HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - AccountingPayable batches audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24,080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board. - Patch ID: GCEMER091223. As of this. date, 09/12/23 the, Board:, by a majority vote, does approve. for payment those payable batches Payable Total: 00,766.812 Reviewed and certified by. Oe Auditor Date: lnvoice8/Batches not approved: AP BATCH ID: GCEMER091223 Grant County Claims Clearing Account - 9201 AMOUNT 610,954.55 142,468,2.1 1,754.66 65,301,97 1,116.58 3,017.87 _ 1,456.23 s 20,740.24 s 17,655,00 s 32,286.23 s _ $ 2,652.58 s ,s 4,195.25 s _ $ _ $ 6,381.37 s $ A $ _ $ _ $ _ 6. 33,859.47 s 25,511.06 s. 255.32 s $ _ S _ s 3,416.17 s 43,200,47 s _ $ 7,801.36 s S 5,003.74 71,729.49 1,100,766.82 AP COMPLETED BY: N. Yanez JOURNAL ENTRY: TREASURER NOTIFIED: POSTING COMPLETED BY: CHECKS: VOIDED: BATCH Name FUND 212,820.29 $ 425,640.58 $ - CURRENT EXPENSE 001,000, $ $ 9,441.16 SWPWO91123CC COUNTY ROADS 101 $ 1,300.00 $ CARES ACT ELECTIONS 102 $ 11.50 $ VETS ASSISTANCE 104 $ $ 435,081.74 HAVA 3 ELECTIONS 106 $ 66.81 $ FEDERAL DRUG 107 $ 26.24 $ MENTAL HEALTH 108 $ 1,205.57 $ ST DRUG SEIZURE 109 $ 87,782..16 $ LAW LIBRARY 110 $ 12,939.32 $ TREASURER (JIM 1 1 $ 1,407.00 $ JAIL CONCESSION 112 $ 245.87 $ ECON ENHANCMNT 11.3 $ 29.27 $ TOURIST ADVERT 114 $ 18,103.53 $ P. A. R. C. 11.5 $ 1,754.66 $ COUNTY FAIR 116 $ 48,575.22 $ PROP 1 Sales Tax 117 $ 19,500,00 $ INET INVESTIGATION 118 $ 1,422.00 $ PROS CRIME VICT 120 $ 351761.76 $ LAW & JUSTICE 121 $ 20,086.23 $ TURNKEY LIGHT 122 $ 11,450,00 $ AUDITOR O/M 124 $ 750.00 $ DD RESIDENT PROG 125 $ 229.61 $ R,E.E.T. 1st 1!4% 126 $ 6,381.37 $ TRIAL COURT IMPROV: 127 $ 43,200,47 $ DOM VIOL SRVCS 128 $ 12,953.75 $ AFF HOUSING 120 $ 73.00 $ HMLS HS Lac 130 $ 434,898.69 $ REET 2nd 1l4% 132 $ Econ Enh. Rural Co 133 $ LODGING 134 $ Dispute Resolution 130 $ Building 138 $ REST Admin 139 $ SHERIFF SURPLUS 140 $ SHB 1405 141 $ Vessel Reg. Free Cash 142 $ HILLCREST GRID` 161 $ GRANTS ADMIN. 190 $ American. Rescue plan 191 $ MUSEUM CONTRUCTION 304 $ MACC Bond 307 $ MCKINSTRY ESSENTION 308 $ COUNTY FAIR SEWER 309 $ 312 $ JAIL CONST, BOND 313 $ SOLID WASTE 401 $ DATA PROCESSING 501 $ QUADRENNIAL 502 $ INSURANCE PR REMITS CASH 503 504 $ $ INTFUND BENEFITS 505 $ UNEMPLOY COMP 506 $ DENTAL INS. 507 $ OTHER PR BEN. 508 $ VISION BENEFITS 500 $ EQUIP RENTAL 510 $ COMMUNICATIONS 511 $ TECHNICAL SERV. 195 523 $ PITS & QUARRIES 550 $ PAYROLL LIABILITIES 690.001 $ TOTAL TRANSFER: $ AMOUNT 610,954.55 142,468,2.1 1,754.66 65,301,97 1,116.58 3,017.87 _ 1,456.23 s 20,740.24 s 17,655,00 s 32,286.23 s _ $ 2,652.58 s ,s 4,195.25 s _ $ _ $ 6,381.37 s $ A $ _ $ _ $ _ 6. 33,859.47 s 25,511.06 s. 255.32 s $ _ S _ s 3,416.17 s 43,200,47 s _ $ 7,801.36 s S 5,003.74 71,729.49 1,100,766.82 AP COMPLETED BY: N. Yanez JOURNAL ENTRY: TREASURER NOTIFIED: POSTING COMPLETED BY: CHECKS: VOIDED: BATCH PMCHK CREDITS PMTRX 212,820.29 $ 425,640.58 $ - $ 425,640.58 PWO91123CC 4,72158 $ 9,441.1.6 $ $ 9,441.16 SWPWO91123CC 689.42 $ - $ 689.42 DC090123ALH 1,300.00 $ 2,600.00 $ - $ 2,600.00 SCO9052023CMB 11.50 $ 23,00 $ 217,540.87 $ 435,081.74 $ - $ 435,081.74 99,023.43 $ 198,0 36,86 $ $ 1K046.86 BOCCO9072023JG 2,996,64 $ 5,993.28 $ - $ 5,993.28 DC09072023BLB 344.71 $ 689.42 $ - $ 689.42 DC090123ALH 1,300.00 $ 2,600.00 $ - $ 2,600.00 SCO9052023CMB 11.50 $ 23,00 $ - $ 23.00 CA090520.23RR 20,707.14 $ 41,414.28 $ $ 41,414.28 EL09723MJ 66.81 $ 133.62 $ - $ 1.33.62 EL090523MJ' 26.24 $ 5148 $ - $ 52:.48 EL090623MJ' 1,205.57 $ 2,411.14 $ - $ 2,411.14 PA090723JM 87,782..16 $ 175,564.32 $ 348.54 $ 176,958..48 CS009072023VB 12,939.32 $ 25,878.64 $ - $ 25,875,64 JAIL090723DH 1,407.00 $ 2,814.00 $ - `I! 2,814.00 JV090723AW 245.87 $ 491.74 $ - $ 491,74 ES090523LB 29.27 $ 55,64 $ - $ 58.54 ES083123LB 18,103.53 $ 36,207.06 $ $ 36,207.06 PD09.06-2023KH 1,754.66 $ 3,509.32 $ - $ 3,549.32 VETS09072023JG 48,575.22 $ 97,150.44 $ 30.00 $ 57,270.44 RN09112023KSH 19,500,00 $ 39,000.00 $ $ 39,000.00 RN091120`23KSH2 1,422.00 $ 2,844.00 $ - $ 2,844.00 RNW09112023TS 351761.76 $ 71,523.52 $ - $ 71,523,52 SHER090723DH 20,086.23 $ 40,172.46 $ $ 40,172.46 FG90123DH 11,450,00 $ 22,900.00 $ - $ 22,900.00 FGCTRSRV23ADH 750.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 FGREF90723DH 229.61 $ 459.22 $ - $ 459.22 CLO90723SF 6,381.37 $ 12,762.74 $ - $ 12,762.74 NH.09062023-AKB 43,200,47 $ 86,400,94 $ - $ 86,400.94 TS09072023VB 12,953.75 $ 25,907.50 $ - $ 25,907.50 HR090623TB 73.00 $ 146.00 $ - $ 146.00 REISSUE -090223 434,898.69 $ 869,797.38 $ - $ 869,797.38 CSD90623VB 683,225.95 $ 1,766,451.90 $ 378.54 $ 1,767,966,06 683,225.95 $ 1,766,451.90 $ 378.54 $ 1,767,966.0+6 1,100,766.82 $ 2,201,533.64 $ 378.54 $ 2,203,047.80 System: 9/6/2023 4:56:47 PM County of Grant Page: 1 User Date: 9/6/2023 CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT User ID: nayanez Payables Management Ranges: Vendor ID: 1 - zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Vendor Name: First - Last Vendor Class.- First - Last User -Defined 1: First - Last Sorted By: Vendor ID Papent, Priority: First - Last Due Date: First - Last Discount Date,., First - Last Payment Data: 9/30/2023 Payment Vendor ID Vendor NameDocument Document GL Accoupt Amount .0n Hold Total tiumber Date ---------------------- --------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FTESC Frontier Title & Escrow Co 34838-G'R 9/6/2023 001,112-00.0000,594186001 $43418,98.69 $0,00 $434,89B.69 TOTAL FOR FUND 001 -------------- ------------- $4 , 34,898.69 -------------- $0.00 $434,898.69 GRAND TOTAL ------------- --------------- $434r89 p69 $0.00 -------------- A'v System: 9/6/2023 4:44:28 PM County of Grant Page: 0.00 User Date: 9/6/2023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: vbrown Payables Management Batch ID: CSD90623VB Batch Comment: Batch Frequency: Single Use Trx Total Actual: I Trx Total Control: 0 Audit Trail Code: Batch Total Actual: $434,898.69 Batch Total Control: $43098.69 Batch Error Messages: Posting Date: 9/6/2023 User posting access denied Vendor ID Document Number Document Date Voucher Number Purchase's Document Total L Vendor Name Terms Disc Avail FTESC 3.4838 -GR Frontier Title & Escrow Co Description Payment Information Checkbook/C.ard Check Distribution Messages: Work Messages: 9/6/2023 Payment Number General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description CAP OUTLAY SUPPLY 692.001.00.0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE 0396459 $434,898.69 $434,898.69 Document Date Amount 0/0/0000 $0.00 Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount PUNCH. 434,898.69 0.00 PAY 0.00 ----------------- 434,898.69 434, 98.9 434,898.69 System: 9/612023 4:44:28 PIVI County of Grant Page: 2 User Date: 9/6/2023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: vbrown Batch ID Payables Management Purchases Amount Terms Disc Avail Document Total ---------------- ------------------ ------------------ $434,898.69 $0.00 $434,898.69 State of Wash! ngton-County of Grant 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered or the labor performed as described herein, that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for full or partial fulfillment of a contractural obligation, and that the claim is a 'ust, due and unpaid obligation against the county, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim, Subscribed this day of U (Signed) For Department Approved and Authorized By Date Allowed Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Frontier Title and Escrow Co, Inc, 324 South Ash SUite r Moses Lake, WA 98837 Phorie-. (509)764.-2368 Fax. (509)764-41 79 Close of Escrow: September 8, 2023 Escrow officer/ loser Cheryl Vanden Bos Escrow Number: 34838 -GR Borrower: Grant County P.O. Box 37 Sate Price of Property . .. .......... . Ephrata, WA 98823 Seller: Karl Kelly Northrup 21 C Street SW Pro ta'tlo!Adju'A M_ebt-� Ephrata, WA 98823 Property Location, 21 C Street SW Ephrata, WA 98823 Borrower Grant County BY. A# WIT , �77 Rob Jones Chair BY: Cindy rter Vice jG hit BY: BY, Danny Stonev Member Printed on: 9/6/202.3 8:33-33 AM by Marten Gomez Page 1 oft 34838-GR/73 Borrower Debit Credit Financial Consideration Sate Price of Property . .. .......... . 445 1000.00 Depos'lt 102000.00 Pro ta'tlo!Adju'A M_ebt-� County Taxes 993,06 07/01/23-12/31/23 EsdrbwiTitle Charges Settlement Fee/Wire Courier to Frontier Title and Escrow..Co, Inc. 676.41 ER.ecording Fee• (B) to, Frontier Title and Esorow CoInc, 10.84 Re' co"r-ding harge Beoordin Fees to Gran- t Counity_l ecorder 204.50 M scellaneou's"Debits/Credits' 2nd 1/2 Taxes Due to Grant County Recorder 0.00 SUbtotals 4451891,75 %993.06 Ba,lanr,e Due FROM Borrower 434,898.6 1 9 TOTALS 445,891.75 445,891-75 Borrower Grant County BY. A# WIT , �77 Rob Jones Chair BY: Cindy rter Vice jG hit BY: BY, Danny Stonev Member Printed on: 9/6/202.3 8:33-33 AM by Marten Gomez Page 1 oft 34838-GR/73 Borrower's Estimated Settlement Statement Frontier Title and Escrow Co, Inc. Settlement Agent Printed on: 9/6/2023 8:33:33 AM by Marlen Gomez P34838-GRI73 Page 2 of 2 Departme"iReal Estate Excise Tax Affildavit (RCW 82.45 WAC 458-61A) RevenueTA_ _21 Washingion Stat. Only for saafes in a single ior-atior, code on or after, fviar"� 1, 2n This affidavit Wit not be accepted unless all areas inn all pa' Form 84 0001a, ges are fUlly and accurately completed. I This is your receipt when stamped by casihler. Plea -se type brprl'nt, El Check box if partial sale, indicate %_ sold. List percentage of ov mrrship acquired next to each name. Selfer/Grantor Buyer/Grantee Name Karl Kelly Northrup, as his separate estate Name Grant County, Washington, a quasi governmental agency Mailing, address2-T C Street SW Nialling acfdrpss P-0. Box 37 cityAtate/zip Ephrata, WA 98823 City/state/zip Ephrata, WA 98823 Phone (including area code) 509-434-8804. Phone (Including area code) 3 send all property tax correspondence to; Same as Buyer/Grantee List all roal and personal property tax Persoiial Assessed parcel account numbers property? Value(s) Name Grant County, Washington, a quasi governmental agency140905000 Mailing address P.O. Box 31 City/state/zip Ephrata, WA 98823 El 4 street addressof property 21 C Street SW This property 'is located in �rata (for uni I ncorporate0amdonspicase .sclect .your county), Check box if any of the listed parcels are being segregated from another ,parcel, are part of a boundary line adjustment or parcels being merged. Legal description of property (if you need more space, attach a separate sheet to each, page of the afficlavit). Lots 1, 2,3,4,and 5, Block 12, Third Addition to Ephrata, according to the pla I t thereof recorded in Volume. I of PlatsL -Page 13, records of Grant County, Washington 5 land use code59 - Tenant occupied, commercial orpperties 7 Ll 6 st all personal property (tangible and intangible) Included in selling Enter any addidanal codes.,--- price. (see bark of last page for instruttions) Was the seller recefying a pmperty tax exemption at deferral under RCW 8436 84 7, or 84.38 ("�o n profit ort, senior If claiming an exemption, list WAC number and reason for exemption, citizen or disabQ pegon, homemly I ner with liniiW income)? 