HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (007)GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOCC REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: Karrl@ Stockton CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: Kai"1'I@ Stockton CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: ❑YES ®NO DATE: 12/11/2023 PHONE: till 1,... "'I'J, :/:.. .. .. _,. ,.i n, v ,._ '. .. moi.. i._ / ,i � ii/ � ,//: :' ./i. ✓i /' .. , . .... .. ,. ._.:....� __. . _ ... _... ,_,.., . _.:.:-:moi mom - /. .,. _., :: _ . � ::. �._:. .. ;=- ;0-N �t,j TReimbursement request from New Hope on the Department of Commerce Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) No. 24-46108-10, in the amount of $3,177.48 for October expenses. DATE OF ACTION: APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: ❑Agreement / Contract ❑AP Vouchers ❑Appointment / Reappointment ❑5m ARPA Related ❑ Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award ❑ Bid Opening Scheduled ❑ Boards / Committees ❑,Budget ❑Computer Related ❑County Code ❑Emergency Purchase ❑Employee Rel. ❑ Facilities Related ❑ Financial ❑ Funds ❑ Hearing ❑ Invoices / Purchase Orders 0 Grants — Fed/State/County Ell -eases ❑ MOA / MOU El Minutes ❑Ordinances El Out of State Travel []Petty Cash ❑ Policies ❑ Proclamations ❑ Request for Purchase ❑ Resolution ❑Recommendation ❑Professional Sery/Consultant ❑Support Letter ❑Surplus Req. ❑Tax Levies ❑Thank You's ❑Tax Title Property ❑WSLCB till 1,... "'I'J, :/:.. .. .. _,. ,.i n, v ,._ '. .. moi.. i._ / ,i � ii/ � ,//: :' ./i. ✓i /' .. , . .... .. ,. ._.:....� __. . _ ... _... ,_,.., . _.:.:-:moi mom - /. .,. _., :: _ . � ::. �._:. .. ;=- ;0-N �t,j TReimbursement request from New Hope on the Department of Commerce Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) No. 24-46108-10, in the amount of $3,177.48 for October expenses. DATE OF ACTION: APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: e Mon - th Year Grantee Name List Sub Grantee Names New Hope I opt -231 I I I I I I Total I Mill $3,177.48 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 _► I r i . .s EMERGENCY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE REQUEST FORM �0 014 10 4W new beginnings, better tomorrows, Type -of client: �%V 11SA EICVSC P'HD?t Staff: m U� o fr n r;1 Date Submitted: �`� � %,r�,k�'`'� Amount requested $ '� � �� , `�� # of Children: Client ID: Client's Home City,, Updated: 2/11/2020 9/18/23, 3:07 PIVI Fwd.* Gary Mann Total Property Management - Online Payment Confirmation - Maria L. Hallatt- Outlook Fwd,,,, Gary Mann Total Property Management;- Online Payment Confirmation Mon 9/18/2023 3:05 PM ToNaria L Hallatt <mIhaIJatt@grantcountywa.gov> * *EXTERNAL EMAIL** This email originated from outside Grant Countyts network. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe, ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Gary Mann Total Property Management <d.onotrep ty2 q fo I > Date-, Mon, Sep 18,2023,3:03 PM Subject., Gary Mann Total Property Management - Online Payment Confirmation TO W- 11 L;�Gampany Logo Hello Thank you for your payment of $1,654.80 on 09/18/2023 Onyour credit or debit card statement, you will see two separate char es from Gary Mann Total Pr. which together total $1,654.80. Please note: t : he transaction fee amount wassplit across these 'Charges - you were not charged two separate fees. The details of how your payments were split are as follows: Confirmation Number: I BFI -13830 about:blank?windowld=SecondaryReadingPane33 112 9/18/23, 3,07 PM Fwd-. Gary Mann Total Property Management - Online Payment Confirmation - Maria L. Hallatt - Outlook Card Type: Visa Paid On: 09./18/2023 01-03 PM (PDT) To make future payments, g your online -grta L Thank you for choosing Gary Mann Total Property Management. Gary Mann Total Property Management (509) 765-3463 ga,rymannrentals.com ppfolio about,b Ian k?windowl d=SecondaryReading Pa ne3 3 212 Staff. D Long .a^ Date Submitted: 08/31/2023* new begitomorrows.nnings.,Amount request: $VA Type of client 1) i S GVSC D HDR o Children:I ent ID: GML070751 Client's Home City: Moses Lade _..... . `�s. , r .. n.r \G.