HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (002)GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOCC DATE: 10/19/2023 REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: Janice Flynn PHONE: Ext 2937 CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING MEETING: Janice Flynn CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: E]YES ANO U 1; 1 11 ii ME =FOR$] U!Uj DAgreement /Contract ❑AP Vouchers ElAppointment / Reappointment ❑ARPA Related F-1 Bids / RFPs, /Quotes Award E]Bid Opening Scheduled El Boards /Committees El Budget ElComputer Related E]County Code OEmergency Purchase ElEmployee Rel. ElFacilities Related ElFinancial ❑ Funds Ell-learing 7 Invoices /Purchase Orders FniGrants —Fed/State/County El Leases 0 MOA / MOU ElMinutes, ❑Ordinances E]Out of State Travel 0 Petty Cash El Policies El Proclamations El Request for Purchase El Resolution El Recommendation ElProfessional Serv/Consultant FSupport Letter ElSurplus Req. E]Tax Levies 7Thank You's E]Tax Title Property 0WSLCB Reimbursement request from the City of Moses Lake on the Department of Commerce Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) No 20-4613C-100, in the amount of $4,088.26 for September 2023 expenses. 00 eloAoPPROVED' EIDENIED EITABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION TAKEN: EICONTINUED TO DATE: FIOTHER 1 DATE OF ACTION:nl�14 Expenses Grantee Subcontractor #1 Subcontractor #2' Subcontractor #3 Subcontractor#4 Subcontractor.#5 Subcontractor #6 M1�seare p 'Farm 19-11A WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE; VOUCHER VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PD BOX 42525 OLYMPIA, WA 98504-2525 ------- AGENCY NUMBER Short Code Commerce Contract Number 1030 INSTRUCTION TO VENTDOR all CLAIIAANT4 Submit (his farm to claim paytngnt for matiriais, Merchandise or services. Shiaw CbM late detail tar each Am. Contact Persom VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant is to be payable to.,) Kirsten Sackett Vendoes Certificate: Thi individual signing this voucher below warrants they have the authority to dia so as authodzati and an behalf' at the entity identiited in the Vendor/ciaimant section. The .individual signing below certiflas under penalty of perjury that the items and totals listed herein are proper charges tot materials merchandise or services furnished to the State of WasttingEun;.and that all goads tuinished andtor services tandered have been provided vAthout discrimination because of age, sex, marital status, race, treed, color, national origin, handicap, religion or VIatnam era or disabled veterans status.. By. ,,,, a Phone: i=1' Mi - Contract Period. 509;764.3751 ksackeU cii afmt.eom 01/01/2023-6/30/2023 ----------------- (SIGN IN BLUE INK) Community Develdprnent Director J REPORT RERIOD 08101/20.23-0813112023 (TITLE) DATE DESCRIPTION BUDGET PRE'V'IOUSLY REQUESTED AMOUNTTHIS INVOICE AWARD ttENIAENING. BALANCE ADMIN $117,188.92 $113,789..44 $3,399.48- $12,.376',98 _ $12,376..98 $.0.00 OUTREACH OUTREACH $1 t51 J a13, $11517.33 3 $0.00 SHELTER.CASEMANAGE!' ENT, $689,112.21 $688,423.43, 68$J$'. «. SHELTE OPERATIONS $653,647,81 $653,647.81 RAPID ISE -HOUSING CASEMANAGEMENT NT $1 5j068,04 $125,068,04. $0.00 RAPID 11E-140USING RENTALASSISTANCE, $40,742.83 $40,742,83�} �} $0,000 RAPID RE -HOUSING OTHER FINANCIAL ASSIMANCE PREVENTION CASE MANAGEMENT $14,505.86 $14,505.86 $0.00 PREVENTION RENT ASSISTANCE $60,501.68 $60,501468 PREVENTIUON. OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: $0.00 $0.00 ------------ TOTALS $1,7140661.66 $1,710,573,40 $4,08$.26 W.00),. Match: Year/ dollars it Coding pROGRAMA PROVAL(Tho IndMdual sigriliv this.vomhor warrants Owy havithe atiflmity tosign IW4 octiyr.) PRINttl) NAME: SIGNATURE iiA7E. twC DATE CURRENT DOC" alfa. REFERENCE DOC NO, VENDOR NUMBER arA SUFFIX Acstwt rim. ,ASD NUMBER )/ErNDOR MESSAGE coarr SUB UGOZ;� MAS`rER SUB GC 0InEx oar ACCP BtIElSitt AMOUNT INVOICE SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNTING PREPARER FOR PAYMENT DATE ViARRANT TOTAL ACCOUII194G APPROVAL F09 PAYME14T DAM Contract # Submitted to GC by: Request for Reim bursement No.31�, Su Grant County's S re ip lent Checklists State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And, Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting -a payment request Was the expenditurei or cost: Made for an allowable -activity under the grant guidelines? Authorized or not prohibited) under -state or local laws or regulations? it Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? Allowable per Circular A--87 (.June 2004 version}, Attachment B, items I -43? For payroll transactions: Does the employee's time, and effort documentation meet the require '' ents of I m Circular A-1 2 2? v/ Allocable to the program? A i,e,,,, was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost' Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (Le.., is the federal government being charged the same a.mountas if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? Given consistent accounting treatment with.in and between accounting periods'? iods? (Consistency inaccounting requires thatcosts incurred for the same i purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct cost . s only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives). Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting pr'Inc iples, or . another comprehensive basis of , account* gwhen required under t o in he applicable cost pribciples? Not included as -a cost (or used to meet cost sha r-ing req utrerne"n o ts) - f other federally -supported activif.ies of the current or a prior period? v/ Net of all applicable credits? (.g!.,- volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, s, I refundsl rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed ,and scrap sales). Not included as both a direct billing and as a, component of indirect costs? Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being 'incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate), Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation maybe in an electronic form. Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? NAStaffiASC Mes\JStrickler Pre Feb 2018\00 Grants100 Subrecipient Checklist. docx Page 1 City of Moses Lake PO Box 1579 Moses. Lake, WA 98837 TO Grant County ttn,., Janice Flynn Via EMAIL INVOICE DATE October 16, 2123 DEPT&* ADMINISTRATION INVOICE #1 — 02-20,23 FOR COVID "Wr 19 EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS, GRANT Des cr1ption - September 2023 Sleep Center OperatIons Amount Subcontract work for Grant County Dept of Commerce Contract 20-46130-10 city of ML Utilities $688.78/ Hap Sour $4088.26 . ... ......... ... ... .......... ........ ......... - . ....... -FAYMENT,T"', FERENCE, ACCOUNTN.0, Ro. 0 .00 �:o 89 .32 10MIPTRES ONSE E3 PTO= Balance $4,.777.04 Due Make all checks payable to City of Moses Lake or call 509-764-3715 or 3719 to pay with a credit card. If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Finance Department at 509.764.3732 or - 375. CITY OF MOSES LAKE P.O. BOX 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 (509) 764-3719 or (509.) 764,3715 www.cityofml,..com / ub@cltyofml.com Water Consum'ption 58500 52650 4&850 40960 35100 29250 23400 17550 11700 5850 0 AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 REGULAR `� �8g. Z8 0\tj in TOTAL DUE 739.41 IRRIGATION SCHEDULE CHAN%GE'9EFFECTIVE July 1,01. 20 ____ R0 12T" irrigati*no.on''.'Mon-day.�4Wato'r.�,c' '""",atio" bhseN n- Measures are now year-round -All irrigation is prohibited from:: f0am-7pm�year4ound -ODD Addresses: Irr*q'at&nes ,W&d d a ._ ay,. Frid y Sundav,*-EVEN Address Irrigate Tuesday, Thursday, -Saturday CITY OF DOSES LAKE P.O. BOX 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 (509) 764-3719 or (509) 764-3715 www.cityofml.com, / ub@d.tyofmI.0O3M I This stub ensures that your payment is processed accurately. CITY OF ML CITY OF MOSES LAKE C/O PROJECT OPEN DOORS P.O. BOX 1579 PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE WA 98837 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 Pro rain Staffins Chan es Ptease co ptete monthly to report new or ole partiag_ER9 Staff Change Type No Yes If yes, enter employee name, . job title, & email 4D V -SG tvNcJ,ucAes c> YN I 1210-1i 3, 3 9 ot - 'I A ATTW Allison Williams 'City of Moses Lake Grant.Sars Code: -34&-43,--- 'GLAd"b'do ntt w C 16d HOMELESS GRANTS GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: Submit this form w request payment forservices or materials. CITY OF MOSES LAKE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO Box. 15" Attach accompanying proof of expenses (4a, receipts, timesheets) .MOSES LAKE, VIA 98837-1579 Vendoi's Certificate; The i6ifkidual sighinla this cher below wairwis " hava the mithorky to dosa as autho rized and on behW(olIre entity Iderifirkd in the VendodC1&mznt sWfom The lndW�W signing bdwi c0fiftes Linder pwu*y of perjury that the hems and totats fisted herein' are ptopet iharses (or materjah, metcNndime or services furnished for 1ha orant, and that at goods (welshed and/or services renderod. have bean pr6v1&d discrimination became of Age, set, . - VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant is, to be payabte to:) HoOesource/Rapid Re-Housing/Hotel Voucher Progra mi 700 E Mounta* in View Ave Suite 601 creed, reed. cator, naffon at origin, Wdicap, td%i0nPrWtnam em or 056W w4eram status, A I Ellensburg WA 98926 V� WNW.U.