HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Other - BOCCBarbara Vasquez
From: Brad Peck <bpeck@co.franklin.wa.us>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 10:49 AM
To: Cindy Carter
Cc: Barbara Vasquez
Subject: FW: CBDL: Reaching out to four counties fc
Importance: High
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Commissioner Carter.,
Thanks for taking my call this morning regarding a one-time funding
cost of professional survey work in support of the Columbia Basin Development League's work to complete
the second half of the Columbia Basin Project.
The Request for Proposals went out in late June with responses due back to the League in early July.
I've agreed to reach out to the four "FLAG" counties (Franklin, Lincoln, Adams, Grant) to solicit a total of
$15;000 ($3,750 x4 counties) to cover this effort.
Thanks for offering to run this by your Board of Commissioners on Monday. Our Board is discussing it Tuesday;
I fully expect our Board to support the effort with our 25% share.
Brad Peck
Franklin County, WA
Dated this - 40w '* _ day of
Board of County Commissionefs
Grant County, Washington
A rove Dish rove A_Stain
Dist #1 Dist# I I Dist # I
Dist #2 Dist# 2 Dist # 2
Dist #3 Dist # 3 Dist # 3
I 23_1 9 H c. t.,o
@gmail.com); 'Mark R. Stedman'
one-time contribution
a discussion about how the League would pay for not only the
For the professional survey group we will be hiring (RFP responses
To that end, the Task Force asked me to touch base with you.
At the last League board meeting you offered to reach out to the FLAG counties (Franklin,, Lincoln, Adams, and
Grant) asking for a one-time contribution. I'm wondering if you have done that or if there is anything staff can
do to assist? I also wanted to share with you that Stephen McFadd'-"'-n----p---o-p----"--5 -tPose four
counties are financially challenged, however, they might be willing to pull funds from their Economic
Development Fund so you may wish to suggest that right up front.
Thanks Brad, for stepping up, and for being willing to make these calls (or emails).
Just toy you a deadline, Chair Stedman would very much like to have a response to this 'ask' by the
Executive Committee meeting set for July 10. Is that possible?
VICKY -)Cfldl Idu
Executive Director
509.782.9442 1509.782.1203 (fax)
203 Mission Avenue, Suite 107 1 PO Box 745, Cashmere, WA 98815
Like us on Facebook I #Col u m bia Basin Project
PROJECT TITLE: Survey Design and Analysis
ESTIMATED PROJECT TIMELINE: July through September 2019
BUDGET: Not to exceed $15,000, unless justification provided
The Columbia Basin Development League seeks proposals from interested and qualified firms to
provide services to design, execute, and analyze a stakeholder survey.
The Columbia Basin Development League (League) works toward a fully developed Columbia
Basin Project that supports a robust regional and state economy and quality of life through
efficient, well-maintained, affordable infrastructure and sustainable environmental stewardship.
Located in eastern Washington, the Columbia Basin Project (Project) is the largest federal
Reclamation project in the United States; it was authorized in 1933 to convert wasteland into
land suitable for habitation and cultivation. The most recognizable feature of the Project is
Grand Coulee Dam, and Project benefits include irrigation, power, flood control, municipal and
industrial water uses, recreation, and wildlife habitat.
The reservoirs and wetland features of the Project create multiple tourism opportunities related
to boating, fishing, hunting, and bird watching. The cumulative economic activity generated
within the Project's boundaries is over $5.8 billion, and over three million people annually
recreate within the Project.
Approximately 680,000 acres of the Project's total 1,029,000 acres are irrigated, and the
agriculture made possible by the complex and comphrensive system of irrigation canals and
pipelines, reservoirs, and pumping facilities provides for the region's economic vitality.
Agriculture is second only to manufacturing among Washington State's leading industries, and
much of Washington's agriculture production occurs within the Project. As a result, thriving
cities and towns have become established along with the requisite processing facilities.
Full development of the Project was intended to be phased over several decades and has been
made possible by a unique public-private partnership between the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation,
Washington State Department of Ecology, three Columbia Basin Project irrigation districts, and
Project landowners.
As the only non-governmental entity representing stakeholder interests in the Project, the
League is in a unique position to promote and advocate. Two main goals exist:
1) ADVOCACY: Create an environment conducive to implementing legislative.,
congressional, and agency actions
2) COMMUNICATIONS AND OUTREACH: Achieve broad consensus on the value of the
Columbia Basin Project and the plan for its continued, phased development
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D E VE L 0 P.M E N* T L'E A J E
Target audiences are broad:
• Geographic
o Communities served by the Columbia Basin Project
o, Communities that house support facilities like processing plants
o Communities where influential policy makers reside
• Columbia Basin Development League members
• Columbia Basin Project landowners
• Those whose livelihoods and businesses are integrated with the future of the Columbia
Basin Project
• State influencers
o Economic development organizations
o Irrigation Districts
o Utilities
o Agencies
• State, County, and Municipal Elected Officials
• Ports
• Federal Agencies
• National Elected Officials
Strategic Assumptions
The assumptions listed below depict realities of the environment in which the League operates.
1) The League currently is comprised primarily of agricultural interests with different
approaches and priorities related to addressing the crisis of the Odessa Aquifer and the
continued development of the Project. The opportunity exists to clarify what the
differences are and why and identify common ground upon which we all can agree. By
doing so, the League can establish its credibility as the leading organization working to
bring water to eastern Washington.
2) The public does not understand the variety of elements that need to come together to
develop short- and long-term solutions. The opportunity exists to identify the existing
level of awareness and how best to communicate in a manner that resonates despite the
lack of knowledge, interest in details or impact on their livelihood.
