HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCCGRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: BOCC DATE: 09/20/2023 REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: Janice Flynn HONE: Ext 2937 CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING MEETING: Janice Flynn CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: ❑YES ONO ❑Agreement / Contract ❑ Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award ❑Computer Related ❑ Facilities Related ❑ Invoices / Purchase Orders ❑ Minutes ❑ Policies ❑ Recommendation ❑ Tax Levies AP Vouchers ❑ Bid Opening Scheduled ❑County Code ❑Financial © Grants — Fed/State/County ❑ Ordinances ❑ Proclamations ❑Professional Sery/Consultant ❑Thank You's ❑Appointment / Reappointment ❑ABPA Related ❑ Boards / Committees ❑ Budget ❑ Emergency Purchase ❑ Employee Rel. ❑ Funds ❑ Hearing El Leases ❑MOA / MOU ❑ Out of State Travel ❑ Petty Cash ❑ Request for Purchase ❑ Resolution ❑Support Letter ❑Surplus Req. ❑Tax Title Property ❑WSLCB APPROVED ❑DENIED ❑TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION TAKEN: ❑CONTINUED TO DATE: MOTHER SEP 2 6 2023 DATE OF ACTION: �(o 333 .1 L' 11 J3 i Fl u, .t ?i GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To: Grant County BOCC -ft I" F, Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Daft September 20, 2023 Re: ARPA Renew Suicide Prevention Renew is requesting reimbursement for suicide prevention expenses for the months of February - June 2023 in the amount of $99,926.56. ARPA funding for Renew, Suicide Prevention was approved by the BOCC on 11/16/2021 in the amount of $750,000.00 over a five-year period. Their backup documentation is attached for your review. Thank you. February $137472.64 March 152403.97 April 18,963.26 May 15,996.93 June 361089.76 Total $99,926.56 Granb Behavioral Heolbh 6 Wellnes s ARPA FUNDS FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION Date: Account ----- - --- Staff Feb -23 108.15 0.00-0000.5 64. 00. 11 0o 21021.71 108-150.00.0000-564.00.1202 om 108-150-00-0000.564.00.2100 �in nA 108.150-00-0000.564.00-2200 151,11 108.1150.00.0000.564.00,2300 263.74 108.150.00#0000-564.00.23014.41 1 108,15Q.00.0000.564.00-2400 6.09 108.150-00-0000-564,00.2599 - 108.150-00-0000-564.00-35-64 41790.48e 108,150.00.0000.564.00-4100 2,750.00 108.150.00-0000.564.00-4300 143.72-r-0 108-150,00-0000.564.00.4301 11659.40 / 108,150..00.0000.564.00.4400 1,000.00/ 108.150-00-0000-564.00.4400 86-71/ 108,150.00.0000.564.00.4151 66.64 108.150.00-0000.564.00.4152 149.96-/ (431196).# tihTo IgEra, x -:101-6021495. Total Payroll & Benefit 2,p657,12 Admin 8% on Payroll & Behefli 212,57 YO, M "moi, 3/27/2023 1033 13,472.64 -W renew0—nt llah-Aomt Hecqjt�h a Uftlirm" 108-150-00-0000-564.00-1202 108.150-00-0000-564.00.2100 108-150-00-0000.564.00-2200 108-150-00-0000.564.00*2300 108,150-00-0000-564.00.2301 108-150-00-0000.564.00-2400 108-150-00-0000.564.00.2599 SUICIDE PREVENTION- ARPA, feb-23 At TOTAL EXPENSES GP LEDGER SALARY- Dayana Ruiz $ 2101..71. -Feb nV PTIVIC 108.150-00-0000.564-00.35.64 Taskforce Supplies; Lexicon Translation Kit I $ Retirement Cap.acilty Building; Prensentation fees for in-person and online $ 4e790.48 108.150-00-0000.564.00.4300 SSI 2750.00 , 210-06 Staff Travel; CADCA National Leadership Forum hotel costs Medical $ 151.11 Marketing/advertising FM LA $ $ 263.74 4. 4.41 Marketing/advertising L&I 1,1000.00 Employment 86-71 6.09 TOTAL bik Rt-T'.iC HAR Total e t i:T 7' D40.3. 108.150-00-0000.564-00.35.64 Taskforce Supplies; Lexicon Translation Kit I $ 108-150.00.0000.564.00.4100 Cap.acilty Building; Prensentation fees for in-person and online $ 4e790.48 108.150-00-0000.564.00.4300 Staff Travel,; CADCA National Leadership Forum airport/hotel/I $ 2750.00 , 108.150-00-0000,564.00-4301 Staff Travel; CADCA National Leadership Forum hotel costs $ 143.72 108.,150.00.0000.564.00.4400 Marketing/advertising 1.,659.40 108-150-00-0000.5*64.00.4400 Marketing/advertising $ 1,1000.00 $ 86-71 TOTAL bik Rt-T'.iC HAR D40.3. 1.08-150-00.0000-564.00.4151 H R Serve portion 108-150.00.0000.564.00.4152 4T-1 1 0 !j P -0-'s 'h" .66 ,64; 108-150.00.0000,564.00.4202 C6 40.9.6" DOTAL Mar -23 Mar -23 Feb -23 Mar -23 Mar -23 Mar -23 ,aft Jan -23 Feb -23 Feb -23 8% Admin on Salary & Benefits only 212.57 L4 3/27/2023 10:33 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH JOURNAL ENTRIES 2/28/2023 C.o Salaries- Benefits. -ARPA-SUICIDE' vei�ti'n UNTY DEBIT $2,021.71 1-*.564-44.1202 5 $0.00 2 $210-06 1 {08.1 50 000000 564.44.230 1 3 `7 4 108.150.00-0000.564.44.2400 108.150.00-0000.564.44.2599 "0 ,�/��, 01A T $2,02 71 108-150.00.0000 $0.00. - 74m, $0 .00 $210-06 VL "'D nry? $ 1 51 1 1 im L A '1 wo. $263.74 ; ma, ME RA $4.41 Y�jr$6.09 $G.70a $2, 2 $0.001 RG 2128/2023 Posted By Posting Month Entered Posted Aniericail Rescue p111, (Cares Act — ARpA) Vvitdoia: JSx k won U FDRorueijbt to F, 'ilia 0 Vile into builder I'. T3 '131idget SpOhding Trae, '1 entry lteni/s received Rear eiptDated 0I Detailed Desemption: 10rUp TL6 S `Charge. to At9l Mouth,# IJ Jaiwair2op,3 Aryll"R, 3 ED JUIY P-023 El Mc-irch Pao2s nAU9USt 0-02,1 *tamb e'r 2023 0.AprII.2op,3 13 00tober 2o2-3. 0 May 2023 0 Noveniber 202,3 rl JUne 2023 El Deceiriber 2023 I)elivelvftbles-141 0 Taskforce oat tion (supplies) 0 Outreach / Marketing / Adveitisilig 11 Finvilronrneiltal StIateg, tes in 0 ooaPav- ty']a ild� 9 (w0r](ShOps & edueation) 0 Sta �ff Trave Prof-c-6sional Development RequestDE(iied by:IRA - V U'�� Form of Payment 3578 0 111voice (paid) 0 Invoice (needs pwid) 0 Other, Charge, Accouilti; ON,ARPA a oth � ere.... -M rate: 0 &Pervisor Signat-Lire.0 Mate: PrOve,11flan Requisitioll Fol -In 000 Revised 0 t.2021 renew A I V LOXICONUISA, A t Invoice To: GRANT COUNTY Invotce Number: 22091646 V Invoke Date: Fab 17, 2023 Payment Due: Feb X01 X023 UQ()0 USD ^ Hide Invoice details TG S PLU S 4l790-648 USCI SubtotaJ 4,79.0,48 USD - TOTAL k790A.8 Usio / F WSCRIPTIQN: The advanced TGS-Plus System allows your int-erpreter to listen toy our presenter directly in their headphone (monitoring) For increased Concentration and accuracy durIng me6tings and m1king tours. Monitoring Is the ability to provide the interpreter a feed of the presenters Voice ditectly into the interpreters headset 1"n such a way that interpreters can hear clearly and accueately for quality interpretation, Proper Monitoring is essential for quality interpretation PAYMENTS: Date Amount (USD) Transaction 10 Feb 22, 2023 44790,48 6421 6361 760 Aix efleall Rescue Plan "res Act --- ARPA) Today "s Date. Vendor* t r f f' Cl Rene j)t to Fitimice 0 File into b3rAer El BUdget Seer dilig Trackor elityy UOM/s I'Welved eedpt Date ' �. �4''. *'IV �r 'Charge to A19" Moilth: 3 Ma! 1202 my Pm>o Ma P-023 El SePternbor tzo p3 0 May P-028 LI November C) June popt December 2o2. DeliverablesS '��a$IdOM6 Coalition ' (supply ) 13 Outreach % rkedog /` Adve*rt.is r Cal) adtY B uIlding (wo ric�49;p s & edaoa t 1 c) n) SteTmel Professional%'- -':i Ov6ki rnent S.: Form of payluent 0 VISA 3$78 11 Invoice � M v (.eersd i+14i�IyMi4r ASA Ocher Requested by:- Supet"M //111 Date, t�'►' ven t� ftagoisidon Farm x RQvk0d 01.2023 I"Ienew �� dct.M1=.Ly�y�q �f WU1� IGeiretl Johnny'v Ambassadors, Inc, 9948 001tollated Drive Higidanda Ranch, oo omo 41 SM4717401 WOO INVOICE DILL TO DWana Rulz INVOICE Otani, CWn(y SUIDICb PrOVention Thakforce DATE W89,202-S 840 t--. Plum at, TERMNet 16 Moses Lae, WA !98$$7 DUE DATE. 02h 6/,2023 1? '.5.0 01131/2023 PrOsetitaflonIfl"OersOn Wesentaflon with Laura Stack Moria Lake, WA MaMh 80t 2D29 Final P040n Of taskforce balance to $0cure date 01131/2023 presentavon Live *OaM Presentalon to Facaboak (no regordifig aflowed) 260,00 250.00 Tharik you for yout clartg1jonj 13ALAJ%ICE OUE YOE, 01,11, us(' a twit q4to owkio or mall a nook to minny's AmbFMAMors, 9.948 4p4j7S0s00 00tIONG001A D&M, Hloliwnija Puinaii. 00 80130, Thai* youl Laura POOR I Elf 1 I Ame rimi Resette Plan (Caxes Act — ARPA) Today's Date: � 1?> 2.�� Vendor: Petaffed Description; - U11ro CIA- �J+I `Charge to Aig-' Monfli.ol El Jakuary2023 LD MY W-`23 COAZebruary 2023 0 Augast go23 11 Mardh ft ->g 0 Septernber 2023 11 Aptil 2023 11 octoek 2023 Q MAY 2,023 0 November 2023 0 Jme 2o23 11 Ndftiber 2023 Deliverables: CI COAlition (supplies) 1:1 outreach 6. 0 Marketing / Advei-tl'sing 0 EnAronine1ital Strategies El Capacity Building (workshops & edftatlon) Sta Tr ff aVel / Profetsional Development Receipt to Fihance Cl File into binder Cl Budget spoliding Tracket, eiifi-y Iteni/s received Receipt Date,* F, $ Form of Parhent El VISA 3578 EI Invoics ('paid) �4voice (needs paid) it Other: ------- Charge Accotuit4b Other: Requested by; D ate, wrV Supervisor Signaturel < Date: PreVention Requisition Fol -111 Revised 01.2023 reneuu EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM CpUtVTYAODITOR 1Z"U 1z GRANT CWNTY) WASHINGTON Clahnante -- ---.1 clalm;au 11-- P�4yan a Ru i z trs Dept.: lRenew- Comnllvt RQs olations RPA Purpose of Claim;, CA] CA NLF chtires 9 Destination:1'�V' sl higton D.d - .-- 111811himm MEALS DATE FROM (my, HOTELS (recti pts vaquited) AL&I CIUCK-IN DATE] CH11211/1 .1 )UT DATIR L NAME TE i, 2/4'/20QH23 Spokaneh!t[Alar pext -Parldng,far ege 6 TUER (MCIP bATF? n v 6?. iIh TO Cqtry. sl) WES RATE T OTAL $0.00 $ 06 $0,655 $0.00 $0,655 $0.00 0.00 TOTAL $0.00 LkATION L ""'Y" "I TOTAL SPOICarie, WA $72.0 0 P-mm- HAWN FOR EXPENSE; Iyt LOCATIONL�OUN ST) =l TOTAL 1/29/2023 Ground Transportation serVIC& Alrpdrt t6 Hotdi f06 -1 1411 2/3/2023 Yber -- ----- W40ingt6n DC 344.0 Hotel to Afflion f�e *Amount may be different due to ro Ujndj lig TOTAL $71.72 TOTAL REINBURSEKENT CLAIM Raww" U4.112 in All CERTIFICATION EmnWI 1, the w.idersigned, CID hereby ce rd fy under penalty of perjttly that t!le 1red for Employees, claim Is & Jult, due and w1pald (Ibligation against t1le Cauhty, and that i ELE CT13D 01 F1 FICIAL; DEPARTMENT HEAD, OR DESI(jNE4 jC., am authorized to certify to said ciall-no [A Mud Naive (Printed). D ate: Claimant Signature: S1 ............ D ..... Sign6tute: D 'ate: Auth6rizatioll tiequired for County Climlinis6fondrs or ffietto.d officialq: COUNTY AVI)ITOR Nam' (printed): Si .9119ture: Date Autharizatloia required fiae the County Auditor, Dep'aitmeat Reads,meals expenses dutside of travel Status, and out of sate travel: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner C0111missionen Chairman BOCC: mate: Lot Ground Transportation servioe know IIOW your experlenos oras CuStom Amount x 1 $44.80 Total $441.80 Ground Transportation service Visa 6176 (OontaotiO $) VISA CARDHOLDER AID: A00000oO031010 UT ROcOlPf Settings Not 10 relnP) Turn affmanmat,10 reoeflots 2023 Square Erlyac XEqIMI 1466 Markot Street, SLIHO 800 $an Prancjsco, CA 94103 Jan 29 2023 at 7:68 PM OWO Auth 00de: 46907D Nana Ruiz From: S e To: Subject: Dayana Diaz ;<dayanad14@gj-npjj.COj-n> Friday, February 3, 2023 12:43 PM Dayana Ruiz Fwd: Your rriday afternoon trip with Uber Begin forwarded message: From: Uber Receipts <norep1y@Uber,com> a Date4 Februaty 3, 2023 at 3A7,30 PM EST To: dayanad14@)SmajjjCOM Subjects. Your Friday afternoon trip With Uber IF '?IN 7'j v Q.;: LZ io ti IN T" ui-T. x N "2.02,3 y F: --e ruq 1P• •'7" ;1r1ih• •a'.. 6 -, . --.. --�. I All. 31. r L4 a,3i /re •• AN •"if 13 It Total Trip fare Su biota I 1 $1'8.87 $18--87 American Reseme Plan (Cares Act — ARPA) Toddy's Date: Vendor: I Detailed Deawsiptio-no 'Chaitge to Ajq� mollth: El January 2023 13 JU1Y 2023 "0 FebrUary,2023 0 Atiguat 2023 0,Mare.1i 202,3 1:1 September 2023 0 April P.023 13 0-ptober 20A3 0 MAY 2023 -O'November 2023 El June 2023 0 December 202.3 Dellverables, M Coalition (supplies) 11 Outreach C1 Marketing / Advertising 0 E, nVironinental Strategies 13 Capacity Building (workshops & edtleatioj) Pf- Staff Travel / Professional Development /_ IN r , 1Receipt -to Finance ---- File into binder C1 Budget Speliding Tracker why El lteln/s received Rece 1*P t Date: 2, Form of Payinent P.,VISA 3578 0 Invoice (paid) 0 III -voice (needs paid) El Other:.... - 6 Charge Account., ARPA E3 Other., s_1to5�i'`(�� �J Requested by;_��,mj (J� w0s., Date: Stipetyisor -81giiature,*,___,, 01 Date: PrOention Requist-tion PuT. Revised 01,2023 renew See our "Privacy & Cookie Statement" on Marr3nttrcom As iarr1oft Benvoy mombar, you could have earned points towards yourfree draiam vacation today, 8tartoarning points and elite status, plU0 enjoy OXCIUSIVG member offers. Enroll today at the front desk. ee https,I/members,marr!oU.com for more Information GAYLORD NATIONAL HOTEL ' 201 WNI-ER RON T' 61 NATIONAL HARBOR, MCS 20740 GAYLORD PH# 301-906-2000 FAX# 301.505-2039 HOTELS Trout yourself to the comfort of Gaylord Hotelo at home. Visit Gay lordl-ioitelsStore.00ni Th1e slutemmi Is your nWDOWPL Y0111141110 49(oq i to psy In cash or W appravod at to rautrinrlzat Rra to diaroo your cta48 m i ipr all amounts ahmued to yaw, Tbo amounts shown in the cmdh column opposite uny cmdg mrd ontry In dw rerctwe w1own 4bwe will 116 diarga4 In tile arrtdil enrrt rnlmiwr 4ol rgojj abm m. (Do credit opw company will bill in Me usunt mannor4 War any runaon tho cmdlt cpM vampnay daps not maka pppDlit on this nomtl)lt, you wig owa u� sudi amount. It volt Aro dlr4at blJ<ed► to use oVent paymoill Is dol mute WlthIA 26 day$ alter eftok-011t, you will uwe ue Igterast tam the checihoul date on any impald amount tit IN rhid Df 1.115% per mmnih (ANNUAL, RA'rp- 15%), or the mnxWwrn allauvod by Iitw pigs the mii$onrtbla coal ofcalluailon, Irr4ltldtrg aaarnoy tees. 0199 wro X GAYLORD HOTEL96 GAYLORD NATIONAL. HOTEL. GUEST FOLIO 8221 ROOM w kUIz/DAYANA NAME 284.00 02103#23 11:47 25783 31 U25 A2 PO BOX 37 RA19 DWRT TIMK 01129123 23:03 ACOU GROUP Type EPHRATA WA 88823 ARRIVE TWE 358 ROOMVSXXXXXXXXXXXX2620 OLERK At?t1R i� PAYMEW MF3V#: ar .FrENCES CREWT. ALA 01125 p20 0P ROOM 82211 1 $TATETAX 822 , 1 0 284,00 47►88 0138 130 ROOM822 ,1 8'TAT" �"A 822 1 2 4*00 01131 01131 GP ROOM #�22 � 'TATE AX 822.1� 284.88 47.+ 8 02/01 02'01 02102 P ROOM 8221'1 8TA-�-� iAc 8221;1 GP +Dt3M 247.88 ' 02102 I 822 1 $ TAX 822 ;1 0OAr 247,88 02f 03 _VV PAYMENT REOB1VED BY: VIA XXXXXXXXXXXX2620 1550,40 See our "Privacy & Cookie Statement" on Marr3nttrcom As iarr1oft Benvoy mombar, you could have earned points towards yourfree draiam vacation today, 8tartoarning points and elite status, plU0 enjoy OXCIUSIVG member offers. Enroll today at the front desk. ee https,I/members,marr!oU.com for more Information GAYLORD NATIONAL HOTEL ' 201 WNI-ER RON T' 61 NATIONAL HARBOR, MCS 20740 GAYLORD PH# 301-906-2000 FAX# 301.505-2039 HOTELS Trout yourself to the comfort of Gaylord Hotelo at home. Visit Gay lordl-ioitelsStore.00ni Th1e slutemmi Is your nWDOWPL Y0111141110 49(oq i to psy In cash or W appravod at to rautrinrlzat Rra to diaroo your cta48 m i ipr all amounts ahmued to yaw, Tbo amounts shown in the cmdh column opposite uny cmdg mrd ontry In dw rerctwe w1own 4bwe will 116 diarga4 In tile arrtdil enrrt rnlmiwr 4ol rgojj abm m. (Do credit opw company will bill in Me usunt mannor4 War any runaon tho cmdlt cpM vampnay daps not maka pppDlit on this nomtl)lt, you wig owa u� sudi amount. It volt Aro dlr4at blJ<ed► to use oVent paymoill Is dol mute WlthIA 26 day$ alter eftok-011t, you will uwe ue Igterast tam the checihoul date on any impald amount tit IN rhid Df 1.115% per mmnih (ANNUAL, RA'rp- 15%), or the mnxWwrn allauvod by Iitw pigs the mii$onrtbla coal ofcalluailon, Irr4ltldtrg aaarnoy tees. 0199 wro X American Rescue Plan (Cares Act — ARPA) today's Date: Ve-n'dor: V:�'t 0 Receipt to Flinance 11 File [00 binder 0 Budgdt Spending T . 1,acicey entr ty 01.1eni/-s received Receipt Date: la� Detailed Descriptionr ek-c-t of 0 'Charge to A-19'Month: 0 Jaffa 2023 0 MY 2-023 'K.,riebruary 0023 El AugustP-0'23 13 March 2o23 0 September P -op -5 Cl Abril 2023 n A Mai202 _ 0 June 2023 Deliverables.: 0-1. El October2o..j Ndveigiber !2023 El December2023 Taskforce Coalition(supplies) Outreach 6�i�kjbiik, Advertising 12 Environmental -strategies 0 Capacity Building (work�hp.ps & oducatioa) 13 Staff Travel / Profess' ional Development Requested by; i2- o.rm of Payment SA 3578 0 Invoice ids <�(needs Ingo p aid 0 Other: Charge Acc 0-unt: AUA f Otherv.. Dato,-, awl SupeiMsor Signature: Date: lot *01 PrevcIltion Requisition Fomi Rev [sed 0 1.2023 Gib r renew I r 111 3M"9W AIWW 1AF'AfAWA=A1 WIM 40014 UWIA - P000AM - W004 - PNJVT. UqJ6!103VAfW 103. sm SERVICE ORDER (Digital) CLIENT INFORMATON Advertiser: Renew (Grant Behavioral Health -&--- Address: 840 E- Plum St Clty: Moses Lake Phage: 509,761,0077 Fax,, State: WA Zip: 98837 Erhall; ruJ�@qrantcqqntywa.aov t, . - contact: Dayana Ruiz _AJ-."&fJq - - jmf SU ' ` o ' ; �,'d k I Ce 000t 540ty DIRECT AD TO: Dayana Ruiz PKI COMPLETED ADS submitted wili be published within one business day. Acceptable file types are: Jpg...png,.tiff, gift or,pdf FOR CREATION OF ADS: Materials needed: image(s), graphics/logos, names, addresses, phone numbers., tag firte, etc. The Minimum time to create an ad is 3 business days, A $156. fee W.1111 be added to the total cost of the order for WIBERO'NE to create the ad. ��3 �o �I �F oc7 New: X Revision Extension: Affidavit: Sales Resp: Shawn G. 1� ww, A 9f -4 START tND 3/1/23 4/1/23 NOTES: customer to pay Ala check CONTRACT TOTAL: $1 1000 CREATIVE FEE:$ LE -ON, P, __ �.�r\.. Y ."r *C1• •: I., - `SR• _E C -00 IC Ye :J -A N IN—) YY 11FIBERONE, LLQ Statement Any copyrightoble works, Ideas, discov6dies, InvOntlOnst PatOnts, PtOdUCtO, Or other Informa on (collectively the "ftrk Proftt") developed Ire whale or In oart by IFIBERONE, LLG In cohne6llon with the Serviceis will be the dxclualve property of IFIBER%iE, LLC. All Ad Materials are s6bject to IFIBERONE LLC's approval. IFIBERONE, = reserves the right. at ally time and for any reason In Its discretion, to reject, cancel o . r cease publicAtion of aby Ad Werfals, space reservatf on, or position c0Mmftmffnk without any liability, which will result in the termination Of this contra cease 011ant will be Invoiced for -services rondered until the date of torminatIon. The parties to this advertising agreement affirm that nothing in this agreerhent, or anyof the adions, benefits and obligations relatIng to It, discriminate in any way on the basis of race or ethnicity, American Rescue Phm (Cares Act — ABPA) Today's Date: Vendoix: --- ............. m Sim D Receipt to F1,11(ance U F He ilito bindor 13 Btidgot SPOITCHIng R0111/8 rocelved DRe . Ll� I eta d Desto"I"iPtiong V -:)IU aA.0 r LVia. ..e � F� �1 �\A5���4w��. , � ��isl►r' �� 'Charge to Ajol ' .1 month*. El jalluary 9-023 El MY 2023 LIM- �q43 El AlIgUSt 2023 0 Mard 2023 E] September 209-3 U April Pao.* 0 October 2023 may P.0,23 ElWove-unbox' 2023 tj June 2023 11 December P -o23 1% Delivex,ables s 0 d TasIli dorce Coa Oil Bulli OutTeadi / Uarketing / AdVeTtising 1441� 0 BlIvIronmental Strategies 0 Capaoity Building (worlcalio s & eaucation) 11Staff n.,-avej / Professional Development F6i*xn of payment KVI x 5i Invoice (P Mid) 1:1 Invoice (needs paid) it Other, Ch, arixe Acicomita, Other; .e. este by: Deice: :)e Sup ervisor'- Signature: Date: RequligHoij Fom, ReMsed 01,2023 s .�renew IN Staples'. Ordor Doty its Order Number: 6935742943 Card®r Data: F*ebo 21, 2023 Delivery Items ship to Moses Lake store 816 North Stratford Pickup Products at Ro 'ad Muses Lake, WA 08837 Receipt Payment Dotalls INVOICF. To ORIS PREVENTION GRANT COUNTY PO fox $7 Ephrata, WA98823 Payment Method Pay0nine U Order Summary ITEM - QTY PRIGE Pickup Prod tote Upload Your own 400 sublotal COUPOA ($10 off Document Printing and MarkeUng Materials when you ropend $50 or rnora) 410,00 EsHmated lbx Val $86,71 Grant County 2023 Budget dC Wgr 0. 203 Fair Bond 133-184.00.0000-597160000 203.003-00.0000.897000000 852,700-00 205 MACC Bonds 135-186-00-0000-597000000 205.00LOO.0000.397000000 1,002,000-00 208 Courthouse Bond 133-184-00-0000-597160000 208-000-00-0000.397000000 466,800.00 T B D 001 CE to 138 Bldg. 001-142-00-9138-59700OOD0��6ocooa 59,045-82 •TSD 4 ld •8 :ether: -PFtZLmif6f 07DOOM.557-250M [or g .0 1 oy • -1 MOO 00- -V�dA6�)f d400F.-Se- 61 ODOM ff 6 MW '4 F M. -06Xl2-4-_- -�jkmoi- l.p.00MOD01.518 Do boll 4- .... I - 7 W -4 .92� A v 1:08.1 J. all. 0 a r. ? 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MHBG 299,91 Prevention SABG ML 9057 149.96 SABG-�Q,UINCY 9.050 149.96 SOAP LAKE--SABG-9042 _...._......._..... _�g.c -----,� SU"t"cide%reverit on-Grarpt Ctsutit -ARPA CV -2 DCR TOTAL GRANTS 110.49.70 .....,, t..w, Usage Surcharges Taxes, and and Other Governmental Third -Party Page Monthly Purchase Eqwpment Charges and Surcharges Charges Total Charges by Cost Center Number Charges Charges Charges Credits and Fees (includes Tax) Charges Voice Plan Messaging Data Voice Messaging Data Usage Usage Usage Roaming Roaming Roaming ouu-M-bb30 Bobbie, 40 Anderson 199 $49.99 $.66 $1467 $52.32- 54 509-771-5586 Madison Gonzalez 201 $39.99 - $.02 $.00 $40.01 - -Subtotal $659-W $.00 $6.68 $16.70 $M $6M.24 MHGC 509-770-5969 Brandy Yearout 202 $49.99 $.66 $1.67 $52.32 141 Subtotal $49.99 $.00 S.66 'i.67 $.W $52.32 MOT 509-707-9264 Jimmy Garcia=Cervanles 204 $49.99 - . $.66 $1.67 - $52.32 16 509-7079266 Fernando Galarza, - 206 $49.99 $.66 $1.67 - $52.32 - 509-770-9056 Fernando Galarza 207 $39.99 $.02 $.00 - $40.01 509-770-9057 Jimmy Garcia-CervarTtea 208 $39.99 $.02 $.00 - $40.01 Subtotal $179.96 $.w $3.34 $.W $184.66 PREVENTION 509-7717634 Megan Watson 209 $49,99 $.66 $1.67 Subtotal $49.99 $.w $.66 $1.67 $.W .32: 210 -$19.35 $.00' S-00 in- ' 1;rGq0"10Z_1" H pq 211 -$24.19 -$.27 _SA5 Subtotal .