Week of August 6,1990
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m.
by Chairman Glenn Chamberlain. All of the Commissioners were in attendance
with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners approved the minutes of the preceeding session.
The Commissioners received a letter from Wilson Creek Union Grain
and Trading Company regarding problems with the Wilson Creek Wye Road,
and requesting that the County settle a claim for damages. The matter
was referred to Mike Murray, Public Works Director for handling.
.Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign the Request for Re -Sale
of Tax Title Property by Wayne Bolyard and also Henry LeRoy Wood.
A motion was made by Commissioner Goodwin and seconded by Commis-
sioner Chandler that Resolution Number 90 -74 -CC stating that Virginia Sterling
be designated to provide the services of a Mental Health Professional
effective August 1,1990 be passed. The motion carried.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign the Notice of Separation
or Work Interruption of Betty J. Brueske of the Grant County Mental Health
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Evelyn Hitzroth
of the Assessors Office to $1684.80 per month effective August 1,1990.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Pam Hill of the
Assessors Office to $1319.40 per month effective August 1,1990.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Lauren Grammer
of the Assessors Office to $1516.00 per month effective August 1,1990.
The Commissioners approved the salary of Bonnie Rosco of the
Assessors Office at 1153.60 per month effective August 6,1990.
The Commissioners approved the request for hiring three new staff
members at Grant County Mental Health.
The Commissioners approved the request by Sam Lorenz, Building Department
for the purchase of a computer system in the amount of $3409.00.
The Commissioners approved the request by Billie Sumrall, Planning
Director for a new copier for the Planning, Building, Emergency Services
The Commissioners set a Public Meeting for August 27,1990 at 2:30 p.m.
on the requested zone change from "A" to "C-R" in a portion of S30, 119N.,
R26E.W.M. by Eastern Washington Productions,Inc.
The Commissioners received a letter from Environmental Security Corp.
regarding the status of their lease with Grant County.
The Commissioners received a Petition from the Grand Coulee Dam area
regarding the formation of a hospital district in that area. The signatures
had been certified by the County Auditor as adequate.
There was a continuation of the Public Meeting on the Tren Jones
Zone Change and Preliminary Plat for Astro Acres. A motion was made
by Commissioner Goodwin and seconded by Commissioner Chandler that
Resolution Number 90 -75 -CC adopting the Planning Commission Recommendation
be passed with the stipulation that the sewer connection shall be required
when it comes within 300 feet, provided that trunk line is servicable to
accept sewage, that they must stub out both sides of the house, and
that the project will be subject to Public Works Requirements. The motion
carried. They also made the same stipulation on the Holloway Estates
Preliminary Plat regarding stubbing out both sides of the house rather
than the previously stipulated to stub out to the street recommendation.
As there was no further business the session was continued until
August 7,1990.
August 7,1990
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners
in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners met with the Public Works Department regarding
RAP Contracts, Wilson Creek and other matters of mutual concern.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for pay-
ment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office
8/7/90 in the total amount of $188,981.38.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign the Intergovernmental
Agreement between the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation
and the Grant County Jail.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign the Request for Re -sale
of Tax Title Property by Leslie Lillquist.
The Commissioners were notified by the Hartford Insurance Company
that they had no new recommendations in their Loss Control Survey on
Policy #52 CESQA1672, 52 CESSQ6798.
The Commissioners approved the salary of Eli A. Garcia of the
Juvenile Probation Department at $1424.80 per month effective August
The Commislioners approved the salary of Carol Ann Rice of the
Prosecuting Attorney's Office at $2155 per month effective August 6,
District Court was notified that the Clerk III position had been
re-evaluated and new points assigned. The Sheriff was also notified
regarding the Head Cook position being re-evaluated with new points
The Commissioners met with various Elected Officials, Department
Heads and others regarding matters of mutual concern.
As there was no further business the session was adjourned until
August 13,1990.
Clerk he Board 10
Wvv k of AuguSc 6,1990
The Grant Cuuney Couuuissiuners seS:,ion wa:; ca11uJ to JCJvC UC 9:00 a.m.
by Chairman Clenn Chamberlain. All of the Conuuis::i-uuers were in attendance
with cite Clerk of the Huard.
The Couuuissioners approved thu minutes Qf the precuedinc sussion.
The COULIAsSioner5 received a ICCter fruin,Wilson Creek Union Crain
Baud Trading Company regarding problems with Che Wilsan Creek Wye Road,
and roquesriui; char Che County settle a cl:,im fur damages. Thu matter
was referred to dike Nurray, public Works Oireccor for handling.
Chairman Chamberlain was auchurized to sign the Request for Re -Sale
of Tax Ticlu Property by Wayne bolyard and also Henry LeRoy Wood.