3) The League is committed to working in a responsible and responsive manner with
elected officials and others to develop the Project in a manner that will respond to the
needs and concerns of a wide range of stakeholders. The opportunity exists to expand
support beyond the agricultural community to Include businesses, community groups
and those concerned about the environmental Impact of the Project.
4) Recent concerns about availability of domestic water have focused the attention of a
much broader group of Washingtonians on the need to resolve the declining aquifer
issue. The opportunity exists for the League to use this increased interest to get its
message to members of the public and policy makers and to influence actions to
implement solutions.
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The League seeks expert services in the design, execution, and analysis of a stakeholder
survey, the outcomes of which will inform future League goals, objectives, and the prioritization
of each. The League acknowledges the many and varied stakeholder perspectives and interests
that exist in the Project. Accordingly, the League intends to capture the level of awareness and
understanding that exists about Project issues as well as the varied perspectives about them.
This would allow the League to identify gaps in advocacy and education and most effectively
work to close those gaps. Essentially, this project will capture Project voices, identify where
there are differences, promote harmonization where possible, and identify a path forward that
will continue progress for all but do no harm to individual pursuits.
A Task Force was formed to oversee this effort. Informed by the work of this RFP's winning
bidder, the Task Force will be able to:
• Identify Project stakeholders
• Foster a cohesive network
• Consider operating, authorizing, and enabling environments
• Clarify stakeholder priorities
• Identify short, mid, and long-term goals toward League mission fulfillment
• Inform League advocacy efforts
• Agree on unified effort and consistent messaging
TASK FORCE DELIVERABLE: Based on input from stakeholders, present a proposal for short,
mid, and long-term goals for the League to adopt toward mission fulfillment; upon review and
committee input, proposal will be presented to the full League Board for adoption.
Proposals are due via email by close of business Friday, July 5 to:
Michelle Voie, Executive Services Coordinator, michelle@cbdl.org
Proposals must:
1. Be submitted by email in PDF format
2. Include a summary of firm's background and experience
3. Include name, phone number, email, and address of at least three client references
4. Provide detailed proposal including estimated timeline and expense breakdown
Contract will be awarded based on competitive nature proposals from reputable firms that meet
project objectives within budget.
Direct questions, by email only, to Vicky Scharlau, Executive Director, vicky0)cbdl.org_
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November 6, 2018
Richard Stevens
Grant County Commissioners
PO Box 203
Ephrata, WA 98823
Dear Richard:
Together, we're making history pushing for full development of the Columbia Basin Project
(CBP) that continues to allow a robust regional and state economy and quality of life through
efficient, well-maintained, affordable infrastructure and sustainable environmental stewardship.
Would you reaffirm your commitment by renewing your member
Thanks to your membership, our advocacy and outreach efforts, coordinated with CBP partners,
are yielding favorable results including:
• Over $15M appropriated by the State Legislature in the 2017-19 Capital Budget
• Bureau of Reclamation revised the Odessa Ground Water Replacement Program's
(OGWRP) Benefit/Cost ratio making the program eligible for federal funding
• $1.99M Bureau of Reclamation discretionary funds allocated to the Pasco Pump Lateral,,
Potholes Supplemental Feed Route, and OGWRP
• "Waiting for Water", the League's educational documentary, was shared with
policymakers in Olympia, Washington D.C., and local service clubs
In 2019, we plan to accomplish even more. Your membership dollars will help:
• Continue efforts to develop additional sources of water and infrastructure funding
• Secure nearly $20M in the State Legislature's 2019-2021 capital budget
• Retain funding for the CBP and secure funding for OGWRP in Reclamation's 2021 budget
• Secure support for U.S. Department of Transportation grant funds for OGWRP bridges
• Continue outreach and education through efforts like the quarterly newsletter --the Voice
of the Project—and distribution of the documentary "Waiting for Water"
Your support is criticalto our work and helps ensure that the economic vitality of the Project
will continue for generations to come. Please renew your membership with the enclosed form or
renew online at www-cbd1.orq/member shir).
Thank you for your continued commitment to the Columbia Basin Project.
fl fl
Vicky i ky -Scharlau
Executive Director
NOV 1 5 2018
Bill To:
Richard Stevens
Grant County Commissioners
F50 Box 203
Ephrata, WA 98823
Dist "
To renew Vour membership at Vour current level:
Invoice #]
daw of
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FLI, (0 1 rd t n f,, C"(11PHrlissioners
�% _ths
Fst irl i
Dist 441
Dist :V2
Dist #7
Disf to
Dis! #3
/ want to do more to support the Proiect!
Please add a one-time donation supporting
targeted targered outreach, to my membership.
Total Payment: $,r.:5 � 00�
Your membership directly supports efforts of the League.
Since 1964, working toward a fully developed Columbia Basin Project that supports a robust regional and state economy and
quality of life through efficient, well-maintained, affordable infrastructure and sustainob(F-epi "WT—7 0TUMPT TW=
.. . ............. DEVE LOPMENT LEAGUE
P.O. Box 745 Cashmere, WA 98815—cbdI.oV_'*i
PH: 509-782-9442—Fax: 509-782-1203 1
I Bill To:
Franklin County Commissioners
10 16 N 4th Ave I
Pasco, WA 99301
lb renew your membership at
ur current level.,•
- ---------- ------
RE" C E jra1.
' D
-NOV 1 3 2018
1 want to do more to syppgry4pPro. ectl
Please add a one-time donation supporting
targeted outreach to my membership -
Suggested contfibution $ 50
Total Payment:
- --------- -
Your membership directly supports efforts of the League.
Since 1.9549
,workin toward a fully delleloped Columbla Basin PrOject that SUPPOM 0 robust re renal and state economy and
quality of life through efficient, well-maintained, affordable infrast"'ct", and sustainable environmental stewardship.