0 Yes [A No. WAC number (section/subsectio n is this property predominately used for timber (as classified Reason for exemption under RCW 84.34 and 84,33) or agrTculture. (as dassiffed under RCW 84.34.020) and will continue in ice's cunrem use? if yes iond the transfer Involves mulldple parcels with diNterit clasoficatiansa complete the predominate use calculator (see ln!Uud`iOns) 11 Yes No 6 Is this, property designated as forest land per RCW $4,$37 0 Yes. 19 No T00 of docUmerit StatUtOlY Warranty Deed It this property classified as current use (open space, farm Date of document and agricultural, o r timber) land, per R6k 84.34? Cl Yes 1Z No. Gross selling prire 4451000.00 Is this property receMng special vatu4on -as historical *Personal property (deduct) .00 property per RCW8416? 11 Yes (a No Exemption claimed. (deduct) .00 If any answers are yes., complete as instructed below. 'Taxable selling price 446o000.00 (1) N071a Of CONTINUANCE (FORM LAND OR CURRENT USE.) NEW OWNERM: To continoe the Current designation as forest land Excise tax:,state or classification as current rrent use. (open spacer, farm acid agnculture, or Less than $525,000-01 at 1.1% 4,895.00 dmbet) land, you must sign on (3) below. The county assessor must then determine if the land transferred continues to qualify and will indicatFrom $525,000,01 to $lo5251000 at IZ% e .00 by signing below. if the land nQ longer qualifes or you do not wNh W From $1,525,000,01 to $31. 025,000 at 2,75% .00 continue the desjgqation or classification,klwil( be removed and the campe'nsating or additional taxes vAll be due and payableby the seller Above $3,025,000 at 3% .00 or transferor at the time of sale (RCW $4.33.140 or 8434.108). Pr:ar to Agricultural and timberland at 1,28% .'00 signing (3) below, you may contact your local county assessor for more k Informaiian. Total excise tax: state 4,895.00 This land: 13 does does not qualify for 0.005 Local 2,225.00 continuance. *Delinquent interest. state .00 Deputy assessor signature Date (Z) NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE (HISTORIC PROPERTY) NEW OWNER(S): To continue special valuation as historic Property, sign (3) below. If the now owner(s) doesn't wish to continue, all additional tax calculated pursuant to RCW 84.26, shall be due and payable by the seller or transferor at the time of sale, (3) NEW OWNER(S) SIGNATURE $ignature Signature Local .00 "Delinquent penalty Subtotal 7i`1200 05tate technology fee 151,00 Affidavit processing fee .00 Total due 7,125,00 A MINIMUM OF $10.00 is DUE IN FEE(S) AND/011 TAX *SEE INSTRUCTIONS Print name Print name 8 1 CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY T14ATT14E FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT 5i nature of grantor or agent Signature of grantee or agent Name (printf Name (print Date & city of signing Date & city of signing Perjury in the second degree is a class C felony which is punishable by confinement in a state correctional Institution for a maximum term of five ears or Ary a fine in an amount fixed by the court or not. more than $10,000, or by both such confinement and fine (RCW 9A.72.030 and RCW.9A.20 To ask about the availability of this PLIbIl6ti 1 6 A a on in an alternate fot rior thg ftually tmp9ir0d, ple�se call 310.5-6705. Tel e type [M) users may Use. the WArPe?a Yservice, Ycalling 11.* 60 - REV 84 0001a ((02/281231 THIS SPACE TREASURER'S USE ONLY COUNTY TREASURER Print on legal size paper. Pago. 1 of 5 Exhibit "A" Lots 1, 21 31 4, and 5, Block 12, Third Addition to Ephrata, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume I of Plats, Page 13, records of Grant County, Washington Legal Description 34838•GR/69 Escrow No.: 34838 -GR Frontier Title and Escrow Co, Inc. 324 South Ash, Suite F Moses Lake, WA 98837 (609)764-2368 Fax: (609)764-4179 Date: September 5, 2023 Escrow No.: 34838 -GR Escrow Closer: Cheryl Vanden Bos File Name: Northrup CLOSING AGREEMENT AND ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS For Purchase and sale Transaction The undersigned buyer and seller (referred to herein as "the parties") hereby designate and appoint. Frontier Title and Escrow Co, Inc. (referred to herein as "the closing agent") to act as their closing and escrow agent according to the following agreements and instructions. IT IS AGREED, AND TME CLOSING AGENT IS INSTRUCTED, AS FOLLOWS: Terms of Sale. The terms and conditions of the transaction which 'is the -subject of these instructions (referred to herein as "the transaction") are set forth In the parties' Purchase and Sale Agreement, Earnest Money Agreement, or other written agreement, and any attachments, amendments or addenda to that agreement (referred to herein as "the parties' agreement"), which is made a part, of these instructions by this reference. Any changes to the partiesagreement will be made a part of these instructions, without further reference when signed by the parties and delivered to the closing agent, These instructions are not intended to amend, modify or supersede the terms and conditions of the parties' agreement and if there is any conflict or inconsistency betwee . n these Instructions and the parties' agreement, the terms and conditions of the parties, agreement shall. control. Description of Real PrOQedy.. The real property which Is the subject of the transaction (referred to herein as "the property") is identified in the parties' agreement. The documents required to close the transaction must contain the "legal description" of the property. If the parties' agreement does not yet contain the correct legal description, the parties or the real estate agent shall obtain an addendum setting forth the legal description as soon as possible and deliver it to the closing agent. Closing Date. The date on which the documents required to close the transaction are filed for record (referred to herein as "the closing date") shall be on or before the date for closing of the transaction specified in the parties' agreement unless the closing date falls within the three-day rescission period after delivery to the buyer of an amended real property transfer disclosure statement,, in which case the closing date shall be extended until the expiration of the three-day rescission period, Documents. The closing agent is instructed to select, prepare, correct, receive, hold, record and deliver documents as necessary to close the transaction. The closing agent may request that certain. documents be prepared or obtained by the parties or their attorneys" which case the parties shall deliver the requested documents to the closing agent before the closing date. Execution. of any document will be considered approval of Its form and contents by each party signing such document. Deposits and Disbursements of Funds. Before the closing date, each party shall deposit with the closing agent all funds required to be paid by such party to close the transaction, less any earnest money previously deposited with the real estate agent. The closing agent Is authorized, but not required, to consider a lending Institution's written commitment to deposit funds as the equivalent of a deposit of such funds, if all conditions of the commitment will be met on or before the closing .date, All funds received by the closing agent shall be deposited In one or more of its escrow or trust accounts with any bank doing business in the State of Washington and may be transferred to any other such accounts. The closing agent shall not be required to disburse any funds deposited by check or draft until it has been advised by its bank that such check or draft has been honored. All disbursements shall be made by the closing agent's check. Settlement Statement. The closing agent is instructed to prepare a settlement statement showing all funds deposited for the account of each of the parties and the proposed disbursements from such funds. No funds shall be disbursed until the parties have examined and approved the settlement statement. Some items may be estimated, and the final amount of each estimated item will be adjusted to the exact amount required to be paid at the time of disbursement. The settlement statement will be subject to audit and any errors or omissions may be corrected at any time. If any monetary error is found, the amount will be immediately paid by the party liable for such payment to the party entitled to receive It. Initials Closing Agreement and Escrow Instructions (Sale) 34838 -GR Escrow No.: 34838 -GR Pro -rations. Adjustments or pro -rations of real estate taxes, and other charges if any, shall be made on a per -diem basis using a 365 day year, unless the closing agent is otherwise instructed, Title Insurance. The closing agent is instructed to obtain and forward to the parties a preliminary commitment for title insurance on the property and on any other parcel of real property that will be used to secure payment of any obligation created in the transaction (referred to herein as the title report!). The closing agent is authorized to rely on the title report in the performance of its duties and shall have no responsibility or liability for any title defects or encumbrances which are not disclosed in the title report. Verification of Existing Encumbrances. The closing agent is instructed to request a written statement from the holder of each existing encumbrance on the property, verifying its status, terms, balance owing and, if itwi *11 not be removed at closing, the requirements that must be met to obtain a waiver of any due -on -sale provision. The closing agent may rely upon such written statements in the performance of its duties, without liability or responsibility for their accuracy or completeness. Instructions From Third Parties. If any written instructions necessary to close the transaction according to the parties' agreement are given to the closing agent by anyone other than the .parties or their attorneys, including but not limited to lenders, such instructions are accepted and agreed to by the parties. Disclosure of Information to Third Parties. The closing agent is authorized to furnish, upon request, copies of any closing documents, agreements or instructions concerning the transaction to the parties' attorneys, and to any real estate agent, lender or title insurance company involved in the transaction. Other papers or documents containing personal or financial Information concerning any party may not be released to anyone other than the party's attorney or lender, without prior written approval, Potential Legal Problems. If the closing agent becomes aware of any facts., circumstances or potential problems which, in its opinion, should be reviewed by any of the parties' attorneys, the closing agent is authorized, in its sole discretion, to advise the parties of such facts, circumstances or potential problems and recommend that legal counsel be sought. Closing Accent's Fees and Expenses,, The closing agent's fee is intended as compensation for the services set forth in these instructions. If additional services are required to comply with any change or addition to the parties' agreement or these instructions, or as a result of any party's assignment of interest or delay in performance,the parties agree to pay a reasonable additional fee for such services. The parties shall also reimburse the closing agent for any out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred by it under these instructions. The closing agent's fees, costs and expenses shall be due and payable on the closing date or other termination of closing agent's duties and responsibilities under these