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C AUG12 9 2023
To: Grant County BOCC
From: Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator
Data August 24, 2023
Re: SIP Project #2023-04 City of Quincy Water Management and
Recycling Feasibility Study
The City of Quincy has applied for a $325,000.00 SIP grant and the SIP Committee
has recommended full funding of their request, per the attached letter of August
11, 2023, from the EDC.
This project is listed on the 2023 Appendix J to the Comp Plan and is anticipated
to be adopted in early September 2023.
The City's application is attached for review.
The available balance of SIP funds as of June 30, 2023, is $727,620.41.
Thank you.
�� C E WE D
AUG 2 4 7.013
County 6594 Patton Boulevard NE Moses Lake, WA 98837
Economic Ph: 509.764.6579 Fax: 509.762.5161
Development Council www.grantedc.com
August 11, 2023
Board of Grant County Commissioners
P. 0. Box 37
Ephrata, WA 98837
Subject: July 2023
Advisory Committee —Project Review/Recommendations
Dear Commissioners:
The SIP Committee met Friday, July 28th and reviewed 2 project applications. Committee members
present for the meeting were Curt Morris, Scott Hunter, Corinne Isaak, Chuck Allan and Brant Mayo.
Absent was Tony Massa.
SIP #2023-03: City of George (requested $120,,000 grant)
City of George Well 4 expansions
Applicant: City of George
Recommendation: The committee voted to recommend a $120,000 grant for the City of George to
expand their Well 4 by accommodating a higher pump rate, deeping the well and enlarging the pipes.
This will allow Well 4 to pump out 5 times the amount of water it is currently able (from 100 gpm to 500
gpm). This expansion will allow the City of George to accommodate future industrial. growth in the
George area. This growth will be available for current users and help recruit new industries into this
area. The committee views this as a vital step for the continued operations, sustainability, and future
expansion for the City of George.
The recommendations were given a motion by Corrine Isaak and seconded by Chuck Allen. The
remaining committee voted in unanimous favor of the recommendation.
SIP #2023-04: City of Quincy (requested $325,000 grant)
Water Management and Recycling Feasibility Study
Applicant: City of Quincy
Recommendation: The committee voted to recommend a $325,000 grant for the City of Quincy
regarding their need to determine water resources available to serve economic growth, development
and future needs. The City of Quincy is approaching its water limits and the City needs to determine the
feasibility of alternative water sources to serve customers. The City is coordinating with DOH, USBR,
Irrigation Districts, Department of Ecology and other stakeholders. This comprehensive study will allow
future access to USBR Title XVI for funding portions of the project. The committee understands the
necessity of this study to prepare the City of Quincy for continued growth.
The recommendations were given a motion by Corrine Isaak and seconded by Chuck Allen. The
remaining committee voted in unanimous favor of the recommendation.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the recommendations of the committee.
Brant Mayo
Grant County SIP Advisory Committee
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
July 10, 2023
Grant County SIP Number:
Mailing Address:
City of Quincy
PO Box 338
Contact Name: Bob Davis
City: Quincy
Title: Q1W Program Manager
State,, Zip: WA, 98848
Signature of person authorizing submittal:
Phone: 509-787-3523
Position of person authorizing submittal:
Pat H City A inistrator
Pat e I
Email: bdavis@guincywashington.us and
P roj ect Title: *a t e r 01 an gement and Recycling Feasibility Study
Population of the community: 8,100 Total area population served by the project: 8J00
The County is required to report to the State Auditor's Office the estimated number of businesses and jobs
that will be created and/or -retained by this project. Retained businesses and jobs means businesses and jobs
that will be lost if not for the completion of the project.
How many businesses will be created and/or retained by this project? 59 over 5 years
Now many jobs will be created and/or retained by this project? 1,300 --over 5 yrs and 2,000 over 20 yrs
What comprehensive plan lists this project as an item in its economic development section?