-Y. Ui* W n By. Contact Person: Susan Grindle Phone, 509-899-0978 (SIG NAT`01115) CFO 10/13/2023 Email: skgrindleftoyesource.us Grant Period: 4/112021-'913012022 Title (DATE) REPORT PERIOD/Month & Yean i. g, - - --- --------- -- - - --------- --------- ------------ (4/1/11., E*penSet TO -Report Period Request Une Item Balance 9/30/22 Date 50,542.44 $19,00.1.38 $4 506,31 . . . . . . . No"t"Ma ell. :1 98- V,wXIVAZ�1Z." -:.g� "1"137 $12,376.98 $0.00 k v 4-9 ��P�Y -'M $1,467.73 $30.21 i lkny �Ji6W, '3 a.$53917OL81 4-, $16,082. 26 --------------- - - - - --------------- 1,983.02) -2 N40"A ;R%% re liff" 0, i 'A 9871 :$ 20,987.07 $0.00 a �V % ---- ---------------- f 0" 51 "n, -0 k — - $157,277.76 $6,264v49 $80,1931.98 VNNWIN& i -R 412 "N1101111 11�ilIw P 7 N -k =V. 12� '41,08A" ,vi\ R4 gLILI 4Lase, uA'ANA '0' ra"J"O -0` 068*04 ($3485. 48 Alm , 01 .$! L5 4 $40,742.83 $ 0.00 gq, .1�1 C C rs& R, M 1 R." M " - ""'m"'I " , �, NN" W 10, 9 ommim-'a $1416.20,03 $0.:00 7 W, ZIP IN N.' 55 4�1 $63 950.40 $0,00 �4 P ,g ZW, 71, ,l y- R p qgf , rN f $0.00 $ 0100 a v �e Q, PW '06810S. '4 ' '026,736.09 $41 348.13 ($0,#00) ----------:_V z y,-31 0; MN A SH "Y'S Nor - New Grant Balance for Current ($0. * Reimbursement Request this $41348 Fiscal Year RePorting Period .13 FORCITY USE ONLY - Voucher Approval Sighature: DATE: Pro rain Staffins Chan es Ptease co ptete monthly to report new or ole partiag_ER9 Staff Change Type No Yes If yes, enter employee name, . job title, & email 4D V -SG tvNcJ,ucAes c> YN I 1210-1i 3, 3 9 ot - 'I A Hope Source Expanded Genera[ Luger - BL ESG-CV 632202111 - ESGt- Grant County From 911/2023 Through 913012023 Date: 10116M3 08:14:64 AM Opening Bal Transaction -(t, F11% . Sulo division Code Division Title Session ILS GL Code GL Title Code Debit Credit 100 Administration 7009 Salaries & Wages 99999 0.09 100 Administration JVA1593 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 6,358.13 100 Administration JVA1593 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 99999 591.49 655.59 100 Administration JVA1593 7101 Employee Tax 99999 11416.79 100 Administration JVA1593 7105 Health Benefits 99999 1298.60 100 Administration JVA1593 7107 L &. I tart expense 99999 66.49 100 Administration JVA1593 7108 Other Benefits 99999 125.52 100 Administration JVA1693 8010 Professional Fees 99999 2,921.35 109 Administration JVA1593 8100 Office Supplies 99999 173.12 100 Administration JVA1593 8200 Communication Expense 99999 259.89 100 Administration JVA1593 3300 Postage & Shipping 99999 7.84 100 Administration JVA1593 8350 Dues & Subscriptions 99999 106-22 100 Administration JVA1593 8400 Rent - Space Lower County 99999 962.56 100 Administration JVA1593 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 99999 528.89 100 Administration JVA1593 5406 Utilities - Upper County/Ofts1te offices 99999 3.63 100 Administration JVA1593 5420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 1,086.03 100 Administration JVA1593 5421 Repairs & Maintenance - Program 99999 35.23 100 Administration JVA1593 8459 Insurance Expense 99999 598.28 100 Administration JVA1593 5501 Computer hardware and Software 99999 260.08 100 Administration JVA1593 8510 Program supplies and tools 99999 36.42 100 Administration JVA1593 8650 Photocopy Expense 99999 14.24 100 Administration JVA1593 8660 Panting & Publications 99999 6.26 100 Administration JVA1593 8675 Advertising Expense 99999 5.79 +100 Administration JVA1593 8700 Travel Expense 99999 11133.10 100 Administration JVA1593 8710 Meeting Exp 99999 34.26 100 Administration JVA1593 8711 Training & Technical Assistance 99999 27.07 100 Administration JVA1593 8712 Representation expense 99999 12.36 - 100 Administration JVA1593 8800 Vehicle Maintenance & related 99999 941-84 100 Administration JVA1693 8805 Vehicle Gas & Oil 99999 559.36 100 Administration JVA1593 8990 Interest Expenses 99999 5.63 100 Administration JVA1593 8992 Bank Fee 99999 16.49 100 Administration JVA1593 8997 Depreciation Expenses 99999 14.01- _ _ -- 19.656.97 655.59 Galan... Administration 19,001.38 100 Date: 10116M3 08:14:64 AM Opening Bal Transaction -(t, F11% . Divisi... Management Code Division Title 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 612010 (MI ES) 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 612010 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 612010 (NILES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 612010 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 612010 (MLES) 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 612010 (MLES) Basan... Permanent Shelter Case Management 612003 (MLES) 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESO -CV 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 91112023 Through 913012023 Session ID Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1425 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1425 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1425 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case CDSPRO1425 Management 612010 Pennanent Sleep Center Case Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 0.00 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 986.62 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 99999 Management Date-* 10/16/23 0814�54 AM Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESO -CV 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 91112023 Through 913012023 Session ID CL Code CDSPRO1425 7000 CDSPRO1425 7000 CDSPRO1425 7100 CDSPRO1425 7101 CDSPRO1425 7115 CDSPRO1425 7107 GL Title Salaries & Wages Salaries &. wages FICA & Medicare Expense Employee Tax Health Benefits L & I tax expense Salaries & Wages Salaries &. Wages Salaries &'Wages Salaries & Wages FICA & Medicare Expense FICA & Medicare Expense Employee Tax Employee Tax Health Benefits Health Benefits Sub division Code 7000 CDSPRO1425 7000 CDSPRO1428 70010 CDSPRO1430 7000 CDSPRO1425 7100 CDSPRO1428 7100 CDSPRO1425 7101 CDSPRO1428 7101 CDSPRO1425 7105 CDSPRO1428 7105 GL Title Salaries & Wages Salaries &. wages FICA & Medicare Expense Employee Tax Health Benefits L & I tax expense Salaries & Wages Salaries &. Wages Salaries &'Wages Salaries & Wages FICA & Medicare Expense FICA & Medicare Expense Employee Tax Employee Tax Health Benefits Health Benefits Sub division Code Debit Credit 99999 0.00 Opening Bal 99999 2,924.00 373.37 99999 159.25 99999 378.37 99999 428.59 99999 21.80 31012.01 378.37 Transaction 2,633.64 99999 0.00 Opening Bal 99999 6,375.24 5.24 986.62 99999 51430.02 783.81 99999 87.77 99999 522.70 99999 426.45 99999 986.62 99999 783.81 99999 134.95 99999 158.06 Page. 2 Divis`t... Program Operations Code Division Title 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 613001 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 613001 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 613001 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 613001 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 613901 Management Balan... Permanent Sleep Center Case 612010 Management 613 Program Operations 613 Program Operations 613 Program Operations 613 Program Operations 613 Program Operations Balan... Program Operations 613 Sub 613001 Program Support - Pool 613001 Program Support - Pool 613001 Program Support - Pool 613001 Program Support - Pool 613001 Program Support - Pool 613001 Program Support - Poof 613001 Program Support - Pool 613001 Program Support - Pool 613001 Program Support - Pool 613901 Program Support - Pool 6113001 Program Support - Pool 613001 Program Support - Pool Date: 10116/23 OS;1*54 AM Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL ESC -CV 6392021// - ESC- Grant County From 91112023 Through 913012023 Sub division Session IIS CL Code CL Title Code Debit Credit CDSPRO1425 7107 L & I tax expense 99999 88.27 CDSPRO1428 7107 L & I tax expense 99999 90.81 CDSPRO1425 7108 Other Benefits 99999 0.60 CDSPRO1428 7108 (?cher Benefits 99999 0.35 JV002860 8805 Vehicle Cas & Oil 99999 183.40 15,219.05 1,770.43 Transaction 13,448.62 8510 Program supplies and tools 99999 8.00 Opening Bal AP1047578 8510 Program supplies and tools 99999 1,465.75 AP1047614 8510 Program supplies and tools 99999 1,465.75 JV002844 8997 Deprede ion Expenses 99999 1,809.18 JV002853 8997 Depreciation Expenses 99999 1.809.18 3,274.93 3,274.93 Transaction 0.00 8010 Professional Fees 99999 0.00 Opening Bal AP1046886 8010 Professional Fees 99999 457.05 AP 1047319 8010 Professional Fees 99999 22.24 AP 1047349 8010 Professional Fees 99999 3,062.42 AP1047380 8010 Professional Fees 99999 74.18 AP 1047520 8010 Professional' Fees 99999 21296.82 AP1047656 8010 Professional Fees 99999 5.36 AP1047784 8010 Professional Fees 99999 46.65 AP1047785 8010 Professional Fees 99999 75.31 AP1047530 8100 Office Supplies 99999 9.13 AP1047581 8100 Office Supplies 99999 19.17 AP1047480 8200 Communication Expense 99999 1.54 Page: 3 Divisi... Code Division Tittle Session ID Hope Source: Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV 632202111 - ESG Grant County From 91112023 'through 913012023 GL Code GL Title Sub division Code Debit Credit 613001 Program Support - Poo[ AP1047584 