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Grant Related - BOCC
GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOCC REQUEST suBMir-rED BY: Karrie Stockton CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE: Karrie Stockton CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: DYES ❑NO DATE: 12/13/2023 PHONE:ext. 2937 DATE OF ACTION: C y 7, a APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2. D& DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: ❑Agreement / Contract ❑AP Vouchers ❑Appointment / Reappointment ®ARPA Related ❑ Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award ❑ Bid Opening Scheduled ❑ Boards / Committees ❑ Budgetet❑Computer Related ❑Count Code ❑ Emergency Purchase ❑ Employee Rel. ❑ Facilities Related ❑ Financial ❑ Funds ❑ Hearin 9 ❑ Invoices / Purchase Orders C Grants — Fed/State/Count Y ❑ Leases ❑MOA / MOU ❑Minutes ❑Ordinances El Out of State Travel ❑PettY Cash ❑ Policies ❑ Proclamations ❑ Request for Purchase ❑ Resolution E-1 Recommendation F1 Professional Sery/Consultant ❑Support Letter []Surplus Req. p q ❑Tax Levies ❑Thank You's ❑Tax Title Property ❑WSLCB e ° ------------------ Reimbursement request #12 from New Hope in the amount p of $ 19630.18 for r October 2023 expenses, asart of their American Rescue escue Plan (ARPA) fund award previously approved. DATE OF ACTION: C y 7, a APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2. D& DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: New Hope ARPA Octobber 1-31, 2023 128-170-00-8021-565501100 $11,102.85 Salaries 128-170-00-8021-565502*** $6,369.75 Benefits 128-170-00-8021-565503100 $52.37 Goods &Services✓ 128-170-00-8021-565504100 Professional Service 128-170-00-8021-565504107 $224.75 Janitorial 128-170-00-8021-565504201 $76.22 Office Phone 128-170-00-8021-565504202 $245.99 On Call Phone' 128-170-00-8021-565504700 $224.40 Office Utilities ✓ 128-170-00-8021-565504800 Building Maintenance 128-170-00-8021-565501124 $242.13 HR Service Fee 128-170-00-8021-591657000 Copier Lease 128-170-00-8021-591657001 $1,091.73 Office Lease � Total $19.,630.18 Invoice Documentation Form: Goods & Services Worksheet Agency Name: Grant County New Hope Invoicing Period: Octobber 1-31, 2023 Purchases by Vendor and items Vendor Items Expense code Total amount of bill Total amount billed to ARPA AT&T Office Phone 565504201 $ 48.11 $ 11.66 Century Link Office Phone 565504201 $ 369.08 $ 64.56 Lindsey Water Office Supplies 565503100 $ 335.96 $ 41.40 GC Tech Services OnCail Phone 565504202 $ 11689.76 $ 245.99 Devries Record Mngmt Document Shredding 565503100 $ 6.90 $ 1.23 Mario Padilla Office Utilities 565504700 $ 11052.99 $ 224.40 Mario Padilla Office Lease 591657001 $ 71726.21 $ 1,091.73 PB Janitorial, Janitorial 565504107 $ 950.00 $ 187.19 US Linen Janitorial 565504107 $ 176.04 $ 34.68 GC Human Resources HR Service Fee 565501124 $ 1,354.67 $ 242.13 Amazon (Visa) Janitorial Supplies 565504107 $ 14.62 $ 2.88 Office Depot (Visa) Office Supplies 56550310.0 $ 54.49 $ 9.74 Total Charges $ 13,778.83 $ 2,157.59 Agency Name: Invoicing Period: Invoice Documentation: Salaries Grant County New Hope ®ctobber 1-31, 2023 Fode, Suzi $9,244.12 16.00% $1,479.06 Garcia, Becky $5,208.40 29.00% $1,510.44 Sanchez, Rusila $47413.38 48.00% $2,118.42 Glenn, Patricia $5,497.53 57.00% $3,133.59 Adolphsen, Elisa $65969.68 25.00% $1, 742.42 Barrientoz, Alyce $47864.85 23.00% $11118.92 Garcia, Celina $0.00 70.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Salaries: $11,1®2.85 Invoice Documentation: Benefits Fode, Suzi $2,558.57 16.00% Garcia, Becky $1,941.44 29.00% Sanchez, Rusila $17803.09 48.00 Glenn, Patricia $2,564.89 57.00% Adolphsen, Elisa $27178.51 25.00% Barrientoz, Alyce $27973.09 23.00% Garcia, Celina $27630.64 70.00% $409.37 $563.02 $865.48 $1,461.99 $544.63 $683.81 $1,841.45 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Benefits: $6,369.75 Page 1 / 1 Invoice 0397950 Date 9/27/2023 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O.. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: LINDSAY WATER POOL It SPA P 0 BOX 189 EPHRATA WA 98823- Document Number Purchase Order Number VendorlD ± Slipping Method Payment Terms ID 35147 LNDSYNET 30 Descriptio'—no, ------ Office Supply Amount— — $47.651, Subtotal $47.65 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $47.65 �C� r �ez_o.4 V CULLIGAN/LINDSAY 1229 Basin ST SK PO BOX 189 EPHRATA, WA 98823 (509) 754-4200 IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, PLEASE CHECK CORRECT CARD AND FILL OUT BELOW REIVI.17PAYIVIENT70.: PLEASE CHECK BOX TO ENROLL IN AUTOMATIC BILL PAYMENT CARD NUMBER Vein KIDS HOPE CULLIGAN/LINDSAY V. CODE SIGNATURE 311 W 3RD AVE PO BOX 189 EXP. DATE DATE 09/19/2023 1229 BASIN ST SW PAY THIS AMOUNT $47,65 ACCOUNT NUMBER 1 304758 /010E NUMBER: 135147 AMOUNT PAID ADDRESSEE: REIVI.17PAYIVIENT70.: Vein KIDS HOPE CULLIGAN/LINDSAY 311 W 3RD AVE PO BOX 189 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1905 1229 BASIN ST SW EPHRATA, WA 98823-0189 �: f�1��1��I��#���I��'f1'#'���#ei#��������I'��IIfIf'II�fl�##���L�I�I INVOICE RETURN THIS TOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT cc QvN_T .:SALES - 7� NUMBER_ b OR PE�R.NUMBER PRIttR NIAA-SE0 SHIP TERMS NET DUE I N 30 DAY 8 .304758 LBL COMPANY P14 y V RU JNVOICE. x.35147 - !NVbfCE 19 202r3 dAT-'QUANTITY:�: MAMBEW DATE .S.HIPPED, ORDERED,- "SHIPPED ]TEMNUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE ;5COUlNT. • &AM© UNT irk $ $00.739 -999 Dat 6 2 8 0 '/2 3 0 0 -00 3 :0 BOTTLE-WATER:"Lo 9 �o 0, 2 �7 0 1 0 0 pos t :BOTTLE "WATER. L 0: 08/21 00 1___oo DELIVERY: -CHARGE, .0 .--o 4 .00 4 .:'0. 0 19 1.. ( 0 0 f nd T:1'6k 81 00 7*399r99 Ticket , r'. - I - . 1. . I. 1; . 0 0 1. OOLER HOT _RENTAL I - & COLD. 't : . 5 l2.9 12 •995 or Serv. f roM 0 91 9 0 '1,0 'Nt UD A LATE PAYMENT FINANCE CHARGE OF 1-5 MAY BE APPLIED ON BALANCES AFTER 30 PER MONTH DAYS I DELMER TO. TOTAL 9 - C U I K*_�Ds HOPE, SALES TAX. 3.70 1229 Basin ST SWI PO BOX 1819 311 W 31�D FREIGHT/DELIVERY CHARGES EPliRAril'At TJA 988213 L.Adl.E IKA i9len(337 (b0cl) '754-42CW $4 ORIGINAL INVOICE RETAIN BOTTOM PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS 304758 Page 1/1 Invoice 0397951 Date 9/27/2023 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: LINDSAY WATER POOL ft SPA P 0 BOX 189 EPHRATA WA 98823 - Document Number Purchase Order Number VendorlD Shipping Met Pp ayment Terms ID h i3*51-46 bescription: NET 30 Office SuppLy Amount $106-241 Subtotal. $106.24 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $106.24 CULLIGAN/LINDSAY 1229 Basin ST SW, PO BOX 189 EPHRATA, WA 98823 (509) 754-4200 ADDRESSEE: NEW HOPE 311 W 3RD AVE MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1905 IN, IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, PLEASE CHECK CORRECT CARD AND FILL OUT BELOW E ] YIS 9 0vt 1 m PLEASE CHECK BOX TO ENROLL IN AUTOMATIC BILL PAYMENT CARD NUMBER V. CODE SIGNATURE NUMBER EXP,DATE DATE 09/19/2023 PURCHASE ORDE PAY THIS AMOUNT $106.24 ACCOUNT NUMBER 246488 1010E NUMBER: 135146 RETE ;PT APAIDMOUNT 214.6488 REMIT PAYMENT TO,— CULLIGAN/LINDSAY PO BOX 189 1229 BASIN ST SW EPHRATA, WA 98823-0189 �����i���llnllill�ii���llli�lll���lll�i�l�ii����ii����i�������i� INVOICE RETURN THIS TOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT rw3-KX3-q I r." A LATE PAYMENT FINANCE CHARGE OF PER MONTH DELIVER TO: TOTAL 9 8_.Tu MAY BE APPLIED ON BALANCES AFTER 30 DAYS NEW HOPE SALES TAX 8.24 CULL! GAINI/ LINDSAY 12, 9 B i n S 7- S .1 r 'F- C, B f- k, 4', R_ 9 3 111 rvvi 3RD A"VE FREIGHT/DELIVERY CHARGES NICIS" IIA" WA Sj"37 BPHRA'rl_'%r VTJ� 9H30_);'2_'3 ORIGINAL INVOICE RETAIN BOTTOM PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS 315390 SALES...." NUMBER . D NUMBER PURCHASE ORDE -'TER NET DUE UPON" RETE ;PT 214.6488 LBL COMPANY TRUCK wvoldt INVOICE 09/19/2023 N -UMBER DATE -bATEr SNIPPED QUANTITY ITEM NUMBER. DESC N R UNIT, PRIQE -DIS COUNT :NET AMOUNT _,- -i ORDERED Ir*1 CX .8 00 7.3 948. -Date 0,8 21%2023 08/2-1 ()'o 5, 00 OTTLE WATER LOCAL ..9.. 00. 0 81 2 '0 0 I 0�0 DELIVERY _, .CHARGE 4 00 4-00 nd of i 6ke t. 8007355,48.1 T�i.ck 8 0 0 7 41135 4 ":Date Oj/05/`�20.23 ..09/0.5 -5 .00 5 . 0 BOTTLE WATER�'LO I CAL 9. 00 45 09/05 1 0 0 DELIVERY_ 'CHARGE E - 4 00 "Oro 4 4_0 0 �j Ticket.: Ehd 0 c et, k -,:8 0 0,7 41.3 54 ' Ji A LATE PAYMENT FINANCE CHARGE OF PER MONTH DELIVER TO: TOTAL 9 8_.Tu MAY BE APPLIED ON BALANCES AFTER 30 DAYS NEW HOPE SALES TAX 8.24 CULL! GAINI/ LINDSAY 12, 9 B i n S 7- S .1 r 'F- C, B f- k, 4', R_ 9 3 111 rvvi 3RD A"VE FREIGHT/DELIVERY CHARGES NICIS" IIA" WA Sj"37 BPHRA'rl_'%r VTJ� 9H30_);'2_'3 ORIGINAL INVOICE RETAIN BOTTOM PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS 315390 106.24 A A �a CL CL Lindsay Water $ 106.24 nc Q Q Q o V C7 s Q 1 $ 19.90 $ 4,80 1 $ 32.51 1 $ 4.54 $ 2.18 $ 1.41 $ 12.42 1 1 4.16 1 $ 0.96 1 $ 4.90 1 $ 13.18 $ - $ 6.46 $ 2.82 lof r-e Supplies $ 106.24 106.24 Page 1 /1 Invoice 0399834 Date 10/24/2023 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: LINDSAY WATER POOL Et SPA, P 0 BOX 189 EPHRATA WA 98823 - Document Number 123 Purchase Order Number Vendor ID _ _._.�._._�. Shipping Method .- Payment Terms ID LNDSY NET Description,,, A I mou , nti Office Suppty S61.74 Subtotal $61-74 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $61.74 CULLIGAN/LINDSAY 1229 Basin ST SW, PO BOX 189 EPHRATA, WA 98823 (509) 754-4200 ADDRESSEE - KIDS HOPE 311 W 3RD AVE MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1905 hit IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, PLEASE CHECK CORRECT CARD AND FILL OUT BELOW 0 F -j PLEASE CHECK BOX TO ENROLL IN AUTOMATIC BILL PAYMENT CARD NUMBER V. CODE SIGNATURE EXP. DATE DATE 10/18/2023 PAY THIS AMOUNT $61.74 ACCOUNT NUMBER 304758 1010E NUMBER: 136123 AMOUNT PAID .."REMIT. PAYMENT TO. CULLIGAN/LI.NDSAY PO BOX 189 Fit ft!m- p 1229 BASIN ST SW EPHRATA, WA 98823-0189 �� 111111111 1 Jill IIIII III 11111111111111111 INVOICE RETURN THIS TOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT - A LATE PAYMENT FINANCE CHARGE OF 3 - PER MONTH DELIVER TO6.: TOTAL, MAY BE APPLIED ON BALANCES AFTER 3 0 DAYS SALES TAX'-�--'- 4.79 CU 14L T GA.1-1 I/ L I�l Du`.3).AY KIDS HOPE 311 W 3RD F FREIGHT/DEUVERY CHARGES 1229 Basin ST SW, PO BOX 189 I MOSE.13 LTkKEj TvqA 98837 E'r'HRPL'rAf WIA 088-23 $61.741 ORIGINAL INVOICE RETAIN BOTTOM PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS 304758 County of Grant 35 CST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor-, LINDSAY WATER POOL Et SPA P 0 BOX 189 EPHRATA WA 98823 - Document Number Purchase Order Number i 136124 LNDSY 1 Description: I Office Supply Invoice Page 1 / 1 Invoice 0399832 Date 10/24/2023 Subtotal $120,33 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0,00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0,00 Total Due $120.33 CULLIGAN/LINDSAY 1229 Basin ST SW, PO BOX 189 EPHRATA, WA 98823 (509) 754-4200 ..ADDRESSEE,: NEW HOPE 311 W 3RD AVE MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1905 IN IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, PLEASE CHECK CORRECT CARD AND FILL OUT BELOW WS4 1:1 j EASE CHECK BOX TO NAUTOMATIC BILL PAYMENENROLLT CARD NUMBER V. CODE SIGNATURE EXP. DATE DATE 10/18/2023 PAY THIS AMOUNT $120.33 ACCOUNT NUMBER 246488 10 1 C E NUMBER: 136'124 AMOUNT .:PAIN REMIT PAYM.FNT T CULLIGAN/LINDSAY PO BOX 189 1229 BASIN. ST SW EPHRATA, WA 98823-0189 Il�������ll�wll�ll��i��sIII��I����,�IIIIi�I�I�Ni������r�lir,l��l��w INVOICE RETURN THIS TOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT A LATE PAYMENT FINANCE CHARGE OF 1-b PER MONTH DELIVER TO: TOT111 MAY BE APPLIED ON . BALANCES AFTER 30 DAYS AL 1 CULLIG.AN'/ LINDSAY NEW HOPE $ALES TAX 9.3 ^ .0 29 Basin SIL S'Wt r10 9OX ll:�r� 3411 W 3RD AVE FREIGHT/DELIVERY CHARGES EPHRATA, WA 9?8'0j.`-)3d OSE'S 1JAKEL WA 988371 (509) 754-4200 $120.3 ORIGINAL INVOICE RETAIN BOTTOM PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS 315390 |]Office Supplies - 120.33 Page I /I Invoice 0398658 Date 10/4/2023 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor-, DeVries Business Records Management, Inc. 601 E Pacific Spokane WA 99202 Document Number Purchase Order Number Vendor ID Shipping Payment Terms ID 01 71863 DVBRM Nff 30 Description: Amount Document Shredding $6.90 jj Subtotal $6.90 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $6.90 VIRJES ...... . )DE BUSINESS SERVICES 601 E. PACIFIC SPOKANE,, WA 99202 (509) 838-1044 86643-3-4691 ww�v.de�Tiesinc. om GRANT COUNTY NEW HOPE Attn: ALYCE BARRIENTOZ 311 W. 3RD MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Invoice DeVries Business Services 601 E. PACIFIC SPOKANE, WA 99202 (509) 838-1044 (866) 433-4691 khopper@devriesinc,com Date: 09/30/2023 Invoice #: 0171863 Customer #: GCNEWHOPE1 Terms: Net 10 Total Amount Due; $6,90 Total Enclosed NOTE: DeVries also offers professional and trustworthy service in Document Destruction, Business Records Storage, Courier Services, and Commercial Office Moves! SERVICE DESCRIP11ON RATE QUANTITY TAX FEE ,No Invoice On—Site Record Destruction — Console $6.9000 Remit To: 601 E. Pacific Spokane, WA 99202 1.00 N SUB -TOTAL TAX INVOICE TOTAL $,6.9000 $6,90 $0.00 $6.90 Page: 1 Invoce Rev -20230323 D626080 - Devries C ;; u-rn ent Shredding $067 $03E 6.90 a a EL S 2.0 i � 50,13 3 0.09 0,77 0,26 0.!?6 � O.t/V i � 0�8�� t7.32 S 0.412 S t�.17 0.301 � 0;28 6.90 County of Grant 35 C ST` NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 9,8823 Vendor WASHINGTON TRUST BANK.. PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE WA 99210-7-127 Document Number 7139 — -d -§ T2 0-2 3 Description-., Visa Statement 09/2023 Page 1 /1 Invoice 0398887 Date 10/512023 Purchase Order Number Vendor ll] Shipping Method WTBCC Subtotal Misc Tax Freight Trade Discount Payment Total Due Payment 'Term's ICS Et 30 Amount, -1 $1,645.90 $176,45.90 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ 0.00 $1,645.90 1146 LWG 3 7 1 231002 0 PAGE I OF 2 1 0 4833 0030 CX48 OIACI 146 Call Customer Service: 800-7884578 Transactions Cardholder Name and Account Number Page I of 2 Date ALYCE BARRIENTOZ IfISA Amount 09103 GRANT COUNTY 24492157MOTVRXLKR AF*MULTIFAMILY PROPER. 