HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 23-093-CCGRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MEETING REQUEST FORM (Must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by 12:00pm on Thursday) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Public Works REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: Shilo Nellis CONTACT PERSON ATTENDING MEETING: sam Castro CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: ❑YES ✓M NO DATE: 08/29/2023 PHONE: x3501 a=- =NJ laumn-mlial -= - i ❑Agreement / Contract DAP Vouchers DAppointment I Reappointment DARPA Related D Bids / RFPs / Quotes Award D Bid Opening Scheduled D Boards / Committees D Budget D Computer Related M County Code D Emergency Purchase D Employee Rel. CI Facilities Related D Financial D Funds D Hearing 1--1 Invoices / Purchase Orders ❑Grants -, Fed/State/County ❑Leases DMOA / MOU ❑Minutes D Ordinances D Out of State Travel D Petty Cash ❑ Policies D Proclamations D Request for Purchase ® Resolution D Recommendation D Professional Sery/Consultant D Support Letter D Surplus Req. =ax Levies DThank You's ❑Tax Title Property ❑WSLCB 2023 Gravel -to -Oil Program, Road 12 NE and Road 8 -NE, $400,000 Signature: (Prosecutor/Deputy Prosecutor) FIAPPROVED M DENIED ❑TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION TAKEN MCONTINUED TO DATE: MOTHER Date: DATE OF ACTION: � `2' ' �✓� yid` �� iF� Ei Resolution Number � 3 -' 4 9 J Before the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington In the matter of initiating county road projects and assigning CRP numbers. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the roads listed below be improved as shown between the points indicated. These projects are hereby declared to be public necessity and the county road engineer is hereby ordered and authorized to report and proceed thereon as by law provided. (RCW 36.75.050, 36.80.030, 36.80.070). IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED THAT appropriations from the officially adopted road fund budget and based on the county engineer's estimates are hereby made in the amounts and for the purposes shown: 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 g ROAD NAME / A.C. or P.C.C. Pavement F. TYPE OF G. Sidewalks COST ESTIMATE (THOUSANDS) Annual Const. CRP BRIDGE NUMBER ROAD PATHS & TRAILS (RCW 47.30) WORK (See o Prog. No. LOG Code) Z o V ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION Item No. M.P. TO M.P. ROW GRANT LOCAL NO. ROAD 12 -NE 94030 8.24 9.01 A, C, & D X X $10 $190 25 23-05 (REST GRAVEL -TO -OIL) (REET) (REET) ROAD 8 -NE $10 $190 25 23-06 (REET GRAVEL -TO -OIL) 94020 1.18 1.98 A, C, & D X X (REET) (REET) (4) TYPE OF WORK CODE A. Preliminary Engineering B. Right-of-way C. Grading, Draining, Surfacing D. Light Bit. Surf. Treatment E. A.C. or P.C.C. Pavement F. Curbs & Gutters G. Sidewalks H. Traffic Facilities I. Bridge Construction J. PATHS & TRAILS (RCW 47.30) (5) The construction is to be accomplished by contract in accordance with RCW 36.77.020 et. seq. (6) The construction is to be accomplished by county forces in accordance with RCW 36.77.060 and WAC 136-18. DATED this 2.11. day of , 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 6- GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Yea Nay Abstain 77Z> F1 R AT EST: r B bra J. Vasque , C Cin y Cai r, ice- hair C erk of the Boar El F-1 Danny .Stone, Member Recommended for use in connection with WAC 136-18-030, for multiple project initiation. NOTE: This form is intended for use in connection with WAC 136-18-030 and makes pro vision for all pertinent information. Itis designed for a situation where the Board of County Commissioners desires to initiate several road projects at onetime. For those desiring individual initiation it is suggested that a Form similar to CRAB 110 be used. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION IN THE MATTER OF RESOLUTION No. 23- b ' -CC AMENDING RESOLUTION 22 -120 -CC AND 22 -131 -CC ADOPTING THE SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR 2023- 2028 WHEREAS, a priority array of projects was prepared in accordance with the County Road Administration Board Standards of good Practice: WAC 136-14 and was made available and consulted by the Board during the preparation of the Six Year Program; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of R.C.W. 36.81.121 and WAC 136-14, the Grant County Road Engineer submitted the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program for 2023 through 2028 to the Board of County Commissioners on October 11, 2022; and WHEREAS, a report with respect to deficient Bridges was available to the Board during the preparation and discussion of the Six Year Program; and WHEREAS, a SEPA application was submitted for environmental pre -assessment and a letter of Addendum was received from Grant County Development Services indicating that the social, economic and aesthetic values would not be disturbed, and WHEREAS, A Notice of Public Hearing was published twice for 2 weeps preceding the Hearing, with no objections to the process and, said hearing was held on November 22 2022 and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has reviewed the recommended program for 2023-2028 and has made the revisions and changes deemed practicable to the County's long range road program; and WHEREAS pursuant to the requirements of R.C.W. 3 6.81.121 the legislative authority shall adopt a Six Year Transportation Improvement Program updated yearly, the.Board of County Commissioners did prepare, revise, and extend the Six Year Program and did hold a Public Hearing on November 22, 2022, Adopting said program as resolution 22 -120 -CC. Said Resolution was amended for wording via Resolution 22 -131 -CC. C:\Users\rlmina\Downloads\ATTACH B - 6YEAR TLP 2023-2028 AMENDED RE S OLUTION. do ex NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Grant County Board of Commissioners, AMEND the Resolutions 22 -120 -CC and 22 -131 -CC to include several projects, adopting the 2023-2028 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program for the years 2023 through 2028. DATED this �YlA_ day of , 2023. Barbara i Clerk of C:\Users\rlmina\Downloads\ATTACH B - 6YEAR TIP 2023-2028 AMENDED RE S OLUTION. do cx BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON %5 ��D F� F-1 -so Rob Jones, Chair Q( El F-1 d Cader,Vice-Chair E F Danny .Stone, Member C:\Users\rlmina\Downloads\ATTACH B - 6YEAR TIP 2023-2028 AMENDED RE S OLUTION. do cx Memo Grant County Department of Public Works 124 Enterprise St. S.E. Ephrata, WA 98823 Serial No. 22.005 To: Honorable Grant County Board of County Commissioners From: Dave Bren, PE, MSCE County Road Engineer Date: January 10, 2023 Re: Amending the 6 -Year Transportation Improvement Plan TIP Adding (4) Projects to the Plan: (2) CBDL Bridges, 2023 Gravel -to -Oil Program, and the Hiawatha/Drumheller Truck Route Legislative History: Financial Impact: • First Presentation: = January 10, 2023 • 2023 Truck Route Design Work (REET) ) $ 250,000 • Second Presentation: 2023 Gravel -to -Oil Program(REET) $ 40 0,00o f • 2024 CBDL Bridge #247 (DIR FED) $--4-3430.1000 i • 2025 CBDL Bridge #248 (DIR FED) f, 5,005,000 • Action Requested: � TIP Amendment •..,7 'r.:.; 14yTTr `rrn,��t.�A ��,�;��I� tT�+��;�° y :, ,S t t t �;.{ ,w� :. 2023 Hiawatha/Drumheller Truck Route Design (REET $250,000): The REET fundingprovides for the p Design of the Truck Route including; LIDAR UAS/Drone survey, LIDAR UAS/Drone equipment, GPS ound gr control equipment, road design, and cultural report for a new truck route on the West Side of Moses Lake. A shovel ready design will lead to funding opportunities for the construction. The future Truck Route will connect the' H�.awatha interchange at I-90 to a new roundabout at the SR17/S282 split with a new 7.3 -mile section of BSTaved road. ad. 2023 Gravel -to -Oil ProLyram (REST $400,000): The REET funding will provide for new BST road surface construction on (2) top scoring sections of gravel roads; 12 -NE (0.77 Miles) and 8 NE0.80 Miles). In addition, ( ) n, the BEET funding will provide for a rescoring update of gravel roads to provide forotential continuance p of the Gravel -to -Oil Program in 2024, and beyond. 2024 CBDL Bridge #247 Replacement (FED DIRECTED $4,430,000): The Federally Directed funding w111 provide a new bridge over the Irrigation Canal on Road W, South of Road 2SE. Design would begin in 2024 g ,with construction conducted in 2025. The larger bridge would remove the canal obstruction, so that the canal capacity could be greatly increased. 