•:, r _, .. J..f 's .. . ._. c.. -..r ,,: s t •2 a .. ` - ^. . .,.., _. v , '`^c _, •K. 1 ... 1., ... �' _...f=. ... .. .... . •:.v .. ... .f,• ...a .. .. _ .__ r: ,.. .,. ,.. .•rvL�.. ,. i-.,. ,,, ,..(.s r&.. r4 .� .. ., t`i .§_, ,rv} _,'C, �..,+ r.. ..• .., .h z,... ., v-.e.... k. >i�: .r .. ,. :A ..2 ... -,. ... ,. >i r . ..t t ,v �! ., .5�,' .,.' Jt _ h r N,.. u. s,. •1 , .. .. % I v.:r:, - .,. , Y <, .. , , , t t .. .. _. . ,.. .'h.,. -�. .. L s , ,. :-.. x�I r ,,...r5. �✓: t ..m� 5. , _ 4 ... ...- 1: 'ra >• . dd, .Y ., f.?:,. ,>'-.. 4 '�. E7.. _�xk` �:.'i+•t c_•�. - 4 y_ F -C,n � 3 kr. ,.w• f.. , ,`�. ..,- •. "E"N - r.. d<. •.., ,..,. <.• .. 5", . v. -. ;•' 2. 4..4 1 ,: :n �'.?,. ^, ✓� x l: F .-...r ,_.. ,•-r.>� ., , ,.. .:4 . , _ ._..�,. , ... .. . :... .. :, 3 x ,... ....,. a.. .. ,h+, _ ,..... ._. _. _ :_ a.. .?u .,.`2i . .::t r...M rtuA. i ;a .'� .. �k. ,. ... ,y ._:. r .. :. �... t• .�, .... .... .. .,. .: .� r. td :-a ., 1,. s... 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P '21 Explain: l ental Assistance (Windermere • Background check for housing # Children's needs 9 Mortgage Deka assistance * Service DVP O Driver's license Utilities bills • Education training * Security assist o Bus fare to return home Rental Assist Cell phone to seek, warl�'housin � Cir payments well be` Family being � Food/Necessities X 3 N ._ ... .:".. ..,_ .>. _ , r •,.. n : a: ., , r. B.— .r - ..... t a „ .. ., .. t , _, ., .. , , .,! _ r ., dr ."tl,. , , i .-e.>•.: >� >,_. r� it ,i ., EA,l . ..._d._ .f- +N". _ .Y 11 ,: ... .._ .._.> .. .. a .. §.. _ Te. ,. ,- - .r .•... "y4 i , s• . .. ,n-, ,. .> r .. . .• i<i.. ,-y :i . i rt, �'1.. ,...!-..:. _. .. ,_ _, ._. , as ., _.: . _ , t .. ✓ ,. .. , �....., x , Y .r•t» l....t +. . -s% ,d i r, r.Y' •;.,. .:::.t ..>... ,^ � ... -«:. -..: ., �: ra.. �.,.., .': . r..2- � .. :._ is '. •.,. ri. :.. -:i r" - r, a'.: �. .. " ? .. ...., . . .. _... k: ._......, ,.. E ..: §..,!„ r,:.::s sr.'�s...:�?•5 �'�, Yj .t=%Pod �-'�,:. .:.� A, `� .+,� Tom: a,�.��.4: � ;�,;- "E� . rc 7'��1 !�� � Housing AuthorMt ..:^1„ � yy�.t�� ys�,Em yV,��p�1 jT, • Salvation Array ## i/ 6 Serve M.UQ:uincy DSI-1 +� CPS +� Family contribution Friend contribution r a , t , , , f ISO ria r ra l veA:_ iw .i v� 7 1 l.. , Ate c n E i r • , j :RtGRAM ❑ , . , D r PA , , :DSA .,t:: ,DC'll :. DYHD►P ,. , L ETH D OF RA'Y[WENT: ` C�e� =.. D, . DPe dash 0De�►it Card redit ,. r: ar Updated: 2/11/2020 1 EMERGENCY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, REQUEST FORIV Include back up documentation: Receipt Copy of check W9, if applicable Updated,* 2/11/2020 Single -mom works and a nursing home was able to get into her own place and was doing fine paying her rent. This month she ended up having extra bills and not receiving any help from her ex with child support nor any other assistance. She asked to work extra hours and is catching up on her bills that way. We assisted in paying half her rent and client said that was a tremendous relief alone with just, the half of the rent and was very thankful.. 