HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - Accounting (002)Payable batches audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RC W 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board: As of this date, 06/22/2023 the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those payable batches . Payable Total: 3,399.00 Reviewed and certified by: OW dOOOF-- 90 issio, r Commission'e*l 7 Chairnian.juLt4e-froard of Commissioners Date: 6/[2023 ,2� Invoices/Batches not approved: Double Checked by: Date: AP BATCH ID: GCEMG 6/2212023 Grant County Claims Clearing Account - 9201 Name FUND AMOUNT CURRENT EXPENSE 001,000. COUNTY ROADS 101 CARES ACT - ELECTIONS 102 VETS ASSISTANCE 104 HAVA 3 ELECTIONS 106 FEDERAL DRUG MENTAL HEALTH 107 108 $ 3 ST DRUG SEIZURE 109 LAW LIBRARY 110 TREASURER O/M JAIL CONCESSION 112 ECON ENHANCMNT 113 TOURIST ADVERT 114 COUNTY FAIR 110 INET INVESTIGATION 11$ PROS CRIME VICT 120 LAW & JUSTICE 121. TURNKEY LIGHT 122 AUDITOR O/M 124 DD RESIDENT PROD 125 R.EE.T. 1st 1/4% 126 TRIAL COURT IMPROV. 1.27 DOM VIOL SRRVCS 128 AFF HOUSING 129 HMLS Hs Lac -- -130 REST 2nd 1/40/a 132 Econ Enh. Rural Co 133 Dispute Resolution 136 Building 138 REET Admin 139 SHERIFF SURPLUS 140 SHB 1406 141 GC ABATEMENT 150 HILLCREST GRID 161. GRANTS ADMIN. 100 ARPA 191 AOC BLAKE DECISION ._ 192 MUSEUM CONTRUCTION 304 MACC Bond 307 MCKINSTRY ESSENTION 308 COUNTY FAIR SEWER: 309 PROP 1 SALES TAX 311 ERP. RESERVE 312 SOLID WASTE 401 DATA PROCESSING 501 INSURANCE .503 INTFUND BENEFITS 505 UNEMPLOY COMP 506 DENTAL INS. 507 OTHER PR BEN. 508 VISION BENEFITS EQUIP RENTAL 509 510 COMMUNICATIONS 511 PITS & QUARRIES 560 TOTAL TRANSFER: $ 3, i i �44 I t t AP COMPLETED BY: N.YANEZ JOURNAL ENTRY; TREASURER NOTIFIED: POSTING COMPLETED BY:. ,399.00 CHECKS: VOIDED; BATCH $ - $ 3,399.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ » $ $ - - $ 3,399.00 $ 3,399.00 $ - $ 3,399.00 PMCHK $ - $ 6,798.00 $ $ - $ $ $ - $ - $ $ _ $ - $ $ - S 6,798.00 $ 6,798.00 _ $ 6,798.00 _ CREDITS $ $ - $ $ - $ - $ $ - $ _ <s _ $ $ - $ $ - $ - $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ PMTRX 6,798.00 BH-062123RGCBRA » - - 1+ - - - 6,798.00 6,798.00 . 6,798,00 399.00 System: 6/21/2023 3:22:58 PM User Date: 6/21/2023 Batch ID: BH-062123RGCBRA Batch Comment: Trx Total Actual: 2 Batch Total Actual: $3,399.00 Batch Error Messages: User posting access denied County of Grant Page: I PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: rgonzales Payables, Management Batch Frequency: Single Use Trx Total Control: 2 Audit Trail Code: Batch Total Control: $3,399.00 Posting Date: 6/2112023 Work Messages: General Ledger.Distributions Account Account Description Account Type Debit Amount Credit Amount 108.150.1-00.0000..564004502MENTAL HEALTH... EMERGEl' PURCH JAA.n o 0.00 692.001,00,10000,211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE . PAY 0.00 11044.00 ------------------ ----------------- 1,044.00 11044.00 Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description Account Type MENTAL HEALTH .... EMERGEI! PURCH 692.001.00.0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY Debit Amount 21355.00 0.00 ----------------- 21355.00 Credit Amount 0.00 21355.00 ----------------- 21355.00 System-- 6/21/2023 3:22:58 PM County of Grant User Date- 6/21/2023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST Batch ID Payables Management Page: 2 User ID: rgonzales Purchases Amount Terms Disc Avail Document Total ----- — --------- ------------------ $3,399.00 $0.00 $3,399.00 State of Washington -County of Grant 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered or the labor performed as described herein, that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for full or partial fulfillment of a contractural