$43.54 $M $.00 -$.27 .'1S $.00 QUINCY PREVENTION 509-431-7844 Quincy Prevention 212 $39.99 $.02 $.00 $40401 - 509-797-5242 Crystal Cruz 213 $49.99 $.66 $1.67 $52.32 96 Subtotal $89.98 $.W $.00 $M $1.67 $9233 SOAP LAKE PREVENTION 509-431-7866 Soap Lake Prevention 215 $39.99 $.02 $.00 0 $40.01 509-770-0841 Ryan Boldman 216 $49.99 $.66 $1.67 $52.32 45 Subtotal $89.98. $.w $.w r aVV $1.67 $.W $9Z33 64.544MB 5.109GB 35 375,073MB 32 11357.046MB 27 271.691,MB .039GB .036GB .014GB - 7.047MB. 30 11434.716MB - 53.942GB 24 11120.928MB verizon*' Pa sox aas NEWARK, NJ 07101-0489 KEYLINE VII I„1E111111111111111111111111111111Idd I IIII IIJ COUNTY OF GRANT 840 F PLUM ST MOSES LAKE, WA 93337-1874 Manage Your Account . ele Change your address at http://sso.verizonenterprise.com Quick Bill Summary Previous Bal anoe (see aback for details) Payment — Thank You Balance Forward Monthly Charges Usage and Purchase Charges volae Messaging Data International Surcharges and Other Charges & Credits Taxes, Governmental Surcharges & Fees Total Current Chafes Account Number Late Due 8:71:576836-00001 Invoice Number E99:27064783 Jan 07 — Feb 06 $6,33583 -$6,335.83 $.OD $6,210.31 $.00 $,D0 $.00 $,65 $64.71 $163.27 $6,438.94 Total Charges Due by February 26, 2023 $65438.94 Pay from phone Pay on the V�eb - -- 0ue0ons: +' At lref 0E or"61.111.0Plyour phone -----------.---------------------_......_----........------ -----_ -- - ---r-- - -• �. �.. - r - - -.. _.r ... �. �r.........r--- - -- ----- ---...-r .. .. �.---- - --- n..-- -----...-- venzon%' Bt[I mate February 06, 2023 Amunt Number 671575835-90901 Invoice Number 9927054783 COUNTY OF GRANT 840 E PLUM ST Total ArnountMOSES LAKE, WA 98837-.1874 Due bFebruary26, Make check payable to Verizon Wireless. Please return this remit slip with payment. .� 438894 Pa BOX 660108 DALLAS, Tx 75266--0108 9927064783010715768350oa01000Qo6438940000a6438942 renewGronb Behav1prol Health a Welftwss ARPA FUNDS FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION Date: Account Staff Mar -23 108,150.00-0000.564.00.1100 5,694.57 108.150,00.0000.564.00.1202 - 559.49 108-150-100-0.000-564.00.2200 389.99 108.150-00-0000.564.00.2300 1,440.51 108-150400-0000.564.00.2301 11.73 108.150-00-0000.564.00.2400 22.24 W-1 APIP ty WIN - 108,150.00.0000.564.00,4100 100.00 108.150-00,0000-564.00-4300 150.0010' 108.150.00..0000.564-00.4304 4,536.00 e,00,4304 L700.00/ ----------- 108.150.00- 0000.564.00-4151 - 108.150-00-0000-564.00-4152 149-96 108.150-00-0000-564.00.4202 Tbta 1!ngTxp -0 96 pera.--61635-* Total Payroll & Benefits 8,-1 1 18.53 Admin,8% on Payroll & Benefli 649,48 5/8/2023 9.53 151,1403.97 05/08/23 rg FRIC I *renew Hoc" 8 U1611no*z Mar -23 TOTALEXPENSES GP LEDGER 108-150-00-0000.564.00.1100 SALARY- 51694-57 23 -Mar 108.150.00-0000.564.00.1202 OVERTIME 108.150.{0-0000-564-00.2100 Retirement 108.150-00- 000.564.00-2200 SSI $ 559.49 0 108-150-00-0000.564-00.2300 Medical $ 389.99 $ 11440.51 108.150.00-0000.564.00.2301 FM LA $ 11.73 108.150.00-0000-564-00.2400 L&I $ 22.24 000 108-1501.00-0000.564-00.4100 Russa n Translation Service for Johnny's Ambassadors Event $ 100.00 Apr -23 108.150-00-0000-564-00.4300 Spanish Interpretation service for Johnny's mbassadars even $ 150.00 Apr -23 108-150-00-0000-564.00.4304 Registration Fees- American. Association of Su'lcideology5(4) $ 41536.00 May -23 cc Pax Tools Educator Training (2 Tickets - Dayana & Bethany) $ 1 . .700.00 May -23 TOT L DIRT EC..'CHAR.GES 108.150.00-0000-564.00-4151 HkiS'ervice&.)r6't ion, :IT'Servi 108-150.100-0000.564.00.4152 ices�,:pd io 149.96 Mar -23 4000 e 108.150-00-0000.564.00.4202 -C11"Ph one,:, w, TOTAL.'."-, 149'.96"1" 8% Admin on Salary & Benefits only. $ 649.48 MOP CAR r IN, mlowi ra#;44,03., 7Z'41 IN;$ 05/08/23.rg 5/8/2023 9:53 BEHAV , 110RAIL HEALTH JOURNAL ENTRIES Pay source Salary American Rescue Plan — C -tres Act ARPA) c J TodqY'S.Date: Vendor: 6 DetailedDescr* tionr IU,I(xm'I gCharge to At91 Month. D Januar2o23EIJUIY 2023 nPebruary 2023 E] AUgUSt 2023 TA March 2023❑ 0 8wember2023 0 April 2023 0 October2O23 El May 2023 0 November20 23 D J, u ne2028 ID December.2023 Deliverables: 13 Tasl6orce Coalition (su-DPli es) I El Outreach / Marketing / Adveitisling ❑ Environmental Strategies Capacity Building (workshops & education) 11 StaffTravel / Professional Development ReceiptDate w Cl Receipt to Finallce El File into bider El BUdget Speiiding Tracker eiitry El ftem/s received . Forni of paynellt 0 VISA 3578 D Ii 0-Invoic e (Aga �nv I Cne!gs �aid Other: Chap geAccounto ARPA 13 Other: Requested in Date; Supervisor Signature: Date.o Prevention ReqLIiSjtjQn r-orrn Revised 02,2023 IA renew N VO1C1. S u b m Itte d: 03/27/2028 Payment Due On Receipt INVOICE FOR JJohnnly's Ambassadors (johnnysambassadors.arg) PAYMENT DETAILS YO[ena Goleta doses Lake, WA (425)299-1848 •+Ylw, •u.M1H 1 �•�wY••Y.YY••Y.r�rh..r..ry .11•.�..y..r.r..y •.. w.w_.wrw.. ..m .1__._w.w..r..r h...w. w.r ._4w_.....r.r__� -..^r.P•.rpr.....rw...rr..w.Y.W_ _rr..r{l.r......V...rY•._ rNu..w..�_�. Y.r�wr.wwn...wuw...._...r�.. +w.r.r..r....w__ ^n.^... rte. .�'-.�•._ _lhwl.ww.wu.wrru 1% •.iv......I...�..N_tiye.Y'..r.'I-.MiO.nMwJNIM Translating to Russian ...____•---��---- ..,.�. .. .�..._._ �.... .......,..,._.,,.w..w. rrM1.�w..w........M.r.w...w.w..w....---.wu...�.__.y...__..__..w.�.-.......•,. _. ..w......^Mrw.w.w.r+..r wMM4N.yy....w..r.r.r. -.._ w.w.._ ••_ �•...� TOTAL $100. American Resette Plan (Cares Act — ARPA) TOday's Dctte- 'Vendorpat DetailedDescrl'* tion1p .6 0 h. �Charge to A -i 9'Monthlap 0 JanUal*Y 20P-3 13 MY 2023 LI Februarygom 0 Augilst 2023 Mardh 2023 EJ SePtejxiber-2023 EJ Apfil -2o;2,3 0 October 2o2,3 IJ May 2025 1:1 November 2023 11 J11he 2023' El December -2023 Defiver,tibles: 13 "Taskforce Coalition (supplies) El Outreach / Mariteting / AdvertIsI]ag M Environment -al Strategies Capacity Building (workshops & education) Btaff Travel / Professional Development F0 PROCelpt to Fin.an.ce T M File into binder El 13.udget Spending Tracker entry IteInIs received LI ReceiptDatel, 34ZL��� $ Form of Payment 11 VISA 3579 nvolce ald lnvoj�e paid (needss"--'N .� Ot hW,L Charge, Account: K mQA 11 Other, ell Requested by: Date: Supervisor Signator Date: rOve'16011 Requisition Form ArMsed 02.2023 10 penew 91" Ithh"%ftl Ik*h a 'S Ar INVOICE Invoice No. #10 0.1 Date Issued: March 28, 2023 Issued to: Renew 840 E PJUM St, MoseS LakeF WA 98837 Payment Information Issue payment to Brisa Sanchez Cornejo, Payment is due on or after the event but no later than April 30, 2023. Mailing address: 22416th Ave SW Ephrata, WA 98823 0 Arnericaii Rescue Plan (Cares Act — ARPA) Today's'Date: Vendoi% �_%Vrlf IA 1' 1 , AatN Detailed Descripti..: ell's -A F = r&lwm 4Charge to Mq� Month: El January 2023 n JUIY 202.1q 0 FebruarY2023 0 AUgU8t 2 March. 9202. 3 'El September2023- El Apri12023 LI October 2023 0 May 202,3 n June 2023 0 November2023 EI,Decernber2023 Defiverables: 13 Taskforce CoalftjOu Csu,Ppl es) I .,13 Outreach / Market" ng / Advertising 0 Environmental Strategies Capa.city Building (workshops & education) 0 Staff Travel / Profess 0 Items Receipt to FillatIce 0 Regie t to ip i' lat'ce C1 File hito bi-jider El Budget Spending Tracker en by rete e 0 receive ReeeiptDate , 31 ffalffr� ..".­.-Forn DK VISA 3 5 78' InVOIEF(P" 0 Involce (needs paid) Cl Other Charge Accounts 0 Other: I i =s77? Regi -tested by: Date: Supendsor Signat-Lire:.. 2,1 Date: -9 Prevention Requisition Form Revised 022.20,23 renew 3/28/236 11 *,06 AM a� Reference Number Date Registered Invoice: AAS2-3: American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference istra nt a I Is 'a Full Name Email Address C HeMrv a hiza al @9ra fitcountywa.gov Za 01a (mail#o:hizavala @grantcauntywa.gov) Selections Selection Nan -.Member Regular (In -Person) World Pass Recognizing and Responding to Suicide Risk. Essentials for Clinicians (2 -Day Course -Day 1) Apr 1 8, 2023, 1214-00 PM - 8:30 PM Recognizing and Responding to Suicide Risk: Essentials for Clinicians (2 -Day Course -pay 2) Apr 19, 2023, 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Core Conference Sessions Apr 20, 2023, 7:30 AM - 8:30 PM 24510903 3/22/23, 54*41 PM Registration Typal Package P ' e p� Non- Member World $1V,134.00 Regular (In- Pass Person) Unit Quantity Price Total $0.00 $0,00 $17134.00 $1,134.00 Included In Package https://www.theeventregistration,,comiaas23/invoice?e=lid—LvqI vf2[37x21zfvZFeNpGrM1YNIIN-1 679521260 Included In Package I Included In Package Total $1,134,00 1/2 3/2§/23, 11:06 AM Reference Number Date Registered Full Invoice: AA323: American Association Of Suicidology Annual Conference Y IS L lod"w"",n-t- Detalll,,.4, I 24510856 3/22/23,5f'J,39 PM Name Emal.1 Address Registration Type Jose joSefaeras2418�7a9mail.com Non- Member Fariaz �{:josefarias2418mailto@gmail.com) Regular (In. - Person ) Selections Non- Member Regular (In -Person) World Pass Recognizing and Responding to Suicide Risk. - Essentials for Clinicians (2 -Day Course - Day 1 Apr 18, 2023, 12:00 PM - 8:30 PM Recognizing and Responding to Suicide Risk: Essentials for Clinicians (2 -Day Course -Day 2) Apr 19, 2023, 9*00 AM - 5:30 PM Core Conference Sessions Apr 20, 2023, 7:30 AM - 8:30 PM Package P. x World ��,���..�0 Pass Unit 4uanirity Price Total .1 $0.00 $0.00 1 $1,134.00 $11134.00 1 Included In Package https:/Iwww.theeVentregistration-com/aas23/invOice ?e=681<1`13-1 bcWUWJ-4ixhCUGGIxMs7DBo5J_1679521152 Included In Package 1 Included In Package Total $1,134.00 M 3/28/23,11:07 AM Invoice: AAS23: American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference Reference Number 24580669 Date Registered 3/24/231-4:17 PM Registrant Det-ails Full Registration Name Email Address Type Package Price Ang,ef,' in -o aserrrano@gr.antcountywa.gov Non- Member World $1,134.00 Serrano (mailto:aserrano@grantcountywa.gov) Regular (In" Pass Person) SeIctlons Selection Unit Quantity Price Total Non- Member Regular (In -Person) $0.00 $0.00 World Pass, 1 $13134.00 $1,134.00 Recognizing and Responding to Suicide Risk: k Essentials for Clinicians (2 -Day Course - Day 1) 1 included In Package Apr 18, 2023, 12;00 PM - 8:30 PIVI Recognizing and Responding to Suicide Risk: 1 Included In Package Essentials for Clinicians (2 -Day Course _pay 2) Apr 19, 2023, 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Core Conference Sessions included In Package Apr 20, 2023, 7:30 AM - 8.30 PM otal $1,1344{i https.,//www.theeventregistration-com/aas23/invoice?e=jliOgEDfEBBlv3JRL21 -W9RC117WWrn5VI_1 679689068 1/2 3/28/23, 11:0 7 AM Invoice.* AAS23: American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference Reference Number 24510989 Date Registered 3/22/23, 5:46 PM Registrant Deta i is Full Registration Name Email Address Type Pac Ulu th any bmescamilla@grantcountynra.gov Escarnlia (mai(to:bmescamilla�agrantcountywa.gov Non -World Member Pass Regular (In - Person) Selections Non- Member Regular (In -Person) World Pass Recognizing and Responding to suicide Risk,,, Essentials for Clinicians (2 -Day Course -Day 1) Apr 18,2023,12:00 PM - 8:30 PM Recognizing and Responding to Suicide Risk: Essentials for Clinicians (2 -Day Course Day 2) Apr 19,2023,.9:00 AM - 5:30 PIVI Core Conference Sessions Apr 20, 2023, 7:30 AM - 8:30 PM $1,134.00 Unit Quantity Price Total 1 $0.00 $0.00 1 $1,134.00 $1,134.00 https://www.theeventregistration,comlaas231invoice?e=cmyntKqPZv—XSc9Suhx-sqfCr3l YZVsT_1 679521596 1 Included In Package Included Rackage Included In Package T ta 1 $1 _134.00 112 Ameticail Rescue P.1 an (Cares Act — ARPA) Todd'+a. Y Vendor: Detailed D+ scrip r% I 'Charge tb A19' Monthi a El January 2023 0 MY 2023 0 be nary 2028 0 AugUSt 2023 *-ar6ll 2023 0 September 2.023 IJ Ap&20�-3 0 October 2023 Cl May 2023 E] November 2023 El June 2023 1:1 December 2023 4 Deliverables* a Tasidorce Coa-lit'l loll (SUPPIlles) Outreapb / Marketing / 'Ad . . vernsing M Eiivironmental Strategies 13 tvacity Building (workslipps & education) 'Staff Travel. /* Pr .oiessional Devialopthea )kequestod is SupeMsor 8 C1 R-ecolipt to Firiance U File hito billider 0 Budget Spend1hig Tracker entry ftetn/s received. Recez'PtDate,v Form,of Payme'nt •578 El Invoice (paid) 11 InVoice(needs paid) 11 Otherio I Chargo,.Account, 9 .A, PA.. M Wier: is ot Date: DAte: Y L.2 Preyontion Reqqiajtlnn PpIl Revised 0.1 .2023 renew 3 1 i $11=31 10:0 ASI May x f y 2Q6i 2023 - I�t�i OnAl PAX Toots CommuNty rduGafo r Tm1n160 e � r f i Name Type Price Fee Tota! f •. I♦ L A 'fR IIP Z i ••r b • r r i n 1 irY .. •. .. vLC.F.. lh w • r i • a L f..h .'. • r .!. � tt • 1 • r . j Y ' �l • . t .i. Bethany Escarnilla P811i 1p.- n't Wformation $8$0100$0,00.0� $850600 1 r ft P7�+b'1•►+µ i f:ll1lr1Y1 M1!a r1 P.e ! . a L.•I.i" i`I: �{ Tt rr Y� i +:. ;:• :4. N'f •.et �.' �JI��'r4a�i'A.sAF:ihY6TlTl'j!?.r • 1w r N, w P�. . #{l1�it' 7� 1'�iF ,i Ptl .ttR:. i, yf. 41► d r •{l. 1.•fA:'• vf'r wtP MH . t 4.110 e o .. t 1' + .. 1 .y . 'f .. Pri -..IV-#. .a ..Va 1, ►/ r 10% Reran Goldman Participant Infor ation $850.00 0460 B b.() -Sh-ow ad9f r �• .IlT i jon I" 11`V1--Wf 4RA& tq"el. A*t • •Y. Pt, f,�, 7A:,w'1A .k' L• i • "•drw7.1►>;.� 4:'cl'IN'!\L-41.! 11.1' 1.4i7.r' . t.! .�P.Bh d1 .r R'Ta.•..",.i+Y..ii:..RL.aI' +1w1'�!_tF• ;�;•!i ay :e NI ..:.../..�'=�li' b..,�P.�l.a rl .G. Ra'AIAR Ua'fI i•. �Y 1• Y e TOM $2,550,00 1w M•w.e .r./•PrD Ad}IM rr. 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Vw Y •.a wHw. •� . • • ♦ IP r" -A Mie• r B'i'l'li'ng intw"O-rmation ^"'* Order Numbor MY242-5202$NTNWJY0004 D D Qat.l.�7 Name IN Ste1nmetz i r ani atlOn NaMe G-RIS PREVENTION -13RANT COUNIY Address PO Box. 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 US Payment Method Credit Card I • Credit Gard VISA--8578 Organization griali Organization Phone + i SO97 6 5 39 I Total $2,r550.00 6 1 ' • w Iittpwjrpoxiainstitute,ltd(olapine.00m/OIGVE)Z4NIiE-OWKIQ ASIr000ipt 213 1 of A Wks itenew QRK D :7. 7 EVICE63 537 :.11,7318d36�b +cu��mantglY I{ cky"Gutierrez ,-21; 73A 2080.00 7 fLit :2,474.33 tle2080.1 ...... 1-2 1iS87.2D Al ISeth ------ -- — ---- nkh 51195 ii;�Ml '.!-� .72 W - j, OffiR 1 -mar Monthly DO Mar -23 1,6 48.37 sco.76 10,655,34 0 �. $ 550,48 un n 4)42109 Total 17,767.11, w Amount per - - --------- U6,89 2,688,44 17i1 125,167,00,8i,S68t60 4152 ` 55.: `125, x67 O18DOZKID -M89 2D,105,02 Total $22,79147 SH neiwnrtc K 50-turitv- serAc $ 1,64837 500.76 AMJd—'RMg �—4,412,16 R j - if *EM $ 10.655,34 550.48 G03.27 4,423.09 TOM.11WOWE 22,793.47 j52M MHBG' Prevention- SABG ML 9057 CA na-ro likiry nnrn 149.9;. S66de PrevOnribn,�Ei'r'8n't!CountV-ARPA 149 - 9 . 6 CV -2 OCR 149.96 TOTAL GRANTS 1,04930_ I t . AIM k AM SAW verizonv 1. ..s ..N.7. .y .r'�• 9+• . ♦ z• + l;r -,r••F St9 l- •,. r R '^u, ! k � i `: G S w fY'. w 3; •✓y �r r:" rte+» ,i . iG� r. tt -m +.:� x. 11 VOIce Number ��sVf t j � .f, .i..l'`r •.T•+ • �»` 4r� a . .'Y I,M..;r� 'r,+„'h,,; r'�'r r.. T4 Via. i.�;�' � ��`�'";I"'. '.;..d .,.:1.p � H.� :"k"•?�t`�e.:":aia.,< '.a`.'yt + n' r.+'r••.;<,-•a ;d+•ve...+�-.-u�i.i p > cl .•',.". inti. .a �.! ,� ^•:2r •�;�.�,,C ='" w a «Yi:'iF+„�!:.�}iya.. "'k•-�qi..° •/••i a.:R •.r •..'.iiii� ". ••+t .; f^• ..,..7. .�},_....,. .t»""`.:�*11 _ �+ i-.= .".»:,,.. -v ��yyTT'�( j+ �r�:-.. < .! .< 5aM -- - }s.7, '!^•, . -+` .}e"�.. .l yf- '),,,:' 4,',•.l «.�. ..'Sl:. iE•!.^..• .F.._ i�'L.x'."`-l!j,�. ,,�"+1 ..Y -ni.,i:e ^-,,:.:'i.......�.L.�a�-:"..�,. ,r... ,`I.t.+.'.el'«,4v. +.,. ,+'�-vt.%. i•+'r"'..-.• .1-.�C '<`a'(i ..".... .-�f..�.�1.=,.1...,.. ..a. 3`''-. _. i.`rh:.'�' `r`- ��iM1 _a ' �7'."! 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SOAP LAKE PREVENTION 1 • � a. i rr aV Y ».►. 509-4-31-786E; Shap Lake P erti[on1 51)9-770-0841 X35.9 ' ......_ Ryan 8aldmarr 214 �4�.:3 .02 $.€i0 $4U.01,� $.66 24.674�1� Subtotal �. ; . $ .b" $52-32/ 136 62 761.498ME $ 167 ►8g 2 a t .• Id Verizonv Pa BOX 489 ���AA NJ 07101--0480 Manage Your Ae0ount -.- Account Numb►sr !� � �u� 01TRI1 9 your addrese at flOvoice �iU mgr 992-9462049 ��Y'LIi�� Quick Bill SUmmary Fab 97 Mar 06 III It 1111111111,111!1111111,11 1111 COUNTY OF GMNT 840 E PLUM ST Previous balance (900 back fvdafslfa� $6,438.94 MOSES LAKE, WA 98037-1874 Payment — Tl ank You —"j43&94 Balance Forward M ontly Charm $6,208.70 tz Usage ard Purehae charges q 2(j(jj)OWD qMA �jo ${y�, .00 8045. do ,� � ' ��,l' ssagin Data 6 �'+ f • ` Surcharges and Other 0harges & 0redlte t$.00 . Taxosp Govemmental Surcharges�fees 8 4,18 $161,60 31 Vaofx 04/0, 3 fi" d'etat Ourrent Chal-Ves Total Charges Due by March 29,2023 $6,4XV� �� �C� U 2. �:wL 3z, sa 0/0. 76f ply#M phone P'ay on the Web Questions; cgs= r rrY v rte... Y rr..►...y aq i*M. w.w ■.w Wh y►1rn wYr+i+M� r`�.w r. .an N Y Yea �. • .' e1 .� Y Y 4ti4, /.. 1/yY �.y N7. Y W J1s.Y r Y.q .�NYYtiYfY Y YYW M .11.1MV.r�AN MYrW y.i. w.tr�1AYY--.7Y... ..WPI- VY TM1. V rI�Y� WwMr.r Y1l1N-AY Y...4Y ilia Izo, nvf Bill Date no A oWt NUMber 8716768S'5-00001 COUNTY OF QHANr inva[ee dumber OW462049 840 E PLUM ST M08PS LAKE, WA 98837-1874 Total AMount D Make ehook pale to Verizon Wireless, Please return ibis rami# ellp with paymed,y434.57 y 1r PO BOX 660108 DALLAS, TX 75266--0108 11141111111.11 111 jill111illjollillIII[,III,!I�R 942946204901087157682500001000019648457000006434572 renew '3Ips ARPA FUNDS FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION Date: Account Staff Apr' -23 108;150.00.0000.564.00.1100 108.150.00,0000,564.0o.x.202 5x434«22 108.150-00,0000.564.00,2100 56327 108.150,00,0000-564.00,2200 394.78 108..5+9,0t7,il000-564.00.2300 11354.47 108.150.00,0000-564.00,2301 11,85 108.150-00,0000.564.00-2400 20.55 ' 9 # e' Kjjy$$.pMlI"..1t�}qq■'"^ 'r�a �' ..Y (j� y[�� "i5"Y>..5 1i.1jK%y",.y1y w.ye t i.,`` •'F.i ffi f-^<u:;tms .,wa.�'w'S'nfx'%k`S' ca.4�.}�^3��,�iesl�yF�aa � 1 108,150.00-0000,564.00,3100 188.75 � 108-150.00,,0000.564.003100 31-97/ 108.150.00,0000'564.00.3111/ 2.99 203.25 / 108,150.00"0000.564.00.31+00195,02-o 108150,00, X000,564.00,3.100 Q 108.150,00.0000*564.00,311:1 72.73/ 108-150-00-0000-564.00.311,1 08-150-00- v000.564 00.311,1 43-36/ 466-28./ 108.150,00,0000,564,00.31.11 26.63-0 63 108-150-00-0000-564 ,00.3500 830.83 / 108,150.00.0000.564.00,4302 .x441.00 � 08.150.00fi0000.564.00,4301 3525..40 108-150.00,0000.564,00,4304 195.00,4.304 107.00 �1�0KK8y.15�f0.0�''3,0�JM55�4.0+0.430.3 5 393,00 o',564+00.4400 24.19" i}Q��By t�.5O,00.0000,564.00.4400 1x000.00 10 Yv'l0''0\.[i56'4x0044T01J 1/'VK +1,.4.!! 45•V /i''ja15V.4.0'V' 108-150-00-0000.564.00,4501 V.W1150M0MeKV0�.i 0.5"7K LJV B45�.�i1 75.00-- ✓.Lf0~1k 108 $.150-00.0000.564.00.4501 -150-00-0000.564.00-4501 50.00,. 274.68 4.68 . .0x242.18 108-150.00K0000-564.00.4151 8 108.150.00,0000.564.00.4152 149.96-o 108.150.00,0000.564.00.4202 5.9.98 � 308.8o Total operqting Exp o 8 .Total Payroll & Benefits - 7;789.15 Admin 8% on payroll & Benefit 6231.3 s _``i 6`20/2+02315,03 18I 963.2 6/20/2+02315 «03 l.otal Sa'#ary/Beifs P= 7;789.15 <;. .... Ou.treachjC pa city Building -Hi ike 22 Event flyers and Veteran Crisis` education (524.73) renew *"Nit fthaww"59 "on" 108-150-00-0000-564-003100 Taskforce Coalition -Suicide preveniton Business cards for Bethany • tu."'t. SUICIDE PREVENTION- ABPA Capacity Building- Soda and bottle water for Mental health first aid training $ 31.97 2.99 Apr 23 #122 a day fight against Veteran Suicide Stickerfor hire 22 event In+07v✓�_� Personalized Veteran Buttons with Veteron Crisis Line info.203.2.5 $,0000,564.00.1100 " TOTAL EXPENSES r.P Lwc;Efj 195.02 SALARY- Bethany Esca ilia & Dayana Ruiz,3Ill Capacity Building - Cookies/chips/and bottle water forJonny's Ambassadors Event $ OVERTIME 5,434.22 1 -Apr Retirement 108, Capacrty Building -Catering for MH first Aid event at Big bend SSI 10$.1 SO.00.Ot700.564.00.31I.3. 553.27 $ 108,150.00.0000.554.00,2300 Medical FM LA � 394,78 1.3544. ,7 � L&t 11.85 830.53 May -23,564.00.4301. 20.50 $ l.otal Sa'#ary/Beifs P= 7;789.15 <;. .... Ou.treachjC pa city Building -Hi ike 22 Event flyers and Veteran Crisis` education (524.73) .:. 108-150-00-0000-564-003100 Taskforce Coalition -Suicide preveniton Business cards for Bethany Capacity Building- Soda and bottle water for Mental health first aid training $ 31.97 2.99 Apr -22 May #122 a day fight against Veteran Suicide Stickerfor hire 22 event -23 Personalized Veteran Buttons with Veteron Crisis Line info.203.2.5 $ May -23 ^ p� Outreach- stickers & keychains english & Spanish 195.02 May -23 -�,3Ill Capacity Building - Cookies/chips/and bottle water forJonny's Ambassadors Event $ 704.3 Appy 23 Capacity Building - Coffee for Jonny's Ambassadors Event 72.73 Apr -23 108, Capacrty Building -Catering for MH first Aid event at Big bend 43.36 Apr -23 10$.1 SO.00.Ot700.564.00.31I.3. Capacity Building- ice- Mental Health first aid training $ 466.28 May -23 1.08,1.50;00.0000.564.00.3500 Taskfrrce Coalition -Suicide preveniton supplies � 26-63 May Ma -23 -23 Staff Travel- Meals H.