X Grant County Comprehensive Plan 0 Comprehensive plan of the city or town of
Type of Public Facility: (check all that apply)
11 Bridge 0 Road Domestic Water Facility Industrial Water Facility
0 Sanitary Sewer Facility 0 Earth Stabilization ® Storm Sewer Facilities 11 Railroads
0 Electrical Facilities 11 Natural Gas Facilities 11 Buildings 0 Structures
11 Telecommunications Infrastructure El Transportation Infrastructure 11 Port Facilities
11 Commercial Infrastructure
Funding is needed for: (check all that apply)
0 capital facilities costs including acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, alteration, expansion, or
improvements of public facilities ® project specific environmental costs
® costs of site plan and analysis 0 development and improvement for the public facilities
Nproject design, including feasibility and marketing studies and plans, and debt revenue impact analysis
13 land use and permitting costs
Total project cost: $ 650,000
Total SIP request to date for project: 325.,000
Amount raised to-clate: $ 325,.000
Current SIP Loan Request:
Current SIP Grant Request: $ 325,000
Previous SIP Loon Request.- $
Previous SIP Grant Request: $
Is this a phased in Project? Yes 13 No X
If yes, how many phases?
During how many years?
Project is currently in phase:
Please complete this form on your computer using Microsoft Word.
Please submit original, signed application with seven copies eight copies total) to:
Grant County EDC, 6594 Patton Blvd. NE; Moses Lake,, WA 98837; Phone: 509-764-6579
Please include attachments and supplemental materials in each of the copies
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
i i i!rt Lq I M# M
1. What economic goals and/or objectives (identified in the comprehensive plan) does this project help the
community achieve?
0 Attract additional businesses to the region.
0 Support and enhance workforce training opportunities in the region.
Promote the agriculture industries.
0 Support local businesses in Grant County.
0 Encourage growth.
Persue economic development opportunities.
2. How will this project foster economic growth, development, and address future economic needs?
The project is required to determine water resources available to serve economic growth, development
and future needs. The City has reached its water rights limit, traditional water supplies are not currently
available and the City needs to determine the feasibility of alternative water sources to serve customers.
The WA Department of Health (DOH) has determined that the City has a declining aquifer and elevated
nitrate levels, so its existing water supply is also in jeopardy. The feasibility study will be used to
determine a feasible water project that will allow the City to increase water management flexibility,
make the water supply more reliable and sustainable, address water quality issues and avoid a
moratorium on growth and development.
An understanding of the current water problem is necessary to understand why the project is needed to
retain industry, foster growth and create economic opportunity. Quincy is experiencing significant
economic and residential growth and has been unable to locate/secure additional water rights to serve
the community into the future. The City updated its Water System Plan (Water Plan) in October 2022.
The Water Plan shows that within the last 5 years, the City's annual water rights have been effectively at
capacity (currently 93%) and without new water supplies to offset projected customer demand, the City
will exceed its current reserve of water rights by 2024. In addition., DOH has identified the City as one of
10 communities with a declining aquifer in the State. The City is working with DOH and the Columbia
Basin Conservation District to implement conservation activities. The City currently gets water from 5
wells and monitoring has determined an increasing and unacceptable level of nitrates in the current
water supply. The City will also need additional instantaneous water rights for the pumping capacity of
all new and existing sources, which could be obtained if additional annual water rights are purchased, or
possibly through a change application submitted via the WA Department of Ecology (Ecology) cost
reimbursement method. The City and region are experiencing declining groundwater. Groundwater
studies suggest the Columbia Basin groundwater supply is limited and could prove to be a costly and
unreliable long-term alternative source for the City. The City's Municipal Water Reclamation Facility
(MWRF) produces Class A water that is currently used to recharge groundwater. The City's current
groundwater supply units are completely appropriated. The Water Plan also indicates that the City's
water storage will become deficient in 2024.
Food processing is the rural City's main industry, and it is increasing its demand on the City's water
supply. The food processors, who provide the backbone employment and economic stability of the
disadvantaged community, have plans to expand their operations in the City but would need a
substantial reliable water supply to grow. The City is also concerned that if utility rates present a
Please submit original, signed application with seven copies eight copies total) to:
Grant County EDC, 6,594 Patton Blvd, NE; Moses Lake, WA 98837; Phone: 509-764-6579
Please include attachments and supplemental materials in each of the copies
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
considerable burden on their economic performance, the larger food processors will move their
operations out of the City. Grants are needed to offset rate increases to retain these valuable industries
and foster their growth.
