HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - Accounting (003)Payable batches audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board: As of this date, 06/2912023 the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those payable batches Payable Total: 371.67 Reviewed and certified by: �som Commissioner., Commissioner Chairman of the brVET—oi Commissioners Date: 6/29/2023 Invoices/Batches not approved: Double Checked by: Date: AP BATCH ID: GCEM G 6/29/2023 Grant County Claims Clearing Account - 9201 Name FUND AMOUNT CURRENT EXPENSE 001.000. COUNTY ROADS 101 CARES ACT - ELECTIONS 102 VETS ASSISTANCE 104 NAVA 3 ELECTIONS 106 FEDERAL DRUG 107 MENTAL HEALTH 108 ST DRUG SEIZURE 109 LAW LIBRARY 110 TREASURER 01M ill JAIL CONCESSION 112 ECON ENHANCMNT 113 TOURIST ADVERT 114 COUNTY FAIR 116 INET INVESTIGATION 118 PROS CRIME VICT 120 LAW & JUSTICE 121 TURNKEY LIC3HT 122 AUDITOR O/M 124 DD RESIDENT PROG 125 R.E.E.T. 1st 114% 126 TRIAL COURT IMPROV, 127 DOM VI.01- SRVCS 128 AFF HOUSING 129 HMLSHSLOC 130 REST 2nd 1/41/16 132 Econ Enh. Rural Co 133 .Dispute Resolution 136 .......... Building 138 REST Admin 139 'SHERIFF SURPLUS 140 SHB 1406 141 GC, ABATEMENT 150 HILLCREST GRID 161 GRANTS ADMIN. 190 IARPA 191 AOC BLAKE DECISION 192 MUSEUM CONTRUCTION 304 MACC Bond- 307 MCKINSTRY ESSENTION 308 COUNTY FAIR SEWER 309 PROP 1 SALES TAX 311 ERP RESERVE 312 SOLID WASTE 401 DATA PROCESSING 501 INSURANCE 503 INTFUND BENEFITS 505 UNEMPLOY COMP 506 DENTAL INS. 507 OTHER PR BEN. 508 VISION BENEFITS EQUIP RENTAL 509 510 COMMUNICATIONS PITS & QUARRIES- 560 TOTAL TRANSFER: AP COMPLETED BY: N.YANEZ JOURNAL ENTRY: TREASURER NOTIFIED: POSTING COMPLETED BY: 371.67 CHECKS: VOIDED: BATCH $ 371.67 $ $ $ $ $ $ 371.67 $ $ 371.67 $ $ 371.67, $ 611766 PMCHK 743,34 743.34 743.34 — ----------------- --- 743.4 CREDITS $ $ w $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ PMTRX 743.34 BH-062823RGEXP 743.34 743.34 743.34 371.67 371.67 System: 6/29/2023 8:58:42 AM County of Grant Page: 1 User Date: 6/29/2023 CASH, REQUIREMENTS REPORT User ID: nayane.7. Pa-yables Management Ranges -A Vendor ID., I - zzzzzzzzzzzzzz 4 Vendor Name: First - Last Vendor Class: First - Last User -Defined 1: First - Last Sorted By: Vendor ID Payment Priority: First Last Due Date: First Last Discount 4scount Date, First Last Payment Date.- 6/30/2023 Vendor ID Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold. Total .Num.ber Date ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W P M ,c WINDEPMERE PROPERTY MIAGE 06, 28.23 N.N 6/2912023 108,150,00,8078,564444502 $371.67 $0.00 $371.67 -------------- ------------- -------------- TOTAL FOR FUND # 108 $371.67 $0.00 $371.63 ------------- --------------- -------------- GRAND TOTAL $371.67 $0.00 X371.67 System: 6/29/2023 9:02:21 AM County of Grant Page: I User Date: 6/29/20423 COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER TJser !D. nayanez Pavables Management Batch ID; BH-062823RGEXD Batch Comtdnent: Checkbook D. U. S. BANK * Voided Checks Audit Trail Code: DI-.MCHKO0003239 Posting Date: 61129/2023 Check Number Date Payment Number Vendor ID Check Name mount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- 9201611766 6/29/2023 0214756 rXpMGC WINDERINIERE, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT $371.67 --------------------- Tot--al Chet ks: 1 Checks Total.. $371.67 System: 6/2912023 8:44v,36 AM County of Grant Page: User Date: 6/29/2023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: rgonzales Payables Management Batch ID: SH-062823RGEXP Batch Comment, Batch Frequency: Single Use Trx Total Actual.- Trx Total Control, 1 Audit Tail Code, Batch Total Actual: $371.67 Batch Total Control.