obligation, and that the claim is a Just, due and unpaid obligation against the county, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Subscribed thisay of (Signed) For Department Approved and Authorized By ALI Date Allowed Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner renewGrant Behovloml Hea" 6 Uhe-Uness O�;R1S7'�1 �'� Name: /asy�/�/ Date• 3P�3 Items) 0 Requested (include a photo if you need a specific item)nI j -4-,4 � Funding Source, if known: a Reason for Request, Aft 7 '." ....... . Date Needed Joel"�t���-�k=-'��� - Supervisor's Signature J��,�r�e,y, Date/1�/� �� �UJ Please have your supervisor sign the form a then return it to the Finance Department. L a5y-a l LO Lre Form W=9 Request foy Taxpayer Pay. NoVember!20i 7) Ide. ntification Num Qi've Form to the of the Treasuq r and C6, -rt* cation _n Service Go tcw"4'v"'r'5-907JJ70rmW9 for in requester, E)o not I Name (as shown an your 1*nC0M9 tax ' stluir-tioms and the Jate$t Informa-tion Send to retum). the IRS :a] 3 Check QPPraprfafe box for fedeml ta. clas 01 following Seven boxes, Al the Prsan whoz-,b name enj e'P-d On MOO 1, Checkonly one Of the 4 EXaMPtIons nodes apply only to to:❑ IndividuaVsale Proprietor or certaffn entities, riot. Indivicruals; see W 01 D C COTOratlon E] Corporatipf, W C single-m-ernber LLC ID Partners,h{p Irls1ructions on page 3) - 9X 0 *0 4�1 *_ [] Urnited 114bllftY COMPany, Enter tha tax Classification jr,=G corporax'v'r"Pt POYLle code (it any) 0 PlOte: Check the appropriate tlOnl S -S cocOrporatfon, PzPartnership) 1�- -6.4 flate box In the 11-ne above rc *1= LLC If the LLC Is classilled as a r 1he tax ClOssiffIcation Of ft in r single-MOMber LLc that Is disregarded from the owner Member 0%"Zr. Do n another LLC that is not disregarded from unless the a dot check ExemPticn frcm;FATCA reparling M the Oww (or U.S. federal t owner of the LLC Is Is dismgardad from the owner should check the 3pproprlate ax PurPDSOS, Otherwise. a'slnglc—membar LLC tilat cede' V any) box for the tax classification of Ii 06 Other (see Instructlarts) 0. its oWner, CL SrA Address ra 5 Address (number, Street, and apt, Or suite n0J Scroinst 0 1916 lructians� POT,# 10'lcmml: SVq US (D 1916 641h Avp AtVz5t Requester's name and address (OpflonaQ 0 Q1Y, %ald, and Ali'codecode "fa oma, WA 9 466 7 Ust account numbeqs) he -a (opjlcmao M.'expayer Identific:ata -7- On Number (TIN) Entee Your TIN in the approp6atz backup withholding. For in - box., The TIN Prov ed must match the name given on dividualsi this IS generally Your V110 I to avoid. Saalw se'Qu resident alien, sole Proprietor, or d! Ur M*,Isl security number (S$N). HQ�,Ve nurnber Sragarded entREIN, see the Imtruction.5 for part 1, Vero for a entities, It Is Your employer Identification number () later. For otherP)V, later.If You do not have nVrnber, see. 140W to get a Kate: It the or account Is in amore than one name, see the instructions for line 1 Also see What Nam& Numbe-r 7-0 0 -is Requester for guldle- 1, IneS On WhOse number to enter and _ftpllorr liden M- ber F C -MOWN L!LLI eracation rt 1 7 9 6 6 r Under Penalties of perjury, I certify 1 - The nun1bC-r shown an this form 1.5 my correct taxPayer identification number (or I arta waiting Z 1 am not subject to backuP withholding because: (a) 12 for a number,to be ISSUed to Me); and Service (IRS) that i am subject to backup withhold,6. m exempt from backup withholdinq, Or M I have not be no longer subject to back C 83 a result ot a failure to report all int en notified by the Internal Rey�znue up withhtldfrig; and I Mst or dividends, or (c) the IFIL has. n0t' d me that 1,am 3. 