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Grant Related - BOCC (010)
GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To: Board of County Commissioners From: Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Dabn June 23, 2023 Re: Authorization for Release of Funds, Dept of Commerce, CDBG CV1 #20- 6221C-111, Subrecipient O/C Request #32 OIC has requested reimbursement regarding the above -referenced grant in the amount of $1,161.67 for May 2023 expenses. Their documentation is attached for review. I am requesting the release of funds for payment to OIC in the amount of $1,161.67. The attached A19 reflects both CV1 (OIC) & CV2 (Renew) expenses for May 2023 as a combined A19 is required by Commerce. Thank you. [APPROVEDI JUN 21, 2023 CONSENT A19 VOUCHER FORM Voucher #8 WASHINGTON ST ATE 'A6ENiCTN Ek. IDIS �PRWECT: NUMBER.' COMMERCE CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF COMMIERCE A19 VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION 1030 107 20-6221 C-111 E t MART:- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Submit this form to claim payment for materials, merchandise or services. ATTN: CDBG-CV PO BOX 42525 OLYMPIA, WA 98504-2525 Vendor's Certificate: I hereby certify under perjury that the Items and totals listed herein are proper charges for materials, merchandise or services furnished to the State of Washington, and that all goods fumished and/or services rendered have been provided without VENDOR OR arrant S to'bepayable to:) .2 discrimination because of age, sex, marital status, race, creed, color, national origin, handicap, religion or Vietnam era or disabled veterans status. GRANT COUNTY PO BOX 37 EPHRATA, WA 98823-0037 . (SIGN IN BLUE INK) REPORTfNG PER -2 .-May 3 (DATE) 1DIS Activity v _D.E#q* 011TOW., bRIGINAL� P ' RIOR AMOUNT,, 'AMOUNT TH :JREMAINING., 1'. REQUESTED NVOIC, E 1E, _Add ete budg I* et- We d� 'udei IV' or Bele 0:00 d 8110 21AGenesi di - easesounx '0 3111 -105Q,Pijblj�� :exvices A U -93 .4 9 -5.28 6367 0 51 .70753 4 7" J4 S5.05 5 0 Ps_�U e lity) (0 000 00 .10160.0 .9 $ 9 . ..... 7= 27,914.32 38.96 2Jr . 1;51;034 57 -85, 18242 1715 LL 6 :.-8-3 1Z.0 1 -3 18C Me" Ad =n .3 C 'M ...... ialftand S dA' r, 6 7;02,. w. 51. 9 f I I a P - 0,M`0 $ 0 SU TRANS,O ., .. . ..... U ':SUB.,OBJ S, �13 )66DE 4�:'MAWERJIM,: .!.4 CCT, Ul3SID`,' C1 622CO320 NZ 5. :AMOUNT S�IPN�4TQR91)17 ACCOUNTING PR EPAR411. FOR PAYMENT.: _ o�, DATF--;�*-�...!'.-.-.-.*...I.i:.,,,,..'-..- `WARRANT "CMS I Jennifer Lewis, Pro ram Manager ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT DATE. CDBG Public Services Expenditure Report STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - CV GRANTS DEPT OF COMMERCE HOUSING &SUBSISTENCE ATTN: CDBG PROGRAM PO BOA 42525 OLYMPIA, WA 95504-2525 CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information on this form is a true and accurate report of the cash status and that all reported o expenditures are properly chargeable to the referenced grant. SUBRECIPIENT:`-. CDBG CONTRACT NO: Signature: ; OIC OF WASHINGTON 20-6221 C-111. 815 FRUITVALE BLVD REPORT MONTH: Printed Name: DEREJE MEKURIA YAKIMA WA 98902 May-23 REPORT NUMBER: Title: CFO 32 Date: 6/23/2023 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED THIS PERIOD: $446.47 1. Name of Service Program: HOUSING CDBG CV CDBG amount requested for these program activities this period: $38.96 Description of service program and how low- and moderate-income (LMI) persons were served this period: Assistance was advertised by radio, print and social media to targeted areas and qualifying households throughout the service area. 2. Name of Service Program: SUBSISTENCE CDBG CV CDBG amount requested for these program activities this period: Description of service.p'rogram how low- and moderate-income (LMI) persons were served this period: Assistance was advertised by radio, print and social media to targeted areas and households throughout'the service area. qualifying 3. Name of Service Pro ram: ADMIN HOUSING/SUBSISTENCE & OPERATIONS $407.51 Description of service program how low- and moderate-income (LMI) persons were served this period: General administration expenses associated with managing Housing and Subsistence activities oversight and assessments. Indirect admin. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT OF COMMERCE ...'J.