2025 CBDL Brid a #248 Replacement FED DIRECTED5 0 $ , 05,000). The Federally Directed funding will provide a new bridge over the Irrigation Canal on Road 11 SE, West of Road U. Desi would begin in 2025 with � g construction conducted in 2026. The larger bridge would remove the canal obstruction, so that the canal capacity could be greatly increased. «To meet current and future needs, serving together with public and private entities, whip fostering a respeatFul and successful work environment." information ...............................................(509) 754-6082 5093 75'4-6087 Dave Sren, PE, county Road Engineer Ext 3502 ..1 •.....1.1 .IY .,Ext, Bob Bersan ti, Construction Engineer Ed Lowry Su peruisor-Dist too • •N4 l•!•lY•••~lr•MY.1sw4... ... .•.�r 35 1 Y 'y E-n��,�............................. pll�1�G�'dC1ri`grankCQEln�1Ya,ggv Sam Castro, Public Works Director 4 ....................pct. 350 .........._........ Est 3 03 l.ac Ohl, ArcaEir�tant Lead..,. .............••••..,_............zxt.3555 Pod Follett Foretn an -Sign Shoe t u Mike �visar-dist. Na 2 Eatt.3s9�. � Pe ,......._...,.......... Jahn Brissey, Supervisor-Disdt. No S Ext 554;„ ,•.......-....�........,. y{• Samuel Dart, Assistant Director .EXt.$5�•3 ........................ Ext 3573 co �y► ............................ . 'DQ��n�, Solid �•....�. Jason Waste.. (509) 754-4319 .., ..I. _.1.1.. John aha lM... K...w p t 3 75.4-6086 Andy Booth, Bridge Supervisor......... Ext:3535 3535 Fiscal and Poliev Implications: The Congressionally Directed Federal funds and REET fundsrovid p e for these projects do not require matching funds. These funds provide a $10,085,000 direct economic benefit to the County during construction of the roads and bridges. In addition mic g ,these funds provide long- term economic benefits to the County, by increased road capacity for developable lands, increased truck route capacity, and increased irrigation capacity for farming. Commission Packet Attachment A. I Updated 6 -Year TIP Map and Projects List I B. I Resolution to Amend 6 -Year TIP C. I Engineers Estimates for CBDL Bridge #247 and #248 Action Requested r Public Works Staff requests a resolution for approval of an Amended 6 -Year TIP. This will add4 the TIP as follows: () projects to ✓ 2023 F iawatha/Drumheller Truck Route Design ✓ 2023 Gravel -to -Oil Program (Roads 12 -NE and 8 -NE) ✓ 2024 CBDL Bridge #247 Replacement ✓ 2025 CBDL Bridge #248 Replacement "To meet current and future needs, searing together with public and private entities, while fostering a respectful and successfu l work environment." information .................................... ... ........ (509.) 754-6082 Dave County Road Engineer Ext 3542 Ed Lawry, supervisar-gist. No �. FAX ................................ (509) 'T54-6087 BobBersanti, constructionExt 35 0 ................................ Engineer... �......,.......F.att, 353 Mike DeTralio 3uperuisar-Gist. eta. 2... E-mail .......................... pubfsa�wrvrksogranteauntyuva.,gav Loc C►hl,Atca�rntantt.ead...... � �...�...-...�....�xt.359i Sal» castra Pubic Works Director.. .................._.............Ext, 3555 John Brissay, Supervisor-tzis�t Na. �3..,..... �xxt 35��. .Ext. 3.504 Rad Follett, Foreman -Sign shop ............... ) ......,.......... Jahn spies, Supervisor -Central aha p............................Ext. 657'9 ��49} 7S4-Go36 samuel Dart, Assistant Director ... ... ...... ... ......... .Ext.3519 .Eason t0Nin.gs, solid Waste .................. ........ (549) 75.4-4319 And I�........... Andy B+�ath, Bridge supervisor....................................Ext 3535 Funding VW0 :ngtontate ,artt al Trwisportatim Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Status From 2023 to 2028 Agency: Grant Go - County: Grant CN 2023 STP(US) 808,022 MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside a M < o ;a c o- -,� A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID D c < o B z C. Project Title B �, �. c D. Road Name or Number m = rL Q o rt � r �* CD 0 a. E. Begin & End Termini B -t o c u, F. Project Description G. Structure ID Q, rt a @ N � Q. 05 1 WA -02546 11115121 11/15121 21 -117 -CC 03 P T W 1.020 CE Yes COCHRAN RD & OTTMAR RD 41550/41660 0/0 to .89/.13 Reconstruction - Work will include grade, drainage, HMA surfacing, Curb & Gutter, sidewalks, traffic control and other items. PE done under federal project STPUS-6079(001) Location: Airway DR to Valley Rd Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S CN 2023 STP(US) 808,022 0 126,107 934,129 S CN 2023 HIP(US) 126,178 0 19,693 145,871 Totals 934,200 0 145,800 1,080,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th CN 1,080,000 0 0 0 0 Totals 1,080,000 0 o a 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 1 AdMhL 'Mr VAP Washingwn six Year Transportation Improvement Program Department at Transportatica From 2023 to 2028 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside M o o 0 < c -,� A. PIN/Project No. v, --� C. Project Title B. STIP ID 3 0 3 = o rt CD D. Road Name or Number = Q N�. E. Begin End Termini "0 3 3 0 CD » to F. Project Description G. Structure ID a �. o V M a. 05 2 WA -12565 11/15/21 11/15121 21 -117 -CC 21 T 0.060 CE Yes Safety- SR 28 and White Trail Road Roundabout U NW 22.85 to 22.91 Safety- SR 28 and White Trail Road Roundabout 93010 Intersection- Work will include earthwork, drainage, HMA surface, traffic control and other items Location: U NW & SR28 intersection Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S CN 2023 0 0 115,150 115,150 Totals 0 0 115,150 115,150 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 2 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th CN 115,150 0 0 0 0 Totals 115,150 0 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 2 AML W*Ainsiton State Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Department at Transportatfon From 2023 to 2028 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside M t M O 0 0 0 c o 3 3 -n A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID Z C. Project Title a _ � r* m c� 0 C D. Road Name or Number = Q � = � ,0 0 = Cr E. Begin & End Termini � �° CL 0 o m --t Ch "' CL F. Project Description G. Structure ID g, rt c 00 3 �� N M a WA -13302 11/15/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 05 P T CE No ADA Ramp/ Sidewalk upgrades Phase 1 Various to Various Work Consists of ADA Ramp and/or Sidewalk upgrades and other items Location: (Various) Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S PE 2023 0 0 30,000 30,000 S CN 2023 0 0 120,000 120,000 Totals 0 OF 950,000 150,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 30,000 0 0 0 0 CN 120,000 0 0 0 0 Totals 150,000 0 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 3 Mishingban State Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2028 to 2028 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside m M 0 0 0 -,7 A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID D c < c 3 X z C. Project Title = D M c CD .� D. Road Name or Number Q a o rt `� r �; CD a. E. Begin & End Termini m 'aCD ° z c M F. Project Description G. Structure ID (. CL o N 01 a 06 4 /9913(004) WA -09755 11/15/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 03 P T W 0.990 CE No Grape & Maple Drive 42350/42600 .12/0.0 to .36/.75 Reconstruction - Work will include grade, drainage, curb and gutter, HMA, sidewalk, traffic control and other items. Location: County Line 625 ft. north of SR17 to Stratford Rd. Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S CN 2023 STP(US) 1,319,125 0 205,875 1,525,000 Totals 1,319,125 0 205,875 1,525,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th CN 1,525,000 0 0 0 0 Totals 9,525,000 0 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 - Page 4 WUP °nftn SuNte Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPOIRTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside M o � o M0 0 A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID c CD rt c A Z C. Project Title = D � m n D. Road Name or Number Q = `c rt M CD a. E. Begin & End Termini -°a CL 3 o 0 CA F. Project Description G. Structure ID 0 a rt o N s a Q 06 5 WA -13303 11/15/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 03 4.220 CE No 9 -NW Road 9 N 5.84 to 10.06 9 NW Road 93020, work will include earthwork, drainage, BST surface, traffic control 93020 and other items. Location: SR 283 to Dodson Rd Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2023 0 CRAB 132,900 15,100 148,000 P CN 2024 0 CRAB 1,759,500 195,500 1,955,000 Totals 0 1,892,400 210,600 2,103,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 48,000 1003000 0 0 0 CN 0 0 1,955,000 0 0 Totals 48,000 100,000 1,955,000 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 5 ft"in ton State Six Year Transportation Improvement Program lt nsporta ffan From 2023 to 2028 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPOIRTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside M o ;U 0 0 "n A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID a o tD 0 3 ;aZ C. Project Title S = 3 C rt SU D. Road Name or Number = a = Er 0 Cr E. Begin & End Termini `D o o. o r,. n r ren A) 0 F. Project Description G. Structure ID � a M o V N � a Q 07 6 WA -1406311115121 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 03 No Misc Projects local only various to various Miscellaneous Projects including safety and maintenance with local funds. Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S PE 2023 0 0 5D,000 50,000 S PE 2024 0 0 10,000 10,000 S PE 2025 0 0 10,000 10,000 S PE 2026 0 0 10,000 10,000 S PE 2027 0 0 10,000 10,000 P PE 2028 0 0 10,000 10,000 S CN 2023 0 0 250,000 250,000 S CN 2024 0 0 240,000 240,000 S CN 2025 0 0 240,000 240,000 S CN 2026 0 0 240,000 240,000 S CN 2027 0 0 240,000 240,000 S CN 2028 0 0 240,000 240,000 Totals 0 0 1,550,000 1,550,000 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 6 VhWr>119-t-*n state Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO Six_ Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 N Inside Y Outside Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 50,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 CN 250,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 Totals 300,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 7 AML Vhaffithsitim Stato Department of Transpartation Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPOIRTPO: Quad -Co RTPO Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 N Inside Y Outside Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2023 0 0 100,000 100,000 P M 1,100, 000 -o 1,200,000 -a a;a0 0 1 PINIProject No. B. STIP ID a CA 0A. C Z C. Project Title 3 nD. Road Name or Number Q Q. c �, r �, CD im a E. Begin & End Termini �' -a 3 0 ..� y F. Project Description G. Structure ID Q, o N as a 05 7 WA -12567 11/15/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 04 P T 4.000 CE No Stratford Road - Phase 2 Stratford Rd 13.24 to 17.24 Stratford Road - Phase 2 94025 2R - Work will include earthwork, drainage, BST surface, traffic control and other items. Location: 16 NE Road to 20 NE Road Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2023 0 0 100,000 100,000 P CN 2024 01 I 1 0 1,100, 000 1,100, 000 Totals 0 0 1,200,000 1,200,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 100,000 0 0 0 0 CN 0 1,100,000 0 0 0 Totals 100,000 1,100,000 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 8 VrAf Wash;ingtonte Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Department at Thansportatfo From 2023 to 2028 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside M A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID a c 0 3 z C. Project Title D n c D. Road Name or Number a Q. o M I< r- r. M a. E. Begin & End Termini �' "a 3 --I o ...� N F: Project Description G. Structure ID rt o N a. 07 8 WA -13301 11/15/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 11 0.200 EA No B -SE Culverts B SE .24 to .44 Culvert replacement - Work will include removal of failing existing culvert pipe, 20550 approaches, traffic control, and other items. Location: (.025 miles south of Lower Crab Creek Road) Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S PE 2023 0 0 200,000 200,000 P CN 2024 0 0 200,000 200,000 Totals 0 0 400,000 400,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 200,000 0 0 0 0 CN 200,000 0 0 0 0 Totals 400,000 0 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 9 Aft Wash,>ngtir stvtL3 six Year Transportation Improvement Program Department of Trwrsion, From 2023 to 2028 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPOIRTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside M < oc o -e A. PIN/Project Na B. STIP ID a c m rt c 3 Z C. Project Title = D C B c� CCD c D. Road Name or Number CL a o `� r �, N o. E. Begin & End Termini 'i V o CD u, as F. Project Description G. Structure ID Q, o 0 a 05 9 WA -13304 11/15/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 04 P T 3.040 CE No Stratford Road Phase 3 Stratford Rd 17.24 to 20.28 Stratford Road 94025 BMP 17.24 to EMP 20.28 94025 2R - Work will include earthwork, drainage, BST surface, traffic control and other items. Location 20 NE Rd to BNSF RR Crossing Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S CN 2023 0 CRAB 744,000 106,000 850,000 Totals 0 744,000 106,000 850,000 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 10 Expenditure Schedule Phase '1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th CN 850,000 0 0 0 0 Totals 850,000 0 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 10 AIML Washington Stoma Department of Transportation Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPOIRTPO: Quad -Co RTPO Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 N Inside Y Outside Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2023 0 0 40,000 40,000 P CN 2024 0 0 250, 000 250,000 Totals 0i 1 0 290,000 290,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 9st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 40,000 0 0 0 0 CN 0 250,000 0 0 0 Totals 40,000 250,000 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 11 M -v 3 -a � o c o A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID CD c rt S r z C. Project Title -f M nrt c D. Road Name or Number = a Q. o o r CD D. E. Begin & End Termini M M ff. B � -q M N R `-° F. Project Description G. Structure ID 0 CD o N 0 Q. 07 10 WA -14069 11/15121 11/15121 21 -117 -CC 11 0.320 No 23 -NE Rd Br 171 replacement 93048 9.323 to 9.64 23 NE Bridge 171 replacement Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2023 0 0 40,000 40,000 P CN 2024 0 0 250, 000 250,000 Totals 0i 1 0 290,000 290,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 9st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 40,000 0 0 0 0 CN 0 250,000 0 0 0 Totals 40,000 250,000 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 11 AMML VhWhtngton StateSix Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside M V O % OCD 0. In A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID n c < C -4 3 � z C. Project Title rt �, n 0; D. Road Name or Number m Q Q o M, `� r �, 0 Cr E. Begin & End Termini �a° -� o c N E F. Project Description G. Structure 1D �Q, R to o m N a 05 11 WA -10861 11/15/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 04 P T 1.990 CE No 3 -NE Rd Phase 3 94000 8.91 to 10.9 Work will include earthwork, drainage, HMA surface, traffic control and other items Location: S NE to U NE Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S CN 2023 STP (R) 865,000 0 702,126 1,567,126 Totals 865,000 0 702,126 1,567,126 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th CN 1,567,126 0 0 0 0 Totals 1,567,126 0 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 12 AIML wamh>irgtan state par tment of Transportation Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO Six Year Transportation improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 N Inside Y Outside Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S PE 2023 STP(R) 27,000 0 10,145 37,145 S CN 2023 STP(R) 1,541, 894 0 287,421 1,829,315 Totals 1,568,8941 i 0 297,566 1,866,460 M 3 � c 0 0 =` A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID n CD Cn < C Z C. Project Title `� n D. Road Name or Number a Q o �, r- m �, a E. Begin & End Termini �' -a o .� N W F. Project Description G. Structure ID a CD e 0 N � CD Q 05 12 WA -14077 11/15/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 04 P T 6.230 CE No Dodson Rd Overlay Ph 2 91030 21.76 to 27.99 2R Work will include HMA resurfacing and traffic control. Location 7 NW to Ephrata City Limits. Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S PE 2023 STP(R) 27,000 0 10,145 37,145 S CN 2023 STP(R) 1,541, 894 0 287,421 1,829,315 Totals 1,568,8941 i 0 297,566 1,866,460 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 37,145 0 0 0 0 CN 1,829,315 0 0 0 0 Totals 1,866,460 0 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 13 r NIL �J,n,gtan W-ato Six Year Transportation Improvement Program parts ofTranupcwtation From 2023 to 2028 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPOIRTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside M O Mp O CD In � A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID D o C 0 3 ;U z C. Project Title , r7 rt D. Road Name or Number a = CD`� r~ cru iv 0 �. E. Begin & End Termini '�' -a CL 0 cCD CL W m 0 F. Project Description G. Structure ID a, o 0 N 3 a 05 12 WA -14078 04 P T 0.690 CE No Dodson Rd Overlay Ph 3 91030 28.99 to 29.68 2R Work will include HMA resurfacing and traffic control. Location 13 NW to Ephrata City Limits Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S PE 2023 STP(R) 2,990 0 1,123 4,113 S CN 2023 STP(R) 170,771 0 31,831 202,602 Totals 173,761 0 32,954 206,715 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 4,113 0 0 0 0 CN 202,602 0 0 0 0 Totals 206,715 0 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 14 AMIL Wash;noton State Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Vrp Department at Trans abort From 2023 to 2020 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside M In M A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID D c < � -4 3 � z C. Project Tithe E3 �CD CD, D. Road Name or Number cn .Q Q, Cr E. BeginEnd Termini ca.CD ca F. Project Description G. Structure ID Q �, o N a 05 12 WA -14079 11/15/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 04 P T 3.060 CE No Dodson Rd Overlay Ph 4 91030 18.70 to 21.76 2R Work will include HMA resurfacing and traffic control. Location: 4 NW to 7 NW Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S PE 2023 STP (R) 13,260 0 4,982 18,242 S CN 2023 STP(R) 757,335 0 141,173 898,508 Totals 770,595 0 1 146,155 916,750 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 18,242 0 0 0 0 CN 898,508 0 0 0 0 Totals 916,750 0 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 15 Washington State Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Depuftme"t at IV= spartmfon From 2023 to 2028 Agency: Grant Co_ County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside M o' 0 0 -c A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID D c m o 3 z C. Project Title = 3 rl n 0 D. Road Name or Number a Q o rt `� r �, coo 0 a. E. Begin & End Termini 0 n _ .0 �' 10 0 --t o E N IM `� CL F. Project Description G. Structure ID a CD o 0 N a a a 04 13 WA -12569 11/15/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 04 P T 0.580 CE No Valley Road Overlay / Sidewalk Valley Rd 1.53 to 2.11 211 Overlay - Work will include HMA surfacing, ADA ramps, new curb & sidewalk, 41250 traffic control and other items. Location: Scott Rd to South of H -NE Rd Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S PE 2024 0 0 50,000 50,000 S CN 2024 STP(US) 389,250 0 60,750 450,000 Totals 389,250 0 910,750 500,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd '4th 5th & 6th PE 0 50,000 0 0 0 CN 0 .450, 000 0 0 0 Totals 0 500,000 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 16 AWL Washirr19[tan state Department of anzportat 'ol Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 N Inside Y Outside Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S PE 2026 0 CRAB 166,500 18,500 185,000 S M 1,665, 000 v 1,850,000 � o' c o - A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID D o 0 rt 0 3 � 3 Z C. Project Title n 3 �, n rt D. Road Name or Number a a c �. `� �, m 0 Cr E. Begin & End Termini '�' �° � o CA 's' F. Project Description G. Structure ID ,� a o y = � a 05 15 WA -14072 11115/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 04 P T 4.670 CE No H SE 92005 0.00 to 4.67 Reconstruction- work will include earthwork, drainage, BST surface, traffic control and other items. Location 12 SE to SR 262 Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S PE 2026 0 CRAB 166,500 18,500 185,000 S CN 2026 0 CRAB 1,498, 500 166,500 1,665, 000 Totals 0 1,665,000 185,000 1,850,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 0 0 0 185,000 0 CN 0 0 0 1,665,000 0 Totals 0 0 0 1,850,000 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 17 W;ionState Department af Trweportatton Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 N Inside Y Outside Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2024 HIP(US) 126,178 0 0 126,178 S M 0 216,000 1,600, 000 .Q 0 216,000 1,726,178 'D t O ;U O O I A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID 3 0 rt o 3 z C. Project Title D n c D. Road Name or Number a. a. c o a CD �, 3 a. E. Begin & End Termini �' �a 3 --� ..� N F. Project Description G. Structure ID Q, a o a y ro CL 05 16 16069(001) WA -14073 11115/21- 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 04 P T 2.120 CE No Westshore Drive Overlay / Sidewalk 40950 0.83 to 2.95 2R Work will include HMA surfacing, new ADA ramps & sidewalk, traffic control and other items. Location: Fairway Drive to 0.25 S. of 4 NE Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2024 HIP(US) 126,178 0 0 126,178 S CN 2024 STP(US) 1,384, 000 0 216,000 1,600, 000 Totals 1,510,178 0 216,000 1,726,178 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 0 126,178 0 0 0 CN 0 1,600,000 0 0 0 Totals 0 1,726,178 0 j 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 18 Wash'ngtonto Department of Transportatk Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 0 0 160,000 0 0 From 2023 to 2028 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside � 0. M ,a G O p O -n A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID � � o c o 3 C. Project Title D. Road Name or Number = a — rt cv CD '< �' �. X Cr E. Begin & End Termini .o° o m MF. Project DescriptionG. Structure ID a �, o � ? a 05 17 WA -14074 11/15/21 1'1/15121 21 -117 -CC 03 P T 5.820 CE No Q SW(George to Frenchman Hills) 91035 0.82 to 5.82 3R Work will include earthwork, drainage, BST surface, traffic control and other items. Location: George City Limits to Frenchman Hills Rd Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2025 0 CRAB 144,000 16,000 160,000 P CN 2025 0 CRAB 1,296, 000 144,000 1,440, 000 Totals 0 1,440,000 160,000 1,600,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 0 0 160,000 0 0 CN 0 0 1,440,000 0 0 Totals 0 0 1,600,000 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 19 Washington State Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 N Inside Y Outside Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2025 NHPP 60,000 0 15,000 75,000 P _ Totals 700,000 0 1751000 875,000 M -v V o o 0 - A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP 1D > 0 c < � 0 3 z C. Project Title D �, `� —I n rt D. Road Name or Number c Q c F— m CD C a. E. Begin & End Termini V 3 a V N %F. Project Description G. Structure ID a o 0 N CD Q 06 18 WA -14075 11/15/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 11 P T 0.010 CE No Bridge 382 H NW Rd 30430 2.28 to 2.29 Bridge replacement- Work will include demolition, structure replacement, approaches, traffic control and other items. , Location: .4 miles north of SR 28 Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2025 NHPP 60,000 0 15,000 75,000 P CN 2025 NH PP 640,000 0 160,000 800,000 Totals 700,000 0 1751000 875,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 0 0 75,000 0 0 CN 0 0 800,000 0 0 Totals 0 0 875,000 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 20 Vh";ngtonSte Six Year Transportation Improvement Program part>rt of Transa->tiior. From 2023 to 2025 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPOIRTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside m 3 oX 0 0 M.c A. PINIProject No. B. STIP ID D o M Ie.c - Z C. Project Title m 0 �; � D. Road Name or Number � a Q. o � `� r �, M �. E_ Begin End Termini -0 3 -{ o F. Project Description G. Structure ID Q o a yca a 07 19 WA -14076 11/15/21 11115/21 21 -117 -CC 11 P T 0.010 No Bridge 353 R NW 30330 .01. to .02 Bridge replacement - Work will include demolition, structure replacement, approaches, traffic control and other items. Location R NW and Martin Rd Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2027 0 0 5,000 5,0E P CN 2027 0 095, 000 95,000 Totals TO 0 100,000 100,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 0 0 0 0 5,000 CN 0 0 0 0 95,000 Totals 0 0 0 0 100,000 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 21 AML VrKington Wide Af Department at Tkansportaffn Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPOIRTPO: Quad -Co RTPO Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 N Inside Y Outside Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2023 0 0 10,000 10,000 P CN 2023 0 0 50,000 50,000 Totals 0 0 60,000 60,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 0 0 10,000 0 0 CN 0 0 50,000 0 0 Totals 0 0 60,000 of— 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 22 M o 0 0 A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID > o 0 c o R z C. Project Title D Q � ,_, m = c D. Road Name or Number a a o `� o r m 0 a. E. Begin & End Termini �' M a —t ...