instructions, and shall be paid one-half by the buyer and one-half by the seller unless otherwise provided in the parties' agreement. Cancellation. These instructions may be canceled by a written agreement, signed by all of the parties, and payment of the closing agent's fees, costs and expenses. Upon receipt of such agreement and payment, the closing agent shall return any money or dccuments then held by it to the parties that deposited the same, and shall have no further duties or responsibilities under these instructions. Inability to Comply With Instructions. If the closing agent receives conflicting instructions or determines, for any reason, that it cannot comply with these instructions by the date for closing specified in the parties' agreement or In any written extension of that date, it shall notify the parties, request further Instructions, and In its discretion: (1) continue to perform its duties and close the transaction as soon as possible after recelvIl ng further Instructions, or ( 2) if no conflicting instructions have been received, return any money or documents then held by It to the parties that deposited the same, less any fees and expenses chargeable to such party, or (3) commence a court, action, deposit the money and documents held by it Into the registry of the court, and ask the court to determine the rights of the parties. When the money and documents have been returned to the parties or deposited into the registry of the court, the closing agent shall have no further duties or responsibilities Under these instructions, Disputes. Should any dispute arise between the parties, or any of them, and/or any other party, concerning the property or funds involved In the transaction, the closing agent may, in its sole discretion, hold all documents and funds In their existing status pending resolution of the dispute, or join or commence a court action, deposit the money and documents held by it with the court, and ask the court to determine the rights of the parties. Upon deposftlng said funds and documents with the court, the closing agent shall have no further duties or responsibilities underthes e instructions. The parties Jointly and severally agree to pay the closing agent's costs, responsi expenses and reasonable attorney's fees incurred in any lawsuit arising out of or in connection With the transaction or these instructions, whether such lawsuit is instituted by the closing agent, the parties, or any other person. Notices. Any notice, declaration or request made under these instructions shall be in writing, signed by the party .giving such notice or making such declaration or request, and personally delivered or mailed to the closing agent and other parties at their addresses set forth in these instructions. Amendments, Any amendment, addition or supplement to these instructions must be in writing, signed by the appropriate parties and delivered to the closing agent. Counterparts. These instructions may be executed in one or more counterparts with like effect as if all signatures appeared on one copy, Initials Closing Agreement and Escrow Instructions (Sale) 34838 -GR Escrow No.: 34838 -GR Effect. These instructions shall bind and benefit the parties, the closing agent, and their successors in interest, Definitions. When used herein or in any amendment, addition or supplement hereto, words and phrases are defined and are to be construed as follows: The words "buyer" and "seller" refer to all persons and entities identified as such by their signatures on this document, jointly and severally unless otherwise Indicated, and shall be construed interchangeably with other similar terms such as "purchaser", "vendee", "vendor', "grantee'll or 11grantor" as may be appropriate in the context and circumstances to which such words apply. The word "lender" refers to any lending Institution or other party, including the seller If appropriate, that has agreed to provide all or part of the financing for the transaction or to which the buyer has made a loan application. The phrase "these instructions" refers to the agreements, instructions and provisions set forth in this document and all amendments, additions and supplements to this document. The phrase "the property" refers to the real property operty identified in the parties' agreement, including any other parcel of real property that will be used. to secure payment of any obligation created in the transaction, and does not, include any Items of personal property unless otherwise specifically stated' in these instructions. The phrase "outside of escrow" refers to any duty, obligation or other matter which is the sole responsibility of the parties or of any party, and for which the closing agent shall have no responsibility or liability, In these Instructions, singular and plural words, and masculine, feminine and neuter words, shall be construed interchangeably as may be appropriate In the context and circumstances to which such words apply. MATTERS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE BUYER AND SELLER IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY The following items must be completed by the parties, outside of escrow,, and are not part of the closing agent's duties under these instructions, Disclosure, Inspection and .Approval of the Property. Any required disclosures concerning the property Including, but not limited, to preparation and delivery of any required Real Property Transfer Disclosure Statement, or inspections or approvals of the property or of Improvements, additions or repairs to the property, will be arranged and completed by the parties, outside of escrow, The closing agent shall have no liability with respect to the accuracy of any disclosures made, or for the physical condition of the property, or any buildings, improvements, plumbing, heating, cooling, electrical, septic or other systems on the property, and no responsibility 'to inspect the property, or to otherwise determine or disclose its physical condition, or to determine whether any required disclosures have been made, or whether any required improvements, additions or repairs have been satisfactorily completed. Personal, Property. Any required Inspections, approvals or transfers of possession of any owned or leased fixtures, equipment or other items of personal property included in the transaction, and payment of any personal property, sales or use taxes, will be completed by the parties outside of escrow.. Unless otherwise instructed, the closing agent shall have no responsibility with respect to such personal property and shall not be required to determine the status or condition of the title to, encumbrances upon, ownership, or physical condition of such personal property, nor to calculate, pro -rate, collect, prepare returns for or pay any personal property tax, sales tax or use tax arising from the transaction. Utilities. All orders, cancellations, transfers, payments and adjustment of accounts for water, sewer, garbage collection, electricity, gas, fuel oil, telephone, television cable and any other utilities or public services will be completed by the parties outside of escrow. Unless otherwise instructed, the closing agent shall have no responsibility, except as required by law, effective January 1, 1997, to determine, collect, pay, pro -rate or adjust charges for Installation or service for any utilities or public services, except to pro -rate existing recurrent assessments for public improvements, if any, which appear on the title report. Fire or Casual !y Insurance., If a new policy of fire, hazard or casualty insurance on the property is necessary to close the transaction, the buyer will arrange for the policy to be issued, outside: of escrow, and will provide evidence of the required insurance coverage to the closing agent before the closing date, Unless otherwise instructed, the closing agent shall have no responsibility to contract for or obtain any policy of fire, hazard or casualty insurance on the property, or any, assignment of such policy. Possession of the Property. The transfer of possession of the property shall be arranged directly between the parties outside of escrow and shall not be the responsibility of the closing agent. Collection Account. If any financing for the transaction will be provided by a private party, the parties are advised to open a. collection account at a financial Institution to receive and disburse payments to be made under the private promissory note or contract. The collection account nt shall be established by the parties outside of escrow and shall not be the responsibility of the closing agent. Initials Closing Agreement and Escrow Instructions (Sale) 34838 -GR Escrow No.: 34838 -GR Payment of Omitted Taxes, if any additional real property taxes are assessed for improvements made to the property that have not been added to the tax rolls before the closing date, the parties shall pay their respective shares of such omitted taxes, pro -rated as of the closing date, within 30 days after receipt of notification that such taxes have been assessed. The closing agent shall not be responsible or liable for any assessment, collection or payment of omitted taxes. individual Taxes. The parties are advised to consult with their attorneys to determine whether they must report income, deduct expenses or losses, or withhold or pay any income or business taxes as result of the transaction. The closing agent shall have no responsibility for the parties' Individual tax consequences arising from the transaction. Foreign Investment in Real Propgrty Tax Act. If any seller is, or may be, a non-resident alien or a foreign corporation, partnership, trust or estate for the purposes of United States income taxation, the parties are advised to consult with their, attorneys before the closing date to determine their responsibilities and liabilities, if any, under the f=oreign Investment in. Real Property Tax Act (Section 1445 et seq. of the internal Revenue Code), The closing agent is not required to verify the nationality or foreign status of any of the sellers, or to withhold, report or pay any amounts due under such act, Approvals and Permits., The parties are advised to consult with their attorneys to determine whether any building, zoning, subdivision, septic system, or other construction or land use permits or approvals will be required, either before or after the dosing date. The closing agent shall have no responsibility with respect to any such permit or approval, and shall have no liability arising from the failure of any party to obtain, or from the refusal of any governmental authority to grant, any such permit or approval, Compliance With Certain Laws. The parties are advised to consult with their attorneys to determine their rights and responsibilities, If any, with respect to disclosures concerning the condition of the property, or under the Consumer Protection Act, Truth -in -Lending Act, Interstate Land Sales Act or other similar laws. The closing agent, shall have no responsibility for disclosures concerning the condition of the property, or for the parties' compliance, nor any liability arisings from the failure of any party to comply, with any such requirement or law, Additional Agreements, Instructions and Disclosures: Notice: Please be aware that due to the conflict between federal and state laws concerning the