis, Charles Kilo 00:00 06-000 0.000 6.000 Standar 6.040 28.330 169.98 OEI/31/2023 Lock 80546 Baker Ca],eb M110 21:00 00:00 O_O00 3.000 3.000 28.330 84.99 --------T f• •aft!•. MW _ All Hours Amount _- • -r-_-_s_ --- _ a._ _ Standard 296.000 8{ t0i2.38 07 0 � 0��#//�jj�� 00.00 0 0.00 stat 0.000 0.00 Unbill 0.000 0.00 otber 0.000 0-00 286-000 8,102-38 i'110wgs . Totsl with Allowances $ g 10+2.38 Divisi... Code Un sion Title 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administratfon 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administratlon 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration 100 Administration Galan__. Administration 100 Dab�c 1(]116123 08:14:54AM Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV 632202111 -- ESG- Grant County From 91112,023 Through 913012023 19:001.38 Page:1 Sub division Session lid GL Code GL Title Code Debit Credit 7000 Salaries & Vies 99999 3.30 Opening Bal JVA1593 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 61358.13 JVA1593 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 09999 591.49 655.59 JVA1593 7101 Employee Tax 99999 1,416.79 JVA1593 7105 Health Benefits 99999 1,293.60 JVA1593 7107 L & l tax expense 99999 65.49 JVA1593 7103 Other Benefits 99999 125.52 JVA1593 8010 Professional Fees 99999 2,921.35 JVA1593 8100 OffieE� Supplies 99999 173.12 JVA1593 8200 Communication Expense 99999 259.89 JVA1593 8300 Postage & Shipping 99999 7.84 JVA1593 5350 Dues & Subscriptions 99999 106.22 JVA1593 8400 Rent - Space Lower County 99999 962.56 JVA1593 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 99999 528.89 JVA1593 8406. Utilities - Upper CountylGfrsite offices 99999 3.63 JVA1593 8420 Repairs & Maintenance -General 99999 1,086.03 JVA1593 8421 Repairs & iviaintenance - Program 99999 35.23 JVA1593 8450 Insurance Expense 99999 598.28 JVA1593 3501 Computer hardware and Software 99999 260.08 JVA1593 8510 Program supplies and tools 99999 36.42 JVA1593 8650 Photocopy Expense 99999 14.24 JVA1593 5660 Printing & Pubrications 99999 6.26 JVA1593 8675 Advertising Expense 99999 5.79 JVA1593 8700 Travel Expense 99999 1,183.10 JVA1593 8710 Meeting Exp 99999 34.26 JVA1593 8711 Training & Technical Assistance 99999 27.07 JVA1593 8712 representation expense 99999 12.36 JVA1593 8800 Vehicle Maintenance & related 99999 949.84 JVA1593 8805 Vehicle Gas & Oil 99999 559.36 JVA1593 5990 Interest Expenses 99999 5.63 JVA1593 8992 Bank Fee 99999 16.49 JVA1593 8997 Depreciation Expenses 99999 14.01 19.656.97 555.59 Transaction 19:001.38 Page:1 Divlsi... Management Code Division Title 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 612010 (MILES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 612010 (MLES) 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 612010 (MLES) 6112003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 612010 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 612010 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 612010 (MLES) Palan_._ Permanent-- Smelter Case Management 612003 (MLES) 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ES -CV 632202/11 - ESo- Graaf County From 911/2023 Through 913012023 Session ID Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1425 Management 612010 Permanent. Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1425 Management 612010 Permanent-- Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1425 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1425 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case Management 612010 Permanent-- Sleep Center Case Management 612010 Pennanent- Sleep Center Case Manacgemerd 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case Management Date: 10/1 WS 08:14:54 AM Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ES -CV 632202/11 - ESo- Graaf County From 911/2023 Through 913012023 Session ID GL Cade CDSPRO1425 7000 CDSPRO1425 7000 CDSPR{)1425 7100 CDSPRO1425 7101 CDSPRO1425 7105 CDSPRO1425 7107 GL Title Salaries & Wages Salaries & Wages FICA & Medicare Expense Employee Tac Health Benefits L & I tax expense Salaries & Wages Salaries & Wages Salaries & wages Sala des & Wages FICA & Medicare Expense FICA & Medicare Expense Employee Tax Employee Tax Health Benefits Health Benefits Sub division Code 7000 CDSPRO1425 7000 CDSPRO1428 7009 CDSPRO1430 7000 CDSPRO1425 7100 CDSPRO1428 7100 CDSPRO1426 7101 CDSPRO1428 7101 CDSPRO1425 7105 CDSPRO1428 7105 GL Title Salaries & Wages Salaries & Wages FICA & Medicare Expense Employee Tac Health Benefits L & I tax expense Salaries & Wages Salaries & Wages Salaries & wages Sala des & Wages FICA & Medicare Expense FICA & Medicare Expense Employee Tax Employee Tax Health Benefits Health Benefits Sub division Code Debit Credit 99999 0.00 opening Bal 99999 2,024.00 378.3' 99999 159.25 99999 378.37 99999 428.59 99999 21.80 3,092.09 378.37 Transaction 2,633.64 99999 0.00 opening Bal 99999 61375.24 986.62 99999 57430.02 783.81 99999 37.77 99999 522.70 99999 426A5 99999 986.62 99999 783.81 99999 134.95 99999 158.06 Page: 2 4 t•.. 