� G. N F. Project Description G. Structure ID Q, o N Q. 05 20 WA -14082 11/15/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 47 P T 0.070 CE No Stratford Bridge 110 94026 0.208 to 0.278 Work includes excavation to spring line of the pipes, CDF fill; one lift HMA, traffic control and other items. Location: 22.7 NE to 23 NE Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2023 0 0 10,000 10,000 P CN 2023 0 0 50,000 50,000 Totals 0 0 60,000 60,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 0 0 10,000 0 0 CN 0 0 50,000 0 0 Totals 0 0 60,000 of— 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 22 Wasir> im Sate Department ofTrmsportation Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside 0 I A. PIN/Project No. C. Project Title n rt D. Road Name or Number B0 a. E. Begin & End Termini to ¢' F. Project Description 05 21 Dodson Road - Road 12 SW Intersection Improvements 91030 2.235 to 2.245 Install a roundabout at the intersection of Dodson and 12 SW. Work includes earth work, curb installation, traffic control devices, and other items. Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2025 Y Outside Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2025 0 0 375,000 B .o P P RW CN 2025 0 2026 0 M � < 50,000 2,075,000 Totals 0 0 2,500,000 2,500,000 0 0 B. STIP ID >X c c X = D @ t rt O p Q. O rt 0 oCD G. Structure ID Q o CD N 0 Q. WA -14081 11/15/21 11/15/21 21 -117 -CC 21 P T 0.010 CE Yes Funding Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2025 0 0 375,000 375,000 P P RW CN 2025 0 2026 0 0 50,000 0 2,075,000 50,000 2,075,000 Totals 0 0 2,500,000 2,500,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 0 0 375,000 0 0 RW 0 0 50,000 0 0 CN 0 0 0 2,075,000 0 Totals 0 0 425,000 2,075,000 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 23 VrAfy Washington Wnto six Year Transportation Improvement Program Department of Trmsportatfan From 2423 to 2028 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside M o' 0 0 A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP 1D Do c� -4 3 Z C. Project Title , �. c DCD . Road Name or Number = a a o r �, m a. E. Begin & End Termini M 3 o CD v, F. Project Description G. Structure ID Q, �, o N 07 22 WA -14084 11/15/21 11115/21 21 -117 -CC 03 P T 1.060 CE No K7NE7NEto8NE 43070 0.0 to 1.06 Work includes earthwork, BST, traffic control, and other items. Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds S PE 2025 0 0 15,000 15,000 P CN 2026 0 0 100,000 100,000 Totals 0 0 115,000 115,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 0 0 15,000 0 0 CN 0 0 0 100,000 0 Totals 0 0 15,000 100,000 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 24 AIML Washington Stere Department of Transportatfort Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPOIRTPO: Quad -Co RTPO Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 N Inside Y Outside Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code P PE 2024 0 CRAB State Funds 108,000 Local Funds Total Funds 12,000 120,000 P CN 2024 0 CRAB 1,345,500 149,500 1,495,000 Totals 01 1 M 161,500 1,615,000 o'0 0 -n A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID n c < c o 3 �. z c C. Project Title D. Road Name or Number = a Q. a 3 , m 3 a. E. Begin & End Termini -°a B -q o �.CD -�S. a, lv -° F. Project Description G. Structure ID Q �. c N a 06 23 WA -14924 10 3.000 CD No S -NW Br 355 31550 0.990 to 3.990 S -NW BST surface, replace bridge 355 with pre fab concrete bridge; finished width 34ft. Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code P PE 2024 0 CRAB State Funds 108,000 Local Funds Total Funds 12,000 120,000 P CN 2024 0 CRAB 1,345,500 149,500 1,495,000 Totals 01 1 1,4531500 161,500 1,615,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 0 120,000 0 0 0 CN 0 1,495,000 0 0 0 Totals 0 1,615,000 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 25 AML Kington Stiato Department of Transportaftm Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 N Inside Y Outside Funding Status Phase M Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2023 0 0 250,000 250,000 P o'0 2024 0 OTHER 800,000 0 P CN 0 0 OTHER 11 1<. Aa PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID 800,000 P D o 0 rt c 3 51300,000 z C. Project Title 0 B 250,000 7,150,000 m C n 0 D. Road Name or Number nD. Q o rt `� r �, B, 3 a. E. Begin 8< End Termini °' M B oCD N m `N F. Project Description G. Structure ID Q, c N M.0 a. 07 24 01 7.100 No Hiawatha Truck Route 40555 4.63 to 12.54 Drumheller Road upgrade from primitive to truck route, BST surface from Hiawatha Road to a new round -about at SRI SR282 junction. Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2023 0 0 250,000 250,000 P CN 2024 0 OTHER 800,000 0 800,000 P CN 2025 0 OTHER 800,000 0 800,000 P CN 2026 0 OTHER 5,300,000 0 51300,000 Totals 0 6,900,000 250,000 7,150,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 250,000 0 0 0 0 CN 0 800,000 800,000 5,300,000 0 Totals 1 250,000 800,000 800,000 5,300,000 0 r Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 26 Admilb. 'iii-gton State Department of Trmaportaffon Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 N Inside Y Outside Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P CN 2023 0 0 400,000 400,000 Totals 0 0 400,000 400,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th CN 400,000 0 0 0 0 Totals 400,000 0 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 27 rn M O O O. -n A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID D N< zC. Project Title CD `� 2°�, 2) Ci c D. Road Name or Number M ' a Q. o o r= �, ET 0 a. E. Begin & End Termini 'a 3 M —! � F. Project Description G. Structure ID to Q, o a N � Q. 07 25 WA -14986 04 1.570 No Gravel to OII 12 NE and 8 NE 94030194020 8.24/1.18 to 9.01 /1.98 .77 miles of 12 NE and .8 miles of 8 NE Gravel to Oil, BST surface Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P CN 2023 0 0 400,000 400,000 Totals 0 0 400,000 400,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th CN 400,000 0 0 0 0 Totals 400,000 0 0 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 27 A2116 D�epartment of Transpoftatfon. Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 N Inside Y Outside Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY)- Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2024 BR 870,000 0 0 870,000 P M 0 0 3,560,000 Totals 4,430,000 0 0 4,430,000 o X o c -n A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID n co c "� r --z C. Project Title D CD 3 M `< o C 0 � � D. Road Name or Number � CL Q o M r-1- m rr E. Begin & End Termini �' -°a 2 --i o ..{ n lv F. Project Description G. Structure ID a rt o y � Q. 07 26 WA -14987 10 0.020 No Bridge 247 W SE 26530 1.98 to 2.0 Replace bridge 247; has been of special concern to the Bureau of Reclamation with expanded canal capacity. Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY)- Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2024 BR 870,000 0 0 870,000 P CN 2025 BR 3,560,000 0 0 3,560,000 Totals 4,430,000 0 0 4,430,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 0 870,000 0 0 0 CN 0 0 3,560,000 0 0 Totals 0 870,000 3,560,000 0 0 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 28 Ad#616 Washington State Department of Transportation. Six Year Transportation Improvement Program From 2023 to 2028 Agency: Grant Co. County: Grant MPO/RTPO: Quad -Co RTPO N Inside Y Outside 0 7 -n A. PIN/Project No. B. STIP ID u z C. Project Title rt D. Road Name or Number = a a C a. E. Begin & End Termini ° _ -a 3 u, F. Project DescriptionG. Structure ID �� a rt `c 07 27 WA -14988 Bridge 24811 SE west of U SE 24500 4.21 to 4.22 Replace Bridge 248, Rd 11 SE Funding Status M State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P B 0 0 980,000 P � 0 0 4,025,000 a 0 0 5,005,000 0 0 0 Q .� ' vi Q. 11 0.010 No Funding Status Phase Phase Start Year (YYYY) Federal Fund Code Federal Funds State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total Funds P PE 2025- BR 980,000 0 0 980,000 P CN 2026 BR 4,025,000 0 0 4,025,000 Totals 5,005,000 0 0 5,005,000 Expenditure Schedule Phase 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th & 6th PE 0 0 980,000 0 0 CN 0 0 0 4,025,000 0 Totals 0 0 980,000 4,025,000 0 Federal Funds State Funds Local Funds Total Funds Grand Totals for Grant Co. 17,666,003 14,094,900 9,985,476 41,746,379 Report Date: January 10, 2023 Page 29 Bridge 247 Bridge Number: 247 Owner: Grant County Bridge Name: W SE @ East Low Canal Route Carried: W SE Road Year Built: 1951 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) =15 Existing Bridge Size and Configuration • 87 -ft long x 24 -ft wide bridge • Structure Depth = 24 -inches • Gravel roadway • 3 -Spans of timber girders supported by concrete spread footing abutments and concrete piers. Nicholls Kovich EngNneerinaptic Pnoto 1: Widge .247 Elevation PROPOSED SIZE AND CONSTRUCTION TYPE Bridge Length 141'-0" Span Length 134'-0" Curb -to -curb width 34'-8" Approximate Grade Raise 3 -ft Estimated Project Length 615 -ft Structural Depth 53 -inches Construction Type Prestressed Concrete Deck Bulb Tee Girders on Pile Foundations Profile Vertical curve on bridge to match girder camber Detour Length 9.5 miles Geotechnical Data Summary • Estimated depth to basalt rock = 20 below ground surface. • Driven piles feasible if lateral fixity can be achieved. Pre -drilling may be option using Y an p gair rotary methods to drive and socket the piles into basalt. Photo 2:247Aerial Image (Google Earth) Special Features to Consider during Design I. Horizontal alignment of roadway would require a deviation in design speed (lowered to 20 mph). 