253-888-0056 WA 111E WaShinQtonTrust Bank XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-7139 09/02 24332397NO00AKY2A ACRANET. CBS BRANCH 509-3241249 WA\,I- Due 10.10.23 09/08 09/07 L Account Information #34 Account Summary 09/08 Statement Closing Date 10/02/2023 Previous Balance $0.00 Credit Limit Available Credit $7,500.00 $7,500.00 Payments and Credits $0.00 Cash Credit Urnit $0.00 Finance Charge(net) + Purchases $0.00 $0.00 Available Cash $0.00 + Cash Advances K00 2413746872XFNLB24 OFFICE DEPOT #863 SPOKANE WA + Other Ch no nqs $0.00 09/21 2490641885 ALYT4S7 New Balance $0.00 09/24 Payment Information 2444500892XB1 LZPY WALMART.COM 8009666546 800-966-6546 AR Payment Due Date: 10/27/2023 Minimum Payment Due: $0.00 New Balance: $0.00 Remit Payment to: WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK* PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 Please include your account number on your check. New address, phone number or e-mail? e : _ Check the box to the left and print changes on back. WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 Mail Inquiries To: P.O. BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 We appreciate your business! Account Number New Balance Minimum Payment Due Questions? Call Customer Service: 800-7884578 Transactions IPost Date Date Reference Description _T_ Amount 09103 09/01 24492157MOTVRXLKR AF*MULTIFAMILY PROPER. 253-888-0056 WA $45.00, 09/03 09/02 24332397NO00AKY2A ACRANET. CBS BRANCH 509-3241249 WA\,I- $52.00-" 09/08 09/07 24332397VO00B42P3 ACRANET- CBS BRANCH 509-3241249 WA ",J. $52.00' 09/08 09/07 24492167S0012V2T9 FAMILIES FRIENDS HTT,PSWWW.VICTWA $300.00-""_ 09/19 09/19 2469216862YMW9SV4 WPY*PACIFIC COAST ATHLET1206 -765-9575 WA $295.00 09/21 09/19 24013398701YV4600 THE CAR PARK PAYBYAPP 208-3366597 ID $10.50 .09/21 09/19 2413746872XFNLB24 OFFICE DEPOT #863 SPOKANE WA $54A9 09/22 09/21 2490641885 ALYT4S7 Trupanion trupan.lon.comWA $123.65 0_ 09/24 09/21 2444500892XB1 LZPY WALMART.COM 8009666546 800-966-6546 AR $139.27 Z 09/24 09/22 24755428A878178HN DOUBLETREE HOTELS SPOKANE WA $533.991, 09/30 09129 24240528G5S9ZWDXM WA SECRETARY OF STATE 360704-5266 WA $40.00, 10/02 10102 OOOOOOOOOOOOCOMPC TOTAL PURCHASES $1,645.90 TOTAL $1,645.90 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD Remit Payment to: WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK* PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 Please include your account number on your check. New address, phone number or e-mail? e : _ Check the box to the left and print changes on back. WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 Mail Inquiries To: P.O. BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 We appreciate your business! Account Number New Balance Minimum Payment Due Questions? Call Customer Service: 800-7884578 Lost or Stolen Card: 800-788-4578 I Payment Due Date October _i .,. I I I)XXX-XXXX-XXXX-7139 Si2i 8 9 1111211 $0.00 1 15 6 17 18 19k-21 I NONE 2 123! 24125 Z 27 8 29 1 01311 1 Amount Enclosed $ ALYCE BARRIENTOZ GRANT COUNTY ATTN MICHELE JADERLUND PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823-0037 000000000000000041295700310271393 1146 LWG 3 7 1 231002 0 PAGE 2 of 2 Cardholder Name and Account Number ALY'CE BAPPiENTOZ GRANT COUNTY XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-71 3g 1 0 4833 0030 CX48 01AC1146 Fuge 2 of 2 VISA Finance Charge Calculation Annual Percentage late (APIA) is the annual interest rate on your account, Type of Balance APR Average Daily Finance Charge Remaining % Balance Balance Purchases 18.49% (V) WOO $0.00 $0.00 Cash Advances _ 21.49% V) $0.00 $0,00 ��..�.�. $0.00 Gays in Billing cycle: 0 (V) =Variable Pate __.,. �,....�....�___..�.. ...�_ _ See reverse side of page one for explanation of Finance Charge calculation. Credit Purchases calculated using Method G. Gash Advance Charges calculated using Method A. FOR REBATE PRO►GPA'iUEST1tON' CALL 800.788-4578. 863-3-4105-870978123.9.2 X 1365W CHROMEBOOK 19.99 Ss Subtotal., 49,99 skt)tail Sales and Use 4.50 To t, a 1 Visa 7139; 54.49 i `�i CODE 01.9136 Chip Read POGO OO100031010 VISA CREDIT 8000008000 No Signature Reclu.ired ;P onlirte at www-.-officedepot.com :WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOUI, Visit surview ,oMcedepot.com and enter fhe,surve,� code below 16KJ 511YH IQSQ or scan the-41ow QR code Xx X -*X *X*Xxx xx,*1X**X.****)( )(XX -,X X AA x x x E-Cqcle Washinsfon: Free rec4clins of computers, mon tors, laptops, fablefsj' and TVs.For' r-eclwcllns ldcations, call 1- 800 -RECYCLE. www .ec9clewashinston.oris |Supplies — Lo CL —fS Is 54 34161 $ 1 3t County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.0, Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor-, WASHINGTON TRUST BANK.. PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE WA 99210-2127 Document Number Purchase Order Number 9_6_6_3_09/2023 WTBCC Description; Visa Statement 09/2.023 VendorlD Page 1 /1 Invoice 0398929 Date 10/5/2023 Shipping Method �NTPayment Terms ID �NET 30 Subtotal Mt sc Tax Freight TradeDiscount Payment 'Total Due Amount $4 8 2. 94-1 $482.94 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $482.94 1146 LWG 3 7 1 231002 0 PAGE I OF 2 1 0 4833 0030 OX48 OIACI 146 Cardholder Name and Account Number Page I of 2 NEW HOPE AMAZON VISA GRANT COUNTY AUDITOR XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9663 Vfthinqton Trust Bank Merntsw Talc Due 10.10.23 #46 Account Information Account Summary Transactions Statement Closing Date 10/02/2023 Previous Balance $0,00 Credit Limit $10,000.00 Payments and Credits $0.00 Available Credit $91408,00 +1- Finance Charge(net) $0.00 Cash Credit Limit $0.00 + Purchases $0.00 Available Cash $0.00 + Cash Advances $0.00 $21.67 0,9130 + Other Charges T.$0.00 24692168G36ADOGPP AMZN Mktp US*Tl2Xl6M61 Amzn,conVb:!IIWA $302.52 New Balance: $0.00 24692168H2Y3F6TX7 AMZN Mktp US*T93DO6NA0 Amzn.com/b1llWA Payment Information 10102 Payment Due Date: 10127/2023 24692168J2YK44K2H Minimum Payment Due: $0.00 New Balance: $0.00 Finance Charge Calculation annual Percentage Rate (APR,) is the annual interest rate on your account. Type of Balance APR Average Daily Finance Charge Remaining to Balance Balance lurchases 18.49% (V) $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 'ash Advances 21,49% (V) .$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Remit Payment to: WASHINGTON 'TRUST :BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 Please include your account number on your check. New address, phone number or e-mail? 1. CheO the box to the lett and print changes on back. WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 9921072127 Mail Inquiries To: P.O..BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 We appreciate your businessl Account Number New Balance Minimum Payment Due 4Q Questions? Call Customer Service; 800-788.4578 Lost or Stolen Card,* 800-788-4578 XXXX_XXXX-XXXX-9663 $0.00 NONE Amount Enclosed $ NEW HOPE AMAZON GRANT COUNTY AUDITOR ATTN MICHELE JADERLUND PO BOX 37 EPH RATA WA 98823-0037 000000000000000041295700310296630 Payment Due Date October S M.. T W_ T F S . . ........ T 18 13'14; 16 16111 18 119- aaq_ I 22:t23124125;g 27 28. 291301311 /4Y I L/ Transactions Post Date Trans Date Reference I Description Amount 09/07 09106 24431067T2DK8F88V AMZN MKTP US*TL30U77D0 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA $14.69/ 09/13 09/12 24692167Z339BTNXH AMZN Mkt US*TR6310732 Amzn.com/b[IIWA $65.02 09/28 09/28 :24692168F35QQH I KX AMZN Mktg US*T93UXOAD2 Amzn.com/billWA $21.67 0,9130 09/29 24692168G36ADOGPP AMZN Mktp US*Tl2Xl6M61 Amzn,conVb:!IIWA $302.52 10/02 09/30 24692168H2Y3F6TX7 AMZN Mktp US*T93DO6NA0 Amzn.com/b1llWA $35.76 10102 1.0/01 24692168J2YK44K2H AMZN Mktg U,S*T95HP7652 Amzn.conVbi!IWA $43,35 10/02 10/02 00000000000000MPC TOTAL PURCHASES $482.94 TOTAL $482.94 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD Finance Charge Calculation annual Percentage Rate (APR,) is the annual interest rate on your account. Type of Balance APR Average Daily Finance Charge Remaining to Balance Balance lurchases 18.49% (V) $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 'ash Advances 21,49% (V) .$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Remit Payment to: WASHINGTON 'TRUST :BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 Please include your account number on your check. New address, phone number or e-mail? 1. CheO the box to the lett and print changes on back. WASHINGTON TRUST BANK PO BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 9921072127 Mail Inquiries To: P.O..BOX 2127 SPOKANE, WA 99210-2127 We appreciate your businessl Account Number New Balance Minimum Payment Due 4Q Questions? Call Customer Service; 800-788.4578 Lost or Stolen Card,* 800-788-4578 XXXX_XXXX-XXXX-9663 $0.00 NONE Amount Enclosed $ NEW HOPE AMAZON GRANT COUNTY AUDITOR ATTN MICHELE JADERLUND PO BOX 37 EPH RATA WA 98823-0037 000000000000000041295700310296630 Payment Due Date October S M.. T W_ T F S . . ........ T 18 13'14; 16 16111 18 119- aaq_ I 22:t23124125;g 27 28. 291301311 /4Y I L/ 1146 LWG 3 7 1 2310.02 a PAGE 2 of 2 Cardholder flame and Account Number NEW HOPE AMAZON GRANT COUNTY AUDITOR XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9663 1 0 4833 0030 CX48 01AC1146 VISA Rage 2 of 2 Finance Charge Calculation continued Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. Type of Balance APR Average Daily Finance Charge Remaining % Balance Balance Days in Billing Cycle: o (V) = Vadable Rate See reverse side of page one for explanation of Finance Charge calculation., Credit Purchases calculated using Method Ge +Cush. Advance Charges calculated using Method A. FOR REBATE PROGRAM QUESTIONS, CALL 800-788-4578, County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: PAIGE .BARRIENTOZ 1622 5 WALLACE ST MOSES LAKE WA 98837 Document Number Purchase Order Number 202310 Description, janitorial BARNP Page 1 11 Invoice 0398655 Data 10/4/2023 Vendor [D Shipping Method Payment Terms ID ----4–m—ount $950.00 -1 Subtotal $950,00 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $950.00 a{�i Vig( PB JANITORIAL .1622 S WALLACE ST. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 509-989-4252 BARRIENTOZPAIGE22@GMAIL.COM Description SEPTEMBER JANITORIAL SEPTEMBER WINDOW WASHING Date: 10102/2023 INVOICE # 202310 To NEW HOPE 311 W THIRD AVE MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 509-764-8402 SFODE@GRANTCOUNTYWA.GOV ABA RRIENTOZ@GRANTCOUNTYWA,GO V Line Total 750.00 20U0 Total 950.00 Make all checks payable to PAIGE BARRIENTOZ Thank you for your business! amazon.com Order Placed.: September 5, 2023 PO number: Janitorial Supplies Amazon.com order number: 113-4749187-0051441 Order Total: $14.62 Not Yet Shipped, Items Ordered Price 1 Of: YVW Micrortber Feather Duster 4PCS - Extendable & Bendable Dusters with Long Extension Pole, Washable Lightweight $1.3-49 Dusters for Cleaning Ceiling Fan, High Ceiling, Blinds, Furniture, Cars Sold by: YVYV (seller profile) Condition: New Shipping Address: - ALYCE BARRIENTOZ 311 W 3RD AVE, MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1905 United States Shipping Speed: N# FREE Prune Delivery Payment Method: Visa. I Last digits: 0663 Billing address NEW HOPE AMAZON. PO BOX 37 EPHRATA, WA 98823-0037 United States Payment information To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary . Item(s) Subtotal- $13.49 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Conditions of Use I Privacy Notice @ 1996-2020, Amazon.com, Inc. Total before tax: $13.49 Estimated Tax: $1.13 Grand Total: $14.62 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor-, U.S. Linen Uniform 1106 Harding St. Richland WA 99352 Document Number i3204101 Janitorial Purchase Order Number VendorID USLUF Page 1/1 Invoice 0398663 Date 10/4/2023 Shipping Method Payment Terms ID -RET 30 Amount $88.02: J Subtotal $88.02 Mise $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $88.02 wu'v.S,. Linen and of rml, U.S. LINEN & UNIFORM 1106 HARDING ST I RICHLAND, WA 99352 (888)875-46236 j NEW HOPE 311 W THIRD AVE MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Date Invoice Day Garment Mark Freq. Seq Term Account Route 09128/2023 3204101 Thu 110350 5 4180 CHG 110350-00000 311 Received By: NCAA 9/28/2023 11:25:58AM Total Adj.: $0.00 Tax Adj..* $0.00 Net Charge: 1 $88.02 OFFICE ROUTE Line Item Empl Name / Description Sizes Qty. Inv. Min. Adj. Qty. Adj. Amt. Ext. Price Adj. Qty. Adj. Amt. Total 6265 3X5 SLATE MAT 3 6 0 $0.00 $16.52 0 $0.00 $16.52 2 6269 3XI0 SLATE MAT 4 8 0 $0.00 $42-78 0 $0.00 $42,78 FUEL SURCHARGE $0,00 $7.50 $0.00 $7.50 SERVIDEL CHG $0.00 $7.20 $0.00 $7.20 TEXTILE MAINTENANCE $0.00 $7.20 $0.00 $7.20 Total Due Cur. Bus, Cur. Bal. 30 60 90 120 Office Adj. $0.00 Subtotal: $81.20 Rte. Adj.: $0.00 $88.02 $0.00 $88.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Tax Adj.* $0-00 Sales Tax: $6.82 Tax Adj.: $0.00 Comment. Net Adj.: $0.00 Prebill: $88.02 Net Adj.: $0.00 Received By: NCAA 9/28/2023 11:25:58AM Total Adj.: $0.00 Tax Adj..* $0.00 Net Charge: 1 $88.02 U.S. Linen and Uniform Comment: Bill To: NEW HOPE 311 W THIRD AVE MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 U.S. LINEN & UNIFORM 1106 HARDING ST RICHLAND, WA 99352 (888)875-4636 Statement Statement Date Account RT 10/2/2023 110350 311 Date Transaction Amount Balance 9/28/2023 Invoice 3204101-00 $88.02 $ 88.02 Current 30 Days 60 Days 90 Days Total Balance $88.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $88.02 We reserve the right to assess a service charge against all past due balances. Total $88-02 Delivery: NEW HOPE 311 W THIRD AVE MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Remit To: U.S. LINEN & UNIFORM 1106 HARDING ST RICHLAND, WA 99352 Please detach and return with remittance Closing Date: 9/28/2023 Due Date., 10/17/2023 Amount Enclosed Statement Date Account 10/2/2023 110350 Invoice Balance x 3204101-00 $88.02 Please indicate which invoices you are paying by placing a check mark beside the invoicelbalance on the remittance. Page 1 of 1 Invoice Page 1 /1 Invoice 0399263 Date 10/16/2023 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: U.S. Linen Uniform 1106 Harding St. Richland WA 99352 Document Number Purchase Order Number Vendor lb Shipping Method Payment Terms ID 3211358 lTL NET 30 'Description: Amount; Janitorial $88,021 Subtotal $88.02 Misc '$0,00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $88.02 S. Linen TU. and 0 ow Uniforrn��,� Deli'very Invoice U.S. LINEN & UNIFORM 1106 HARDING ST RICHLAND, WA 99352 (888)875-46]36 NEW HOPE 371 W THIRD AVE MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 1 10/12/2023 . 