1 am a U.S. Citizen or other U.S. person (deffned bet . o%v); and We 41. The FATCA code(s� entered on thi r Certification ins 's form RVA indicating that I tMotions. You must cmss out - ;'M "OmPt frOM FATCA re Itorn 2 abol�e li Porting.1s correct, Y01i have failed to report all IntErt-W end dividends on I You have been notified by the � 18s that y acquisition or abandani'Vent of secured dour tax return. For real estate transactions, IOU are currently subject to backup Mthholding because PPO.Perty,.cancellation of debt. I Conhibpt! , ftem 2 does nOt apply, For mortgeop 1;njB,,,t 'U other then Inter -Est and dividends, you .ara not required to Ions to an individVOI retirement of (IRA), ar�d paid, -sign the certification, but you MU,9t provil I Woe ide YOUr correct genara4 y t c�l T �IN, See YY, POYMMents Signature or U'S. person �110�i�r part 11, '�Ier- General'Instruc-ti ns Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code de unless otherwise Future developmgnts,, For the latest information about developm related to Form W - .q and it s instructions, such as eats legis)ation after they were published, go to WWW'1rS"g0V1F0rMW9. enacted PUTOS,e of Form An Individual or entity (Fonn W-9 requester) who Is required to rite an Information return With the IRS Must obtain Your correct taXpayer identification number (TIN) which may be your social security number (SSN), individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), adoption taxpayer IdentifiCation number (ATIN), or employer Identification numb (EIN), to report on an Intormation return the amount paid tO You,er or amount reportable on an InfOrmatiOn return, Examples Of infOrmatiother on retums include, but are not limited tot the following, a Form 1099 -INT (interest earned or paid) Cat. No, 10231 X Date ON. lc)/ J?/Ilg .1 Fours O's -DIV (dMdends, incloding those funds) from Stocks or mutual .a Form 1099 -MISS evarious I Proceeds) "YPes of income, prizzes, awards, or gross Form 10-00-8 (stack or mutual fund sales and certain transactions by brokart) other Form 1099-8 (proceeds from real estate transactions) • Form 1 o99 -K (merchant card and third Party network transactions) FQrM 1098 (home mortgage Interest , 1098-E (student loan interest},1098-T (tuition) a Form11099%W -C (canceled debt) 0 FQrM 1999-A (acquisition or abandonment of securedproperty) Use FOrm W-9 only if you are a U.S, Person (including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN. ffyou do not ratum Form �_'V-9 to the requester be subiect to backup WithhOlding. See What , lvitha TIN, YOU might later. backuP withholding, Form W-9 lri8v. 11 �-201 renew Gmft BehoVtorol Heolth 5 Wellness Nam■ e 3.-;Rr) Date, Item(s) Requested (include a photo if you need a specific item): Approximate Cost, �� � �- Funding Source, if known: Reason for Request: F. MA re, 14 IM Date Needed By. %r '%� ���; ��,�,� Supervisor's Signature /LL�� Date �;/�� /�� Please have your supervisor sign the form and then return it to the Finance Department, Form M Request for Taxpayer (Rev.. October 2018) Identification Number and Certification Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Go to www.IrS-90 1F�0rrnW,9 for instructions and the latest information. . - --., 1u� 01 <uVrJ I UJ E yuu, "Juume tax return), name is required on this line; do not leave this i€rte blank. .Windermere Property Management Grant County, Inc. 2 Business nameldisregiarded entity name, If different from above G 3 Check appropriate box for federal tax classificatlon of the person whose name` is entered on lima 1 Check onl one following seven boxes. v of the t�. 