8200 Communication Expense 99999 66.65 613001 Program Support - Poo[ AP1047666 8200 Communication Expense 99999 1.51 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1046976 8400 Rent - Space Lower County 99999 55.46 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1046978 8400 Rent - Space Lower County 99999 364.37 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047586 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 99999 13.38 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047738 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 99999 16.43 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047835 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 99999 11.94 613001 Program Suppod - Pool AP1047552 8406 Utilities - Upper Coun y Offsite offices 99999 30.83 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047594 8406 Utilities - Upper CountylOffa to offices 99999 25.01 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047679 8406 Utilities - upper CountylOffs[te offices 99999 31.39 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047373 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 4.36 613001 Program Support - Pool AP[047426 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 2.03 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047470 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - Genera[ 99999 4.76 613001 Program Support - Pool AP[047515 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 34.49 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047668 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - Genera[ 99999 185.98 613001 Program Support - Pool AP[047682 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 88.74 613001 Program Support - Pool APi047698 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - Genera[ 99999 185.98 613001 Program Support - Pool AP[047702 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - Genera[ 99999 15.64 613001 Program Support - Pool API047718 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - Genera[ 99999 27.05 613001 Program Support - Pool AP[047720 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - Genera[ 99999 29.91 693001 Program Support - Pool AP1047731 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - Genera[ 99999 0.27 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047732 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - Genera[ 99999 0-84 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047733 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - Genera[ 99999 0.17 613001 Program Support - Pool AP[047739 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 96.57 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047769 8420 Repairs & Mainterrance - Genera[ 99999 3.87 613001 Program Support - Pool AP[047707 8450 Insurance Expense 99999 352.34 61300+1 Program Support - Pool AP[047429 8650 Photocopy Expense 99999 9.65 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047674 8700 Travel Expense 99999 6.25 613001 Program Support - Pool JV002860 8805 Vehicle Gas & Gil 99999 15.93 613001 Program Support - Pool AP1047626 5990 Interest Expenses 99999 135.73 613001 Program Support - Pool JV002844 8997 Depreclat[on Expenses 99999 338.55 Basan... Program Support - Poo[ 613001 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program (Ops Date: 10/1 SQ3 08:14:54 AM 5,919.43 2.296.82 Transaction 3,622.61 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 0.00 Opening Ba[ Page: 4 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL ESG-CV 632202/11 - ESG- Grant County From 91112023 Through 913012023 Divisi... Code D[vision Title Session ID GL Code GL Title Sub division Code Debit 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1425 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1426 7000 Salaries Mages 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1432 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1425 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1426 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 99999 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1425 7101 Employee Tax 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1426 7101 Employee Tax 99999 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7101 Employee Tax 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1425 7105 Health Benefits 99999 613005 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1426 7105 Health Benefits 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7105 Health Benefits 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1425 7107 L & 1 tax expense 