- $371.67 Batch Error Messages: Posting Date: 6/29/2023 User posting access denied V66d*or ID Ddebii-i4 .urn'& Docurnnt Date Voucher N'umbbr pur6haads"' curot Do nt Tatail Vendor Krhe Tefrns' lsc"A�011 WPMGC 06.28.23 KN 6/29/2023 0391831 $371.67 $371.67 WINDERMERE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GRANT COUNTY, INC Description 12543280 OBRA Emerg. Housing Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 0/010000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Typo Debit Amount Credit Amount 108J60,00,807&564444502 MH, ..BEACON - CBRA. -EMERC. PURCH 371.67 0.00 692.001,00.0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY 0.00 371.67 371.67 371.67 System: 6/29/2023 8:44:36 AM County of Grant Page.- 2 User Date: 6/29/2023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID. rgonzales Batch ID Payables Management Purchases Amount Terms Disc Avail Document Total Mrrr�rrT+.MMF'.�4rMaarM%MSI wt $371.67 $0�00 $371.67 ------------ State of Washington -County of Grant It the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the sefvices rendered or the labor performed as described herein, that any advance payment Is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for full or partla I fulfillment of a contractural obligation, and that the claim. is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the county, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Subscribed this L2'LqJdaY of (S I g n el. qd).- For or Department. Approved and Authorized By Date Allowed Commissioner cornmiss* i ioner Commissioner RVA'%m(s) Requested (include a photo if you need a specific item): - - --- ------------- --- ------------ Om Approximate Cost,, Stl[7e1'VISC}X''S Signature Date w FoilW109 (ROV. October tut 8) IIepa;rtrnent of 007reasury Mona, l30vanua 9QrvlQP I Name;aa snawn on your Windermere Propert, 2 Business natmldlsreaard Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Gertifloation o tO r WWJr°,$.!'ov1Pbr WD fortnstruotions and Ahe latesat Information, ,mems tax return), Namo 10 roquired on thle line,, dD not ?-e- av? t1*V6 tlnc b aAk, i Management Grunt County, Inc.. ed entity name, if different from above 1 - mm - a 0 Chaok appropriate box for federal tax 65issifloatlon of the f eNon whoaff Parvo is er;tered on line 1. Cheok only one of the follaw1no saven baxe% 0. El IndlvlduEkllsale proprietor or IJ 0 Corporation oorperatlor; Pirtnershlp Trustleatato aingle„member LLO 00 _ Limited Ilability oornpany, int#r IN tOx 010010a0011 (CSC eorporatlbn, --S corporatler7, p=Partr,orshia) io. Note, Oi`teclt the a proprlate box in •I1le Itne obova for flto tai, olessiiloatlrn of the: single-rf oMber 04,Vner. Do not cheoit LLQ if tIiQ LLL Is c asslfw ea a single -member LLC that Is disregwded fro n the owner unloss the owner oft e h L�C Is emother LLC that Io not d[srsgsrded (mm the owner for U.S. federgl tax purposes. Otherwise, a sirr�te-m�ri�ber LLG the Is disregarded from s a t t r eF�c uid check 4%a ppraprla e ox for rho tail otasaifidatlon of its 0tvinetr, Q +�thar �soo Ir�atru�llor��� � ivo Forri to the roq uester. Do irkat sane to the IRS% 4 15MmpticrM (codes Opply onty to- oortettn entitles, not IndivIduab; We icst .rorlons on. nage 8i: FxempE payee node (if Any) Exemption from r'ATCA reporting code tiff ate) t�a�ttttf3 dJrctr�i�r1 Biu f,.j m rssi rt -m-Wr, street, and apt# ar soul to no.) see Instructions. 