- ATTN: CDBG PROGRAM PO BOX 42525 OLYMPIA, WA 9004-2525 SUBRECIPTENT:' OIC OF WASHINGTON 815 FRUITVALE BLVD YAIGMA WA 98902 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED THIS PERIOD: CDBG Public Services Expenditure Report CDBG CONTRACT NO: 20-6221C-111 REPORT MONTH: _j May -23 REPORT NUMBER: 31 $715.20 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - CV GRANTS MICRO -ENTERPRISE CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information on this form is a true and accurate report of the cash status and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the referenced grant. Signature: I Printed Name: DEREJE MEKURIA Title: CFO Date: 6/23/2023 1. Name of Service Program: MICRO-ENTERPRISEG amount requested for these progrtiities this periodhi _ _IICDB am acv$0.00 Description of service program and how low- and moderate -income (LMI) persons were served this period: Assistace was advertised to Micro -Businesses by radio, print, social media and face-to- face and assisted to financially qualifying businesses within the service areas. 2. Name of Service Program: ADMINISTRATION MICRO-ENTERPRISECDBGamountre 11 quested for these program activities this period: $715.20 Description of service, program how low- and moderate -income (LMI) persons were served this period: General administration expenses associated with managing Micro -Enterprise activities oversight and assesinefits.. Indirect Admin. 030 ow ow 030. 03& 03a 03& 030- 030- 030- M 030- 030- 030-1 030- 030-1 03N 03N 0304 03G-62-1 030-62-1 03"24 030-62-ff 030-62-11 030-6241 030-62-111 030-E 030-E 030-6 03U 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 01C of Washington CDBG CVI Expense Tracking Summary - 500 Grant Period: 10101/2020 - 06/30/23 20-6221 C-111 n1l I MUM% 13K=Ml^n. &MAXf 4SANSOV DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT ,05Q PUBLIC SERVICES -'SUBSISTENCE PAYMENTS viADMINISTRATION - INDIRECT (009) BUDGET 05X HOUSING $65,040.17 YTD EXPENSED (as of 05(31123) ASSISTANCE $27s149.42 YTD BILLED (as of 04/30/23) $27,028.35$63.78 DIFFERENCE BUDGET BALANCE (as of 05/31123) --- $379948.04 )s ,ADMINISTRATION - DIRECT (008) 52 Salary 5311 $317.83 $17,863.84 $317.83 $24,512.66 $317.83 $24,512.66 $0.00. $0.00 $0.00 ($6,648.82) 552 FICA, OIC Exp 5351 $1,319.00 $1,809.78 $1,809.78 $0.00 ($490.78) ;2.L AND 1, OIC Share 5352 $109.00 $149.88 $149.88 $0.00 ($40.88 ,z State UCI,OIC Exp ,2.PFML 5353 5355 $300.00 $99.00 $411.90 $135.67 $411.90 $135.67 $0.00- $0.00 ($111.901 ($36-671 aDisability, OIC Exp 5360 $204.00 $280.37 $280.37 $0.00 ($76.37) qMedical Insurance, OIC Exp 5361 $2s716.00 $3,726.18 $3,726.18 $0.00 K010.18) al-ife Insurance, OIC Exp 5362 $81.00 $111.46 $111.46 $0.00 ($30.46) qPension, OIC Exp 5363 $1,276.00 $1,750.51 $1,750.51 $0.00 ($474.51) 2Accrued PTO Exp 5364 $1.,154.00 $1,583. , 94 $1,583.94 $0.00 ($429.94) 2.Audit Costs 2Website design & Hosting 5402 5403 $77.00 $1,002.00 $105.21 $1,722.54 $105.21 $1,547.68 $0.00- $174.86-- --- 28.21 $720.54) 2.Mileage/Perdiem:-In state 5500 $936.00 $1,284,02 $11284.02 $0.00 ($348.02 ) 2Depreciation Exp Equip 2.Consumables 5602 5700 $14.00 $571.00 $20.19 $1,138.72 $20.19 $1,138.72 $0.00 $0.00 ($6.19) ($567.72) 2Reproduction Supplies 5712 $63.00 $86.26 $86.26 - $0.00--- - - ----- ($23.26) 2 _gquipment-added 5800$539.00 $738.98 $738.98 $0.00 ($199.98) 2 Insurance 5910 $79.00 $108.40 $108.40 $0.00 ($29.40) 2.Advertising 5945 $1,640.00 $2,250.00 $21250.00 $0.00 ($610.0 2Communication (Telephone/Cell & ISP) 5960 $719.00 $1,052.17 $1,015.79 $36.38 Ift ($333 .17 2 Postage 5970 $17.00 $41.59 $24.14 $17.45 % % ($24.591 ) epreciation Exp_Bldg 5601 $28.00 $48.67 $48.66 $0.01 j Depreciation Exp.Egulp 5602 $0.00 $0.05 $0.05 $0.00 -($20.67 ($0.05) Space_ Vtilities )[Build Repair/Maint. 1 5611 5630 5640 $116.001. $29.00 $45.00 $268.03 $72.84 $93.76 $208.30 $47.99 $70.52 $59.73 $24.85... $23.9414 %� ($152.03) ($43,84) ($48.76) )I Insurance 5910 $0.00 $0.41 $0.30 $0.11., ($0.41) ).Liabflitt , y. insurance T -o L 5912 $13.00 .6 7.84 $28.64 0(8: .°:$71;000,08 17 -`0 $21.54 $7.10 --4 ($15.64) 42"' SUBSISTS.::,PjU .1 Sif Ell - S.PAYM 3 NOF 0L VICE ElTS`-(b 30. 50 .62 Client Mortgage Payment 5618 $33,956.00 $23,019.85 4. $23,019.85 $0.00 Housing Asst/Rent 5619 $319907.00 $21,631.10 $21,631.10 $0.00 _..