The City also has a cloud -computing industry, and its primary customer has been working with the City
for almost 10 years to develop and fund the Quincy Water Reuse Utility (QWRU) facilities, to provide
nearly self-sustaining reuse water to serve their data center cooling water needs. A similar SIP grant
was awarded for a feasiblilty study for the QWRU and helped the City to successfully implement that
project. The QWRU began operation in 2021 to provide a closed-loop reuse system to supply cooling
water to the City's data centers and reduced the need for potable water for cooling. The City anticipates
that the QWRU will reduce data center demand on the potable water system by 90 percent by 2023.
The Water Plan predicts that the industrial customers (mainly food processing facilities) are expected to
grow approximately 50% by 2043, or an average of 2.5% per year, and that the number of commercial
businesses in town will nearly double, or increase an average of 4.7% per year, to serve a projected
increase in population.. Historic population growth has averaged over 10% per year from 2010 to 2020.
The actual increase in jobs and customer water use., would be much higher than the estimated 2.5% per
year, if additional industrial and data center operations continue to locate in the City. Growth in
operations and population is expected to result in an equal growth in commercial jobs. However,
without new water resources, to be determined in the feasibility study, the City population and
industries cannot grow past the current level.
Even with the QWRU providing reuse water to serve the data centers and the MWRF providing
groundwater recharge and reclaimed water, it is imperative that the City develop the water
management and recycling projects for continued service to the community and economic
sustainability. Grants are needed to help the City (1) plan for and resolve the situation described above
(2) affordably continue to serve its community and retain industry and (3) foster economic growth,
development, and support future industry needs.
3. How will this project improve local infrastructure capacity?
There is a water supply limitation forecasted on the City's current water rights portfolio based on
current customer demand, and as future climate conditions and growth increase demand for potable
water, the situation will only get worse without new water resources. The project is needed to increase
the Citys capacity to serve water customers, provide additional water supplies, and create a sustainable
water system for 20 years into the future and beyond. The water management and recycling feasibility
study will include options to increase capacity by (1) using municipal and industrial (M&I) surface water
as a new potable water supply source, (2) providing storage in an existing well for aquifer storage and
recovery (ASR), (3) securing new water rights, (4) treating groundwater or blending M&I water with City
well water that has high nitrate concentrations (5) fully implementing reuse and recycle options and/or
(6) other viable sources. -A goal of the project is to create essential opportunities to stretch the City's
limited water supply and develop supplement water supplies throe water recycling, co-Iicenialign.a.nd
treatment to diversity the water su The feasibility study will provide a critical water management
strategy, that will allow the City to recognize and respond to forecasted water quality degradation and
predicted supply shortages, due to a declining aquifer and the lack of currently available water rights.
The project will provide Quincy with a plan to stretch and secure water supplies for future generations
Please submit original, signed application with seven copies (fi„qht copies total) to:
Grant County EDC, 6594 Patton Blvd. NE; Moses Lake, WA 98837; Phone: 509-764-6579
Please include attachments and supplemental materials in each of the copies
Grant -1
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
and expanded economic investment. Without the additional water supplies the City will not be
able to issues permits for growth or new industry investments.
4. Will the project result in training or other opportunities for the local workforce? Eyes 13 No
If yes, please describe:
The feasibility study recommendations will likely include engaging local industries (agriculture, food
processing, data centers) regarding water use in their operations. Training will be required to create
water conservation practices within the community and to utilitze water in a more sustainable way.
Expanded opportunities related to conserving, recycling, producing, treating and/or storing water,
within a strict regulatory framework, will also result from the project. Projects that provide water for
growth within the City will create more industrial and commercial opportunities for the population
resulting in more opportunity for training and occupational education.
5. Will the project build and/or strengthen strategic alliances or partnerships? E Yes 0 No
If yes, please describe the alliance andlor partnerships: (agencies, volunteers, etc.)
The City is coordinating with the DOH,, US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), Irrigation Districts, Ecology and
other stakeholders to identify alternative solutions, for increasing long term water supplies and
potential uses, to continue to serve its current and future municipal/domestic, industrial and agricultural
customers. The City has been pro -active in creating partnerships and alliances with customers, local
industry, funders, legislators, other local communities, consultants, City Council and City staff. The
feasibility study project will coordinate all of those efforts and provide a plan to implement the most
feasible alternative(s).