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1426 7107 L & 1 tax expense 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7107 L & l tax expense 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1426 7108 Other Benefits 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7108 Other Benefits 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047710 8010 Professional Fees 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047480 8200 Communication Expense 99999 613008 Pernanent Shelter Program Ops API047584 8200 Communication Expense 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP[047726 8405 Utilitles - Ellensburg 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047594 8406 Utilities - Upper County/Offsite offices 99999 613005 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047726 8406 Utifities - Upper County/Offsite offices 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047547 8407 Utilities - Shelter 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops API047588 8407 Utilities - Shelter 99999 613005 Permanent Shelter Program Ops API047726 8407 Utifitie5 - Shelter 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP[047726 8421 Repairs &]Maintenance - Program 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047614 8510 Program supplies and tools 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047726 8510 Program supplies and tools 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047596 8710 fleeting Exp 99999 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP[047726 8990 Interest Expenses 99999 B13008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops AP1047726 8997 Depreciation Expenses 99999 613008 Permanent- Shelter Program Ops JV002853 8997 Depreciation Expenses 99999 Date: 10116123 08:14:54 AM 11374.72 643.62 685.56 22.77 105.71 63.11 58.86 258.00 145.59 132.85 88.86 115.12 104.80 14.25 7.34 8.64 0.90 0.89 145.01 37.29 93.67 Credit 208.00 501.17 375.34 375.34 842.27 907.83 2,746.61 1,348.77 1,465.75 768.01 12.00 2,497.32 5,427.54 1,809.18 9,269.93 13,8722.76 Transaction Page: 5 Hope Source . Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV 632202111- ESG- Grant County From 91112023 Through 013012023 Opening Bal Page: 6 Sub Divisi... division Code Division Title Session ID GL Code GL Title Code Debit Credit Balan- Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 4,602.83 613008 613010 Pen-nanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 7000 Salaries &Wages 99999 0.00 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops CDSPRO1426 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 332.16 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 438.61 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops CDSPRO1432 7000 Salaries &Wages. 99999 18.07 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops CDSPRO1426 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 99999 43.80 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense 99999 45.86 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops CDSPRO1426 7101 Employee Tax 99999 112.20 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7101 Employee Tax 99999 113-15 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops CDSPRO14213 7105 Health Benefits 99999 69.76 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7105 Health Benefits 99999 71.90 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops ODSPRO1426 7107 L. & I tax expense 99999 4-74 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7107 L & I tax expense 99999 6.24 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops CDSPRO1426 7108 Other Bene -fits 99999 0.89 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops CDSPRO1429 7108 Other Benefits 99999 0.89 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1046886 8010 Professional Fees 99999 457.05 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047319 $010 Professional Fees 99999 22.24 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047324 8010 Professional Fees 99999 1,400.00 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program' Ops AP1047349 8010 Professional Fees 99999 3,062-42 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047380 8010 Professional Fees 99999 74.18 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops API047520 8010 Professional Fees 99999 21296.82 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops API047656 8010 Professional Fees 99999 48.83 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047710 8010 Professional Fees 99999 680.04 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP 1047784 8010 Professional Fees 99999 46.65 