HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - RenewGRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Renew REQUEST SUBMITTED BY:Linze Greenwalt CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING MEETING:Dell Anderson CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: DYES ONO DATE:09/27/2023 PHONE:x5470 - TYE(S) F OCUMENTS P ® OD BD: SUMITTE ALL THAT APPLY) ----- - ----- F=_]Agreement / Contract DAP Vouchers -----------(CHECK ElAppointment / Reappointment DARPA Related ❑ Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award 013id Opening Scheduled El Boards / Committees DBudget DComputer Related FCounty Code El Emergency Purchase F Employee Rel. ElFacilities Related ElFinancial FFunds 0 Hearing El Invoices / Purchase Orders ElGrants — Fed/State/County FLeases El MOA / MOU FlMinutes EJOrdinances ❑Out of State Travel El Petty Cash ❑Policies ❑ Proclamations 0 Request for Purchase El Resolution ❑ Recommendation 0 Professional Serv/Consultant E]Support Letter OSurplus Req. E]Tax Levies ElThank You's E]Tax Title Property 0WSLC13 SUGGESTED WORDING FOR AGENDA: (Who, What, When, Why, Term, cost, et Interlocal agreement between Quincy School District and Renew. Renew will provide counseling services to QSD students. FIDENIED EITABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION TAKEN: EICONTINUED TO DATE: MOTHER K23-238 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN RENEW AND THE QUINCY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGARDING COUNSELING SERVICES This AGREEMENT (Agreement) is made and entered into by and between GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON (County), a political subdivision of the State of Washington, by and through Renew and QUINCY SCHOOL DISTRICT (District), a public school district as defined in Title 28A RCW and a political subdivision of the State of Washington, as authorized and pursuant to by the Interlocal Cooperation Act, RCW 39.34 et segs AGREEMENT: 1) Services. Renew will provide counseling services to District students pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement herein: a) Renew will coordinate necessary services with District teachers, counselors, and psychologists, and/or other District representatives as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties; b) Renew staff will maintain appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of information concerning identified students, and complying with State required Mandatory Reporting laws; c) It is anticipated that Renew staff will provide direct service to each designated student for approximately thirty (30) minutes each school week at the student's respective school. Days and hours of service may fluctuate based upon specific student needs, funding, contractor availability, or other reasons that may be determined by the parties; d) It is anticipated that the designated Renew staff will provide the following: Evidenced based therapy services to youth with emotional, behavioral, learning and/or other mental disorders within the school system. Renew staff will also work with students, families, and staff; e) Services will be provided by means of individual, family, group, and consultative services; f} Renew staff will receive referrals from District staff and will coordinate/consult on recommendations, g) Primary services will be conducted on QSD property with QSD providing private confidential spaces as appropriate for the services provided. With prior approval additional services will be provided at the appropriate local services. Paperwork and administrative tasks will be performed at the office of Renew, 203 Central Ave S, Quincy. h) In collaboration with QSD staff, a schedule of blocked time of 2 hours or more consecutively in one district building as requested on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Also, Renew office time for documentation and preparation as needed for district requested services. There may be times Renew's designated staff are out of the office, and District will not be billed for that time, i) At all times herein, designated Renew staff will stay in compliance with protocols and operating procedures as established by the District; j) Renew staff will determine whether a students' needs exceed the thirty minute weekly schedule, or If other services are need. In the event that a higher level of need is determined, the student will be referred to an appropriate agency for services, Interlocal Agreement Between Renew and Quincy School District 2023-2024 k) If at any time school shall close due to a state of emergency, natural disaster or otherwise, the designated employee shall report to Renew onsite for an updated assignment and direction. 2) Renew Reporting.. Designated Renew staff shall prepare and provide appropriate documentation for students as requested by the District, ensuring both mental health and substance use disorder confidentiality guidelines and laws (CFR 42.2 and HIPAA) are closely followed to allow for confidentiality between the student and designated Renew staff. The frequency of such submission shall be mutually agreed upon by the parties. Provided-. Renew staff shall have the discretion to contact District staff regarding issues and/or needs beyond the scope of the progress notes and reports routinely submitted to the District, 3) District Reporting, Designated District staff shall prepare and submit a quarterly status report on Renew staff to include, but not limited to, performance or attendance issues and complaints received from students, parents and teachers. 4) Records. Renew Therapist staff will utilized electronic health record to document clinical services according to policy. These records will be maintained by Renew, following required laws for disclosure and retention. Renew staff providing care coordination and outreach will utilize the District record. Those records will be maintained by the District following required laws for disclosure and retention. 