1 32,11358 1 Thu 1 110350 15 1 4180 1 CHG 1 110350-00000 1 311 Received By: Total Adj..- Tax Adj.: Net Charge: OFFICE ROUTE W III It'll HIM tj WOR IN 1 6265 3X5 SLATE MAT 3 6 $0.00 $16.52 2 6269 3X1 0 SLATE MAT 4 8 $0.00 $42,78 FUEL SURCHARGE $0.00 $7.50 TEXTILE MAI . ..... .... -.1--l- ------ .........x.00 X7.20 Total Due Cur. Bus. Cur. Bal. 30 --- - 60 90 120 Office Adj.: $0.00 Subtotal: ............ $81.20 Route Adj.: I $88.02 $0.00 $88.02 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $ 04.00 Tax Adj.: $0.00 Sales Tax: $6482 Tax Adj..: I Comment: I NetAdj.: $0.00 Prebill: $88.02 Net Adj.: Received By: Total Adj..- Tax Adj.: Net Charge: o'ass ££'ZS zryt w9s "Is 14'bS d6`0�- -� �i�t� 49'$x: t : �. ra'o - ot'z OL'LZ ow we " f£"t� ZO'88 A . z aG"fib S uat� Sn : S w ttl$ ' ttOq L IOi oLC6.: 6106 ; .. • 6L08 .. :,. 08 C08-.: b 04 .: t09,:;, . tL 8 tL08:: : � zos 0408 &M Invoice Page I / 1 Invoice 0399831 Date 10/24/2023 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O, Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: CenturyLink P.O. Box 2961 Phoenix AZ 85062-2961 Document Number Purchase Order Number 1.._�__ VendorlD Shipping Method Payment Terms ID 333103264-101423 iCNLKP !NET 30 Description: Office Phone AmounT-I $102.71.1; Subtotal $102.71 Misc - $0,00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $102.71 �kal. �ACenturyLilli r L. Account Name, NEW HOPE DOM VILNC Account Number; 33310326 2023 P.O. Box 2961 Page. 1 of 4Phoenix, A 85062-2961 Bili Cate; Oct. 14, C *"PLEASE FOLD, TEAR HERE AND RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT*** FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION: D Please check here and complete reverse. Thank You, Account Nub: Amount Due By Nov. 0 , x 023 62201000 C7 RP 13 20231013 NNNNNNNY 0007047 0036 NE1l►,l NOPE ICOM VILNC 311 W $RD AVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1905 Gena ryl-ink P,O. Box 2961 Phoenix, AZ 85082-2981 333103267 Ug.--� � 000033310326??00.00000089198000000000101 423000001,919087000000 '��' �� �.CenturyLink�- Account Name.- NEW HOPE DOM VILNC Account, Number, 333103267 P.O. Box 2961 Page: 2 of 4 Phoenix, AZ 85062-2961 Bill Date- Oct. 14, 2023 Important Notices afid Infor'mation n Allocation of charges-, Service Categories Past Due Current Month Total Due Basic Services 85-79 86.31 172,10 Other Services 3.40 16.40 19-80 All Services 89.19 102-71 191.90 Failure to pay Basic charges may result in the disconnection of those Services, Please contact CenturyLink regarding any questions or problems with your bill before the due date. View and pay your bill online at centurylink.com/business`/"log*in. You -will need your authentication code 8794. LATE FEE REMINDER: Late fees may be charged each month for any eligible unpaid balances not paid in full by the due date listed on your bill. The methods for calculating late fee amounts vary by state and product. For more information you may access Terms and Conditions and Tariff materials at http://www.centurylink.co:m/tar*lffs. Thank you for choosing CenturyLink for your communication needs --we value you as our customer. Third. -Party Billing Block Cramming occurs when unauthorized charges appear on your telephone bill. To help prevent unwanted third party charges on your bill, contact CenturyLink at 800-201-4099 and request, at no charge, a bill block that will prevent some third party charges such as charitable contributions, dial-up 'Internet by non-CenturyLink companies or other non -'telecommunications charges from appearing on your bill. FREE Enrollment With Control Center, you can update your billing information. view and pay your bill and much more, Visit us online at www.conturyl'lnk,.com/busines&, ogin. CenturyLink should be notified within 90 days after the CenturyLink Bill Date of any billing discrepancies on your statement. 333103267 NEW HOPE DOM VILNC 311 W 3RD AVE MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1905 Address Information Changes Effective Date New Address City Work Phone ( ) MONTHLY AUTOPAY AUTHORIZATION FORM I authorize centuryLink to draft tiny savings or chocking account for any accrued balance on my account. (We reserve the right to revoke this if bank approval Is denied) 0 Checking Account E]Savings Account (Select the type of account to be drafted and attach a voided check!savings slip.) State Zip Signature required .bate Please continue to pay your bill until nottf lad on your statement Home Phone that autopay is active. -0220 1000 C7 RP 13 20231013 ►NNNNNN NY000704 7 0030 Vol t i nk Account Name: NEW HOPE DOM VILLAC Account Number: 333103267 P.O. Box 2961 Page: 3 of 4 Phoenix, AZ 85062-2961 Bill Date: Oct. 14, 2023. Monthly Charges Qty Rate Amount Access Recovery Charge I @ Facility Relocation Cost Recovery Fee 2,50 2.50 @ 1�00 1.00 Non -Telecom Services Surcharge 0 Subscriber Line Charge 2.99 2.99 0 6.50 6,50 Toll Rest w/800 Access Allowed i @ ChoiceBusiness 3.00 3.00 0 59.50 59,50 Total Monthly Charges One-time Charges 7 6.49 Late Payment Fee 13.00 Total One-time Charges Adjustments 13.00 Rate Adjustment 1,00 CR Total Adjustments 1.00 CR Taxes,, Fees and Surcharges Federal Universal Service Fund Surcharge GRANT County 911 Surcharge 3.06 MOSES LAKE Sales Tax 0.70 MOSES LAKE TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT Sales Tax MOSES LAKE Utility Users Tax Surcharge OAS WASHINGTON Sales Tax 3495 WASHINGTON State 911 Tax 5.32 WASHINGTON State 988 Health Crisis and Suicide Prevention Fe 0.25 0.40 Total Taxes,, Fees and Surcharges 16.22 I Total Current Charges 102.71 i Payments /Billing Products /Services: 1.800-603.6000 Tech Support/Repair Service.- 1.800-603-6000 Our Customer Service Representatives are available from Bain M Spm CT Monday through Friday. Package SUMMary Choice Business Monthly Recurring Adjustments 0.79 CR Includes PON(s) Order #(s): 1016501428 509-765-1701 1 Pty Business Bus Unlimited Features Pack Inside Wire Protection Package Charges 58.71 Subtotal Package 58.71 F&A,��� CenturyLink Account Name: NEW HOPE DOM VILNC Account Number-, 333103267 ge ue Local Service from OCT 14 to NOV 13 Product -ID: 509-765-1701 Monthly Charges Access Recovery Charge 2.50 S,Ubg6fter Line Charge 6.50 Total Local Exchange Services 9 1 00 Custom Ring 0.00 Facility 'Relocation Cost Recovery Fee 1.00 Non -Telecom Services Surcharge 2.99 Toil Rest w/800 Access Allowed 3.00 Total Optional Features...'services 6.99 Total Monthly Charges Adjustments PON: 10 16501428 Rate Adjustment !0, 21 CR Total Adjustments 0. 21 CR I Charge Datal [For 509-765-1701 15.78 ----------- ----------- .. ......... . . . . . . .. ...... 7 7 C. arae; etan ....... .......... ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - U FM 7 . . . . . . . ...... ............ "LIP . �k . aq.. T - ta S.- 4 7 7 t 1 7 . . . . . . . 7 77 W W . i ::7 7 7, i zt, . . . . . 8 rG". zt ;o;l I _2 . . . . . . . . . . . ..... X...... 7 1 ;Curre - C.ha A to; Nonregulated Charge(s) - nonpayment for NONREGULATED SERVICES OR PRODUCTS may result in the disconnection or restriction of such services, and such delinquencies may be subject to collection. Local services will not be disconnected for nonpayment of nonregulated charges. Nonpayment of toll charges may result In the disconnection of toll service, and such delinquencies may be subject to collection. Page 111 Invoice 0397956 Date 9/27/2023 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 988.23 Vendor: Century Link.... P.O. Box 91155 Seattle WA 98111-9255 Document Number Purchase Order Number Vendor Shipping Method Payment Terms ID D913223-4346.. ";3 4 6 CNLKS NET 30 D e-- -s- & —iP t i o n,.,, . ... .. Office Phone Amount $84.83 Subtotal $84.83 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $84.83 iFCenturyLinkT° - - - - - - - - - - - V -177—t- ---------- ARM" Previlous Saiance Charges Payment Sep, 01 Balance Forward New Charws L CenturyUnk vong DistrTJ anoe Se ioe TOW NOW iC., harges i Account Summary Thankyou for, your payment. I For quedlo;ns, oall: 1800 777-9594 1 800777-9594 A sw I- .1.1 Page I of 6 NEW HOPE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, Bill Date: Sep 13,2023 deco unt No 509-7654346 765B 88.74 8, 8. 74 co x.00 Page 3 76.99 7.84 $84 83 ................. .... ...... ............. -AM• .... ..... T. L N, T.- .......... .i hJn -may apipy neacs by A late paymentohaqqleaf 5.0%0413.00, whichever is greater., lif amount due does ot rh u Oct 133 2023: Separate late payment charges apply to Internet servioes. CentuiyLlhk, P 0 Box 91156, Seattle, WA 98111-9265 Please fold, tear h ere and return this por#onMth your paymen t d ��� CenturyL#nkrA 82202600 C3 RP 00 20-230900 YNNIVNNNY 0000601 0002 (111111l11 11I1I11Ili 11 1111111111111 1_1111 1,1141 pill I Jill I NEW HOPE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 311 W 3RD AVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1905 Bill Date: Sep 13 ' 2023 A000unt No: 5139-765-4346 �85B &IlDue: Date-, Oct 41,2023 New Charges: $8 4.83 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $ 8 4.8 3 r- 3 1 *007 Amount Enclosed $. .123 CENTURYLINK P 0 Box 91165 SEATTLE, WA 98111-9255 1111111111111101111111 Ild, I 1111,nd1111 111111,111111, CenturyLiinkTm For q westions, Call 1 800 777-9594 Monthly Charges Carrier Computed CBrea Taxes, Fees and Surcharges City Ocoupaflon at 6% State 911 at $,25 per access fine Local 911 at $.70 per a line. Car:n*er Computed Taxes Subtotal Total New Charges Page 2 NEW HOPE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Blit 0M.&I Sep 13,2023 Awo u nt No: 509-765-4346 765B Low I and Long 'Didanoe Other Servkms 72.41 5,33 3.63 .25 70 2,51 $76.99 $84,83 0 62202 00 G3 RP 09 20230900 YNNNNNNY 0000601 0oo-2 r1*0 MM& Page 3 (; U&0% n u r Y T TIM L"nk, NEW HOPE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Bill Date: Sep 13, '2023 Account No-, 509-71 Forquestions, call 1800 777:9594 1 66-4346 765B J Monthly Charges Charges from Sep 13 to Oct 13 Ouantity Dewrcpt ion Code 8.00 Remote Aooess Fotwatding AFD 6,93 : Non -Published Getvioe NPU 3. 00 Buarinear Unle I FB Subsoniber Une. Charge 9ZR AcOess Recovery Charge -Z FederalFederal Universal Setv Fund at 35.4418% This charge recovers the anlount,CanturyUn, k contributes to the Federal Universat Service Fund.. This fund helps keep local phone rates affor dable for all Americans. Federal Universal Sere Fund at 29.2%, This char ige recovers the amount CenturyLink, contributes to the Federal Univers arvice Fund. This fund helps, k&ep local phone rates affordable for all Americans. TaXes, Fees &;Surcharges Summatni I Y Item Rate Amount 9.009. 00 8.00 8.00 X3.60 43.50 6,93 6. 93 3. 00 3. 00 jk :The detail listed below has been Included in the Now Chatges, on this bill. Th 1As 4 ' - V, * d SUMMry As, Prow. e. 4 as Informa,fion only. Federal Excise - Exempt State 8 ales - 3 xenV,t Local Sales - Exempt Olt I Y 000upation at 6% State 911 at $.25 per aooess line This surcharge, funds the cost of providing emergency services communications systems in your community. Local 911 at $ 70 per acoass, line This surcharge, funds the cost of providing emergency services communications systems in your communitY. Total Taxes, Fees and Surcharges Summary Total CenturyLink Local and Other Services �-M MO. Q.7 =11, I $76.99 CenturyLink New Charges $76.99 continued on back4:> FA: TM ii ��CenturyL'I'nk For questions, call 1 8,00 777-9594 For Your Information Page 4 NEW HOPE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Bill Date: Sep 1, 2023 Account No: 509-765-4346 765B Custorners using Teletype (TTY); devices can difireot their inquides to CenturyUnk at, 1 800 223-3131 , a TTY equipped number. Go Greeni Use Control Center at contiroloenteroentur�'Ink,.00m X, to viewyour bil ng and. service Information on-line and enroll th Paperless Billing or One Page Direct, Save firne and lsan mor r wabout the taxes and fees listed on your bill by visiflng our website at wwwi,eenturytink.loonft, xesandfees today. C ha rg es f!o r yo u r monthly sere i oe are billed ons month In adva nc4�. Cantu ryUnk should rewive your payment for the total arnou:nt due on or before �the due date on! your bill. If you are unable togay by tho,due date,, please' 00 ntact C usto me r So Mice to avoid posal , le collectio n aobio n In 8.0me, states you may be assessed a charge for unpaid balances. our basic telephoneserviole not be; disconnected for nOn-pAyment of charges for: (1) CenturyUnk Unregulated Services or otheritenized 0 semoes) identified1by an �ip (2) servicea of other Century.unk won'. anies, or,(3) ger Oe of other companies included in your bill. CenturryllllllJnk pa6kaiges.,of features and the amounts, In the Aocou�nt Summary n% n y Include both basic and charges that are not basio. Catalog/Rato Schedule information for your services is available without eha rg el At you r:se rvice p rovid ers web site o r by: oal li ng thei r toll . free number. C atalo.g/Rate Sched A 1 nformatio n for Centutl In Ise fees" ry Is available witho ut oh4i, rg e at www.ce ntu ryli nk.co m o r by calli ng the toll-f'ree number listed on the summary page of your b"41, Important irnforma-tion about your CenturyUnk aecount: Starting Deoember 2023 CenturyUnk Willbegin loonsol'Idating your accounks) reflected in the acoompanying invoiceffito another adva need b"110 ng plat , form to provide: a more strearHined expedence. As a result, �of th-is oonsolidatforil your CentutyUnk Involiole's may loo'k a little different. if you have other Lumen Invoiloes, those are notaff, sot ed by this change. Visit httpsA%wwoen'tti irylink�-oonvbo.m/hel.p/,notce,&Aarge-b:usl*nee:s-FAQs for a detalled'explanation of whatsohanging. Thank you for ohoosing Cantu ryUnk, a Luman'Teohnologies company, T'hirdoParty Billing Mock unwanted Cramating occurs when unauthodzed charges appear on your telephone bift. To help preVent u Mid -thilrd party charges onour bill.. oontalot CenturyUnk at 800-603-6000 and request at no charge a bill blook that W11 prevent somethird party oharges, suoh asohladtable contributions,, dial-up Internet by non-CenturyLink companies or other non-teleolommunications charges from appearing, on our'* bill, -1 a '0 no Distnce Servi %W aCustomer Service 1800 777#s9594 Long Distance Service Acct Summar Descriptilon Ch=arges For September 7.A4 Total Long Distame Service Account Summary $7w84 0220,C),4 20230gog YNNNNNNY 00005m 0002 >Soo C3 FkP Total 190.06 CharSes *41 9.93 s'4 continued A continued on bacfi page 5 U szkge r4onf-v"-Iml I ChargOs Charges St99 Charges Calls 0"00 0:00 O'00 0,00 0.00 p 3.an /Fsaiure Chrqs EW HOPE DO --STIC TU13,2023 5111 Date' 609-76,5.4346 765B -�A ryLink Centu. Ao00Unt*N0' IM40'A- Ivw ry 0-f CharWs or Sep +evbor Cqnturyjit* LOV* D i5ts"ce LLC +ur yUrik COMMMI, Con. Summrq Report 4ount, Balance J AC s+ Dome ,c your -D Cur Sry ics C" Bu, Basics .59 1. t Feend T8x8s Govorm"n Taxiis te and Local ' centur!jLink 'iness, Loa y Tax Wc A 10 ,32 Per3"Lod calls ml sec 5 0 "thlY Chsrge s ,,Ce fundi UM-IvsrSSI Ser 1 DAY .22 06 41,84 C ost RecovarY Fee, ty S,Qrchorge Ex 1+ INTRALATA $7.84 19:06 Subtotal charves icurr-ent T . ........... ar -90s Of Ch -total " thlY on Charges Total 190.06 CharSes *41 9.93 s'4 continued A continued on bacfi U szkge r4onf-v"-Iml I ChargOs Charges St99 Charges Calls 0"00 0:00 O'00 0,00 0.00 p 3.an /Fsaiure Chrqs JLJ 19-,06 $ 0 Long D*s+ance jig 06 , .00 S,�rV of,Usage Repo r- t I Summrq Report s+ Dome ,c a Bu, Basics centur!jLink 'iness, Per3"Lod calls ml sec 5 0 31on Descript' I+ INTRALATA DAY 4 *54 13: r2 j 1+ INTRALATA NIT 19:06 Total 190.06 CharSes *41 9.93 s'4 continued A continued on bacfi L—I �kl r TM t .