HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Public WorksAMENDMENT 13
Ephrata Landfill
Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study, and Cleanup Action Plan
Scope: Phase I North End Supplemental Investigation
August 21, 2019
Amendment 13 covers PGG's costs to perform the Phase I North End Supplemental
Investigation at the Ephrata Landfill (drilling, sampling, and related work). It also covers costs
for conducting initial phase 2 planning during the phase I work; however, phase 2 work will
be formally scoped under a different amendment after completion of phase I work.
Amendment 13 also covers recent tasks verbally authorized to be performed by PGG reviewing
the City's new technical consultant's recommendations for the site, participating in meetings
with the Department of Ecology (Ecology), developing the Phase 1 Work Plan and soliciting
prospective drillers.
The City's team recommendations and meetings with Ecology led to the decision to conduct
the supplemental north end investigative work (phase 1) and additional pilot testing of remedial
measures, if necessary (phase 2). Completion of phases I and 2 will then be used to finalize
the Feasibility Study for the site. PGG will lead the phase I effort.
The phase I supplemental investigation will entail drilling up to 81 new monitoring wells in
the P1 zone, P2 zone, and Roza aquifers in the source area and downgradient beyond the Point
of Compliance (POC) north of the landfill. Data collected from the new wells will be used to
further characterize the source area and the downgradient Roza plume. The phase 1 work is
expected to take up to 7 months to complete. Drilling and sampling will likely occur during
the fall/winter of 2019, and data analysis and reporting will likely occur in early 2020. The
results of phase I will be summarized in an R1 addendum report and be used. to facilitate
development of phase 2 work (additional pilot studies, if necessary). As mentioned above, this
amendment includes costs for initial phase 2 planning; however, the phase 2 work will be
scoped under a different amendment upon completion of phase 1.
Amendment 13 is broken into the following tasks:
• Task I Project Management
• Task 2 Respond to City's Comments and Recommendations on the RIFS
• Task 3 Develop Phase I Work Plan
• Task 4 Conduct Expanded June 2019 Groundwater Sampling
• Task 5 Well Drilling Observation and Coordination
• Task 6 Survey Well Network
Ephrata Landfill RITS Exhibit A Page I
Amendment 13
August 21, 2019
If you agree to the scope of work and budget; and acknowledge that the terms and
conditions of the original contract apply to this amendment, please sign both copies of this
amendment and return one signed copy to us.
For Grant County:
Date g !2 #7 /141
Exhibit A Work Scope
Exhibit B Amendment 13 Budget
Exhibit C Historic Project Budget Table
Ephrata Landfill RDFS Amendment 13 Page 2 of 2
August 21, 2019
For Pacific Groundwater Group:
Date 8/21/2019
Stephen Swope
• Task 7 New Well Sampling and Testing
• Task 8 Sample Private Offsite Wells
• Task 9 Data Management and Analysis
• Task 10 Reporting
• Task 11 Initial Phase 2 Planning
Some of the above tasks have already been performed per verbal authorization as described
below and some of the initial costs associated with previously performed tasks were covered
by reallocation of surplus budgets of prior amendments. Costs for previously authorized tasks
under Amendment 13 as shown in Exhibit B therefore only include those costs that were not
covered by reallocation of surplus budgets under prior amendments.
Each task is described below.
Task 1 Project Management
PGG will develop a phase I scope and budget (Task I a). PGG will communicate regularly
with Grant County, Ecology, City of Ephrata, consultants, and subcontractors to fulfill
contracted work, promote progress toward project goals, and control costs (Task 1b). PGG's
project manager will manage staff and schedule to ensure project activities are completed
effectively and efficiently and provide input on regular progress reports to Ecology (Task I c).
Invoices will be prepared monthly by PGG's project manager and be accompanied by receipts
and a spreadsheet indicating the tasks where progress and costs have occurred (Task I d). Task
I also includes costs to update PGG's Health and Safety Plan for conducing the Phase I field
work (Task le).