The City is actively participating in the Columbia Basin Sustainable Water Coalition (Coalition). The
Coalition, a group of water purveyors and other municipal and small community water system
stakeholders, was formed in 2018 to address Columbia Basin domestic groundwater supply issues and
create locally -driven recommendations that influence water delivery methods and policy that will direct
resources for long-term groundwater solutions in the region. Other participants include USBR (Ephrata
Field Office), Quincy- Columbia Basin Irrigation District, State regulators and other interested parties.
This approach accounts for the interconnectedness of water and land resources in the Columbia River
Basin and Central/Eastern Washington areas. Where possible the communities involved, including
Quincy, will take advantage of economies of scale and foster opportunities for partnerships. Quincy
water system needs are included as part of the Coalitions planning efforts. The Coalition recently
received a USBR WaterSmart grant to complete a Preliminary Watershed Management Plan and
potential Quincy water project(s) have been identified, along with others, as part of the evaluation. The
City is located in a critical water supply service area (CWSSA), and Grant County has completed a
Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP) and updates. The City development standards meet or exceed
the standards set forth in the CWSP and will continue to do so.
6. How many full-time, permanent jobs will be created and/or retained as a direct result of this project?
a) Retained?
b) Created in 1-3 years? 1,.206
c) Additional created in 3-5 years? Total jobs 3-5 yrs =x.,344 (added in years 4&5 = 138)
Please submit original, signed application with seven copies (eft copies totag to:
Grant County EDC, 6594 Patton Blvd. NE; Moses Lake, WA 98837; Phone: 509-764-6579
Please include attachments and supplemental materials in each of the copies
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
d) Wage rates for jobs created and/or retained? $25,,800 to $41,100 average income per year for
the largest employment sectors (in 2022$)
7. What is the size of the population that will benefit from this project?
8.,100 people
8. What quantifiable outcomes are you going to track to measure the success of this project?
The outcome of this SIP funded project will be the completion of a feasibilty study that meets USBR
criteria outlined in Title XVI WTR 11-01 guidelines. A USBR approved feasibility study will allow the City
to gain access to future USBR Title XVI grants to fund some of the construction of the recommended
water project. The feasibility study will provide the City with valuable information to (1) address rapidly
growing water demands, (2) manage declining water reserves and water quality, and (3) promote
economic sustainability for the City's predominantly agricultural economy, all while recharging
groundwater and the local aquifer. The feasibility study will provide a plan to develop and evaluate
water supply and water treatment alternatives, that will provide potable water and industrial non -
contact cooling water for the City of Quincy that are cost effective,, environmentally sound, and
conserves the area's precious water resource. The study alternatives will provide an actionable
framework for creating a sustainable potable water supply to serve existing and future generations.
1. When did or will you start work on the project?
The City is ready to start work in August 2023. The City has already chosen HDR Engineering Consultants
to do the project and can start work when funding is secured and authorization to proceed from the
funding agency(s) is given.
2. How many months will the work on this project take to complete?
The feasibility study will take approximately 4 to 6 months to complete.
3. Please describe what steps are necessary to begin this project or this phase if you are proposing a multi-
phase project: (Please be specific)
The City has already chosen a consultant to do the feasibility study and has a scope and budget
developed. The City has applied for funding for the project. The only step necessary to start the
feasibility study is to secure funding and receive authorization from the funding agency(s) to begin.
4. Summarize efforts taken to date in terms of project funding:
a) Amount and source of funds?
b) Matching funds?
c) If conditions are attached to any of these funds, please describe
In February 2023, the City applied for a 50% grant from USBR to do the feasibility study. The SIP grant
would provide the 50% matching funds required for the USBR grant. USBR will notify the City by August
Please submit original, signed application with seven copies eLqht copies total) to:
Grant County EDC, 6594 Patton Blvd. NE; Moses Lake, WA 98837; Phone: 509-764-6579
Please include attachments and supplemental materials in each of the copies
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
2023 if the project will be awarded a grant. If a USSR grant is awarded, the City plans to negotiate an
early start date (August 2023) with USBR to start the project immediately.