A r.Wtion Was ,Bide by.Conmlissioner CJodwin and seconded by Crimmis-
sioner Cluuadler chat Resulutiun Number 9U -74 -CC stating char l'iri;inia Sterling
be desienacvd to provide ch.: services of a ,ental Ilealch Professional
eifecCive Aui;uSt 1.,199U be paSsed. The urotioal curried.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sii;a the notice of Suparscion
or Work Interruption of Betty J. Brueske of cite Gr;mc County Mental IIea1Ch
The Conuuissioners approved the salary iacr:a::u of Lvelyn Hitzroch
of chu Asses:.ors Office to $1684.80 per munch cftuctive Aua;usr 1,1990,
The Commissioners appruved cite salary increas: of Puns Hill of Che
Assessors Office to $1319.40 per uaonch efieecive August 1,1990.
The Commissioners approved clic salary inrr:aso of Lauren Cral:uner
of Chu Assessors Office to $1516.00 per month oifcCCivc Aul;u:;C 1,199U.
The Cuumaissiuners approved rhe salary of u'unaai.: i;oseu of Clle
Assessors Ufiice at 1153.60 per monch eff(:CLive Augu:;t 6,1990.
The Colmaissioners approved the request fur hiring chrue new stair
members ac Crant County Nencal Health.
The Conuuissiuners approved the requusc by Sam Lorenz, BuildinL Department
for cite purchase of computer sy:;Cean in Che amount ui $3409.00.
The Commissioners approved the request by Billie Sumrall, Planning
Director for a new eupier for cite Planning, Building, Emeri;ency Services
The Couunissioners sec a Public MueCiva; for August 27,199U at _':3U p.m.
on chu requcscod zone change from "A" to "C-R" in a porciuu of S30, T19:4.,
R26E.W.M. by Eastern Washington Productiolas,lnC.
The Conuaissionurs received a lector from [environmental Security corp.
regarding cite status of their lease with Crani Louncy.
The Conuaissioners received a Pec'iciun from the Grand Coulee Dar.; area
regarding; the formation of a hospital diserier in chat area. The signatures
had been certified by Clio County Auditor as adequate.
There was a Cuncinuatiun of the PUbliC Meeting on chu T'ron Jonus
Zone Change and Preliminary Plac fur Aacro wucs. A motion was 111.1
by CoauuiSSiOner Goodwin and sucuuded by Conuni;:;:iuuur Chandler Cheat
Resolution Number 90 -75 -CC adopting tl.a 1'lal-alio;; Comanission Recou.mendacion
be passed with the stipulaaCiun clot[ Che sewer connection shall be required
when it comes within 300 feet, provided th1IC trunk line is servicable co
accept sewaj,u, that they Must stub out bush :,ides of the Roust, and
chat the project will be subject to Public harks I:e(juiremutatS. rh,: c;aciun
carried. The), also madu the same sCi:)Motion on the Hulloway liscates
Preliminary Plac regarding stubbing out both side:i of chu. house rather
than the previously seipulacud co stub out. Cu chu ::eravt recun:menJation.
. f ,
As there was no further bus.iuess the :session was cuncinued uneil
August 7,1990.
Augusc 7,1990
The session was continued ac V:00 .,.m. with all of Cho Cunuui::siuuers
in ascendance with the Merl: of Chu huard.
The Commissiuners mac with the Public Mork:; Uupartmenc r.gardin;;
VAP Contracts, Wilson Creek and ocher uwccers of mutual cuncern.
As of this dace the Board by a majority voce dues approve fur pay-
meac chose vouchers included in Chu list filed in the AudiL'ars UIfite
8/7/90 in the total amount of $ldb,981.38.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign Cho Incuraovernmencal
Agreement between the Confederated Tribes of cho Colville husurvacioa
and Cho Crant Councy Jail.
Chairman Chaubcrlain was authorized to sign Chu Requust for ke-sale
of Tux Title Prupurcy by Leslie Lillquist.
Thu Coumaissioners were notified by clic Ilartiurd Insurance Company
char they had no now racouunendatiuns in their Loss Cuucrol Survey ou
Policy A2 CL''SQA1672, 52 CL'SSQ6798.
The Camnissioners approved Cho salary of Eli A. Carcia of the
Juvenile Probaeion Ueparcmunc ac $14'14.80 per swath effective August
The Co:muissiondrs approved the salary & Carol Ann Rice of the
Prosecuting Accarney's Uffice ac $2155 per wo" th uffeccive August 6,
District Courr was notified that the Clark III pusirion had been
rc-evaluated and new points assigned. The Shurfii was :also nu"fid
regarding the (load Cook position beim; rc-evaluacud with new points
The Commissioners met With various Elected UNIcials, Oupartment
Heads and others regarding matters of mutual concern.
As there was no furehdr business the Z;L's5iUn was :adjourned until
August 13,1990.
Clerk he Board%
Week of Au6usc 6,1910
Thu Grunt County Commissioners session w"s called L.1 oidir ac 9:00 a.m.
by Chairman Glenn Chamberlain. All of the Couuuissiunurs cera in attendance
with the Clark of the Hoard.
The Conalissioners approved Cho wiuuces of rho proceeding session.