2. Property at southwest corner of bridge would preclude adjustment of Operating and Maintenance (O&M) Road for guardrail placement. Grant County Bridges — Odessa Groundwater Replacement Program 247-1 OGWRP-COUNTY BRIDGES SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIES BRIDGE 247 - 38'x 141' W SE ROAD GRANT COUNTY 1 � 1 I Item STD ....# .---;•----# -- -DESCRIPTION------------------•-------------------•----------------------•----- QUANT ...s. ;UNITS •-- t.................... ..........'._.. 'NI EXTENDED -+ ... .•... ___; _ •-.-•__ PREPARATION 1' ' •000'1 IVIOBILIZ.4TION...................................•--... 0071 ;REMOVING EXISTING BRIDGE ..... ..._. '. ........ I ; ;L•S. $ 275,000.00 ; $ 275,000.00 ••.--2 ........................... .....................................GRADING_..........................._......._....... �........�:S:........ ;......_ 76 X200:00 ? $ I• --, - .............................. 76:200.00 3 0310 ;ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL. HAUL 353---- --.................i.............................­ -------------•-i--------- ----------------•--•----------------...-----•----•-------•- ; C.Y.............. I $ 45.00 ; $ 0405_ 'COMMON BORROW INCL. HA_UL -....................................•---------- -----...----•--•-•--•---•--••.................. ;.......................•----•-----_- 842 C.Y....... --------- --------- ---- 45.00 --- 15,885.00_ - -; ;EMBANKMENT COMPACTION """' ---••-'- ' 842• ;C.Y. ' - �•.........-----•• . ' $ '20.00 _ --,-_.... ; $ ' 16,840.00•- ' DRAINAGE --.....---•---............. --•------.....-----..........•-•--....................----................_.....,......,..: --- 6 _;__ 1040 CHANNEL EXCAVATION INCL: HAUL ' • • 3__100 7 1085• ;QUARRY SPALLS --------------•-•-------•----•--•--;----•........ ' _ _' ___ '. C.Y:---....I- I '•"""'`""" ------------- -45.00_; 1 ; _ ..... $ -139,5 I ' ' STORM SEWER I 76 I .Y. $ 90.00 ............................ _ ,4.0 I ___ 8 ..... ;__3091 iCATCH BASIN TYPE 1 _ ""' --••- 9 3541 SCFiEDULE.A Sl'ORIVI SEWER I'fPE •12 IN..DIAM. - -' -----------------------.2;EACH_ ' ' ••...---.-_. ..........., , �; _$ _3,7UU.00 _$ '7;4 -•--•-----•-- 00.00 .............. STRUCTURE 0 L.F. 150.00 ; $ 12,000.00 _ 1 +4001 'E1-EIVIPORARY BRIDGE ------------------------------------------•-------- ................_-------.....-----....-.---------- - -.,LS. ' ----------.._..-----...., -", 11 _4006_ iSTRUCTURAL EXCAVATION CLASS A INCL. HAUL 145 $ -_ 12 _. ............. 4013;SHORING OR EXTRA EXCAVATION CL. A- -�--- - --- -- ------'�-----------------� C.Y.: """- L.S.-_.----- $ -:-"'-".... $ 120.00 - - - - ................................ 13 �PREBORING FSR ST.PILE'---•-----•-------•---.....--•----------•----- .-----------------. ' L.F. ' -.- -- -- I -- ---5 000.00 i...............0.00 -� I 5,00 --- ------ 14 4085 IFURNISHING AND DRIVING STEEL TEST PILE -•--15 •--;--4090 ; ' 2 ; $ ' 160.00 ; 2,p 4090 'FURNISHING ST.PILE....------•----------------------------------------------- EACH $ 34,000.00 .00 ' $ 68,000...0.0 ---16•--.. `4095 ;DRIVING S`I'. PIL.E.................................................................................336L.F. 16 ......$ ..... 150.00 I EACH----- $ ................................ ip 50,40.0 - • 17 .............. _;GRAVEL B_ACKF_ ILL F_ OR�VVALL'-------------------------------------I .... -^__ '79 'S'f.REINF. C.Y:..----- _._ ' ----- ' $_---•--....---9U.00 ---§,.000.00 $ ---------1 $ ._ BAR FOR BRIDGE-------------^-------•-----...__.._.........:... --- •_ .19,.. .................. PERSTRUCTURE...................... . _..8565. LB. , 3.50 ------ -----•----29,977.50 7 7,110.00 ----20---- ---------------------------------------•---- 4322 CONC. CLASS 4000 FOR BRIDGE •.._....;.$ S. $ 1,408,438.00 _ .........1,408,438.00• 21 iOREGON 2 -TUBE BRIDGE RAILING -- -------;----------- ---•---•-----...._,.-----..........-SURFACING_....,_...------------------------- 54 282 ' C. Y. I $ 1,600.00 I $ '; 86,400.00 ---•---------- --:�. ...----- ' ...........................................................410.00 1 --� - $ 115,620.00 �• 22 5100 _:CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE_ ___ ______ __ 23 .............-- •' --•----...........679 5120 -CRUSHED, ;TON I I ; $_ 50.00 I $_ 33,950.00_ ' TOP COURSE 750 - ;TON �$ _ 50.00 _� ;'$ --37500.00 _ _ I HOT MIX ASPHALT ..-24...i. ' 5767 •rRNA CL.1�2-IN.'f'G-64-28...................•--...................,.................................................... .........,.. .........,.-------- -------------------------- 4.....-----------••-•^----------•.....--- ---------- .......... I T 1 , I 25 6373 (SILT FENCE - 1240 ; •rESC LEAD"------------•--......-•-------------------------------------------• .................I L.F. ---•- 1 ' $ ' % 8 00 ' ; ' ' $ 9,920.00 -;• -6403. ...................................••--•....................---------- -- ---; - -- -; -.........................................................TRAFFIC ................. ;; ;DAY........:..........................$ ... 1x0.00•;- ,.; ' -.....,.....3750.00 ............................^- .__ 27 _..._ 6727 'EXTRUDED CURB--- --------------------------------------'--•---;................96 _ ----- ---- 1 ' -- ---- F.....--- 1 ------------................................ $ 60.00 , 28 ? 6757- ;BEAM GUARDRAIL TYPE 312 .,,29.... ..6759 ••;BEAM -GUARDRAIL .L L.F. i• -......---- $ '100.00 _$ __,60.0 TYPE�10.................................................. --•---......,--------•--•-a-------------•---------.....-----...._.. •28....... I ----..._. .......... -.---•-................. '............................$ $_ --•-------- ' 2;500.00 . _ 30 ' _ _ ' GUARDRAIL TRANSITION SE -_ ----;- 6760 BEAM CTION�l'YF'E 21 31 -ANCHOR '-'-" ----'��'-"`-"--�� 2 IL.F. 11EACH ; $ 120 00 '-$ - 3,360.00 1..... ; 6766 :BEAM GUARDRAIL TYPE """-""•""""""'--�••• 0 •---- -•-• - ----• 1 ....,. - 4 I EACH . ..,.... -••--•_ ,; I ..,.._... 2,U .$ •.,..-.-__13,000.00- . ;. . .. ............... ..... 32 16806 :PAINT LINE (PAVED ROADS •'PROJECT I ' 0 ;L.F I $ 00.00 ; $ 8,000.00 j3-----..,----^........................._...... ......................... '................................................-; •--•-•--....•....-OTF-IER-tT'EIIIIS ................................. , ...,..._.....---............. �- � 3.00 I $ � $ _ 35�006.00- , ;----.......................--- --........... :00 1 -•/ - .... ................ ............ ; 34 7018 :WATER 200 meal ' .......... ..........,... --•................................................. ; ; 8,000.00 $ . . 4:000:00 ,.. .......... 36 I 7038 ;ROADWAY SURVEYING• --•-•--•-----•------------------1--- 1 ; 8,000.00 ................................. I L.S. $ -8,000.00 - 1 37 7490 ;TRIMMING AND CLEANUP --•38--•-;- -7736--;SPCC 1 ;L.S. 8,000.00 ; $ -�• PLAN ...... ...... .............. ........... •...^---------..,............... ...... ---,.: ........ I ... ....... fi 000.00 � , � $ ........,.. `? 6,000.00 ............... .• 39 i :UTILITY V1%ORK-----------------------------------------•--•---------------•---- -1-- •----._ ....__IL....-------- I-----------2,ODU.00 2,000.00 , I I 1 I L.S. , $ ,000.00 .$ ?. ..............3,000.00 ' I Construction Cost ' 2,775,640.50 ------------------------ -•-- - I -; -----------------------•-----..........--•--------------------------------------- CONSTR. �_ 10° '------- �° - '............Contingency_ ? $ 277,565.00 .......... ..................................................--•----------•--•----------,--•-. ....---....._.... •. , ...........................L............................................_............................................,1 I Total nstruction............................ ,. , � EIVGR. , Preliminary Eng, ; $ 416,347.00 ' 1 •------------ ............. 1 1 14% I 1 I Construction Eng.; I 1 $ , 388,590.00 ' I 1 , TOTALS 2023 TOTAL $ 31858,142.50 ' 2024 TOTAL $ 4,166,794.00 ...... ..................... ...............----.............................._........................................ Inflation 1 1 8% 2025 TOTAL $ 41860,149.00 ' - 2023 TOTAL COST PER SQ. FT, , , $ 721,00 ' ' SUPERSTRUCTURE -------------' ' ___ _ ___ ' PRESTRESSED CONCRETE GIRDERS -"'-"`-"'""-"-""'-" 1110 I L.F.-.'