cultivation, distribution, manufacture or sale of marijuana, the Company is not able to close or insure any transaction involving Land that is associated with these .activities, NOTi+CE TO PARTIES The services of the closing agent under these instructions will be performed by the person named below, who is certified as a Limited Practice Officer under Admission to Practice Rule 12, adopted by the Washington State: Supreme Court. Under that rule, Limited Practice Officers may only select, prepare and complete certain documents on forms which have been approved for their use, You are further advised that « THE LIMITED PRACTICE OFFICER IS NOT ACTiNG AS THE ADVOCATE OR REPRESENTATIVE OF EITHER (OR ANY) OF THE PARTIES. • THE DOCUMENTS PREPARED BY THE LIMITED PRACTICE OFFICER WILL AFFECT 'THE LEGAL RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES. a THE PARTIES' INTERESTS IN THE DOCUMENTS MAY DIFFER. a THE PARTIES HAVE A RIGHT TO BE REPRESENTED BY LAWYERS OF THEIR OWN SELECTION. i THE LIMITED PRACTICE OFFICER CANNOT GIVE LEGAL. ADVICE AS TO THE MANNER IN WHICH THE DOCUMENTS AFFECT THE PARTIES.. The Limited Practice Officer for this transaction ism, Cheryl Vanden Bas LPC No.: 3257 BY SIGNING THESE INSTRUCTIONS, EACH PARTY ACKNOWLEDGES: have been specifically informed that the closing agent is forbidden by law from offering any advice concerning the merits of the transaction or the documents that irvill be used to close the transaction. The closing agent has not offered any legal advice or referred me to any named attorney, but has clearly requested that I seek legal counsel if I have any doubt concerning the transaction or these instructions. have had adequate time and opportunity to read and understand these instructions and all other existing documents referred to In these instructions. Initials Closing Agreement and Escrow Instructions (Sale) 34833 -GR Escrow No.: 34838 -GR BUYER SIGNATURE( $)- DATP: Grant County BY; Rob Jones Chair BY Cindy Curler/ & BY: Danny Stone Member Buyer's Malling/Forwarding Address: Buyer's phone., Evening: SELLER SIGNATURE(S): DATE: KarlKelly Northrup Seller's Mailing/Forwarding Address Seller's, phone: Day,v Evening.- Email: APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY: Frontior Title rind Escrow* Co, Inc. BY: Cheryl Vanden Dos Limited Practice Officer LPO No : 3267 InItIals Closing Agreement and Escrow Instmettans (Sale) 34838 -GR Escrow No.: 34838 -GR Frontier Title and Escrow Co, Inc. 324 South Ash, Suite F Moses Lake, WA 98837 (609)764-2368 Fax: (509)764-4179 Date: September 5, 2023 Escrow No.: 34838 -GR Escrow Closer: Cheryl Vanden Bos File Name: Northrup SUPPLEMENT TO CLOSING AGREEMENT AND. ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS For Purchase and Sale Transaction Including Instructions to Record Documents and Disburse Funds This is a part of the Closing Agreement and Escrow Instructions signed by the parties under the Closing Agent's escrow file number set forth above. Except as expressly modified, changed or amended by this supplement, all terms and conditions of the Closing Agreement and Escrow Instructions, and any prev ious supplements, additions or amendments thereto, shall remain In effect. THE SELLER HAS APPROVED, SIGNED AND DEPOSITED THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS WITH THE CLOSING AGENT UNDER THESE INSTRUCTIONS: Statutory Warranty Deed Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit THE BUYER HAS APPROVED, SIGNED AND DEPOSITED THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS WITH THE CLOSING AGENT UNDER THESE INSTRUCTIONS: Promissory Note Deed of Trust Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit All Other Lender Documents, if any BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, EACH PARTY ACKNOWLEDGES: Conditions of Parties' Agreement Satisfied. All terms and conditions of the parties' agreement, have been met to my satisfaction, or, will be met, satisfied or, complied with outside of escrow. Title Report Approved. The Preliminary Commitment for Title Insurance, including the legal description of the property and all attachments, supplements and endorsements to that report, issued. by Frontier Title and Escrow Co, Inc. under order number, are approved by me and made a part of these Instructions by this reference. Settlement Statement Approved. The settlement statement prepared by the closing agent is approved by me and. made a part of these instructions by this reference. I agree to pay my costs, expenses and other obligations itemized on that statement. I understand that any estimated. amounts Will be adjusted to reflect the exact amounts required when the funds are disbursed, that the settlement statement continues to be subject to audit at any time, and if any monetary error is found, the amount will be paid by the party liable for such payment to the party entitled to receive it, BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, THE BUYER FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES: Assumed Encumbrances Approved. I have had adequate opportunity to review the terms of payment, interest rates and conditions of any existing notes, deeds of trust, mortgages, contracts, assessments or other debts or obligations that I will assume and agree to pay in this transaction, and hereby approve the same. Property Approved. I have had adequate opportunity to review seller's written disclosure statement, If any, and to inspect the property and determine the exact location of its boundaries. The location and physical condition of the property and any buildings, improvements, plumbing, heating, cooling., electrical or septic systems on the property are approved. I understand that all inspections and approvals of the location and physical condition of the property are my sole responsibility, and are not part of theclosing agent's duties and responsibilities. I hereby release and agree to hold the closing agent harmless from any and all claims of liability for loss or damage arising or resulting from any physical condition or defect on the property, or from the location of its boundaries, A written disclosure statement concerning the property, signed by the seller, was: ® Not received by the buyer, Initials Supplement to Closing Agreement and Escrow Instructions (Sale) 34838 -GR e Escrow No.: 34838 -GR d Received by the buyer on r Q If amended, amendments were received by the buyer on ,shares of such omitted taxes, pro -rated as of the closing date, within 30 days after receipt of notification that such taxes have been assessed. The closing agent shall not be responsible or liable for any assessment, collection or payment of omitted taxes, THE. CLOSING AGENT iS INSTRUCTED TU PROCEED AS FOLLOWS: Instruction to Close. The closing agent is Instructed to perform its customary closing duties under these instructions, to deliver and record documents according to these instructions, and to disburse the funds according to the settlement statement, adjusting estimated amounts, when the closing went has the documents required to close the transaction in its possession and has, or will obtain when the documents have been delivered and recorded: 1. Sale proceeds for the seller's.account in the sum of $445,000.00, to be disbursed according to the settlement statement, and 2. Loan proceeds for the buyers account in the sum of $0.00, to be disbursed according to the settlement statement, and 3. A policy of title insurance issued pursuant to the Preliminary Commitment for Title Insurance referred to above, insuring the buyer with ALTA Owners Policy (06/17/06) with a liability of $445,000,00, having the usual, clauses, provisions and stipulations customarily contained in the printed provisions and schedules of such policy forms, insuring the buyer's title to the property against all defects or encumbrances except those set forth in the printed exceptions and exclusions customarily contained in the printed provisions and schedules of such policy forms, matters attaching by, through or under the buyer taxes, not yet due, and the matters set forth in the following numbered paragraphs of Schedule B of the Preliminary Commitment for Title insurance: Click here to add 4. Such other policies of title insurance as may be required by any lenders that are providing financing for the transaction. Completion or Correction of Documents. The closingg agent is instructed to correct any errors found in any document deposited under these instructions, and to insert as necessary the closing date, the date on which interest begins to accrue, and the dates on which payments must be made, if such items are incomplete. Adiustments and Pro -rations. Proceeds Check: CI TRANSFER ❑ All Net Proceeds, or d $ to ATTN: ESCROW NO.,: HOLD check for PICK UP CALL when check is ready for PICK UP, Phone No.: ❑ WIDE funds to (Bank Name) Address: Routing No.: Account No,: Q MAIL C1 OVERNIGHT shipment check to Address Additional Instructions: See additional instructions Initials Supplement to Closing Agreement and Escrow instructions (Sale) 34838_GR .Escrow No.: 34839 -GR NOTICE TO PARTIES The services of the closing agent under these instructions Will be per -formed by the person named below, who is certified as a Limited Practice Officer under Admission to Practice Rule 12, adopted by the Washington State Supreme Court, Under that rule, Limited Practices Officers may only select prepare and complete certain documents on forms which have been approved for their use. YOU are further advised that: 0 THE LIMITED PRACTICE OFFICER IS NOT ACTING AS THE ADVOCATE OR REPRESENTATIVE OF EITHER (OR ANY) OF THE PARTIES. 0 THE DOCUMENTS PREPARED BY THE LIMITED PRACTICE OFFICER WILL AFFECT THE LEGAL RIGHTS OF THE .PANTIES. 0 THE PARTIES" NTERESTS IN THE DOCUMENTS MAY DIFFER, 0 THE PARTIES HAVE A RIGHT TO BE REPRESENTED BY LAWYERS OF THEIR OWN SELECTION. THE LIMITED PRACTICE OFFICER CANNOT GIVE LEGAL ADVICE AS TO THE MANNERIN WHH DOCUMENTS AFFECT THE PARTIES., ICH THE The, L ' Imite.0 Practice Officer for this transaction Is: Cheryl Vanden Bos, LPO No.: 3267 The Limited Practice Officer has selected and prepared the following documents for q0s transaction: Statutory Warranty Deed The following documents for this transaction were received from the parties and were not selec',ted or prepared by the Limited Practice Meer: .BY SIGNING THESE INSTRUCTIONS, EACH PARTY ACKNOWLEDGES: . I have been specifically informed that tho closing agent is follbidden by law from offering any advice concerning the merits of the transaction or the documents that will be used to closo the transaction. The closing agent has not offered any legal advice or referred me. . to any nomed attorney, but has clearly requested that I seek legal counsel if I have any doubt concerning the transaction or those instructions, I hAV0­hAd-a`d6q0-Md'tIme And o" ort_Unit� to road anthew and erstand theInstructions and all other existing pp documents referred to In these Instructions,, BUYER SIGNATURE(S): DATE- Grant County 47 13Y;� Rob Jon_tj"k___ Chair I jN .By: 114on cin Cktar VI -C aIr Danny Stone Member SELLER SIGNATIJRE(S)� DATE: Karl Kelly Northrup APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY: Frontier Title and Escrow Co, Inc. BY. Cheryl Vanden Bos Limited Practice Officer Initials Supplement to Closing Agreement and Escrow Instructions (Sale) 34838 -GR Escrow No.: 34838 -GR LPO NO.: 3257 Initials Supplement to Closing Agreement and Escrow Instructions (Sale) 34838 -GR rontier Title and Escrow Co, Inc. 324 South Ash, Suite F Moses Lake, WA 98837 (609)764-2368 Fax: (509)764-4179 WIRE INSTRUCTIONS Date: September 5, 2023 TO: , RE: Escrow No,,. 