324 S. Ash St, Suite A Keguestar a thane and addreas �opttohao 8 Clay, slat'o, and ZIP oodo Mases Lake, 'ISA 98837 7 Llst account number(h) Karo f orrtloniali a TaxPaYer Identification Number (TIN) jiter'' Your TIMI In tine oppropriate box, The TIN provided mast matcb the narrto given on Una I to avoid backup Withholding. Por hidivIduttCs, this Is vanerally yourscolal security nuMber (SSM. However, for a roaldent allon, We proprfotor, er dlaregarded entlb/, see the Instruutlons for Part I, later, For other entitles, It is your employer Idei tlficatlon nuirr fiber It you do not hisve el number, sea How to get a TY], later. Note: If the account Is In mora the one nano, svo tno Instruotlons for Ilne '1, Also see What ams at7c �41;wLet,To Give the Requester for guidelines on whose mummer to We 49001oi soourity nt,lm bor Cr Employer i+riatlttfroation inuntber s----------- o - an a -ems . VerTITICSTIon+ Under;perraltles of penury, I certify that: ` Tho number shown an thia form Is my 600eot taxpwyer Identlflcatldtt number (or I am walting for a number to be la uedd to o; and 2.1 am loot.subject to backupItni oldIng beoauser (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I ll;ate not been notifled to the Interval y i�e�el�ue Gervide (IFtS) that i am suWeot to b l( p wlthltoldIng as a result of a fallura to sport all IMerest or dividentio, or (0) thia IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to baokt pwithholding; and 3. t ort, o U-8, cltlzcn or other UA person (doomed below). and The FATCA code(s) entered on trial form (It any)111d1oatlrto that I am exempt horst FATCA rrepc ing Is oor'rect Certification Instructlom. You MeA cross out lam 2 above It you have been notlt'ied by tete Ins that you aro rurrently subact to backu t c� you have falied to report all interest and dividends on your tax return, For real estate trans ac�tlons, Iter does not apply der Mortgage sdl% p ause r go l� utast paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, eancell�tlon of debt* contributlons to an IndihAdual retirement arrangement (IRA): ar�d on0rhlly, Payments other trot lntereet and dividends, you are not required to sign the Jeri loatlon, but you must �rovlde your erect TIM. See the Ing rulotlons for Part - IP l.I, later. t a ere I v.s. porsow* ) Date l0- Z�,. 2e90 Air G o 'r l Instructions, ------- *Form `IgJ19-aIV (div[deods, Including those from st€aolmormutual Section references aro to tate Internal Revenue Code unless ollhorwlse noted., f�rnds� ”mFarms � tlfl9MNfil� oasts (us typea of Income, J prizes, awards, or aroaa Futuro developments. For the lato rt Information about developmanta relatad to Form w-9 and Its InstruGtIOns, such as legislation +enaoted Proceeds) 16 f=arms 10,99-13 (stock or mutual fund sales and dbrtaln ether after they viere pubilshed, go to www.1rs,gov1FormW9, trapsactibna by brokers) Purpose� �1" Front)1099.8 (proceeds from mal estate trgnsaotjbns +►~crm 1 099M1< (tinerriarTtoard and titlyd party . network y n tw rk trarnsaotions) An Individual or enOy (Fc: rm it1l-9 t-eguester) who Is required to Ilia an Information return with the IRS must obW n your oorroot taxpayer Form f Oga (home mortgago int+erest),1098 -E (student noon Intemst)r 1 098 T` (tiultleh Identlfioadon number (TIN) which may be yOur aoclal seout-Ity number (8$11), In�il�rt�Itaol taxpayer ldentltloatlort number (I'TIN)t AdoptionForm �l t�g� (canceled debt taxp r Identification nummor (ATIN), or employer Identification number • Forret t g9g-A (aoquisItlarn or abarrdat�rnent of secured pr'operty) (MN), to report on an information raturf the amount paid to you, or other amount reportable on an Information return, Examples of infoqrratlerr Use Form w-9 only it you are a U.. person (including a realdent alien), to provide your correct TIN, returns Include, but are not limited to, the followilloo Parrs '1099 -INT Interest earned or gid { p If YOU �� n� �efur'rx Form Ir'�M.� to fhe re uesfet� �rtfh � TE,� o � , you might tae Sub*t to bactrup Ithholding, See What Is backup withholding, later, 00, No.,10931X