-Lavala;A. Serrano;.J. Fariaz; B. Escamilla 830.53 May -23,564.00.4301. SLaffTraveiy 1'Eatet rooms for H. Zavala; A. Serrano; J. Earxas; B. Escarnitla $ 1,441.00 Apr -23{7(7.000©.5#14.00.4304 Staff Travel- parking under B. Escamilla $ 3,526.40. May -23 Staff Travel -parking fees accrued attending AAS23 Event in Portland B. E 195.00 May -23 Staff Travel- Mileage under A. Serrano (S95) $ 107.00 May -23 108.1.50,00.0000.564.00.4304 Staff Travel- Parking under A. Serrano (595) $ 393.00 May -23 META -Ad for Johnny's Ambassador Event 5 202.00 May -23 108.1,50, 00.0000.564.00.4400 National Cenemedia LLC Theater Adsfor Dec. 2022 did not et ch g charged � 24-19 1�OD0.00 Maw 23 National Cenemedia LLC Theater Adsfor Dec. 2022 did not get charged Outreach-C"xty of tVIL Special events permit $ 187.50 May -23 May -23 Capacity Building -Venue rental forJohnny's Ambassador event on 03/30/23 $ � 75.00 May -213 Taskforce Coalition- Standard Pro Account & Access to webinar acct. 50.00 Apr- pr274.68 274.68 May -23 TOTALDIR C-T"CHARGES " .. /JyF jjj,''��}}. R 5e°v�c�- porton ' rT Ser'ylces' pa �B .. $88 j�j :. `10#`J6WT2E1lW : Cell t�hone ' r-23_ TOTAL. : . � 89:98 ;308:80' 8% Admin on Salary & Benefits only 623.1.3 T�►atI►t-tcde..Preve yy,,4hti, Qs . ,� ...t �iLG.,ro�iy' ' , '.%..: /20/202315.-03 Salary RG ,4/30/2023 Posted By PC SUng Month Entered---- Posted 108.15D .0 0-0000 -56 4-44.2301 108.150.00-0000-564-44.2400 '.$20.A .56: .1,44.2599 0 -0 $5,434-23 .1202 E- A -0- $0.0 0 0.00 $563.27 $394.78 Q R15" M 31 $1,364-47 111 M3 100( � ED ON% $1185 --- $20.56 $0.00 ..... �'$T :78 .15"' -7 .. .............. $0.00 RG ,4/30/2023 Posted By PC SUng Month Entered---- Posted neuu liPraa� sahaulorw 140cith Is ti,CwIfto" - - ---- - ---- Printed Name. Bethany Escamitia iii Pay Period: April 2s 202 Employee ID ; 5 0 s or Staff Signature, s<i . _��}�F� " E M.- I.Supem ,c�s�ror-S�dr vv�$$ P Y Supervisor Signature; Pay Period: 41212023 (mm ddlyyy ) Pay Date: 1120 3' �.. ,. '.. .,. .:.. �rCOMMUNITY ALiTit -0"!r-c y °'' :. .... :. ...,. ... .:.. ... ;. .,.. SPECIALIST Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu....... l~ri Sat TOTAL , r .s .� .. .. orf . ... .� .... .. _ .,.... ... .. ... `w A 1 A /�� , _�g/� 1� ��yz 1p� . t.. � s., : �< � � �j "^�� .., .c ... .... .. .. .. L.d `� r. �4' .. ... Axa . >.. tr tom^ �A. ri'v. _.... , ..... -. .. r ... ,- ....,. r ...... ... ,.. ... ,. ... ,...,... v. e - ... . 5. E 'S':2 ^:t s�,. .^W-_'.a•V La �' :Vu.-. <,. �:.: i� 1/rJ. ,.. , .. ::�r.l.TtJ ...-r . � � ba4, _z�. _<` a.. ., .� _ . , , - �fslJV . _, ,,., ..> :., �, z, . ,.�'� ♦'�<,_. jj��i.,`�y , a; ,,,� }yry�ly� ,H r ;y�ly �y�g�yj � �,�: ,.sa<.. ��+yy, jp�[�'� y-. � ,> t.... '. '.. r..,�.. .. ._.. .... _. :: .,.., ...t >t l�:-...y... .£,. V}yIV'. .�G.T�..._,.IT�.\/ y'r",a,L:. ..-��" <�-. M,{�T o�4�: «.d VfiYV - 5� �'. � .. ..: r., � .. .,:tr'�'y1�.. n.-u.�:.m, t',...: n':. n`. 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L mmmm SIM mm 40.00 FOR PAYROLL PURPOSE ONLY* 'holni civit Wne.] -zickne anew 40.00 Defrvne: 0-.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 '80-.00- �{'S;^;�CQ 3 �0 LWOP ewI S EXEMPT �rnnc I�«horFo.�ei' }s�rle� s u;.�tr,� ...„m„n.mwfi6RiTm1MMM,MPmmae^P„'A'iteM.wa-n+.tAhw.•,.,•.vu.R"4�!W. .h'.T�m',: a+m.PwC9wRaF%RYt1M'.. �.^.::tidb'.. Ce:zrx�.^�.;:mhe�wxe.,at.>z=a.nwFx---Year+..vitt.��<mstmaaeaa�.Memxxmuramn^e.^"-"rmccnhaTae.p.:::�mm'St.4rv�.v.S�erimtNG _. - - '..'?`WfiitlCuietiN,',�kti.iYl.0.nFk.'G�.•�:Yty:.w^w4t;�.\�'SNP:aovx..�,M'a:fii�waMt'.W,hxscavrrpoNFwwxe �.-iyi.MMX:>•Xrt�' Y3�.,w"'Gk`MHox:;w,�awMW,'eA�tlen%.aWnAa,.:;.NOmtA'. ..A.::::�q,W:,. Printed Name: Dayana Ruiz Shos (AIL, Pair Period � ^�►pri! 16, 2023 Employee ICS r.*.f= Ainerican Rescue Plait (Cares Act — ARPA) Today -s Date: 14 Detailed Descl*iption: P- t Ir -1 A `Charge tO A19'lqonth, 0 Januaiy2O23 0 JUIY 2023 0 FebruaI7 209.3 ID A119USt 2023 El September 2023 202 4 A:p7r i I o oo.. 0 October 2023 13 May 2023 0 November 2023 C1 June 2023 0 December 2023 Deliverables: 0 Tasldorce Coalition (sub 1 6 e,pliej Outreach / Marketing / Advertisi- ng U Environmental Strategi ies 9a Capacity Builcling (workshops & education) 13 Staff Travel / Professional Development c e i p t to Fi ­nai i c te 11 File Into binder 11 Budget Spending Tracker entry El Item/s received Receipt Date: ....... . ......... ............... . Forn, of Payrnent � It fA VISA 3578 El Invoice (paid) 1:1 Invo 'ice (needs paid) C1 Other-, Requested by: )(I a lek 11 Date: 01, 4f, ,7 Supervisor Signature: Date. PrOC116011 ReqUiSition Foran RMSed 02.20223 renew 0 sit ei UPS ire 12469 Ploncer lay $to F aa 1 11 d a I tavll,.41 Al /A f6ployan.,ti: V )" MIN Of 4K q Tax $24 4 Hom pramotin" Af Ottll tax LO lei ; s4i Z 11.1 Oil puslognatod No OCR 110.1 Oliqlvis *�Ni for 4 ir I American Regoue maj, (Cares Act — ARPA) TodayPs Date: Vendon 0 Al, Detailed Descriptiollil 'Charge to Atq) Month* El AnUal'Y 202,9 11 JulY 2023 0 Febriiary 20023 11 AUgUSt 2023 LP March,2023 0 September 202 1:1 APrl*l 202,1 11 October -2023 0 May 2o23 11 November 2023 El June 2o,,>,3 11 December202,3 Deliverables.v 1A Taskfbrce Coalition.(supplies 13 Outreaeb / Marketing / Adveitising 0 FaTivironi-nental Strategies 0 C4pacity Buildhig (workshops & ad-acation) 0 Staff Travel / Professimal Developineat Rem' I t to Fillalice P 0 File lliito bliI ndor I 0 Budget SPelld"19 Tracker elitry ltein/s received Rfteipt))ate: Form of Payment IJ VISA **** �378 EJ Invoice -(paid) EJ Invoice (needs paid) otlier: -VISA -h-k*k Charge Account.* fK ABPA 13 Other,-,. Requested by* Date* .--111 V ---------- - S11pervisor Signature: Date: A I Zo Prevention Requisiflotl por,11 Revised 02.2023 renew t 3/24123, ia.w; Am Thank You For Your order, OD Ordw Datai MA(ah 241112Q Ord0f #2 VP -DVS' UX2711 ,9111PPIng Moftd E80110tad Arrival Apt 61h ahIPPINAddress Aixoures payable Zito C- pjuft)�St mllaas LOW W-66111fluton'08837-10114 01110d &4101 of Arburh3o 150076,%23D Items 10 CxPracted D811VUl'y Apr SLS T0101 pflftj P INV444,11,141.1 Aj N.R ()Ptjono Item TC11p) littps.IAQW-Vist!APrillt,(',Dmt()dl?c)rdedd=VP,DV,qSX27R&conflrjii Im 0+0426.60 VistOPrIni Order Details 91111nq Addmas POYMOM Method Grant County Visa Renew PO am 07 Eph"'18, WaShIng(an U11114i StOW of -Arne ca Ordor summary Product Total T0101 pflftj III Allierl'can Rescue Plan (Cares Ac.t — ARPA) Today's Date: Vendoz-4: 0 Receipt to Finance 0 File 'Into binder 0 Badge Spending C� Tracker entt*v 11 Item/s received ere*tt D te: 1 a Detailed Descitiptio fir, J �. ge to lugs month, 11 Janualy 2023 C3 JU1Y 2023 0 February 20 ,23 0 MUch, 2093 r� 200.3 11 Mc-ly 2023 0 June 2023 Defiverables: El AU9USt 2093 0 September 2023 El October 2023 EJ November 2023 Cl December 2C, 11 TasIdorce Coalition (suppjv-s) ie Cl Outreach / Marketing Advertising 13 El nvironmeqta-I Strategies ap city Building (workshops &- education) EJ Staff Travel / Professional Development Form of -P-ayinent I!KWSA "' 3578 13 Invoice (paid) 0 Instlice(needs palid) 0 Other: Charge .cont: Other,: A Req1A Requested by: Date: SUPervisor Signature: Date: Prevention ReqUisition Forni Revised 0221023 U e ' ��', • X41, d• 1•y. j{i :• '1. t'' � i• 1' IYIi ��• •1 ' la»r�'' ' r, i L \. 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For free. Order Dotal Is Subtotaf (i ifem) Sicker DlsbodrR (25% off) $260.00 Slipping - 62.Q0 5s&nated Tax FREE f0TAL $16.76 $293.25 SHIPPINd ADDP,5$8 BILLING INFORMATIO14 Bethany Rs�anillja GRIS PREVENTION 41RAN-f 840 e -PLUM 6T bdesdA�111a@graftoun PPPNTY Mban [ARE, WAJ9,889,74074 �OaLj6V UnIW ft&S' SHIPPING METHOD USPS Plmt class (M Business Days) REED TO MAKE A cHANGrz? You can make Chan 6t conodl thit; order by *Iflng this pago. VOrdefWfoolkup and edit' ks;�V't igOWitZ.914lyWiP.b4hJTQWZ3JhbnRlb3Vudiiisy$ftb3YMaWQDMTOONZeYMTEmc2hpoPOOAXAooTg4mjk 0gFVA==,.. bodgaaa7da7l26"2li3ddaoB'dc'7o92cDadcdSOOdO) 04 -am rderfOrdardLookup 011cl a jnfbzSAhJ1kp1aWks;X2VfYWj.s __Y 0 dit? PWJtZXN1YW1PbGxhJTQ119z3'jhb w oRib3VudNl3yS'5fi4'tMOW119MTQDNZOYMTEM02hPrFB.04XABOT94MIMOOUZFVA==.. 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For free. 100% Frew Exchaneep, TeePublic GuaranTte o (htips.-litaeoublio.zendeskcomilicten-ustarticlOS1440281354421i;) Excellent 130ft-13l *Tr0#pjjqt (httPs!IIWWW.trUstP[Iot.00lntreviewlwww.taepvbitc,com) Help )FF X nd morel https:/Iwww.tdepublic,coWthankyou?order--14477211 4.6 ****-1 0- 0-09fe CudoMar Riwjwq,,m 112 0 Aniencan Rescue Plan (Cares Act —.ARPA) 4 Today's Date, Vendor,J)III-NIVII, i I/(?dfi i Cl Receipt to Finance 0 File into binder 0 Budget Spending Tracker entry 0 Itern/s received P Rece"ItDate,* �Jf 0." ,ripti( J.j DetailedDese A/ Jn� '*� �* , I,t LI I i I A 'Charge to A:19I month: 0 Januar2023El JUIY 2023 F -I February 2093 Cl March 2023 it May 2023 11 June 2023 Del'ive0 rahles, 11 AU91ISt 2023 it September 2023 0 October 2023, 13 November 2023 1:3 December 2023 0 Taskforce Coalition (supplies) El Out -reach / Marketing / Advertising 0 E.. nvironmental. Strategies 0 Capacity Bu din (workshops & education) 11 Staff Travel / Professional Development Form of Payment VISA El Invoice (paid) 0 Invo* ice (needs paid) El Other: Charge Avco unt: Other: � t�1S.b2 IA Requested by: A -- Date, sr Supervisor S*cr Date:4 Pry venfion Requisition Form Revised 02.2023 41412�, 21-32 PM Oriental Trading 8,4fe& Secure Checkout Order Receipt AL Login WISh Lis( Orders ..... ...... Enter Keyword or Item Live thot Help Party SUPPIles 14011days TOY$ Garnes Crafts Teaching Weddino ROD ion& Events �m) V r—'7-,-au -I-& me's %?Aci�, ft.-G:AFaith Limited 114VIL 0 W A :l'i�+!��h+Nq/Cjr�Sc�:X11•e[IcY-rn:l7aryeYW"^7 N V 0 F1 0. r,. R (!LE �TAILS Rad Qr4d Sale - Up to 50% off overmwqs. ' Cinco de Mayo s-ale Up 10 50% ( Yf moth oes Day 9010,� up to 60% off tO C61eli(W Yftr-�023 (36dl Snoings u ii kos o;j pfostaj;R41) Wo LoVe Taaoha 8 qy SaVa Up to C�lla,4rat b M-GfA 'Vitt) Ct45,61ft and Maml Savooll Teoching Suppjjtj, $tA00fletk and Mardi Your r rWas recoved! 0 SA& S%ure Checkout NQ*ydU will receive �e following Mossages at bMescamfflaogranto� *M:90V a bput tris a rd-er. Confinatidn trnM with order details wfthip ;Z4 hours. ShIPPIngtohfirritaflati email With tracking informatign. l�FY9u have any questions about your order, plea!'e contact us �t I-80DVS-6480 or ernal I us at ORDERSUMMARY Please keep yotiroMerfilu'mber handy Md print thIS page for future refor&nCL 3L Rem Count Item subtotal: - Th ankYou fi shippint. FREE YOU rflaYeeC'e1vd4!6taI1svia email foranyselOcted offer. gd�aa paoiy YOUR PROMO: PSM4' Order NUffiber Order Date OP FREE SHIPPING 724IT4897 -4125/23 Shjp To YO(NE 0ALIFIED FOR 0111ing Information $10 BACK Bethany E'scamil[aGON YOUR ORDER, RIS PREVENTION •GRANT COUNTY c/o Bellow Behavioral Health O Bob 37 J; 840 E 'Plum St P EPhrat-i, WA 98823- LIS MOM LA"j WA 98837 US PP 4 00 Ppuw RMCC"IrAT %(509) 765-9239 .,F�-Jj E= PAYMENTIMVIjol): EMAILADDREss: bmescanii.lia@grantcountywa.gov YoOr C*d will W billed as, LL Your Cart MW Please MW w Oach shipMent and their-corresponding Shipping method. ShIpMeM I of I PWM8110d Veteraii Bottoins -12 Pa. M DELWE Ry DATE.. Per Qozen t1409055s 6-:8 Business bays ECOtqoMY (FREE) quantity: 9 Sac* TO Top httPs://Www.Odentaltrading,COM/Web/recetPt?vlsftorld—f39938670eab37aO2-2rSgb(;064r)dbbf2&cartld=ceeb876il ae=892edec6a adbiS 112 Aineriem Rescue Plan (Cares Act — ARP.) TOda's Date: Y Vendols", DetaffedDesczqptio `Charge to i..91 :month 0 January 20 0 tTU1Y 2023 0 FebruW 2023 2023 El AU Stt. 0 March 202.1 t AA�ril 2023 September 2023 El October 2o-93 May 2023 0 November 2023 El June 202 .3 El December 20:23 Deliverables: Tagil gree Coalition (Supplies) tui •e ch f Ma&eting / Adver tising 13 EnvironmentalStrateg- ies 11 Capacity Building (workshops & education) El Staff Travel / PrOfeSsional Development FPO Receipt to Fitialice, El File pito binder 0 BudgetSpeiidi1ig 1 Tracker etitry 0 Iteni/s received Rece*tDate* 1p Form of Paynjent 78: 0 Invoice (pa -d) 0 Invoice (needs paid) F1 Gther., - ----- Charge Account: I Requested by.PW . Date: Supei*visor Signatuz � 1 � -� (��� Date,, Prc'vention Rcquisl6on Foci Revised 02.202-3 renew"16 411"LlQ stickerrnule rr Billing address Shl in ad Bethany Escamill'a Bethany Escamilla 840 E Pfurn St 840 E Plum St Moses Lake Moses Lake WA 98837 WA 98837 United States United States Renew Behavioral Health Renew Behavioral Health ............ I . ..... Item CWOM 5" x 1,62" Rectangle stickers custom 1'.51,*X 1.5" CustoMkeychains ,,Custom 1,5" x 1 .5" Custom keychains RIO Custom 5 x 1.62" Die cut stickers Reorder: 10101738 988 hodmital hjual Mule sauce Subtotal Quantity discount Sbipping Sales tax Order total Amount paid via visa xxxXXXxxxxxx3578 Sticker Mule, LLC 336 Forest Ave, Amsterdam, NY 1201 Recelpt April 13, 2023 8348143234 Quantity Cost 500 $186 100 $153 100 $153 500 $21 13 1 $t3 $710 460 $0 $54,60 $704-60 $704-60 stickermule.com Ainerimn Rescile Plan (Cares Act — ARPA-) Today -'s Date,* Velzdwi; OF . ReceiptDateft 11 Receipt to Fi-ijailc-e Cl File Mto Wnder 11. udget Spa dhig Ti-acker eiltry Iter /s 1"eceived 'Charge to A192 MOnth; 1:1 January2023 El JtilY.'2023 Form of Paymont VISA El February X023 n AugUSt 2023 3578 tKMV62023 0 A-pr-il 9OP-3 11 Sej#eWber:�023 h1voice (paid) 11 Invoice (needs pai(j) L) October2O23 023 -- 11 Other: --------------- 11 June 2-6:23 El Decealber 2023 Defiverables, 0 0 Tasldorce Coalition {supplies) 0 Out"each / Marketing / Advert' 0 EnvirQnMental Strategje1 ising IR Capacity 80dillig (wofjsh'ops & i5ducat,n) 10 0 Staff Travel] / Profe8sioned Development Requested' Supervisor 44-1 Charge Acco-ant: ARPA Other: Date: r* &NMI Date: Prevendon R-equisitiol, porn, fqnj 2 3 Revised 02.20 �� renew 6-a W --km maMY ' . ♦ . 509-765-8979 W�i SuPoP enter • 1005' N ' T RA t FORD , k� WE LAKE WA .908x7. a 7 OPP 00%05 TFC 0� YRP 007 420T FLAVOR 028400M4370 F 19-48 N QV .3L WATER j078742279090 F 5.86 X. QV .5L WATER +07 7 2279090'F $136 av + L WATER 078742279090 F 5 o a � coo E PLTR 68 x.8128 COOKIE PLTR 8M125 470 F it p COME PLTR 6.81101-282470 F l 9.4 0 SUBTOTAL '71 J8 TAXI 8,4000 % i r_QTAL 72.7 MAM 72.73 CHANGE DUE ' 0,00 72v70- TOTAL PUPOHA �-r! TRANS VALIDlxAA�7 I1M11D1�j�{J' Y�� 58300�n{{♦♦60700,7 'r 4RR PAY MENr ERVXCE• w E AID AOOO0000031010• TO 2F4:868006FA05 TERMINAL # 0767�3 NNO Signoure R6qui rasd 0 J:02�4 .5 'almart+ ` i me §qj. can Nr 56 -day ki irI4Low . . PHfb� 4{ s+ YOU jj�: y(� ' ' ��fo1, r V'-Ff �0�j%%��j7a����y(�O.f �j~��.hF7 {�•lM Y V�/ SSSM 111111 ^�. • ,: r. American Rescue Plat, (Cares Act — ARPA) Today 's Date: V ,6 endoi 4 * Detctiled Desm *tjon: 1p 7FEJ�Re(ce i Pt to F finance 0 11 Filo lata to I I 0 Elfidget Seen Timet i, witry Cl lteinfs received Receipt Date: 4w 1A .-. q 11) 'Charge to A19" Month: Foriwof Paynjent El Janual-y 2 0 2,3 11 J* 2023 %VISA **** 3578 F-1 F ebxuary P-023 K Mare -h P-023 11 AU9USt 2023 El 11 Invoice (paid) 11 April 2o23 September 2023 11 Oatob er 2023 L1 InvOlic'e (needs paid) El May 2.023 -0 November 202.q El Other: C3 June 202'3 0 December 2023 yi Deliverableso Charge Account: 11 Taskforee Coalition(Su*pplies) 0 OutreOch /Marketing /AdVertising ARPA 0 Environmental strategios Otber Capacity Building (workshops & eduat'on) C I 0 Staff Travel / Professional Development ------ $ ta Requested Supervisor by: 4 ate: Signat Date: Preventfon Requisition Fomi Revised 02.2023 �►�°}�.� 4 renew 0 STARBUCKS Store -#3383 1790 Kittlason Road NE Moses Lak% NA (509) 764--4740 CHR 716051 03/30/204 02;21 pW XXX0823 Drawer: I Rog, I Cafe To Qc) Order COffee Traveler Goffe� Traveler 20400 20,00 Subtotal 40,00 Discwnts 0400 Tax 8*44 3136 Total 436 Chane Due QM 00 Payments XXXXX XXXXX3578 Card EntrY: CHIP Transs TypB4 SALE App 't VISA CREDI Auth! 030650 AID: A00000DO031010 TO is 8080008000 T811, iJ Check Closed 03/30/2028 02,121 PN Join Our 10Yalty prograin Starbucks Raw& sign up for prajuotj()n&l email, Visit Starbucks, cofo/rowards Or ftnload our app. At *'tic patine store$ SON restMotions apply American Resette plan '(Cares Act — ARPA) Today's too Detailed Desemption qV D f 11 'Charge to A,191 Month-. El Jmuary 2023 11 All 2023 D Febr`Uary 2023 El art gUSt 2023 0 March!)023 September 2023 "".-PrI 2023 11 October, 2023 El May 20.2. n November 202 0 June 2023 Q December 20,23 Defivera bles: 11 Taskforce Coalition (supplies) 0 Outreach / M; wkin / Advertising 0 Environmental Strate gies .:(WW�r.Bd ding (Workshops &,ed batio n) 13 Staff Travel / Professional Development Requested by. - Supervisor Signature,-, 0 Receipt to Fi inance 0 File into binder 0 Budget Spending Tracker entry Cl Item/s received Receipt Date: u Form of Paynjent t * 35 7 8 VISA El Invoice (Palu) El Invoice (needs paid) 0 Other* Charge PA, ARL 0 Other-, Date. -A Date: Prevention Requisition Form Revised 02.202-3 renew Sethany A4, JEscamilla from: Tacos El key •<no,re�1Y@toasttab.com> Sent: TuRsday, April 11, 2023 837 AM. - To -i Bethany M, 88camilla I St.iblect: Online Order Receipt for $466.28 at Taco s El Rey,!. Restaurant 317 w, Brbadway * *15XTIERNAL E* MAIL** This email otigin Oted from outside G, rant County's nOtwork. Do not click links or open aftachment$ unless you retoonizeth.e-sender and know the content is safe, N• O ine Lh A M."1�h�s : i'' J : :t 12J nk A Ordering o Cheek #1 Ordered: A 0 UL�k.: IFY 11/23 -,8:136 AM 11130 A M L 71 Tac Rey - (sog) 8s 5.6676 Check #i for.ge thapy Es�am;jl.q P10 8 u.p April 13 1 202 :80 AM PDT I -- 317 W gro� dw ay ,YJ(a4tii'aj ,'198,337 Mos.es Lakq, WA I A, 2. 50-7648611 N .._-,j.: V.• 4.,Wine 140 v Ordering Me 6ijt �X. Informal 'on C ome to te igeohtnd counter j .-JL, O ,iR,no Ord ering Take 0 N Ut Mine) 1MW_-- mxup.. rx Bethany 05-1989-00 Escamilla 05 bmescatillaq -,gra ntcountJnr a.gov V S -P r N N• O ine Lh A M."1�h�s : i'' J : :t 12J nk A Ordering o Cheek #1 Ordered: A 0 UL�k.: IFY 11/23 -,8:136 AM 11130 A M a . .. . ;. 2- - -: - - - .. . . . .. .. I... '_ - -.: . , , , .. .. - . . . . " ; " !.- - * . . ?� . . . . . , . . . . . . z . ,4% . . .,. 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I �S i 1:, 5 El r V e I -1 Aiiaericni Rescue Plan (Cares Act - AR A) Today -'s Date: 0 Receipt to Finaiice 11 File. into Milder Cl Budget Spe-riding Tracker entry 0 ltem/s received R 0 0 ece*t Date, 1P 'Charge to A19' Month: FOrm Of Payment 0 Janualy 2023 0 July 2023 XVISA **-*v-35-78 11 February 202,E 0 AuguSt 2023 0 Invoice (paid) 0 March ' 2023 El Septernber2023 El Invoice (needs paid) 6023 El October 2023 0 Other: 0 May 20P-3 0 Noveniber2O23 0 June20230 Dere giber 2023 Defivenables. Charge Aelc 0 TaskforceCoalition (supplies) A 0 Outreacli / Marketing / Adveitising A 0 Bma-rom,nental Strategies 13 Other: acit Cei� Y. to din (workshops & education) Cl Staff Travel / Professional Development N Requested b,: ' )X , I flAtLLU U�,UkJAA/. Date: 14Or ALI L'f 1 L Supervisor Signature&� Date: Prevention Requisition Form Revised 02,2023 renew IN L ,+ 11 a■"I Ia+S� ,�•� �'•4 '•� ,`a• •1 1 •L .►.r +yya f �• ,♦ •• �;/• • •1./� =t �� 2E�;4 r■•S t.t •,'+• , •r ,+�,+.► Ly a , 'ty 10 11 , •r '� i °�i .til •i• • +�• • •,f y.IS. it 1• �+ ! • ,; I, ya • � • � •: +�. L+ Lr r. �y:� ; Flff i.�� t.'�Li � ra ���� 9h� �� ff �1`'� �'i � ••a• �� t a � + a . • f + • •••.: •,� t r• �t�'�Ry+♦r' ..,�I r, • •A's / �• ��•��.� ,i�i' •..}��vs '1 t• �a ••-~ ''� ' L ' a +fr`�'1•+r+stl �sr,1,�t VV / W ,7�N7 1/�R �•�•�rl� � �1Y ��{jjM� �� ••i: • 4d•1 f■'•+•��ti ♦ •�S'.i,��11'f �tjCIL��..1f7L� ° �N��•' ' '.-•, r ... •�r. ' �'i •i . t ? 1 = , rR : r 1 �S r� r Sr • ti+.� •r- :•+'.ly.aq: • ./.+ '!' . . � is t ; '. „y '� t'u►' ►r .fir• .• • :•;• f ' -(y % , t' t •yP' �•^til •t • :•I�WR ••a■ •`.v• t` P>i�••!+}rfi .I.�.:a°, 1` iT. +' r,■ty ■ y ti �t �1 • . •1 a: i .' l 4 ■ . 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FWAY FOR � queofl-o •cadI • r' P If IA t American Rescue Plan (Cares Act — ARPA) Today's Date: �{ NINA,--���iI,Vendor: 4 t (( Receipt Date. - 0 receipt to Finance El File hito binder 11 Budget Spending Tracker eiitry 0 Item/s received 'Charge to A:tq� Month* JanuaiT 2093 0 Februar .V 2023 El Mareb, 2023 �A"', id, Mayo El June 9023 0 JUIY 2023 11 A119USt 2023 0 September 2023 11 October 20-9-3 0 November 2023 11 December 2023 r oatio (sU ly e,101. C, PP ios 0 Outreach Marketing / Advert ising 0 Em4ronmental Strategies 13 Capacity Building (wOrkshops & education) IJ Staff Travel / PrOfftsional DeVelopment Form of Paynjent PIkm I W1, -.* * - V VISA 3578 El Invoice (pald) El ice (needs paid) El Other: ChargeAccount: Requested by: Date: Supervisor Signat me: Date: Pre'Vention Requisitiol, I Fomi Revised 02,2023 renew onicom $84.50 Shipping & Handling: $o.00 Total before tax,. $84.60 Final Details for Order #113-6488831-2158641 $7.10 Grand Total: Paid By: Grant County - Credit Card transactions- --Visa ending in 3578: April 4,2023: $91.60 - , Placed By,Bethany Escamilla Order Placed: April -4, 2023 Amazon.com order number: 113-6488831-2168641 Order Total: $91,60 Shipped on April 4, 2023 Now_ Items Ordered I Of.