The Commissioners received a letter from Wilton Creek Uniun Grain
and Trading Company regarding problem:: with chu Wilson Creek Wye Road,
and requesciug char the County settle a claim for damages. The mutter
was reicrrod Lo Aike Murray, Public Storks Director for handling.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign the Requesc for Re -Sale
of Tax Tick: Property by Wayne Lolyard and also Hunry LeRoy Wood.
A elution was mads by Commissioner Goodwin and Seconded by Commis-
sioner Ch""dler chat Rosulueiun Number 9U -74 -CC staeiul; chat Virginia Sterling
be desi8nate•d to provide the services of a Mcncal 11"10 Proiessional
effective AUjUSL 1,199U be. passed. The motion carried.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sigil Ckv Hocice of scparaCioa
or Work lnterruption of Betty J. Hrueskc of Cho Cr:,nt County Mental health
The Commissioners approved the salary incroase of Evelyn Hitzvoctl
of the Assessors Office to $1684.60 per munch effective Augusc 1,1196.
The Couunissiuners appruved elle salary increase: of Pam Hill of the
Assessors Office to $1319.40 per month KAL Cive August 1,1990.
The Commissioners approved rhe salary increase of Lauren Cra"aer
of the Assessors Office to $1516.00 per month effective Au,;usc 1,199U.
The Cuutwis ilunurn approved the salary of L'unnie Roscu of the
Assessors Office ac 1153.60 per month effective Aueusc 6,1090.
The Commissioners approved the request iur hiriuo three now stair
members ac Grant County Dianeal Bcalth.
The Conmlibsioners approved Chu request by Sam Lorenz, Building Uopartmenc
for Cho purchase of a computer synem in Chc auwuut, of $3409.00.
The Connissioners approved Lhe request by Billie Sulmrall, E'lunning
Director for a now copier for the planning, Building, Emorguncy Services
The Commissioners set a Public Meering fur AuguSC 27,199U at 2:3U p.m.
on the requested zone change from: "A" to "C -k" in a porciun of S30, TIM. ,
1126E.W.M. by Eastern Washington PtuduCQOnS,1nC.
The Commissioners received a letter from Envirunulencal Security Corp.
regarding rhe status of their lease with Grant. County.
The Commissionors received a Petition frouu the Crand Coulce Dan arca
regarding the formation of a hospital district in Chat area. Tiiu signnCurus
had been curcifiud by the County Auditor as aduquarc.
There was a continuation of the Public Meeting at Mie Tren Jones;
Zone Chancre and Preliminary Plac fur Astro Acrus. A motion was made
by Couniss.ioner Guodwiti and sucuuded by Commissiunur Chandler chat
Resoluciva Number 90 -75 -CC adopting the Planning Cumasslon Recor.mcndatioru
be passed wick Chu scipulactuu chat Cho bower cunnocrAn shall be required
when LC canes within 300 Nuc, provided that trunk line is survicablu co
accept Sewage, that Choy must stub ouc both vidos of the house, and
that Chu project will be Subject CO Public forks Requirume1LS, "1'11,.• motion
carried. 'They also made the Sawa stipulation in Cho HUlluway ESW Cas
Preliminary Plat regarding stubbing ouc bath side:: of Cha Louse rach.r
Chun Che previously Stipulated to Snub our Cu ch. ::cr;:&t racui.uncndacion,
As there was no Lurcher business chc Sussion was continuud until
August 7,1990.
Auguor 7,1990
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with u11 of the COau,iu5ionUrS
in accandance with Chu Clerk of the Board.
The Cowmissionurs met with Cho Public llorks Uaparn w nc vv6ardin,;
RAP Contracts, Wilson Cruel. and other waceuru of mutual cu"curn.
As of .chis Tact the Board by a uajuricy voce dues approve for pay-
monc chose vouchers included in the list tiled in cho Auditors Uffice
817/90 in the coral amount of $188081.38.
Chairman Chamberlain was auchurized to sign Chu Lntergavernwuucal
Agreement between the Confeduraced Tribus of the Colville Husurvation
and the Crant Councy Jail.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign rho Rayuusc for Ira -sale
W Tax Title Property by Leslie Lillyuist.
The CJ6mEi5Si0noC1 were nucified by Che Ilarau,W hour:uicc Cumpauy
that they had no now reeunuuunJaCiuns in their Luss Cuucrul Survey un
Policy 02 CLSQA1672, 52 CESSQ6798.
Tho Commissioners approved Cho salary of Eli A. Gcrcia of tie
Juvenile Probation Daparcmenc ac $1414.80 put month uffuccive Avjusc
The Commissioners :approved Chu salary of Carol Ann Rice of the
Prosecuting Attorney's Uffico UC $2155 per month effective August 6,
District Court was notified that Chu Clerk Iii Position had b: -.on
re-evaluated aad,nuw points assiWwd . The Shuriff was also notified
rclarding the !load Cook position Le"j re-evaluated .rich new poincS
Th! Commissioners met with variuus Cluctud Ufficials, Department
Heads and others regarding matters of mutual concern.
As chore was no further business Cho sessiun was adjourned until
.August 13,1990.
Clerk � hu Baard��