---- ----------------------------------------------------------- CONC. CLASS 4000 FOR B ....................... RIDGE I 41 C.Y. $ ST`.REINF. AND ..-10518.... ,1 1,800.00 ; $_ ,320.0 73,800.00 ............. ........... EPDXY•BAR•FOR-BRIDGE......................., IKE1NVAl' GR......................................................... ---------•--;----- ....LB. -------._.:...------..._.... ------- �- $ ...,........ •3.50:$ --------- _: 36813.00 972 I L.F. ' PRESTRESSED GIRDER WELD TIES ' $ -----------i- -- ---- -- ' 196 '---------------------------i$40.00: - 25 00 -................................ ' $ 2-, -------•-------•---------- NOSING ANGLE- ----------------------I.......................................EACH $---•---------_7_,840.00_ ..................................................IIILAST011%IERI----•----•.............. 76 -•--- LF. --- ............................ 76 _ _ _........... C BEARING PADS ................. 16 :EACH __ _ ' -$ ..---._.__ ' ' 15.00 c $ 1,140.00 ................ '.."-""`, ----------------• ' BUTYL RUBBER STRIP , $ --•--•--•-• ----......- ' 79 ' 'L --------------------------•--•-------••-------........ I ......-------• 1 100.00 , 17,600.00 GIRDER Sl'OP PADS -•-- ---- ,, .F. .... _ ...........................------------............................................................. ; 32 _;EACH ... $ ---• ......................... ' . , .......................................................... _15.00 _: _$---------- _1,185.00_ 80.00 $ 2,560.00 1 '------------- ----------------•------- ' •-- 1 � 1 � ------------------------------------ 1 � -------------,.............................................. Total Superstructure ; $ 19408,438.00 I 1 I 1 NICHOLLS KOVICH ENGINEERING, PLLC 247-2 I Bridge 248 Bridge Number: 248 Owner: Grant County Bridge Name: 11 SE @ East Low Canal Route Carried: 11 SE Road Year Built: 1952 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) = 20 Existing Bridge Size and Configuration • 80 -ft long x 25 -ft wide bridge • Structure Depth = 24 -inches • Gravel roadway • 3 -Spans of timber girders supported by concrete spread footing abutments and concrete piers. MOONS Kovich Enginee ring.pue rr►utu .L. Driage 146 tievation PROPOSED SIZE AND CONSTRUCTION TYPE Bridge Length 132'-0" Span Length 125'-0" Curb -to -curb width 34'-8" Approximate Grade Raise 3.5 -ft Estimated Project Length 852 -ft Structural Depth 53 -inches Construction Type Prestressed Concrete Deck Bulb Tee Girders on Pile Foundations Profile . Vertical curve on bridge to match girder camber Detour Length No detour -- include cost for temporary bridge Geotechnical Data Summary • Estimated depth to basalt rock =15 ft below ground surface. • Driven piles feasible if lateral fixity can be achieved. Pre -drilling may be an option using methods to drive and socket the p basalt. piles into bas p g air rotary . vnoro Z ,serial view of 248 (Google Earth) Special Features to Consider during Design 1. No detour available. Roadway dead ends at private property. Assume temporary bridge/temporary easement .is necessary. 2. Utilities on north side - 12" water line and 2" telephone. 3. Pump station and pit at northwest corner. Grant County Bridges — Odessa Groundwater Replacement Program 248_ 1 OGWRP-COUNTY BRIDGES SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIES 11SEROAD BRIDGE 248 - 38'x 132' GRANT COUNTY ......... Item §fb ............................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . # . ... . .. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PESCRIPTION PREPARATION ............... ........ UNITS I ...... ............................. ;UNIT PR j i ................................. -EXTENDED . -----1..... ................ 2 ................................................. ...........................• 0001 'MOBILIZATION ........ ................................................................................................ 0071 'REMOVING EXISTING BRIDGE - L - S ........ .......... .......... 00.00 .............. & ............... :$ ................... .......... . 000.00 ............................. ....... ............................................................................................... L.S. GRADING a ............................. .......... �601.0.00..00.1.$ ........................................................................ ............... �76"bbb"66' ... j ...... .......... 0310 'ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL, HAUL'--------------- 965 ... ........................................................................................ 'COMMON BORROW INCL. HAUL . . ............ �6� ...... ......... ..... ...... ................ C.Y. ........... -1 --------------------- 1$ ................... ........................... .1.qU $ 25,425.66- .................................. ...... .......... 5 ............................... .......................................................................................... T�66 0470 .EMBANKMENT COMPACTION ----•-••-----•--•:---•---------------45:00.;4 .................................................................................f6.0 ..... i $ ..; ....................... 70,470.00 '66* -------­............... -N .............................. DRAINAGE---------------------------------- ....................................................................................... 0$ 31,326. 'CHANNEL EXCAVATION INCL, HAUL ------------------- ......................................................... ........... ibb�­_,,QUARRY SPALLS ......... ......... ....... ........ ....... .................... $ --------------­----- 0 ............................... 0 ----------------------------------------- : $ 134,1 0U.616" ..................... STORM SEWER C.Y. ----------- 90.00 -;- $ " 6,210.00 9 ............................. .................................................................................. 3091 jCATCH BASIN TYPE 10.00 3541 :SCHEDULE A STORM SEWER .............................................. R PIPE 12 IN. DIAM. .............. .................. 2 80 ...........----.....---•-------••----•-•-••- EACH L.F. 1. f .......... .....7,400.00 ' '' - - ......................................... ................................... ----------------------: $ -1 ...................... 15 $ ------ 12,000.00 ...... ......... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4001 iTEMPORARY BRIDGE ... -----------_- --- 1 .................. .1 .............................. I ----------------------------------- 11 1. . . ................ �Aljc .................... 137 L.S. $ ------ 268,013.25 - ........................ 268,013.25 .............. ...... 12 !SHORING OR EXTRA EXCAVATION CL. .............. I .................................................................................................. L.S. 120.00.., -6,000.00 4063 !PREBORING FORST. PILE ...................................................... 450 $ 5,000.00 _;f�d ...... $ .................................. L.F, ....................... ................. 2 ............................................................................................................... $ .............. 72,000.00 ............. ;FURNISHING ST PILE343 """ EACH 1 ................. ...... 1000.00 ........00.00 1: 68,0 16 ................................................................................................ 4095450.00 :DRIVING ST. PILE 41 ................................... L.F. ­--­--­ .............. ...... ...... 17 .........49 4025 '-GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR -WALL ................................................................................................. 16 EACH 44,000.00 79 C.Y. ...... i.� ......... -ST.REINF. BAR FOR BRIDGE ... i ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... ................. LB. .........-•-----••-•--• 90.00 -:1. 3.50 ', - � .............. 7,110.00 *5-0- i.� '�jbb :SUPERSTRUCTURE ..................................... 1 L� ----------- * -------------------------------------------------- I �,"�7­7­ ........... 0 ......... ................................................................................................ �322 CLASS 4000 FOR BRIDGE 1 ................................... L.S. :'$ . .I.i .......................... I 1,162,587.00 '., j .................................. 1,162,587.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 -;GONG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ................................................................................................. 54 C.Y. IOREGON 2 -TUBE BRIDGE RAILING ............ ... I .......................................... 1,600.00_;_$..............86,400:00 .............. .............. ........................................................................ 