34838 -GR Parties: Karl Kelly Northrup / Grant County Property: 21 C Street SW, Ephrata, WA 98823 Wire Funds to: US Bank Cheryl Vanden Bos Limited Practice Officer Wire Instructions 34838 -GR 203 E Third Avenue Moses Lake, Washington 98837 Phone: (509) 765-3405 ABA Routing No.: 125000105 Account No,', -15356920,3117 Customer Name: FRONTIER TITLE. AND ESCROW CO, INC. TRUST ACCOUNT 324 South Ash, Suite F Moses Lake, WA 98837 If y►ou should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (509)764-2368. Sincerely, Cheryl Vanden Bos Limited Practice Officer Wire Instructions 34838 -GR System: 9/8/2023 2:15:50 PNI County of Grant Page: 1 User Date: 9/8/2023 CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT User ID: nayanez Payables Management Ranges: Vendor ID: 1 - zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Paliment. Priority: First - Last Vendor Name: First - Last Due.Date: First - Last Vendor Class; First - Last Discount Date: First - Last User -Defined 1: First - Last Payment Data: 9/30/2023 Sorted By: Vendor ID Vendor ID Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total --------------------------------------------- Number Date AHPIN A & H PRINTER INC I --------------------------------- 132481 7/27/2023 I ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 001.102.00 0000.512403100 $356.64 $0.00 $356.64 ADPSI ADVANCED PROTECTION SERVIC 8145108 8/31/202.3 001,114,00.0000.521204100 $32.47 $0,00 $32.47 AGSPW AG SUPPLY COMPANY '291058 9/6/2.023 001,112.00.0000,518303500 $7.58 $0.00 $7.58 AG S, PW AG SUPPLY COMPANY 290863 9/6/2023 001,112-00-0000-518303100 $23.84 $0.00 $23.84 AGSPW AG SUPPLY COMPANY 290891 9/6/2023 001.112.00-0000.518303100 $14.29 $0.00 $14.29 AGSPW AG SUPPLY COMPANY 290957 9/6/2023 001,112-000000.518303100 $23.82 $0000 $23.82 AGSPW AG SUPPLY COMPANY 291356 9/6/2023 001,112-00,0000,51-8303100 $20.79 $0.00 $20.79 AGSPW AG SUPPLY COMPANY 291366 9/6/2023 001,112,00-0000.518303,100 $35.75 $0.00 $35..75 AGSPW AG SUPPLY COMPANY 291.374 9/6/2023 001*112.00.0000.518303100 $8.82 $ . 0.00 $8.82 AGSPW AG SUPPLY COMPANY 291.407 9/6/2023 001,112-00,0000.518303100 $13.00 $0.00 $13.00 AGSPW AG SUPPLY C014PANY 291.527 9/6/2023 001,112-00-0000-518303100 $17.32 $0..00 $17.32 AGSPW AG SUPPLY COMPANY 291601 9/6/2023 001,112,00,0000-518303100 $25.99 $0.00 $25.99 AGSPW AG SUPPLY COMPANY 291.606 9/6/2023 001,112.00,0000.51,8303100 $7.14 $0,00 $7.14 AGSPW AG SUPPLY COMPANY 291666 9/6/2023 001.112900.0000,518303100 $10.40 $0.0.0 $10.40 REEDA ALAN EUGENE REED AR 8/9 9/7/2023 0011,113-00.0000.517204300 $24.24 $0.00 $24.24 WOLAM AMANDA WOLTHER JV I 10.11-13.23AW 8/.3/2023 .0 001,117.00..5701.527404.310 .$147-.50 $x,.00 $147.50 BLAIA A141Y BLAIR 083123 BLAIR 8/31/2023 001,114.00000.0,521202600 $48.74 $0.00 $48.74 BLAIA AMY BLAIR 083123 A BLAIR 8/31/2023 001.114,00.0000.521202600 $40.61 $0.00 $40.61 A.RROZ ARROYO-ARRIETAI ZAIRA J109.25-27,23ZA 7/18/2023 001,117-00.0000,527104300 $0.83 $0.00 $0.83 ARROZ ARROYO-ARRIETA, ZAIRA. JV09.25-27.21ZA 7/18/2023 001,117,00,0000.527404300 $11.62 $0.00 $11.62 ARROZ ARROYO-ARRIETA, ZAIRA JV09.25-27.23ZA 7/18/2023,527604300 $3.32 $0.00 $3.32 ARROZ ARROYO-ARRIETA, ZAIRA JV09.25-,27,23ZA 7/18/2023 001.117-00,5703.527404300 $67.23 $0.00 $67.23 BBFPR BALLOT & BUSINESS FORMS PR 6285 9/1/2023 $191975..44 $0.00 $19,975.44 BBFPR BALLOT & BUSINESS FORMS PR 6284 9/1/2023 001-108,00,0000,514403100 $73L70 $0.00 $731.70 BSEPT BASIN SEPTIC SERVICE T67486 8/26/2023,,5212341.77 $650.00 $0,00 $650,00 BIERB Bierley, Brett PBS{ TRAINING 9/7/2023 001-109-00.0000.515354300 $119.21 $0.00 $119.21 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 005751-000 9/23 9/6/20.23 001,112-00.0000.518,304700 $733.50 $0.00 $733.50 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 005752-000 9/23 9/6/2023 001.112,00-0000,518304700 $9,166.88 $0.00 $9, 166, 88 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 005269-000 9/23 9/6/2023 001.112-000000.518304700 $9.35 $0.00 $9.35 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 005325-1000 9/23 9/6/2023 001.112-00,0000,518304700 $100.30 $0.00 $100.30 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 005396-000 9/23 9/6/2023 001.112.00 0000.518304700 $9.35 $0.00 $9.35 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 006527-000 9/23 9/6/2023 $415.85 $0.00 $415.85 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 006987-000 9/23 9/6/2023 001.112,00.0000.518304700 $914.90 $0.00 $914.90 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 009158-000 9/23 9/6/2023 001.112-00-0000.518304700 $9.35 $0.00 $9.35 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 012832-000 9/23 9/6/2023 001,112,00,0000.518304700 $151,67 $0.00 $151,67 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 006988-000 9/23 9/6/2023 001,112,00.0000.518304700 $9.35 $0.00 $9.35 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 005058-000 9/23 9/6/2023 001.112-00,0000.518304700 $9.35 $0.00 $9.35 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 005058-001 9/23 9/6/2023 001,112-00,0000,518304700 $203.65 $0.00 $203.65 CT14SL CITY OF MOSES LAKE 16150000 9/30 9/6/2023 001.112-00-0000,518304700 $3,206.56 $0.00 $3,206.56 CTMSL CITY OF MOSES LAKE 16150100 9/23 9/6/2023 001.112-00-0000.518304700 $1,772.50 $0.00 $1,772.50 CTMSL CITY OF MOSES LAKE 19008000 9/23 9/6/2023 001.112-00,0000.518304700 $229.89 $0.00 $229.89 CTMSL CITY OF MOSES LAKE 19011000 9/23 9/6/2023 001.112-00,0000,518304700 $232.53 $0.00 $232.53 CTMSL CITY OF MOSES LAKE 19013500 9/23 9/6/2023 001.112-00,0000-518304300 $146.64 $0.00 $14E.64 CTMSL CITY OF MOSES LAKE 27103500 9/23 9/6/2023,518304700 $405.74 $0.00 $405.74 CTMSL CITY OF MOSES LAKE 27300000 9/23 9/6/2023 001,112-00,0000.518304700 $7.45 $0.00 0.45 System: 9/8/2023 2:15:50 PM CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT Page: 2 Vendor ID Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total ----------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Date CTMSL CITY OF MOSES LAKE 27302500 9/23 9/6/2023 001,112.00.0000.518304700 $12.57 $0.00 $12.57 CBHML COLUMBIA BASIN PUBLISHING 0000012607 9/6/2023 001-108-00,0000.514404400 $26.24 $0.00 $26.24 CBHML COLUMBIA BASIN PUBLISHING 11571-07252023 7/25/2023 001.117.00,0000.527104400 $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 CBHML COLUMBIA BASIN PUBLISHING 11571-0718,2023 7/18/2023 001,117.00,0000.527104400 $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 CBHML COLUMBIA BASIN PUBLISHING 11571-08012023 8/1/2023 001,117.00,0000.527104400 $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 CBHML COLUMBIA BASIN PUBLISHING 12216-08022023 9/7/2023 001-101.0,0.0000.511604400 $36,25 $0.00 $36.25; CBHML COLUMBIA BASIN PUBLISHING 12216-08072023 9/7/2023 001-101.00.0000.511604400 $36.25 $0.00 $36.25 CBHML COLUMBIA BASIN PUBLISHING 12461-08082023 9/7/2023 $32.78 $0.00 $32.78 CB14ML COLUMBIA BASIN PUBLISHING 12461-08162023 9/7/2023 $32.78 $0.00 $32.78 CBHML COLUMBIA BASIN PUBLISHING 12093-08082023 9/7/2023 $31.41 $0.00 $31.41 CBR14L COLM41BIA BASIN PUBLISHING 12093-08152023 9/7/2023 001-101,00.0000.5116044100 $31.41 $0.00 $31.41 CNDSV CONSOLIDATED DISPOSAL SERV 331539 8/23 8/31/2023 $50.00 $0,00 $50.00 CNDSV CONSOLIDATED DISPOSAL SERV 1039152 8/23 8/31/2023 001,114.00,0000.521204705 $45.97 $0.00 $45.97 CNDSV CONSOLIDATED DISPOSAL SERV 573688 8/31/2023 001.114.00,5018.521234705 $2,024.67 $0.00 $2,024.67 CNDSV CONSOLIDATED DISPOSAL SERV AUG SERVICE YS23 8/31/2023 $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 CNDSV CONSOLIDATED DISPOSAL SERV 325692 9/23 9/6/2023 001,112,00.0000.518304700 $55.00 $mo $55.00 CNDSV CONSOLIDATED DISPOSAL SERV 2938797 9/23 9/6/2023 001,112,00,0000,518304700 $4140E69: $0.00 $414.00.69 CNDSV CONSOLIDATED DISPOSAL SERV 573579 9/23 9/6/2023 $8,584.29 $0.00 $8,584.29 ECLCK CRAVEN EVANS 122221 9/7/2023 001.125.00,0000.515414106 $1.10.00 $0.00 $110,00 ECLCIK CRAVEN EVANS 1,22222 9/7/2023 001.125,00.0000,515414106 $280.00 $0.00 $280.00 ECLCK CRAVEN EVANS 122223 9/7/2023 001,125.00.0000.515414106 $55.00 $0.00 $55.00 ECLCK CRAVEN EVANS 122224 9/7/2023 $522.50 $0.00 $522.50 CTSAR Consolidated Technology Se 90112023080294 9/1/2023 001.115.00,0000.523604200 $45.00 $0.00 $45.00 DELSOL DEL SOL INC 13186 9/6/2023 » 0000. 518304101 $261668.94 $0-100 $26,668.94 DVBRM DeVries Business Records M 0170813 9/5/20,23 001,107,00.0000.514244900 $11.50 $0.00 $11,50 DVBRM DeVries Business Records M 170850 9/7/2023,511604900 $1i.50 $0.00 $11,50 FOCI FOWLE S I LARSON 68744 9/6/2023 001.133-00-0000,515944162 $7.50 $0.00 $7.50 FOWLL FOWLES, LARSON 68745 9/6/2023 $1,000.00 $0,00 $1,000.00 FOWLL FOWLES, LARSON 68746 9/6/2023 001.133-00,0000.515944162 $11Q00,00 $0.00 s1f000.00 FOWLL FOWLES, LARSON 68797 9/6/2023 $1,000.00 $0.00 $11000.00 GALLS GALLS INC 02540022.5 8/17/2023 001,114.00.0000,521202600 $173.83 $0.00 $173.83 GCPUD GRANT CO PUBLIC UTILITY DI 1622100000 8/23 8/24/2023 001,114,00.0000.521204700 $269.99 $0.00 $269,99 GCSWH GRANT CO SOLID WASTE 10030 9/6/2023 001,112,00.0000.518303100 $9.86 $0,00 $9.86 GRANT GRANT'S NEW & RENEW, INC. 2308-094039 9/6/2023 001,112.00,0000.518303100 $7.47 $0.00 $7.43 GRANT GRANT'S NEW & RENEW, INC. 2308-093198 9/6/2023 001,112,00-0000.518303100 $116,06 $0,00 $116.06 JADERM JADERLUND, MICHELE AUG 2023 9/5/2023 001,108.00.0000.514404300 $66.81 $0.00 $66.81 BILSR JOSE CASTILLO 335 9/5/2023 001.103-00.9008.512214122 $1,300.00 $0.00 $1,300,00 CALHK KARL CALHOUN 1775 9/6/2023 $332.45 $0.00 $332.45 CALHK KARL CALHOUN 1776 9/6/2023 001,133.00,0000.515924166 .$887.99 $0.00 $887.99 CALHK KARL CALHOUN 1777 9/6/2023 $425.10 $0.00 $425.10 CALHK KARL CALHOUN 1778 9/6/2023,515924166 $248.63 $0.00 $248.63 KECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO IN1411003 9/6/2023 001.122-00,0000.571214800 $245.87 $0.00 $245.87 KECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO IN1410974 9/7/2023 $148.65 $0.00 $148.65 KECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO IN1412798 9/7/2023 001-105.00.0000,512304800 $120.12 $0.00 $120.12 KECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO !N1414413 9/7/2023 001,105.00.0000.512304800 $109.49 $0.00 $109.49 KENSAI KEN SCHAFER & ASSOCIATES 114464 8/4/2023 $360.00 $0.00 $360.00 KZNSAI KEN SCHAFER & ASSOCIATES 114463 9/4/2023,527404100 $90.00 $0.00 $90.00 BROT41K KRISTINE BROWN MM -022 9/6/2023 $220.00 $0.00 $220.00 System; 9/8/2023 2:15:50 Ptil CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT Page: 3 Vendor ID Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Date LADIR LAD IRRIGATION INC MR010930CH 9/6/2023 ($348.54) $0.00 ($348,54) LADIR LAD IRRIGATION INC IdII224144 9/6/2023 0.01,112.00.0000.,573703170 $34.49 $0.00 $34.49 LADIR LAD IRRIGATION INC M1224739 9/7/2023 001-112,00.0000.573703170 $108.97 $0.00 $108.97 LADIR LAD IRRIGATION INC N11224178 9/7/2023,573703170 $239.38 $0.00 $239.38 LADIR LAD IRRIGATION INC M1224002 9/7/2023 001,112,00.0000.573704800 $35.61 $0.00 $35.61 LLSRV LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES 11090898 9/6/2023 001.112,00.0000.518304101 $3,264.50 MOO $3,264.50 LBSRC Labsource, Inc. 006615756 8/31/2023 001-115-00.0000.523603100 $493.22 $0.00 $493,22 CASTM MARY CASTILLO PD -23-024 9/6/2023 001.,133,00,0000.515924122 $2,720.00 $0.00 $2,720.00 MR4VS MORRISON VETERINARIAN SERV 406980*419034 8/30/2023,204100 $1,832.25 $0.00 $1t832.25 KTOW MOSES LAKE TOWING 53763 8/27/2023 001.114,00.9022.521234100 $400.34 $0.00 $400.34 MRTNS Martinez, Sara JV09.25-27.23SM 9/5/2023 001-117,00.0000,527104,300 $0.83 $0.00 $0.83 MRTNS Martinez, Sara JV09,25-27.23SM 9/5/2023 001-117-00.0000,527404300 $6.64 $0.00 $6'.64 MRTNS Martinez, Sara J"V09.25-27.23SM 9/5/2023 001.117,00.0000.527604300 $13.28 $0.00 $13.28 MRTNS Martinez, Sara JV09.25-27.23SM 9/5/2023 $62.25 $0.00 $62.25 ME 9 VS Municipal Emergency Servic 1N192 308 8/28/2023 001.114,.00.0000.521202600 $2t041.16 $0.00 $2,041.16 ODPES ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, LL 327823980001 8/16/2023 001,102.00.0000,512403100 $13.00 $0.00 $13.00 PCFSC PARIKEER CORPORATE SERVICES 47972 9/7/2023 001,112-00-0000.518304101 $26,394.00 $0.00 $26,394.00 PR CO PRO CUNFUIX LLC 8. 