1r ♦�� ti.1.4 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-Cit 632202/1/ - r'_ -SG- Grant County From 91112023 Through 9130/2023 Sulo Divisi... division Cade Division Title Session ID OL Code GL Title Code Debit Credit 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1425 7107 L & l tax expense 99999 88.27 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1428 7107 L & l tax expense 99999 90.81 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1425 7108 Other Benefits 99999 0.60 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1428 7108 Other Benefits 99999 0.35 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case JV002860 8505 Vehicle Gas & Oil 99999 183.40 Management 15,29 9.015 1,770_x.3 Transaction Galan,.. Permanent Sleep Center Case 13,448.62 612010 Management 613 Program Operations 8510 Program supplies and tools 99999 0.00 Opening Bal 613 Program Operations AP1047578 8510 Program supplies and tools 99999 9,465.75 _ 693 Program Operations AP1047614 5510 Program supplies and tools 99999 1,465.75 613 Program Operations JV002844 8997 Depreciation Expenses 99999 17809.18 613 Program Operations JV002853 8997 Depreciation Expenses 99999 1,809-18 3,274.93 3,274.93 Transaction Balan... Program Operations 0.00 613 693001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees 99999 0.00 Opening Be[ 613001 Program Support' Pool AP1046886 8010 Professional Fees 99999 457.05 613009 Program Support- Pool AP1047399 8010 Professional Fees 99999 22.24 613001 Program Support - fool AP1047349 8010 Professional Fees 99999 3,062.42 613001 Program Support - fool API047380 899 0 Professional fees 99999 74.18 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047520 8010 Professional Fees 99999 2296.82 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047656 8010 Professional Fees 99999 5.36 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047784 8010 Professional Fees 99999 46.65 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047785 8010 Professional Fees 99999 75.31 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047530 8100 Office Suppiies 99999 9.13 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047581 8100 Office Supplies 99999 19.17 613001 Program Support- Pool AP1047480 5200 Communication Expense 99999 1-54 Date: 1 011 6123 08:94:54 AM Page: 3 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - SL- ESG-CV 832202111 - ESG- Grant County From 91112028 Through 9!30[2023 Divisi... Debit Credit 99999 66.65 99999 Code Division Title Session Ili GL Code GL Title 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047584 8200 Communication Expense 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047566 8200 Communication Expense e l3o01 Program Support - Pon[ AP 1046976 8400 Rent - Space Lower County 618001 Program Support - Pool AP1046978 8400 Bent - Space Lower County 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047586 84€35 Ut€Gties - Ellensburg 613001 Program Support, Poo[ AP1047738 8405 Utilities -- Ellensburg 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047835 5405 Utilities - Ellensburg 613001 Program Support - Pool API047552 8406 Utilities - Upper County/Ofsite offices 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047594 8406 Utilities - Upper CountylOftsite offices 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047679 8406 Utilities - Upper County/Offsite offices 613009 Program Support - Poo[ AP1047373 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047426 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - Pool AP,1047470 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 693001 Program Support - Pool .AP1047515 8420 Repairs & Maintenance -- General 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047668 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 6:13001 Program Support - Poo[ AP1047682 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - Genera[ 613001 Program Support - Poor AP1047698 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047702 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support -- Pool AP1047718 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047720 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047731 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047732 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 013001 Program Support - Pool API047733 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047739 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - Genera[ 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047769 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047707 8450 Insurance Expense 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047429 8650 Photocopy Expense 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047674 8700 Travel Expense 613001 Program Support - Pool JV002860 8805 Vehicle Gas & Cil 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047626 8990 Interest Expenses 613001 Program Support -- Pool JV002844 8997 Depreciation Expenses Galan.._ Program Support - Pool 613001 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops 7000 Salaries & Wages Date. 1011612 08:14:54 AM Sub division Code Debit Credit 99999 66.65 99999 1.51 99999 55.46 99999 354.37 99999 13.38 99999 16.43 99999 11.94 