��� Descr!PflOn -1, LonS DIStance Line C1, Qfy. AU Period G 04 -SEP 03 Total PlarVFeatu re Charges Serjfj Detail . L*fV 1),starice 509-%5'4346 NO. Date Aug 06 Time 12 Called iNunter 1 31 4 Aug 16 Aug ;27 A 8:05 P 3:19 509 670 '2437 .09� 885� 5,0 6, AQ9 27 Awq ;29 p 806 P 7fo 509 670-.6548 509 670. 437 .2437, Aug 30 AUS 30 S{,4�A 12 p 5:31 $09 885- 6S'48 'Sog 88 � S -6 8. 9. sep 01 Sep 02 10:5s p A jog 5q,8 $09 885�6548 10, 11 Sep 01 4-13 p 4..* 4 9 6,70.. so . 24.37 670-.2 .437 To Sep 01 34 P 509 670 -24,37 5,09 tal for' 509�765-4346 Long Ll 11 ........ ...... ChrV . Reporq Rvne Type 509.765 L ine Long DIstanuc e L' Ie Charge Jd Long D 'stance Line Chrq, page NEW jqopE sill ,Date: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE A000unt No: SeP11 3 20-23, -X66-434 76-58 Nonrecurr,- 'n,9 "Onthly Ct,Orves Charves .99 ------ $3.99 'Locatior, WENATCHEE ENA TC WA FGRE WENATC1jEE WENATCHEE WENATCHEE WEN:ATCHEE WENATCHEE WENATCHEE: WENATCHEE WENA-TCHEE 11 WA WA WA WA WA WA 'WA WA WA WA WA 19.06 0 This Portion of Yoursill Rqtlects Calls SOrved By CenturyLink Communications, uc. MInnsec 1606 4,54 ej 8 0 '24 0,418 2-'24 0:24 0:18 z!* 54 *18 Tofaj ChayVe,s 3.99 *30:99. Charges 08, .41 '03 A 02 .17 ..03 02 '02 .02 Amount 3.99, $3.99 ZO'$# 6Z'64 V9,0% -4 i Page 1 /1 Invoice 0399841 Date 10/24/2023 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: Century Link.... P,O, Box 91155 Seattle WA 98111-9255 Document Number Purchase Order Number Vendor1l) Shipping Method Payment Terms ID 1-5-0-9-7-65-43-4-6 1-0/1-3 'qNLKS NET 30 Description: Amount Office Phone $92.3ff5 Ie Subtotal $92.35 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $92.35 a� TM CenturyLink VisIt centurylink.com Page I of 6 NEW HOPE DOMESTIC VIOLENfi CE Bill Date: Oet 133 2023 A=unt No; 509-765-4346 766B - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- 0 )�t Account Summary 0 Charges payn*nt Oct 06 Thankyou foryourpayment 84.83 84.83cR Balarxe Forward $.00 New, Charg" For questions, call: Page CenturyUnk 1800 777-9594 3 LongDistance Servi -9594 fee 1 800 777 4 81.78 10.57 Total t*.w chargm ■ .......... TOTALAMO -T."aU ... .......... . ..... ................ ......... A late paymentcharge o!f,5.0%or$13..00 whicheverisgreater may apnly if arnount due does n i 'I ot reaeh us by Nov 13, 2023. Separate late payment charges -apply to Wet ernservices. CronturyLink,P 0, Box 91165,,Seaffle, WA 981,11-9255 Please, fold, tear hare and return this porfon WM yoty paymen t. ft Bill Date-, 00 13 2023 TU A=unt No. 509-76.5-4346 �6513 Bill Due Date: Nov 2, 2023 CenturyLink;v v4i 62202500 C3 RP 09 20231009 NNNNNNNY 0000593 0002 I���i�lill�i�ll�i�wi��llj�l�����i����i���iil�ll�l�������l��lli�it NEW HOPE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 311 W 3RD AVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1905 Now Charges: $9235 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: d"92-35 G' Amount Enclosed CENTURYLINK P 0 BOX 91156 SEATTLE, WA -98111-9255 A � r t tA CenturyL'inkTm For questions, call 1 800 777-9594 New Charges Monthly CaCharges rder mputed Charges Cor Taxc, Fem and Su rcha r City 0ocupabon at 6% State 911 at $.25 per access line Local 911 at $.70 per lie accessin Carder Computed Taxes Zubtota I Total New Cha,rgess. Page 2 NEW HGP E DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Bill Date: Oct 1312023 Account No: 509-765-4346 765B 3.08 $10.67 im 62202600 C3 RP 09 20231009 NNNNNNNY 0000593 0002 �`,�PageAS 3 �� Ao"11 TM n,kntu�"�,/�.1NEW HOPE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Bill Data: Oct 1312023 For quesfions, oall 1 800 777-9694 Account No,: 609-76S.4346 765B Local and Other Services Monthly Charges Charges from Oet 13 to Nov 13 Ouantity Dewription Code ftem Rate Amount I Remote Access Forwardw 1 ing AFD 9.00 9.00 Non -Published Sentice NPU 8.00 8.00 Business Une 1 FS Subsodber Line Charge 9ZR 43,50 7.11 43. 50 7,11 Access RecoveryCharge SZR42 4,88 4.88 Federal Universal Sere Fund at 42.5789% 3. 03 This chare recovers the amount CenturyLink contributes to th a Federal Oniversal -service Fund. This fund' helps keep local' phone rates affordable for all Americans. Federal Universal Sear Fund at 34.5% 1.68 This charge recovers the amount CenturyLink contributes, to the Federal Un*versal Service Fund. This fund helps keep local phone rates affordable for all Americans. Total Monthly Charges $77-20 Taxes,, Fees & Surcharges Summary Tho detail 1 ' below has been Included In the Now Charges on this bill. *rhis Summary W" providedas Ire formadon only. A mnou nt Fed eml Excite - Exempt State Saes s - Exempt Local Sales - EXenipt. City Owupation, at 6% 3.63 state 911 at $.25 per amass 11 ne .25 This surcharge, funds the cost of providing emergency services communicationsaystems I *fV Local 911 at $.70 per aooeas line n your communi.j.. .7o This surcharge, funds the cost of providing emergency services communications systems in your communt 6 ty. Total Taxes, Fees and Surcharges Summary $4.58 Total CenturyLink Local and Other Services $81 k7 CenturyLink New Charges $81.78 continued on back =�F" - CenturyLink For q uestio ns , call 1 800 777-9594 For YourInformat* - ion N, Page 4 NEW HOPE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Bill Date: Oct 133 2023 Account No: 509-765-4346 765B Customers using Teletype (TTY) devices can direct their inquiries to CenturyUnk at 1 800 223-313*11 a TTY equipped number. tooGo Green[ Use control Center at oontroleenter.oenturylinkcom v view your billing and service information on-line and enroll iii paperless Billing or One Page Direct. Save time and learn more about the taxes and fees listed on your bill by visiting our website at ww,w.ce!ntury.linOmAaxetand-fees today. Charges for your monthly sero are billed one month In adv anoe, CenturyUnk should receive your payment for the total arnount due on or before the due date on your bill. If you are unable to pa by the due (late, please aontaot Customer Service to a -void possi Irecolleotonaction. In some states you may �be assessed a charge for unpaid balances.' Your basic telephone serviee will not be disconnected for nongr yrmmntoft rg chaes f6r: 0) CenturyUnk Unregulated Services �e Ite mir zed servioes) identified by an *, (2.) se�rvices of other CenturyUnk companies �rvioes of other companies Included . in yo, ur bill. Ce ntu ryU nk Or(13) se I P a6kages of features and the amounts in the Account Summary may Incl!ude both basic and charges that are not basic, Catalo'g/Rate Schedule information for your services is available without charge at your service prmnidees website, jor by calling their toll-frere number. Catalog/Rate Schedule "'nformatilon for CenturyUnk services is available without charge at www,.:oenturyl1nk.00m or b I y calling the I toll-free num - e r fisted on the sum ary page of your bill. Third -Party Willing flock Cramm"ng occurs when unauthorized charges appear on your telephone bill. To, help prevent unwanted third patty charges on your bill, C*nta-ct CenturyUnk at 800-603-6000 Wit! request, at no charge, 4 bill blook that Will prevent some third party charges such as, ohan"table contributions dial-up Intemet by non-CenturyUnk companies or other non -tel e0ommunications charges from appearing on your bill... 'i-ana, Distance Service a I VMW Customer Service 1800 7771w9'594 Long Distance Service Account Summary Description Charges For October Amount 4 10 -.57 Total Long Distame Service Acccount Summary $10-57 CanturyLink Long Distance Summary of Charges for October Your LD Account Hajame - Cent uryLink COMMUnications p LLC Current Service Charges $7.49 Government Fees and Taxes State and Local Taxes $60 62,202500 C3 RP 09 2W31000 NNNNNNNY 0000593 0002 Tm %ge . . In w NEW HOPE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 1+ INTRALATA DAY Bill Date Oct 13, 2023 23:30 AccountNom, 509-765.4346 765B Your LD Account Ralame Century.Link Communications, LLC 2:6 42 1.87 Government Fees and Taxes 19 WA Local Utility Tax 3150 Subtotal Other'Fees 9 'Monthly Charges Federal UnIvsal Serv*ca Fund Cost Recovery Fee 1.55 Property Surcharge .24 Administrative Expense Fee 022 Subtotal .06 $2. 0 7 Current Total Charges $10.57 Sery ice Summary of Charges Usage recur.. Monthly Calls Min -'See Char Ves Charges Ctvarges Plan/Feature Chr gs 0:600 0*00 0.00 31,99 Lon! - Dis+ance ,9 19 50:12 0100 0. 00 19 5000,12 $3.50 $0.00 $31.99 Summary of Usage Reports Domestic Summary Report **** CenturyL:ink Business Basics III Total Charges 3199 3 50 $7.491 ion Descript' Peri*d Calls . . In w Charges 1+ INTRALATA DAY '13 23:30 1163 1+ INTRALATA NITE 6 2:6 42 1.87 Subtotal 19 50*012 3150 Total 19 SO -1:12 $3.50 Service Detail - Plan/Feature Charges continued on backi-4-1% Nonrecurring I t1onthl y Total Description Qty- Period Charves Charges Charges Long Distance Line Chrg, 1 SEP 04 -OCT 03 0.00 3.99 3.99 'Total Plan/Feature Charges $0,100 $3.99 $3.99 continued on backi-4-1% TM 4kj FA CenturyL.."InkTm �� �� Service Deta:11 - Long Distance Usage 509-765-4346 Page 6 NEW HOPE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Bill Date - Oct 13, 2023 Account No: 609-765-4346 765B NO 0, Date T:*kfne Called Nkx-nber Locatj*.on Min.*Sec Charges 1. Sep 06 9"13 P 509 67:0-2437 WENATCHEE WA 6:42 2. Sep 11 8:00 A 509 885-6548 WENATCHEE WA 0 1118 .02 3 . Sep .11 21-34 F 509 885- 6 548 WENATCHEE WA 2 0 D 4, Sep 13 3:24 P 509 670-2437 WENATCHEE WA 0 8 5 AV Sep 14 8 0 0: A 5091 885-6548 WENATCHEE WA .02 613 6. Sep 14 12M 04 P 509 899-2886 ELLENSBURG WA 70 Sep 14 3:27 P 509 899-2886 ELLENSBURG WA * 2-18 1007 . 16 8* Sep 14 3:28 P 509 899-2886 ELLENSSU'RG WA 0 * 36 '*# 04 9 Sep 14 5:02 P 509 899-2886' ELLE'NSBURG WA 1 10. Sep 23 6:58 P 5019 6?0-2437 WENATCHEE WA 0#24 11. Sep 25 9 .53 A 509' 1885-6548 WENATCHEE WA z**24 :03 12. Sep 2S 10:37 A 505 i885- 6548, WENATCHEE! A. 5:36 .24 13. Sep 25 12-14 P 5091 :885-6548 WENATCHEE WA 1.1 *39 14. "Sep 25 1-901 P 509 $85-6548 WENATCHEE WA 1:12 108 is* Sep 25 8:10 P 509 1885-6548 WENATCHEE WA 0 :118 108 16. Oct, 02 3,,,#57 P 5094 670-2437 WENATCHEE WA 2:48 .02 17 Oct 0 2 44059 P 509 670-2437 WENATCHEE WA 8:00 .20 18- ftt 02 5:22 P 50 9 670-2437 WENATCHEE WA 8. .56 194 Oct, io 2 90-43 P 509 670-2437 WENATCHEE WAS 3.000 057 .21 otal calls for 509-765-436 117$3*50 Long Viistance L;"L.ne Chrg. Report Photie Number Line Type Amount 509-765-4346 Lon D stI . q ance Line Charge A-QQ Ile, IF 0 Of otal Long Ds-tance Line Chrg. $3,99 This, Portion of Your Bill Peflects Calls ServedBy CenturyLink Communications, LLC,. Century Unk - 4346 S r 40 $ 92.3 >c Q —,L3IL--$lO.,33,– $3.861 > sa I $22.38 soml County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: ATEtT PO BOX 5075 Carol Stream IL 60197-5075 Document Number Purchase Order Number VendorlD 10042023 -ATT A 1 Description: Office Phone Page I /I Invoice 0399177 Date 10/11 /2023 Shipping Method Subtotal Misc Tax Freight Trade Discount Payment Total Due Payment Terms ID 0 Amount $48.11 $48.11 $0.00 $0,.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $48.11 .. ......... . MIT .... ... ..... Etfl i i 'R ....................... .................. .. f: nibL .:1,;- ...... .... . .................. ...... . ......... ...... .... ... .. ............. ........... ........ ................ ......... . ...... 030 261 6606 001 OCT4, 2023 OCT 30, 2023 0GO002169 NEW HOPE DVSA 311 W 3RD AVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1905 I FgL-QFnV[NF- VIUMDCK DU 7 f 0 L4 1394 U .................. . ...... ........ . .......... ... ------ .. . ......... . ... .. ......... . .... ...... ... ....... ........... .... ...... ...... --------................ . ........ ... - -- ----------- ...... ........... .................. . .................. ......................... ..... ...... ........... ......... .... . ...... ............. . . . .......... ------- ......... ........ .... .................. ................. ............ .......... .. ......... .. .... ... . . . ...... ........ ......... ...... . .... ....... ................ - --- -------------- ......... ....... ....... ... .... W -w- W. .. ...... .. .. ..... ---- --- ...... .. . ...... i`r . .......... _or... , Wail& ......... businesso ......... ............ . .......... ......... .. . ....... . . . ----- - - . ........ .. ..... ...... .... ... .......... - - - - - - - - - - Al .M 8 4 -.5 AT&T All in One Service ACCOUNT STATUS AT&T LONG DISTANCE *31.47 PREVIOUS BALANCE X49-30 PAYMENT RECEIVED 449.30q TOTAL SERVICE CHARGES *31.47 ADJUSTMENTS 00.00 TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES *48.11 SURCHARGES AND TAXES *16.64 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE �4 all Pay online at www.att.com/paymybill TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES 048.11 See Summary of Charges Page for details News From AT&T L Just For Your Business See next page for more n S. Login now at http://www.att-com/loginnow to view Your billing call details online. Then, when You're ready, select Your preferred method of payment: PAY ONLINE - Once logged in, click "Pay Your Bills" to setup one-time or monthly Payments with a credit card or bank account. PAY BY PHONE - Call the toll-free number at the: top of this page to setup a one- time Payment with a credit card or bank aCCount. PLAY BY MAIL - Submit the lower portion . of this Page with a check payable to AT&T. .Whatever's most convenient for You! Portions of your bill can be arranged differently to meet Your business needs. If you wish to learn more about these optionsy please call the customer care number. .... .. TT TT .. 