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047785 8010 Professional Fees 99999 75.31 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047530 8100 Office Supplies 99999 9.13 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047581 8100 Office Supplies 99999 19.17 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops, AP1047419 8200 Communication Expense 99999 265.74 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047480 8200 Communication Expense 99999 76.12 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops API047584 8200 Communication Expense 99999 66.65 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047666 8200 Communication Expense 99999 1.51 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP104076 $400 Rent - Space Lower County 99999 55.46 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1046978 8400 Rent - Space Lower County 99999 354.37 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047586 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 99999 13.38 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops API047738 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 99999 16.43 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047835 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg 99999 11.94 Date: 10/16123 OT 14:54 AM Opening Bal Page: 6 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 91/12023 Through 913012023 Page: 7 Date: 10//6123 08:14:54 AM Sub Divis!... division Code Division Title Session 1D GL Code GL Title Cade Debit Credit 613010 Permanent deep Center Program Ops AP1047552 6406 Utilities - Upper CountylOftsite offices 99999 30.83 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047594 3406 Utilities - upper County/Offsite offices 99999 25.01 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Cps AP1947679 8406 Utilities - Upper CounWOffsite offices 99999 31.39 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Cps AP1047373 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 4.36 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047426 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 2.03 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047470 8420 Repairs &[Maintenance - General 99999 4.76 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047515 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 34.49 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047668 8420 Repairs &(Maintenance - General 99999 185.98 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047682 8420 Repairs &(Maintenance - General 99999 88.74 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047698 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 186.98 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047702 8420 ]repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 15.64 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops API047718 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 27.05 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047720 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 29.91 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047731 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 0.27 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047732 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 0.84 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047733 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 0.17 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047739 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99399 96.57 613010 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047769 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - General 99999 3.57 613010 Permanent, Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047707 8460 Insurance Expense 99999 352.34 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047429 8650 Photocopy Expense 99999 9.65 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047674 8700 Travel Expense 99999 6.25 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops JV002860 8805 Vehicle Cas & Oil 99999 15.93 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops AP1047626 8990 Interest Expenses 99999 135.73 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops JV002844 8997 Depreciation Expenses 99999 338.85 9,541.53 2,296.82 Transaction Balan... Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 7,244.71 6'13010 Balance 632202111 - 41,348.13 ESG- Grant County 0.00 0.00 Report Opening/Current Balance Page: 7 Date: 10//6123 08:14:54 AM Divisi.._ Gude Division True Report Transaction Totals Report Current Balances Report Difference Session 10 Hope Source Expanded General Ledger- BL- ESG-CV 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 91112023 Through 9130/2023 GL Cade GL Tile Sub division Code Debit Credit 55,893.85 2495€5.72 615,893.85 24,545.72 41,348.13 Date: 10116123 08:44:64 AM page: 8 HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) Report FY 2024 CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC � � Date Range: 09/01/2023 thru 09/30/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 0 0 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 0 0 Number of children (under age 18) 0 0 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 0 0 Number of adult leavers 0 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 0 Number of stayers 0 0 Number of adult stayers 0 0 Number of veterans 0 0 Number of chronically homeless persons 0 0 Number of youth under age 25 0 0 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children Number of adult heads of household 0 0 0 0 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 0 0 1/8 Fri Oct 6 11:20:41 AM 2023 Powered ByC LA R 1 TY WN HUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) Report FY 2024 CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC � � Date Range: 09/01/2023 thru 09/30/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients for DQ Count of Clients Total number of persons served 147 147 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 147 147 Number of children (under age 18) 0 0 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 0 0 Number of adult leavers 0 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 0 Number of stayers 147 147 Number of adult stayers 147 147 Number of veterans 4 4 Number of chronically homeless persons 26 26 Number of youth under age 25 13 13 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 0 Number of adult heads of household Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 147 0 147 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more Fri Oct 6 12:40:40 PM 2023 14 14 1/8 Powered By ^ ��CLARITY HUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality Report FY 2024 � � HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 09/01/2023 thru 09/30/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 38 38 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 16 16 Number of children (under age 18) 22 22 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 15 15 Number of adult leavers 7 7 Number of adult and head of household leavers 7 7 Number of stayers 23 23 Number of adult stayers 9 9 Number of veterans 0 0 Number of chronically homeless persons $ $ Number of youth under age 25 1 1 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 1 1 Number of adult heads of household 14 14 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more Fri Oct 6 11:38:47 AM 2023 0 Powered By 0 1/8 �►�C LA R I I Y HUMAN! SERVICES HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) Report FY 2024 CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC � � Date Range: 09/01/2023 thru 09/30/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects - Category Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 12 12 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 6 6 Number of children (under age 18) 6 6 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 0 0 Number of adult leavers 0 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 0 Number of stayers 12 12 Number of adult stayers 6 6 Number of veterans 0 0 Number of chronically homeless persons 0 0 Number of youth under age 25 1 1 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 0 Number of adult heads of household 4 4 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more Fri Oct 6 11:25:42 AM 2023 I 2 Powered By 2 1/8 RCLARITY HUMAN SERVICES - HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) (HPG) Report [FY 2024]CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 09/01/2023 thru 09/30/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 0 0 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 0 0 Number of children (under age 18) 0 0 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 0 0 Number of adult leavers 0 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 0 Number of stayers 0 0 Number of adult stayers 0 0 Number of veterans 0 0 Number of chronically homeless persons 0 0 Number of youth under age 25 0 0 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children Number of adult heads of household Number of child and unknown -age heads of household Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more Fri Oct 6 11:30:03 AM 2023 0 0 0 0 Powered ByRCLARITY 0 0 0 0 1/8 HUMAN SERVICES