Task 2 Respond to City's Comments and Recommendations on RIFS
PGG will review technical comments and recommendations provided by the City of Ephrata's
technical consultants (Task 2a). PGG will also attend meetings with the City team and Ecology
to discuss the City's recommendations (Task 2b). This work was previously authorized and
performed, but was not included in prior amendments. Costs in Exhibit B are those costs that
were not covered by reallocation of surplus budgets under prior amendments
Task 3 Develop Phase I Work Plan
PGG will develop a work plan to conduct the phase I supplemental investigation. The plan
will cover the monitoring well drilling and installation program. It will also describe the
groundwater sampling and monitoring procedures. A draft work plan will be generated for
review by the County and City team (Task 3a). Comments received from the City and County
will be addressed in a final draft for Ecology review. PGG will also address any comments
provided by Ecology in finalizing the work plan (Task 3b). This work was previously
authorized and performed, but was not included in prior amendments. Costs in Exhibit B are
those costs that were not covered by reallocation of surplus budgets under prior amendments.
Ephrata Landfill RI/FS Exhibit A Page 2 PgG
Amendment 13
August 21, 2019
Task 4 Expanded June 2019 Groundwater Sampling
As part of the Phase I work, PGG will sample 17 existing R1 wells in the P I zone, P2 zone,
and Roza aquifer (Task 4a). The P2 zone and Roza wells have not been sampled since
completion of the RI in 2010. The PI source area wells have not been sampled since
groundwater rebounded in the P1 zone after completion of the 2017 P1 MPE pilot test. These
data will be used together with results of new well sampling under Task 7 to update the
conceptual model of groundwater contamination at the north end of the site. This task also
covers costs for working with County personnel during the June 2019 event to stake out the
new drill locations and discuss construction of access roads (Task 4b).
PGG will subcontract with Analytical Resources Inc. of Tukwila, Washington to perform all
laboratory analyses under this task.
Task 7 was previously authorized and performed, but was not 'included in prior amendments.
Costs in Exhibit B are those costs that were not covered by reallocation of surplus budgets
under prior amendments.
Task 5 Well Drilling Observation and Coordination
The well drilling program under this scope will involve drilling and installing up to 81 new
monitoring wells in the P I zone, P2 zone, and Roza aquifer at the north end of the site as
described in the Phase I work plan. Task 5 is broken into the following subtasks as detailed
below. Note that drillers costs are not included in PGG's Amendment 13. The county will
contract directly with the driller.
• Under subtask 5a, PGG will prepare drill specifications and solicit bids from four
qualified drilling companies to perform the work. This task was previously authorized
and performed, but was not included in prior amendments. Costs in Exhibit B are those
not covered by reallocation of surplus budgets under prior amendments.
• Under subtask 5b, PGG will conduct a pre-bid site visit with solicited drillers to go
over drilling logistics and drill rig access. This task was previously authorized and.
performed, but was not included in prior amendments. Costs in Exhibit B are those not
covered by reallocation of surplus budgets under prior amendments.
• Under subtask 5c, PGG will review bids received by drillers and make a
recommendation to the County. This task was previously authorized and performed,
but was not included in prior amendments. Costs in Exhibit B are those not covered by
reallocation of surplus budgets under prior amendments.
• Under subtask 5d, PGG will conduct a final site visit to evaluate access roads
constructed by the County to the drill sites. Evaluation of access roads will occur prior
to driller mobilizing to the site.
• Under subtask 5e, PGG will provide field geologist(s) to observe, geologically log, and
coordinate well construction during drilling. Drilling is tentatively scheduled to begin
Ephrata Landfill RI/FS Exhibit A Page 3
Amendment 13 15
August 21, 2019
in mid-September with a 10 -day on and 4 -day off drilling schedule. Most of the drilling
will be accomplished using two air rotary drilling rigs. A subset of borings targeting
the Roza will be drilled using a sonic drilling rig. Our scope assumes up to eight 10 -
day shifts will be required to drill and install the wells according to the specifications
in the work plan and that each drill rig will require a full-time field geologist to observe,
log, and coordinate well construction. The drilling schedule may be shorter, depending
on efficiency of drillers and number of final wells actually drilled and 'installed.
PGG costs under subtask 5e cover one full-time field geologist for the duration of the
drilling program and a second full-time field geologist during the first couple weeks of
drilling when both air rotary and sonic drilling is expected to occur. PGGs costs under
subtask 5e also covers several field days for the PGG project manager during the
beginning of the drilling program to oversee operations. Parametrix will provide a third
full-time field geologist to assist with this effort; however, that labor will be contracted
in a separate contract between Parametrix and the County.