7:777 Upp -7 7 ..... . ........ .......... . . ..... . . . . . . .. . ....... joa n nom«V WWW y ................ ........... -T '6; ' ................ ... ..... .... . ... i -rem n;'7 6 s' b: q.. -pay-In e"; I ': 0" bfi AT&T- -i de'yqut MK 4h C _GUnt �.p�ymen, M St. ...... OX ress, . .......... ............. . ................... 'A &r. ..... N Jew a . ....... .. ....... _;.JS . . ....... . ... . . ........... .. ...... . .......... ....... .. ....... . ....... .. ... .......... .Anr .;I-;:::,_ . .......... -oug: e.-jen ope-�.-.Wlnd .......... . ....... --w ow A .-Inquirl .... . ... ... .. ....... .. ..... .. 4TA es.... - r .... ........... . mpy .......... ......... . .......... .... ..... .... . 7 e ------j------ T M=nca d-- OC. Men ease: -vi eme SH almom. cminum. na g. . .............. . .. . .... . ..... ------------- ---------- -- - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " 0" __Aa1 A a *0 awl: NAA __ - i- A" - __W W___ �A w A IF_Ywl AIIA II.F - -r - - - - - O *.- -_ r M mw�"W_�Aw � -- - - - - TO ENSURE PROPER CREDIT, PLEASE DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETG-R'N"-W'I'T-H'-'REMITTANCE. 000000 2 .00 Sil NEW HOPE DVSA 311 W 3RD AVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1905 AT&T AccountNumber: 030 261 6606 001 Bill Date: OCT 4, 2023 Payment Due Date: OCT 30, 2023 Check here for named address/tel e phone AT&T Total Amount Due: number corrections P 0 Box 5075 only, See reverse side. Carol Stream, IL 60197-5075 Amount Enclosed: SC#00-01 G 0 0 1110 2 17 0 Page 2 AT&T ALL in One Service - Reference Guide AT&T ACCOUNT HIERARCHY * Account Number: The Main Billed AT&T account number for your All in One account, Subaccount Number: Customers with toll free service, or those who have more than one location, will have their toll free/location level charges summarized under subaccounts. Multiple subaccounts can be associated with one. Example: 030-555-1111 (Account Number) -Total Charges 011-555-1234 (Subaccount) - Charges for Location #1 161-555-1235 (Subaccount) - Charges for toll free service .SUMMARY OF MONTHLY CHARGES LONG DISTANCE SERVICE Monthly Charges Toll -Free Service: A monthly charge, billed one month in advance, applies for Customers with AT&T Toll -Free Service, Minimum Usage Charge: Assessed when the total AT&T Long Distance Usage charges are below the monthly minimum. LOCAL SERVICE Monthly Charges Line Charge: A monthly charge applies for each line subscribed to AT&T Local service. Local Feature(s): A monthly charge may apply for specific Local Features and/or Feature packages. SURCHARGES Subscriber Line Charge: The Subscriber Line Charge is an FCC -approved, flat -rated monthly charge paid by consumers to their Local Telephone Company so that the Local Telephone Company can recover the costs associated with connecting customers to the network which are not recovered in local rate. In State Connection Fee: AT&T is charged by your local telephone company to carry your AT&T in state long distance and local toll calls over its lines. In order to help recover these costs, AT&T includes in your monthly bill an In State Connection Fee. The fee applies to Customers subscribed to AT&T for Business long distance or local toll service. The fee does not apply to customers that subscribe only to AT&T Local Service. PLEASE NOTE ONLY THE ITEMS THAT HAVE CHANGED HAS YOUR BUSINESS MOVED ? Y N HAS OWNERSHIP CHANGED ? Y N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1' ..........At. .. ..... . . . . . . LJ u m.1*r .... ....... ale. N ...... ....... ......... :::, .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 030 261 6606 001 OCT 4o 2023 OCT 30, 2023 000002171 Page 3 NEW HOPE DVSA 311 W 3RDAVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1905 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 509 764 $402 ............... . ...... ................ ...... ...... ........... ... ....... . . . ....... ... ........... ...... I . . ........ . .. -7. ",;: ...... . . . . . .. . .......... ........... ........ .. .. ......... ...... ............. ...... ............. ............. ........ . .. .. ............ ............. ...... ... . ...................... .. .. ... . . ...... .. . .. . ................ .. .. ....... .............. . ...... .......... ....... .. . ......... . ....... 1 �7.1 - .......... ... ........ ... . ............ ...... ....... ... ....... .................. ............ Z;:::;: 77 ......... ...... . .......... ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7: P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . -7 -777 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. J a. 7.7: ' 3, 'Z ... .............. . Fit ... _ _J. . . ........ .i N ....... .. ...... ...... .0 . .. .... .... ....... ............. ; .......... ....... . .. . .......... .................. . .......... .. Just For Your Business You can manage all of Your ordering and billing inquiries with just a click. Visit us at www.att-com/customercare for details on AT&T on-line customer service. Regulatory News Attention Customers in Maine, North Carolinap Nevada, Utah and California: If you do not pay your bill by the due date, and the outstanding balance is *25 or more, AT&T may assess a charge of *5.00 or assess an interest charge of up to 1.5% of the outstanding balance, as permitted by law. In Maine and North Carolina the maximum interest is 1%. In Utah and Nevada the maximum interest is 1.5%. Attention Customers with Service in All States, Except AK, IN ICY, PA, TXP and VA. AT&T intrastate, interstate, and international services are provided by AT&T Corp. To view service publications, :go to www.att.cvm/serv�cepubli ........... ... ... . . 76 ...... Oft `B P ....... . ....... . .. ..... Dat ......... . ......... .......... ...... hu"Mon..- ....... ........ ........ . 030 261 6606 001 OCT 4, 2023 OCT 30, 2023 000002172 Page 4 NEW HOPE DVSA 311 W 3RD AVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1905 _1-_1._.. I TELEPHONE NUMBER: 509 764 8402 .......... - ....... .......... .. ....... .... ...... ............ ... . ..... 7: .. . ....... . . ........ . ... ....... ............ ............ ..... ....... ....... ......... .... ....... .. .. ............. ....... ...... ... .............. ........... ...... . ..... .. . ..... . ........ . .... . .... . . .... ...... ....... ........ ......... . ........ ........ .... .. ....... ... ........... . .. ... ........ ... ............ ------ ..... .... ----------- -C . ......... ... .... ....... ... . ...... !:open. Care .. _: ......... ......... ... m ...... ........ Regulatory News Attention Customers: If You do not Pay Your bill by the date it is due, AT&T may assess a late Payment charge. The rate shall be 1.5% per month (18% annually) unless an applicable law or regulation specifies a lower rate to be charged, and then that lower rate shall apply. Alternatively, a minimum late payment charge of *5.00 may be assessed if permitted by applicable law or regulation. In Maine, the monthly rate for 2023 is 0.2675Y.. (B333) ****Important News About Your Account**** You are requested to Provide in writing to AT&T, within six months of the date of this bill, any dispute with respect to the charges on this bill, unless a different notification period applies under Your contract, State Tariff and/or Service Guide. You can reach AT&T either by using the toll free number on Your bill, or in writing at the remittance address listed on Your bill. htt.pollserviceguide.att.com/servicelibrary/lbusiness/ext/state—ta:riff—buss.cf.m Attention Valued AT&T Customers. - Federal regulation requires AT&T to inform our valued customers that basi will not be disconnected forc local services the non-payment of Your non-regulaservice charges. To ted avoid collection activity, Please remember to pay all charges by the due date. In addition, YOU May experience disconnection of Your basic local thevfol iPaYment is not received for the Long Distance Portion of Your bill exceptin lowing states of: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho p Indiana, ilowat Maryland, Michigan, Minnesotay Miss -Dori! New Mexicop New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahomas Pennsylvania., Texas), Utah., Vermont., Virginia, Washington, and the District. Of Columbia. Attention Customers in Oregon and Washington: Any intrastate services You subscribe to are Provided by AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Incs and any interstate/international services you subscribe to are provided by AT&T Corp. To view service Publications go to: att.com/servicepublications and click on Service Guide's and/or Tariffs. Basic local service and other regulated services will not be disconnected for the non- DSLpayment of charges for non-regulated services. Non-regulated charges include Wireless, t Internet Access, inside wire maintenance Plan and other fees, surcharges.. and 'taxes. Your account will be considered delinquent if we do not receive Your ayme days after the Payment due date. Pnt within 11 . . ....... Ong ............ f ....... .. .......... ... . ... . ....... . ..... ........... .......... . ...... . ...... ... . ....... ...... ...... . ................. ............. . ....... .... .... ....... .... 030 261 6606 0012 OCT 2023 OCT 30t 2023 L_ 000002173 Page 5 NEW HOPE DVSA 311 W 3RD AVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1905 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 509 764 8402 . .......... ............ .......... .... .......... .............. ......... . . ........ .... . ..... ..... ......... . ........ .......... ...... .......... ................ .. .......... ............ ....... ..... .. ...... - - . ....... ... :; ... .... .... ..... ... .......... ...... .... ............ ..... . ...... ..... . ......... . .. ........ - . ... .... . .......... . ........... ...... ..... ............ ...... .. .. ......................... ....... .... . ............... ........ ... ............. ... . .... ..... ......... . . . ................ k vi- i. . ..... .. ..... ...... .. T .. . ...... . .. ... ....... ......... Regulatory News Attention Valued AT&T Customers: If Your invoice includes any back -billed charges, you have the right topay these charges in full with Your regular bill, or to call AT&T to make reasonable payment arrangements. You may choose to Pay the back -billed amount in monthly installments equal to the mber of back billed months. Please take note that YOU must pay the full amount of Your pnuhone bill each month, including installments to repay back -billed charges, in order to avoid Possible disconnection and other charges and Penalties. If You are interested in usin this Payment method for any back -billed amount) Please call AT&g AT&T on the toll-free number located on your bill. The terms) conditions and charges that apply to all Your detariffed AT&T services can be viewed at the AT&T web site: http://www.att.c,om/agreement. Important limits of liability apply.p including: AT&T is not liable for indirect or consequential damages (such as your exceed one month of Your Payments for 0 lost profits or other economic loss) and direct damages during any 12 months cann t affected service. Additional terms, conditions, charges., Penalties and Price change information for all detariffed business services can be viewed at http://www.att-com/servicoguide/business. Price changes will be Posted at this AT&T web site before they apply to your bill. if You do not have access to the Internet, Please contact Your AT&T Sales Represent Customer Care Center for information, atives or Thank you for using AT&T where every customer counts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. ... ..... lue ed. .......... . ......... . . ......... .. ........ . ........ 030 261 6606 001 OCT 4 2023 OCT 30, 2023 000002114 Page 6 NEW HOPE DMSA 311 W 3RD AVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1905 T P I P P 14 n m p tj i i m u co (, cz n a 7 z.,o. sr.n,,) .......... . .... . ........ ........ .... ... a .... . . .................. ...... .. .... ........ ....................... . .... . . .......... .......... . ........... 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USAGE CHARGES In -State (includes Local Toll calls) $15.91 State -to -State 0.56 ....... ... ... ......... ........... .......... . .......... ....... .......... ........... .. I ........ ff . T -AN ...... .. . ......... -1-1 ... I ... .................. ... . . ........ Ei V .................. ... ....... .................. :URE. ..... ....... ..........i. .......... ..... . .......... SURCHARGES Federal, Universal Connectivity Charge 46.22 Administrative Expense Fee 0.27 Property Tax Allotment 0.98 Federal Regulatory Fee 1.23 In State Connection Fee ....... .. - ----- 2.99 . ........... 7:7 ...... . ...... .. ............. -UR. L ..... . ...... ------ .6, .9 TAXES State Tax Local Tax *2.89 BUS L - & OCCUP. TAX 0.85 WA PUBLIC UTILITY COMM FEE 1.13 ............... 0.08 . ........... ....... ........... . ........ . .......... .................. ........ . ......... ........ ............. . .... ...... . ......... .. . ........ ...... ..... .. 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E��_�.CHARGES T-- - --- --------- . . ...... A .74 -3 ............. SURCHARGES Federal Universal Connectivity Charge X6.22 Administrative Expense Fee 0.27 Property Tax Allotment 0.98 Federal Regulatory Fee ............... .....U_ft 1. 23 _r4 a A'- 'd ........... . .... ...... ........... .. ... ... ......... TAXES State Tax Local Tax *2. 68 BUS. & OCCUP. TAX 0.79 WA PUBLIC ... ...UTILITY COMM FEE ....... ............ 0.95 0.07 .......... ........... .. ...... .. ...... ff, ........... ... .......... Al ...... ... . ...... ------ .......... S. '....' ............ . ......... .. .. ........ ITO T. -A. 00000-71-77 . ........... ........... ......... ............ ..... ......... .... Page 9 ......... ........ .... .. ...... . ..... I ... D up --- - ------ ... ...... ....... . ... .... 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IN-STATE CALLS 8 9/04/23 5:16:35P MON TACOMA WA 253 324-3962 1:00 0 08 9 10 9/04/23 9/05/23 5:1735P 7:17:514 MON TUE TACOMA TACOMA WA 253 324-3962 2:00 0.15 11 9/05/23 8;20-020A TUE 'MOSES LAKE WA WA 253 509 324-3962 771-6385 180-00 -000 1.35 12 13 9/05/23 11:40:51A TUE OMAK WA 509 522-8356 2-00 0.08 0.15 14 9/05/23 9/05/23 12* -55-$28P 12:58:15P TUE TUE TACOMA OMAK, WA 253 324-3962 4:00 0.30 15 9/05/23 2:45.-001P TUE MOSES LAKE WA WA 509 509 322-8356 350-3987 1:00 3:00 0.08 16 17 9/06/.23 90-113-035P WED MOSES LAKE WA 509 760-0994 7:00 0.23 0.53 18 9/07/25 9/08/23 7:50:24P 12-.58:OOP THU FRI EPHRATA OLYMPIA WA WA 509 360 906-0349 1*00. 0.08 19 9/08/23 3:25:29P FRI BATTLEGRND WA 360 789-7677 723-2204 2.00 1:00 0.15 0.08 20 21 9/09/23 9/10/23 12-43:47P 8:58;01A SAT SUN MOSES LAKE YAK IMA WA 509 770-9261 23:00 0.73 22 9/11/23 8*'00-009A MON MOSES 'LAKE WA WA 509 509 8345176 431-1175 11.00 1-00 0.83 23 24 9/11/23 9/13/23 2:34:58P 3-24:11P MON WED CRESTON WA 509 636-1061 2:00 0.08 0.15 25 9/14/23 8:00:094 THU CRESTON EPHRATA WA WA 509 509 636-1061 398-0734 1:00 2:00 0.08 26 27 9/14/23 9/14/23 12;05:03P 3:27:11P THU THU MOSES LAKE WA 509 431-1175 1:00 0.15 0.08 28 9/14/23 5:0225P -6 THU OLYMPIA MOSES LAKE WA WA 360 509 791-0860 431-1175 3:00 1:00 0.23 29 30 9/16/23 9/17/23 6:17:59P 5:00:16P SAT SUN EPHRATA MOSES LAKE WA 509 289-8788 5:00 0.08 0.38 31 9/18/23 12:01:26A MON MOSES LAKE WA WA 509 509 350-6274 771-6385 8:00 7:00 0.60 32 9/20/23 11-59-42A WED EPHRATA WA 509 450-3828 1:00 0.53 0.08 33 34 9/20/23 9/21/23 9:32:34P 10:390-19A WED THU MOSES LAKE MOSES LAKE WA WA 509 750-5774 2:00 0.15 35 9/21/23 2:29-04P THU MOSES LAKE WA 509 509 771-7185 707-9451 1:00 1:00 0.08 36 37 9/21/23 9/22/23 10:09:11P 8:41:51A THU FRI EPHRATA WA 509 398-5256 1:000.080.08 38 9/24/23 7:45-048P SUN EPHRATA BREWSTER WA WA 509 509 754-2011 733-9183 1:00 2:00 0.08 39 9/24/23 9:25:13P SUN MOSES LAKE WA 509 431-4098 6:00 0.15 0.45 40 41 9/25/23 9/25/23 9:54:07A 10:37:46A MON MON EPHRATA MOSES LAKE WA WA 509 509 450-9094 4:00 0.30 42 9/25/23 12:14:43P MON EPHRATA WA 509 989-0307 450-7999 6:00 2:00 0.45 43 9/25/23 1:01* -41P MON EPHRATA WA 509 450-7999 2:00 0.15 0.15 44 9/25/23 8:11:05P MON NILE WA 509 658-3078 1:00 0.08 .... ..... -"qi -IfAiidled- Tdisci -c Rd T �4.1� t kll�fiJ� JEAioklwte: 'y ............. .. ....... ------ C -N ...... ......... 411 9i -a Qn -.Ag 7 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cc&�.callin ...... ............ ........................ . . . . . . . .. . . . . ........ .. .......... 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Box 2961 Phoenix, AZ 85062-2961 89.19 1 89.19 CR Payment Summary Previous Balance Payment by check received on SEP 10 Adjustments/Credits Summary Adjustments to Previous Balance Account Name: NEW HOPE DOM VILNC Account Number-, 333103267 Page: 1 of 4 Bill Date: Sep, 14, 2023 ........... .. .... ....... _C RMA 0.00 89,119 ............ ft -on b q y .. .... n 0 7 7 89.1Marti9 ftu 4 h $9,19 C R X E . .... .... ........ . ... ... . ..... ... ...... . 0,00 s: ..... ... ... . .......... ... .. ..... . 6:6 ... ..... .. ............ ............ I Current Charge Summary Monthly Charges One -Time Charges Usage Charges Discount Adjustments Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges w 1 OL-CUt . ...... . ... .. .. .... .... 75,49 0,00 0.00 0 00 1 00 GR 14.70 'PLEASE FOLD, TEAR HERE AND RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION: ElPlease check here and complete reverse. Thank You, 62201000 C7 RP 13 20230913 N NNNNNNY 0007092 0034 NEW HOPE DOM VILNC 311 W 3RD AVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837-1905 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Account Number: 333103267 Amount Due By Oct. 04, 2023 89.19 CenturyLink P.O. Box 2961 Phoenix, AZ 85062-2961 1 � �[� � �I Ill 11111111111Ill111111111111Jill111111IllIllIllIll 000033310326770000000000000000000000091423000000891950000000 El !I ►1�� Centur Link y P.O. Box 2961 Phoenix, AZ 85062-2961 Allocation of charges: Service Categories Basic Services Other Services 11 Account Name: NEW HOPE DOM VILNC Account Number: 333103267 Page: 2 of 4 Bill Date: Sep, 14., 2023 Past Due Current Month Total Due 0,00 85.79 85.79 0.00 3.40 3.40 All Services 0.00 89.19 89 19 Failure to pay Basic charges may result in the disconnection of those Services. Please contact CenturyLink regarding any questions or problems with your bill before the due date. View and pay your bill online at centurylink.com/businessAogin. You will need your authentication code 8794. NOTICE OF PRICE INCREASE: Effective September 1, 2023, Business Anytime and Centurytink Freedom long distance, plans will increase by up to $5.00 per line per month. Business Basics, Business Assist Advantage and Business Complete Block of Time plans will increase by up to $5.00 per account per month. Business Unlimited, Business Unlimited Multiline Extended Calling USA and Flexible Savings plans will increase by up to $5.00 per line per month. LATE FEE REMINDER: Late, fees may be charged each month for any eligible unpaid balances not paid In full by the due date listed on your bill. The methods for calculating late fee amounts vary by state and product. For more information your ay access Terms and Conditions and Tariff materials at htip://www,centurylink.com/tariffs. Thank you for choosing CenturyLink for your communication needs --we value you as our customer, Third --Party Billing Block Cramming occurs when unauthorized charges appear on your, telephone bill. To help prevent unwanted third party charges on your bill, contact CenturyLink at 800-201-4099 and request, at no charge, a bill block that will prevent some third Party charges such as charitable contributions, dial-up Internet by non-CenturyLink companies or other non -telecommunications charges from appearing on your bill, FREE Enrollment With Control Center, you can update your billing Information, view and pay your bill and much more. Visit us online at www.centurylink.com/businessAogin. CenturyLink should be notified within 90 days after the CenturyLink Bill Date of any billing discrepancies on your statement. 333103267 NEW HOPE DOM VILNC 311 W 3RD AVE MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1905 MONTHLY AUTOPAY AUTHORIZATION FORM I authorize Centutyl-ink to draft my savings or checking account for any accrued balance on my account, (We reserve the right to revoke this It bank approval Is donled) Address Information Changes Effective Date 1:1 Checking Account Savings Account (Select the type of account to be drafted and attach a voided New Address chock/savings slip,) City State Zip Signature requir6d Date Please continue to pay your bill until notified on your statement Work Phonei �Home Phone that autopay is active. * I8220100: C7 RP f3 20230913 h:�if4�INNNY W07092 0©34 CenturyUnw : : Account Name: NEW HOPE DOM Vll..N Account Number; 333 03267 P.O. Box 2961 Phoenix, AZ 85062-2961 Monthly Charges Access Recovery Charge Facility Relocation Cast Recovery Fee Non -Telecom Services Surcharge Subscriber Line Charge Toll Rest W1800 Access Allowed Choice Business Total Monthly Charges Adjustments. Rate Adjustment Fatal Adjustments Taxes., Fees and Surcharges Federal Universal Service Fund; Surcharge GRANT Counter 911 Surcharge MOSES LADE Sales Tax MOSES LADE TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT Sales Tax MOSES LAKE Utility Users Tax Surcharge WASHINGTON Sales Tax WASHINGTON State 911 Tax WASHINGTON State 958 Health Crisis and Suicide Prevention Fe Total Taxes, Fees and Surcharges Total Current Charges Page: 3 of 4 Evill Date: Sep. 1 4, 2023 Cfty Date Amount 7 @ 2.60 2,50 cy.. 2.99 2.99 '1i' 6.60 Y.`V0 3,00 3.00 75*4a 1.00 CR 1.00 CR Payments l Bi l l i ng / Products /Services . 1-800-803-6000 Tech Support/Repair Service: 1-800-603.s000 Our Customer Service Representatives are avai la4l e from 8am - 8pm CT Mondays thrc�ug�__ Friday. day -w-_._.,.._ - - Choice Business !Monthly Recurring Adjustments Includes PON(s) f Order #(s); 1016501428 509-755-170 1 1 Pty Business Bus Unlimited Features Pack Inside Wire Protection Package Charges F Subtotal Package i . Package Taxes, Fees and Surcharges "Total Package 59.50 0.79 CFS 58.71 2,59 0.70 1.37 0,15 3,95 5.29 0.25 0,4 14.70 58.71 8.74 87,48 CenturyLinke Account Name: NEW HOPE DOM VILNC Account Number: 333103267 P.O. Box 2961 Page: 4 of 4 Phoenix, AZ 85062-2961 Bill Date: Sep, 14, 023 ge ve Local Service from SEP 14 to OCT 13 Product -ID: 609-765-1701 Monthly Charges Access Recovery Charge 2.50 Subscriber Line Charge 6.50 Total Local Exchange Service$ 9.00 Custom Ring 0,00 Facility Relocation Cost Recovery.Fee 1.00 Non -Telecom Services Surcharge 2.99 Toll Rest wl.800 Access Allowed 3.00 Total Optional Feature s/Sie ry ices 6.09 Total Monthly Charts 18.99 Adjustments PON: 1016501428 Rate Adjustment 0.2 1 CR Total Ad , Justmonts. 0.21 CR Charge Detail For 509-765-1701 15.78 .......... ... ........ 7 7 "U'64 ......... .......... ........... Z�* .......... 4, K, ... ... ... .. ............ t: . ..... ... . . . . . . . . .. T ac ag. To Ummar, .............. .: . ............ . ....... - . ............. .. . ----------- �77 ... ... .......... ;TA1_ -an............ . ............ .......... ......... . Fee C ........... 4 0 T County of Grant 35 C ST NW P,O, Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor-, Grant County Technical, Services Document Number 1316-23 1 Description: OnCalt phone Purchase Order Number Invoice Page 1 /1 Invoice 0399837 Date 10/24/2023 Vendor ID Shipping Method Payment Terms ID ACTS NU 30 Amount $845-411 Subtotal $845,41 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0,00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $845.41 Grant County Technology Services PO Box 37 35 C ST NW, Suite 308 EPHRATA, WA 98823 Bill To New 1 -lope Suzi F'ode, 311 W, Third Ave Moses Lake WA 98837 Date Invoice # 10/24/2023 -J 316-23 P.O. No. Terms Project filet 3) 0 Item Description Est Amt Prior Amt Prior % Qty Rate Curr % C Total % Amount Phone C... Monthly Phone Chugs - 'Verizon September 2023 Ser",1ces I - 845.41 845.41 Total $845.41 Payments/Credits $(),00 Balance [due $845.41 IN verizon� ' PDate Due BOX 489 Manage Your Account Account Number NEINARK, NJ 07101-0489 b2b.verizonwireless.com - 23 971477889.00001 10/30/ Nil Change your address at Invoice I Number 9946296http://sso-verizonenterprise.com 127 I KEYLINE Quick Bill Summary Sep 08 - Oct 07 TECHNOLOGY SERMCES COUNTY OF GRANT Previous Balance (see back for details) $15,390.40 35CSTNW Payment - Thank You $15,390.40 - EPHRATA, WA 98823-1685 Balance Forward q 2A rs w6rithly charas -- usage' - $14 915.12 �W,LtOLI and Purchase Charges Voice O 4 Messaging $.20 $,86 Data International $100 $2.02 Surcharges and Other Charges & Credits $189.42 Taxes, Governmental Surcharges & Fees- $187.66 Total Current Charges $15,295.28 Total Charges Due by October 30, 2023 $151295-28 Pay from phone Pay on the Web Questions: TECHNOLOGY SER CES COUNTY OF GRANT 35 CST NW EPHRATA, WA 98823-1685 Bill Date October 07, 2023 kcount Number 971477889-00001 Invoice Number 9946296127 Total Amount Due by October 30, 21023 Make check payable to Verizon Vlreles% Please return this remit slip wfth payment. $151295.28 rm7n PO BOX 660108 DALLAS, TX 75266-0108 11111111 111111111 11111111111 11 111111 99462961270109714778890000100001529528000015295287 verizonv Get Minutes used Invoice Number kcount Number Date Due Page 0 $296127 9114 8W-M-1cif822, 9A 0 /23 2 Get Data Used —Get Balance Payments Payments, continued Previotis Balance $15$390,,40 Payment — Thank You Payment Received 10/02M —15s394.40 Total Payments —$151390.40 Balance Forward $.100 M I I - . d, Pipase Written n'qhfiqns:ihqWd6d with -,o"'-r' - -U III A0 bd (6Vi6W0"br:hohd( so -'rid, dortespdq. h '911"YoUr Pay O,n.,.W MAI e.. Automatic Payment Enrollment for Account,# 971477889 -MI COUNTY OF GRANT , Y.W iu-ffionze By signing below ke —Vernizo-n Wireles8 5-eWt—rw�calf your bank account each rnonth for the total bilianoe due on your account. The check you send YAI bo used to setup Auto M&flc I'aym rt. You WO be notified eaoh Mon0i of the date and amount of the debit 10 days In advances of the payroont.. You agree to recewe al Auto Pay related oommunic-alion 11y, f understand and acoept these terns. This agreement does not after the teras of Lyour existing Customer Agreen*nt. I foren Wire4ess is not11able for erroneous bill: statenwts or Incorrect deq�ds to MY accourd- To vAthdraw your aulhoriz3lion you must caft verizon Wwoloft. Check Wth your bank ny charges. 