- SterlItte 64 Quart Clear Plastlo Stackable storage ContOln9r Bin i3Ox lrutG with White Let-ching Lid Organizing solution for Price $84.50 Home & Classroom 6 Pack Sold by; Sprestall is -oiler pr ga) Condition: New Shipping Address: Bethany Escamilla Item(s) Subtotal: $84.5o 840 E PLUM ST Shipping & Handling: $0.00 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1874 United States Total before tax: $84.50 Shipping Speed: Sales Tax: $7.10 Standard Shipping Total for This Shipment: $91.60 Payment information Payment Method: \1sa I Last digits: 3578 Item(s) Subtotal: $84.50 Shipping & Handling: $o.00 Total before tax,. $84.60 Estimated Tax: $7.10 Grand Total: ft ---- $91.60 Credit Card transactions- --Visa ending in 3578: April 4,2023: $91.60 To view the status of your order, return to Order Summa s.of Use I -P—eivacy Notice @ 1996-2020, Amazoncom, Inc. a a onl om Final Details for Order #113-7930764-9985028 Paid By: Grant County Placed BY: Bethany Escamilla Order Placed: April 4, 2023 Amazon.com order number; 113-7930764-9985028 Order Total: $47.25 Shipped on April 4, 2923 Items Ordered I of: StOdlite 6 -Quart Clear and Blue Stackable Latching Stoge Box Container (12 P `� Sold by: Sprestall 4umer pmflle) re ack) Condition; New Shipping Address: Price $43.59 Bethany Escamille Item(s) Subtotal-, $43.59 840*E PLUM ST Shipping & Handling-, $o,00 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1874 rwtiNr United States Total before tax: $43.59 Shipping Speed: Sales TaX'. $3.66 Local Express Shipping Total for This Shipment: $47.25 Payment Information Payment Method: Visa I Last digits: 3578 ROM(s) Subtotal: $43.59 Shipping & Handling: $().00 Total before tax: $43.59 Estimated Tax; $3.66 Grand Total: $47.25 Credit Card t-ransactionswoo Visa ending in 3578: April 4, 2023: $47.25 To view the status Of your order, return to mer SUM_Mgry Conditions of —Uae I p1lyaq otice @ 1996-2020, Amazon.com, iiia ti azo naom Final Details for Order #113-9224244.,8201064 Paid BY: Grant County Placed By: Bethany Escamilla Order Placed; April 4, 2023 Arnazion.com order number: 113-9224244-8201064 Order Total: $81,69 Shipped on April 4,209-3 Items Ordered I Of'.' Lathing Storage Box, see -Through Boise, 1,5 -Qt, Sold by: Hearthshlre (siallar roft) Condition: New Shipping Address: Bethany Escamilla 840 E PLUM ST MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1874 United States Shipping Speed: Two -Day Shipping Payment information Payment Method: Price $76.36 ROM(S) Subtotal: $75,36 Shipping & Handling-, $0.00 ft --- Total before tax: $75.36 Sales Tax: $6,33 Total for This Shipment: $81.69 Visa Ls9t digits: 3578 Item(s) SubtOtal: $75.36 Shipping & Handling: $0,,8o Total before tax- -a- — $75.36 Estimated Tax: $6.33 - ------ Grand Totat: $8 1 .69 Credit Card transactions Visa ending in 3578,* April 4, 2023: $81-69 To view the status of your order, return to r Su ar Condfto[IB soidY, 9".40tice 01998-2020, Amazon.com, [no mato .com Final Details for Order #113-7900184-1114601 Paid BY: Grant County Placed BY: Bethany Escamilla Order Placed: April 4, 2023 Amazon.com order number; 113-7900184-1114601 Order Total.- -$494.22 Shipped on April 5, 2023 Items Ordered 2 Of: Crescent Housewares 40©0 LBS Capacity 148 x 24 x 76, chrome 15 -Tier Indoor Racks for Storage I Heavy D* Wire Shelving with 4" Cestam Sold by: Crescent Housewares babr-proffle) Cond1flon: Now Shipping Address: Price $177.97 Bethany Escamilla Item(s) Subtotal: $3515.94 849E PLUM ST Shipping & Handling: $99.98 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1874 United States Total before tax: $455.92 Shipping Speedy Sales Tax: $38.30 Standard Shipping Total for This Shipment: $494.22 Payment information Payment Method: Itern(s) Subtotal: $355.94 Visa I Last digits: 3578 Shipping & Handling: $99.98 Total before tax: $455.92 ]Estimated Tax: $38.30 Grand Total: $494-22 Credit Card transactions Visa ending in 3678: Apd] 51.2023: $494.22 To view the status of your order, return to .rder Summa -Condifl,ons s of Use _Q I —Prjya!C.�Nc�flc 996-2020, Arnazon.corn, Inc oacom 'Sk4 �-R Final Ntails for Order #'1134308034-3619404 Paid BY: Grant County Placed By: Bethany Escamilla Order Placed: April 4, 2023 Amazon.corn order number: 113-4308034-3619404 Order Total-, $116.07 Shipped on April 6, 2023 Items Ordered Price 1 Of: V181oh- Board 202,3.- 24'f x 36" Magnetic Cork Board and try Erase Board Combo, Haff White Bo6rd Corkboard Combination, $51.99 Morro Bulletin Tack Boards I Mount Sold by: Trading Co SW Wer -profile) Cond!Von: New Shipping Address: Bethany Escamilla Item(s) Subtotal: $51.99 840 E PLUM ST Shipping & Handling: $0.00 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1874 United States Total before tax: Shipping Speed; Sales Tax: $4.37 Consolidated'ShIpping in fewest deliveries k ---- Total for This Shipment: $56.36 Shipped on April 8, 2023 Items Ordered I Of. Scotch 8ff Preclsion Sclssors, Great for Evqryd,,y'U. (1448) Sold by,. Amazon.com Condition: New Shipping Address-, Bethany Escamilla 840 E PLUM ST MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1874 United States Shipping Speed: Consolidated Shipping ill fewest deliveries Shipped on April 8, 2023 Items Ordered I Of." SterlRe 26 QU24 L Latch -g Box Clears, Quart, WhIte, 6 plece In Sold by., Amazon.com Conditlon: Now Price $5.69 Item(s) Subtotal: $5.69 Shipping & Handling: $0.0() Total before tax- 9 $,5.69 Sales Tax: 1 $0.48 1S Total for This Shipment. $6.'I Price $49.39 I Shipping address: 13 ' ethanv Escarnilla 840 E h"UM ST MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1874 United States Shipping Speed-, I Consolidated Shipping In fewest deliveries Payment Information Payment Method: Item(s) Subtotal: $49.39 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Total before tax.- $49.39 Sales Tax: $4.15 Total for This Shipment: $53-54 Visa Last digits: 3578 Item(s) Subtotal: $107.07 Shipping & Handling: $O.00 Total before tax: $107.07 Estimated Tax.- $9.00 Grand Total: $116d.07 Credit Card transactions 0 Elsa ending in 3578: April 8, 2023: $116.07 To view the status of your order, return to Conditions of Lis e I 2rhV—a-,cy--Not' 'Ge @ 1996-2020, Amazon.com, inc, American Rescue Plan (Cares Act — ARPA) RECEIVED s, MAR 2 8 2023 -99 Toda y'sDate, e Vendor: 0 Receipt to Finance El File into binder E3 BLidget Spending Tracker entry 0 Iteni/s received * ---------- Rece * t Date. 'LP - JZ 0 J23 `Charge to A -t95 month* 0 0 January 2023 0 July 2023 11 Febi-uKy 2023 0 March 2023 XApril 2023 0 May 2023 11 June 2023 Deliverables: 0 AUgUS-t 2023 Cl September 2023 11 October 2023 0 November 2023 0 December 2.023 El Taskforce Coalition (supplies) 0 Outreach / Marketing / Advertising 0 Environi-rental Strategies 0 Capacity Building (worksbops & education) Staff Travel /professional Develop meat Form of Payment 11 VISA **** 3578 11 Invoice (paid) 0 Invoice (needs paid) 0 Other*- JARPA 0 Other: --- Requested by: /A Date.- Supervisor Signature Date: titi Prevention Requisition Form Revised 02.1-023 \, X ren ew 0011*".D*-�"4v,zutl**A-lfam"t-44;% TTtAVEL ALLOWANCE CLAIM GOUIVTI'AUD[TOR GRANT COUNTY, WASH[NGTbN ClAlMaiib, M: iV Ser fib Chdina Vs D.e.p • Putpbsi! OfTrave.l. '10 OWN= fl, t Sul, "c comig6lpt an - �1�.11J.r+l/(►, '610 1 d WNW L— 11 I ILL q W, 1 1111 1 RAVELVERIFICATION T xQ LE B 4the do her by' 6effify" n ck the allow-kit*6 0 J 041nffiant N0604 , PalftiatsigowQ'i 4 - 'raft .0 X7 trovpl- wrific0im .Iistfioft m4st bd coiql6ted, -oh die DdoadiftnCs' '-'cb thd -'copy, j1r, t. -In ic . . a . Ofti0te0cPPY W6.40*4 0. 16 w#11,0ip'. `b. - . W aglio -R—dtords RatelitidliSchad(ite.,(GS-201-1rI Aifthb?jztitjbh Nq`uf ve t r'iIs y6d f6f C - 141Y gm ,CQ10N TVAUDIT011 Name (printed); DAte: Authorizatio:ft required tldr-& r,&uji .V- Autije., DqV*0cffiej 9 99tWe Oftrave'l eta-tus, and outofiWv. travel; COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ph9ilrmA BOC.C: Dke: . . . . . . . .TOTAL • 4 /1 QZ •• ' y _ , .-Jf • u ,7 wo �1�.11J.r+l/(►, -l- , Dal . CfER-TWICATION .04 4/20/2,02s, $ Is•flwt. Opp Fuld uppid Qh)j9nJ Qn. E.W CTED OFFMA, -s- hill avWriz�00 Miry"to L*.* l. 1. .4 .1 " 4 lie b -svl [A 7- f4m)0" tprioted): A' 2 V`e RAVELVERIFICATION T xQ LE B 4the do her by' 6effify" n ck the allow-kit*6 0 J 041nffiant N0604 , PalftiatsigowQ'i 4 - 'raft .0 X7 trovpl- wrific0im .Iistfioft m4st bd coiql6ted, -oh die DdoadiftnCs' '-'cb thd -'copy, j1r, t. -In ic . . a . Ofti0te0cPPY W6.40*4 0. 16 w#11,0ip'. `b. - . W aglio -R—dtords RatelitidliSchad(ite.,(GS-201-1rI Aifthb?jztitjbh Nq`uf ve t r'iIs y6d f6f C - 141Y gm ,CQ10N TVAUDIT011 Name (printed); DAte: Authorizatio:ft required tldr-& r,&uji .V- Autije., DqV*0cffiej 9 99tWe Oftrave'l eta-tus, and outofiWv. travel; COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ph9ilrmA BOC.C: Dke: t6-TAL *T0TALRElM9UkS9-'MENT CLAIM Mthoinit WOy bb diftr- Wt dot to e CfER-TWICATION AIS t h b f I z at i o'r v ri�-q y.. q -ped that thd Is•flwt. Opp Fuld uppid Qh)j9nJ Qn. E.W CTED OFFMA, -s- hill avWriz�00 Miry"to [A 7- f4m)0" tprioted): A' 2 V`e S gn '==T -P` - -A 's 1) te bdate: RAVELVERIFICATION T xQ LE B 4the do her by' 6effify" n ck the allow-kit*6 0 J 041nffiant N0604 , PalftiatsigowQ'i 4 - 'raft .0 X7 trovpl- wrific0im .Iistfioft m4st bd coiql6ted, -oh die DdoadiftnCs' '-'cb thd -'copy, j1r, t. -In ic . . a . Ofti0te0cPPY W6.40*4 0. 16 w#11,0ip'. `b. - . W aglio -R—dtords RatelitidliSchad(ite.,(GS-201-1rI Aifthb?jztitjbh Nq`uf ve t r'iIs y6d f6f C - 141Y gm ,CQ10N TVAUDIT011 Name (printed); DAte: Authorizatio:ft required tldr-& r,&uji .V- Autije., DqV*0cffiej 9 99tWe Oftrave'l eta-tus, and outofiWv. travel; COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ph9ilrmA BOC.C: Dke: oft Acr TRAVEL ALL0WANC­E CLAIM COUNTY AUDITOR ��, � �;�� GRANT COUNTY; WASHINGTON WHIM -4-1 --- ft ------ ---- , Clohnant- Betharpy-,'�- Camilla wc .1 1; .. .:I.. ., 1. 1 � P"tirpose of TI%aved: in -As S dciatidn QSWcla�� J)eStiJJatjQq,4,- rt .0 - NIP= _-RUM wa MUS .boftu 20b -A• UP D 18. TOPAL 4 3 A'd $ 0(y 1 ----- ------ - P "PP 0 J 4 -7 y TO NOTAL REIMBORSEMIENT CLAIM *Amount may bed'ik6*,dut,-to ro - ----- ___17 loam! 01-Impa or tar to.n CE'RTIFICATION hereibygo u derpenax. BLIBUTED.JQ11WICIAL DEPARTMENT ffl�Ap 'N. 2-1 11ga 'd r fth sad 41A11U. pd to Date.- - - ------ -- TRAVEL VERIFICATION 0 N undarsilpeddo hereby cera under ponalt tit perjury twt-.th& Oplagned trivet Tefergrtced on.,this fq P.. q P. ct!! P11 A-0 fb 'role Nye- a)(0.0nize P-mv] ded prior to travel was r1gfitfilily Dwell to me pis a, us y.Avp.!i 10a-twant Name: 0 '"Poop Jdahn-ant 81-pature.- bate; Dapa!iAd&jiwsb11 ffidffitWli-a"cop� a -tills f6etfi. Th& eeavvd Oklflaftiz .1 PJ ` be me 00P must .'c9mpleted, on the fiepar..'t.mPnes copyi 0 kilpon, Ole -Ole, fu pa ., nepf kly �ftxpleted- copy for six. area --s bt lil wofdalice With 6-6 WMhingtdii Stadtd, ge-c ,ds-Retentian-gelledule �L,51G.fy0•11-�.g4. ArInw-WA, Date: CbtNft A0WTbR N *� c t P r! q bato: for t-� tqtwj; C0 V N C'- 64M I S S 10 N E R S C 0,41W Chalman BOU, Date", TRAVEL ALLOWANCE CLAIM ��`�-- COUNTY t1UDITOR GRANT COUNTY, WASHIIVGTpN ���It> Depu 's lai'mants CA FA7i� 7ej�i P Orl, o9o. -of Travel: AIAellcan S'adat!()nldidol* d'aadon.; Epo" p og.v-. Pos PO anal O)k NOW NUALS. -MIMAG-9 03RTWICATION 1,3 tm -p-magiffi* 00. I' 6fpprjw thp. t cdjAn4r�,aj�d didt tP TRAVEL VERIFICATION 40- BRACOMPLEUD UPO"ONLY U A. twopl:S18110a, Ag herp V, cedi up.4orpo nalty afoerju, ky th. fe . r. P.. re'goo 04 thisr9t c� e v e.1 wa,�. rightfully Qwpd Itq meas - ip�-1 par-ra a. ,m D..e gnts-th M 10difftiA oqp-or�mqm" c9py, qpon, (he ernploft;W8 eowth fi�d m- W060'.trn6fit M. Tho MAN tvtahi'W� ftitjy mEp d + ar, x ye a's +pts c rda�i. a ii tyre tr t r $ -tat Mim,110-May b -o differeot dite. to roundfl, -* "re Dori-Amojoye'es, BLECT130 OPPICIA.1--m-PA ht1' 99T HHA:D? 61i og§o- 1 NEIR Wt - ------- -- RON*= .ted U) Mue Date., Red o-itt ai- f A*b-tf-0bh *v 66M M issION-tW, 4' Chairman bOCOL TRAVEL ALLQWANCE CLAIM COUNTY AUDITOR GRANT CQUNTY, WASHINGTON , —C1�v�N- laimatnt— ----------- Hector Zavaia 041majaesT lx .: RenoW, Cf (AW :1.. Purpose of Travel:� •� a:�.�•ss���at��x�: �,C��ur���:�lo��' �:��1�����ic��: P����1��� Q�.; � .. .. • ... . . I A Jim 'III jill !ON Ig MPAIS IWO 0 M p p *A W. $ ............ ip-0 mm - 4.4, 4, A. .9023 .3 2 i5o 0 qp 0 TOTAL 01. *TOTAL-REIP4 '7- )BUIR Mmours t: .may 6-41fter-entducto Pot �j 41-K A 1 1�4 LA L W IN Pf e: .-WAVA ed q1ty tai:- y-pq4pr.pj�Rjftyqfp 11§6'jU0t.-'dA gh s ziit�qatd bblow tJh6*-'C-d*uff%- Wd-Wit. I hx.f, authadzed to Clain ant Sigh'atuit: dr TMVEL VERIFICATION .-TO HE - CO OF. T-H&UPON RE TURN- 0 0.. fi-em"by mrtffy. und -powity of Wythatthe per) d tho.ei-Amm ptavtdbid oftthts-fbmt, &ddth-ut ut 1 -6 f lit410waoce wilded.prior tQ trav, 61 was rigig .0 0 b C� r"e"040thl $14, . '... . m �������nt �%�a��ux{�: lad- 7aft ih ta o r-diklo, pal na Ina c py be -ponipletodi. -o'n oomarbrode., x 111VW*e's qt 111 frbl� 04yA�t Th' dqp* C011wNtod cogy for Records-Reten't' 1 Al r 412A SC �h w 4 q f o gmp pri 4.11rl gna tare AtItharkailon required ' r toutity Ed ICOWWY-A 9DITOR NA Date; - A ------ - 4 • rp.qqjre.d fqr ih wAy. Amftr, lipp ` la "ei mw ap s- m Wfiumib!�Sfow�r IG61AM110161ter: -C-1-ralm-mart MCC.: IpAte... American Rescue Plan (Cares Act — ARPA) Today's Date., Vendors: ILf. Receipt D ate,, 11 Receipt to Finance Cl File into binder El Budget Speildfi-.g Tracker ergq 0 IternIs recolved 'Cliarge to A:tw montho 0 Jantiary .2023 11 JUIY 2023 LI Febraary 2023 11 AUPSt 9.023 El March 2o23 AApril 2023 0 September 2023 F1 October 20nq 40 Ellay 2023 13 XOVerftber 0-023 11 June 20.2.3 0 December.2.023 Deliverables.0 Tasldorce CQaIffion (supplies) a - n Outreadi / MarIketing / AdVertising 13 Environmental Strategicq 13 Capacity BIVIding (WqcSbqp,3 n & eduegfio P t rI. ) , Staff rAlvel / Prdessiohal Develophient Form of P4yme4t �VISA ***-* 3578 0 111VOice (paid) 11 Invoice (needs paid) 1:1 Other: ChargeAccotwt: ARPA Other; Z011L Reque9ted by: it I" Date: Supemsor Signature: P 4S•Iz 2" Date,1 Prevention Requisition Foran Revised 02.2023 e new *dence iw, Resi BY MARRIOTT Kesidence Inn'o Portland Downtown RiverPlace 2115 SW bluer Parkway, Portland OR 972 DI P 5031552,9600 MarrIot(.com/PDXR1 % RI 7Z, F N& W A� M&M, r- '0Ni. No —*or As a Marriott 13onvoy Member, you could have earnest points towards your free dream vacatlon today. Start earning points and rzt1te status Plus enjoy exduslve member offers, Enroll today at the front desk. , Thank you for choosing the Residence inn Podiand Downtown at KlvarPlacal See our "PrIvacy & Cookie SWomentf on Mardon. ma Operated under [loollso from Marriott International, h1c1 or one of Its affillatsks 0 To plan your next stay, Visit RosidenceInn.com. L • P I. J L 410 41• t -!L• n AV N ? • • J la" 4F7 "WNa.IT LZ ...... =-n X • -A rRV 11+1 a 4 - 6 X-- �, 2 -5, --:v P b"d t" 3. MK4 .Q V Y��K IN pz,l:�! - 5 VIE I J= ez% Ir DATA DESCRIPTION CHARGES CREWS 17Apr23 Rm Chg ST00 TI Transient VApr2a Occupancy Sales Tax 162.00 17APr23 State 00cupanoy Tax 17A8 17Apr23 Tourist Distelot Fee 2.28 1 BApr:23 Rm Chg STDb TJ Transient 4.66 18ftr23 Occupancy Sales Tax 162600 IL, State W23 tate Occupancy Tax "r 17A8 8Apr23 Tburl$t District roe 4.561 1 gApO Rfti Chg `TDO T1 Transient• 4.56 ligApr23 Occupancy Sales Tax 162.00 1 OApW State 000UOncy'rax 17.48 IOAprZ Tourist 01striat roe 2,28 2OApr23 Rm Chg STO O T1 Transient 4.56 2OApr23 000upenoy Bales Tax 152.00 2OApr2a State Occupancy Tax 17.48 APO .... ... 2.28 2JApr23 Rm Chg STDG Tiol Transient 4.66 21APr23 Occupancy sales Tax `162,00 2 1 J--IA Y423 State 000upahay Tax V 17.48 21JA1AFr23 Tourist DIstriot Fee 2.284.56 22ApM Wa 00rd A" VMXXXXXXXXXX4030AOM 02fd TYP,9: WSA CardEntrw MANUAL Approval Code: - 018429 OW - % RI 7Z, F N& W A� M&M, r- '0Ni. No —*or As a Marriott 13onvoy Member, you could have earnest points towards your free dream vacatlon today. Start earning points and rzt1te status Plus enjoy exduslve member offers, Enroll today at the front desk. , Thank you for choosing the Residence inn Podiand Downtown at KlvarPlacal See our "PrIvacy & Cookie SWomentf on Mardon. ma Operated under [loollso from Marriott International, h1c1 or one of Its affillatsks 0 To plan your next stay, Visit RosidenceInn.com. aesiaenCe im., BY MARAIGTr Realdonce lnn'o Portland DowntoWn RlvorPlace 2115 SW River Parliwayt Portland OR 97201 P 603.5-s2, 0500 Ila rr1ott.r-orn1PDXR1 r1 Svy 4.., • r.1 41. -Aqi'a 9P in.. 1-1 4 Si w68837 k 4. vy -Pal; WOW Ntim 31 -;T- 1-_ Me 7. t:Y I M Q` .51 �R? A . 60 ww- ::V. r. - 4-1 H wdp VI. -YAK. 1-T A -6411A X. N -0 VAIJ. • 4.1 I[Wrz DESCRIPTION CREDMS 17Apr23 Dally Parking 1OApr23 Daily Parking 39.00 19Apr23 Dally -Parking 39.00 20Apr23 Dally Parking 39.00 21 "ApW Dolly Parking 39.00 Beverage everage 22AAt2$9.00 I -IF Market 22Apr23 Markel Packaged Food 41Oo 22fAP4 3 \Asa 3.00 202.00 IF-' V1Axx-XXXXXXX)099071X)W OW ape: VISA Card Entry., MANUAL Apprdval Code. -,979.579 41 3. Pik - - ,g■ • ::.jird..'. Zi. -MAI r qu t -7-• q .15 -V•7.-Lf.' z-47-..4 It 17.�:,%•W rr.r As a Matflott Bonvoy Member, YOU COUld knave earned POInts towards Your free dream today. Start earnIng poi Ants and Mite staius, s 6j-1j'0y exclualve mernber offers. Enroll today at the front desk. Thank you for choosIng the Residence Inn Portland Downtown at RiverPlacel $00 OW "Pdvapy & Cookie Statement" on Mardolt,aorn, Operated under licensa from Marflott International, no. of one of It$ aMlIales. TO P19ri your nOxt staVVIGH ResIdenceinn.00m, rk I I I Lutz From: Sent To: SubJect noreply@civlcplus.com Monday, March 13, 2023 Ili-26AN4 SOCC Consent Online Form Submittal., OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST APPLICATION OUT OF STATE TRAVEL RE4UESTAPPLICATION Traveler's Name Angellno Serrano Dept/committee Renew ..Celsis Date of Request 3/1312023 Travel Type Out Of State Travel Departure Date 4117/2,023 12:00 PM Return Date 4/2212023 8:00 pm Grant Yes Pund/Dept- - - ARP A' _... _ .._ . Destination (City, county., Pottland, OR state) Purpose of TravelAmerlGan Assoclarlon ofSulel ' dologys 56th annual Conference Hotel - GSA Rate Hotel - Nightly Rate 152,00 Cost Application Govomment Rate Rental Car Required No Hotel Total 876.28 Conference Fee 1195.00 ...... 0 1 1 OL Dally MME at Destinatlon 74.00 Rental Car Cost per day 0 -*8f 11Y V"A 'All JRv4'f&sidence iw. 13Y MARRIOTT Residence Iran'' Portland Downtown Rlverftoo V15,9W River Parlway, Portland OR 97201 P 603.652,95oo Marriott. com/P DXRI Jose Forlaz Room: 834 W-0 W637 Gov Room Type: STC)o Number Of (3ueets: I Rate: 15 god Clork: GDO ArrIve,%, 17*2.3 TIme: 04:81 PM Depart: 22Apr23 Time., 08:39AM Folio NuMber: 66868 DATE DESCRiPlION ONAROES CFtp DITS VApr28 Rm Chg STDO TI Translent 17Apr23 000upatloy Sales Tax 152.00 17Apr23 state Occupancy Tax 17,48 17Apr23 ToUrlat District Fee 2128 18Apr23 Rm Chu STDG T1 Transient 4.66 1BApr23 Oooupanoy Sales Tax 162.00 18Apr23 We Occupancy Tax 17.48 1SApr23 Tourlst Dlstrlot Fee 2.28 IgApM Rm Chg STDG Ti Transient 4.56 19Apr23 Occupancy Sales Tax 162.00 19Apr23 State 000upanoy Tax 17.48 %ApM Tourist District Fee 2.28 20AprZ'3 RM Chg STDG T1 Transient 4,66 2OApr23 Oocupanoy Sales Tax 152.00 2OApr23 state Oocuponay Tax 17.48 --------'-'-2OApr23- ... . --T-burial U181rIct-FeO.- .-- - .-.- 2.2a 21 Apra Rm Chg SMO Ti Transient 4.68 1Apr2,3 Occupancy Sales Tax 152.00 21Apr23 State 00cuponoy Tax 17.48 NApr23 Tourist District Pas 2.28 22Apr23 Visa 4.66 card A. WXXXXXXXXXXXK40301XXXX Cald *pe; VISA Card E6*, MANUA4 APPrOV01 Code.- 017814 BALANCEL a 0.00 As a M&IT10it Donvoy Member, you could have earned points towards your free dream vaoaflon today.Start eaminpoints plus enjoy exolualve member offers. Enroll today at the front desk, g end Elite status Thank you for choosing the Rosidenas Inn Portland Downtown at Riverplac9l See our "Privacy & Cookie statement'" on Mardott.com. Operated under 11celse from Marriott International, Inc, or one of Its affillateti. To plan your next stay, vistt Re-31dencainn.com, Residence iNN, SY MARRIOTT P-saltlanoo Inre Rortland Downtown RIverPlacs 2116 SW 111vor Parkway, Portland OR 97201 P 543,562,9500 Marflott.com]PDX111 Bethany Esoamilla Room: 612 Wa 08837 Leisure Room Typo: STDG. Number of Guests, I Arrive: 17Apr23 Time: 04-:21 PM Depart: 92Apr2.3 Time: 07,MAM Polio. Dumber: 68a62 DATE DESCRIPTION CHARGES 17Apr23 RM Chg STDG TI Tranlent 17ApO Occupancy Salos Tax 1162.00 17Apr23 State occupancy Tax 17AO 17Apr28 Tourist District Fee 2.28 17Apr23 Daily Parking 4.66- 18Apr23 Rm Chg STDG T1 Transient 39.00 18Apr23 000UPanCY Sales Tax 152.00 1 BApr2O State Occupancy Tax- 17A8 !Mpr23 Tourist Dlstrlot Fee 2.28 18ApM Dally Parking 4.68-- I4Apr23 Rm Chg STDG TJ Ttanstant 39100 19Apr23 Occupancy Sales Tax 162.00 19AP0 SWO Occupancy Tax 17AB I Mpr20 Tourist Distdol; Fee 2.28 1 9Apr23 Daily Parking 4.56- '20AI-02S'­ ".Rm,Chg--8TD0T1Tfans1ant 39.00 ,-' 20Apr2S Owupancy Sales Tax 20Apr28 Slate Oompancy Tax 17.48 20APr23 Tourist Distflot Fee 2.218 20Apr23 Dally Parking 4.66 21Apr23 RM ON STIDO TI Tranalent 39.0011-1 21Apr23 oompancy sales Tax 1q.00 21ApM Stats Occupancy Tax 17.48 21Apr23 ToUriat Distdof Fee 2.28 21Apr23 Dally Parking 4.6i6 -~ Visa Card 030/)OM 1076.60 Cord Type: VISA Card En V.