1B 7 9/5/2023 001.114,00,9032.521204100 -$1t903.68 $0.00 $1, 903 -.68 PROCO PRO CONNECTION LLC 8186 9/5/2023 001.114.00,9032.521204100 $18,787.31 $0.00 $18,787.31. RDIMS REMEDY INMATE MEDICAL SERV 1032 8/31/2023 $4,775,00 $0.00 $4,775.00 LOERJ RESENDTZI LOEZA 08012023GCDC 9/1/2023 001,102.00-9008.512404100 $2,345,00 $0.00 $2,345.00 LOERJ RESENDIZ, LOE,ZA 08012023GCDC 9/1/2023,512404300 $262.00 $0.00 $262.00 ROLL ROSE CITY LABEL .159317 8/30/2021 001,114.00.0000.521203100 $622.00 $0.00 $622,00 ROLOT Roloff, Tammy JV10.11-13.23TR 8/3/2023 001.117.00,5701.527404300 $147.50 $0.00 $147,50 VIANGS SAWYER M. VANGUILDER PBI TRAINING 9/7/2023 $94.32 $0.00 $94.32 STEIM STEINMETZ, MARJORIE MS 8/9 9/7/2023 001.113-00.0000,517204300 $44.54 $0.00 $44.54 SHRDT Shred -it USA 8004569676 8/25/2023 001.114-00.0000.521204100 $272.78 $0.00 $272,78 SHRDT Shred -it USA 8004569676 8/25/2023 001,115-00.0000.523604100 $177.90 $0.00 $177.90 SHRDT Shred -it USA 8004569694 8/25/2,023 001.102-00-0000.512404100 $20.00 $0.00 $20.00 SMBAT Symbolarts, LLC 0472499 8/30/2023 001.114,00,0000.521203100 $707,04 $0.00 $707.04 SMBAT Symbolarts, LLC 0472499 8/30/2023 001,115,00,0000.523603100 $707.04 $0.00 $707.04 WOLFT THOMAS WOLFSTONE 23-26 9/6/2023 001.133,00,0000.515944162 $2,120.00 $0.00 $2,120.00 WOLFT THOMAS WOLFSTONE 23-27 9/6/2023 $1,150.00 $0.00 $1,150.00 T40LFT THOMAS WOLFSTONE 23-28 9/6/2023 001,133,00.0000.515944162 $1,150.00 $0.00 $1,150.00 WOLFT TH014AS WOLFSTONE 23-29 9/6/2023 W0.00 $0,00 $100.00 THWST THOMSON WEEST 848891777 9/6/2023 001,133-00-0000,515924199 $1,618.49 $0.00 $1,618.49 THKST THOMSON WEST 848877365 9/7/2023 001-109-00.0000.515353119 $986.79 $0.00 $986.79 WHITI TIMOTHY W HILLEY ATTORNEY C23GS1439 8/31/2023 001-000,00.9114.342100000 $28.00 $0.00 $28.00 TTI N`C TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INITC 020-145157 . 0 8/16/2023 001,102-00.9010,512404128 $344.71 $0,00 $344.71 UPSLA UNITED PARCEL -SERVICE 00009E94406353 9/2/2023 $55.36 $0.00 855.36 System: 9/0/2023 2:15-50 P CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT Page: 4 698.2/AUG 23 CQMPT. Vendor ID Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On. Hold Total ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL PRINTING INC Number Date COMMERCIAL PRINTING INC 157852 COMPT COMMERCIAL PRINTING INC USFDS US FOODS INC 3984461 8/29/2023 001-115-00,0000.523603111 $150.53 $0,00 $150.57 USFDS US FOODS INC 3979465 8/29/2023 $76.16 $0.00 $76.16 USFDS US FOODS INC 3979465 8/29/2023 DOM15-00.0000,523603111 $4,661.99 $0.00 $4,661.99 SMITV VICTORIA SMITH POSTAGE 9/7/2023 001,109.00.0000,515354292 $5.25 $0.00 $5.25 WAJDU WA Assoc of Juvenile Diver J1109,25-27.23SM 8/11/2023 :7404300 $221.00 $0.00 $221.00 WAJDU WA Assoc of Juvenile Diver J1109.25-27,23SM 8/1112023 $75.00 $0.00 $75.00 W S PNA WASHINGTON STATE PATROL, 12400814 9/1/2023 001,114.00,0000.521204101 $609.50 $0.00 $609.50 JSVIOR WORKS, JUSTICE 119774 9/6/2023 001,133,00,0000.5159..24,199 $1,105.50 $0.00 $1,105.50 WSU-80 MSCI BULLE-T.TN$ OFFICE 6170 08.25.23 9/5/2025 001,122.00.0000,571213400 $29.27 $0,00 $29.27 WAXSS Wax ie Sanitary Supply 81952399 9/6/2023 001,1115,00,0000.523603100 $11231A5 $0.00 $l, 231.15 WEFSC Wright Express FSC 91634600 8/31/2023 001.114,00.0000.521203200 $41.00 $0.00 $41.00 WEFSC Wright Express FSC 91634600 8/31/2023 001.i114.00.9022.521233200 $164.51 $0,00 $1;64.51 WEFSC Wright Express FSC 91634600 8/31/2.023 001.1-15,00,0000.523603200 $356,45 -------------- $0,00 $356.45 TOTAL FOR FUND 4 001 ------------- $176,055.86 -------------- $0.00 $176,055.86 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 6982/AUG 23 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 698.2/AUG 23 CQMPT. CONtMERCIAL PRINTING INC: 1.5,6402 COMPT COMMERCIAL PRINTING INC 156712 COMPT COMMERCIAL PRINTING INC 136727 COMPT COMMERCIAL PRINTING INC 157770 COMPT COMMERCIAL PRINTING INC 157852 COMPT COMMERCIAL PRINTING INC 157972 CNDSV CONSOLIDATED DISPOSAL SERV CHEL/8-23 CNDS,V CONSOLIDATED DISPOSAL SERV RD A.8/8-23 C-NDSV CONSOLIDATED DISPOSAL SERV RD E/8-23 CRABW COUNTRY ROAD ADMINISTRATIO 332145 DELSOL DEL SOL INC 13187 DELSOL DEL SOL INC 13187 DELSOL DEL SOL INC 13.187 DELSOL DEL SOL INC 13187 DELSOL DEL SOL INC 13187 DELSOL DEL SOL INC 13187 ENVTROTECH CD202320773 ENVIROTECH CD2023221128 ERGON ERGON ASPHALT AND EMULSION 9403000826 ERGON ERGON ASPHALT AND EMULSION 9403000828 ERGON ERGON ASPHALT MID EMULSION 9403007612 ERGON ERGON ASPHALT MID EMULSION 9403007614 ERGON ERGON ASPHALT AND EMULSION 9403011526 ERGON ERGON ASPHALT AND EMULSION 9403011527 ERGON ERGON ASPHALT AND EMULSION 94030130356 PRTRC PORT OF ROYAL SLOPE 8/1-6/1/23 PSHDW Puget Sound Hardware, LLC 11391 PSHDW, Puget Sound Hardware, LLC 11528 W1,4TIA WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WASHIN 0800197-1815-6 8/31/2023 101,050.00.0000,543504700 8/31/2023 101,060,00.0000.543504700 7/31/202-3 101.,0-10,00.0000.543503100 7/31/2023 101,030,00,0000.543503100 7/31/2023 101..030.00.0000,543503100 8/28/2023 101-050,00-0000.543,30,3100 8/28/2023 101.050.00,0000.543303100 8/30/2021 101,050.00.,0000.54,3503100 8/31/2023 101,010,00.01000.543304700 8/31/2 023 101-065,00,0000.543304700 8/31/2 0 23 3 10.1,030-00.0000.5435,04,7 00 7/20/2023 101.070,00.0000,543304900 8/31/2023 101,010.00.0000.543504100 8/31/2023 101,020,00.0000.543.504100 8/31/2023 101,030.00,0000,543504100 8/31/2023 101-050.00,0000.543504100 8/31/2023 101,.060.00.0000.543504100 8/31/2023 8/24/2023 101-010,00.0000.542663100 8/30/2023 101-010-00,0000,542663100 8/15/2023 8/15/2023 101.020,00.0000.542383101 8/22/2023 101,020,00,0000,542383101 8/22/2023 101.020.00,0000.542383101 8/24/2023 8/24/2023 101,030,00.0000.542393101 8/24/2023 101,030.00.0000.542383102 9/1/2023 7/19/2023 101,050,00,0000.543503100 9/1/2023 101.075000-0000,543503100 9/1/2023 101.030-00-0000.543504700 $455.52 $75.92 $89.93 $89.93 $112.56 $48,78 $48.78 $99.32 $116.33 $99-77 $232.14 $ 9 9 8.91 $505.86 $689.10 $3,836,40 $242.80 $218.85 $6,101,83 $6,013.22 $16r403.23 $17,168.20 $17,583.48 $18,102.56 $17,670.90 $16,971.49 $17,916.78 $145.43 $75-34 $226.07 $38.83 $0.00 $0.00 40.00 $0.00 $0,00 MOO $0. 00 $0. 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $455.52 $75.92 ,$89.93 $89.93 $89.93 $11 2 . 5 6 $48. 78 $48.78 $99,32 $116.,33 $99.77 $232.14 $9 98.91 $505.86 $689.10 $3,836,40 $242.80 $218.85 $6,101.83 $6,013.22 $16,403.23 $13,168.20 $17,583,48 $18,102.56 $17,670,90 $16,971.49 $17,916.78 $145.45 $75.34 $226.07 $38.83 System: 9/8/2023 2:15.50 PM CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT Page: 5 Vendor ID Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total -------------------------------------- ------_ Number --------_-------------------_____-_------------------------------__----------- Date -------------.. -_ .-- TOTAL FOR FUND 4 101 $142,468.21. $0,00 $142t468,21 AKNSL ARIAS FOOD INC 2.3-01.9 9/7/2023 104.14.6,00,11,04.565203111 $1.49.66 $0,00 $149.616 KAYSR KAYSER'S CHAPEL CF'ME1.10RIE 23-021 9/7/2023,565204.100 $1,605.00 $0.00 $1,605.00 TOTAL FOR FUND 144 $1,754.66 $0.00 $1,754,66 ALSCO ALSCO LSP02663811 8/7/2023 $89.45 $0.00 $09.45 ALSCO ALSCO LSP02659792 8/7/2023 $89.45 $0.00 $89.45 .ALSCO ALSCO LSP02660461 8/8/2023 188.1,50.00.8055.564124900 $80.48 $0.110 $80.98 ALSCO ALSCO LSP02664.469 8/22/2023,8055.564124904 $19,10 $0.00 $19.10 ALISCO ALSCO LSP02660896 8/9/2023 108.150.00'8055.564124900 $31.0.75 $0.00 $310.75 ALSCO ALSCO LSP026 0896 8/9/2023 108, $34.53 $0.00 $34,53 ALSCO ALSCO LSP02664891 8/23/2023 $310.75 $0.00 $310.75 ALSCO ALSCO LSP02664891 8/23/2023 108.150.00+9055.566004900 $34953 $0:04 $39.53 ALSCO ALSCO LSP02658842 8/2/2023 108.150,00.8055.564124900 $1.67.50 $0.00 $167.50 ALSCO ALSCO LSP02662842 8/16./2023 $167.50 $0.00 $167.50 ALSCO ALSCO LSP02666806 8/34/2023,564124900 $167.50 $0.00 $167.50 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 011558 AUG 2023 8/31./2023,00.8055.564124700 $.228.59 $0.00 $228.59 GTGRC CITY OF GRAND COULEE 1.928+0 AUG 2023 8/31/2023 $464.37 $0.00 $464,37 CTQCY CITY OF QUINCY 2439.0 AUG 2023 8/31./2023,8055.564.124700 $327.80 $0.00 $327,80 CRZCR CRYSTAL CRUZ ADV TRAV - 14EALS 9/7/2023 $3,55.50 $0.00 $3.55,54 COLNT Columbia Networking 624 8/31/2023 $7.54 $0.00 $7,50 CLNT Columbia Networking 624 8/1/2023 $402.50 $0.00 $402.50 DELSOL DEL SOL INC 13175 8/31/2023 $613.51 $0.04 $613,51 DELSOL DEL SOL INC 13175 8/31/2023,564124100 $16,351.92 0.00 $1.6,351.92 DVBRM DeVries Business Records M 0170816 8/31./2023 108.150.00,8055.564:1.24104 $83.97 $0.04 $83.97 ESCAR ESCAMILLA ACOSTA, REINA AUG 30 2.023 REIMS 8/31/2023 $82,53 $0.00 $82.55 ESCAR ESCAMILLA ACOSTA, REINA JULY 2023 REIMB $/1./242.3 108.150,00,8055,564.444300 $140.83 $0.00 $140,83 ESCAR ESCAMILLA ACOSTA, REINA JULY 2023 REIMS 8/1./2023 $37.50 $0.00 $37.50 ETCTS ETACTICS, INC 131920230901 9/1/2423 $635,03 $0,00 $635,03 ETCTS ETACTICS, INC 1.31920230901 9/1/2023 108.150.00,9055.566004100 $70.56 $0.00 $70.56 ZPYFS FRONTIER COWUNCIATIONS X10 110190-5 AUG 2023 8/28/2023 1.08,150.00.8055.564124200 $116.06 $0.00 $116,06 FIKES Fikes Northwest 521321.92 8/30/2023 $56,70 $0.00 $56,70 FIKES Fikes northwest 52132192 8/30/2023 $6.30 $0.00 $6,30 FIKES Fikes Northwest 52132192 8/30/2023 $6«83 $0.00 $6.83 .FIKES Fikes Northwest 521.32192 8/30/2023 $0.76 $0.00 $0.76 GCTS Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 $241.86 $0.00 $241.86 GCTS Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023,564444200 $46.92 $0.00 $46.92 GCTS Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/31./2023 $120.93 $0.00 $1..20.93 GCTS Grant County Technical. Ser 24.8-23 8/31/2023 $23.46 $0.00 $23.46 GCTS Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 108,150.00.9096.56651.4152 $120..93 $0.04 $120.93 GCTS Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 $23.46 $0.00 $23.46 GCTS Grant. Counts] Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 108,150,00.9099.5665141.00 $120.93 $0.00 $120.93 GCTS Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/3.1/2023 106,150.00.9099.566514200 $23.46 $0.04 $23,46 GCTS Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 108.150,00.9000.566514100 $120.93 $0.00 $12.0.93 GCTS Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 $23.46 $0.00 $23.46 System: 9/8/2023 2:15:50 PM CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT Page: 6 1 Vendor Its Vendor Rame Document Document GL Account Amount On. Hold. Total --------------------- +�lirtiwn Number Date GCTS --r�rw it urs vrvir-r Grant County Technical Ser rr�rw�.r �.w-+�vw�vvv vv-r�lw--------------------------------..- 248-23 8/31/2023 --.