5. What engineering reports and feasibility studies have prepared? When? With what recommendations?
The following plans have been prepared for the Water Utility:
The Water Plan was completed in October 2022 and recommended that by 2043 the City of
Quincy will need an additional supply of about 4,100 acre-feet (x..33 billion gallons) of water, an
additional 4,700 gpm of pumping capacity and about 2.3 million gallons of additional poatable
water storage capacity.
0 This request is for a water feasibility study to facilitate the recommendations in the Water Plan.
0 Historic documents used to update the Water Plan include:
2007 City of Quincy, Quincy Cross Connection Control Written Program Backflow Incident
Response Plan
2014 City of Quincy, Water System Plan 2014 Update
2017 City of Quincy, Domestic General Sewer Plan Update (Draft)
2018 City of Quincy, Quincy Comprehensive Plan
6. What permits are necessary for the project? (Please list with approval dates)
None at this time.
7. Are there other factors significant to this project that we should be aware of.?
a) Emergency declarations?
b) Regulatory compliance issues?
c) Inability to secure alternate funds?
d) Other?
All of the above are factors significant to the project.
a) The City aquifer is declining, existing water rights and storage capacity are reaching their limits
and the City faces a moratorim on growth. See item 2 above.
b) The City also faces potential emerging contaminant and costly nitrate removal regulations that
already affect its water supply. See item 2 above.
c) The City is currently working with DOH to get the Water Plan approved to be able to apply for
funding from DOH. However, the comments that have been received from DOH are lengthy and
the City is not able to secure funding (for this project or other water projects) until consultant
work is completed and DOH offers final approval of the Water Plan. Also, loan funding from
Please submit original, signed application with seven copies (eight copies total) to:
Grant County EDC, 6594 Patton Blvd, NE; Moses Lake, WA 98837; Phone: 509-764-6579
Please include attachments and supplemental materials in each of the copies
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
DOH, when available will take more time to secure, which could create a problem with the
matching fund requirements for USBR grants.
d) Per RCW 43.20.260, the City has a duty to serve within its retail service area if a potential user
approaches the City with a request for connection and the has sufficient water rights to provide
service. This threshold factor will not be met if the City cannot secure additional water rights
or supplies to serve growth.
The low to moderate income (LMI) community will face financial hardship level water rate
impacts to fund the needed improvements unless grant funding is secured. The City is currently
working on securing grants and low cost funding from the USBR and applied for a grant in
February 2023 to fund 50% of this project. The City hopes to apply for additional funds from
USBR, Ecology and DOH to plan and implement the project in the future. However, the City is
unable to secure DOH funding as described above and other USBR funding at this time, because
of the lack of sufficient / approved planning information that would be available once the
feasibility study (this project) is complete.
B. If your project receives a commitment for an SIP grant or loan, when will you need the funds?
The project is ready to proceed immediately so funds would be appreciated as soon as possible.
9. Identify funds (General Fund, Utility Fund, Property taxes, etc.) that are eligible to repay a SIP loan.
The City operates its Water Utility as a self sustaining revenue fund. Funds from other City sources such
as the General Fund and Property taxes, etc.. are not available to repay a SIP water loan. The City could
use Water Utility revenues to repay a loan but is seeking grant funding to reduce the financial burden on
its LMI community and rate sensitive industries.
10. In the context of the local government's overall annual budget, explain the need for SIP assistance. It
the applicant has reserve funds or budget reserves, please explain why these funds are not available for
the project.
The water system is soley a revenue based system, and does not rely on other funds in the City overall
annual budget, to pay for its operating and capital costs. The City has some water reserve funds but the
2023 City water budget shows all those funds, and more, being utilized to pay for 2023 routine capital
outlays and capital costs. It is also prudent utility operating practice and the City's financial
management goal, to retain a certain amount of funds in annual reserve, to address an emergency
situation. As a result, the City will need to issue long term debt to pay for capital costs in future years
that will have an impact on community water rates. The City anticipates hardship level rate increases
for the LMI community unless grants are secured to assit with funding the overall water project.