9/1/4 3'43 PM Ski, ---to main co I ntent Hello Home Paynients Maifenance Contact Us 5�hared Documents Twurance .p ProeDetails - a Account Profile o. HeIn 'p - Log Out aA Windenm,lere PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Property Address menu Make a Payment Payment Method Confirmation Payment Confirmed WINDERMERE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GRANT COUNTY, INC 0.. Verify Details 18837 Log, Out Confirmation A confirmation has been sent to WINDERMERE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GRANT COUNTY, INC has been notified. You just made a payment of $672.68 v (Includes a $22.68 ti-ansactionfee) Confirmation # CB2C-7730 I (payment date is 0910112023) https://Windermerek2.appfolio.com/connect/payments—flow—v2/payments/confirmation?mode=oneTimePayment 1/2 0 04P Staff: Becky Garcia Data Submitted: 10/19/23 MWft1%%P1WE VLM T PROGRAM: DDSHS /�HG 138A [1CV AC 0 METHOD OF: PAYMENT: rdCounty Voucher E]PettyCash E]CredltCard UF%z Include back up documentation: (Receipt, Copy of Check, W-9 if Applicable) Updated: 08/31/2023 Amount requested $ 850wO0 now 6130!nnings, baiter, lomorraws. #of Children: I Type of client: 0 DV LISA 13CV El CAC Client's Home City: Moses Lake Client ID: ML12913 j i NCA ID: 2023-476 What -is the' Em ron-cy Fina-ne. tal ASSistance(EFA) request for? Explain: s Background check for housing Left a DV situation and is need of help getting into a * Children's needs •a Mortgage s Service DVPO place. Amount above would pay for deposit. 0 Debt assistance * Driver's license a Utilities bills a Education training * Security Assist * Bus fare to return home * Rental Assist * Cell phone to seek workthousing 'Car payments * Family well being * Food/Necessities In' dicate what other Ort or rego-urces''w4re used? • Housing Authority 0 Salvation Army 0 Serve MLIQuincy 0 DSHS 0 CPS 0 Family contribution 0 Friend contribution Supervisor Signature;: Date:...... 0 Approved El Denied, Acentinfinn .1qinnjaf1 Iia! IPA A MWft1%%P1WE VLM T PROGRAM: DDSHS /�HG 138A [1CV AC 0 METHOD OF: PAYMENT: rdCounty Voucher E]PettyCash E]CredltCard UF%z Include back up documentation: (Receipt, Copy of Check, W-9 if Applicable) Updated: 08/31/2023 Invoice Page I /I Invoice 0399723 Date 10/19/2023 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: EILERS KNOX t(c GARY MANN TOTAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 305 F, Sed AVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837 0ecument Number Purchase OMO Number VendorlD Shipping-*Mkhod Paynnent Terms ID DEPOSIT - AD/BG GMTPM Description: Amount Client EFA - Rental Deposit $850,00 Subtotal $850.00 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $850.00 e gwt -OTIV k'ior'' 0 A OSP fl A DX7 PROPERrff MANN, October18,2023 R E -. To Whom It May Concern: s an approved applicant that will be moving into )n November lo 2023. Her deposit amount i's $850, and her monthly rent will be $850 starting November .1, 2023. Please call Nakieta Pegram at 509-765-3463 for any additional questions. Sincerely, Nmeta Pegram GMTPM 5409-765-3463 Form W409 (Rev. October 2010) 110�r�e��r��� re"Oly "T1 llama (da sheon Your I 2 2 SIMM' BuAp-Q-4 nri aft�rr earl Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification tai W#W-,1M,,90Y1F0M%9 fOr lastruC40m End the lot -est kdvrMaU00, 9 tax shun). Na'rn4 Is MqUired on thJ$ ling; 0 not lea ve ft ling name, ff dfffemnt from Vill WAM M I A 3 Check th app relate box for faderal %x efts[Roation. 