--. 108.150,00.7609,564414152 ---.-�r----uw--------.----v-----.-------------------- $120,93 $0.00 $120.93 Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 108_,150.00,7609.56441.4200 $23.46 $0.00 $23,46 . /{GCTS .MCTS Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 108.150.00,8070,564444152 $1.20,93 $0.00 $120.93 GOTS Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 108.150-00.8078.564444200 $23,46 $0.00 $23,46 GOTS Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 $1.3, 224.53 $0.00 $13,224,53 GOTS Grant County y Technical Ser 248-2 3 8/31/2023 100,150.40.9055.566004152 $1149.39 $0.00 $1,469.39 GOTS Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 108,150.00.8055.564.124200 $3,547.15 $0.04 $3,547,15 GCTS Grant Country Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 108.150.00,9055,566004200 $394,1.3 $0.00 $394.13 IRIST IRIS TELEHEALTH MEDICAL GR INV -16809 8/31/2023 1178.150.00.8055,564444108 $1.9,500.00 $0,00 $19,500.00 K,ECOC ISELLEY CONNECT CO IN14.10979 9/1./2023 108.150.00,8055.5641241.00 $23.22 $0,00 $23.22 KECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO IN1410979 9/1/2023 $.140.36 $0.00 $140.36 KECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO IN1410977 9/1/2023 108,150.00.8055,5641241.00 $63.53 $0,00 $63.53 KECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO IN1410977 9/1/2023,566004104 $7.06 $4.00 $7+06 KECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO IN1410977 9/1/2023 1084150.00,8055,591647000 $51.4.67 $0.00 $514.67 KECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO 1N1410977 9/1/2023 1,48 ,1:50.00.9055.5'91.64"1004 $57,18 $0.00 $57.1.8 KECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO IN1410978 9/1/2023 148,150.04.8055.564124100 $17.26 $0.00 $17,26 KECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO IN1410978 9/1/2023 108,150.00.5055.591647000 $140.10 $0.00 $140,10 KECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO IN1412801. 9/5/2023 $462.75 $0.00 $462,75 XECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO IN1412801 9/5/2023 108,150,00.9055.591647400 $105.69 $0,00 $1.05,69 hECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO, IN1412802 9/5/2023 108.150,00.8055.564124100 $156.57 $0.00 $156,57 KECOC KELLEY CONNECT CO IN1412802 9/5/2023 108.1.50,04.8055,591647000 $140.36 $0.00 $140,36 KINGK KING, KILAH JULY/.AUG ALLEGE 9,/1/2023 $1.75,54 $0.00 $1.75,54 AGLIM MICHELLE R AGLI.ANO ADI TRAY - DEALS 9/7/2023 108.150,00,9099,566514302 $355.50 $0.00 $355.50 1JA 3AJ S Y.J OAF.! IS.LAF C L1 CARE 13018 8/16/2023. : SJ U . jr 1�l YI 0 . 8 �/ �.1. ., 564,124.800 $1,30-6.22 L[MV , hl- 0 "lCi- , RUIED RUIZ, DAYATA AUG 23 REIIB 9/5/1202,3 108.150..00.8055.564123200 $25.00 $0.00 $2.5.00 R IZD RUIZ, DAYANA ADV TRAV MEALS9/7/2023,566514302 $355.50 $0.00 $355.50 BOLDR. RYAN BOLDMAN ADV TRAV - MEALS 9/7/2023 $355.50 $0.00 $355.50 THOMT TERYN THOMAS H REFUND 9/1/202.3 $40.00 $0,00 i $40.00 4 NAPIT Tyler Napiontek AUG 29 GRAD 9/5/2023 108,150.00,8059,56444311.1 $17.42$0.44 $17.42 NAPIT Tyler Napiontek WISE AUG 29 GRAD 9/5/2023 $16.42 $0.00 $16.42 WBVCO WEINSTEIN BEVERAGE CO 443517 8/28/2023 1.{18.150.00,8055.5641.23100 $60.20 $0,00 $60.20 WBVCO WEINSTEIN BEVERAGE CO 44351.8 8/2/2023 10$.150.00.8055.564123100 ($30.00) $0.00 ($30.00) WBVCO WEINSTEIN BEVERAGE CO 418369 8/31/2023 108,150.00,8055,564123100 $45.30 $0,00 $45.30 TOTAL, F08 FUND 108 $65,301,97 $0,00 $65,301.97 ADPSI ADVANCED PROTECTION SERVIC 8145104 8/31/2023 109,151.00.0000,521234100 $48.73 $0.00 $48.73 ADPSI ADVANCED PROTECTION SERVIC 8145107 8/31/2023 1.09.151,00,0000.521234104 $32,47 $0.00 $32,47 AGSPW AG SUPPLY COMPANY 292449 9/6/2023 $30.82 $0.00 $30.82 CTEPH CITY OF EPHRATA 407009-000 8/23 8/31/2023 109.151.00-0000.521234700 $44.35 $0.00 $44,35 CTE PH CITY OF EPHRATA 0128.4-000 8/23 8/31/2023,521.234700 $279.75 $0.40 $279,75 GCPOD GRANT CO PUBLIC UTILITY DI 1622100000 8/23 8/24/2023 $41.4.01 $0.00 $414,6I GDENT GREG THOMPSON 3731 8/19/2023 $162.60 $0.00 $162,60 EEOC KELLEY CONNECT CO IN1412799 9/5/2023 109,151.00.0000.521234800 $103.25 -------------- $0.00 $103.25 TOT.AL FOR FUND # 109 ------------- $1,116,58 -------------- $0.00 $1,116,58 System; 9/8/2023 2;15;50 PM CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT Page: 7 Vendor ID Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Mold Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Date THWST THOMSON WEST 848870975 9/6/2023 $3,017.87 $0.00 $3,017.87 TOTAL FOR FUND 110 $3,017.87 $0,00 $31017,87 KEEFE KEEFE C0*1ISSARY NETWORK S 4052381 8/:30/2.023 1.12.154;00,0000,523603100 $1,456,23 -------------- -- $0.00 - $1,456.23 TOTAL TOTAL FOR. FUND 4 112 $11456.23 - - --_ -------------- $0.00 ---------- $1,456.23 MCKAY Public hospital. District 4 2021-01-.13 9/7/2023 1.13.155,00.9931.518634000 $20,749 N -------------- ------------- $0.00 $.20,749.24 TOTAL FOR FUND 113 $20,749,24 _------_--- $0.00 $20,749.24 COULE RACHELLE BAUGHMAN COULEECR - AUG2.3 9/7/2023 $17,585.00 $0.00 $17,585.00 CASMI RONNIE E SAWYER UNIT 47 / SEP23 9/7/2023 114.156.00.,0000.557304500 $70.00 -------------- ---------r---- $0.00 $70.00 TOTAL FOR. FUND 114 $17,055.00 -----.--------.- $0.00 $1.7,655.00 MLS3S MOSES LAKE BOOSTER. CLUB CS23-021 8/31/2023 116,159.00.9703.573704.907 $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000100 OC151 Oasis Chapter No. 191 0923-024 8/31/2023 $1,200.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 SAFRE SAFFIRE LLC 14605 8/31/2023 116,159,00.9703.573703173 $18,886.23 $0.00 $18r886,23 SLSD SOAP LADE SCHOOL DISTRICT# CS23�-017 8/31./2023 1:1.6,159.00.9703.573704907 $2,250.00 $0.00 $2,250.00 TAR.AW TOWING AND RECOVERY ASSOCI DAM23-071 9,7/2023 116,159.00,9702.502100000 $750.00 $0..00 $750,00 TOWNH TOWNSQUARE MEDIA INC 4169116 8/31/2023 $l (200.00 $0,00 $1,200.00 WCSDT WILSON CREEK SCHOOL DISTRI CS23-015 8/31/2023 116,1.59.00,:9703.573704.907 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 WCSOT WILSON CREEK SCHOOL DISTRI CS23-016 8/31/2023 $4,500.00 $0,00 $4,500,00 TOTAL FOR FUND 11.6 $32,236.23 $0,00 $32,286.23 MESAS Municipal Emergency Servic IN1928768 8/31/2023 $1.1 334 A4 $0.00 $1,334.44 MESVS Municipal. Emergency Servic IN1.927689 8/30/2023 $1.,31.8.14 -------------- $0.00 ------------- $1,318.14 TOTAL FOR FUND 4 121 $2,652.58 $0.00 ----,------- - $2,652.58 CNDSV CONSOLIDATED DISPOSAL SERV 462704 AUG 2023 8/31/2023 125,167,00.8002.568604705 $2.87 $0.00 $2.87 CNDSV CONSOLIDATED DISPOSAL SERV 462704 AUG 2023 8/31/2023 1.25,1617.00.8003.568604705 $43.09 $0,00 $4.3.09 COLET Columbia Networking 624 8/31/'2023 125,167,00.8002.568604200 $4.06 $0.00 $4.06 COLNT Columbia Networking 624 8/31./2023,568604200 $60.94 $0.00 $60.94 DELSOL DEL SOL INC 13175 8/31./2023 $53,41 $0.00 $53.41. DELSOL DEL SOL INC 1.3175 8/31/2023 $801.20 $0.00 $801.20 GCTS Grant County Technical Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 $2,573.21 $0.00 $2,573.21 GCTS Grant County Technical Ser 2.48-23 8/31/2.023 $51.6.12 $0.00 $516.:12 GOTS Grant County Technical. Ser 248-23 8/31/2023 1.25.167,00.8002.568604152 $116.89 $0.00 $116.89 Systema 9/8/2023 2;15;50 PM GASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT Page.: 8 i l i t Vendor ID Mender Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold f Total - Number Date GOTS - - .pyo �' y� -}FL CountyTechnical Grant County l echnical Ser +`y( __-_-----------------------j,----��----r�-y�-------------.--,-_----y'---jt-_----------.--- 248-2d 8/31/2023 125, 167 , 00, 8002. . 68604200 $23. 6 -------------- --_--__----._-------_ $0.00 $23-46 TOTAL TOTAL FOR FUND 125 .�..... $4,195.25 - .�.. .--.o �.-... -..- ------------- $0.00 -.----- - $4,195.25 ADORE ADOLPHSEN, ELISA 09202023 -EA 9/6/2023 128,170.00.8038.565504300 $406.61 $0.00 $406.61 ATT01 AT&T 09042023-ATT 9042023- TT 9/6/2023128.17 0.00 , a0215 65 50 4201 $11.95 $0.00 $11.95 ATT01 AT&T 0904,2023 -ATT 9/6/2023 128.170.00,BO15.56550420 $2.24 $0.00 $2.24 Ti01 AT&T 09012023-iT1 9/6/2023 128.1E0.00.8026.565504201 $12.15 $0.00 12..15 ATT01 AT&T 09042023 -ATT 9/6/2023 128.170.00,8024.565504201 $1.40 810.00 $1,40 ATT01 AT&T 09042023 -ATT 9/6/2023 128.170.00,8074.56 504201. $0.13 $0.00 $0.13 ATT01 AT&T 09042023 -ATT 9/6/2023 128.170.00,8027.565504201. $0,71 $0.00 $0.71 AT T 09042023-A�T7T 9/6/2023 128.170, 00, 8031. 565504201 5.51 $0.00 $5.51 ATT01 iry. 'AT&T 090 A(��L7T 9/6A 2023 28.170' .0` 0.8032. 5 655 0 4 201 $2..05J' $0.00 $(2.06 ,. {1T�'7S7'(Vy1� ATT01 {�" AT&T ,7j !2�012'�3 09042023-ATT 0 20�y23 ALT 9/6/2023'' 128.170.00. V' 036,5.6'5504201 $0,51 $0.00 $0.51 ATT01 AT&T (LSP j1' 09042023-ATT V,f �l1421I -ATT 9�/6/2"V23 128.1�10.00FL029.56550420'1 0,.tet7 $0.00 $••".37 ATT01. AT&T "3 09042023-AT,L. 1/6/2023 128.1 0, 00, 8049, 56550420/ $5.40 $0.00 $5.4.0 '. ATT01 AT&T 09042023 -ATT 9/6/2023,565.504201 $2.92 $0.00 $2.92 ATT01. AT&T 09042.023 -ATT 9/6/2023 $2.64 $0.00 $2.64 ATT01 AT&T 09042023 -ATT 9/"6/2023 $1,31 $0,00 $1.31 GUTID DAVID GUTIERREZ 09062023 -DL 9/7/2023,565504580 $11000,00 $0.00 $1,000.00 GMZLD DEBBIE LONG 09202023-OGL 9/6/2023 128.170.00,8038.565504300 $105.50 $0,00 $105.50 DVBR14 DeVries Business Records M 0170865 9/6/20213 $1.23 $0.00 $1.23 DMIM Dellr.ies Business 0.170,8.+5. 9/6/2023 128.170.00,,H775.5655/0�,3100 $0.3y0 $0.00 $0.30 DVBRI91 j *��-{�.ecor�ds tM �l.sine r. s Records: N1 DeVrie.s Business 9' / 6'/2023 128, 170 , 00. il0t' 6.565503100 $2.0 $0,00 $2.01 y Yp.Lies Business Records ords ,�M (017 A018 /65 J/6/iLA/23 128.1:70,00.8024.565503100 28.1:A 0�, 00 . L024 . 5655031750 $0.28 $0.00 $0.28 DVBRM 1TJ1 "1�7VTL�iM '�DyG L^PkJ�f/ries Business M lit Records /01�70(�Ij' /k^/�5 1f1"d08 5 9/6/L+'0L'3 128.17'V..00.80Fi.56 /'503100 $icy.1.3 '$0.0 $0.11 DVBRM Records DeVries Business 1Le f�,;.�4.1 �+. 1'".4s M 01,7 08 W'5 9/6+/L.023 128.11-A1 .00 , 8027 , 565503100 $0"09 $F 0. ti1V $L0' .0a9 DIIBRM DeVries Business Records M 0170865 9/ 6/2023 128.170.00,8031.565503100 $0,77 $0.00 '$0.77 DVBRM DeVries Business Records M 0170865 9/6/2023 128.170.00,8032.565503100 $0.26 $0.00 $0.26 DVBRM DeVries Business Records M 0170865 9/6/2023 125.170,00,8+36.565503100 $0.06 0g00 $0.06 DVBRM DeVries Business Records M 0170865 9/6/2023 128,1.70,00.8029.565503100 $0.06$0.00 $0.06 DVBRIA DeVries Business Records M 0170865 9/6/2023 $0.82 $0.00 $0.82 DVBRM DeVries Business Records M rr�hp�^^ 017086 ,t+`� '% 1A�, ��yy��{{,,r�` r/� q{ ,'tit 128.1'Oe4'.0.9325g5.o55Q.3100 !/�� $0.32 $0.00 '!fit +i1 $0,32. DVBRM. ,.!