$101936.15 $10,275.90 Services 5959 -.110,9904.00 $7,392.13 $7,392.13 $0.00 $3,511.87 Client Mortgage Payment 5618 $113171.00 $7,573.46 $7,573,46 $0.00 $3,597.54 H.ousing Asst/Rent 5619 $62,062.00 $42,074.45 $42,074.45 $0.00 $19,987.55 SU ,0TAL 7777 '!50,000.00 -$101,890:99 io J.N M F O'k, ATION AND. REFERRAV ERVICES �(030-64, 030-;64-5 S Salary 5311 $36,549.59 $109200.22 $10,200.22 $0.dO $26,349.37 FICA, OIC Exp 5351 $29744.00 $765.06 $765.06 $0.00 $19978.94 L AND 1, OIC Share 5352 $207.00 $57.96 $57.96 $0.00 $149.04 State UCI,OIC Exp 5353 $510.00 $135-60 .It 1 AR An Tn nn V27A An I:IDATANONSHAREDXACCOUNTINGXAccounting_ElizalGrants-Contracts\Grants-Contracts-CurrentMO-CDBG COVID 19 fund (EB)X2- Billings=BG (500)Expense Tracking 6/2312023 030 030- 030- 030- 030- 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-D 030- 030-& 030-& 030-64 030-64 030-64 030-64 030-64-50 030-64-50 030-64-50 030-64-50 DESCRIPTION 64 64 64 ACCOUNT BUDGET $261.00 YTD EXPENSED (as of 05/31/23) $76.74 YTD BILLED (as of 04130123) $76.74 DIFFERENCE $0.00 BUDGET BALANCE (as of 05131123) $184.26 PFML 5355 4 Disabilily, OIC Exp 5360 $392.00 $117.32 $117.32 $0.00 $274.68 4 Medical Insurance, OIC Exp 5361 $3,240.00 $984.76 $984.76 $0.00 $2,9255.24 Life Insurance, OIC Exp 5362 $156.00 $46.58 $46.58. $0.00- $109.42 Pension, OIC Exp 5363 $2,9890.00 $807.05 $807.05 $0.00 $2..082.95 Accrued PTO Exp 5364 $2.9283.00 $760.97 $760.97 $0.00 $1,522-03 Audit Costs 5402 $202.00 $45.46 $45.46 $0.00 $156.54" ,Credit Reports 5411 $1,797.00 $490.50 $490.50� -$0.00- $1,306.50 -Mileage/Perdlem:-In state 5500 $5,759.00 $1,339.77 $1,339.77 $0.00 $4.,419.23 Pepreciation Exp Equip- 5602 $26.00 $5.75- $5.75 $0.00 $20.25 Consumables 5700 $5,385.00 $1,209.81 $1,209.81 $0.00 $4.,175.19 Reproduction Su plies 5712 $721.00 $173.35 $173.35 $0.00 $547.65 - _Equipment -added 5800 $119432.00 $2,568.42 $2,568.42 $0.00 $8.9863.58 -Insurance 5910 $135.00 $59.91 - $34.91 $25.00-- 030.63.Accrued Advertising 5945 $27.w685.00 $6,220.00 $61220.00 $0.00 ---$75.09 $219465.00 .Staff Training 5949 $890.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 $690.00 0 Communication (Telephone/Cell & ISP) 5960 $6,480.00 $1,469.82 $1,455.86 $13-96-- $59010.18 .Postage 5970 $752.00 $169.01 - �$169.01 $0.00 $S582.99 Depredation Exp Bldg 5601 $25.00 $5.59 $5.59 $0.00 - $19 $19.]41 epreciafion Exp Equip 5602 $0.00 $0.01 $0.01 $0.00 ($0.01 Space_ 5611 $76.00 --$17.08 $17.08 $0.00 $58.92 -Utilities 0 HA in 5630 $35.00 $7.79- $7.79- $0.00 $27.21 03U-0450 U t;pdll/lVldl"L. OW $65.00 $14.64 $14.64 $0.00 $50.36 030-6450 Insurance 5910 $0.00 $0.02 $0.02 $0.00 ($0.02 030-6450 Liability Insurance 5912 $18.00 $4.09 $4.09 $0.00 $13.91 030.63 B, T 0 . I ". , 'e'l � 5i.59 $110 71' SU.762:31'' 27�9 t3 .7. -14� $44,902.16 82" ooq ADMINISTRATION - INDIRECT (009) $299611.50 $11,191.54 $11,089.37 $102-17 - F!�- $189419-96 oo8 ADMINISTRATION - DIRECT (008) $49.50 $49.50 $49.50 $0.00 $0.00 030.63 Sala r y 5311 $689487.57 $44,902.16 $44,902.16 $0.00 $23,585.41 030-63 FICA, OIC Exp 5351 $5,049.00 $3,302.25 $13,302.25 $0.001 $1,746.75 030-63 L AND 1, OIC Share 5352 $472.00 $298.91 $298.91 $0.00 $173.09 030-63 State UCI,01.0 Exp 5353 $748.00 $483.62 $483.62 $0.00 $264.38 030-63 PFM L 5355 $530.00n $361.13 I $361.13 $0.00 $168.87 030-63Disability, OIC Exp 5360 $782.00 ----$575.1-8 $575.18 $0.00 $206.82 030-63 Medical Insurance, OIC Exp 5361 $lOs849.00 $7j710,21 $7,710.21 $0.00 $35138-79 030-63 Life Insurance, OIC Exp 5362 $310.00 $228.55 $228.55 $0.00 $81.45 030-63 Pension, OIC Exp 5363 $4,931.00 (43o264.76 $3,264.76 -$0.00 $13666.24 030.63.Accrued PTO Exp_- 5364 $4j,657.00 $3,538.27 $3,538.27 $0.00 $1,118.73 030-63Audit Costs 5402 $296.00 $105.21 $105.21 $0.00 $190.79 Website Design & Hosting 5403 $3,866.00 $1,722-56 $1o547.70 $174.86 $25143.44 030-63 030-63Mileage/Perdiem:-In state 5500 $2,163.00 $1,171.87 $905.93 $265.94 $991-13 030-63Depreciatio n Exp quip 5602 $10.00 $3.49 $3.49 $0.00 $6.51 030-63 Consumables 5700 $950.00 $610.94 $610.94 $0.00 $339.06 .030-63EqLfipment-added 5800 $1.1 53.00 $3,968.68 $3,968.68 $0.00. $7,184.32 030-6 Insurance' 5910 $191.00 $125.30 $125.30 $0.00 $65.70'.. 030-63 Liability Insurance 5912 $5.00 . $3.28 $3.28 $0.00"- $1.72* 030-63IDues/Memberships 5941 $49403.00 $41.67 $41-67 $0.00 $4,361.33 I:NDATANONSHAREDIACCOUNTING\Accounfing-Eliza\GrantsL_Contracts\Grants-Contracts-Current\500-CDBG COVID 19 fund (EB)\2- Billings\CDBG (500L Expense Tracking 6/23/2023 0Z 030- 030 030 -63- 03"3- 030 -63- 030-03- 030-s3-: 30-030030-63- 03"3- 030-63- 030-63- 030-63-: 030-63-; 030-63-11 030-( 030-E 030-E 030-6 030-6 030-6 YTD EXPENSED YTD BILLED BUDGET BALANCE DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT BUDGET ---- (as of 05/31/23) (as of 04130123) DIFFERENCE (as of 05/31/23) 6 Advertising 5945 $117.00 $1,566.67 $1,566.67 $0.00 t$11449 ,87 a Communication (Telephone/Cell & ISP) 5960 $898.00 $491.80 $319.57 $172.23'" $406.20 ,3 Meeting_Expense 5994 .