Task 6 Survey Well Network
PGG will coordinate and subcontract with a licensed professional surveyor to survey all
existing and new site monitoring wells consistent with the Phase I work plan (subtask 6a).
PGG will update project databases with new survey information and compare with the old
survey data (Task 6b).
Task 7 New Well Sampling and Testing
PGG will sample all new monitoring wells and conduct short-term pumping tests consistent
with the Phase I work plan (subtask 7a). Subtask 7a assumes sampling and testing of new
wells will take about 3 weeks to perform using two teams. Each team will consist of two field
staff. PGG's costs under subtask 7a assume three full-time PGG field staff. Parametrix will
provide a fourth full-time field staff to assist with this effort; however, that labor will be
contracted in a separate contract between Parametrix and the County. PGG will subcontract
with Analytical Resources Inc. of Tukwila, Washington to perform all laboratory analyses
under this task.
Task 7 also includes costs for PGG to conduct 4 quarters of site -wide groundwater level
monitoring (subtask 7b).
Task 8 Sample Private Offsite Wells
Task 8 covers costs to assist the County with sampling of several private offsite wells northeast
of the landfill. Sampling during the RI in 2009 and 2010 found a few private wells in this area
with low levels of a few volatile organic compounds (VOCs) below regulatory drinking water
standards. However, the laboratory reporting limit for vinyl chloride in these samples (0.2
ug/L) was above the MTCA standard value (0.029' ug/L) and could not be evaluated for
exceedance of the MTCA standard. A few new private wells have also been constructed
northeast of the landfill since the 2009 and 2010 sampling events. Task 8 covers PGG costs
for sampling up to 14 private offsite wells for site contaminants of concern and VOC-SIM
method for vinyl chloride which provides lower laboratory reporting limits for comparison to
Ephrata Landfill RI/FS Exhibit A Page 4 PgG
Amendment 13
August 21, 2019
the MTCA standard value. Under this task, PGG will assist the County with preparing request
letters to home owners to sample their wells (subtask 8a), conduct the sampling (subtask 8b),
and prepare result letters for home owners (subtask 8c). PGG will subcontract with Analytical
Resources Inc. of Tukwila, Washington to perform all laboratory analyses under this task.
Task 9 Data Management and Analyses
PGG will manage and analyze new site data generated during the phase 1 investigation as
described under the following subtasks. The data and maps generated under this task will be
used, to facilitate phase 2 work (additional pilot studies, if necessary) and finalize the feasibility
• Under subtask 9a, PGG will compile site geologic observations into a Rockwork-s
database. Rockworks is a software program for creating 2D and 3D maps, logs and
cross-sections to assist with site characterization and data visualization.
• Under subtask 9b, PGG will prepare digital print -quality geologic logs and well
construction as-builts for the newly installed wells.
• Under subtask 9c, PGG will construct up to four new geologic cross-sections at the
north end of the landfill portraying the extent of key stratigraphic layers and water
bearing zones.
• Under subtask 9d, PGG will prepare groundwater elevation maps for the P I zone, P2
zone, Roza aquifer, and Interflow aquifer using data collected under subtask 7b.
Groundwater elevation. maps will be prepared for each of the four quarterly water level
monitoring events.
• Under subtask 9e, PGG will analyze the results of short-term pumping tests performed
at the newly installed wells. The analysis will evaluate individual well yields and
aquifer properties at the location of the well.
• Under subtask 9f, PGG will perform standard quality assurance and quality review of
analytical data in accordance with Phase I work plan.
• Under subtask 9g, PGG will import field and analytical parameters into PGG's in house
database and Ecology's online EIM database.
• Under subtask 9h, PGG will develop analytical summary data tables with comparison
to MTCA standard criteria and preliminary site clean-up levels.
• Under subtask 9i, PGG will develop maps portraying the extent of groundwater
contamination in the P I zone, P2 zone, Roza aquifer, and Interflow aquifer.
• Under subtask 9j, PGG will develop aquifer thickness and extent maps for the P I zone,
P2 zone, and Roza aquifer at the north end of the landfill.