/"/2023 DeVries Business Records 1v1 0170865 9/6/2023 128.170.00°8067.56550.3100 $0.40 $0.00 $0.40 DVBRM DeVries Business Records M 0170865 9/6/2023,565503100 $0.1.7 $0.00 $0.17 FODES FODE, SUSAN 09202023 -SF 9/6/2023 128.170.00,8038.565504300 $342.61 $0,00 $342.61 0,41K , GRANT MENTAL HEALTHCARE 09062023 -RENEW 9/6/2023 1:,565504111 $426.75 $0.00 $426.7.5 GRMHC GRANT MENTAL HEALTHCARE 09062023 -RENEW 9/6/2023 128.170,00.8072.56550411.1. $395.44 $0,00 $395.44 GRMHC GRANT MENTAL HEALTHCARE 09062023-REMEW 9,/6/2023,56550411.1 $1.53.:31. $0.00 $153.31 GLENT Glenn, Trisha 09202023 -TG 9/6/2023 $105.50 $0.00 $1.05.50 HA0GC HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT 09012023 -CA 9/6/2023 :128.1.70,00.7611..565504580 $1,990.00 $0.00 $1,990.00 QUALI MELVA LAME LLC 887622374 9/6/2023 $65.94 $0.00 $65.94 MHPTC New Hope Petty Cash. 08162023 -KC 9/6/2023 128.170,00.8032.565504900 $31.3 $0.00 $31.53 MHPTC New Hope Petty Cash 08302023-A 1/6/2023 128 , 170 , 00.8067 , 51055049 0 $32.00 $0.00 $32.00 T 3 OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 328327776001 9/6/2023 128,170,00.8021.565503100 $29,66 $0,00 $29.66 OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 32832777600.1 9/6/2023 128,170,00.8075,565503100 $.7.15 $0.00 $7.1.5 OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 328327776001 9/6/2023 128,170,00.8026.565503100 $48.45 $0,00 $45.45 OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 328327776001 9/6/2023 $6.78 $0,00 $6.78 OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 328327776001 9/6/2023 128,170.00.8074.565503100 $3.24 $0.00 $3.24 OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 3288327776001 0/6/2023 128.170.00, 8027.565503100 $2.10 $0.00 $2.10 OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 328327776001 9/6/2021 128,170,00.8031.565503100 $18,50 $0.00 $18.50 OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 328327776001 9/6/2023 128,170.00.8032.565503100 $6.20 $0.00 $6.20 System: 9/8/2023 2:15:50 PM CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT Page., 9 Vendor ID Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Date OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 328327776001 9/6/2023 128.170.00,8036.565503100 $1.43 -------------------------- $0.00 $1,43 OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 328327776001 9/6/2023 128.170.00,8029.5653503100 $1.34 $0.00 $1.34 OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 328327776001 9/6/2023 128.170,00.8049,565503100 $19.65 $0.00 $19.65 OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 328327776001 9/6/2023 128.170-00.9325,565503100 $7.63 $0.00 $7.63 OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 328327776001 9/6/2023 128,170.00.8063,565503100 $9.63 $0.00 $9.63 OFDPO OFFICE DEPOT 328327776001 9/6/2023 $4.20 $0.00 $4.20 BARNP PAIGE BARRIENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023 128.170-00,8021,5655041,0.7 $187,19 $0.00 $187,19 BARNP PAIGE BARRIENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023,565504107 $43.08 MOO $43.0,8 BARNP PAIGE BARRIENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023 128,,170.00.8075,565504107 $43.16 $0100 $43.16 BARNP PAIGE BARRIENTOZ 202309 9/6/202 3 128,170.00.8026.565504107 $234.19 $0.00 $234.19 BARNP PAIGE BARRIENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023 128.170,00,8024,565504107 $26.80 $0.00 $26.80 BARNP PAIGE BARRIENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023 8. 128.170,00.8074.565504107 $2.56 $0.00 $2.56 BARNP PAIGE BARRIENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023 '1G' $13.66 $0.00 $13.66 BARNP PAIGE BARRTENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023,565504107 $106.27 $0,00 $106.27 BAIRNP PAIGE BARRTENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023 128.170,00.8032.565504107 $39.73 $0.00 $39.73 BARNP PAIGE BARRIENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023 128J70.00.8036,565504107 $9.76 $0.00 $9.76 BARNP PAIGE BARRIENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023 128,170M.8029.565504107 $7.19 $0,010 $7,19 BADIP PAIGE BARRIENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023 $104.05 $0.00 $104.05 BARNP PAIGE BARRIENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023 128.170,00,9325.56550.4107 $56,21 $0,00 $56.21 BARNP PAIGE BARRIENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023 128..170.00.8067.565504107 $50.96 $0.00 $50.96 BARNP PAIGE BARRIENTOZ 202309 9/6/2023 $25.19 $0.00 $25.19 USLUF U.S. Linen U' form 3189629 9/6/2023 128.170.00..8021,565504107 $17.34 $0.00 $17.34 USLUF U.S. Linen. Uniform3189 629 9/6/2023 128,1.70.06" ,7611".56"5'5041 $3,99 $0.00 $3.99 USLUF U,S', Linen Uniform 3189629 9/6/2023 $4.00 $0.00 $4.00 USLUF U.S. Linen Uniform 3189629 9/6/2023,565504107 $21.70 $0.00 $21.70 USLUF U.S. Linen Uniform 3189629 9/6/2023 128.170,00,8024.565504.107 $2.48 $0.00 $2.48 USLUF U.S, Linen- Uniform. 31.89629 9/6/2023 1, $0.24 -$0:100 $0.24 USLUF U.S, Linen Uniform 3189629 9/6/2023 128,170.00,8027.565504-107 $1.27 $0.100 $1.27 USLUF U.S. Linen Uniform 3189629 9/6/2023 128,170-00.8031,565504107 $9.85 $0.00 $9.85 USLUF U,S. Linen Uniform 3189629 9/6/2023 128,170,00.8032.565.50 107 $3.68 $0.00 $3.68 USLUF U.S. Linen Uniform 3189629 9/6/2023 128.170,00.8036.565504107 $0,90 $0.00 $0.90 USLUF U.S. Linen Uniform 3189629 9/6/2023 $0.67 $0.00 $0.67 USLUF U.S, Linen Uniform 31189629 9/6/2023 128,170,00.8049.,565504107 $9.64 $0.00 $9.64 USLUF U.S. Linen Uniform 31B9629 9/6,12023 128i170,00.9325.565504107 $5.21 $0.00 $5.21 .USLUF U.S. Linen Uniform 3189629 9/6/2023 128.170,00,8067.565504107 $4.72 $0.00 $4,72 USLUF U.S. Linen Uniform 3189629 9/6/2023 $2.33 $0.00 $2.33 WSPAT WASH STATE PATROL 12401093 9/6/2023 128.17MO.8026.565504100 $39.03 $0.00 $39.03 WSPAT WASH STATE PATROL 12401093 9/6/2023 128.170.00.qO32,565504100 $4.99 $0.00 $4.99 WSPAT WASH STATE PATROL 12401093 9/6/2023 128.170.00,8049.565504100 $15.83 $0.00 $15.83 WS PAT WASH STATE PATROL 12401093 9/6/2023 1,,565504100 $6.15 -------------- $0.00 $6.15 TOT�l FOR FUND # 128 ------------- $6,381.37 -------------- $0.00 $6,381.37 H AGCO HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT HA 23-25 CHG #234 9/7/2023 190,001.00.0000,565404100 $33,859.47 -------------- ------------- $0.00 $33,859.47 TOTAL FOR FUND # 190 $33,859.47 -------------- $0.00 $331B59,47 GCFD12 GRANT COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT ARPA 23-32 9/7/2023 191-001-00-0000.518634981 $25,511.06 -------------- $0.00 ------------- $25,511.06 TOTAL FOR FUND # 191 $25,511.06 -------------- $0.00 $25,511.06 AGSPW AG SUPPLY COMPANY 291800 9/6/2023 304,001.00.0000,594 56003 $27.93 $0.00 $27. 93 AGSPW AG SUPPLY COMPANY 291823 9/6/2023 304-001.00.0000.594756003 $56.24 $0.00 $56.24 TUMLM TAL HOLDINGS LLC 6007-667605 9/6/2023 304-001.00.0000.594756003 $171.15 $0,00 $171.15 System: 9/8/2023 2:15:50 PM CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT Page: 1.0 Vendor ID Vendor Nene Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------.--------------------------_--------------- Number Date --------_ ------------------ -_- -- TOTAL FOR FUND T11r 304 $255.32 $0.00 $255,32. CBRML COLUMBIA BASIN PUBLISH NG 134439-052423 5/24./2023 401.000.00.0000,537924400 $240.00 $0.00 $240.00 CBHIML, COLU14BIA BASIN PUBLISIgTNG 145322-08312023 8/31/2023 401,000.00.0000.537924400 $240.00 $0.00 $240»00 CBHML COLUMBIA BASIN PUBLISHING MC -00008840-0851 8/31/2023 4.01,000.00,0000.537924400 $3.60 $0,04 $3.60 aELSOL DEL SOL INC 1318.7 SW 8/31./2023 401,401.00,01000.537944100 $571.44 $0.00 $571.»4.4 JCALB JACO ANALYTICAL LAP INC E3HV26 8/31/2023 401,000.00.0000,537924900 $32.40 $0,00 $32.40 KDRMR JACOBS RADIO PROGRAMMING L 23070277.15 7/31/2023 401.000.,00,0000.537914401. $8.34 $0.00 $8,34 KDR1R JACOBS RADIO PROGRAMMING L 23070277.16 7/31./2023 401»000,00.0000,537914401 $16.66 $0.04 $16.66 KDRMR JACOBS :RADIO PROGRAMMING L 23080487 8/31:/2423 401..0.00.00,0000.537.924400 $120.00 $4.00 $1.20,00 KDRMR JACOBS RADIO PROGRAMING L 23080088 8/31/2023 401,000,00.0000.5379244001 $225.00 $0.00 $225,00 KDRMR JACOBS RADIO PROGRAI�IIING L 23080089 8/31/2023 401.000,00.0000.537924400 $25.00 $0,00 $25,00 LNDS'Y LINDSAY WATER POOL & SPA 9030;9893 9/5/2023 401.401.04, 0000 ¢ 537.904500 $112.73 $0.00 $112.73 NSS..MN NOSSAMAN LLP 551876 9/5/2023 401.000»00.0000.537234100 $1,068,00 $0,00 $1,058.,00 STRPB STAR PUBLISHING INC 3324971 8/30/2423 401..000.00.0000.537924400 $160.50 $0,00 $160,50 TOTRR41 TOWNSQUARE MEDIA INC 4286969-1 8/31/2023 401.,000»00»000.537924400 $375.00 $0.00 $375.00 WNWLD WENATCHEE WORLD 658494 8/31/2.023 401»000.00.0000.537924400 $21.7.50 $0»00 $217»50 TOTAL FOR FUND 401 $' 3, 416 ,17 -------------- $0.00 $3,416.17 AMON AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES IN 1.7T6-9WTY-4KC 9/7/2023 501. $215.28 $03.00 $21.5.28 CDWGI CDW GOVERNMENT INC LR51874 9/7/2023 501.179.00.0000.5184041.01 $355»66 $0i00 $354»65 CDWGI CDW GOVERNMENT INC LQ95229 9/7/2023 501,179,00.0000.518404101 $59,1:1 $0.00 $59.11 CDWGI CDW GOVERNMENT INC LQ79686 9/7/2023 501.1.7.9» 00.0000.518403100 $1, 523.59 $0.00 $1,523.59 CDWGI CDW GOVERNMENT INC LR91273 9/7/2023 501,179, 00.000)0}.51840131010 $1(715.05 $0.00 $1,715.05 CDWGI CDW GOVERNMENT 110 LS13111 .1/7/20:.3 501-179,00.0502,5,18803564 $1(405.79 '$0.00 $1,405.79 CDWGI CDW GOVERNMENT INC LS36491 9/7/2023 5014179,00.0502.5188013554 $2,335.70 $0.00 $21335,70 CNTLK Century Link 31.3530141 9/23 9/7/2023 501.179»00.0400.518804202 $5.15 $0.00 $5,1..5 COLNT Columbia Networking 622 9/7/2023 501»179.00»0000,510804200 $390,00 $0»00 $390»00 COLNT Columbia Networking 623 9/7/2023 501.179.00.0000,51:8804200 $2,590.00 $0.00 $2,690,00 CTS AR Consolidated Technology Se 90112023080298 9/7/2023 501:179.00.0000.51.8804200 $1.35.00 $0.00 $1.35,00 CTSAR Consolidated Technology Se 90112023080297 9/7/2023 501,179,00,0000,518804200 $265,00 $0»00 $265.00 DAPS1 DataPro Solutions, Inc. 32353 9/7/2023 501,1.79,00.0000,518803506 $1,809,24 $0.00 $1,809.24 EDNTC Ednetics, Inc. 123980 9/7/2023 501,179,00,0000.518404101 $3,226.79 $0.00 $3,226.79 EDNTC Ednetics, Inc, 1.24295 9/7/2023 501.1.79 , 00.0000.518803505 $26,527,87 $0.00 $26,527.87 EDNTC Ednetics, Inc. 124274 9/7/2023 501...179,00.0000.518403104 $292.24 $0.00 $'292»24 SPECR SPECTRAREP, LLC 20230901 9/7/2023 501.179.00.0000,518803506 $250.001 $0.00 $250.00 TOTAL FOR FUND # 501 $43,200.47 $0.00 $43,200,47 PRURX PRUDENTRX LLC 308102010 9/7/2023 505.185.50.9508»517382302 $7,801..36 $0.00 $7,8031..36 System: 9/8/2023 2:15:50 PM CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT Pace: 11 Vendor ID Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total ----------------------------------- ----------_- Number _-_-__--------------------------------------------_---------------------------_ Date --------------- TOTAL FOR FUND 505 $7,801,36 $0.00 $7,801,36 HLT EQ L, t:.7LliJi11EQUITY INC. N0VGUDO 9/7/2023 50 .188.00.HFSA.582300000 $5,003.74 ----------------------- $0.00 $5,003.74 TOTAL FOR FUND, # 508 $51003.74 - - $0.00 --.--.. --- ---- $51003.74 CLARY Bud 'Mary 3LX1.83 8/30/2023 510,080, 00,0000.594486003 54,502.27 $0.00 $54)542.27 CTEPHL CITY OF EPHRATA, 6982/AUG 23 8/31/2023 510.080.00.0000.548354700 $227.76 $0.00 $227.76 COILC COLEMAN OIL COMPANY 123639 7/31/2023 510.080.00,0000,548483401 $11,295.27 $0.00 $111295.27 CNLNK Century Link,, 9802/8-23 8/24/2023 '$64.73 $0.00 $64,73 DELSOL DEL SOL INC 13.187 8/31/2023 510,080.00,0000.548354100 $388,50 $0,00 $388.50 FSFSL FOUR SEASONS FAt114 SERVICE 371.9 8/2212023 510.010,00.0000.548653100 $63.41 $0,00 $63.41 YODELS MAXWELL YODER. 'FUEL REIMBURSE 9/6/2023 510.080,00.0000.548653200 ,$73.00 $0.00 $73,00 NCCAT NC CAT RENTAL WNCS0227091 8/16/2023 510.401,00.0000.548653100 $1,304.41 $0.00 $1,304.41. AJPAT PROFORKANCE AJ'S J010586 8/22/2023 51.0,080,00.0000.548654800 $152.72 $0.00 $152.72 AJPAT PROFORLhWICE AJ'S 4'010592 8/24/2023 51.0.080,00.0000,548654800 $518,57 $0.00 $51.8.57 PTCWA.O Pro -Touch Oar Wash & Auto 14485JULY 8/11/2023 510.080,00.0000.548653100 $920.48 $0,00 $920.48 PTCWAD Fro -Touch Oar Wash & Auto 14485JUNE, .8/11/2023 510,080,00.0000.5486531.00 $940.75 $0.00 $940.75 SMESL SOLUTIONS, SME 21.81443 5/18/2023 510,025,00.0000.5 48584100 $1,174.56 $0.00 $1,1.74.56 PAPEG THE PAPE GROUP 14531758 6/13/2023 510.030.00x0€00.548653100 $103.06 $0.00 $103,06 TOTAL FOR FUND 510 -------------- ------------- $71,729.49 -------------- $0.00 $71, 729.49 ------------------------ -------------- GRAND TOTAL $665,868.1.3 $0.00 $665,868,13