1. Are Cities, Port Districts, the County, Schools, or other entities involved in funding the project?
Please submit original, signed application with seven copies el*qht copies total) to:
Grant County EDC,. 6594 Patton Blvd. NE; Moses Lake,, WA 98837; Phone: 509-764-6579
Please include attachments and supplemental materials in each of the copies
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
The City is part of local Coalition including other cities, that has a grant from USBR to fund a review of
the local watershed (including Quincy) as discussed above. The Port of Quincy (Port) has an interest in
the City continuing to provide economic development opportunities that will only be possible if
additional sources of water are secured. Other cities and the Port are not currently contributing directly
to the funding of the project. The County is being asked to be involved in funding the project (that is in
the economic development section of the County's Comprehensive Plan) by, awarding this SIP grant.
Schools and other entities may be involved in funding the project via water rates, charges and/or
accumulated reserve funds.
2. Are there any regional, State, or Federal funds being used for the project?
The City has applied for a federal USBR grant to pay for 50% of the feasibility study costs and will know
in August 2023 whether the grant is awarded.
3. What is the private sector investment in the project?
The private sector customers would pay for funding through rates and/or water system reserves where
grants are not awarded to fund the project. The overall cost to implement a water project, to be
identified in the feasibility study, is assumed to be significant and the private sector customers will need
to help the City fund it through increased rates and charges. The City is conducting a rate study, to
determine the overall level of funding support that would be required red from various cusomers, to fund
water system projects for 5 years.
4. What is the local investment in the project from clubs and other organizations (non-government)?
Does not apply. The City government is required to fund water system costs through dedicated system
5. Is there other support or investment in the project not covered above?
There is customer, regulatory agency and prospective customer support for the project since it is
necessary to continue to provide a safe and reliable water supply to the City into the future.
Investments will be made as a viable water supply project is implemented, and paid for through rates
and charges to customers, and hopefully supported by low costs government grants and loans.
Please submit original, signed application with seven copies(eight copies total) to:
Grant County EDC, 6594 Patton Blvd. NE; Moses Lake,, WA 98837; Phone: 509-764-6579
Please include attachments and supplemental materials in each of the copies
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
1. Economic Development Section of the Comprehensive Plan listing the public facility
2. Project Budget: Please attach a copy of your complete project budget. Attach or include your specific
budget for use of SIP funds. Please list all identified revenue sources and the dollar amounts and list
whether they are committed or requested.
3. Property Plat, Building Plans: Please attach copies of a property plat with project location clearly shown
on the plat. Please attach engineer's drawings or at least a good drawing of the project for committee
4. Letters of support: If applicable please include any letters of support for this project form partners or
others entities in the community.
Please submit original, signed application with seven copies (fLqht copies total) to:
Grant County EDC, 6594 Patton Blvd. NE; Moses Lake, WA 98837; Phone: 509-764-6579
Please include attachments and supplemental materials in each of the copies
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
Attachment A - Economic Development Section of the Comprehensive Plan
The 2023 Grant County Comprehensive Plan is still under development. To be provided by the County.
Please submit original, signed application with seven copies (eight copies total) to:
Grant County EDC, 6594 Patton Blvd. NE; Moses Lake, WA 98837; Phone: 509-764-6579
Please include attachments and supplemental materials in each of the copies
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
Attachment B - Project Budget
Project Detailed Cost Estimate
City of Quincy Water Management & Recycling Feasibility Study
------------ -------
Ti., it,
Princ* I
.Prole - - ---- -------
na gr Eng 60
M n
ni,`ineeS49 Wig E 7 Ad`
ProJect Initiation & Kick-off
Collect & Summarize Data
12 - -----------------
Develop Alternative Evaluation Criteria
- ----- ------
Develop Water Management Alternatives
Screen Alternatives
2 ------ ------
— 40
Develop Short -Listed Alternatives
80 ---- - ----- ------------
---------------------- --
Alternative Recommendations
1 ------------
Develop Schedules
Develop Cost Estimates
Develoe Regulatory Cheklist
Draft FeasibilLy Report
Final Feasibility Report
Total Hours
Hourly Rate (Fully Burdened)
$ 350 $
300. $
280 $
20.01 $
2501 $
1501 $
150 $
125. $
Total Estimated Cost
$ 5,600 $�,200
142,8001 $
110,000] $
116,2501 $
45,150,1 $
23,625 1 $
26,1001$ 67.9,225
Estimated Ex2enses
Total Estimated Prpject
$ 649,2251
I Rounded Total Estimated Project $ 650,0021
Use of SIP funds: $325,000, or 50% of the total budget, for each task.