$375.00 $133.33 $133.33 $0.00 $241.67 o Depreciation Exp_Bldg 5601 $12.00 $4.20 $4.20 $0.00 $7.80- o Depreciation Exp Equip 15602 $0.00 $0.01 $0.01 $0.00 0"01) o.Space 5611 $61.00 $21.65 $21.65 $0.00 $39.35 o Utilities 5630 $13.00 $4.61 $4.61 $0.00 $8.39' o Build Repair/Maint. 5640 $33.00 $11.88 $11.88 $0.00 $21.12' j Insurance 5910 $0.00 $0.04 $0.04 $0.00- ($0.04) j Liability Insurance 5912 $12.00 $4.35 $4.35 $0.00 $7.65 -.4 <.yc�x � �" ur<,« : E.{..r! '. i. �¢i'v..'F_ - - �. '.id'' .�ff3% / ..3 i4g� W 45NI f. 1, 4. . . . . . . -30 'A !T Client Mort a e Pa ment 5618 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 1 Housing Asst/Rent 5619 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 i Services 5959 $50,000.00 $25y697.02 $25,697.02 $0.00 $24302.98 -0-21K M` .. _ .. >. .,3 < _ .r: iJ':r. ..s:".Y < ✓ 4:.fii[ 4id;' -.t.. ;fc„C <. ;n:., . :. cL - .ENN-1 .r.! Y' 7'M .Consultant Contract Services 5400 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0 , 0 Training Materials 5730 $0.00 0.00 Client Training $ $0.00 $0.00 5965 $129000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 ............ ... '12 - OFA 2, 9' -24 U -45 7;$111,594;64 X11 Q87944 TOM - 43 ..... .. ... U .. .. .. ...�.,. :.Y_r p... ..,... ..- ,.. _. ,..... .. / 1 -f' :%GTAGIA 5 I:kDATANONSHAREDIACCOUNTING1Accounfing-ElizakGrants�_ContractsiGrants�-Contracts-Current\50OLCDBG COVID 19 fund (EB)12- B11fings=BG (500)Expense Tracking 6/23/2023 General Ledger System OIC OF WASHINGTON For User: Eliza Baysinger Fund Expenditure report for: 500 - CDBG-CVI 10/1/20-06/30/23 (Fund status: Active) Page: Page I of 6 Report year: 10/1 /2020 thru 6/30/2023 Period ending: May 2023 Date: 6/23/2023 Time: 7:20:02 AM -----Monthly-- ----To Date--- Account Budget Expenditures Pct Budget Expenditures Pct budget. Unexpended Department: 008 DIRECT ADMIN -Annual Program: 80 CEO OFFICE 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.16 $0.16 100.00% $0.16 $0.00 5960 COMMUNICATION $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $10.17 $10.17 100.00% $10.17 $0.00 Total for sub program -----> $0.00 $0.00 0.00%$10.33 $10,33 100-00% $10.33 $0.00 Sub program: 50 FACILITY MAINT 5601 DEPRECIATION EXP BLDG. $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $2.41 $2.41 100.00% $2.41 $0.00 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.02 $0.02 100.00% $0.02 $0.00 5611 SPACE $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $44.34 $44.34 100.00% $44.34 $0.00 5630 UTILITIES $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $8.84 $8.84 100,00% $8.84 $0.00 5640 B * UILD, REPAIR/MAINT. $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $35.96 $35.96 100.00% $35.96 $0.00 5910 INSURANCE $0.00 KOO 0.00% $0.16 $0.16 100.00% $0.16 $0.00 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE $0.00 . .. ....... ..... $0.00 0.00% $5.42 $5.42 100.00% $5.42 $0.00 T6taI for ro sub'pgram 60 . ..I '. $0.00 $0.00 0.00% ... . . . . ......... ........... . $97.15 . . ...... $97.15 100-00% $97.15 . ..... .. $0.00 Total for program 80 $0.00 $0.00 0.00%$107.48 $107.48 100.00 % $107.48 $0.00 Program: 82 CFO/ FISCAL 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.77 $0.77 100.00% $0.77 $0.00 5960 COMMUNICATION $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $26.53 $26.53 100.00% $26.53 $0.00 Total for subprogram $0.00 $0.00 0.00%$27.30 $27.30 100.00% $27.30 $0.00 Sub program: 41-4, j§P,-jFACILITY MAINT 5601 DEPf�, EXP BLDG. $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $5.78 $5.78 100.00% $5.78 $0.00 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.04 $0.04 100.00% $0,.04 $0.00 5611 SP $0.00 $0.60 0.00%$106.14 $106.14 100.00 % $106.14 $0.00 5630 UTILITIES; ES' $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $21.16 $21.16 100.00% $21.16 $0.00 5640 BUILbf.AtOAIR/MAINT. $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $86.08 $86.08 100.00% $86.08 $0.00 5910 INSURANCE $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.38 $0.38 100.00% $0.38 $0.00 5912 LIABi LOTY'l N SU RANCE $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $12.97 $12.97 100.00% $12.97 $0.00 General Ledger System OIC OF WAS N'GTON 1'- For User: 5112_6'� Baysinger Fund Expenditure