99999 30-83 99999 26.01 99999 31.39 99999 4.36 99999 2.03 99999 4.76 99999 34.49 99999 185.98 99999 88.74 99999 185.98 99999 15.64 99999 27.05 99999 29.91 99999 0-27 99999 0.84 99999 0.17 99999 96.57 99999 3.87 99999 352.34 99999 9.65 99999 6-25 99999 15.93 99999 135.73 99999 338.85 - - 5.919-43 2.296.32 Transaction 3,622.61 99999 0.00 Opening Bal Page: 4 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV 632202111 - ESO- Grant County From 91112023 Through 9130/2023 Divisi... Code Division Title Session ID GL Code GL Title 61.3008 Permanent Shelter Program Cps CDSPRO1425 7000 Salaries & Mages 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPFZ01426 7000 Salaries & Wages 613008 Permanent= Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7000 Salaries & Wages 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program tips CDSPRO1432 7000 Salaries &'Mages 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Cps CDSPRO1425 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 613008 Permanent= Shelter Program Cps CDSPRO1426 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense $13008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1425 7101 Employee Tax 613005 Permanent- Shelter Program Cps CDSPRO1426 7101 Employee Tax 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Cps CDSPRO1429 7101 Employee Tax 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops ODSPRO1425 7105 Health Benefits 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Cps CDSPRO1426 7105 Health Benefits 6+13008 Permanent Shelter Program Cps CDSPRO1429 7105 Health Benefits 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1425 7107 L & I tax expense 613005 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1426 7107 L & I tax expense 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7107 L & I tax expense 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1426 7108 Other Benefits 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ceps CDSPRO1429 7.108 Other Benefits 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047710 8010 Protssional Fees 613008 Permanent Shelter Progr6m Ops AP1047480 8200 Communication Expense 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047584 8200 Communication Expense 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops API047726 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047594 5406 /.Utilities - Upper CounWOffsite offices 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops AP1047726 8406 Utilities - Upper County/Offsite offices 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047547 8407 Utilities - Shelter 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047588 8407 Utilities - Shelter 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops API047726 8407 Utilities - Shelter 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047726 5421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047614 8510 Program supplies and tools 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047726 8510 Program supplies and tools 813008 Permanent: Shelter Program Ops AP1047595 8710 Meeting Exp 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops AP1047726 8990 Interest Expenses 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047726 8997 Depreciation Expenses 613005 Permanent Shelter Program Ops JV002853 8997 Depreciation Expenses Sub division Code Debit Credit 09999 1,374-72 208.00 99999 543.62 99999 585.56 99999 22.77 99999 105.71 99999 63.11 99999 68.86 99999 208.00 99999 145.59 99999 132.85 99999 88-86 99999 115_12 99999 104.80 99999 14.25 99999 7.34 99999 5.64 99999 0.90 99999 0.89 9y�9999 145.01 �{ 99999 37.29 99999 93.67 99999 601.17 99999 375.34 99999 375.34 99999 842.27 99999 907.83 99999 21746.61 99999 1,348.77 99999 1,4.65.75 99999 768.01 99999 12.00 99999 2,497.32 99599 5,427.54 99999 1,809.18 9,269.93_ _ 13,872.76 Transaction Date: 10116M 08:14:54 AM Page: 5 Divisi... Code Balan... 613008 Division Title Permanent Shelter Program Ops 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 513010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program tips 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program tips 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 6'1307 0 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Steep Center Program Ceps 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent: Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent: Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 6+13010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops Ri-mcminn in Hope Source Expanded General Ledger -- BL- ESO.0 632202111 - ESG- Grant County Front 91112023 Through 913012023 GL Carie GL Title Sub division r.Arip Debit Credit 47602.83 2,296.82 Opening Bal Dake. 1011623 08:14:454 AM Page. 6 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 0.00 CDSPRO1426 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 332.16 CDSPRO1429 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 438.61 GDSPRO1432 7000 Salaries &Wages 99999 13.07 CDSPRO1426 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 99999 43.80 CDSPRO1429 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 