1. Check this box. 2. Sfgn name In box below, as shown on the bill and date.. 3. Return this slip with your payment. Do not send a Voided check. Invoice Number Account Number Date Due Page 99462%127 971477889-00001 10/30/23 6 of 822 Overview of Lines, continued Data Voice Messaging, Data Usage Rooming Roaming Roaming .527GB .379GB 1A32GB .12 W3 B .524GB .002GB 1.815GB 1,8750 .959G8 3-412G8 1.1m .012GB 264303MB .382GB 12.478GB 3.07OGB .022GB .847GB .002GB .496GB 1.6-53GB .154GB .396GB 20.706GB Usage Surcharges Taxes, and and Odw comnmentai Third -party i Voice Page MonNy Purchaw Equipment Chargesand Surcharges Charges To Plan Messong Charges by Cost Center Number Charges Charges Charges Credits and Fees (Includes Tax Charges Usage Usage GCFM 509-237-2195 Abel Guerrero 126 $39.9.9 5.64 $,67 $41.30 28 32 509-237-4081 Kevin Schmidt 129 $56.39 5.64 81.02 $58.05 198 228 7-15 YA !09-237-4417 Phillip Mdtsher 136 $39.99 5.64 S.67 $41.30 7 14 509-237-4779 Ennique Avila 138 $39.99 S. �67 S41.30 2 509-237-8832 Pete Wyatt 140 544.99 5.64 s-67 $46.30 41 127 509-237-9255 Eric Valenzuela 142 539-99 S. $.67 $41.30 - 509-906-6578 Michael Cooley 143 $44.99 - S.64 $.67 $46.30 21 20 Subtotal $306M $-00 &W $4A8 s5J34 $M $31515 GCFM-FG 5009-237-5685 Dennis Motzkus 145 $39.99 -- S,64 567 $41.30 2 11 509-237-9548 Kory Peters 147 $39.99 S,64 S.67 $41.30 28 509--237-9824 Chris Turner 149 $39.99 - S.64 S.67 $41.30 68 63 Subtotal $119.97 $-00 $.00 $I-92 $2.01 $M $123.90 GCHR 509-793-3975 Kirk EsInger 155 S39-99 - S.64 $.67 541.30 239 10 509-860-3672 Christa Simmons 157 $39.99 - $.64 &67 S41.30 7 29 509-885-3976 Decorah Anderson 159 $35.99 $A0 536.55 53 40 509-885-3998 Gina Saldana 161 $39.99 $-67 $41.30 15 26 Subtotal $155,95 $-00 $-00 S2A8 $2A1 S -W S160AS GCNH I 5U9-670-0985 Elm Arlolptwn 163 $44.99 - 5„64 $47 $46-30 114 40 509-670-2437 fhala Sanchez 766 $49.99 $2.36 $1,24 $53.59 327 174 509-699-9551 TrWm Glerm 169 $44.99 $�64 $.67 $46.30 509-707-3945 Carmen Aguila 170 $44.99 $*64 $,67 - $46.30 303 124 509-760-6137 Shelter Cell 173 544.99 S.64 $.67 $46.30 509-770-4405 Abe Tapia 174 $44.99 S-64 S.67 - $46.30 253 149 509-885-6518 Marisa Bautista 177 $44.99 5.64 567 $4630 9 146 509-885-6548 Ana Wera 179 $49.99 $2.36 $1.24 $53.59 12 33 509-906-0236 Debbie Gonzales Long 181 $39.99 $.64 S.67 - $41.30 99 135 509-906-0364 Miti-I New Hope 184 $39.99 $M S.00 $40.01 509-906-0456 Miii-2 New Hope 185 $39.99 S.02 $.00 - $40.01 Data Voice Messaging, Data Usage Rooming Roaming Roaming .527GB .379GB 1A32GB .12 W3 B .524GB .002GB 1.815GB 1,8750 .959G8 3-412G8 1.1m .012GB 264303MB .382GB 12.478GB 3.07OGB .022GB .847GB .002GB .496GB 1.6-53GB .154GB .396GB 20.706GB W venzonl/ Invoice Number Ac=rlt Number Date Due Page 00001 -7 Of 822 -971477889* 16 9946296127 Overview of Lines, continued voice age Surcharoes Tans, Usage Usme Usage ftaffilng ROaffing Roaftilng 189 93 and and Other Gwiernmentoil Third -Party .081GB p3ge Mmfthly Purchow Eqtdpment Charges and Surduvges Charges TOW Charges by Cost meter Number Charges Char gm Charges Credift and Fees (Wdudes Tax) Mwges 509-906--0985 Tam Dieng 186 s39.99 $.64 S.67 $41.30 509-906-6241 Becky Gamia 188 $39.99 $B4 $.67 $m.3D 509-906-6242 Paola Gil IB9 $39.99 $-64 t67 $41.30 509-906--6243 Maria HalW 1.91 S3 .9 14 $,64 $.67 - $41.30 509-906--6251 Kdsbrm Crowder 193 M.99 $.64 $.67 - $41.30 509-906-6252 Sara Macdonald 195 $44.99 $-64 $.67 - W.30 509--006-6556 It Yhdp 197 $39.99$.02 $ .00 - $40.01 509-989-3310 Laura Oronla 198 $44.99 $.04 $.67 $WO Subtow $819BI $j)0 $LW $13.74 $11M $jD0 $MAI GCPA 509-237-3127 Dan Dale 200 $44.99 SoM $.67 509-668--9693 Grdrft Cw* Defy Pros 204 $39.99 S-.64 S67 $41.30 r .509-95W-04,35 Dan Dale 206 $39-99 S-02 U9 $40.01 Subs $124.97 V00 $1.30 $1.34 $127.M GePID 509--237-3043 Pd Oncall 207 $29-99 $5.87 $3.41 $39.2-7 509-237-4851 BTa Hill 209 $39.99 $.64 $.67 $41.30 509-237-W56 Ellyn Berg 210 $39.99 $,64 &67 $41.30 509-237-9299 Ge Pdl 212 $39.99 $.64 $z7 $41.30 509-906--0453 Ellyn Berg Lfjfi 214 $39.99 $x2. $.Do $40.01 SU; t f. $189.95 S-00 $.00 $721 $5A2 $.00 $203.18 GCPL 509-237-4020 lrqx-ctor Plafmr 215 $39.99 $.64 $Z7 $41.30 509-237-4162 James (Jm) Cook 216 S44.99 $,f4 S.67 $46.30 509-237-9735 Chrls YmM 218 $39.99 $.64 $.67 $41.30 509-906--6324 Gc& N 220 $39.99 $M $m $40.01 SubtoW S164.96 $1.94 $2.01 $168M (;CPW.CENTRAL Swop 509-237-2536 C Spencer 221 $44.99 $.64 $.67 $46.30 509-423-5226 Dan Bmkhus 293 $39.99 $.64 $X7 $41.30 509.-750-3358 SuperyWr John Spies 225 $44.99 $.64 $,67 $46.30 SubtoW $129.97 $m $.00 $-192 $2.01 S -W $133M voice plan messaft Date IfOice Abssaong Dmfs Usage Usme Usage ftaffilng ROaffing Roaftilng 189 93 3.086GB 6 .081GB 4 .095GR 113 95 2-012GB 131 349 .239613 27 12 .169GB 32 33 .36OGB 282 107 .072GB .34" .009GB 4 .657GB 12 73 .184GB -.- 166.881 GB 6 .33OGB 5 .199GB 23 1.10OGB - .54IG13 30 1 1.34,2GB 68 1 .026GB 188 65 .268GB ' GC TS -- �In �tl phones — 845.41 fig 2.91 ea?1 _ _ _.co >: 123.06 908 C'� $ 29.68 91326 8024 a0f2 ..._ _.. _ ._ . _ fi Ac > r .. $ 199.03 r 288. 9$ 13.#5i 9027 8 9031 .. 9032 { sa3a _. _.. _. _ . �._ �. __. f ca 4to ...w.�...a.r 25.72 $ 5.94 9029 .. _. ar /' G.a to] .. .. 5.54 904s a32b aa67 8039 ao�e _. _ �. A . _...$0 •Y Ci{CL >Q _ .. _ ..�.. 1 S 81.i5 i _ $ YHDP & CAG 232.5 _ ; ,70 .74.78 - - 17.41 92.6i;93.6 46.3 Page 111 Invoice 0397948 Date 9/27/2023 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: Grant County Technical Services Invoice Document Number Purchase Order Number Vendor ID Shipping Method Payment Terms ID j 284-23 _.. _ __.._ .wGCTSINET Description: 0 I Amount On Call Phone $844-35 Subtotal $844.35 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $84435 C Grant County Technology Services PO Box 37 35 C ST NW, Suite 308 EPHRATA, WA 98823 Date Invoice # 9/21/2023 284-23 ............... . zOnv PO BOX 489 NEWARK, NJ 07101-0489 KEYLINE II lift itt1t1rtiff r I III lrrtr� rf�tr rr�rr r�t� rtt TECHNOLOGY SERVICES COUNTY QP GRANT 35C STNW EPHRATA, WA 98823-1585 LE7,aa P� �k0�klb 1 �O�klab Manage Your Account 1 ,M Number 7fDa7te[D)ue Q !971477889 09!29/23 i Change your address at http:77sso-verizonenter rise.com Invo6ce Number 9943874519 Quick Bill Summary Aug 08_Sep o7 Previous Balance see back fordetalls) $16,252,58 Payrnant — Thank. You —$16252.68 Balam Forward ,00 MOnthfy Charges $14j996,30 Wage and Purchzase Charges Voice $,Cts Me�sagfng $1.56 Data $,0o Inte rnaflonaf $,25 igulpment Charges � 4.38 Surcharges and Other Charges & Credits $179.85 Taxes, Govemmental Surcharges & Fees $1 BNpG Total Current Charges 151MA0 `btai 'charges Due by September 29, 2023 1513WAO Pay from phone Pay on the byesI +Quasiens: venzonv TECHNOLOGY GERIACES COUNTY OF GRANT 35 C GT N EPHRATA, WA M23-1685 8*111 Date September 97, 2023 Account Number 971477889-00001 Invoice Number 9943874519 Total Amount Due by September 29, 2023 Make check payable to Yerlmrl Wireless. r�M Please return Us remit stip wish payment. i 151ti7a{J.4t�J Pa BOX 6601 G8 DALLAS, TK 75266-0108 1111111111 111 111111 lift 19438745190101714778890000100001539040000015390407 Umrizonv Invoice Number Account Number Date DuePag1�/ Fe ` 1, 7-7 Jf . : P-.J bt Wet Minutes Used Get Data Used Det Balance Payments Nayments, continued Previous Balance16125 .68 Payment — Thank You Patent Received 08129123 _16,252,68 Total Payments 4161262A Balance Forward 00 t qtr rtatlr�snlu *q.,_ n. `}r�Aj��, pay rlrl It no :b rev ved a he i ore 1��[y}ry hq� jdpje/p�{/. �. kt:� ..z�V1M YV�LY.h�'`l�JTZ - f. ■{}A�i �` amt (��j I� I 7 1F r!� �_11/PM W /��('�'/��qy+�}/T y�R�ygi_ �'.:._� u" ,5_lIhMRrV�.I,►GLt41 � #:l::ll�l 'F :i' ':r� wC :A 4'.�.•w w iF ..�`ai » » ti11 at���.� i3v+ .v'w t.A �'r. .,i�.^;L"a. +e ' i .. a _�.'.�....Ft•. .A. � `, R..;� � .. .: . .:.,'.. _ _._ � ... + +e « .. nrolinwt for Account. 97"i4lr7$$9-4+�Q'i CC}i�.lTY � YR�4N'i By signing below) you ot�ihoci�e �/eri�zzon Wreless to etectronica debit your bank account each month for tk�� total balance due on your accatank. The check'You send yAl t1a used to seta Automatto Payment. You Y,.411 be notif ed each month of he date and amount of the debit 10 days to advance of the p Payment. You a to � paaYm g Ferre at Auto Pay related communications elwironUly, I understand aril accept these terms.This agreement does not after the terms of your existl�n�g Customer Agreement. I agree That Verizon Wireless I riot liable for erroneous bill statements or incorroot debits tomy account. To withdraw your authorization you must call Verizon' Wireless. Check withur bank for an charges. 1, Check this box. 2. Sign name In box below, as shown on the bill and date. � Y 9 3, Return this slip with yourpayment �crtent, Do not send A voided check. IN verizonl/ Invoice Nwftr Mcount Number Date Due Page Wo Li r. i'994 971477 i.BW Y. Over view of Lines, continued Changes by Cost Center P390 Hundw WONY Charges UMP Surcharges Taxes, Mid and Odw Govemmenbil Third -party Purchase EqWpmwt Charges and Surchmges Gees Charges Charges Oredits and Fees (irodudes Tax) ToW Charges Voice Plan UM90 hles�ng U--mge Data Voice ming Dab Usage Roadng Ruaning Roaming 5G9-B85jW26 Darci Homesley 141 $44M S.61 S.67 S46.27 17 10 .38IGB 509--885-5598 Grounds D* Phone 143 $39.99._.._. ._..._ $m S.67 $4127 34 63 1,621G stow $MM $3M S4.02 SM $257.62 GGFM 509-237-2195 Abel Guerrero 146 $39.99 S41.27 24 31 .588GB 509-237-4081 Kevin Sd*idt 151 $56.39 S.61 S1.02 $58.02 98 350 1,359GB 509-237-017 Phillip Moisher 157 $30.99 $m $Z71 $41.27 15 12 1.2!99GB 509-237-4779 ByrkW Avila 159 $39.99 $.61 &67 $41.27 1 2 .269GB 509-237-8832 Pete Wyatt 161 $44M $.61 SL7 $4627 43 184 .14OGB 509-237-9255 EricVagervueb 163 $39.99 S.61 &67 S41.27 a 13 1.103GB 50"06-6578 Michael Cooley 166 $44.99 $.61 &67 $4U7 31 29 226GB SUMOW $306M $4.27 $W $315.84 GCFM-FG 509-237-5685 Dennis Motkus 168 $39.99 $4.1.27 11 1476G8 509-237-9548 Kory Pelers 170 $39.99 S.61 SN $41.27 8 67 .976GB 509-237-9824 Ctris Turner 174 $39.99 $.61 $N $41.27 217 89 .523GB Submit $119.97 $M $AO $1M $2.01 00 $123.81 GCHR_ 509-793-3975 Kiflk Edinger 187 $39.99 $,61 $41.27 338 24 .204GB 509-860-3672 Christa Simmons 190 $39.99 $.61 $X7 $41.27 2 22 .029G9 509-885-3976 Decorah ArKbmn 192 $35.9.9 $.16 $A0 M.55 24 60 354.085MB 509-885-3998 Gina SaWna 194 $39.99 $.61 07 $41.27 3 33 .142GB Subtow S155M S.00 $.00 $im Sul S.00 $16035 GCNH 509-67d-0985 Bila Adm pfwn 196 $44.99 W S67 S46.27-, 83 15 18.,848GB 509-6-10-2437 Rtdb Sanchez 199 $49.99 $2.07 $1.21 $53.27/ 519 207 1.171GB 509-699-9551 Trisha GL>nn 203 $44.99 $461 SX7 $46.27�_11 .014GB 50,9-707-3945 Carmen Aguila 204 $4.99 S.61 S.67 $46.27-.111 507 245 2.73OGB 509-760-6137 Sheffer Cell 209 $44.99 $.61 67 $46.271-"' 509-770-4405 Abe Tapia 210 $4.99 S.61 S67 $4&27-"" 133 206 35.967GB 509-885-6518 MariM Bautista 213 $4.99 S.61 $X7 W.27---_ 3 73 .5 F3 509-885--6548 Ana Rh era 215 $49.99 $2.07 $1.21 $,--)3.27--'-1 20 114 .143GB a venzon)/ Invoice Number Accourt Number Da* Due Page 4 7. "i i% Y 000 W 387,451 Overview of Lines, continued Charges by Cost Center PMO Number Mbnft Charges UWqq SkuClUtges and and fter Purdwe Equfptnmt Chargesand Charges Charges Credits Tans, GoVefMnerftl 7Wrd-P*ty Surdwrgm Ch e$ and Fees findudes, Tax) Total Charges 509-906-E36- Debbie Gowales Long 217 $39.99 V $.61 &67 326 $4117 509-�-0364 Wfi-1 Neer Hope 219 $39.99 .053GO S.02 U0 1-163GB $40.01-�" 509-906-0456 W-2 New Hope 193.437GB 7 .131W U0 12 $40.01., 509-906-M Tara Dieng 221$39.99 1,161GB S.61 SX7 $4,71.27-' 509-906-6241 Ber,*y Gwerd .223 $39M $kl S,67 $4127/ 509-906-6`242 Paola Gil 225 $39.99 $.61 667 $41-27-;-- 509-906-6243 maria Hallatt 297 $N.99 &61 S67 509-906-6251 &isfina Crowder 230 $39.99 $.61 W 509-906-6252 Sara Macdonald 233 $44.09 $.61 $.67 $46.27-- 509-906-6556 Wi Yhdp, 235 $39.99 509-989-3310 Laura Oronia 23`6 S44.99 $46.27-- Subtatal $819.81 $-00 &W $12.74 $11.80 $.00 $844M DCPA 509-237-3127 Dan Dale 238 $44.99 S-61 &67 S4&27 509668-9693 Grant County Duly Pros 242 $39.99 $41.27 509-906-0435 Dan DM 244 $39.99 S.02 $.00 S40,01 SubU" $124.97 $.00 $-00 $1.24 $1.34 Sjou $127.55 'N GGPD 509237-3043 Pd Oncal 245 $29.99 -- $5.37 $3.37 $38.73 509-231--4851 Brett Hill 247 $39.99 $.61 $.67 $41.27 509-237-8056 Ef" BeM 249 $39.99 $.61 $.67 $41.27 509-237-9299 Ge Pdl 251 $39.99 $.61 W $41.27 509-906-0453 %m Berg Mift 253 $39.99 $.02 $X0 $40.01 Subk" $389.% $W $-W $7.22 $5-W $M $202.55 GCPL 509-237-4020 Inspector Plan 254 $39.99 &61 $Z7 $41-27 509-231-4162 James (Irn) Cook 255 $44.99 $61 $V W27 509-237-9735 Chris Young 257 $39.99 $.61 $.67 $41-27 509-906-6324 Gcds Wff 259 $39.99 SW $M S10.01 SubtaW S164.% $.0D $JW $1.85 1 . voice Pbn 10mmaing Data Voke Me=a9ing Data Usage Usage Usage Roankig Reamin= ._g Roan* 122 155 .362GL3 M367GB 126 101 2.64OG8 4 10 .093GB 56 10 .096GB V 162 1.559GB 326 334 .61OGB 68 19 .053GO 16 91 1-163GB 314 103 .035GB 4 .105GB .409GB 17 9 1.38OGB 1 5 2.562GB 2 114 .231GI3 193.437GB 7 .131W 14 12 293GB 6 4 1,161GB i =any X616 t !87$ i Ili9t [ lE1Y71 6n.37 C A ° 9 $ E U { GG TS 844.35 CL 3.11 > 0.75 5.03 °tea 0.71 0.34 Q 0..22 1.89 0.85 25.88 o 0.1§ x.93 a 0.14 $ 5.53 sn 2.08 61.42 o' 0.00 - O.fIO - 0.44 $ 17 39 O.QD - 15.49 812.28 TOTAL FTE -- Cell phones GAC 812.26 122.83 $ 28,64.. _11988.82 26.06 S 13.44 8.70 74. 0 YHDP _ _22.09 92.54 93.28 46,27 County of Grant 35 CST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: PADILLA, MARIO 10281 BASELINE E RD MOSES LAKE WA 98837 Document Number 188 Description. - Office Utilities Purchase Order Number VendorlD Invoice Page 1 Invoice 0399262 Date 10/16/2023 Shipping Method Payment Terms ID Amount $512.881 Subtotal $512.88 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $512.88 Mario Padilla DATE: INVOICE # 16281 baseline RLQ E BILA TO.- Mases Lake WA 98837 October 16, 2623 New Hope 311 W Third AVE Moses Lake WA 96837 569-764-8462 loryka AddmwW _Ave ,, Momm. Lake WA it -Am 3111 rd SWnq Demand: 10.496 Rtft 2 - General Service Power Facwr. 100.000"0 8lVln&,Perlod.,, 0011212023 - 09/1312023 UWQQ �ftbry (in KVVH) Prior Balance $1,43.46 PftTmft App4ed THANK YOU -$143.45 4W Saido Char� Days $35.64 Energy Charge 2e367.760 kVVh (M $0, 89 NN 043 '01"SUSTOTAL ENERGY*" $103.92 �Kz.l ME, City Tax $8.37 57 2292 CURRENT CHARGES iiMzs .01 41 .06 po93 CURRW AMOUNT OUR -.4 R_ I Z A. '00 111477w93 i"M $3,3 iiA" 11D 8" 04 Wv Jan Feb Wr A;w Wy jun s" 2= 4 Power Factor; 10a.00m Billing Demand 17.152 Uwge History (in KVYH) WOW 21669 f 125 10@34 $417 0 Rate 2 General Service a0fi g Pedod._ _ _ 08/12/2023 - 09/1312023 Prior balance $103,96 Payments Applied THANK YOU Balance 0,00 Basic Charge 33 Days 1,08 $36.64 Energy' Charge 3,1 1264 kWh $0�.o 3g $136.99 ***SUBTOTAL ENERGY $1$6.99 Clay Tax $10.36 CURRENT CHARGES $432.99. CURRENT AMOUNT DUE Isom 1 10 $182.99 Sep Ckt Nov Dw Jan Feb MWr Apr Wy jury Jul Aug Sep 202 202:3A _ 30M 2W Iwo tj TCYTAL DUE Jill C$ T27>,i Water Consumption I Please update your contact phone number with the B111,1ng Department to avoid being charged for door notifications. Iwo REGULAR MOSES LAKE UTILITIES DUE DATE ACCOUNT NO. RO. Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0244 crryo;r ` 1013012023 (509) 347-0492 Pay by Maize or Online at www.cjt:y0fin1.CoM 25098000 2 -MOSES L A K -ub@cityofinl.com enwillj BILL DATE AMOUNTIDUE For Utility Services Questions Call 509-764-3701� �,...