101 e perhon wh* name is eater firm 1- 0 f,0 I I OW I nvg�spTae ra'alb axes, 0111Y OM Of thO 4 E"MptlOns (Godems �apply only to ceftin e*ftks, not Indly1duals., see 0 IndividuaYsoleproprIetor or C Co"ratloo 0 8 Coyporaliot, El Partnership 13 T"Vestato Instructims on Page 3)" slingle-Member LLO EMMM payee code Of any) fftJM1t641ab1htY company. Enter the tax claw"IcatlOnt0mr-CaToration , S�rBcorpoWlons PwPWnerahlp�P-Jl. , Now, Chsok the apprapfte box 10 thO tine abovo for the Im CIASOMOAVOn Of the Ski&-mamber amen. DO not cNek ExOmP1101) fft)m AT }# rept in LLL If the LLO Is dws1led as 8 SfnqfoTmamber 1.1.0 that Ir, disrepwded fmrn the owner unMa the owiw of the LLC Is coda (H any) HnOthDr LLC fat Is not dism9ardod from the owner for US. fecteral tic pMqX5", othwWJ$9. a single -member LL0 that Is ftmvarded from the ommi should check the appropriMe box for dw lax chm"IcatW 0i R$ owner, :Jar fso ins"bns) P> V"W 10 40MMI AldiqWwd oWsWd tri, iU Sr 6 Addrom (siif-nber, skeat, andapt. or suRe no.) 669 Instructlorm, RequestWa name ii -d addrear, (optlonial) 6 City, State, and ZF OwRcl"e� Give Form to the requevWr, Do not, send to the )RSK 130count 1"enlincou0n rquMf3er Enter your TIN In the SIPPropdate box, The TIN provided most mtch1 to avoid the narne given 0n Ina backup vAthholding. For IndIviduaisp thl$ is generally your social $ecudty number (S81%. Hawover, for a resident alien, We PropOetor, or disregarded entity, see the irmimal-ions for Part 1, later, For other eniffles, it Is your ernployer Ident1ficaflon number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see Now to got a TIN, laier. WO: If thO account is in more than one name, see the Instructions for one 1. AW gee What JV;aMe and Numb& 7*0 Give the Requesterfor guldellnes on whose number to enter, CW Certification Under penalties ofpaqury, I certify that: I - The number shown on this form is my correct taxPaY$r IdOntification number (Of I Am waiting for a nuMber to be issued to me).. and 2. 1 am not sub*t 10 baCRUP Withholding because: (aj I am exernpi from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by �e Internal Revenue BeMce (184) that I am subject to bac%*vp withholding as a rosult Of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (a) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup Withholding, and 0 3.1 am a UB. oftlzen or other U.S, person (defined below); and 4. The FAT CA cod*) entered on this form (if any) Indicating that I am OXeMpt from FATCA reporting is correct. 0"tai c8110n 105VU009no, You MUM cross out item 2 above if YOU have boon notified by Me IRS fiat you are currwMY subject to bgckup withholding because YOU have failed to report 01 Interest and dIvIdends on your tox ratum. For red WOW transactions, Item 2 does rkOt apply. For mortgage Intemst pold, MqUisition or abandonmeni of securod property, aancollatiorl of debt, contributions to an Individual retirement Anqoment (IRA), and generally, payments other then interest end dividenckq, you are not roquired W sign the OertlilcaWn, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the Irruntions f?r Part 11, lar sign LN � e�. .., -�V.� Here —P -an General, r Form 1099 -DIV (divIdends, Including those from stooks or mutual Section reforencas are to the lnt�M�i -n-evenue Code unless ott)erwise funds) noted, * Form 1099-MISO NaHOUG types of Income, prizes, awards, or gross FuturO aVdlqPMeht6, For the latest Information about developments proceeds) related to Form W-19 and Its inStruotions, such 83 legIslation enacted Form 1099-13 (Stock or Multial fund sales and certain other after they were published, 90 to WWWJrs.gov1FcrmW,9, tranSaotlons by brokers) PUrPoSe of Form Form 1090-8 (proceeds from real estate transactions) Form 1099-K(merchant card and thlrd patty network tranianctions) An Individual or Otifity {Form