Week of April 29,1991
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by
Chairman Don Goodwin. All of the Commissioners were in attendance with the Clerk of
the Board.
The Commissioners approved the minutes of the preceding session as written.
The Commissioners approved the request by the Sheriff for the repair of the roof
of the Sheriff and Auditor's building at the fair grounds.
The Commissioners notified the State Liquor Control Board that they had no
problem with the request of Paddy McGrew's Restaurant to serve liquor at a Ducks
Unlimited banquet on May 4 and the Odegard party on May 7 and 8 in Quincy.
The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Noni Jackman of the Sheriff
Department at $1487.20 effective March 25,1991.
The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Avis M. Carlquist of the
Dispatch Center at $1276 per month effective April 15,1991 and Margie L. Konshuk
effective April 10,1991 at the salary of $1276 per month.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Dolores Hinojosa of the
District Court Department effective March 1,1991 to $1,318.00 per month.
The Commissioners appointed the following people to fill positions on the Grant
County Fair Board:
Alice Hyer
Smokey Kisler
Mary Ellen Breeden
The Commissioners approved the request by Chuck Thonney regarding staffing
of the Information Services Department.
The Commissioners sent a letter of support for the Rural Health Outreach Program
to Hank Balderama of the State Division of Mental Health.
The Commissioners received a Summons and Complaint in regards to Indian
Wells Orchards Case No. 88-00730-K31. The matter was referred to the Prosecutors
Office for handling.
The Commissioners received a Summons and Complaint in regards to Charles A.
Perkins and Tawnea D. Perkins Case No. 91-2-00024-8. The matter was referred to the
Prosecutors Office for handling.
Chairman Goodwin was authorized to sign a Determination of Non -Significance
on the proposed construction of an Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Training Facility at the
Grant County Airport by the Port of Moses Lake.
A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher and seconded by Commissioner
Winzler that Resolution Number 91 -55 -CC in the matter of unredeemed warrants be
passed. The motion carried.
After traveling to the area of the proposed Santa Zone Change in order to become
more familiar with the area in question, the Commissioners held a continuation of Public
Hearing regarding the proposed Santa Zone Change. A motion was made by
Commissioner Winzler and seconded by Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number
91 -56 -CC approving the zone change from "A" to "S-2" a portion of Section 18,Township
20N.,Range 23 E.W.M. be passed. The motion carried based on the following findings
of fact and conclusions of law:
1. The property is in an area of transition to recreational uses.
2. The proposed re -zone is in general conformance with Grant County
Comprehensive Plan and will serve the public interest.
3. The property is located in an area which will provide housing and recreational
benefits to Grant County residents.
4. The orchards on the property are in disrepair and are creating a disease
hazard to other orchards in the area.
5. From Crescent Bar Road to the river most of the property is residential and or
recreational and since there is limited riverfront area available, recreational use is
a more logical use of the property.
The Commissioners met with various Elected Officials and Department Heads
regarding matters of mutual concern.
As there was no further business the session was continued until April 30,1991.
April 30,1991
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners met with the Prosecuting Attorney regarding matters of mutual
The Commissioners met with the Public Works Director, Mike Murray regarding
Interlocal Purchase Agreement -Okanogan County, Herbicide Supply Contract, DOE
Order, Consultant Selection -1-90, Moderate Risk Waste -Implementation.
The Commissioners signed an Intercounty Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with
Okanogan County.
The Commissioners signed the Public Works Voucher Approval #4-1 through 4-4
in the total amount of $217,054.20.
The Commissioners approved the request by the Grant County Alcohol and Drug
Center for the transfer of the 1991 County contribution of $15,000 from current expense
to the Grant County Alcohol and drug Center fund #115.
The Commissioners notified the Auditors Office that Kim Bohnet was hired May
1,1991 to fill the Switchboard Operator position at the salary of $1168.20 per month.
The Commissioners signed the Warrants List for the April Payroll #43805 through
A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner Fancher and
seconded by Commissioner Winzler that Resolution Number 91 -57 -CC authorizing an
appropriation and expenditure of funds in the D.D.Residential Program in the amount of
$5,847 be passed. The motion carried.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those
vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office 4/30/91 in the total amount of
A motion was made by Commissioner Winzler and seconded by Commissioner
Fancher that Resolution Number 91 -58 -CC relating to the facts requiring an appropriation
and expenditure of funds in the Building/Fire Marshal Department #001-116 in the
amount of $8,340 be passed. The motion carried. Public Hearing will be held May
21,1991 at 1:30 p.m.
The Commissioners met with the Bell -Walker Company regarding the Moses Lake
Transportation Study.
As there was no further business the session was adjourned until May 6,1991.
Clerk cdtW Board