� 09/3012023 F 273.45 0 fter A -hours, water -related emergency., (509) 764-3951 i SERVICE LOCATION READING PATES PREVIOUS PRESENT •BILLING METER DAYS PREVIOUS 8EADINGS USAGE PRESENT CHARGE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 08/16/2023 0911812023 33 136460 137370 i 90G WATER METERED Usage, Register I SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FES MAR APR JUN JUL AUG SEP 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 2323 23 23 23 WATER METERED Fixed Charge 54.01 900 WATER METERED, Tier 1 9.83 SEWER Fixed Charge 42.80 900 SEWER , Tier 1 17.19 STORM WATER 33.25 AMBULANCE SERVICE 14.45 COMMERCIAL DUMPSTERS 78.57 UTILITY TAX 23.56 30M 2W Iwo tj TCYTAL DUE Jill C$ T27>,i Water Consumption I Please update your contact phone number with the B111,1ng Department to avoid being charged for door notifications. Iwo sm 0 SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FES MAR APR JUN JUL AUG SEP 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 2323 23 23 23 s03t 11076 2.026 2024 IOTA w2T 9031 it032 ' 1t83a 8039 9049 0329 Oft 0038 � t _ di .. r.. Mario Padilla - Utilities S 51298 < St09.30 X24.18 981.66 X14.96 1.41 ti.22$4.041$58.37 -21 ~;31.29 LM70 44.12 5'12.8I County of Grant 35 CST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA. 98823 Vendor: PADILLA, MARIO 10281 BASELINE E RD MOSES LAKE WA 98837 Document Number 187 Description: Office Utilities I les Purchase Order Number Page 1 / 1 Invoice 0397958 Date 9/27/2023 Vendor ID Shipping Method Payment Terms ID PADILM _____..____Amount; $540.11 Subtotal $540,11 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0,00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $540.11 Tmm 10281 Baseline RD E Moses Lake WA 98837 DESCRIPTION 311 W Third Ave Office Utilities 2023 306 Beach 311 W Third DA TE. - INVOICE # BILL TOM - Water Electrical Electrical September 27, 2023 187 New Hope 311 W Third AVE Moses Lake WA 98837 509-764-8402 AMOUNT iA= ,$299.68 $96.98 $143.45 SUBTOTAL 540.11 TAX RA TE Make all checks payable to Mario Padilla. SALES TAX $ - OTHER $ THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! TOTAL $ 540.11 Billing Demand: 11,616 Power Factor: 100.10000% Usane History tin KVIVH) 5731 4W 3439 2292 1146 0 Rate 2 -General Service Billing Period: ---- 07/14/2023 - 08111 X023 Prior Balance $136.95 Payments Applied THANK YOU 4136,95 Balance Basio Charge 29 Days a $I.o8 $31,32.----- 19,99 Energy Charge 2,369.720 kVVh @ $0.04389 $104,01 ***SUBTOTAL ENERGY*" $104,01 City Tax $8.12 CURRENT CHARGES ftpft� $143,45 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE 11, 43.45 Aug Sep Oct Noy Dft Jon Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug cd"Iqwl� 6, 0 0%. 2022 2D23✓ I 7-a�L .� syr. � I *306 Eloch St S T eater, , +uses Lake WA 99937 - OCA . . KZD76995677 t107113/23 X1912331762.306 3�773-903 t 21.597 � 160.€ 0 3,455.5361 KVVH No wiixtkg Demand- 16,192 WY1M2 Power Factor: 100.00I0 RatA ~ General SQ. r, ce Usage History (in K BtlinPeriod: 07114f2023 - 08f11f2023 27M Prior Balance $177.57 Payments Applied THANK YOU 177,57 VIMtmanoe M A Matic Charge 29 Days C $1.08 X31 ��� IW2Ener Charge 465. ***SU13TOTAL ENERGY*** low f 4 City Tax CURRENT CHARGES $10.98 193.96 V • M��Y ��� � ' � \� � � �� �nf y� 311' � r'i' a CURRENT AMOUNT DUE r'h .:y R lk Auf Sep Oct Nov 0o Jan Feb Mar Apr May jun JU 2022. 2023 Aug w Cie -ii.?':...�s+�:K-c"....P.fry:ii...S.�•«,,+...s.._�...a..:.�:.i., '`xi�'.a.r''',e,:" .,7'n•.+,.-««,..«-.ni REGU,LAR MOSES LAKE UTILITIES DUE DATE ACCOUNT NO. P.O. Box 1579,* Moses Lake, WA 98837-0244 09/30/202326098000 MOSES LAKE- (509) 347-0492 Pay by Plione or Onlifte at www,cityofmi.com 1 ._.__ ac'!BILL DATE AMOUNT ME ub@cityofml.com emvif For Utility Services Questions Call 509-764-3701 08/3012023 $299.68 After-hours, water -related emergency: (509) 764-3951 SERVICE LOCATION READING DATES BILLINGMETER READINGS PREVIOUS I PRE$ENT DAYS PREVIOUS PRESENT 07/14023 08/1612023 11 33 134770 136460 USAGE CHARGE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1700 1 WATER METERED Usage, Register 1 WATER METERED Fb(ed Charge 54.01 1700 WATER METERED, Tier 1 18.19 SEWER Fixed Charge 42.80 1700 SEWER, Tier I 32.7 STORM WATER 33.25 AMBULANCE SERVICE 14.45 COMMERCIAL DUMPSTERS 78.57 UTILITY TAX 25.94 TO-TikJ!" $299,68. Water Consumption IRRIGATION SCHEDULE CHANGES EFFECTIVE July 10, 21:12T ..................... -No Irrigating on Monday -Water conservation measures are now year-round -All irn'gation Is prohibited from- 10arn-7prn, year-round =0 Iwo -ODD Addresses: Irrigate Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 1000 .:EVEN Addresses: Irrigate Tesday, Thursday, Saturday AW $W WYV DEC ON FS MAR APR MAY AM AX AM 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 County of Grant 35 C ST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: GRANT CO HUMAN RES Document Number 090123 -NH Description; —'�ti HR Service Fee Purchase Order Number VendorlD .,,I_GCHRS _ Page 1/1 Invoice 0399187 Date 10/11/2023 Shipping Method Subtotal Misc Tax Freight Trade Discount Payment Tota I Due Payment Terms ID NET 30 Amount $1,354.67 $1,354.67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,354.67 G -rantunty Human Resources Co Invoice for Human Resources Services In advance of summer grant deadlines, Human Resources is asked to use headcount reports to set a cost-sharing amount for each non -general fund budgets utilizing HR services, Department New Hope Invoice Date 09/01/2'.3"' contact Alyce Barrientoz Invoice Amount: $11354.67 This invoice will be used for departments to generate vouchers for revenue payment to Human Resources. Processing questions ,should be directed to the Auditor's Office - Accounting Department. Kirk Eslinger HR Director |FH—R-�e-rvice Fee — 44 County of Grant 35 CST NW P.O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: PADILLA, MANIC 10281 BASELINE E RD MOSES LAKE WA 98837 Document Number '08/01/23-7/31/24 Descriptfo-w.--- LEASE AGREEMENT Purchase Order Number I VendorlD Invoice Page I 11 Invoice 0392931 Date 10/19/2023 Shipping Method I Payment Terms ID 2 ;CkQQ. L -- - -- -- PADILM Amount I $3851 68 Subtotal $30851.68 .Mi sc $0.00 'Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Payment $0.00 Total Due $3,851.68 2 ;CkQQ. L -- - -- -- Rent is due, in advance, 1p without receipt of a billing or statement the first day of each month and is to be paid directly to THE LESSOR, A one and one-halfpercent (1.5%) service charge Will be collected for payments received, after the tenth of the month for the month in which they are due. If any check received by THE LESS OR is returned for any reason, THE LESSOR will make an additional charge of Twenty -Five Dollars ($25.00). In the event the term of this Lease sha.11 begin. or end other than on the first day of a calendar month, the rental for any such partial month shall be pro -rated. Rental for months other than partial months shall be paid on the first day of each calendar month, in advance for the ensuing month. 3. OTHER TAXES.- THE LESSEE shall pay all taxes, licenses and fees, which by law are imposed on THE LESSEE, by reason of THE LESSEE'S. o ' Perations or upon any of THE LESSEE'S personal property situate in or about the leased premises. If other taxes, licenses or fees,, which by law are unposed on THE LESSEE or assessed upon thep remises leased herein during the term of this Lease by any governmental. agency, THE LESSEE shall reasonably pay same. 4. USE: THE LESSEE shall not use said premises for any other purpose other than the use of general executive office space and the -uses resulting thereby Without theprior written consent of the Lessor, in which said consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, THE LESSEE agrees that no stock of goods will be carried or anything done in or about thep remises which Will 'increase the present rate of insurance, The rental contained herein is predicated on, among other things, THE LESSOR'S existing insurance premiums, and in the event that THE LESSEE'S Commercial Lease Page 2 .0 Year One Year Two Year Three Year Seven Year Four Year Five Year Six 81022 -7131123 811123- 713112# 811124. 7131125 811125- 8131126 811126- 7131127 X11/2?'- 7131128 81-1128- 7131129 Kids Hope Rent $3,992.00 $43151.68_i43317-75 $4,490.46 $4,670.08 _$4; 856.8 8 $53051.15 Landlord Donated Portion $300.00 $300.00 _$300.00 $300,00 $300.00$300.00 $300.00 Net Amount Due from New Y .2pe $3,692.00 $3.1851.68 $4,017,75 $42190.46 $4,370.0811 $4,556.88i ll.,751.15J Rent is due, in advance, 1p without receipt of a billing or statement the first day of each month and is to be paid directly to THE LESSOR, A one and one-halfpercent (1.5%) service charge Will be collected for payments received, after the tenth of the month for the month in which they are due. If any check received by THE LESS OR is returned for any reason, THE LESSOR will make an additional charge of Twenty -Five Dollars ($25.00). In the event the term of this Lease sha.11 begin. or end other than on the first day of a calendar month, the rental for any such partial month shall be pro -rated. Rental for months other than partial months shall be paid on the first day of each calendar month, in advance for the ensuing month. 3. OTHER TAXES.- THE LESSEE shall pay all taxes, licenses and fees, which by law are imposed on THE LESSEE, by reason of THE LESSEE'S. o ' Perations or upon any of THE LESSEE'S personal property situate in or about the leased premises. If other taxes, licenses or fees,, which by law are unposed on THE LESSEE or assessed upon thep remises leased herein during the term of this Lease by any governmental. agency, THE LESSEE shall reasonably pay same. 4. USE: THE LESSEE shall not use said premises for any other purpose other than the use of general executive office space and the -uses resulting thereby Without theprior written consent of the Lessor, in which said consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, THE LESSEE agrees that no stock of goods will be carried or anything done in or about thep remises which Will 'increase the present rate of insurance, The rental contained herein is predicated on, among other things, THE LESSOR'S existing insurance premiums, and in the event that THE LESSEE'S Commercial Lease Page 2 .0 County of Grant 35 C 5T ,NW P.0, Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Vendor: PADILLA, MARIA 10281 BASELINE E RD MOSES LAKE WA 98837 Document Number Purchase Order .Number 8/1/23-7/31/24 Description, LEASE AGREEMENT Vendor ID PADILM Page 111 Invoice 0393287 Date 10/19/2023 Shipping Method Payment Terms ID Subtotal Misc Tax Freight Trade Discount Payment Total Due Amount $31874.53 $3j874.53- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0'00 $3,874.53 Rent is due, in advance, without receipt of a billing or statement, the first day of each month and is to be paid directly to THE LESSOR. A one and one-half percent (1.5%) service charge will be collected for payments received of the tenth of the month for the month in which they are due. If any check received by THE LESSOR is returned for any reason,* THE LESSOR will make an additional charge of Twenty -Five Dollars ($25.0+0). In the event the term of this Lease shall begin or end other than on the first day of a calendar month, the rental for any such partial month shall be pro -rated. Rental for months other than partial months shall be paid on the first day of each calendar month, in advance for the ensuing month. W.W 3. OTHER TAXES: THE LESSEE shall pay all taxes, licenses and fees, which by law are imposed on THE LESSEE, by reason of THE LESSEE'S operations or upon any of THE LESSEE'S personal property situate in or about the leased premises. If other taxes, licenses or fees, which by law are .imposed on THE LESSEE or assessed upon the premises leased herein during the term of this Lease by any governmental agency, THE LESSEE shall reasonablypay same. 4. USE: THE LESSEE shall not use said premises for any other purpose other than the use of general executive office space and the uses resulting thereby without the prior written consent of the Lessor, in which said consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. THE LESSEE agrees that no stock of goods will be carried or anything done in or about the premises which will increase the present rate of insurance. The rental contained herein is predicated on, among other things, THE LESSOR'S existing insurance premiums, and in the event that THE LESSEE'S Commercial Lease Page 2 a Year Year Year Year Year Year One Two Three Four Five Year Six Seven 8111.2022 81 3y89124- 8111125- 811126- 81W7- 811128- 713N!� 7131125 8131126 7131127 7131128 7131129 wdap-7131123 Nee - Rent $4)013..-97 $4,174,51 $4,341.51 $4,515.17 $45695.78 $4,883.61 $55078-95 Landlord Donated Portion $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 Net Amount Due from New bio e $3)713.97 -$30874.53 1 $47041.51 1 $47215.17 $41,395.78 $4,583.61 $4.1778.95 Rent is due, in advance, without receipt of a billing or statement, the first day of each month and is to be paid directly to THE LESSOR. A one and one-half percent (1.5%) service charge will be collected for payments received of the tenth of the month for the month in which they are due. If any check received by THE LESSOR is returned for any reason,* THE LESSOR will make an additional charge of Twenty -Five Dollars ($25.0+0). In the event the term of this Lease shall begin or end other than on the first day of a calendar month, the rental for any such partial month shall be pro -rated. Rental for months other than partial months shall be paid on the first day of each calendar month, in advance for the ensuing month. W.W 3. OTHER TAXES: THE LESSEE shall pay all taxes, licenses and fees, which by law are imposed on THE LESSEE, by reason of THE LESSEE'S operations or upon any of THE LESSEE'S personal property situate in or about the leased premises. If other taxes, licenses or fees, which by law are .imposed on THE LESSEE or assessed upon the premises leased herein during the term of this Lease by any governmental agency, THE LESSEE shall reasonablypay same. 4. USE: THE LESSEE shall not use said premises for any other purpose other than the use of general executive office space and the uses resulting thereby without the prior written consent of the Lessor, in which said consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. THE LESSEE agrees that no stock of goods will be carried or anything done in or about the premises which will increase the present rate of insurance. The rental contained herein is predicated on, among other things, THE LESSOR'S existing insurance premiums, and in the event that THE LESSEE'S Commercial Lease Page 2 a NH RENT 13.87 Ovcs otMs lila nv97 BU39 U033 R D M C5{p At p 9 G II. Q 9L< 1�3 S 3 874.53 0:o o as 874.53 $547.48 175.79 175.01 X955.14 109.3490,A336172 33.49962.03 3D.69 529.39 24.37 220.28 ___$107,84 1102.73 X215_95 13.87