99999 45.56 CDSPRO1426 7101 Employee Tax 99999 112.20 CDSPRO1429 7101 Employee Tax 99999 113.15 CDSPRO142B 7105 Health Benefits 99999 69.76 CDSPRO1429 7105 Health Benefits 99999 71.9€3 CDSPRO1426 7107 L & I tax expense 99999 4.74 CDSPRO1429 7107 L & I tax expense 99999 6.24 CDSPRO1426 7108 Other Benefits 99999 0.89 CDSPRO1429 7108 Other Benefits 99999 0.89 API446886 8010 Professional Fees 99999 457.05 AP1047319 8010 Profmional Fees 99999 22.24 AP1047324 6010 Professional Fees 99999 1,400.00 AP 1047349 8010 Prof=essional Fees 99999 3,062.42 API047380 8010 Professional Fees 99939 74.18 API047520 8010 Professional Fees 99999 AP1047656 8010 Professional Fees 99999 48.83 AP1047710 5010 Professional Fees 99999 580.04 AP1047784 8010 Professional Fees 99999 46.65 AP1047785 8010 Professional Fees 99999 75.31 AP1047530 8100 Office Supplies 99999 9-13 AP1047581 8100 Office Supplies 99999 19.17 AP1047419 8200 Communicatiton Expense 99999 265.74 AP1047480 8200 Communication Expense 99999 76.12 AP1047584 8200 Communication Expense 99999 66.65 AP1047666 5200 Communication .Expense 99999 1.51 AP 1046976 5400 Rent - Space Lower County 99999 55.46 AP1046978 8400 Rent - Space Lower County 99999 354.37 AP1047586 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 99999 13.35 AP1047738 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 99999 16.43 AP1047835 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 99999 11.94 2,296.82 Opening Bal Dake. 1011623 08:14:454 AM Page. 6 Mope Source - Expanded General Ledger - 8L- ESG-CV 632202111 - ESG- Granit County From 911}2023 Through 913012023 ESG- Grant Counter Report 0.00 0.00 OpeningtCurrent Balance Daae: 10118123 08:14:54 AM Page: 7 Suis Divisi... division Code Division Title Session ID GL Code CL Title Code Debit Credit 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program tips AP1047552 8406 Utilities - Upper Countyl0ffsite offices 99999 30.83 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP[047594 8406 Utilities - Upper CountylO fsite offices 99999 25.01 013010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047679 6406 Utilities - Upper County/Offsite offices 99999 31.39 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP[047373 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 4.36 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops API047426 5420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99099 2.03 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047470 5420 Repairs &(Maintenance - General 99999 4.76 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047515 8420 Repairs &[Maintenance - General 99999 34.49 613010 Permanent. Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047668 8420 Repairs & Maintenance -- General 99999 185.98 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047682 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 85.74 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops API047698 8420 Repairs & Maintenance -- General 99999 185.98 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP10477028420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 15.64 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047718 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 27.05 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047720 5420 Repairs &(Maintenance - General 99999 29.91 613010 Permanent; Sleep Center Program Ops API -047731 8420 Repairs & Maintenance -- General 99999 0.27 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047732 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 0.84 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Cps AP1047733 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 0.17 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047739 8420 Repairs & (Maintenance - General 99999 96.57 613010 Permanent- deep Center Program Ops AP1047769 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 3.87 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047707 8450 Insurance Expense 99999 352.34 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047429 8650 Photocopy Expense 99999 9.65 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047674 8700 Travel Expense 99999 6.25 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops J 002860 8505 Vehicle Gas & Of 99999 15.93 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047626 8990 Interest Expenses 99999 135.73 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops JV002844 5997 Depreciation Expenses 99999 338.85 9,541.58 2,296.82 Transaction Galan... Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 7,244.71 1313010 Balance 632202111 - 41,345.13 ESG- Grant Counter Report 0.00 0.00 OpeningtCurrent Balance Daae: 10118123 08:14:54 AM Page: 7 Divisi... Code Division Title Report Transaction Totals Report Current Balances Report Difference ••'bUs� f Hope Source Expanded General Ledger- BL ESG-C 632202111 -1 G- Grant County From 91112023 Through 918912 723 GL Code GLTitle Sub division Debit Credit 85,593.85 24,545.72 85,893.85 24,545.72 41, 848.1 y1,3ue.13 " �;,11',� �es6 _ 3349.4 '�d�v"� � 3�5 Date: 101IM3 08:14:54 AM Page: 8