5) Comensation. The District shall pay Renew, $92.00 per on site hour and in off -ice preparation and record keeping, not to exceed 80 hours per month. Renew shall submit invoices to the District on a monthly basis. The District shall pay properly submitted invoices within thirty (30) days of receipt, 1 6) Effective Date of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective August 30, 2023 and shall terminate on June 13, 2024, or until as set forth In paragraph five (5) of this agreement, 7) Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by either party for any reason on giving thirty (30) days advance notice in writing of its intention to do so, 8) Not -ices. All notices pursuant to this agreement shall be in writing and shall be transmitted by facsimile or United States Postal service, postage prepaid. Any such notice is effective upon receipt by the party to whom the notice is directed. Proof of delivery via facsimile shall be sufficient upon showing of a receipt of successful transmission produced by the sending facsimile machine, and indicating the telephone number to which the transmission was sent, provided that the receipt indicates the transmission was sent to the phone number of the intended recipient. Notices shall be sent to the following addresses unless written notice of a change of address has been given pursuant hereto: To District: To Renew: Dell Anderson,, Executive Director Renew 840 E. Plum Street Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509) 765-9239 Intertocal Agreement Between Renew and Quincy School District 2023-2024 9) Severability. If any term, provision, covenant, or condition of this Agreement should be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in force and effect and shall in no gray be affected, impaired or invalidated, 10) Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the District shall indemnify and hold harmless the County, its officers, its commissioners, its agents and its employees from and against any liability, suits, claims, actions, damages, losses and expenses of whatsoever kind or nature including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and costs arising out of, in connection with, or incident to the District's performance of the terms of this Agreement, including specifically claims or suits based in whole or in part of deficient or inadequate or negligent acts or omissions on the part of the District, its employees, and/or its agents and its/their performance under this Agreement. This indemnity shall also cover all losses, claims, expenses, attorney's fees, liabilities, and judgments! including those for personal injury or death, or for damages to personal property, irrespective of whether in connection with such act or omission, it is alleged or claimed that the negligence of the County and/or Renew or its representatives or third parties caused or contributed thereto. This indemnity provision is not intended to indemnify the County from the negligence of County's own employees, officers, or agents, 11) To the fullest extent permitted by law, the County shall indemnify and hold harmless the District, its officers, its directors, its agents and its employees from and against any liability, suits, claims, actions, damages, losses and expenses of whatsoever kind or nature including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and costs arising out of, in connection with, or incident to the County's performance of the terms of this Agreement, including specifically claims or suits based in whole or in part of deficient or inadequate or negligent acts or omissions on the pati of the County, its employees, and/or its agents and its/their performance under this Agreement. This indemnity shall also cover all losses, claims, expenses, attorney's fees, liabilities and judgments, including those for personal injury or death or for damages to personal property, irrespective of whether in connection with such act or omission, it is alleged or claimed that the negligence of the District or its representatives or third parties caused or contributed thereto., This indemnity provision is not intended to indemnify the District from the negligence of District's own employees, officers or agents. 12) Provided: Neither this Agreement or any content herein, shall create an employer-employee or principal -agent relationship, and or partnership or joint venture between Renew and the District. The status of Renew concerning this Agreement is that of an independent contractor, 13) Administration of Agreement. No new or separate legal or administrative entity is created to administer the provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be administered by Renew and the District. Issues and/or disputes related to implementation of the Agreement shall be referred to each respective governing authority for resolution, Provided: either party shall be entitled to seek legal remedies including, but not limited to, such remedies as set forth in Chapter 39.34 RCWI 14) Insurance, For the duration of this Agreement, each party shall maintain its own Insurance; insuring damage to Its own real and personal property and equipment. 15) Assignment. Neither party to this Agreement shall be permitted to assign its rights or obligations herein without the advance and express written consent of the other party. 16) Applicable Law - Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Washington. In the event of any suit or action or other legal Inte-rlocal Agreement Between Renew and Quincy School District 2023-2024 proceeding to enforce this Agreement, venue shall be a court of competent jurisdiction in Grant County, Washington, 17) AuthoriVtv, Each of the undersigned hereby represents and warrants to the other party that they have the authority to execute and carry out the terms of this Agreement. 18) No Waiver. No failure of Renew or the District to insist on the strictest performance of any term of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any such term or an abandonment of this Agreement, 19) Disposal of Pro e No real or personal property will be, Jointly acquired by the parties under this Agreement. All property owned by each of the parties shall remain its sole property to hold and dispose of in Its sole discretion, 20) Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement among the parties hereto, with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior agreements, contracts, and understandings, written and oral. THE PARTIES HAVE caused this agreement to be executed on the day and year set forth, Signed Hereupon, Dated the day of Qc,�b4-, 2023 ttest el� o arbara J.v s u C -e,' . of the Board Approved as to form: (I P Ad. (d N me (Signed) Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Date: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Dann, Stone, Member R Dell Anderson, Executive Director Dated the day of M.,ta-1 2023 Is QUINq� ISCUOOL D STRICT Dated the day of �M.;�3. Interlocal Agreement Between Renew and Quincy School District 2023-2024