HomeMy WebLinkAboutOut of State Travel Request - New Hope DV/SAGRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12.:00pm on Thursday) I REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: New Hope/Kids Hope REQUEST SUBMITTED BY..Suzi Fade CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING ROUNDTABLE.- SUZI FOCIe CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, DYES DATE. 10,31.2023 PHONE."'0" .8402 t o4 �77 - -- -------- ------- --- --- ---- I .......... Out of State Travel Request for Suzi Fode, Elisa Adolphsen, Trisha Glenn, Sara. MacDonald and Celina Garcia atten-ding the 2024 San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment. DATE OF ACTION.- � 2,1 1 12)t) -D APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: MENEM ElAgreement I Contract EIAP Vouchers ----------- ElAppointment / Reappointment OARPA Related E]Bids I RFPs /Quotes Award 013id Opening Scheduled 013oards / Committees ElBudget OComputer Related Fl aunty Code OEmergency Purchase FlEmployee Rel. 0 Facilities Related El Financial F,Funds F Hearing 0 Invoices / Purchase Orders OGrants — Fed/State/County Leases EIMOA 11 ]Minutes ElOrdinances Out of State Travel 0 Petty Cash 0policies ElProclamations 0 Request for Purchase OResolution DRecornrnend.ation []Professional rv/Consultant OSup ort Letter P OSurplus Req. OTax Levies OThank. You's DTax Title Property OW LCB �77 - -- -------- ------- --- --- ---- I .......... Out of State Travel Request for Suzi Fode, Elisa Adolphsen, Trisha Glenn, Sara. MacDonald and Celina Garcia atten-ding the 2024 San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment. DATE OF ACTION.- � 2,1 1 12)t) -D APPROVE: DENIED ABSTAIN D1: D2: D3: DEFERRED OR CONTINUED TO: OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION N,1W Elisa Adolphsen Dept/Coniinittee* Now Hope 128 600 DepartureD,00 11121/2024 Returi) Date* 112612024 '12:00 AI�IJ 11:30 PM Destinsitioll (01y, County, State) San Diego, CA Hotel - GSA Raton' Ito tot - N Ightly Rate* ---------- -- --- 194 208 A Date of Request* TyaVOITYPO 1013112023 Out of State Travel Grant* FuntUDept* Yes 128 Purpose of Travel* 2024 San Diego International Conference a Child and. Family Maltreatment Cost ApplIcafloO Rental Car Requ ire d Conference Rate No Hotel Total* Conference, Fee* Dally MME at Desthustion* 1040 600 74 Explanation for Rate (requIred If lintel cost Is greater than per diem, op government rate)* :onference rate for lodging is above per diem wte, 'he conference fee is covered by our stake organization (not our grant funds). )ur group has received an additional $2,000 in sponsorship to help cover oasts ($400 per person), Ale Ca nler* Cost of llght* Delta and Alaska 300 Prepatoes Name Suz! Fode A Rental Car Cost per day* 0 To fin I trip cost (Include a!1 cost totals)* $1,347 Preparer's Title* department head- Director ff Pxeapproved by EO/Dl.[?* Use of travel card to fill a rental vehicle gas tank prior to its return is recommended. Yes V %0 OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION Traveler's Name* SuziFode Dept/Cominittee* Now Htpe 128 Ho tel - GSA RRW Departure Date* Return Daae* 1.112612024—] 10:30 AM .... ....... ........ 11:3U PM Destination (City, cualtlyp State)* Fund/Dept* San Diego, CA 128 Ho tel - GSA RRW Hotel - Nightly Roo* 194 208 Hotel Total* Conforeneo Fee* 1040 600 Explanation for Mite (required if Tiote) cost is greater than per diem, or governmont rate)* Date of Request* 11-11val `dpe* I I 0123/2023 Out of State Travel Grout* Fund/Dept* Yea 128 Purpose of Ibivel" Total trip cost (Inelmde fill Post totals)* 2024 San Diego International Conference an Child and Family Maltreatment Cost Applleafloti* Rental Car Required Conference Rate v Yes Diffly M&E E at Destination* iq K! NOW Wb.b. W-- 7495 conference rate is above per them fate for lodging. "he conference fee is covered by our state organization (n at our grant funds). )ur group has received an additional $2,OOQ in sponsorship to help cover costs ($400 per person). Rental Car Cost per day* Air Carrier* Cost of Flight" Total trip cost (Inelmde fill Post totals)* Delta & Alaska 300 big i9ho iqi% 6-41— $1.823 Preparees Name Preparers Title* Suzi Fade department head- Director Preapp roved by F, 01DII? Use of travel card to fill a rental vehicle gas tank prior to its return Is recommended. Yes V V OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION 1avelerls 14fline* Trisha Glenn Dept/Cominittec* New Hope Date of Request* Travel'[' pe* Out of State Travel Deporture Date* 11121 /2024 Return Date* 11/26/2024 Grant* Yes Fund/Dept* 128 12:00 AM 11:30 PM Destlilatlelt (City, County, State)* Purpose OfTravel* San Diego. CA A 2024 San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment Hotel - GSA Rate .-MM-Mbn mi MW 194 A Rotel. -Nightly Rate* 208 Cost Application* Conference Rate Rentat Car Require(] No Hotel Totol* Conference F(!e* Daily MME at DestiuRttou* ------------ 1040 600 74 A Explanation for Rote (required if hotel cost Is greater that. per d1ein, or government rate)* onfarence rate is above per them rate for lodging. he Conference fea is covered by our state organization (not our grant funds). iur group has received an addfflonal $2,000 in sponsorship to help coyer cDsts ($400 per pefson). — ---------- Ali, Carrier* Cost of FIl gbt* Delta and Alaska 300 A Preparses Name SuZi Fode Rental Car Cost per day* 0 Total trip cost (Include nil cost totals)* $1,347 A Preparer's Title department head- Director Preapproved by EO/Dl-[?* Use of travel card to fill a rental vehicle gas tank prior to its return 13 recommended. Yos V V V OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICAT16N Traveler's Name* Celina Garcia New Hope ---- ------- San Diego, CA 128 41 A Hotel - nightly R;tte* Departure Date* Return Date* 112812024 Hotei'fotal* 11:30 PM Desth)"flon (City, County, State)* Fund/Dept* San Diego, CA 128 Hotel - GSA Rate* A Hotel - nightly R;tte* 194 208 Hotei'fotal* Conferencerice* 1040 - ---------- 600 Explanadon for Rate (required If hotel cost Is greater than per dioin, or government rate)* Date of Request* 10131f2L2i I Travel Type* Out of State Travel Grautft Fund/Dept* Yes 128 ,Purpose of Darrel* 2024 San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment ............ Cost Appl:leatloit* Rental Cor Ro qu Ire d Conference Rate No Wily KME JaDeStI1121000 74 -'onference rate is above per dfem rate for lodging. he conference fee is covered by our state organization (not our grant funds). lur group has received an additional $21000 in sponsorships to help cover costs ($400 per person), Air Carrier* Cost of FlIghi* Delta and Alaska 300 Preparers Name;k Suzi Folie Wiltal Car Cost per day* Total trip cost (Include all dost totals)* $1,347 Preperer"s Title department head- Director Z -j Proapproved by E OIDH?* Use of travel card to fill et rental Vehiole gas lank prior to its return is recommended. Yes V V N? OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION Traveler's Name* Sara MacDonald Dept/Committee* New Hope 128 600 BeparturoDate* Return Date* 1/2112024 112612024 , E2:00 AM 111:30 PM Destln-Atlopi (0ty., County, State)* San Diego, CA Hotel - GSA Rabe* RON] - Nightly Rate* 194 208 Date of Requests Travell� pe* 1013112023 Out of State Travel Grant* Conference Fee* Yes 128 Purpose of Travel* 2024 San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment Cost Application* Rental Car Required Conference Rate IV - No Hotel Total* Conference Fee* Dally MME at Destin. ation* Wibii PH 1040 600 74 Explanation for Rate (required If hotel cost Is greater than per diem, or government rate)' 'inference rate Is above per them rate for lodging, 'he conference fee is covered by our state arganizaflon (not our grant funds), ler group has received an addibonal $2,000 in sponsorship to help cover costs ($400 per person). Air Carrier* Cost of Fligbt* Delta and Alaska 300 Preparer's Name SuziFode Total trip remt (bicludt all cost totals)* $1,347 Preparei'a'rlt:W department head- Director Proapproved by EO/Dli?* Ye S V Use of travel cord to fill a rental vehicle gas tank prior to its return is recommended. Rentnl Car Cost per day* 0 V V