HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Sheriff & JailK23-217
'Re(Sex Offender Add
j ress Verification Progr-ain.
This AGREEMENT -is entered into by and between -the WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION OF
.SHERIFFS AND POLICE CHIEFS (hereinafter referred to as WASPQ and the GIANT' COUNTY
SHERIFF'S OFFICE (hereinafter rel"erre,d to as the: RECIPIENT).
Awtard Recipient Xameand Address:
Grant County Sheriff s Office
PO BOX3 )7
Et,phrata, WA 98823
Project T."Ifle
Registered Sex Offender Address Verifiecition
Agrceju* ent No-,
RSO 2022-23 Grant
Grimt Award:
.102 3.00
Agency Contact: Tom Jones
Title: Sheriff
Funding c"IC
July 1, 21,022-J Lille 30 2023
AUG 2 2 2023
Funding A-uthority:
WA Association of Sheriffs and, Pollee .Chiefs
Service Area
Grailt County
Fund ing 1br this AGREE14 is proAd d to WASP C thl.-OLIgh the Criminal Justice TrainingConlinission
I e
from the State of Wshinaton. F I U.1 din awarded -the RECIP' IEN`17 shall not exceed the amount shown on
a i
-thealta rd. letter.
,The. 'RECIPIENT slia'll. use. the funds -awarded to meet-lbe following requirements
* Face-to-fiace verifications of all registered off end lased the sched le outlined i th
Ll 0
on n. e award
lette'.r. aril R.C.Akfs 16-.2'8.A'W230 a,nd 9A.144.1-35. Noy agency not rneeting at least 90% of required
Ve 140fications will 110t.lece*ve. that quarter's grant p4yment.
* Quarterly reportwill be.stibinitted eflectronicallV"by Octo-ber 10..20 22, Jan Liary 10, 2023 April 10,
2023,, J1 a d All
_Y 10,,202". Funds-will.bed.i8bUrsed III emialal
ments each quarter. QUarterly,,grant
reports 11ILLIst be received by WAS.PC jor pri t afterw
lyant vaylnents being, issued to your agency,
p . oqu
* In-person attendance at, least One O-MnderWatch Us- r G d
e -OLIP�Ln
SONAR Cornrn"ttee'Mee ti
Meeting dates are July 1. 3, 2022, October 12, 2.022, January 11, 2023 and April 12, 2*023. Agencies.
Ilia do aot partI cl pate i nat least n
e; OffenderWatch User'GrOtp and SON A:ars mittee meetilla
in p.ers.oll WI 1.1 be penalized 10% of the final quarter" s gr rant payment.
Up to date and acUlratC record entries :into 0, nd: i Wcritch. A.
ffie atch
e nyagency ]lot using OftenderWe
to track verifications will not ,receive that quarter!�s payment,
IN WfTNESS WHEREOF,, WAS and RECIPIENT acknowledge and acCept the terms of t1'
AGREEMENT and attachments hereto, and ire witness whereof have exec t1i EEENT 'is AGREE as of
the date and year written below. The both parties to this AGREEMENT are
rights and obl" aflo
. I,,& I ns of
governed by the in-forniati10 n on this Award Sheet and 'Letter and other &CLIments 'Incorporated herein.
di e: Steven D,Straelic"In Name: Torn Jones
Title.,, E=Llfive Director Title:Sheriff
Agency-ffis Police. Chie. g A
'WA Assn. of ,Sher * Iency: Grant COL111ty Sheriffs Office
Date.- 6/ 15/2.0272, Date.
Signature.',,� -�01
Washington Association of
3060 Willamette Drive NE
LaceyA 8516
360 -486-2380 (Phone)
360-486-.2381. (Fax
June 15, 2022
Sheriff Rick Scott
Grays Harbor County
Chief Steve. Crown
City,of Wenatchee
Vice President
-Sheriff Tom Jones
Grant County
Past President
Dear Sheriff To.ni- Jones:
Chief Craig Me! dl
City of Spokane
Subject: Registered Sex 0 nd ' ell r
ffe er Addi*ess V ifiieafloia G Ant Program..
Chbaf Brett Vance
Th e 'Washington S ar
tate.. Legis I attire allocated $9.9 inillion doll- s ov tile 2022-2023.
er file.
