Week of November 26,1990
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by
Chairman Glenn Chamberlain. Commissioner Goodwin was in attendance with the Clerk
of the Board. Commissioner Chandler was out of town.
The Commissioners approved the minutes of the preceding session.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign the Notice of Separation or Work
Interruption of Clara Fitzgerald and Betty Robinson of the Auditors Office. They are both
retiring December 31,1990.
The Commissioners approved the purchase of a new copier for the Treasurers
The Commissioners approved the salary of Christine Mosher of the Grant County
Alcohol and Drug Center at $1205.10 per month effective December 5,1990.
The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer in the amount of $11,875
be the Grant County Health District.
The Commissioners were notified by the Republican Party that they would be
submitting names for the filling of the Commissioner for District #2 on January 2,1990.
The Commissioners met with various Department Heads and Elected Officials
regarding matters of mutual concern.
As there was no further business the session was continued until November
November 27,1990
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with Chairman Chamberlain,
Commissioner Goodwin and the Clerk of the Board in attendance. Commissioner
Chandler was out of town.
The Commissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding Road Projects -
Right of Way, Permit -Ingress and Egress, 10:00 a.m.-Bid Opening, Bridge No. 240,'6' SE,
10:30 a.m.-Bid Opening, Countywide Crushing.
The Commissioners held a bid opening on Bridge No. 240, a motion was made
by Commissioner Goodwin and seconded by Commissioner Chamberlain that the bids
be referred to the Public Works Department for their recommendations. The motion
The Commissioners held a bid opening on Countywide Crushing Contract. A
motion was made that the bids be referred to the Public Works Department for their
recommendations. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Goodwin and seconded by Commissioner
Chamberlain that Resolution Number 90 -136 -CC to permit ingress and egress on County
Road Right of Way to Wallace L. Morris and Joy J. Morris be passed. The motion
The Commissioners notified the Eucon Corporation of Lewiston, Idaho that they
were awarded the 1990 Crushing Contract bid in the amount of $508,000.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Jennifer Lane of the Grant
County Alcohol and Drug Center to $2060 per month effective December 1,1990.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign the Grant County Alcohol Contract
amendment to #1-90-26210 B with the Department of Social and Health Services. The
Contract was then sent to DSHS for their signatures.
The Commissioners signed the Public Works Payroll Journal in the amount of
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those
vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office 11/27/90 in the total amount of
A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner Goodwin
and seconded by Commissioner Chamberlain that Resolution Number 90.137 -CC
authorizing an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the Emergency Services Fund
#102, Department #144 in the amount of $6,264 be passed. The motion carried.
A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner Goodwin
and seconded by Commissioner Chamberlain that Resolution Number 90 -138 -CC
authorizing an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the Current Expense Fund,
Department #116 and 142 in the amount of $25,782 be passed. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Goodwin and seconded by Commissioner
Chamberlain that Resolution Number 90 -139 -CC relating to the facts requiring an
appropriation and expenditure of funds for the Current Expense Fund, Election Budget
#108 in the amount of $18,000 be passed. The motion carried. Public Hearing will be
held December 18,1990 at 1:30 p.m.
A Public Meeting was held on the Young Development and Construction
Company, Inc. zone change request on the Moses Lake Estates Planned Unit
Development. After public comment and discussion by the Board a motion was made
by Commissioner Goodwin and seconded by Commissioner Chamberlain that the
Planning Commission recommendation for approval of the zone change with the addition
of Young Development participating in the cost of any road work needing to be done in
the area due to the impact on traffic of the project be passed. The motion carried.
A Public Hearing was held regarding the proposed Preliminary Plat by Gilbert and
Sharon Levander. After taking public testimony a motion was made by Commissioner
Goodwin and seconded by Commissioner Chamberlain that the Planning Commission
recommendation for denial of the request be upheld, based on the following findings of
I. The land is surrounded on three sides by agricultural ground.
2. The density of the lots is too great.
3. The location of large irrigation canals would be dangerous.
The motion carried.
As there was no further business the session was adjoumed until December
Clerk of Foie Board
GRANT , , N�-