264 L.F. : $------- ......................... ................... ............... 410.00 .................. SURFACING ............... $ .................................. 108,240.00 22 .................. 5100 ..."CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE 1109 TON $ .................. 5120 .................. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ..................... 1225 ........ ................. 50.00 �6 i ............................. 55,450.00 ...... ......... .... HOT MIX ASPHALT ------------------------------ ................ ......... ............... _'$ -------- ---------------------------------- 61,250.66' ............................. 96 ............... .............................................................. ;E ................................ EROSION .................................. .............. 0 TON ................................... I -------------........... . ......... ..........25 ..................6373 26 ... CONTROL AND F ANTING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. 1. ................................................................................... 1880 6403 :ESC LEAD ............. .................................... L.F. .............................. ............................... $ .............. 8.00 ........................... -1. .................................. : $ ....... 15,040.00 ............................. ............................................................ 25 DAY ............... . ............... . ....... !�q. $ 3,750.00 ...... ff ................... TRAFFIC 6727 !EXTRUDED CURB ........................................................ ........................................................................................................•-...... �6 ­­- .................. :BEAM GUARDRAIL TYPE 3125 , F.- ----------- : ........... .................. .......................... ...... ......... 60.00 .................................. .................................. $ 5,760.00 29 ................................................................................... 6759 :BEAM GUARDRAIL TYPE 10,•---------------•__-.------•------ 6760 .:BEAM GUARDRAIL TRANSITION SECTION TYPE 21 ............................................................................................ .. . ............................................... 1 28 2 L.F. L.F.120.00 EACH .............................. $ ........................ 3,360.00 -00 30 ........................ ...... 31 ......... 6766 .. I -B ffAM GUARDRAIL L ANCHOR TYPE 10 ............................................................ -ROADS)................................. ................... 4 $ 6,50 $ .......... lmdb �f gff :-F5;kfWrERff-(P..A-_V-ED (PAVED . 0 L.F.LF-----_"-- 00.00 .............. -- ............... fff�bf;��VTRAFFIC CONTROL -- ----------------------------------------------- 1 ............. ........... ..... $ j .................. ...... .... ----- ........................................... .............................. .................................. OTHER ITEMS --------------_------------ .00 $ 4 ---------------------------------- 0.00 9 35 7018 :WATER ............................................................................... 37 -STRUCTURE SURVEYING .................. meal 20.00 I .................. $ 6,000.00 ......... ..................................................................................................... ............. :ROADWAY SURVEYING 1 ....... 1 L..S L.S. ----­--­--­---- 8,000.00 �'.6ff.bb.j .................................. 8,000.00 ...... .... TRIMMING AND CLEANUP ...................................................... .................. ................... .............. .................................................................................................. i 11 ....... $ .. .............................. 8,000.00 9 7736 'SPCC PLAN ................................... L.S. 1 J ........... 0 6,000.00 ................... 4 ............................................................................. .. .. "UTILITY WORK .... 1 ....... .......... L.S. . ........... '­� --------- ................................. ................ ....... '000.00 ............................. .............................. ................................................................................................ .......................................................................................... : i E.� .................................... I i4l 000.00 ............................. is $ ................................. ............. 14,000.00 ................. ...............................................................................................I ............. 1 j•.C...o..n.stru.c...t ?PR3,252.75 .........................................................................................................................CONSTR. ........... .Contingency.:$....! ... .i.o.n .C...o.s..t. .... .... 290,326.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------........................- otalConstruction 3,193,578.75 ............................. .................................................................................. ENGR. .............. ................................... 15% Preliminary Eng. $ ......................... 435,488.00 ............................. ................................................................................................................ ............... .............................. 14% _,.. Construction Eng.:, ............ 456.00 U'uu ............................. : -------------- ................................................................................... TOTALS4,035,522.75 ............. 2023 TOTAL $ ............................• .......................................................................... 2024 TOTAL $ 4,358,365.00 ........... ... I ........................................ .. i .................................................................... i Inflation 8% 2025 TOTAL $ 5,083,597.00. ............................. ................................................................................. ............... ............ 2023 TOTAL COST PER SQ. FT. $ - 805.00 ............................ .............. SUPERSTRUCTURE I .............. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRESTRESSED CONCRETE GIRDERS -­----­------­­------------ -------------------------------- .............. ................................................................................................. ------ 909 ....... CONC. CLASS 4000 FOR BRIDGE L.F. ---------------- J--� ...........-1,0.08,990.00................. ...................... --------­---------- ............................. ............................. ............................................... . .............................. 40 ST.REINF. AND EPDXY BAR F R BRIDGE .............................. ............................................................... 10262 ��Y -------72,000.00 LB. • .............. 3.50 $ - .............................................................................................................................. KEYWAY GROUT .................................. ...... ....... - ----------- E � -----------­-------_- .. ............................... 5,917.00 .............. PRESTRESSED GIRDER WELD TIES ............................................................................................................... 4 .................. 156 .. :..: ........ 25.00_!__$19,475.00 EACH * ­-jj-j--- --------------- -- ---- NOSING ANGLE6,240.00 .....156 .... 76 40.00 L.F. ....................15.00". $ ... ........................ . -- ............................ LAMINATED ELASTOMERIC BEARING PADS ... .......................................................... 1 1_4 EACH 1,100.00 1 1,140.00 ............................. Ki:K"f�Gff ......................................................... ....... ..... : 79:$ ........... L.F. •.................. T ........... ;' $ ; ..--........_..15,400:00. GIRDER STOP PADS ----------------------- ------- ------------- 5. 0 0 -------------L- $ ------------------ 1_,1_85._00_* .............................................................................................................. .............. I 28 EACH ................ ..................... 80.00 ............. ........................................................................... ............... ............................. :$ J, .............................. 2,240.00 ............................. ..................... ................................ ...................... Total Superstructure e qr-� ........ 1,162,587.00 NICHOLLS KOVICH ENGINEERING, PLLC 248-2