report for: 500 - CDBG-CVI 1011f20-06/30/23 (Fund status: Active) Page: Page 2 of 6 Report year: 10/1/2020 thru 6/30/2023 Period ending: May 2023 Date: 6/23/2023 Time: 7:20:04 AM ---Monthly----- ------To Date-- Account ---------- Budget Expenditures Pct Budget Expenditures Pet Annual budget- Unexpended Total for sub program So $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $232.55 $232.55 100.00% - --------- $232.55 ::::7= $0.00 Total for program 82 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $259.85 $259.85 100.00% $259.85 $0.00 Total for department 008 -----> $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $367.33 $367.33 100.00% $367.33 $0.00 Department: 009 INDIRECT ADMIN Program: 0.2 ADMIN. POOL - BASE 5312 SALA M. ALLOCATION $2,121.00 $1,062.39 50,09% $68,280.67 $26,776.52 39.22% $70,417.67 $43,641.15 5354 P/R. 'BEN. ADM ALLOC. $552.00 $438.40 79.42% $17,664.00 $11,995.76 67.91% $18,219.00 $6,223.24 5999 NOWP�R,-SONNEL ADM. ALLOC. $182.00 $177.26 97.40% $5,824.00 $5,454.72 93.66% $6,015.00 $560.28 Total r sut` program $2,855.00 $1,678,05 . 58.78% . . . . ......... ... $91,768.67 $44,227.00 48.19% $94,651.67 $50,424.67 Total for program 02 $2,855.00 $1,678-05 58.78%$91,768.67 $44,227.00 48.19% $94,651.67 $50,424.67 Total for departdit-ht OD9 Department: �:.' cbvID 19 $2,355.00 $1,678.05 58.78% $91,768.67 $44,227.00 48.19% $94,651.67 $50,424.67 ot 104%,11 jW�c,. ro Program: -SUBSISTENCE 5311 SALAAI'ES,'WAGES EXPENSE $541.00 $0.00 0,00% $17,312.84 $24,512.66 141.59% $17,863.84 ($6,648.82) 5351 FICA,OIC EXP $39.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,248.00 $1,809.78 145.01% $1,319.00 ($490.78) 5352 L AND I,OIC SHARE $3.00 $0.00 0.00% $96.00 $149.88 156.13% $109.00 ($40.88) 5353 STATE UCI(ES),OIC EXP $9.00 $0.00 0,00% $288.00 $411.90 143.02% $300.00 ($111.90) 5355 PAIDFAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE $3.00 $0.00 0.00% $96.00 $135.67 141.32% $99.00 ($36.67) 5360 DISABILITY OIC EXPENSE $6.00 $0.00 0.00% $192.00 $280.37 146.03% $204.00($76.37) 5361 MEDICAL INSURANCE,OIC EXP $82.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,624.00 $3,726.18 142.00% $2,716.00 ($1,010.18) 5362 LIFE INSURANCE,OIC EXP $2.00 $0.00 0.00% $64.00 $111.46 174.16% $81.00 ($30.46) 5363 PENSIOKOIC EXP $38.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,216.00 $1,750.51 143.96% $1,276.00 ($474.51) 5364 ACCRUED PTO EXP $34.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,088.00 $1,583.94 145.58% $1,154.00 ($429.94) 5402 AUDIT ,,qPQTS $2.00 $0,00 0.00% $64.00 $105.21 164.39% $77.00 ($28.21) 5403 11,1�,DESIGN & HOSTING $0.00 $174.86 "' 0.00% $0.00 $1,722.54 0.00% $1,002.00 ($720.54) 5500 TRAVE�ti.4�".--. : .'' 4. *,... 1) $28.00 $0.00 0.00% $896.00 $128402 $1,284.02 .% 14331.02 $936.00 ($348 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $20.19 0.00% $14.00 ($6.19) General Ledger System OIC OF wAg-41* I`GTON For User: Eliza-*Baysinger Fund Expendf#ure report for: 500 - CDBG-CV1 10/1/20-06/30/23 (Fund status: Active) Page: Page 3 of 6 Report year:. F_=.,10/1/2020 thru 6/30/2023 Period ending: May 2023 Date: 6/23/2023 __. ___.._----=-----_-- _- -- -- Time: 7:20:04 AM Sub program: : 5i3 `SUBSISTENCE MAINTENANCE 0.00% $28.00 -----------__Ta Date _____ -,-,, �_ ----- _--__ Account , - .�- Budget Expenditures Pct Budget Expenditures Pct Annual budget Unexpended 8 CLIENT.MORTGAGE PYMENT $1,028.00 $0.00 0.00% $32,896.00 $23,019.85 69.98%--- -- -$33,956.00 $10,936.15 -� 5619 HOUSING ASST/RENT $966.00 $0.00 0.00% $30;912.00 $21,631.10 69.98% $31,907.00 $10,275.90 5700 CONSUMABLES $17.00 $0.00 0.00% $544.00 $1,138.72 209.32% $571.00 ($567.72) 5712 REPRODUCTION SUPPLIES $1.00 $0.00 0.00% $32.00 $86.26 269.56% $63.00 ($23.26) 5800 EQUIPMENT $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $738.98 0.00% $539.00 ($199.98) 5910 INSURANCE $2.00 $0.00 0.00% $64.00 $108.40 169.38%° $79.00 ($29.40) 5945 ADVERTISING $49.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,568.00 $2,250.00 143.49% $1,640.00 ($610.00) 5959 SERVICES $330.00 $0.00 0.00% $10,560.00 $71392.13 70.00% $10,904.00 $3,511.87 5960 5970 COMMUNICATION POSTAGE. $21.00 $0.00 0.00% $672.00 $1,052.17 156.57%° $719.00 ($333.17) _ $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $41..59 0.00% $17.0024.59) Total for subprogram -----> $3,201.00 $174.86 5.46% .