Ephrata Landfill RI/FS Exhibit A Page 5
Amendment 13
August 21, 2019
Under subtask 9j, PGG will transfer and share project data with the City's consultants
as new data is collected.
Task 10 Reporting
PGG will summarize the results of the Phase I investigation in a Remedial Investigation (RI)
Addendum III report. Task 10 covers costs to develop a draft report (subtask I Oa), participate
in one in-person meeting with the City, County, and Ecology stakeholders in Ephrata (Task
I Ob), and finalize the data report (Task I Oc). Maps, tables, and cross sections generated under
Task 9 will be 'incorporated into the RI Addendum report.
Task 11 Initial Phase 2 Planning
This task covers costs for any initial phase 2 planning that may occur during the phase I
investigative work. Phase 2 work (pilot testing, if necessary) will be formally scoped under a
different amendment upon completion of the phase I investigation.
Ephrata Landfill RI/FS Exhibit A Page 6 P16' G
Amendment 13
August 21, 2019
EXHIBIT B. Pacific Groundwater Group - Amendment #13 Budget (Phase 1 Supplemental North End Investigation)
Amendment #13 to Original Contract dated August 6, 2007
Auaust 21, 2019
Phase 1 Supplemental North End Investigation
Support Technical Associate Principal Labor Direct Subcontract
$70.00 $120.61
Cost Cast
1 Project Management
1a Project Scope and Budget
1b Communication with PI -Ps and Ecology
1c Manage Project Progress and Staff
1d Invoicing and Tracking Budget
1e Update Site Health and Safety Plan
2 Respond to City's Comments and Recommendations on RIFS (Previously Authorized)
2a Review and Respond to City's Comment and Reoommendations
2b Attend Meetings with City's New Consultant and Ecology
$3,363.60 Travel
3 Develop Phase 1 Work Plan (Previously Authorized)
3a Draft Phase 1 Work Plan
3b Finalize Phase 1 Work Plan
4 Expanded June 2019 Sampling Event (Previously Authorized)
4a Expanded June 2019 Sampling (includes landfill supply well)
$15,153.13 Travel
$1,117.00 Lab Analytical
4b Stake Drill Locations
$770.55 Lodging/Meals
5 Well Drilling Observation and Coordination
5a Prepare Drill Bid/Solicitation for County (Previously Authorized)
51b Prebid Site Visit with Drillers (Previously Authorized)
$3,698.64 Travel
5c Review Driller's Bids for County (Previously Authorized)
$308.22 Lodging/Meals
5d Pre Mobilization Site Visit/Assess Road Access
$1,541.10 Travel
5e Observe Drilling and Well Construction
$210,208.02 Equipment
6 Survey Well Network
6a Survey Coordination and Observation
$2,063.76 Travel
$272.25 Surveyor
6b Update Coordinates in PGG Database and Compare to Old Survey
7 New Well Sampling and Testing
7a Water Quality Sampling and Short Term Pumping Tests (1 event)
$72,827.81 Travelffrucks
$9,900.00 Lab Analytical
7b Water Level Monitoring (4 quarterly events)
$7,397.28 Lodging/Meals
8 Sample Private Offsite Wells
$2,465.76 Travel
$272.25 Lab Analytical
8a Prepare Sample Request Letters for County
$10,988.80 Lodging/Meals
8b Sample Private Offsite Wells
$5,011.92 Equipment
8c Prepare Result Letters for Home Owners
9 Data Management and Analysis
9a Compile Site Geologic Database in Rockworks
9b Prepare Geologic Logs and Well As -Built
9c Prepare Geologic Cross Sections
9d Develop Water Table Maps (4 quarterly events)
9e Analyze Pumping Test Data
9r QA/QC Analytical Data
9g PGG and EIM Database Management
9h Prepare Analytical Summary Data Tables
9i Develop Water Quality Maps for each Aquifer
9j Develop Aquifter Thickness and Extend Maps
9k Data Sharing with City Consultants
10 Reporting
10a Draft RI Addendum Report
$5,454.16 Travel
10b Report Summary Meeting with Ecology & Stakeholders
10c Final RI Addendum Report
11 Intial Phase 2 Planning
5 2,022
$350 $243,873