- AdAAIUAL AWMI Code.- 017781 13ALANCE, 0.00 YO an plus enjoy excitts Iva mombep offers. J.S As a ME[rrlOtt 130nVOY (Member, YOU could have eaMsd points towards UP fres dream vacation today. atart earning points d t En mil today at the front desk. Thank you for choosing the Residence Inn Porgand Downtown at RiverPlacel Operated under license friom Marriott Intemattional, lnc, or one of It$ 81f,111ates. To plan your next stag, V181t Rasldenoainn.wm. y E! .4: 09. W 7 EiR 0 c Res''Jiden.- eInr�Portland Downtown/MverPlace, 9_9 - Parj�way Partland Ore on . -1 11 I 5:SW Rvei -l-503- 652,-950.o 97201'USA rj-:� JF' 411,40 a-- Wlt, Apr 22, 2023 I. Confirr-Atnation Number: 94069087 J,� 4 L M tiv, TW. V I of Nk J., f. jt:, PM t I — . — - , A RW It , " s * - , I - , z �•Lv !. t� ,��at—��"``:. {y� ( �l. F. �k� � ik Ir JJ' , 14� x rt, lQ_ L � NA - It r, or Check, -In: Monday, April 17, 2623 04:00 PM Check -Out,,- Saturday, April 22, 2023 12:00 PM N U ryibe'r of rooms Room Guests. per'. room I -Adult I—_ 71 Guarantee: Method . :.. - . ._.. Credit Guarantee; Visa 7ota(for stay. (a-11 rooms), 876.28 .USD Room 1 Room- -Typo. Studio, 1 Kirig,sofa bed 0 Guarantee Ftpquests: Ndne ESTS > Modify o r Cancel Reservatioll. Important Information About Your Stay 2 Residence imm 13Y MARRIOTT Residence Inn' Portland Downtown RiverNace 2115 SW River Parkway, Portland OR 972o I p 503,552.9600 U1arr1otWow1PDXRI . -, ...... : - r .0 1. W. v. DATE DE$0111p"now MW NPUC1900" —b CHARGES CREDITS 17Apr23 Rm Chg STC O Tj Transient 17Apr23 Ocaupanay'Sales Tax 162.00 17Apr.23 State Ocoupanoy Tax 17.48 17Apr23 ToUrlst District Fee 2.28 Wpw RM Ch9 STDG TI Transient 4.66 1BApr23 Occupancy Sales Tax 162.00 1BApr23 Efate Occupancy TdX 17.48 18APr23 Tourist Dlstftt Fee • 2.28 UAN23 RM Chq STDO Ti Transient 4.66 1 MptZ 000upanoy Sales Tax 152.00 19Apr23 State occupancy Tax 17.48 1 gApW Tourist Dfatrict Fee 2.28 2OApr23 Rm Gh9 STDO T1 Transient 4,66 2OApr23 ocoupanay Sales Tax 152,00 Z)Apr2S State O000ancy'rhx 17.48 P,4Apr2,3 Rm Chg STDG T1 Translent 21Apr23 Oooupanoy Sales Tax 162.00 21Apr28 State Occupancy Tax 17,48 21APr2a Totirlst Distriot Fee 2.28' 4.66 As a tllott Sonvoy Member, you could have i9arned points towards your free dream Motion today., Start earning Points and Elite stg t-usj PIUS OnJOY exolusive member offers, Emil today at the -front desk, Thank you ft choosing the Residence Inn Portland Downtown at Ptvarplacal See our "PrIvaoy & Clookle 419tatemenVI on Maraott.00M. Operated under license frOM Marflott Intarriallonal, Ino, or one of Its affiliates, To On Wir nOxtststY, Visit Residence Inn. corn. Ainerican Rescue Plan (Cares Act — ARPA) Today's Date:. -4, --- - -------- DDescription: eta `Charge to A-t9l Month: 0 January 2023 El July 2023 0 February 2023 0 March 2023 "A '23 '' p�'rfl 20 0 May 2023 0 June 2023 Deliverables: 0 August 2023 D September 2023 El October 2023 11 November 2023 0 December 2023 0 Taskforce. Coalition (supplies) 0 Outreach / Marketing / Advertising 0 Environmental Strategies 0 Capacity Building (workshops & education) Staff Travel / Professional Development F1 Receipt to Finance F1 File into binder 11 Budget Spending Tracker entry F] Item/s received ReceiptDate,,,, 4!W - ---------- $ 2�- Form of Payment El VISA **** 3578 0 Invoice (Daidl, ..................... . ...... 16oice.,,(need 0 Other: It. A Charge Account: ba, ARPA 0 Other: Requested by: Date: Supervisor Signature: Date: Prevention Requisition Form9, krrz Revised 0-7.2023 renew Grant County EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM /7-<��� COUNTY AUDITOR -7 � 30 GRAINY COUNTY., WASHINGTON claimantl �V Claimant: s Dept.. Epono, PrOml VP, t8g..a- Puivose of Claim: Prkngfasts Destinatton: MEALS MILEAGE TOTAL 1. $0.0 OTHER (recelpts required) DATE FROM (wyo so TO (CITY, ST) MILES RATE TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . $0.655 $0.655 $0-00 $0.00 ............ �11111 $0.655 $0.00 TOTAL 1. $0.0 OTHER (recelpts required) DATE FROM (wyo so TO (CITY, ST) MILES RATE TOTAL $0.655 $0.655 $0-00 $0.00 $0.655 $0.00 $0.655 $0.00 $0.655 $0.655 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $0.0 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM[: $10.7.00 CERTIFICATION kuth.orization required for Employees,, 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that -the ELECTED OFFICIAL, DEPARTMENT HUAD, OR DESIGNEE claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the Coi^ and that I am authorized to certify to said claim. Name (printed): Claimant SignatSiSnature: .9 4T Date: IDate: Anthorization required for County Commissioners or Elected Officials: COUNTY AUDITOR Name (printed)V Signature: Date: Authorization required for the County Auditor, Department Heads, meals expenses outside of travel status, and out of state travel: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Commissioner: Chairman BOW., Date: •Marriott Port -land Thank you fbr parking at The Mardott Por tlan d Waterfm nt Marriott Pdr-tiand We look fbrwajd to seeing you again goon? Thankfou for park1-tigatThe Nr&'TiOtt Portland Waterfront We took for -ward to ree- 149you again soon! Ticket; 5236o� At. Tran act., 000000011,3194 �-"�'Ticket: 5.2361,#> Ucense/St.ate: spat: 1x Tranaat,., o6000OM1,3268 rflake/Mad: License/State: 52s612Off. C0101" No Color Deffiled GavagO Loc: Main Garege Mske/Mod: FDtd Edge Req(IA, .test Loc'. M41n Location V A� Giar*Qge Loot: Main Gal"" Atrival Date: 04/18, /0,0238 11 W.- 2.q Trans Date: 04/18/9,02,3 Reque4t Loc: Moir, Lomatim - • Atilival Dato: b4/19/20:28 09:19:13 Caisfilen Jgmas Tt-mis DOC 04/19/2023 15-.31:46 Fgrk chm. a 0" 0C) D, 0 I.Y CUStOMOV.- FODFFOGRo TOC -11009-e-11 i30-00GAM-1- CRshial-' Jamer, Amt Tend; 3o.00. PokOhrX . 49.00Dally TO Charge: 49*00 CASH - Arrit Tmd, g.o lift Iffm 'INS two fill JAL LICJ LD oL (go 5:z t C.L. LU CL. LU E Z tj E "Inn IM z U 0 Z 0 0 Ui n M I 01a 7,11 -Ni, C -Sun 0 Grant County EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT" C COUNTYAUDITOR SC�' I GRANT COUNTX, WASHINGTON clalmant.0 Angel gern CIRIMRAt's Dept.: PulVose of Claim- ET,"" Destination:. 16nd ....... ME ALS IM HILRAGE DATE lip L D DATE 17JR0 M (WYIST) TO pw.. ST) RATE T TOTAL AL a's, e s'LAkb, WA* 6rtkg 44 d; QA 001, 0 $0,655 $1( $196,50 '96,50 6.50 0.00 D a, PQ VQ 0.06 $0.655 $00 Mo0o $0,00 9 $0.695 $0.00 4vluu $0600 $0000 i0k55 $0.00 HOTRUirwolptsre fra TOTAL 1.$0.00 TOTAL $393100 qu CHECK-IN DATIR CHECIC'OUT DATR HOTEL NAME 10CATION (Coirwy, ST) TOTAL THIM (iNicalpts raqu JrPQ J DAT)R DESCRIPTION I I... I . . -4 * . RHAsON FoR ExPIRNSE WCATIO jt5 0�1 Pa-ridn'g Fee, N (P-31INTY4 ST) AL 31deiice liva TOTAL 02 POA144% OR at 11�� aid " ybe lal'ent due to rioundlug .W.1. }, v tiN,. ��..�� ., . AL =$202so6 TOT TOTAL REMBURSENIgNT CLAIM $595.00 CERTIFICATION AutharIzation requIred for Employea,51 , 1, tha Undersigned, do hereby cert* under penalty of' parjury t1lat the I claim #s a fustj due and unpaid obligatlon against the C1)]R�A onti�r, and that I ELECTED OFFICULt RTNENr IWAID OR DESIGUE am authorized to certify to M'ld alm, Aldal Cla!Mant Signature; NvIme (printed); Ae Signature., Date: rlop Dam Or [Rutftorl%ation required for Coca ty commissioners or Elected Officials; COUNTYAUDITOR Name (printed),, Signature: Date, C L' 0 t dame t Da Authorization required for 1:40 Co' unty Auditors Department Head's, meals expense; outsl& Of tMvel status, and out atstiate ti-avela COUNTY COMMISSIONERS F Chafrwan)SOCC: Date: 0 W Resluence I** %Y MARRIOTT Residence inril Portland Downtown Riverplaee 2115 SW RiVer Parkway, P001and OR 97201 P 603.552,9500 Marriott.comipl)XI11 ..q. 1. 14"" r m • W1 7� Jos X, 'so, .'i Im. -1noe'[ 8 -errand -1106 VVp 98837. - so WN)" • XI so. .1. 1 1 so, ''i'un 6r_Q1A .1 % of r. ..I,- -2 • • -Y :1.1 -:,,• - Is C CON so T;w,;� U., J wm I . X ,.I 4, 17 P0{jjj so "'l, _,i • • 4-.%. +t Arr wa, • j.l001 W Q 44 - ­. . , 1- , T fib "Rep 3.. sn' z'"V1, I x., v 7;� F,611" uyir g., - hr •'*",CI"1Va 4xn�n Z!k , N o7frr -l.4.. r! st -Bi•k '44 DATE ]DESCRIPTION CHARGES CREDITS i7Apr23 Daily ParkInD 1 BApr23 Dally Parking 3191.00 JqAtir23 39,00 f -IF Dally Parking 20Apr23 Dally Parking 39.00 21 Ar%r23 moll Pad<lng 39.001. Vtv Y 22A pr23 Market Beverage 39,00 40 22Anr23 Market Packaged Food , 0 22A rr2a Visa 31,00 Ca202.00 rd #., VIWAX XYXX)(YXWq0Z4 lag C*td "WO." VISA Card EOY MANUAL Appj6valrodw, gwoyio 44- Ek --W ir LF L z a K. 01- - 4* -L;t .,-%: . tiii i -I , !---. � - . _, . KBA A ffidel -Y'A ..R. I. Z. IN z 14 Nr .7 `o As a Matfrolt Bonvoy Member, You Could have earned points towards your free dream vacation toda•. Start eaming points and Elltestatus, Plus flIJOY exclUsive member offers, Enroll today at the front deak. y Thank you for choosirig the Residence Inn Poitland Downtown at RiverPlacel 800 OW "PtiVaGy & Cookie Statemenel on Matorfolt.00m, Opemted under license from Marriott International, Ino. or one of its affiliates. To plan your noxt stay, wish RealdenceInn.com, Ainerican Resetm, Pimi (Cares Act - ARPA) To -day $s ,ate: _U/1 J—T Vendor: Detailed DesMption: 'Charge to Atq'Mont hwa 0 Januarygm 11 MY 2023 EJ Febal2023 El Au est 2023 1:1 March209-3 Ll SePteMber 2023 APT11 2023 0 Oetober:1023 May 204 El Navember 2023 0 June 2023 11 December tom Dielivotables EJ TA81dorce Coalition (supplieg) Outreach / Warkefing /Aaveitising El Environmental Strategies 0 Capacity Building (warlashops & education) 0 Staff Travel / Professional Development ❑ Receipt to Filitnee 0 File Mito blinder El Budget Speuding Tracke-r 0j,,try El ltem/s received ReceiptDate: Form of Paymeyat 11 VISA 3579 InvoWe (paid) 0 Invoice (needs paid) 1:1 Other..V . Charge Accatint: ABPA W Otherle, $ 49 Requestedb JL_ y: M Date: Supervisor dna *e Date: Pmvenfion Requialtion r -oral ReAsed 02.2023 renew " )*hN4VWW-j'h 4111WLURI RscelPt for Dayana Work Account ID4,124222511888' 68 Apr2ol 2023, 12:01 AM PBYMeNt MWhOd WSO 1071 ReForeme Nurnher: XW19ATNTZF2 Paid Transacft ID A% Z�24m 19 USD Produol Typo. Ad spend alme Mar 19, 2023, Data ads P 4 4- 1.4 r ...... Campaigns EV04b Jobfinys AMbq sandor - $rant County, WA Rom Mir 18.202$, 12.-00 AM 10 Mal. 301 2023,11',69 ply Event Johnny's Ainbassadar. amnt County, WA 4,464 Impresslonji $24.10 MON Plalr0mg, Inc. 1601 WINOW Road Grant COUMY fli,im, (3rant Jt I-mlo Park, OAQ 4026-14'.v. 840 E Plui)l st WWI States M(WO& Laky, WA 09848 Unked alelon American Rescue Plan (Cares Act — AR -PA) 3 Today's Date''- Veiidoia: 9 - El Receipt to Finance El File into binder Cl Budget Spending Tracker entry 11 Item/s received .e o e ip t Date. I- / Q---, Detailed Deseviption: A 'Charge to Aig' Month: 0 January 2022 El JUIY P-022 0 Feb r'Li a -17Y 2022 0 August 2-ogo El March 2o2.9- 0 September 2022 0 April 2022 1:1 OctoberP0220 May 9.02-2 F1 November 2022, 13 June 20r>9 .,aDecember2022 41 -MIM Deli verableg: IJ Coalition (supplies) 11 Outreach A Marketing Advertisilag EnAronm6ntal Strategies IJ Capae'llity Building (workshops & education) 13 Staff Travel / Professional Development form of Paynient 0 VISA ED InvoiCe_,(-paid),_,, o.,.,iAce Oieeds pai Charge AccoiLmt: 'M11 AUA 13 Other. $ too') Requested t6 C - V Date,-- Supervisor Signature. -\,C, Date: Community Relt-16011s — Suicide PreveACiou Requisition Form Last Revised 05.2022) This document was created by an application that isn't licensed to use govaPDF, Purchase a license to generate PDF files without this notice. _ lidNCHSM NATIONAL CINEMEDIA Natldn6l ClneMedia, LLC 6360 S. Syracuse Way Suite 0300 'C6ntennlal, co 80 111 Teldphone (303) 792-4970 Fax Tax ID 20-263805 Ranim MA: accounts Paya4le 840 01U St bases Lake, WA 9883.,7 6111ing per1W Billing period Invoice Page I of 1 q,00 hV01ce number INV -216442 Wbice date 1/6/2023 Project contract 2212-()235 _ _. Customer account Payment terms Net 30 staft land . . ..... --- Cate orv. Contra q Win I Deserl 1 2114/26V -i V2 0J26� 2 Lt NoWeAudiew!Acc6lerator• Amognt SOHO Preventio'n - Dighal - N60vie Audlenci? Video Local Accelermot Video Local Tiotat ;,Ym �hf GPVqVS; Credit Card', 303:-792-8674 Gnjinq: bftps:)Ypaymentsncrn.com ch6ek: Remitf4nce below Billing Qve4ons: Credit Cotd,,.Crtditcardprdc:essblgoncmcoen (303-7y2-8674) Gdneral Billtng:;irques� ons@.ncm.com (303-j92-4970) Thank you for your- bu sinessf tM Please detach and MdOe with payment N%M CUSIamer accotint-,. NATIONAL CINEMEDIA Invoice number INV -216442 1RQMit to.: NaWdnial cNernedia, LLC Amount due $1,r000-00 PO Box 736511Amount enclosed if different from above Dallas, TX 75373 +6S1 1 81111no mdod Billing peoiad start —I- end Cate oj* ICOntract Lam 12/15/2622 12/20/2022. Segment 1 CPT --- -- ---- Amount 12/15/2022-12/29/262-2: �Uielde PreVeritlon - Onscron, AdWrtlsing F-airdf1fd-- 187.50 Cinemas 8 -Lee Theatre 3 . Ws6s Uke & Eplifatia, WA Total 18743 'aymplit optlons: Cr6d'It Cad 303-792-8674 Online: 'haps,-//Paymipnts.ncm.com Check., Rdinl*Mhde below Billing Questions: Credit Gard; credlt<:ardprocass'('ng@ncm.com (303-792,-8674) General Billing: arqqestiot1s@n]qm,c0M (303-792-4970) Thank you farryoiur businessl Please detach and include Vith payment N %NO tA Customer account NATIO14AL CINA Invoice number INV -216443 Remit to: National CinemiWla, LLC Aniount due $187.50 PO Box 736511 Dallas, TX 75373-6Sl I Amount enclosed if d'ifferont from above NATIONAL CINEMEDIA National CIneMedia, LLC Invoicey 6300 5, Syracuse wa Suite #300 L) (4 - centennial, co Sol i i ► Page 1 of Tel,ophbne (303) 792-4970 Involce number INV -216443 Fax (103) 792-8629 InvoicLa date 1/6/2023 Tax ID 20-2632505 Project contract 2-21 �O235 Customer account Attn: Atc6unts PAyable 84Q Plum St Pappent terms Net 30 Moses- Lake, WA 98837 81111no mdod Billing peoiad start —I- end Cate oj* ICOntract Lam 12/15/2622 12/20/2022. Segment 1 CPT --- -- ---- Amount 12/15/2022-12/29/262-2: �Uielde PreVeritlon - Onscron, AdWrtlsing F-airdf1fd-- 187.50 Cinemas 8 -Lee Theatre 3 . Ws6s Uke & Eplifatia, WA Total 18743 'aymplit optlons: Cr6d'It Cad 303-792-8674 Online: 'haps,-//Paymipnts.ncm.com Check., Rdinl*Mhde below Billing Questions: Credit Gard; credlt<:ardprocass'('ng@ncm.com (303-792,-8674) General Billing: arqqestiot1s@n]qm,c0M (303-792-4970) Thank you farryoiur businessl Please detach and include Vith payment N %NO tA Customer account NATIO14AL CINA Invoice number INV -216443 Remit to: National CinemiWla, LLC Aniount due $187.50 PO Box 736511 Dallas, TX 75373-6Sl I Amount enclosed if d'ifferont from above Aiiierican Rescue Plan (Cares Act — APA) Toda 's Date, Y Vendor: C kt, Detailed Description: "Charge to Aig' Month: El January 2023 11 JU1Y 2023 11 February 2023 0AU9USt 2023 11 march 2023 Cl September2023 O*ril 2023 0 Octob.er2O23 U May 2023 El June 2023 Defiverableso 1:1 November 2023 11 December 2023 11 Taskforce Coalition (supplies) 0�� Outreach / Marketing Ade itising 0 Enviroiimental Strategies 11 Capacity Building (workshops & education) 1:3 ' Staff Travel / Professional Development Requested b El Receipt to Finance 0 File into binder El Bridget Spending Tracker eii C) try 0 Iteni/s received RECEIVED APR 2 7 292j Receipt Date: 0 Form of Payinent 11 Invoice (paid) El Invoice (needs paid) El Other: Charge Account* 0 Af AR.PA Cl Other. - Date: Ll Supervisor Signatu_re:JU,, Padilla !Aar" -)7 pf)-n Date: Apr 21, 2023 Prevention Requisition Form Revised 01.2023 Larson Recreation Center 610 W Yalurna Ave MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 Phone.o (509) 764-3805 FAX: -- Emaill: info@cityofmi.com DROP-IN CUSTOMER Receipt #1001526.055 Apr 20, 2023 3:46 PM PARKS & REGREATiC7N Prepared By: Amanda Couden Customer ID: I Primary Phone phone: Secondary Phone phone: . ... . ..... . ..... . .... . . ............. - - ............. Payment Summary Credit Card: $75,00 Visa xxx3578, Auth# 020867 Total Received: $75,00 Total Payments: 75.00 Transactions C stomer D e s c r1i p ti a.. n I t ae M Unif CIty Fee Cha-rge U Drop-in Customer Special Event Fee Special Each I M $75,00 $75.00 Primary Plione Action: Product Sale Event phone: Fee Email,, ID: 1 Total Charges $75.00 Total Payments $75.00 Balance $0 Anicrican Roscwz� Plan (Cares Act — ARPA) Today'.9 Dctted T- - J ),I Mj Votdor: k j] LI Receipt to Finance El File into binder 0 Budget Spending Tracker entry D Item*Is received Receipt Date: 'Charge to Aig, month: rl January 2026 0 JUIY2023 0 Febru4uzon" C1 August�o�3 MarCh 2023 MNNSRnra (VY�e1120 0 September 2023 -023 El October 2 0 aY2023 EJ November 2023 0 June 26,23 1:1 December 2023 Deliverables: 0 Taskforce Coalition (supplies) 13 Outreach / Marketing / Advertising 11 Environniental Strategies P,\ Capacity Buildilig (workQiops & education) E3 Staff IYavel / Professional Development Requested Super soar Form of Payment tl VISA **** 3578 El Invoice (paid) xvice _p 11 Other: Charge Accou (L00000 ARPA 13 Offier: Date:. Date: Prove-ndon ReqUiSition Form ,, Revised 012023 rEah-wfMrW lisoheui Senior Opportunity Association, Inc. Soap Lake Community A Senior Center P.O. BOX 186 Soap Lake, WA 98851-0188 Phone slaonloroen(Or@frontler.com Involoo 1!311612023 204.03-02 A-inerican Rescue Plan (Cares Act -- ARYA) Today's Date,0 - 1417,iD. 1/)i . ....... 9 Vendor. Receipt to Finance 11 Filo into binder 0 Btfdget Spending Tracker ently El ftein/s recelved P Rece*tDate.# 1P DetailedDescription, NNA h Ara M Vl� PUA M1 JA .0 `Charge to A191 Month: D Janual-Y 2023 0 J61Y 2023 El February 2023 0 .August 2023 11 [arch 2023 Q September 202.3 ta-Aprfl 2023 El October 2023 0 m4y 2023 El November 202.3 J-UUe 202.3 0 Deicefnber Q-f)ga Defiverables: Y3. Tasldokae Coalition (supplies) 0 Outreach / Mar6tting / Advertising El Environmental Stfategies El Capacity Buff ftg (Workshops & education) 0 Staff Travel / Professional Developm6nt Form of Payment 11 VI8A *"* 3578 • Invoice (needs pai :Charge ccox iA A"A 0 Other:,.,- ------ s Z1'� ISR L M -AJ Reque8ted Date: vp I 6 ftpemisorS* nature. 2-, 19 Date$ Prevention Requisition Form Revised 02.2023 renew Charge. Details CHARGE DESCRIPTION Ch arge Name: standard Prig Annual Quantity: 5 Unft Price: $149.90 Charge Name: Webinar 500 Annual Quantity: I 't Pete: $517.50 SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD SUBTOTAL TAXES, FEES& TOTAL SURCHARGES • Invoice Date: Apr 26, 2023 7 Federal Employer ID N u mb er: 61-1648780 InvolceA INVI99328567 Apr 26, 2023 -Apr 25,2024 $517.50 $43-47 PaymentTerms: Net 30 Far ACH and W1 re Transfer ?y t Due Due Date: May 26, 223 Account Name: Zoom Video Communlcatlon!� inc. Account Number: 7006807376 Bank Name: Wells Fargo Bank -Currency:.. cunt Number: -30889201-49 Payment Method: awl Routing Number (Vv7).- 121000248 Account Information: GrantCounty- Dayana Ruiz q Routing Number(ACH): 121042882 SWI FT Code. tAFB aR send c h egk pay amentto: Sold Tri Address: 840 E. Plum, Zoom Video Communications, Inc. Moses Lake, Washington 98837 PO Box 888843 U n Red States Los Angeles, CA 15097610077 90088-8843 drulzftrantcountmygov Remittance Details should be sentto-, Finance@zoom.us B11 I To Add ress.- 840 E. Pfu m, Moses Lake, Washington 98837 Purchase Order Number: U n ited States 15097610077 Tax ExemptCertificate ID: drulzftrantcountywagov • ZOOM W-9 Charge. Details CHARGE DESCRIPTION Ch arge Name: standard Prig Annual Quantity: 5 Unft Price: $149.90 Charge Name: Webinar 500 Annual Quantity: I 't Pete: $517.50 SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD SUBTOTAL TAXES, FEES& TOTAL SURCHARGES ti Apr 2d, 2028 -Apr 25, 2+02 $749.50 $62.96 $812.46 Apr 26, 2023 -Apr 25,2024 $517.50 $43-47 $560.92� t Subtotal U3267.00 Total (including Taxes, Fees& Surcharges) $1,373-43 Invoice Balance $1,373-43 s xe, Fees & Surcharge Details Need IT* u6derstandiog yourtnvoke? Standard Pro and Standard Diz are now called Zoom One Pro and Zoom One Business. Please note that your Services will remain the same and that this name change does not change the price of your current subscription, Zoom Phone services provided by Zoom Voice Communfications, Inc. Rates, terins and conditions for Zoom PhOne services a reset Voice by Zoom Vol Communications, Inc Want to streamfine your ability to pay invoices? ces? Switch over to ACH today where you can enter your bank I I credentials online and use this for future PaYments. Simply navigate to Zoom.us/bi:lling,payment click 'Edit' on the payment Method section and change your payment method to ACH. Have questions? Go to ZOOMM/bffling/contactus to learn more. TAX, FEE OR CHARGE NAME SURCHARGE JURISDICTION CHARGEAMOUNT TAX, FEE OR, SURCHARGE NAME AMOUNT Standard-ProAnno-al- Sales7ax StMe 374:9,59— $48.72 'Standard ProAnnualSalesTax I . . 1. 1-- -71 Cit $U4?. P . . 1, ........ I .41 4 1 .1..% 1 .1. VA. W --,.y $14.24 Wibbl=50GAnnua"i. Sales Tax State $517.50 $:3&64 Webinar 500 Annual Sales Tax CRY $517.50 $9.83 Total (IncludingTaxes, Fees & Surcharges) $106-43 Need IT* u6derstandiog yourtnvoke? Standard Pro and Standard Diz are now called Zoom One Pro and Zoom One Business. Please note that your Services will remain the same and that this name change does not change the price of your current subscription, Zoom Phone services provided by Zoom Voice Communfications, Inc. Rates, terins and conditions for Zoom PhOne services a reset Voice by Zoom Vol Communications, Inc Want to streamfine your ability to pay invoices? ces? Switch over to ACH today where you can enter your bank I I credentials online and use this for future PaYments. Simply navigate to Zoom.us/bi:lling,payment click 'Edit' on the payment Method section and change your payment method to ACH. Have questions? Go to ZOOMM/bffling/contactus to learn more. ----------------- -- - - ---- ..... ------- HR SERVICES 0412023 I I limplillp TOTAL MH INVOICE 8.,263.67 EMPLOYEE 120 68.86 8053 MHBG 137.72 9057 ML SABG 68.86 9050 Qty INCY SABG 68.86 9042 SL SAB. -68.86 --AR4PA- CV— 2 D 68.86 CV -2 ARNP 68.86 CB RA 68.86 ------------ TOTAL GRANTS 619.74 —iftil I I I 1 1, isomm"opm Grant County Human Resources Invoice for Human Resources Services In advance of summer grant deadlines, Human Resources is asked to use headcount reports to set a cost-sharing amount for each non -general fund budgets utilizing HR services, Department Renew Contact Reyna Gonzales Invoice Date Invoice Amount: Renew Renew (DCL) 04/01/23 $8,263-67 $1,761.08 This invoice will be used for departments fo generate vouchers for revenue payment to Human Resources. Processing questions should be directed to the Auditor's Office - Accounting Department., 1�'1� 12D � �2-63.61 = (�� � ,{� � � �� pu, a3 Kirk Eslinger HR Director N-.fid0 R -- -------- -A. 'ggx 0 TIN VnWAA h IN E VS "'M im NO m.. L'o. Renewilsers .. 1ST ;7170 '7142869 New H ad Counts -..-NetW6rk&, Secu!2y Sary ces - u -1y Ruarterlynthiy. lohn Martin 2080.00-S 81-061$ 168,664.80 '19,780.45 $ .4,945.11 1,648.37 Vanessa Brown :20801.00 46.67 $ 97,073.60 $ 21,078 84. 5,269.71 $ 1,756.57 �R 1iilN44ETW-0'R-K DEVICES: 6 537 31,RA36 Renew GP User;- - ------------ Si. ":6;3291139 LR i� W, 208040 -..-NetW6rk&, Secu!2y Sary ces - u -1y Ruarterlynthiy. lohn Martin 2080.00-S 81-061$ 168,664.80 '19,780.45 $ .4,945.11 1,648.37 Vanessa Brown :20801.00 46.67 $ 97,073.60 $ 21,078 84. 5,269.71 $ 1,756.57 Ricky Gutierrez 2080.00 65,74 $ 136,73920 $ :29,691.94 .7,422-99 -2,474.33 Jeremy Hall 208040 57-40 $ 110,392.06 25)925.12 -6,481.28 2,160..43 Evan Uttle 2080.00, 61,34 '6 12758720 17,704.65 6,926.16 $ 2,308.72 [Seth Sampson 2080.001 08,0 51,95 1 $ 1 $6,00 1'� .23.463�59 1 A S.R'- iv; Qn I t I Qr.9; -an Avatt-com'(01eitalffiver) -AVG Antivlrui Etitirpis: 1,921,38 A.00 :'2 :115,S3- 1,648.37 0-- 753,11 500.76 16 753.11 $ '66155 1 .64 Azar Adve Directory Prey nium; Man .1 --Acri66kp,rb Pr(ige'ss-whatsUp Netw&k &'lave nt6ry Monitaii ring 625,040.40 -1.00 :: 2s'040.40 m�� � m : 990.30 247,S7 $ 8I52 Ednetles,/SMARTnet Maintenance ------- 28,063.96 1.00 -.28,063.95 1,109,87 277A7 92.49 Net''app',S'i6ralge Hardware Ser, -13,301.80 1.00 13,301,80 $ ,526.06 13151 �43.84 Edne''tics One.. -31,59M3 -- 1.00 4 --�31,593.83 $ :1,249.47 312.37 149.96 VMW6r-e 16,761,57 -1.00 761.57 662.89 165-12 S5.24 Weam Back-up Sdftaife$ 32,595.16 1.00 3!?595J6_j'_$' 1,2809.07 122.27 407 .42 ---- ------- "Accounting Application �70-qost Years Tbt/y r Yeady,': Dynamics GP 114,379,90 Quarterly Mbtithf'� 1,001 114,379,90 1 $ 7,23913 1,869,91 $ :. 603.27 EXE Vii!tline'_:?ri,IG F ------ J 1,648.37 JUS on: rboh obei k 500.76 J2 4,412.16 Azar Adve Directory Prey nium; Man .1 --Acri66kp,rb 49M $ 550.48 Adobe: 603.27 1,2 Adc�iae Illustrator :-U6.$4 Abb 3 WA 1 -------- 00iD ., W .. 45* a PrBGiIC7E3agIrclxairiaW Ariu'sM 127;013 45= ..... QQ., 1 28 75 'Houdy.Rates 1,ndude.,Sa%, CoitA I a si L&,,j Increasosi; &Medical Adjustments MHBG 1 -Apr Monthly BH ------ J 1,648.37 JUS on: rboh obei k 500.76 mm . 11111111111m 4,412.16 General: lel cies Bc Assetfana @171811 $ 10, 655.34 $ 550.48 AccourttinR plication- GP,'. 603.27 4,42,3.09 TOTAL 11VVO10E $ 22,793.47 152.00 TOTAL -PER :tel?L 3y 149.96 �6RA W ''S MHBG 299.91 Prevention- SABG ML 9057 149.96 SABG-QUINCY 9050 149.96 SOAP LAKE-SABG-9042 149.96 suicide Prevenbon-Gr,ntCaunty-ARPA 149.96 CV -2 DCR 149.96 CV -2 ARNP 149,96 OBRA- 149.96 TOTAL GRANTS 1,349.62 I END MOURN z. 11 � -S =A -f verizonv PO BOX 489 NEWARK, NJ 07101-0489 Manage Your Account Account . Number 11111110� Date Due h2b.-Verizonwireless,cbm 871576835--:-O000l, 04/28/23 Change your adftss at http://sso.verizonentoiprise.com Invoice Number 19931875682 Quick Bill Summary Mar 07 — Apr 06 KEYLINE III if 11111111 COUNTY OF GRANT Previous Balance (see back for details) $6,434.57 840 E PLUM ST MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1874 PaYment — Thank You —K434.57 Balance Forward Monthly Charges $6;410,.29 Usage and Purchase Charges Voice $.00 Mesmglng $.04 Data $.00 Surcharges and Other Charges & Credits $62.59 Taxes, Governmenfal Surcharges & Fees $168.84 TOW Current Charges $6;64lt76 Total Charges Due by April 28, 2023 $6.964136 Pay from phone I Pay on the Web Questions: verizon-V 1311 Hateu 1106 2. Account Number 871576835-00001 COUNTY OF GRANT Invoice Number 9931875682 840 E PLUM ST Total Amount Due byAnril 28, 2023 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1874 Make check payable to Verizon Wireless. Please return this remit dip with payment. $6164136 ..L $ PO Box 660108 DALLAS, TX 75266-0108 111111111111111`11111111111111 oil]11111�.�1�, r,is1,M 99318756820108715768350000100000664176000006641762 Invdice Number Account Number Date Due Page R 551 i 11r3 iso y.s Overview of Lines, continued VOW Plan M8=91no 0312 Voice imaging Data Usage Usage Usage Roaming Roaming Roarning 103216MB 4.359GS 19 70 17915.296MB 2 11 513.74IMB .239GB .0960B 6 408.706MB ow -- 2 202-720MB 260 8 713.625MB 21 24 Z886.069MB 2 .367GB Usage Surcharges 1rMW_, and and mer Third -party Charges by Cwt Center Page Hunter hbnthly Charges P=11=0 Charges Equipment Charges Charges and avdft Surcharges andFan eftarges (includes Two Tom Charges 509-771-55:30 Bobbie Jo Anderson 215 $49.99 - $M $1.67 $52.27 509-771-5586 Madison Gorimlez 217 $39.99 S-02 Sub a1 W-12 $.00 $M $5.17 $14M $100 $Sam MHGC 509-770-5969 Brandy Yeamut 218 $49,99 $.61 $1.67 $52.27 Sub a1 $49.99 $.61 $1.67 $M $52.27 MOT 509-707-9264 Jimmy Garcia-CervarTtes 219 $49.99 S61 $1.67 $52.27 509-707-9266 Fernando Galarza 221 $49.99 S-61 $1.67 $52.27 509-770-9056 Fernando Galarza 223 $39.99 $.02 $.00 -- S40.01 509-770-9057 Jimmy Garcia -Cervantes 224 M.99 $.02 $X0 $40.01 Subtotal $179M $3.34 $.00 $184M PREVENTION 509-771-7634 Megan Walson 225 $49.99 S.61 $1.67 - $52-27 SubtDW $49.99 $1.67 $DO $52-27 PREVENTION - ARPA 509-431-8913 Cecilia Godinez 226 $.08 S.00 $.00 to 509-771-4324 BeftV Esmiffa 227 $87.08 - 51.91 -,- Sub i $87M $.00 $a tog $1.91 PREVENTION - SOAP LAKE 5009-770-0841 Ryan Boldman 2W $49.99 $.61 $1.67 $52.27 subtibl' $49M $M $W $.61 $1.67 $M $5= PREVENTION-QUINCY 509-797-5242 CrysW Cft2 231 $49.99 $.61 $1.67 $52.27 Subtotal $49A9 $.61 $1.67 $.00 $62.27 QUINCY PREVENTJON 509-431-7844 Quincy Prevenflon 233 $39.99 9.04 02 900 $40.05 Subtotal $39M $JX $M $J00 $M $40AS VOW Plan M8=91no 0312 Voice imaging Data Usage Usage Usage Roaming Roaming Roarning 103216MB 4.359GS 19 70 17915.296MB 2 11 513.74IMB .239GB .0960B 6 408.706MB ow -- 2 202-720MB 260 8 713.625MB 21 24 Z886.069MB 2 .367GB Qrenew leQ(th 0 WelfrtQ s, ARPA FUNDS FOR SUICIDE Date. PREVENTIONAccount �M�a�2 �108,15�000� '�. 06.51 Staff' r 1x.00 08r150r00.90 108,150,00-9000-566...51.1202 00.5 6 �. 51 51866.98. r 12 0� �'* /''� '' '' 108.1+,JAJr\.ftiJ'.9000,566r51. - x.00 108, 150-00,9000,566.51.2200 609.58 47.12 . 1084150.00- 9000.566.51.2301 �. 422. 62 108,150,00,9000-566.51-2400 00 1.79 24.36 Ti ir ii %rp 108. 150,00,901.J ti/v566iA.I 1.,3 10o 16.21 i j%'�/ +/� '/'j! 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CADCA 15-00 Staff Travel- Trip Travel CADCA Midyear conf $ 48Z.61 Staff Travel- Trip Travel CADCA Midyear conf $ 8 83.80 Staff Travel- Meals SAPST in Spokane Bethan $ 804. Outreach/Marketing/Advertising;-Facebook � $ 8.080 510 . Staff Travel- couselor Agency Affiliated Regist $ 500.0 0 Environmental Strategies; "NOT OQ 77.50 1,863.00 HR:S ��..ervjces. Portion. T IT S c .86, ervi es -Portion _A7 Cel[Phone -4 12, TOTAL- OPj ER SUPPLIES Es, 89:93: TOTAL SALARY/BEN - 6,9.64.40EFITS .8% Admin on Salary & Benefits only $ 8,363-45 669.08 t 7/19/202315.45 7/19/2023 . ,15- tZ 1 45 GP LEDGER 1 -May Jun -23 $ K25 Jun -23 Jun -23 Jun -23 Jun -23 May -23 Jun -2.3 Jun -23 Jun -23 I Jun -23 Ik m %"W L�.tz IVI V ;P NA Pav -qn"rf.. BEIJAVIORAL HEALTH JOURNAL ENTRIEES Salanwe's B eeAV31/2023 nfitc�.:,.. ARP UICIDE"Pre.vehfion, :`-�..BOUNTY 108.150.00. 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S ' OTHER HOURS - •,�o Mw6••:+'?. ... ,. i DUTY TOtal Worked ANN � .....? �. _. t110 HOLIDAY M•' . , ��' ,:• _-._{kytggs{ �,fyt{� _ ��. _ _pfa�Ia�f t_itd_ � r� ,. �f■qM;/Ya,�� : 8 ^^-=�— •.——��....,<...``' „" ~_ � .��.M.,. iI � tt�?v.'nM5 i < , '�` >m�,••+.-,:.w.,+• .•,,ua. , a 16M OTHER (BEREAMEN7LEAVE FLEXICUMP TAKEN LTAL HOURS WOP lia0M 01 Tota! Worked Nrs .4 .V taken FOR PAYROLL PURPOSE N 35.5+i,w 0 ANNLV OL �.bQ�PENSA3Is', q �1VE�,.. v `. ,.:+,.w,„•..,,,«.:v.,.. -.., .•,.„,,:a,::.,,.,. .y LEI A 40.00 0.00 PAYROLL SPREADSHEET l 0.00 0.00 0.00 _P _-- FLEX: ---- ., YE #_ LONG i American Resp to plall (CfIres Act — ARPA Tod ayysData Vendm,: ko U-Avel t A za _Delaikd De.9cluiptiono, E 9 Charge to Aigy 1q. J JIInu aly nthi-p D,FebmarY 2023 11 Ally 2023 0 March 202,3 0 Aug"St 2023 C1 AP rl"I 202 ,3 0 i : SePternber 2o -mayED -3 October 2093 E] junO 20.23 NOvember 2023 Deceraer 20,23 Delivelic-Ibles; Tasliforce CoalItIO)a (811PPIles) each / Marketing / 0 Ef vir AdveitisilIg n . 011mental strategie,5 CaPacityBtlilding (workshops & educatio I,) tj Staff Tra'vel / PrOfessional Development RecOiPt to Finance El File„to bi Id.or I I ” El Budget Pending TI-aCker elitly El IteIII/S recelvecl "ecciPtDatejo - I . 447 T?ol,%xu Of Payment 8 3578 11 111voice (paid) El Invoice (needs paid) El Other: Charge Accoullt: ARPA 0 diar'. Requested by; k/) 4/i Date, SUN'Msor Sig.nat, re: Date: Prcvention Requisition Forn, Re'vised 02,2023 renew-X-14 a 14,011. 6 n L4.'UI E i Fill 19 Is 1011 it ? R `1 ,fithd J• rr3Ax r�elF1 ��i;r:H►,lid �.``�.A�,�b�jtJ��jt I .147AN DAR E. Ps As ra to,,, 1017.. ww•aar r6'1NMwaiN ��� NI r ', • 0020136 �.� � ,,, .,,odk ,A. 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Envir()nMental Strategies sing 41' -,LWA CTacitY Building & educatio,,) a St ff Tr"clvel / PI'01'es,910.ual Developraent Requested by: - Date: St'PeMisor Sig, Date: FDnIj R'I-scd 02-2023 fa Is e -k M renew MAU tk 1 ` . • •;-,ate ■ "+ .•. .',a�,�•: :�� �pf��•• ".• t �1y`�".y�f�Jj�'�Q.. I ■ , • , lrJ�,r, ■1++'a11•a.µ �,+'�'y11••f lN�y� 1 ■ • • •�(1, pJ •t ., r • -• !� S•r +NN•gMhyi4M�AwWp4lwa.jyy j�! lit, to WOO 1.111.•wilY . i M r1. RVM.�r'gp'IA"r■"•ihlt7a'y�•r:�LraY v # • w tip, Iwf to `o' , '� �{5� aary �r 4 do 1 'fit � •' � ���L via ",111 • . . a Pogo, 1 ;y I .. . # aw, • WWW ♦ 1j a • r + , fill pial+••+'► J-1-94494 r� L ,a ■ a Ajiic-r*cc,u Re sc�.le ,,all (Cares Act — - Todalf5sDate.1, r,"' a Vendor -UA,. Ptiom 1 i 'Charge to Aga lqo th Ll Jaiwary 2.023 ED 11 0 February" 3 El March 2023 13 tigust 202 L1 Ap2il 202,E L' SePteMbel' 2023 r 13 Octob r L1 Jttn..e 2o2s 0 enIbff 2023 0 I)80elliber2023 fiver ble 11 Taskf0rce Coalition (s Iles C3 011fteach / A4arketftig / AdveltisIu uArOn ental Sty+at, ices � Capaoity Building ( 0IrIesh0Ps & edu.cat. El Ste Travel / P��0fessruIIxc�z�� [l . eceipt to Fiat tt�ce File into binder ( &i*t Seen ing Tracker of l fly RecetpilDat,e:------------ rm of pi.,Yment ' VIS.. 3578 V. fai d) Ph "C weeds paid) �>Other: 1112) M RPA 0 Other, Requested by. - Dater Supervisor S A. ignat Date: PrVelition Requislo,oil Form Revived 02, 02.3 [ renew ZZA. 0 I N. Evelyn DI. MOROS Lake WA �7b_0�78R7 Catering I,IVOIVV p Altn: Bethany Escam1ua 509-771-4324 bmescaMilla@grantco'uU t3#a n�'o tywd,.gC1'V Dell"Vored @ 12:00 ern j3jue I 'ron Park 75 people @ $21 a perso, Pulled Pork $1575,00 Chicken Potato Salad BBQ Beans Credit Card Service roe (3,5%)±$55. Q $16300,13 Tax (8,40/,) Total X36.93 $1767.06 / I fill Eir!�r ! MOSES LA'�!�`�, WA •I������ 2023 4 1*7 P f 760-7847 eogl t: a[ • AuihQrtzgtj0n, 01760, Custom Amount f CNIt Card 80rvtjajng1 r00 Lake WA 94" r,"3 N4"a"3 V a l t V1,00 svis (Manually 4767406 American Rescue Plan (Cares Act - ARPA) Today -Ts Date: Vendoi-: 0 0Receipt to Fi lnan ce CI File into binder 0 Budget Spending T ra c kerentiElItenI/s received y ReceiptDorte DetailedDescrfp on: 01 0 x `Charge to A_19' Month: 0 January 2023FOrn'L Of Payrnent 0 J-U1Y 2023 VISA 3578 11 February 2023 0 August 2023 C3 March 2023 Invoice (paid) 0 April 2023 0 SePternber 2023 El Invoice (needs paid 0 October 2023 MaY 2023 ED November 202,2 11 0-ther: 1:1 June 2023 - El Deceinber 2023 Deliverables: Tasl1forceCoalition (supplies) ChargeAccount: Outreach / Marketing /AdvertisinCI g ARPA Environmental Strategies 13 Other: 0 Capacity Building (workshops & education) 0 13 StaffTravel Professional Developinent Requested by. - Date: Supervisor Signature: Date-, Prevention Requisition r-onj, Revised, 02.2023 renew amazon.com Paid By: Grant County Ntafls for Orcler #113-860922248,1557019 Placed By: Bethany Escamilla Order Placed: May 9, 2023 Amazon.com order num6er: 113-8609222-5857019 Order Total: $75.87 1 N& Yet Shipped Items Ordered 14f: Logitech C920x HD pro Webcarn, FU/1 ND 1080pl3ofps Video Galling, Clea, Stereo SkYPe, Zoom, FaceTime, Hangouts, pC1A4ac1LaPt0P1A4acbook Audio, HD Light Correction, W Price /T Sold by: Amazon 4.apj1 WjXgjjLe) ablet _ Black orks WIth $69.99 Business Price condition: New Sbippin,q Address: Bethany Escamilla 840 E PLUM ST MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1874 United States Shipping Speed: FREE Prime Delivery Payment Information Payment Method: Visa Last digits- 3578 "all IteM(s) Subtotal: $69.99 Slipping & Handling: $0.00 Total before tax: $69.9.9 Estimated Tax: $5.88 Grand Total: $75-87 To view the status of your order,, return to QdgL� L�Q�Itl�o �fU�se �ri�rac� �tc 1996-2020, Arnazon.corn, Inc. )hopping Cart ... Logftech c92o.x HD Pro Webcam, Full HD 1080P/30fps Yideo Catl' -Skype, Zoom Facer, Ing, Ctear Stereo Aud' 't me to, HD Ught Correction, Works w'tjj on.- i Hangout!E� PC1Mac/LaPtOp/Macbook/Tabtet Black 1 a $69.99 -amera Vidw 4-ml-ts 4PdMe & FREE--Lurns - Ve Climate Pledge Frim dtv - 0 This 4 3 gift Style; Vveb.rw—,j Qty: I tt. S:fVe h3r siva-1 Subtotal f item),- $69.99 Rescue- Plaii (Cares of — ARPA) t to, r-4 File 'into binder EJ Budget SP I 011d"18 TI acker 61itly ftel3l/s received Today'sDate. Vendoi, r r Iptiono All 'Charge to,&, 9 lqonth 11 JaRUU31,2023 Q JUIY:2023 Form of Payment IJ FebrualY 0.023 13 March Pop -3 El August 2023 [D VISACe 81 3578 N In-Voi (P d) Cl Apr April 9,023 0 SePtember 209.3 EJ OdOber 2023 , 0 InNyoice (nee& Pa ay 0 Otiler: 0 Juni -0.023 De,fiverable-8,- 0 TaSkforce Coalition (SUI dies) 0 Outrmll / Marketing / AdvelUsIng 13 En-vironr ,aeatal ies 0 Capacity Building (worIcs1lops & edueiti Q Staff Travel P, -,FCL,,,; on) Requested 11 SUPeMsor S Ch9t)79e Account.: 'A ARP.& 13 Othe r# Date, rna ...... Date.. Prevetilion Requisit4ou Form Rev*IsOd Pe D 02 2023 f ive renew DEPARTA199T OF C11 LICENSING vvep r This page 1$ an invoice of the transaction thatYou have paid for. IA Payment coriffrmatlon #: 0,071-647-438 Payment date: 09 -May -2023 Process date: 09,MAY.2023 PaYment type: CHECK Account n IUmber: Routing number: 128100089 Confirmation Dwription 0-071-614-235 Pay for your order of driving rGoords Amount Tow $15,00 Tendered $16,00 Ainerican Resetie, Plan (CE11'es AGt— ARPA) TOdaylsDate.- Vendor.. A Uji I RecelptDate: 0 Receipt tu Finance nance 0 File into binder 0 Budget Spending Tracker e-ntry 0 1teniA I-e-ceived 'Charge to A19, moxith: 0 JanllaKy 20,23 0 J-U1Y P-023, Forna Of PaYrnexit 0 Februa 0 Mar 17 2023 EI,AugUSt 2023 �VISA 3579 Ch -2023 0 vo (paid) El september 2023 InIce 0 APril 2023 0 Invoice (neeai ds t I - , 0 October 20.0-3 pd) IJ November 20211 0 Other., 0 June 2023 0 December *3023 Deliverabjes* E3 Tast(force Coalition (app lies ChargeAccotuit: 0 Outreach / iWarketing Adveitising ..TPA0 Environmental Strategies Other: 13 Capacity Building (worlishops & educatioll) i1A Staff Travel / PrOfessional Dmrelopment . . . ........................... Requested by 111'. 0 �r P�, Ir Date: Supervisor Si gnat Date.- -L-2 Prevention Requisitial, Font, Revised 02.2023 Betha From: -Sent: Twq Q: Subject! Tina M, Steinmetz Wednesday) May 24, 202310:39 AM Fernando F., (3alatzg; 86th-�n� M. Escarbilla DOYana Rutz FW,* Your travel InRlrance Pla'n: AMR26121957853 This Is for the trip/trade) insurance. Respectfully# TtKC1 stetKmatz From: A111"anz Global A"Istance <donotrepl Sent: ypolicy@alllanzqssistance.com> Wednesday, May 24f 2023 10,37 AM To: Tina M. Ste1nmetz <ste1nmetzCo)guntrantco Subject: Your travel Insurance Plah: AM ywa,gov> R26121957853 Your Insurance Plan at a glance Plan: Purchase Dat USA TraVee* l Protector 11 40 Plan Number: M aY 24, 2023 AMR2612f 9,5785.3 Effective Datew TOtal Amount Pald,% MaY 24,2023 $48.61 Travel Date(s). JUL 16, 2023 ---,Jul,, 210 2023 A-Melican Rescue plan (Cares Act — ARPA) [J TO&ZY'sDate; Vendois: R,c I e -*Pt to Finance File into binder 13 Btidget Spending Trflckei- eiltly g 0 Itelli/s Mce-ived Recejptj7,at,e4 ' U, ) cCharge to Atg month: Cl JaIlUalY 2003 [3 FebrU1.1ty 2023 El JUI 202R 3 Form of Pament .1 0 March '00'3 AUgU2023 0 September 2003 J 5 78St 0 111voIce (aid p) .0 APril 2023 0 October 2o23 El rnxtoc.,e� (needs 0 Other.- Paid) 0 Aine 202 : 3 EJ November P-023 0 December 2023 Defiverables: LLl Task-forceco C hax9e Account* alitiOn (supplies) Outreach / Markethig / Advertising ARPA En*o=ental Strategies . egies Capacity Build' Other: ing (Workshops & education) I Staff Travel profejsjonad Development .2 'Q ReqUested by: iritfil F-', Date: L "'J' L _21 SuensS19ndtur Date: Prdvelition Requisifiol, jr0m, Revised 02.2023 renew 4 5,1441 3, 10,'aGAM FInisil page - AmOrIcan Alrllneq ift. IV Vk AmericanAirlines Your trip is booked we'll email your conflrj-h,)tjOn shortly- Thanks for chming AmOrfcOn Airlines. is 8r8 O Your trip to Diallas/Fort Worth, TX Your trip to Dallas/Fort Worth, TX Record Lacatoj% GM'S 883.80,/ Trip name; cjEG/rjpW DEPART G to DFW sun, Jul 1.64 20 3 12:3 6 PM --> 6..071'M Pa�senws Femmdo Gararza Carter Vcketnurnber, 0012396,30,07 5t4tus: Ticketed ThIa marte View trip det4jis. inquest up8radet, DFW to GEG teats alld more. change Fri,. Jul 21, 2623 1101$ AM 411;51 AME Manage your trip our trip Search hotels Since you booked a flight with Amor uV-4 gra YO 11011*0 .1can AIrImes, en's special rates on hotels worldwIde., Chock -out Search rp� L— J-1 HOW CentraIGgI1.61ja ROM Mink Hou'se 04111's DOW11town nIMAOrehotel ()ffL Off 9 $72 Virgift Ndtal's Wflas From offers per M $2 0 7 om $ 231 P r light 0 0-0 0 .......... per "Igm httpsi//www.aascOm/bOOldngfmnffrm I IA Arid xican R.es,0jj,, plan (Cares Act — ARPA) T Vend07, 2)etailed Desoor tion .- i in PJUAJ� RecelptDat,e- Reqelpt to Flunce 0 Filer 111to bbidev El BUdget Spend In8'Ttackel. -Y Iteni/s r6001 vett ........... 'Charg6 to UW El Jau4aly.2023 L El Pebr"M P-023 0 JWY;2023 L-1 MU -611 August 20Ps EJ April p-023 September 2o23 .' ' ' .3 0 October 2023 0 June �028 0 November go28 0 DGee-Mber 2023 Deliverables; 13 Taskforee Coalition (stjpPp,',,) M 0 Utrea 6h / Mad� otjng / Advertjs-tg CaPac'ty Buill4ing (worksh6ps &,education) Staff Travel / PrOfesSional Developrnellt Requested 4y,. SupeMsor,qig I I P17"'O"flon Reqttlsiflon. Form Revised 02.2023 -VOrw of Paymeit s'` 3 5 7�8 -E] Invoice (paid) El Invoice (11�eds paid 0 Other: Charge Aewunt-;- ARPA 0611* Date, Date: II,00, Samuel Mckee Earn mlles with this tri JOIn Mdvantagea- ii Ticket 4 00123922-53988 pt .y ut. ttip vls� xxxxxxXXX 'lin e-1 �y�.•} •Y'' f' �Sr : �,'!._yi • �� .�.q., i y, , f fl!•; uw � . ;a ' i; j. '• t ' • S•1 1.4; '' •, "•w�,• �r•.a xf A � ! l� • r' 1'.'Y'• .H' •tw 'I �•t' � ' • N •1i 1t '1: ,.' � •1, ; •, .i'\� �• \ d 7 �•, Wr, i. ,��z�� ��� �����_�����1',•: r _ • 1 • y • 1 14' � • rfnjy>]'•I�,� ►•r• .� L;: •l 1 ti + "t f rF!'] s' ti I. ths. ' � •. i 5 � S Z !�•iS �••e S l I.P WIN" Ml. 4! MA, FARE -USD TAXES AND CARRIER41mPOSED FES`; $720.93 TICRETTOTAL $83"87 $204,80 MY& wanton FARE -USI) 'FAXES AND CARRIER-jMpOSEID Fj:'ES $720,93 TICKET IrOTAL Ji?ZlYj? FAR-E-USL) TAXFS AND C-ARRIER-IM POSM FEES $720.93 $83.8-7 American Rescue Plan (Care " c A) JUN 0 6 2025 mydx Today's. Date: *1 n Vendor: DetailedDese,ription: 'Charge to A:19' Month: El January 2o23 El MY 2023 0 February 2023 0.Au gUSt 2023 0 March00. 