-._.._ $102,432.84 ___ ...._.. $95,063.51 92.81°f0 $107,545.84 $12,482.33 Sub program: : 5i3 `SUBSISTENCE MAINTENANCE 0.00% $28.00 ($20.67) 5601DERREEfATION EXP BLDG. $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 5602 " DEPR•EO1ATION EXP EQUIP $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0,00 5611 SPACE $3.00 $0.00 0.00% $96.00 5630 UTItaT(ES"' ` $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 5640 BUIL3 REPAIR/MAINT. $1.00 $0.00 0.00% $32.00 5910 INSURANCE. $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 5912 LIABILIT.Y:INSURANCE $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 Total for sub: program 50 -----> $4.00 $0.00 0.00% $128.00 Total for program 62 -----> $3,205.00 $174.86 5.46% $102,560.84 Program: .63 MICROENTRPRS $748.00 $264.38 $361.13 70.53% 5311 SALARIES,WAGES EXPENSE $2;075.00 $0.00 0.00% $66,400.57 5351 FICA;OIC EXP $153.00 $0.00 0.00% $4,896.00 5352 L AND I,OIC SHARE $14.00 $0.00 0.00% $448.00 5353 STATE UCI(ES),OIC EXP $22.00 $0.00 0.00°10 $704.00 5355 PAID,FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE $16.00 $0.00 0.00% $512.00 5360 DISABILITY OIC EXPENSE $23.00 $0.00 0.00% $736.00 $48.67 0.00% $28.00 ($20.67) $0.05 0.00% $0.00 ($0.05) $268.03 279.20% $116.00 ($152.03) $72.84 0.00% $29.00 ($43.84) $93.76 293.00% $45.00 ($48.76) $0.41 0.00% $0.00 ($0.41) $28.64 0.00% $13.00 ($15.64) $512.40 400.31% $231.00 - ($281.40) $95,575.91 93.19% $107,776.84 $12,200.93 $44,902.16 67.62% '$68,487.57 $23,585.41 $3,302.25 67.45% $5,049.00 $1,746.75 $298.91 66.72% $472.00 $173.09 $483.62 68.70% $748.00 $264.38 $361.13 70.53% $530.00 $168.87 $575.18 78.15% $782.00 $206.82 Page: Page 4 of 6 Date: 6/23/2023 Time: 7:20:05 AM Annual budget Unexpended General Ledger System $3,138.79 $310.00 OIC OF WASHINGTON $4,931.00 $1,666.24 $4,657.00 $1,118.73 $296.00 $190.79 For User: Eliza _ Baysinger $2,143.44 $2,163.00 $991.13 $10.00 $6.51 $950.00 Fund Expen&freport for: 500 - CDBG-CV1 10/1/20-06/30/23 (Fund status: Active) $7,184.32 $191.00 Report year..,. . -1'0/1/2020 thru 6/30/2023 $5.00 Period ending: May 2023 $117.00 $75.33 $4,403.00 Monthly____-----_ ---- $24,302.98 _----T'oDate----------_ Account Budget Expenditures Pct Budget Expenditures Pct 5361 MEDICAL INSURANCE,QIC EXP $328.00 $0.00 0.00% _ $10,496.00 $7,710.21 73.46% 5362 LIFE tISEIRANCE,QIC EXP $9.00 $0.00 0.00% $288.00 $228.55 79.36% 5363 PENS10k' 610 EXP $149.00 $0.00 0.00% $4,768.00 $3,264.76 68.47% 5364 ACGRUEI3 PTO EXP $141.00 $0.00 0.00% $4,512.00 $3,538.27 78.42° 5402 AL16if COSTS $8.00 $0.00 0.00°f° $256.00 $105.2.1 41.10% 5403 WEBSITE DESIGN & HOSTING $0.00 $174.86 0.00% $0.00 $1,722.56 0.00% 5500 TRAVEL, $65.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,080.00 $1,171.87 56.34% 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP $OAO $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $3.49 0.00% 5700 CONSUMABLES $28.00 $0.00 0.00°fo $896.00 $610:94 68.19% 5800 EQUIPMENT $337.00 $0.00 0.00°/Q $10,784.00 $3,968.68 36.80°!0 5910 INSURANCE $5.00 $0.00 0.00% $160.00 $125.30 78,31% 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $3.28 0.00% 5941 DUES/MEMBERSHIPS $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $41.67 0.00% 5945 ADVERTISING $133.00 $0.00 0.00% $4,256.00 $1,566.67 36.$1°fo 5959 SERVICES 5960 COM,MUNICATION $1,515.00 $0.00 0.00% $48,480.00 $25,697.02 53.01% $27.00 $0.00 0.00% 864, $ 00 $491.80 o 56.92 /o 5965 CLIENT`TRAINING ,:. $363.00 $0.00 0.00% $11,616.00 $0.00 0.00% 5994 MEETING. EXPENSE. $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $133.33 0.00% Total for suti program -----' $5,411.00 $174.86 3.23% $173,152.57 $100,306.86 57.93% Sub program: ;;:`x`.:.::50"MICRO MAINTENANCE r 5601 DEP'REC'IATION EXP BLDG. $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00$4.20 0.00% 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.01 0.00% 5611 SPACE` t°.'; R. $1.00 $0.00 0.00% $32.00 $21.65 67.66% 5630 UTIL' t]"IES $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $4.61 0.00% 5640 BUILD.-.. REPAIR/MAINT. $1.00 $0.00 0.00% $32.00 $11.88 37.13% 5910 INSURANCE $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.04 0.00% 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $4.35 0.00% Total for sub';program 50 -----> - $2.00 -- �� -_-T $0.00 0.00% $64.00 $46.74 --.