W-9 roquestao wtio Is required 10 file an Form 1098 (home mortgage Intereall), 1098--E (student loan interest). Information rolum Witt) the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer 1098-T (tuition) �(IdentiflOstion number (11N) which may be your sodal security number a Form 1099-C (oancelad debt) MLindividual taxpayer IdentifloaWn number (ITIN), adoptlen a rm 90Q01sition or abandonment of seoured properly) Identification number (ATIN), or employer Identifloation number Fo1 0 -A (aa 00), to report an an information return the amount paid to you, or other Use Form W-9 OMY If you are a U.S. person(Inclucling a resident reportable ort on informallon return.15XaMples of information alien), to provide your correct TIN. returns Include, but are not limited tok the following. If you do not retum Form W -,g tO thO r0clusstQr with a Mo you nilght 91 Form 1099-INr (interest eamed or pald) basubloct to baokup withholding. See What is backup withholding, later. cat, NO. 10231X Farm W-9 (Flev. 10-2D1 9) 1146 LWG 3 7 1 231002 0 PAGE I OF 2 1 0 4833 0030 CX48 01AC1 146 Cardholder Name and Account Number Page I of 2 NEW HOPE SHELTER ADVOCATE 111SA GRANT COUNTY A flip XXXX.-XXXXXXXX-849Was hirv►n Tru Due 10,10.23 Remit Payment to: WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE,'WA 99210-2127 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 Please Include your account ,number on your check, I- -_ j New address, phone number or e-mail? . J Check the box to the left and print changes on back. WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 Mail Inquiries To: P.O. BOX 2127 SPOKANE. WA 99210-2127 We appreciate your businessl 1P Questions? Call Customer Service: 80.0-788-74578 Lost or Stolen Card: 800-788-4578 Payment Due Date S M TW T 'P 5i XXX Account Number XXXX-XXXX-X-8493 New Balance $0.00 Minimum Payment Due NONE Amount Enclosed NEW HOPE SHELTER ADVOCATE GRANT COUNTY ATTN MICHELE JADERLUND PO BOX 137 EPHRATA WA 98823-0037 000000000000000041295700310084937 e- 0 14 0 ID I 8 9 10 11 12,114 15 16 17 118 1 j 9-1-20. 1 122 23 24 25!2 27 14c 1 4 #15 Transactions L Account Information I . I I Account Summary Reference Statement Closing Date 10102/2023 Previous Balance $0.00 Credit, Limit $20,000.00 Payments and Credits $0,00 Available Credit Cash Credit Limit $201000-00 $0.00 Finance Charge(net) $0.00 Available Cash $0.00 + Purchases + Cash Advances $0.00 $0.00 x$175.00 09/13 + Other� Res $0.00 GRANT CO H D TERMINAL 1 509-7667960 WA $77.25 = Now Balance $0.00 F_ WM SUPERCENTER #2007 ;MOSES LAKE Wk Payment Information 09/17 Payment Due Date: 10/27/2023- 242316882RBGJQNFD minimum Payment Due: $0.00 New Balance; $0.00 Remit Payment to: WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE,'WA 99210-2127 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 Please Include your account ,number on your check, I- -_ j New address, phone number or e-mail? . J Check the box to the left and print changes on back. WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 Mail Inquiries To: P.O. BOX 2127 SPOKANE. WA 99210-2127 We appreciate your businessl 1P Questions? Call Customer Service: 80.0-788-74578 Lost or Stolen Card: 800-788-4578 Payment Due Date S M TW T 'P 5i XXX Account Number XXXX-XXXX-X-8493 New Balance $0.00 Minimum Payment Due NONE Amount Enclosed NEW HOPE SHELTER ADVOCATE GRANT COUNTY ATTN MICHELE JADERLUND PO BOX 137 EPHRATA WA 98823-0037 000000000000000041295700310084937 e- 0 14 0 ID I 8 9 10 11 12,114 15 16 17 118 1 j 9-1-20. 1 122 23 24 25!2 27 14c 1 4 Transactions Post Date Trans Date Reference Description Amount 09/03 09/01 24492157MOTVTKVVR APWJNDERMERE PROPERT. 