Revenue sources-, $325,.000 from a requested SIP grant and $325,000 from a requested Reclamation grant.
Please submit original, signed application with seven copies (eight copies total) to:
Grant County EDC, 6594 Patton Blvd. NE; It Lake, WA 98837; Phone: 509-764-6579
Please include attachments and supplemental materials in each of the copies
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
Attachment C — Does not apply -
Please submit original, signed application with seven copies eight copies total) to:
Grant County EDC, 6594 Patton Blvd. NE; Moses Lake, WA 98837; Phone.- 509-764-6579
Please include attachments and supplemental materials in each of the copies
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Application
Attachment D - Letters of Support
5 e. -Kt -+o- Graot� Coo
Please submit original, signed application with seven copies �ht copies total) to:
Grant County EDC 6594 Patton Blvd. NE; Moses Lake, WA 98837; Phone: 509-764-6579
Please include attachments and supplemental materials in each of the copies
City of Qunicy Capital Improvements Water for 2023'
Water Rights
Feasibility Study
Secure M&I Water
M&I Additional Intakes and Applications
DOH SW Source Approval
ASR Permitting
Capital Improvements Wastewater for 2023$5;9?,000::
MWRF UV Disinfection
MWRF Capacity Upgrade
Reclaimed Water Use
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Port of Moses Lake Airport SW Hangar Utility Extension
Storm Water
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Royal City Library Capital BuOding Project — New Library
Site Preparation
Phase I — Main Structure
Phase II — Interior
Exterior Completion
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Beverly Water District Feasibility Stud - New Community Building
, ,
Sentinel Gap Water Ass. Proposed SGWA lnfrastructure Improvements
30 -foot Diameter Water Tank and Booster Pump
New Water Meters
Installation of 480 feet of 4 -inch water line
Total 2023 Eligible Projects
1 $105579,589
' 5 -Year CIP
Grant County Strategic Infrastructure Program Applicatioe.
0! 4, . 1 1, go A -
The Strategic Infrastructure Program fund is available because of a state program authorized by the legislature
in 1997 (RCW 82.14.370). The legislature has established eligibility requirements for using these funds:
FIRST: Funds can only be used to finance "public facilities" such as "bridges, roads, domestic and
industrial water facilities, sanitary sewer facilities, earth stabilization, storm sewer facilities,
railroads, electrical facilities, natural gas facilities, research, testing, training, and incubation
facilities in innovation partnership zones designated under RCW 43.330.270, buildings,
structures, telecommunications infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, or commercial
infrastructure, and port facilities in the state of Washington." RCW 82.14.370(3) (c)(i).
SECOND: The public facility must also serve "economic development purposes," which is defined as
"those purposes which facilitate the creation or retention of businesses and jobs in a county."
RCW 82.14.370(3)(a), (c)(ii).
THIRD: Finally, to be eligible for funding: "The public facility must be listed as an item in the officially
adopted county overall economic development plan, or the economic development section of
the county's comprehensive plan, or the comprehensive plan of a city or town located within
the county for those counties planning under RCW 36.70A.040. For those counties that do not
have an adopted overall economic development plan and do not plan under the growth
management act, the public facility must be listed in the county's capital facilities plan or the
capital facilities plan of a city or town located within the county." RCW 82.14.370(3)(a).
Eligibility Checklist:
I . Yes No 11 This request is for a "public facility as described above.
2. Yes X No 0 The public facility facilitates the creation or retention of businesses and jobs in Grant
3. Yes 9 No 0 The public facility is listed as an item in the economic development section of Grant
County's comprehensive plan OR Yes 11 No 0 the public facility is listed as an itern in the economic
development section of the comprehensive plan of a City or Town located within Grant County.
If the answer to all three questions is yes please proceed with the application process.
If the answer to any of the three questions Is no, the project is not eligible to receive funding from this program.,-