City of Montesano
, I . . I'*
bienn itlill 'forth e *Registered Sex Offen der Ad dress Y **fi- tion
ernica n Grant-Proarain.. This
Executive Soard
year, local agencies w-iffrecelve $4.81 million doilars, -to conduct face.to-face address
Chief John 86 tiste
verification's for registered sex. and kidnap' 715 -ct
of enders as dr
ping i e ed by RC
Washington State Petrel
9 this
:,A.44-130, In 2010 grant program wa's established with the intent that all. sex
Chief Cherie. Harr!$
offender's and kidnapping offenders wbuld be I . er ress )y
-ii, ist ed add -
-f ver"ried. atthe* - reg'
City of Kirkland
tile SheriMs Office. This face-to-face address verification is ini.portant to m.-aintain
Sheriff Brad Thurman
-c "ell -reg .
-accuracy of the Sex Offender Registry and to en oi -e the sex pit , derjstralion
Cowlitz County
laws of Washingatoll StAto. It;is impbrta'tit that this money Continue to be Used for its
intended. purpose.
Chief Darrell Lbwe
City. of'Redmorid
.1. am pleased to inform. you -tl' - ri e 1* ee
lat, the Grant County S'he ffirs Of c w 11 r eive
Sheriff Kevin Morris
Douglas. County
$102,903.00 for the Registered Sex. Offender Address Verifkation ro
-P grain.. The
grant cwte.,will follow the state fiscal -year. starting. ju' ly 1, 2022,.,,. and end 'in 9 June
Chief Padilla
City of Kent
-.30, 2023. Quar"�.er`ly gr nt reports are ckle oil October 10-� *20.) jan Lar 1 0 02 3
a z. t
Aprit 10., 202.3., and July 10, 2021. Q arterl i ar
y grant. reports e to be completed
Sheriff James Raymond
Franklin County
electron.1"..cally and will be emailed to RSO Coordinators. Reports be re�cetved
by WASPC tprior' to quarterly grant payments bein to your y.
9- ageric
Don-Voiret, SAO
Address verificati-on.funds are designed to supporI ail a . aspectg OT fM registered s ex
Chlef'Sarti White
offender address verification. Most importantly, . funds are regUired to be. used for
LoWerElwha Klallani
Police Department,
face-to-fiace verification of a sex offender :".s address at the la e of residency.
Steven Q..8trachan
Executive Director For Level I Offendeis—'race-to-face address ver' ification will 0
.ccur once
every twelve months.
For Level It Offienders—ffice-to-face address verification. Will OCCUr once
t to
every six months,
For Level III Offenders --face-to-face address verification will occur once
every three inonths.
For the ptuposes of this grant, unclassified offenders and kidnappiner offenders
are considered level .1 offenders, unless the local jurisdiction sets a higher
classification in the interest of public safety.
Serving the Law Enforcement Community and theCiftens ofWashington
FUndin, p
from this pro gram will be used to send
at least one staff person to at least one WASK
05eliderwatch User Group and SONAR Committee Meeting. Meeting dates are July 1-3, 20229
October 12, 2022,, January 11, 202.3, and .April l2 023.
Address verification data must be catered into the statewide sex offender database., OffenderWatch.
WASK will
conduct audits of the offender itch records to cojifirm verification. entries and
completeness of records.
Registration, community no lcafio-n and ve 'fication of offenders MLI -follow the applicable state
tif I ri. S
statutes (.RCWs 4.24.550, 9A.449-1301� )9A.28A..230, etc.
.44.135 . Any delegation to cities should
have signed Memorandurns of Understanding (MO s) clearly defining agreed LIPO
n reg pon si bi 1.1 ties.
"Please note the following terms will, be adhered to -for the 20222-2023 Registered Sex Of endet- Address
Verificration Program:
Any agency not meeting at least 90% ofrequ"red. vei-*fications mill not receive that quarter, S
i i
.0 Any agency not using 066idei-Watch to ve t - ac cations will not receive that quarter"s grant
a r
Agencies that do not participate, in ;cit least one--O'ffie.n derWatch User Group and 'SONAR
Con1mitt ee meeting'
in person wil.l. be penalized 10%. Of thQ final qLIE-t.I"teI7"s.gI.A.nt paymel.1t.
QUarterly gran't reports timst breceived by WAS PC pri r to quafte. ly arrant payments belingissued
to YO.Lir agency.
Please review the attached -'inter,,cigency agre,ement. sig4jil. d
date., and reftir
n to the WASPC Office ASAP.
ff you.have anyquestions 'Please. conta*t Ten ina. Peter on at -
(360) 48623.86 or toetersonOrwaspp.org.
e S
Steven D..Strachan
Executive Director
WASPC Registered Sex Offender Address Verification Grant Program 2023
Approved as to form:
Rebekah Kaylor, CU BA #53257
Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Danny E. Shone, Member