__......0. _ 73.03% Page: Page 4 of 6 Date: 6/23/2023 Time: 7:20:05 AM Annual budget Unexpended $10,849.00 $3,138.79 $310.00 $81.45 $4,931.00 $1,666.24 $4,657.00 $1,118.73 $296.00 $190.79 $3,866.00 $2,143.44 $2,163.00 $991.13 $10.00 $6.51 $950.00 $339.06 $11,153.00 $7,184.32 $191.00 $65.70 $5.00 $1.72 $117.00 $75.33 $4,403.00 $2,836.33 $50,000.00 $24,302.98 $898.00 $406.20 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $375.00 $241.67 $183,242.57 $82,935.71 $12.00 $7.80 $0.00 ($0.01) $61.00 $39.35 $'13.00 $8,39 $33.00 $21.12 $0.00 ($0.04) $12.00 $7.65 $131.00 $84.26 General Ledger System OIC OF WASHINGTON For User: Eliza Baysinger Fund Expenditure report for: 500 - CDBG-CV1 10/1/20-06/30/23 (Fund status: Active) Report year: 10/1/2020 thru 6/30/2023 Period ending: May 2023 Page: Page 5 of 6 Date: 6/23/2023 Time- 7.7n•nR AM ---To Date --- Account Budget Y Budget Expenditures Pet Budget Expenditures Pct Annual bud et Total for progFdln.63 ----> $5,413.00 $174.86 3.23% o g $173,216.57 $100,353.60 57.94 /o $183,373.57 . -t�L y.. L x•r. Program: 64:.HOUSING 5311 7-f% .... SALARIESMAGES EXPENSE $1,107.00 $0.00 0.00°fo $35,424.59 5351 F1C,Qt,EEXP $83.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,656.00 5352 L AND. 1,01 SHARE $6.00 $0.00 0.00% $192.00 5353 ST,�T :Y (.ES),OIC EXP $15.00 $0.00 0.00% $480.00 5355 PAID:F,6MILY MEDICAL LEAVE $7.00 - $0.00 0.00% $224.00 5360 DISAi§i -4TY OIC EXPENSE $11.00 $0.00 0.00% $352.00 5361 MEl3JO�lL..INSURANCE,OIC EXP $98.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,136.00 5362 LIFE INC.URANCE,OIC EXP $4.00 $0.00 0.00% $128.00 5363 PENSION,OIC EXP $87.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,784.00 5364 ACCRUED PTO EXP $69.00 $0..00 0.00% $2,208.00 5402 AUDIT COSTS $6.00 $0.00 0.00% $192.00 5411 CREQIT. REPORTS $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 5500 TRAVEL $174.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,568.00 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 5618 CLIENT,MORTGAGE PYMENT $338.00 $0.00 0.00% $10,816.00 5619 HOUSING ASST/RENT $1,880.00 $0.00 0.00% $60,160.00 5700 CONSUMABLES $163.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,216.00 5712 r REPRODUCTION SUPPLIES z d $21.00 $0.00 0.00% $672.00 5800 EQUIPMENIT :., j' $346.00 $0.00 0.00% $11,072.00 5910 INSURANCE $4.00 $25.00 625.00% $128.00 5945 ADVERTISING $838.00 $0.00 0.00% $26,816.00 5949 5960 STAFF-.-: MAINING COMMUNICATION / $26.00 $196.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 0.00% $832.00 $6,272.00 5970 POSTRGE ;' $22.00 $0.00 0.00% $704.00 Total fora rb program -----> $5,501.00 $25.00 0.45% $176,032.59 Sub program..:= 50 HOUSING MAINT 5601 DEPT EC-IATION EXP BLDG. $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 Unexpended $83,019.97 $10,200.22 28.79% $36,549.59 $26,349.37 $765.06 28.80% $2,744.00 $1,978.94 $57.96 30.19% $207.00 $149.04 $135.60 28.25% $510.00 $374.40 $76.74 34.26% $261.00 $184.26 $117.32 33.33% $392.00 $274.68 $984.76 31.40% $3,240.00 $2,255.24 $46.58 36.39% $156.00 $109.42 $807.05 28.99% $2,890.00 $2,082.95 $760.97 34.46% $2,283.00 $1,522.03 $45.46 23.68% $202.00 $156.54 $490.50 0.00% $1,797.00 $1,306.50 $1,339.77 24.06% $5,759.00 $4,419.23 $5.75 0.00% $26.00 $20.25 $7,573.46 70.02% $11,171.00 $3,597.54 $42,074.45 69.94% $62,062.00 $19,987.55 $1,209.81 23.19% $5,385.00 $4,175.19 $173.35 25.80% $721.00 $547.65 $2,568.42 23.20% $11,432.00 $8,863.58 $59.91 46.80% $135.00 $75.09 $6,220.00 23.20% $27,685.00 $21,465.00 $200.00 24.04% .$890.00 $690.00 $1,469.82 /23.43% $6,480.00 $5,010.18 $169.01 24.01 % $752.00 $582.99 $77,551.97-' 44.06% $183,729.59 $106,177.62 $5.59 0.00% $25.00 $19.41 JG' General Ledger System OIC OF WASHINGTON For User: Eliza Baysinger Fund Expenditure report for: 500 - CDBG-CV1 10/1/20-06/30/23 (Fund status: Active) Report year: 10/1/2020 thru 6/30/2023 Period ending: May 2023 Account 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP 5611 SPACE 5630 UTILITIES 5640 BUILD.',REPAIR/MAINT. 5910 = INSURANCE 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE •t Total for"s ib:p"rogram 60 --_ -> Total for progrm 64 Total for department'030 -----> t< Fund Totals -----Monthly--------- -------Monthly---------Budget $25.00 Budget Expenditures Pct $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $2.00 $0.00 0.00% $1.00 $0.00 0.00% $1.