66 F1 individual/sole ro retor or ❑ C Corporation Q S Corporatlon ❑Partnership ❑ Trustlestate v W single -member LLC Umited liability company, `inter the tax eiassificatlon (C=C oorporation, S=S corporation, P=Partnershlp) l► ct �. Note, Check the appropriate box In they line alcove for the tax classification of thesingle-member owner. Do not Check LLC If the LLC is classifies{ as a single -member LLC that Is disregarded from the owner unless the owner of the LW is another LLC that Is not disregarded from the owner for U.S. federal tax purposes. Qtl7erwlse, a single -member LLC the Is disregarded from the owner should check the appropriate box for the tax classffication of its owner, ❑ Other (see Instructions) 10- (1) ~e7, 5 Address (number, street and apt or sulto na ) See int tl Give Form to the requester. Do not send to the IRS. 4 Exemptions (codas apply only to certain entities, not individuals; see Instructions on page 3); Exempt, payee code (f any) Exemption from FATCA reportinrq coda (11f any) OP08's 'to a':C0 n 1$ rr OtilfNIG+Qu(stdo IN US) s rue ons, 324 S. ASS St, quite AReques#er`S Hama and address (Optional) 6 C€ty, state, and ZIP code Moses Lake, WA '98837 7 List account number(s) hers (optional) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Enter your TIN In the appropriate box. The TIN ,provided must match the name given an line 1 to )veld backup withholding. For individuals, this is generally your social security number PSN However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded .entity, see the Instructions for Part I, (iter. For other entities, *It Is your employer Identification humber (EIN). If you do not have a number, see fo v to get a TIN, later. Note: If the account Is in more than one name, see the lnstructiotis for line 1, Also see What Name and. Number• To Give the Requester for guidelines on whose number to enter, Social security number "WE] _T or Employer ICfantffication number , t M Certification Under penalties of perjury, I certify that-. 1. The number shown on this form Is My correct taxpayer identification number or I am waitingfor 2q I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exemptfrom. backup Withholding,, r b� r�uarneb�r to be issued to me); and Service (IRS) that. I am subject to backup wi System: 6/22/2023 9-032-14 AM User Date: 6/22/2023 Ranges: Vendor ID; I - zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Vendor Name: First - Last Vendor Class t First - Last User -Defined 1: First - Last Sorted By: Vendor TD County of Grant CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT Payables Management Payment Priority: First - Last Due Date: First - Last Discount Date; First - Last Papp,ent Date: 6/30/2023 Page User ID: nayane-7 vendor iu vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On flol,d Total Number ------------------------------------------------------ Date ----- LLPOA LAKELAND POINTE APARTMENTS JULY.23 12542161 --------------- --------------------------------------- 6/21/2023 108,150-00,0000,564004502 _________ $11044.00 -------------- $0.00 $l -- r0--------- 6+4.00 WPMGC MIDERMERE PROPERTY KkIJAGE JUNE 23 12543280 6/21/2023 108,150-00-0000.564004502 $213-05.00 $0.00 $2,355,00 -------------- TOTAL FOR FUND # 108 ------------- $3,399.00 ____________ $0.00 $3,399.00 GIRARD TOTAL ------------- --------------- $3,399.00 -------------- $0.00 $3,399.00 I System: 6/22/2023 9:34:16 AM County of Grant Page: User Date: 6/22/2023. COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER User ID-. manez Payables lIanagement Batch ID: GCENIG-06.22.23 Audit Trail Code, PMCHKO0003235 Batch Coxnenzt--: Posting Date: 6/22/2023 Checkbook !D: U. S. BANK Voided Checks Check Number Date Payment Number Vendor ID Check Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount ----------------------------------------------------------- 9201611603 6/22/2023 0214593 LLPOA LAKELAND POINTE APARTMENTS $1t044.00 9201611604 6/22/2Q23 0214594 WPMGC WINDERIERE PROPERTY MANAGERNT $2,355.00 Total Checks: 2 --------------------- Checks Total: $3,399.00