2,3 0 September 2023 0 April 2023 'P* 0 October 9-023 1 ay 2023 1:1 November 2023 El June 2023 0 December go- 2q . M Deliverables: O TasVorce Coalition (supplies) 0 Outreach / Marketing / Advelts- m 0 Environmental Strategies g 13 Capacity Building (workshops & education) Staff Travel / Professional Development FEl Receipt toHnance 0 File into binder 0 Budget Spendintcy, Ti-acl<er entry IJ Item/s received Receipt Date: 2,121 'l�fi �,tt- f Form Of Payment 0 VISA **** 3 578 0 Invoice (paid) 0 Invoice (needs paid) 0 Other,, Charge Account: ARPA 13 Other., Requested by,:(,. AA Jit Date: Supervisor Stnature: Date: Prevention Requisition r-orn, Revised 02.2023 renew_ T�1VEL ALLOWANCE CLAI1Vi COUNTY AUDITOR GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Claimant Bethany Escamfila Claimant's Dept.. =Sulclde�]Prevention Purpose offravc1 LjP�FAPPIicatfonforPrevention SUCraJ Destination: Spokane, WA MEAL DATB SF L D IE TOTAL 6/20/2023 $12.75 $13t5Q $25.50 $3.75 s55,Sii 6/21/— .........2023 $17.00 $18-00 $34,00 $5.00 $74,00 6/22/2023 $17,00 $18.00 $34.00 $5.00 $74,oo 6/23/2023 $12-75 $13Y50 $25,50 $3.75 $55.50 )Claimant Signature, JDate: Commissioner $0.00 ------------ -MOW -0 Departments shall Maintain a copy Of this form,'i'iie travel ver feation� Chairman BOCC: section must be completed, on the Department's copy, upon the � employee's return f'roin travel. The department $0.00 shall retain the full frornpleted copy l'orsix years or in a,ccardanre with the Washington� 5to Records Detention Schedule gS20:11-A84 Re .rrstery.s�Mw/eMMier.iR',gRrr.r!'.velar,,.•,�..',,�r'.ir.�ro►�}nlc'aM.r�llv'�r� ��,q.s�r�,4wavr,ejr 0100 . TOTAL $25%oo MILEAGE DATE FROX (CITY, s�r) TQ IciTy, sT) MILES, I RA'Z'E TOTAL $0.65S $0»00 $0.55 $0.00 $0t75 $0.00 Dater ffnn''s VIRL LI S• $0.00 TOTAL o.QO TOTAL REIMB rR EMIENT CLAIM 0 *Amounit may, be different due to rounding IN CERTIFICATION 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify un-derpenalty ofpei my that the Au+tborixation required for Employees. claim is a just, due and unpaid vuligation aga`insr the Coun�'� hnd that 1 ain authorized to certify tt� said clainxt ELECTED OEFZCIALt DEPARTMENT.HEAD, OR DES �GI�IEE Claimant Signature; Nameprirated: Aw, Dater — f t TRAVEL EAT ON #psi A Authorization rewired for County commissioners or Elected cted Officials; t COUNTY AUDITOR TO BE �'Qf�''Pt�'7'�� fJ'P��1 RE TURN QNL Y' Name (printed): 1i, the undersigned, do Hereby certify tinder penalty ofpe� jury tl�at: the ,Signature Iplanned travel referenced on this forth did, in fact, occur on and for the duration of die dates provided on this form. Additiopall Crate. Y , I attest that Ithe. allowance provided prier to travel was rightfully owed to me as a � oresult of this travel, A Author required for the County Auditor, Department Heads,, lClaiinant Name:t nleais outside of travel status, and out of state travel: expenses COUNTY COMMISSIONERS )Claimant Signature, JDate: Commissioner Cpmmissioner. -MOW -0 Departments shall Maintain a copy Of this form,'i'iie travel ver feation� Chairman BOCC: section must be completed, on the Department's copy, upon the � employee's return f'roin travel. The department Date' shall retain the full frornpleted copy l'orsix years or in a,ccardanre with the Washington� 5to Records Detention Schedule gS20:11-A84 Re .rrstery.s�Mw/eMMier.iR',gRrr.r!'.velar,,.•,�..',,�r'.ir.�ro►�}nlc'aM.r�llv'�r� ��,q.s�r�,4wavr,ejr TRAVEL ALLOWANCE CLAIM COUNTY AUDITOR GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Claimant: [F�ertialidp Gala147a Cfalmants Purpose of Travel: =S'PFpphcation for Prevention S r 'j'}iy ,r� * �Me '�` estina.jj�,loll: MEALS DATE BF L D IIS TOTAL 6/20/2023 $12-75 $13:50 $25k50 $3.75 $55.50 E/21/Z023 $17,00 $18,00 $34,0 5Y0 6/22/2023 $17k00 $jj3,.00 $34.00 $S'00 6/23/2023 $12.75 $13.5o $2SY5O $3.75 $55,50 $0,00 $0.00 - $0.00 TOTAL $259.00 CERTIFICATION 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty ofei claim is a just, clue and unpaid obligationa�ainsC the County, that the am authorized to certir�y to aid claim. rrty� and that I Claimant Signature: Date MILEAGE DATE I:RQ t ITY, s'r) EA R 7PA 1� Spokane, WA TO tcrTy, sr)M I "—�" LES RATE ---- TOTAL $0,655 $0,,00 $0.685 $0.00 $0.655 $0.00 $0,655 $0.00 $0,.555 TOTAL $0.00 'TOTAL :REI1qIBU.RSE ENT CLAI -- AmQunt ma 2,59.00 y be different due to rounding* Authorization required for Employees. - FLEETED OFFICIAL) DEPARTMENT HEAD OR DESIGNEE Name (printed): Signature- Date: TRAVEL 'M!'=CR"iM',VERIFICATIONY' rM`.�r .� .a�rilY'� alr,+ilERtlr r authorlzation. required for Counter commissioners or Rlecte COUNT'Y AUDITOR +� Officials: MMURM UPON RETURN Name (printed): to e under -sl ned, do hereby certiSignature: fy under penalLy of perjury that the 0 Ioplanned travel referenced an this form did, in fact, occur on and for the `ate: duradon ofthe dates provided on this form. Additionally,� itbe a(lo�varlc�e Provided prior Co travel was rightfully I attest that result of this travel. oared to rrt�re as a � Aartl�orkt�atian r 0 I gutted for the Gflunly Auditor,, department Heads, meals e� outside ref travel status, and out of travel: Cl�im�nt fVarc�e; i penses COUNTY CorvImISSIONE S 10almant SignatLrre: false• ConlMissioner CQ 1trnissioner: r Departmentsshall maintain a dopy of this fot�tn. The tr � Chairman Boo seef:iun must 6e coavel vert�catton repleted, on the Departinears copy, Upon the I Date., employee's return From travel, The department shall retain the0 koinpleted copy for six year's or in accordance with the Wa,11' Q Cutty Records Retention S'ch+edute ��.OS2 a1 } 'T i•gt n States +�ARlILxA.'�+Mrr�'.tl/'.��*1`1!`A7�rnil.d11�MPA+�MM�.�V�Y♦ �� -Nam './I�A American Rescue Plan A Wt — ARPA) 'Tor y,1sDcjte.. A* 7-r-1 Detailed Description: `Charge to A19' Month: El January 9-093 FQUrual-V 2023 0 July 202.1q Mardh2023 0 August moo? El April 209-3 0 SePteniber2O23 �MaY 2023 0 October 2o2 El June 2023 13 November 2023 ED December 202,3 Defiverables:, 0 Taslfforce Coalition (supplies) k A Outreach / Marketing / Advert sin Envi onrnental Strafe . r ategies 0 Capacity Building (workshops & education) 11 Staff Travel / Professional Development ReceiptDate: C3 Receipt to Finance 0 File into binder 1:1 Budget Spend"119 Tracker entry ED Iteill/s received Perin Of PaYnient nVCSA. 4*** .1 578 Invoice (needs paid) Charge Accoullt: t Ig ARPA 13 i.56 Y Requested by: Date: Supervisor .slgnate. lec":' . . . . . . Date: L Prevention Requisition Form Reprised 02,2023 renew r SERVICE ORDER (Digital) CLI -ENT INFORMATION Advertiser', Renew (grant Behavioral Health/Wei Address., 840 E. Plum Street New X A enc v: Revis' Q M Revision Phone: 509.761 nn77 Fax- :Moses Lake Fvfension:_______ 'State: OR countywa.gov Affidavit: Email: druiz(gogrant Z* 97876 _d 1nv'0jc9. ue apron p Contact,,: Dayana Ruiz On r,ec P v:�.�Pa'�'t due bala a Sales Rep: Shawn G. fte subject to interesttharges Of 1.5% per month (annual interest -rate of 18%) Vn" 1r%aVUKU:UNE.00M - WEB ADS PREMIER LEADER - Desktop 1140 x 220 & Mobile 728x140 HORIZONTAL AD - 728 p x go p DOUBLE - 300 p x 250 p FACEBOOK AD- FACEBOOK + INSTAGRAM FUEL PRICE REPORT Colt pger month Of mos. TOTAL. aSTART END $1000 1 $ 350 $350 350 $ 3 3 0 0 $ 3 50 $Soo $500 E5/19/23 $425 7�_ 7 $Soo ---- 5/4/23 5/19/23 CONTRACT TOTA�� 1500 9NLINE COMPLETED ADS submitted will be published within one business day, Acceptable file types are; j or Pdf jpg, png, .tifff ,gif t FOR CREATION OF ADS: Materials .needed: i IMage(s), graphics/109os, names, addresses, phone numbers, to line, etc. The minimum time to create an ad is 3 business days. A $150fee will be added to the total cost of the order for SOURCE ONE to create the ad, NOTES: Client wants all four ads for FB and Instagram to run before, 1 Y 19 event CONTRACT TOTAL: $500 CREATIVE FEE: $ PAYMENT -DE LIVE RY. ..CIRCLE ONE: c. % MAIL LL PAY/ cJ TOTAL - PAY MEN T �500 THLyPAYM-NT S.: INVQI ..-CE DELIVERY �I��L� 6NE. SOURCE ONE NE Statement I MAIL/ EMAIL X Any copyrightable works, ideas, discoveries, inventions, Patents, proclucts, or other information (Collectively I it product"} developed in whole or in part by SOURCE ONE in connection with the Services Wil be the exclusive Property Of SOURCE ONE. All Ad Materials are subject to SOURCE reserves the right, at anytime and for any reason in its discretion, to reject, cathisicnra Publicationof any Ad Materials, space reservation' or position commitment, without any liabilityt which will result'services rendered until the date of termination n the termination of ct. Client and obliciatiom '8 will be invoiced for benefits nate in �n ora cin the basis of race or ethnicit , The parties to this advertising agreement affirm that nothing in this agreement, or any of the actions, A-morkaji Rescue plan (Cares Ac -t, ARPA) Today's cue 'Vendoy*,', MOAlIng,1NA � '� 4f WN in -t -111,11M FEl 0 Recel'pt to Finallee �(: it 14 M10 ill 0 Wider 91ee .0 Budget Spenditig Trarl(er CI hems received entry ceivtDate, be-tetiledAiwell0 tion 0 -, k . I 1P Thax*ge to, A.19 Munnh:0 ATIUM7 �2-02-3Form of Paymelit Elitily 20p 0 February 2o2 0 Au 3 VfV18A 3578 11 March 2o2,1 9'Ust 2OP-3 L) 111VOIC6 (paid) 13 September 202A 0 April 202,3 2023 0 Invoice (nee paid paid) (J OCtOber El Other: Ej Nove itbor 2023 0 Julie 209,3 0 Dee, . eMber 9-023 D0.11*vi�rabies,: .0 Ta once Ooahtion, '(supplies) 11 Outreac-h /uRrketing Advertisl Ing 13 EnvirOhmental Strate 0 Capacity Building (WcP8 & education) Staff Travel / Professional Developmellt Chtw9e Account' A10A Requested ate: 10 SupeMso,r SipgL-L, Date: Requisition Fam Revised 02.2023 rensLu y 51212-9,4;23 PM Paymelit Receipt DepdetMdnj of lisaltij H601th BMW"$ QUalify As surilnoo convGn'di1GOfb6rL%qU1rOd tOUse MOlUdObit Md. the online servicowhan PayIng Thin timqEjut Will bo obaraed in 4ddition to your fea(fl)l ThOrO Isno ��'�t1��n�1 �nnuorrl�n�� "00 * A014 paymenj$' T00hook the stafLIS dt.Vbur ranowW and/or iapplJoatid", 1) Jaaso 0,5 to Providar sft. Will Thj$ g1vo Y4u your StOO Of Washington psnd,"j, *radon,,,,, numb r DatO: 6l21.0-fi-2.q SGtha(ly Hanle t'-SCOM111a 1"V0104 # 4473776 APPr6vedf I YOU 1'111VO been Oargod $7$.00/ There Is a $2"'CrcOhv'aj'i`8nc;O NO rOqUired 0 USO the online Serviroe WhOh PPYIng bYcred1t/debk Gard. -fhls Unt Will be Charoad in addition to Your feo(s), TWO 1� no additional 0011venl,�, NO for ACH paym t PIMSO pilnt a COPY fOr YdUr r6afts fru the bUttoll abo 611,9 This receipt is not a license or an OuthOrization to do b Atte. Usinese, Desorlpfign Plenew0l - CAAR.CG,6.0708924 Renewal /0'S', Imo . Ofj - ow. �� ��4 ��'Q � qc= Amount Ill Subtotal: $75,00 Total; $75,OD Amount Paid: ($76.00) ArnoUnt Duo: Ill Anierican Rescue Plan (Cares Act — ARpA) TodaylsDate,, 492,1, Vendor: Detailed Description: z r0 receipt to Fin anCe O.File into binder IJ Budget Spending Tracker entry El Iteni/s received .Receipt -late: Deliverables: El Tas'Idorce Coalition (Suppli,$) 0 Outreach / marketinj,n Advertisi Envirow-n ent.it ra gies El ... tapacity Building (workshops & education) 11 Staff Travel/ Professional Development Charge Account: ARPA Other: s I �ip3 �0 Requested by. - Date: Supervisor Signature: Date: (A Prevention ReqUiSition Form Revised 027.2023 renew 'Charge to A191 Month., El Jai.ivary 2o28 0 JUIY 2023 Form Of Payment 0 FebruaXY2023 FI AU9USt 2023 KVISA 3578 0 March 20P-3 El Se- Ptember 2023 0 Invoice (paid) 0 April 2023 0 October 2023 0 Invoice (needs paid) ay,:2023, 0 November 2093 0 Other - 0 June 2023 0 December 2023 Deliverables: El Tas'Idorce Coalition (Suppli,$) 0 Outreach / marketinj,n Advertisi Envirow-n ent.it ra gies El ... tapacity Building (workshops & education) 11 Staff Travel/ Professional Development Charge Account: ARPA Other: s I �ip3 �0 Requested by. - Date: Supervisor Signature: Date: (A Prevention ReqUiSition Form Revised 027.2023 renew 5/2/28, 4:15 PM jOumeyworks,com "'ENAVOR KS I J j4- j Thank you for your order. Your web Confirmation number is 13214253. Billing Address Bethany Escamilla Shipping Shipping Address Renew Behavioral Health Bethany Bethany Escamilla PRO. Box 37 Renew Behavioral Health Ephrata, WA 98823 United States 840 E 840 E Plum St bmesc8Milla@grantcountywa.gov 6 ec Mases, M6ses Lake, WA 98837 United States C bFmescamflla@grantcbuntywa.gov Qty 2500 Not OK? Reach Out. Magnet Description Total Item; 4079 P rice: $0.69 $1,725.00 Subtotal: --�$1,7�25.00� (UPS GROUND - DELIV UP TO 5 BUS. DAYS AFTER WE Tax: SHIP) Shipping $0.00 and Handling: $138.00 III TOTAL: $1,863.00 httPs-.//Y/ww.journeyworks-com/recelpt.asp F'00redby S/Ta/w 1/1 HR SERVICES 05/01/2(.: • MHBG 8053 136.60 • PFS- QUINCY 906268-30 • SOR- ML 904468.30 • SABG SL 904268.30 • ARNP 000068.30 • D CIR 000068,30 • CBRA- HOUSING 0000 68.30 • SUICIDE PREARPA 0000 68:30 �r L � X2,5 �� � -� b z�.s ; 1b�b,tZ Six 1.s = l��l. orb I ty. 1-1UMAN QE,:80URCr-S r% MECE/ VED JUp 0 5 2073 Grant County Human Resources Invoice for Human Resources Services In advance of summer grant deadlines, Human Resources is asked to use headcount reports to set a cost-sharing amount for each non -general fund budgets utilizing HR services, Department Renew Invoice Date' 05/01/23 Contact Reyna Gonzales Invoice Amount: Renew $8,263.671 \2\ Renew (DCL) $1.761.08 This invoice will be used for department's to generate vouchers for revenue payment to Human Resources. Processing questions should be directed to the Auditor"s Office - Accounting Department. Kirk Edinger HR Director RetreW sets: r ✓: y> b � S�'s �� G7a Renew SER ERSi Newv Head Counts i�f-.. Reney� N�`VIIt�R�CC1EVt�E.S� ,�, ' 53 537 I1'7B18436'% Rene�r OP Usersk 5 Re tU'J:581Vef5 Y`` •, ��i ...�.. �•% .s .a _>�F � .t ,<� `� x,Y <.,�:.€ :-� �r.fi ' .�'�. �'.z .-��I 4`-n ���h s.+a? t ,i �`°3. cr +��p . Netuvcir A S666t1tvSei�ric c .' .ii: ISI( BH- 05/2023 Network & Security Services Jahn Martin,6g7 ' s "Ad'' ' ri fration `Se rykw - Ke h a 5QCI. 76 4,412.16 Heldesk &`'►4sstIV�aria"`e "`M 10,655.34 fii r•�i��'�*�Y ltStl$uW rationSeNices 550;48 Accoui tmg AiiQlica on GP 133.2 <e z r a fs ti ^s r acN��t, ,.� •: °r44 �+P4 k� fi Y'''es 9s , ,r . t:... `=5� 1�1a11� a5 a ri► ce �.,:# � r:: �' 4,423.09 TOM INVOICF $ 22,793.47 - iI Ft QYE MHBG 299M Prevention= SABC ISL 9057 149.96 $ABO-Q,UINCY 9050 149.96 SOAP LAKE SABG-9042 149:96 Suicide {tenn-Grartt.OaUtyYP'A 3f cls-� bCR 1 9.95 CV -2 ARNP 149,96 OBRA- 149.96 TOTAL GRANTS 1,349.62 Voice Plan Messaging Data Voice Messaging Data Osage Usage Usage R02n1jng Roaming Roan in 103.216MB 4.3590B 19 70 11915-296M13 2 71 513.741MB .239GB .096GB 6 408.706MB 2 202.720MB 260 a 713.625MB 21 24 21886.069MB .367GB Usage Surcharges Taxes Charges by Cost Center Page Monthly and Purchase, Equipment and 00w Charges and Governmental Th . ird_paiy Surcharges Charges 509-771-5530 Bobble Jo Anderson Number Charges Charges Charges Credits and Few (includes Tax) Total Cbarges 509-771-5586 Madison Gonzalez 215 217 $49.99 $39.99 - $1.67 $52.27 Subtotal $503-12 $.00 $-09 $U1 -02 $5.17$14.80 &00 $40'.0.1 MHGC $.Do $523.09 509-770-5969 BrandyYearout 218 $49.9.9 Subtotal $49.99 - r1JV $-00 $.61 &61 $1.67 $1.67 $52*27 MOT U0 $52.27 509-707-9264 Jimmy Garcia -Cervantes 219 $49.99 509-707-9266 Fernando Galarza 221 $49.99 $1.67 $52-27 509-770-9056 Fernando Galarza 223 $39.99 U1 $1.67 $52-27 509 770-9057 Jimmy.Garcia-Cervardes 224 $39.99 S-02 $40.01 Subtotal $179.96 $-00 $.00 $.02 $1.26 $-00 $40.01 PREVENTION $3.34 $.00 $184.56 509-771-7634 Megan Watson 225 $49.99 Subtotal $49.99 $-00 - $-00 S,61 $.61 $1.67 632. w .7 PREVENTION'- ARpA $1.67 $.00 $52.27 509- 1 431-=8913° Cecilia God'I'Mi. 509--771. --��P4 '861hany. E=' illa. 226 $.00 $.00 $100 .2 27, Subtotal" _ $87.08 $87M &06 ..: 09 $.00 PREVENTION - SOAP LAKE 509-770-0841 Ryan Boldman 228 Subtotal $49.99 $49.99 S-00 $.61 $1.67 - $52.27 PREVENTION-QUINCY $.61 $1.67 $-00 $52.27 509-797-5242 CrMal.Cruz 231 $49.99 Subtotal $4199 $.00 $-U0 61 $.61 $1.67 $52.27 QUINCY PREVENTION $1.67 .$.00 $52.27 509-431-7844 Quincy -Prevention 233 Subtotal $39.99 $39.99&02 $-04 S-04 $-00 S-00 $40.05 $.02 $.0 0 $.00 W.05 Voice Plan Messaging Data Voice Messaging Data Osage Usage Usage R02n1jng Roaming Roan in 103.216MB 4.3590B 19 70 11915-296M13 2 71 513.741MB .239GB .096GB 6 408.706MB 2 202.720MB 260 a 713.625MB 21 24 21886.069MB .367GB x nzon%/ PO BOX 489 NEWARK, NJ 07101-0489 Manage Your AccoUnt Account NumberDate Due b2b.ved2onwire1bss.Xm. 871:576805-0 0001 04/28/8) Change your address at httP://sso-verizonenterprl:se.com Elnvo:IcTeNumber 9931876=682 Quick Bill Summary Mar KEYLINE 07 — Apr 06 1 if 14 1111111111111 11 [it fill COUNTY OF GRANT Previous Balan Go (sea back for detalfg) 840 E PLUM ST MOSES LAKE., WA 98837-1874 PaYment — Thank You $6,434.57 46.43 .57 ftlanCe Forward 00 Monthly Charges $6)410.29 Usage and Purchase Charges—� Voice $.00 Messaging $-04 Data $.00 Surcharges and Other Charges & Credits $62.59 Taxes; Governmental Surcharges & Fees $168.$4 Total Current Charges $60641.76 A Pay from phone I pay an the Web Total Charges Due by April 28, 2023 $6o641;476 Questions.- ------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------- ven"zonv Bill Date IrAnal r'nno Account Number V 0 e -Wo 871576835—0000l COUNTY OF GRANT Invoice Number 9931875682 840 E PLUM ST Total A�1ount Due by Apn"I 28, 2023 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1874 Make check payable to Verizon Wireless, Please MUM thin MR slip with payment. $61NIP76 PO BOX 660108 DALLAS, TX 75266-0108 1111111111111 [oil 1111diAl 11 t11111111111 1111111 [Jill 99318756820108715768350000100000664176000006641762 0*40 0 .0rant Bohr H601th 67 Wellnes s ARPA FUNDS FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION Data: Account muma"Wowl, pip ---I--,- Staff Jun -23 108.150,,00,,g000-566.51. 110 -- - ---- 0 23 ,?659.28 108.150-00-9000.566.51.1202 108,150.00-9000,566.51-2100 11382.18 108-150-00-9000.566.51-2200996.31 108-iso.00.9000.S,66.51-2300 11396.57 108.150-00-9000-566,51.2301 28.99 108. 150. 0o, 9000.566.51.2400 32-71 108-150-00,9000-566.51.4100 11.00 108.150-00-9000.566-51-4301 790,74/ 108,150-00-9000-566.51-4400 3,652.5 0 ee 108.1510-00-9000.566,51-4400 1,371.92,- 259.00 108.150-00-9000.566.51.1124 66-64.,o 108-150-00-9000-566-51.4152 149.96 108-150-00-9000.566.51-4200 40.01,566.51.4202 5227 ,� . 10461 Op'ereil� E 6,394*04 Total Pavroll & Benefits 27 Admin 8% on Payroll & Benefii 2 *496,04 J99,68 vv:, N(Dll 0"�"' °�t �' `" .w +>"r �k=. 89, 7/21/2023 13:52 36,089.76 7/21/2023 13:48 7/21/2023 13:48 *rant sabovkW.1 H*0tt;hS Wv1fnes& SUICIDE PREVENTION- ARPA Jun-23 i ine, n iF C_0 Un'. TOTAL 108.150.00,9000.566-51.1100 i , SALARY- Bethany Escamilla, Dayana Ruiz,Ferr EXPENSES GP LEDGER 108-I50-00-9000.566.5I.1202 OVERTIME $ 231P659-28 23-Jun 108-150.00.9000.566.51-2100 Retirement 108-150.00-9000.566.51..2200 55$ 11382.18 108-150-00-9000.566-51-2300Medical $ 996-31 108. ISO. 00. 9000.566.5 1.2301 FMLA $ 11396.57 108-150.00.9000.566.51.2400L&I 28.99 32.71 aar,.t Bfits t 'T .; P _0! 108-150.00.9000.566-51.3100 108-150-00-9000.566.51.4100 Background Check for Bethany 108-150.00.9000-566.51.4301 $ Staff Travel Pr` Development; Hate 11-00 Jun-23 108-150.00.9000.566-51-4400 108-150-00-9000-566.51.4400 $ Environmental Strategies; Wristbands w/Nati $ 790.74 3.,652-50 Jun-23 108-150-00-9000-566-51.4302 Environmental Strategies; Suicide Awareness $ Training: SPF A ' lica 41' PP tion for Preveniton Jun-23 1,371-92 07/23?? Succ, $ 259.00 Jun-23 108.150.00-9000.566.51-4151 H R � eivices, . ITServ1C6S'P',Q)ti0n,- 108.lSO.00.9000.566.51.4200 laP op� 149. 108-150.00-9000-566.51-4202 Celt h6' ne- .40. 0 'TOT TONALUP 5127 SALARY/BENEFITS. $ 8% Admin on Salary & Benefits only $ 27,;496.04 2.,199-68 7/21/2023 13:48 7/21/2023 13:48 f NAME Op kv source r �.. renew NON-EXEMPT Printed Name: _ - �+'++•a..+xa.w.nxxx..i.+.n.e Bethany Escamilla **,*Leave SUns (AJ, Pay Period: May 28, 202 Employee ID 5630 ­-------------- wl�Staff Signature: Y Supervisor Initials for Non -Standard 1vvork�-.,eej.e Supervisor Signature':'` Pay Period: 5/2812023 fmm/ddfyyyy) Pay Date: W161202 I a COMMUNITY COALITION May 28 May -29"I M ............ aY 30 May 31 Jun 01 Jun 02 'Jun 031 Jun 04 Ju 05 Jun 06 1" Jun 07 Jun SPECIALIST a- Jun 09 Jun 10 Sun on True Wed Thu Fri . ] I on Tue Wed Thu Fri sat TOTAL 777, -clo 7.00 100 00% 7.50 ARPA RENEW it JURY DUTY Total Worked Hrs ANNUAL SICK HOLIDAY OTHER (BEREAMENT LEAVE.....) FLEX/COMP TAKEN_ LWOP ,TOTAL HOURS Total Worked Hrs LV taken 'LEAVE .... ... ............... ,PAYROLL SPREADSHEET .... .. . .......... Ra 8.00] 1240 1 3.601 #. 9.001 6.00 izso Z,60 ri.00 00 7.60 .... ... 4b.'C)o PAVt:;kn1 t 0T10rYnc%c skit %t***** Iongne 7tt InOpay/[ annine I sickne neii h.olne bervne cl 11 salyne 80-100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0400 720-0 S(e.0 S(�-O 4100 72.00 1-00 1,00 80,00 1.00 40.00 .00 40.00 0 r% AWMIL 00% A010(L t:N 11=w C an Rehavio-01 NoWth 9 WWtncjw Printed Name: Bethany Escamilla Pay Period.