HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 23-105-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION No. 23- -CC WHEREAS, the following Grant County funds do not have an adequate level of budget for the following expenses: • Prop 1 Sales Tax (old) in the amount of $2,530,833.00 Fund # 311.001 for a prior period adjustment; • Prop 1 Sales Tax (new) in the amount of $15,821,156.00 Fund # 117.000 for bond payments and wages WHEREAS, these additional budget expenditures were not anticipated when preparing the 2023 budget; and WHEREAS, in accordance with RCW 36.40.140 a public hearing, must be held to authorize additional budget appropriations. WHEREAS, on the 12th day of September, 2023 at 3:30 p.m., a public hearing was held in the Grant County Commissioners' Hearing Room. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, that a budget appropriation in the total amount of $18,351,889.00 to be allocated to the 2023 budget according to the following schedule of categories and items: APPROPRIATIONS & FINANCING SOURCES (See Attached) PASSED AND ADOPTED this - day of r , 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Na Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON y .` ❑ ❑.low Rob Jones, Chair ATTEST: Cindy Cart , Vice -Chair bYB�rbara _F1 ❑ ❑ ' , J. �s�qLe uDann E. S one Member of the 6art y ' Page 1 of 1 N:\Staff\BVasquez\Resolution-Ordinance\Budget Extensions\Auditor's Office Budget Extensions 09122023.docx FINANCIAL REQUEST Requester Emil f Was*h 'Reques" r" Auditor D a, to8`:15.2az3 /De t of Request FQ.nd_. e 311.001/P rop -1 Sales Tax Capital Asset. Approval No Budget E k te n s 'ibn Yes ti_sta'bll'sh/CloseFund No Cash Tr'ansfer NO' De.sc0ptibn/Notes'. Budget Ekten,§ion requesf in.the amounfof'$L5 f 0 110601 fora- P.erlod 310:833W P adjustment CAPITAL ASSET PURCHASE. APP ROV OVAL AsSet`,Dekri`! p'tlom T04.1 Porch4se-.'Expense L8s:.,Existing .Approval Additional 6.1 A*pOrov . Required. equired. Capital Facility Re(ated' �rant.FuRde.ed D ...o u,men al,jo,n :BUDGET REQUIREMENT Add"' al .!�Jdh E" xpeq e; Additional ReVeh-we. AdO.ffio.ft I Q-sh II eq. ulromeht Additional Funding Source . 1 .:. . . . ­ . . - ­... Transfer .BUDGET EXTENSION. REQUEST Fund& h Name Revenue code/ AccdUht'De Prop a a e�-T- .(New) 8 10 010 b.0-00... .. 3:' P4000000 .�Vqnljg_Fup.d Balance Fa" d NAme- p 1's "I rop, �; a. es:Tax pond Name .(Fr m) Fund"Name..(To) Expense - -,tb de / s ` Acmp n t'Destripti o n 311,001-.00.0000..-S.88100000 Pr pr od Adj'u_§ament . code Cade ode F U ND.CASH SUMMAV Be-Phin"'g-C-h Ex* eh-"s:e­- 8dgt (,4&m6hdiiid W, Expense Ext: Requested Revenue�Bdgt* (w/amendments) Rqyen.u.q.; Ext. Requested texc(j* Estimated Endtpgta.sh 2,530,833 Aftu'nt 180 833 '2153PI83-3-* .Amount x,53.0,833 CASH TRANSFER'.REQUEST' Account ".1-je s cri t b") P ion Account-Desdi'tion Arilbuot (TQ") COMPLETED PLETED BY ACCOUNTING' Dotes: .81.3491-6,63 -5818,830 -83. :--"1tl'11.r'���`�f ti r:�f 2'�} d '.. �! 1 !r�>�� '� - t i..:+rr� t:. ;2453 0 . . . . . . . . . . . Resolutionequfrecf~.. N/A jai Reviewed '_ X-1 '.By: IT Rl V LJ AUG 2 2 2023 A U u) R f h*ftv Ir WIN N M 0 s aw, -R, A N C 0 U N TY e2mriol irlvl, s, 1 -0 NE RS FINA9 RegLiestor Elm''fli Wash Re'u 066nt Auditor Date. 78.162023 'Fund/D'ept of'Request 117,000/Propl,Sales Tax Ca.t 1 Asset Approval No Budget Utension Yes iEstabIi_'sh/dose- Fund. No Cash' Tr"ans f er No Description Notes: Budget Extension request inthoa,mou. hd-of $15S21;056 - for -f6 ­d i17.00OOrop 1.5ales Tax for -bond payments and.wages CAPITAL -ASSET PURCHASE APPROVAL Asset poscfi'fip�n dotal Purchase Expense Less; EAAlpig.A pprov6l Additional_ . .Appewal Required (ppiltal FqIt - i.lity Ridlated ar ab"t * Fended Dibcumeht8t 16h BUOGEXfb ' I 'N ET 14S Q L EarUEST Revenue c Amount ruti'd Na"i'm'.16 carie /s bescr' u6i 9 AP!;P_- .1-1....... _.1pT1_Qn Prop 1-S810sJaR :'000 PROP -!TAX: 0. to 8U*D.GET,REQ(J'Ik8WNf Additional xpense :15,81;56 , 2Q :- Addrtro_nal Revenue_ A i io. a nt ....,.C#,�h R0.4ulremn .q Addltloh6l Fuhdihg So'' ukicle Operational/Correction Pp.iO .0-0038100000ig J rop. ales1ax biPRIOR PERIOD.ADJUSTMENT 5,821,056 Fu-hdIN - ain e, Ptqp j,,$41f.0$1ax Pt6o 15a I ; -es Ta p to 71 S8 let.TaX.. I ense- code 0c 60.40n 117.0Q Giod-0 5 00 QQQI 97-000.1 R PROP 1 D PAYM.ENT-S 117:000 00 fQOQO 523 E(I1 ate ROP 1 WAG ES 117.000.'00.-0000,508000000 '5N ND 8ALA I* C _Q F N E . P?40% 4 'it 0 U- h- t 63 I 0Qjo00 .QE(.i19,3'93' 5.2-40 L -L TRANSFER REQUEST' FUh-d'1-ode Account scrip..!pn MQLnt' o_m Fund, Name (TO) Code: Acc-b-unt"De-scrptidn Amount(To) .FUND CASH SUMMARY Notes, B'egi.hning.Cash 'tw/ame'nidm-ents) u_Pehse:Bdgt- Epqnse- Ekt..Requqsted .3 Revenue td- 5) R .,gt qMend.ment, Resolution, R Revenue Ut ..Requested Nxicl- 308),;15,821,05 - 393 Reviewed - B_ - d ' ' "-i I. Efioat6q.Eb' ingCas'h 9 19 y*- Z A E ji AU' q 4 G 'R 4,"M T C O'd J N FY C 0 "2VIINJI; 1;SS 10 NE R il j,61