Ephrata Landfill RI/FS Amendment 13 Exhibit B JE0714 8121/2019 P G
EXHIBIT C. Ephrata Landfill R11FS Interim Actions - Historic Project Budget Table
August 21, 2019
Ephrata Landfill RI/FS Amendment 13 Exhibit C JE0714 8/21/2019
TI Nlanagement and Planmng
T2 Evaluate Soil/GW Contamination near Drums
�T3 EvaluateContamination from Other Sources
T4 Delineate Groundwater Contamination
T5 Pump Groundwater Interim Action (Hole, NM-34pl, LNAPL)
T6 Contingency Work (Phase 2)
T7 Data Tvianaggement
T8 RI Analyses
T9 FS Support
TIO RI Report
T1 I Public Participation
T12 RI Memo (Phase I Report)
,2011 TASKS (RI Adenclum, Memos, LNAPL, Monitoring)
2012 TASKS (LNAPL, Monitoring, Whitson Well) ME
2012 TASKS (North End Soils/Neva Lake Rd IRAP)
12013 TASKS (LNAPL, Monitoring, New POC Wells Work Plan)
AD • TASKS 2015 to 2017
ActionTask I Project Management for Tasks 2 & 3 (2015 to 2017)
Task 2 Interim
Bi -Annual PilotGroundwaterTask
-------- • 1 ___
• • 1
Task I Project Management
2 Assessment and Remedial Investigation (Drilling & Testing New Wells)
Task 3 Interim Action (MPE Pilot Testing)
Task 4 Final FS Report Support
------�-- 1 \ • __
------_-- • • • • __
.. I
Task I Project Management (2018 to 2019)
Task 2 Bi -Annual Groundwater Monitoring (3 Events)
Task 3 Final RVFSIMPE Report Support (Address Ecology Comments)
;Task 4 Department of Ecology Support on CAP
Task 5 Suppport with Completion of FS Report
Task I Project Management
Task 2 Respond to Citys Comments/Recommendations
Task 3 Phase I Work Plan
Task 4 Expanded June 2019 Sampling
'Task 5 Well Drilling
Task 6 Well Surveying (PGG or County?)
Task 7 Sampling/Testing New Wells
Task 8 Sample Private Offsite Wells
Task 9 Data Management and Analysis
• RI Addendum Report
Task 11 Initial Phase 2 Planning
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Ephrata Landfill RI/FS Amendment 13 Exhibit C JE0714 8/21/2019
August 21, 2019
Amendment 13
Grant County
124 Enterprise Street SE
Ephrata, WA 98823
Pacific Groundwater Group, Inc.
2377 Eastlake Ave E. Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98102
PROJECT: Ephrata Landfill Remedial Investigation (RI), Feasibility Study (FS),
and Clean Up Acton Plan (CAP) —Phase I North End Supplemental Investigation
This signature page, attached work scope (Exhibit A), Amendment 13 work budget (Exhibit
B), and historic project budget table (Exhibit C) constitute Amendment 13 to the contract
dated August 6, 2007 between the Grant County and -Pacific Groundwater Group (PGG).
Amendment 13 covers Phase I North End Supplemental Investigation at the Ephrata Landfill
as negotiated with the City of Ephrata's technical team and representatives from the
Department of Ecology and as detailed in the Phase I Work Plan.
PGG work elements anticipated to be necessary to complete the work under Amendment 13
are broken into the following tasks:
• Task I Project Management
• Task 2 Respond to City's Comments and Recommendations on the RIFS
• Task 3 Develop Phase I Work Plan
• Task 4 Conduct Expanded June 2019 Groundwater Sampling
• Task 5 Well Drilling Observation and Coordination
• Task 6 Survey Well Network
• Task 7 New Well Sampling and Testing
• Task 8 Sample Private Offsite Wells
• Task 9 Data Management and Analysis
• Task 10 Reporting
• Task 11 Initial Phase 2 Planning
Amendment 13 budget is $890,065 which brings the total authorization to $3,776,288
(Exhibit Q.
The Terms and Conditions set forth in the original contract dated August 6, 2007 govern work
under this change order unless amended herein. Budgets under this amendment are in addition
to budgets established in the original contract and Amendments/Change Orders 1 through 12.
Ephrata Landfill RDFS Amendment 13 Page 1 of 2
August 21, 2019