- .lure ll,2023 Employee ID 5630 Staff Signature- -�Ij IA .. f- " "w 1 2 1 A, Supervisor COMMUNITY COALITION SPECIALIST ARPA RENEW OTHER HOURS WORKED JURY DUTY Total Worked Hrs. ANNUAL SICK HOLIDAY OTHER (BEREAVMENT LEAVE.....) FLEXICOMp TAKEN LWOP TOTAL HOURS Total Worked Hrs LV taken GP ENTERED A. LEAVE PAYROLLSPREADSHEET 37.00 3.00 SfiPs fAtL, TOTAL 9.00 �ijnd : � 0 L 12.00 ******FOR PAYROLL PURPOSE- ONLY***** milpayl toe ann I Tnesl ckne ted: h.6. ne borvne civil salyne 80.00 0.00 0.00 A-100 8.00 0.00 0.00 r SKI I ^ rN\ SuperAsor hiC U)s- LWOP 811.60 39.50 8,00 4117-50 Ltails for Non .. ........... ...... --j -Standard Workweek Pay Period: 6/1112023 (MM/ddlyyyy) n.,12,1,.Ju. 11 Ju :Jun m un1 ,J u, Yun. P�j�FJ Pay Date: 6130P1023, Sun Mon Tue W Thu Fri Sat sun Jun 2 Sat U- 24 J ned ue ed T Fri Sat .0 6 0, .1200 TOTAL 9.00 �ijnd : � 0 L 12.00 ******FOR PAYROLL PURPOSE- ONLY***** milpayl toe ann I Tnesl ckne ted: h.6. ne borvne civil salyne 80.00 0.00 0.00 A-100 8.00 0.00 0.00 r SKI I ^ rN\ SuperAsor hiC U)s- LWOP 811.60 39.50 8,00 4117-50 Totaf Worked Hrs ANNUAL SISIC CK HOLID" OTHER (13EREAVMENT LEAVE.....) FLEXICOMP TAKEN LWOP TOTAL HOURS Total Worked Hrs 13.00 LV taken 27.00 GP ENTERED LEAVE PAYROLL SPREADSHEET 0' 50' 130C AM u.uu S. 0 40,00 ......... ******FOR.. LL PURPOSE ONLY 40.00 20.00 yne 40.00 MOO annine sickhe snect- hothe milpay/ F11 cfvff� xv V 80*00 0.00 14.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 58.00 ��v19lS�J��a�_ao-rio.3�=�t.3� �o�t�la�.ao= 3icc_�8 0 114- LWO renew PT Printed Name: Jimmy Garcia -Cervantes --- 'Leave Pay Period: S11f3s (A/L* June, 1 1 2023 Employee ID .5923 Staff Signature.- I=SuPeri�sor InMals Supervisor Signature: for Non -Standard Workweek Pay Period: 6111/2023 (Tm[,dd1yWy) =PPORI PEER SUPPORT MOBILE CRISIS Jun -1 1'� Jun 12 JUn,18,1�,J d-, Pay Date: Sun Mon Tue d Th"U Fri Sat Sun Uh-20` ]JudL-21 .1. it! Un' 23 Jun -24, 22. :.:,J' n, Tue ed Thu t Fri Sa MHBG� TOTAL SAFE SYRINGE A; n OTHER HO WORKED W�i ------- • 53.00 -2.150 -URS JURY DUTY Totaf Worked Hrs ANNUAL SISIC CK HOLID" OTHER (13EREAVMENT LEAVE.....) FLEXICOMP TAKEN LWOP TOTAL HOURS Total Worked Hrs 13.00 LV taken 27.00 GP ENTERED LEAVE PAYROLL SPREADSHEET 0' 50' 130C AM u.uu S. 0 40,00 ......... ******FOR.. LL PURPOSE ONLY 40.00 20.00 yne 40.00 MOO annine sickhe snect- hothe milpay/ F11 cfvff� xv V 80*00 0.00 14.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 58.00 ��v19lS�J��a�_ao-rio.3�=�t.3� �o�t�la�.ao= 3icc_�8 0 114- LWO tw renewiJ - E"E"T Printed Name:%,** .�irnrr�y Garcia -Cervantes eav .. � ,.. Pay Period: May 28,2023 Slips (AIL, Employee Ip : 5923 Staff, Signaturao ..�...�„.�,,.�..., 'Supervisor Initials for Non -Standard Workweek Supervisor Signature: ; Pay Period: 512812023 (mm/ddlyyyy) PEER SUPPORT MOBILE CRISIS May 28. .29�sy 3o may 8 dun dun 02 n n 0 JE�rI Jun 0C> -dun ' Jurt 08 Pay Date. fie; Sun of TUe wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Jun l f19 Jun1.0 Fri Sat TOTAL M B SAFE SYRINGE 9 00 . 43.501 .g . -.. 2,50 2,50P ETHER. HOIURS WORKED RY DUTY [:J�U otat `orked Hrs ANNUAL SICK HOLIDAY OTHER (BEREAVIItiENT LEAVE.....) FLEX/COMP TAKEN LWOP TOTAL HOURS f ural Worked Hrs LV taken GP ENTERED LEAVE PAYROLL SPREADSHEET 9.00 8.0 0, 9.60 9.00 13.00 8.00" =f� &00 .0th .{0 8.001 9.001 am 9.x£1 9.00 x.010. 100 8.001 3.001 46,00 5M 94l.3t a.aat� 48.50 1.001 27,00 83,50 13.00 27.00 An rin LWOP IN WiL LEAVE PAYROLL SPREADSHEET rW r n 41 LI/ 4 ......... . LWOP 0_0 t.0 07, Printed Name: Fernando Galarza r__*'_'Leave Pay Period: June 115 2023 Slips (A/L, Employee ID 5924 Staff Signature w � � �.�+w+W.w.xva ,� n�4WTuuwAnxr.aM4�P[MR61 .xyrvWau�y�!!�!'! Supervisor Signature: J��IsuPe-visor Initials for Non -Standard Workweek Pay Period: 6111/2023 (mm/ddlyyyy) PEER SUPPORT it CRISIS �. � ____Ju Jun 11 ­n.12 Pay Date,:61=2023. Jun 14 Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18+JVLUn':�j94.Jun','2( Juni Sun Mon Tue Wed f6u Fri atJud Sun Jun' on� TOTAL MH13G SAFE SYRINGE 61001 00 3.'00: .8.00 .1121W SZO =0THEOU ATL' R HRS WORKED 2,50 JURY 2.50 DUTY Total Worked Hrs ANNUAL 8.00 8.50 8.50 13M 8100 0 8;00 'S.00 5.50 9100 SICK HOLIDAY O=THER (13E�REAVMENT LEAVE.....) FLEX/CoMp TAKEN Lill OP TOTAL HOURS • Total Worked Hrs 8.00 8.60 0.50 13.00 8.001 11 1 8.00 8,001 12.00 5.50 32.00 LV taken FOR PAYROLL PURPOSE ONLY* 5100 45.00 8,00 GP ENTERED F( Iongne I ann sicknG sne holne Milpayl I ctF holneTT:'��a civil I salvnel C 53,00 LEAVE PAYROLL SPREADSHEET rW r n 41 LI/ 4 ......... . LWOP 0_0 t.0 07, No""Nam r-MOMPT Printed Name: Fernando Gata€-za ��� SI bo. s (IL, Pay Period May 28, 2923 Employee ID #. 6924 Staff Signature: + Supervisor f �`� r _7 --- Supervisor Initials for Non -Standard Workweek Signature: �� Pay Period. 512812923 (mm/ddlyyyy) PEER SUPPORT - MOBILE CRISIS May 31 Jun 0 Jun 02 Jun 0 Jun 0� Jun 05 Jun 06 Jun 07 Ju �� Pay. Date: 611af2023 May 2 May 2 May 30 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sad Sun 1 Mmn T+�e n �"Vs�t9 Thu Jun 09 Jin �9 Fri Sof TOTAL MHB SAFE SYRINGE 8.00 3:,-06 _ 2. 6:�� 934i3% OTHER HOURS WORKED ..�+++�srxu�ar -- - 2,00 4.50 641% JURY DUTY _. Total Worked Hrs �Ity - .. ANNUAL �` _ - .00 11.50 '� 1 00 6.00 r '. ... �` (� �Rfi�i#' �. � " •• .. r :.. ��++��yy ��** .{ /'dry iga7r�A7� A I..!✓�LF - SICK HOLIDAY8,00 ... 8.00 3.� OTHER (BEREAVMENT LEAVE....)� _ _ � 00 FLEX/Comp TAKEN LWOP + TOTAL HOURS 8.00 9.00 11.50 116001 8.00 15100w 9,00 Total Worked Nrs ,,��.�� Yak0 . LV taken iayy {{��. �45a-60. { PAYROLL PURPOSE ONLY*- 40 .00 32.00 `G E^j'��'`D F ENTER R.�tl.�! . tongne annine� sickne Snect holne M1'Pa y/_ .civ!! alyn.e berv"�'P n 8,0t} 40M LEAVE LWOP J in 1.01 A80.0€ F'AYRQLL SPR�AQ ,NEIr.T -_. 0.00 8.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 . yy t a: e lxo AVL. 0\ f 6 ,, s . American ReSCLIe Plan Wares AGt — ARPA) Today's Date: Recez*ptDate: 0 Receipt to Finance 0 File into'binder 0 Budget Spendinga Trac ker enti-y El Item/s received `Charge to A19, Month: 11 January 2023 0 July 2023 0 February 20:23 11 AUgUSt 2023 Cl March. 2023 0 September 2093 El April 2023 Cl O.Ctober 2023 El November 20.9-3 (June 2093 0 December 2023 Defiverables: 1:1 TasIdorce, Coalition (Supplies) IJ Outreach / Marl(eting / Advertising 11 Environmeiital Strategies 0 Capacity Building (workshops & education) 0 Staff Travel / Professional. Developi-nen-t Form of Pay nell t L.- P\'VISA -1578 j El invoice (paid) 0 Invoice (needs paid.) 11 Other: Charge Account: . t� ARPA 0 Otber: Requested by:(,��,�;�A I Date: u Supervisor Signat -------- Date: � (� l 1 Prmllbon Requisition Form Revised 02.20231 y renw.ra,�,�ur�r Sarah Es Nelsoti From, To: SubJect.o w3output@WSP,wa-gov Tuesday, MaY 9, 2023 11-7 AM Sarah E. Nelson 2 WATCH Credit Card Transacdon Success fLjj fun f - -1-- -- - --- 9 P owle1w, wt4s rjuase cia not t.eply to thl's email, You authortzed Washington Access To Criminal Hktory (WATCH) to charge your Visa credit card for $11,,0(), Yoar transaction was successful. Your order number is 1791912 If you did AOt authorize WATCH to make a credit card traMaCdOn br if yo.0 have any questjohs, please contact us at (3finj 300Option 2 or e-rnall W"*ha Wgw� a 0�v . 1 4- --,1 Thank you for using'Washington Access To CrImInM History. 1 Ainericaji Rescue Plan (Cares Act — APPA. TOday's Date: Vendor: (K 1 t 1 rh, 1A j1A Detailed Description: I - - 'Charge to A:191 Moth.. El Jan.,uaiy .0-023 El JU1Y 203 0 February 2023 E] AU9USt'2023 0 March 2o2,3 0 September 2023 El APri"I 2023 0 October 2023 El MaY 2023 November 2023 -n E3 December 2023 Deliverableso 0 Taskforce Coalition (supplies) 0 Outreach / Marketing / Advertising 0 Environmental Strategies IJ Capacity Building (workshops & educati• on) 4 Staff Travel / Profecgynn.3i n e1 opment .0e ............. Date: I ..... ..... natur., Date: Requested by: Supervisor Sig ReceiptDate," Receipt to Finance File into binder Finance 0 n BuSpendin 0 1 dget g Tracker :ejlthly] Item/s received RECEIVED JUN 2 8 2023 ForrO Of Payment CKVISA 3578 13 invoice ' (palid) 0 invoice (needs paid) Or Other, Charge Account: 0 Other: 395. 37 Prey ention Requisition Fon-n Revised 02.2023 °�� 07 ct renew ---------- 0-" A LA U1 N LA's Qt4LL By WYNDHAM La QuInta Inn & Suttes by Wyndham Spokane Downtown 21 J 8, Division St * Spokaneo WA 99202 Tel: (509) 838-6630 Bethany �scamjlla I Room No,. :420 us Arrival :06/20/23 Departure '06/23/23 INVOICE Page No. so 1 of 2 Membership No a Cashier No, :3163 Group Code Folio No. ! 2661 Company Name Conf. Na, -1,34938702 TA R000rd b Locator: Thank You For Staying With Us Date Text ars Credtta 06/20/23 Room Charge USD US D 06120/23 State Tax 6.6% 1114,00 '06120/23 QfY/Caunty Tax 2.3% 7,41 P0/20123 Occupanoy Thx 3.3% 2.62 06/20/23 TPA Tax 3.76 06/21123 Room Charge 4.00 00/21/23 State Tax 6.6% 114.00 06121/23 01ty/County Tax 2,3% 7.41 06121/23 Occupancy Tax 3.3% 2.62 06121/23 TPA Tax 3-76 06122/23 Room Charge 4,00 06/22/23 State Tax 6.5% 114,00 06/22/23 City/Counfy Tax 2.3% 7.41 06/22/23 Occupancy Tax 3.3% 2,62 06122/23 TPA Tax 3.76 00123/23 Visa 4.00 Total / Balance 395"37 395.37 / 0.00 Morchant ID Transaction in 2686124 Approval Co4e 020321 Approval Amount 395.37 395.37 Crodit Card 0 XXXXXXXXXXXX4030 Crodit Card Expiry XXjXX CaPtufe Method Manual Transaction AmOunt 3195.3-1 P10880 contact the ljotel Manager about any Issues With your stay. Wyndham Hotels and Resorts or afflilates may contact YO goods and services Unless YOu 13all 888-940-4283 Orwtjtg Wyndham Worldwide Hotels, Mo, 22 Syivan Way, about Out View our Wyndham Hotels and Rosorts websItGabout our policy, Parsll)Pany, NJ 070s4 to opt LA U .1 (:)LL , N By WYNDHAM La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham 8130kane DOWntown 2118, Division at Spokane, WA 99202 Tat: (509) 838-6630 Fernado Galarza # ROOM No. :414 us Arrival 06120/23 Departure :05123123 INVOICE Page No, I of 2. Memberships No Cashier No. Group Code Folio No, :2652 Company Narrie Cant. No. :34939092 000UP8hoy "roX 3.3% TA Record 2.62 00/20/23 Locator: Thank You For Staying With Us Data Char 0s Credits 0812O/23 Room Charge I 8D USD 06120123 State Tax 6.5% 114.00 06120123 QtY/County Tax 2,3% 7.41 06120/23 000UP8hoy "roX 3.3% 2.62 00/20/23 TPA Tax 00121/23 ROOM Charge .3.76 4.00 08/21123 Stato Tax 6,6% 1714.00 06/21/23 QY100unty Tax 2.3% Z.41 06/21/23 00cupanoy Tax $.,J�% 2.62 06/21123 TPA Tax 3,76 08/22123 Room Charge 4100 06/22/23 State Tax 6.6% 114.00 06/4123 City/County Tax 2.3% 7.41 06/22/23 Ocoupanoy Tax 3.3% 2162 06122123 TPA Tax 3.76 06/23i2a Man 4.00 395.37 Total 1 Balance 395.37 396.37 10.00 Marchant 10 Transaction 1102686137 Credit Card # XXXXXXXXXXXX403o Approval Code 020989 Credit Card Expiry XX/XX Approval Amount 39637 Capture Method Manual Tran$04tlon Amount 396437 BY 0ontarpt you about PI088e contact the Hotel Manager about any Issues with your stay. Wyndham Hotels and Resorts or affliates ME goods and servfaes unles.4 YOu 0411888-9413-4283 or write Wyndham Worldwide Hotal.9, [no, 22 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, NJ 07054 to opt Out. VIGW our Wyndham Hotels and Resorts website about out policy. a Ain erican Reselle Plan (Cares Act — ARpA) TodaY `sDczte* VendOP: VJ'J,-I A ; Detailed Descjqption A f V "Charge to Aw E] JanUarY 2023 El February 2 0 2 3 E3 MY 2023 0 Marcli 2023 0Aug USt 2023 rid 0 AP 12023 O - s . PPtember 2023 O;Nay�gq �R3 October 2,023 O.No vehaber p-023 0. December 2.0 3 D I efiverables: 13 TaSkforce Coalition (suppl. 0 Outreach Warketill ies) 9 Advertising Strat�,9-j�� c CaPa . ity Building (�vork staff Travel shQPS & education) Professional Development Requested by., Supervisor Sig El Recti pt to Finance File into bl'nd,,-,r 0 Budget SPendin Tracker entry E] Ite . 9 m/s received .Rcce " 'a Q 1ptDate,, Prevention Requisition Forni Revised bi,20Z3 V or au of payu, Ut e .0 V'SA 31578 Q IUVOice (Paid) CJ 111V(jIce' (needs paid) Other: E2 Charge U11t: APA - 'R Other: ty Date: Date: � ��,.�' Z_' renew 00" reminderband 2. BilUng addreSs GRIS Grant Integrated Sergi... PO BOX 37 EPHRATA, WA0-8,9423-00277 UnIta-dStatc-S Of Arrtenica 509771;;J-3,.�4 Delivery group #1 � I I -c,II'PP'n9,a,dd,ress sathainy Escamula 040 E PLUM sT, JIVIOSES LAKE, 911-8-3117-1,674 ITed Statc-c Of Ametica 509777-4.324 SILICONE REYCHAINS W:Z il'r 4 1 " American Rescue Plan (Cares Act — ARPA) Today5s Date: Vendor. D1W Detailed Description: _� (bi `Charge to A191 Month: .0 Jan,uary 2023 . El July 202 11 February 20233 11 A11,91ISt 9-0Li 23 MarCh 20.23 0 September 2023 0 April 2023 11 0(tober-2023 11 tlay 2023 j. fu El November202,3 11 December2:093 Defiverables: 11 Tas1cf6rce Coalit* 'On (supplies) r Outreach / Marketing / Advertising nt Stra t-egl­ 13 Capacity Building (Worlcshe ps . & education) 0 Staff Travel / Professional Development 0 F Receipt to Finance 2 - e. C El File into binder 11 Budget Spending Tracker entry 11 Item/s received Receipt Date: Form Of Paynient IN VISA **** 3578 0 Invoice (paid) E] Invoice (needs paid) 0 Other: Charge Acco unt 13 Other, I Requested bye jjj11j1Li:Zk Date:- I Supervisor Signature'. V Date: Prevention Requisition Form Revised 02.2 023 renew NrNing Enter Keyword or Item 4 Party Supplies Holidays & Toys& Games Crafts Events Star SPangled Savings - Up to rj0% Off Save on Flags, Party Supplies and Morel Teaching Supplies Luau Sale - UP to 60% of SaV'ngs Ort 400s Of Tropical Essentlats'. Your order was received! Account VVI-sh List Orders 1-800-875-8480 Live Chat Help Wedding Religion & Graduation 4th Of July Sale Faith 'Vacation Bible School Sale - Up to Fun Kits - Save o 1 6% 60% Off up t Value, onvenfence, and FOrbily FUM Save on Essentials for VEIS Fun, Next you will receive t * n hef`0110wl 9 messages atb,mescam*lla@grantcountywa.gov about this order: 0 Confirmation email with order details within 24 hours. # Shipping confirmation email with tracking information, If You have any questions about your order, please uestio peers - I contact us at 1-800-875-8480 Or email us at . pm Please keep your order number handy and print this page for future reference, ('**der Number Order Date 6/29/23 Ship To Billing Information Bethany Escamilla c/o. Renew Behavioral Health Renew Behavioral Health 8401 Plum St PO BOX 37 Moses Lake, WA 98837 US Ephrata, WA 98823 US 44'(50.9) 771-4324 �#50.9-771-4324 EMAILADDRESS: PAYMENT METHoD. bmescamilla@grantcoun,tyw.a.gov M XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-4709 72 Piece.(s) 013953007 $5.99 Your card will be billed as OTC Brands,, Inc. 4) Safe & Secure Checkout ORDER.SUMMARY Itm. cotint; Item Subtotal: 150,5 shjooln . g-. 115-06 -Sal es Tw. YOUR PRONIo-. OTWEB 44 PRINT RECEIPT A-46 W Follow Page -Sham Oriental Tradln-q C*� Shipment I of 1 Bulk 48 Pc. Mental Health Awareness EST. DELIVERY DATE: Semicolon Mini Buttons Thu, Jul 6 48Piece(s) #13952960 STANDARD 11s.o6) $6,79 Quantity: 15 Bulk 72 Pe, Mental Health Awareness Ilk Semicol on Temporary Tattoos 72 Piece.(s) 013953007 $5.99 Quantity: 100 4) Safe & Secure Checkout ORDER.SUMMARY Itm. cotint; Item Subtotal: 150,5 shjooln . g-. 115-06 -Sal es Tw. YOUR PRONIo-. OTWEB 44 PRINT RECEIPT A-46 W Follow Page -Sham Oriental Tradln-q C*� TRAVEL ALLOWANCE CLAIM �� COUNTY AUDITOR GRANT COUNTY; WASHINGTON Clainiant: Bizysealla Purpose of Travel:SPF p ca on vz,ventz6h S cc e MEALS DATE BF L D 1E TOTAL 6/29/20,Z� 12.75 '�.�iis`o _$25,50_$3 -75 $55.50 84 02 00. - X00 $74.00 6-20 2 V2 30 - 4180 K 4�400 0 $74.00 /2 2.75 '$13 $0 25,50 $5s -So $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $259.06 CERTIFICATION I the -undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty -ofperjury that the M is a fusto -due and unpaid obligation against the Coun ain authorized to certify -to said claire. , ty, and that.[ Claimant Signature,, Date-, ICATION 0 TRAVEL VERIF 0 1 I 10—BE CO Mir I MPL F. TF f) rron itt v repyrnx r ,-, x ry, 0 1, axe undersigned, do here by certify under penalty of perjury that the 0 Oplanned travel referenced on this form did, intact, occur on and Iduradonfor the of the dates provided on this form. Additionally I attest that IOthe allowance provided prior to travel was rightfully owed to me as a resultofthis travel. lClazmant Name: 0 ICla mint Signature: $ I D a.te; Departments shall maintain a copy of this form The travel verification section must be completed, on fix Depar.tment!s copy, upon the employee's return from travel, The department shall retain the full /completed copy fy or six years or in accordance with the Washington State$ I Records Retention ScheduleG52OII-4 Rev.. 3 Claimant's Dept: Destination-., MILEAGE DATE FROM (clTy, sT) ............ Suicide­.P'r­'_e' '� - ven S paane,y mom TO (cj1y,.S'rj MILES T' MILES RATE $0.6.55 $ 55 0.655 $0.65,5 .65S $0$'0.65SSS 61S . $ TOTAL TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 *TOTAL REIMBURSEMENT CLAjrq : E $259.00 *A 'bunt riiay be different due to, rounding* Authorization required for Employees: ELECTED OFFICIAL, DEPARTMENT HEAD, OR DESIGNtE .Name (printed): Signattim, Date: Authorization required'for Cour tY Commissioners or -Elected r d Officials: COUNTY' AUDITOR .Name (printed), Signature Date: tiurnorization required for the County Auditor# Department Heads, meals expenses outside of travel status', and out.of state traveh- COUNTY COMMISSION'ERS COMIMissfoner icommissi ioner: Chairman BOCC: Date., HR SERVICES -23 _,.#Employ Per } 8f263.67 124 66.64 MH 8055 7#0197.39 SUD 9055 599.78 �► 9 - �# CV -ID [SCR 7609 f SAB+G CE 9+957 66.64 SABG CE 9050 66=64 SABG CE 9042 66.64 MHBG 8053 66.64 CBRA 6078 66,64 TOTAL A rr ,263.67 . w gal at cvulit Human Resources Invoice for Human Resources Services In advance of summer grant deadlines, Human Resources is asked to use headcount reports to set a cost-sharing amount for each non -general fund budgets utilizing HR services. Department Renew Contact Reyna Gonzales Invoice Date Invoice Amount: Renew Renew (DCL) 06/01/23 $8,263.67 $i,761.os This invoice will be used for departments to generate vouchers for revenue payment to Human Resources. Processing questions should be directed to the Auditor"s Office - Accounting Department,, �'� b3 ,b1� 121 = `� 6�.by e4c1.. Kk Kirk Edinger HR Director I Invoice umber Account Number : eV, iNDate Due Page 3. 8.0267, 877 768.3 0000'' .0 6128/2, Usage Surcharges Taxesi Charges by Cost Center Pave Monthly and Purchase Equipment and Other Charges and Governmental Surcharges Third -Party Charges Total Voice Number Charges 'Charges Charges Credits and Fees fincludes Tax) Charges Plan Usage Memsaging Data 'Voice Messaging Data usage Usage Booming Roaming Roaming 509-771-5530 Bobbie Jo Anderson 209 509-771-5586 Madison Gonzalez 210 $49.99 $39.99 .$.61 $1.67 $52.27 134.641MB Subtotal $50.88 - $.00 $.w $.02 $5.55 $.00 $.00 $40.0j $5WA6 3.655GB --- M H-MATTAWA 509-431-8565 Jenair Santos 211 $49.99 Subtotal $49.99 - $.00 - $-00 $.61 $.6 1 $1.67$52.27 $1.67 $-00 $52.27 12 2 123-633MB MHGC 509-770-5969 Brandy Yearout 213 $49.99 - Ul Subtotal $49.99 $.00 $.00 $.61 $1.61 $1.67 $.00 $52.27 $5Z27 92 26 218.023MB MOT 509-707-9264 Jimmy Garcia -Cervantes 215 $49.99 $.61 509-707-9266 Fernando Galarza 217 $49.99 $.61 $1.67 $1.67 $52.27 1 10 2,,61 1.009MB 509-770-9056 Fernando Galarza 219 $39.99 $52.27 16 7 734.733MB 509-770-9057 Jimmy Garcia -Cervantes 220 02 $.00 $40.01 - 3.219GB Subtotal $1 79.96 $-00 $-00 $1.26 S.00 $3.34 - 00 $40 $184.01 M 1-240GB PREVENTION 509-771-7634 Megan Watson 221 $49.99 - $.61 $1.67 Subtotal $49.99 $.00 $.00 $.61 $1.67 $.00 $52.27 $52.27 5 141.356MB PREVENTION - ARPA 509-431-8913 Prevention Arpa 222 $39.99 $�O . 2 $.00 509-771-4324 Bethany Escamilla 223 $49.99 ,$.61 $1.67. 5 7 7 452.2T1,_,_' Subtotal $89M $.00 $.OD $.63 $.00 17 1 7 6 547.635MB PREVENTION - SOAP LAKE.. 509-770-0841 Ryan Boldman 225 $49.,99 - $1.67 - $52.27 27 Subtotal $49.99 .$.00 $.00 $1.67 $.00 $52.27 15 11078.380MB PREVENTION QUINCY 509-431-7844 Quincy Prevention 227 $39.99 $.04 $-02 $.00 - $40.05 Subtotal $39.99 $.04 $-00$.02 $-00 $.00 $40.05 - 2 .106GB verizont Po sax aas NEWARK, NJ 07101--0489 KEYLINF `` t COUNTY OF GRANT 840 E PLUM ST MOSES LAKE, WA 98837.1874 Pay from phone I pay on the Web Manage Your Account Account Number Date Due AN Change your address at httP,//sso.verizenenterprise.com Invoice Number D9366i30267 Quick Bill Summary May 07 _ Jun 06 previous Balance (see back fordils} Payment -� Thank You $8,�?7.08 Bounce Forward$8,177.08 $.V0 Monthly Charges Usage and Purchase Charges 65,47 $8y2- Voice Messaging $•00 Data $.04 International $.00 Surcharges $3.00 and Other Charges & Credits Takes, Governmental Surcharges & Fees g $83,33 - Total cunmnt Charles $163,98 Total Charges Due by ,dune 28 202.3 $6;493m82 #Pl! T4e 76 �. � 1,800,9'22.0204 or' -161 1 froqi YOU,, pf,011e U�Itt�(Sjlfj COUNTY OF GRANT 840 E PLUM ST MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1874 Bill Date ,lune 06, 2023 Account Number 871570836-00001 Invoice Number 9936630267 Toga! Amount Due by June 28, 2023 Make check payable to Verizon Wireless Please return this remit slid with payment, $6 , 493,82 PO BOX 880108 DALLAS, TX 75286-0108 1�riMlr�r�rN��r�rl�rrr��rtllrrrrrr����rrrllrlrr��1 �i 193*66302670108715768350000