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $4.00 $0,00 0.00% $5,505.00 $25.00 0.45% $14,123.00 $374.72 2,65% $16,978.00 $2,052.77 12.09% -----------------To Date -------------- Budget Expenditures Pct $0.00 $0.01 0.00% $64.00 $17.08 26.69% $32.00 $7.79 24.34% $32.00 $14.64 45.75% $0.00 $0.02 0.00% $0.00 $4.09 0.00% $128.00 $49.22 38.45% $176,160.59 $77,601.19 44.05% $451,938.00 $273,530.70 60.52% Page: Page 6 of 6 Date: 6/23/2023 Time: 7:20:08 AM Annual budget Unexpended $0.00 ($0.01) $76.00 $58.92 $35,00 $27,21 $65.00 $50.36 $0.00 ($0.02) $18.00 $13.91 $219.00 $169.78 $183,948.59 $106,347.40 $475,099.00 $201,568.30 $544,074.00 $318,125.03 58.47% $570,118.00 $251,992.97 Previous Month Expenses txtperiod year Fund[ Dept[ Proc. Subi Object objectname, Transactio Transactic Document[ txtVenCustNam Description April April 2023 2023 600 009 02 5312 SALARY ADM. ALLOCA16/9/2023 AJE 145219 4/23 Admin Pool Salary & Benefits Alloc. AmountD R 500 009 02 5354 P/R TAX & BEN. ADM AL 619/2023 AJE 145219 4/23 Admin Pool Salary & Benefits Alloc $1 848.05 , January 2023 500 009 02 5999 NON PERSONNEL ADM. 6/212023 AJE 145110 01/2023 Admin Pool Al . location $842.95 February 2023 500 009 02 5999 NON PERSONNEL ADM. 6/7/2023 AJE 145124 2/2023 Admin Pool Allocation $139.37 March 2023 500 009 02 5999 NON PERSONNEL ADM. 6/7/2023 AJE 145174 3/2023 Admin Pool Allocation $423.94 $309.13 April 2023 500 009 02 5999 NON PERSONNEL ADM. 6/912023 AJE 145207 04/2023 Admin Pool Allocation February February 2023 2023 .500 030 030 62 62 5960 COMMUNICATION 6/1/2023 AJE 145082 02123 Server Costs $867.79 $9.07 February 2023 -500 500 030 62 5960 5960 COMMUNICATION 6/212023 COMMUNICATION 6/212023 AJE AJE 145090 02/23 815 Fruitva'le Phone Costs V4 $14.19 145099 02/23 Moses Lake Phone Costs $13.12 March 2023 500 030 62 5970 POSTAGE 6/14/2023 AJE 145303 3/23 Exp, V# 206352 Ck 93721 Postage Supplit $1664 April 2023 500 030 62 5970 POSTAGE 6/14/2023 AJE 145309 04/23 Postage Costs February .2023 500 030 62 50 5601 DEPRECIATION EXP BLI 6/7/2023 AJE 145139 02123 815 Frultvale Space Cost $0.81 January February 2023 2023 500 500 030 030 62 62 50 50 5611 5611 SPACE 5126/2023 SPACE AJE 145018 01/23 Moses Lake Space Costs $0.01 Aw" $9.55 February 2023 .500 030 62 50 5611 6/7/2023 SPACE 6/7/2023 AJE AJE 145139 145163 02/23 815 Fruitvale Space Cost.95 02/23 Moses Lake Space Cost 0% 1i, $ 37 1 January 2023 500 030 62 50 5630 UTILITIES 5/26/2023 AJE 145018 01/23 Moses Lake Space Costs $12.23 1 $8.27 �7 February 2023 500 030 62 50 5630 UTILITIES 6/7/2023 AJE 145139 02/23 615 Fruitvale Space Cost 56 $10.66 February January 2023 2023 500 600 030 030 62 62 50 50 5630 5640 UTILITIES 6/7/2023 BUILD. REPAIRWAINT. 5/26/2023 AJE 145163 02/23 Moses Lake Space Cost $5.92 �)2 February 2023 500 030 62 50 AJE 145018 01/23 Moses Lake Space Costs $0.99 5640 BUILD. REPAIR/MA' INT. 6/7/2023 AJE 145139 02/23 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $12.72 February 2023 500 030 62 50 5640 BUILD. REPAIRIMAINT. 6/7/2023 AJE 145163 02/23 Moses Lake Space Cost $9.53 January 2023 500 030 62 50 5910 INSURANCE 5/26/2023 AJE 145018 01/23 Moses Lake Space Costs $0.01 February 2023 600 030 62 50 5910 INSURANCE 6/7/2023 AJE 145139 02/23 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $0.07 February 2023 500 030 62 50 5910 INSURANCE 6/7/2023 AJE 145163 02/23 Moses Lake Space Cost $0.03/ January 2023 �66 0 030 62 50 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE 5/26/2023 AJE 145018 01/23 Moses Lake Space Costs February 2023 .500 030 62 50 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE 6f7/2023 AJE 145139 02/23 815 Fruitvale Space Cost r$2.34 e3.05 $ February 2023 60*0 030 62 50 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE 6/7/2023 AJE 145164 02/23 Moses Lake Space Cost 1.71 April 2023 500 030 63 5500 TRAVEL 4/30/2023 Voucher 206845 JEREMY LOPEZ (V) 4/23 MILEAGE J LOPEZ $265.94 March 2023 500 030 63 5960 COMMUNICATION 6/16/2023 AJE 145329 03/23 Moses Lake Phone Costs $114.68 »K.bB 11, p9 ya .410 1 I a A ...... ............................. ao-�111 Previous Month Expenses txtperiod year Fundl Deptl Proe Subl abject objectname Transactio Tr' ansactic Documentl txtVenCustNam Description A,mountDR March 2023 500 030 63 5960 COMMUNICATION 6/21/2023 AJE 145336 03/23 815 Fruitvale Phone Costs $17,09 March 2023 500 030 63 5960 COMMUNICATION 6/21/2023 AJE 145344 03/23 Server Costs $40,46 March 2023 .March 2023 500 030 64 500 030 64 5960 COMMUNICATION 5960 COMMUNICATION 6/16/2023 AJE 6/21/2023 AJE 145329 145344 03/23 Moses Lake Phone Costs 03123 Server Costs $11.33 $2,63 .,.-- Total $5,052,23 COVID=19 Utility/ Rent/ Mortgage Payments Project Detail Report CDBG Contract #XX-XX)OCX-XXX Grant County As of 5/37/2023 01 COVID•Assistance=Details, , . 3� No e. 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