509-765-5691 WA $672.68,,� 09/10 09107 24231687VRBGJV63B SAFEWAY #3252 MOSES LAKE WA .$21.96 09/10 09/09 74492157WMNLX3KMB EB THE POWER :OF STORY 8014137200 CA x$175.00 09/13 09112 243773580-00035H7K GRANT CO H D TERMINAL 1 509-7667960 WA $77.25 09115 09/14 .244450082BLL9HG93 WM SUPERCENTER #2007 ;MOSES LAKE Wk $301.32 W, 09/17 09/14 242316882RBGJQNFD SAFEWAY #3252 MOSES LAKE WA $25.,00l 09117 09/14 242316882RBGJQN7D SAFEWAY #3252 MOSES LAKE WA $25,00 09/17 09/15 24692168235GGGJRL WALMART.COM 800-966-6546 AR $84.97,-P"l 00119 09118 2449215860TTLTJHW AF*GARY MANN TOTAL PR. 509-765-3463 WA $719.25 09/19 09/18 2449215860TTLTJQF AF*GARY MANN TOTAL PR. 509-765-3463 WA 09/21 09/19 .2419880879S9NEJEL PAYPAL*SOCIALSTRAT 4029357733 WA, $50000--" 09/21 09119 2419880879S9NFKZO PAYPAL *.SOCIALSTRAT 4029357733 WA $50.00 09121 09/19 2419880879S9NFLB4 PAYPAL *SOCIALSTRAT 4029357733 WA $50,00---,-" 09/21 09119 2419880879S9NF05W PAYPAL *SOCIALSTRAT 4029357733 'WA 09121 09119 2419880879S9'NH'Y7S PAYPAL *SOCIALSTRAT 4029357733 WA $50800 09/24 09/21 242316889RBGJ9TL4 SAFEWAY #3252 MOSES LAKE W 09/24 09/22 24692168931 Q8DFQ2 WALMART.COM 800-966-6546 AR $109.11 Remit Payment to: WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE,'WA 99210-2127 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 Please Include your account ,number on your check, I- -_ j New address, phone number or e-mail? . J Check the box to the left and print changes on back. WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 Mail Inquiries To: P.O. BOX 2127 SPOKANE. WA 99210-2127 We appreciate your businessl 1P Questions? Call Customer Service: 80.0-788-74578 Lost or Stolen Card: 800-788-4578 Payment Due Date S M TW T 'P 5i XXX Account Number XXXX-XXXX-X-8493 New Balance $0.00 Minimum Payment Due NONE Amount Enclosed NEW HOPE SHELTER ADVOCATE GRANT COUNTY ATTN MICHELE JADERLUND PO BOX 137 EPHRATA WA 98823-0037 000000000000000041295700310084937 e- 0 14 0 ID I 8 9 10 11 12,114 15 16 17 118 1 j 9-1-20. 1 122 23 24 25!2 27 14c 1 4 1148 LING 3 7 1 231002 0 PAGE 2 OF 2 '1 0 4833 0030 CX48 01 AC1146 Cardholder flame and Account Number Page 2 of2 NEW HOPE SHELTER ADVOCATE 111SA GRANT COUNTY ,LXXX --X-8493 ...... .. .. . ........ Transactions (continued) Post. Da#+e Trans Date Reference Description Amount 09/28 09/2:5 24013398EO2PYGWP3 TN FOX VALLEY TECH PAY AT913.5998899 KS $9.59-'� 89128 09/26 24013398E02PYGWR5 TN FOX VALLEY TECH PAYPAT913-5996699 KS $9.59 " 09/28 09/26 24013398EO2P4SNV8 V FOX VALLEY TECHNICAL C0920-7355608 WI $325.00 r 09/28 09/28 24013398EO2P4SNWO V FOX VALLEY TECHNICAL 00920-7355898 'WI $325.00..-- 09/28 09127 24013398E02PYG'VVTP TN FOX VALLEY TECH PAYPAT913-5996699 KS y X9,59 : 09/28 09/27 24013398EO2P4SNXA V FCX VALLEY TECHNICAL 00920-7355698 WI $325.00-� -" 9/30 09/28 24431868GOVZ6QEYN PHO SAIGON VIETNAMESE RESMOSES LADE WA $30.85° 00/30 09/29 24445008G6SQJSMDQ WALMART.COM 8009666546 8+00-966-6545 AR $111.23~ 10/02 10/02 00000000000000MPC TOTAL PURCHASES $4,392.44 TOTAL RETURNS $175.00 TOTAL $4,217.44 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD Finance Charge Calculation Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. Type of Balance APR Average Daily Finance Charge Remaining Purchases r18balance balance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Cash Advances 2.1.49% (V) $0.90 $0.00 $0.00 Days 1n Billing Cycle.0 (V) Variable Rate See reverse side of page one for explanation of Finance Charge calculation.. Credit Purchases calculated using Method G. Cash Advance Charges calculated using Method A. FOR REBATE PROGRAM QUESTIONS; CALL 8010-788-4578.