HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (007)GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To: Board of County Commissioners Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Data June 22, 2023 Re: Authorization for Release of BOCC Approved Funds, Dept of Commerce, Emergency Solutions Grant #20-4613C-100, Reimbursement #38, Request #27, City of Moses Lake The City of Moses Lake has requested reimbursement for the above -referenced grant, per the contracted guidelines in the amount of $44,852.36 for January 2023 expenses. The invoice and supporting documentation are attached for review. I am requesting the release of funds for payment to the City of Moses Lake in the amount of $44,852.36. Thank you. PPROVED JUN 2 7 2023 CONSENT RECEIVED JUN 2 2 2023 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AOENcr NUMBER Short Code Commerce Contract Number VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION 1030 Pormi 19-1A _._..___._ _ ..___-_ 20-4613C-100 DEPARTMENT OF COIti MERCE INSTflUGT10N TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: PO BOX 42525 Submit this form to claim payment for materials, merchandise or services _ _Ot-YMPIA, VITA 98504-2525 _ Show com tete detail for each item_-_ VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant is to be payable Io:) Vendor's CerUncate: The individual signing this voucher below warrants they have the authority to do so as authorized and on behalf of the entity Identified in the Vendor/Claimant section; The individual signing below certifies under penalty of perjury that the Items and totals listed herein are proper charges for materials, merchandise or services furnished to the Skate of Washington, andthatallle goods furnished and/or services national origin, religion. or Vietnam era' or disabled veterans status Contact Person: csita Sackett: Phone. - ," _ _ (SIGN IN BLUE INK) Email: ksackelt Contract Period: 01/01/2023-6130/2023 _ - Community Development Director_ REPORT PERtiJD: _ .. 01/01I20Z3-01/31/ZD23 _ _ _ 1 1 _.. __ :_ _ _ (DATE) _..... -.. _ ._ DATE DESCRIPTION BUDGET PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED AMOUNT THIS INVOICE AWARD REMAINING BALANCE.. - ADMIN $115,291.58 - - .- ._ $102,157.58 _ _ - $13,134.00 HMIs $20,000.00 $11,907.64 $469.34 $7,623,02 OTREACH __.:. U _ _ .. -51,33 $1p517.33-__ $4,51T;.33 S0.00 SHELTER CASE MANAGEMENT $651,797.21 $634,206.07 $17,329,52 $261.62 _.. SHELTER OPERATIONS $565,652.92 $483 826.14 $24 686.06 $57,14D, 72 RAPID RE -HOUSING CASE MANAGEMENT - $142,977.30 $125,068.04 $17,909.26 I RE OUS G RENT L AS RAPD RE -HOUSING $85,000.00 $40,742.83 $44,257.17 RAPID AE -HOUSING OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISSTANCE " _ $0, 00 $0.00 PREVENTION CASE MANAGEMENT $69,987,81 $4,660.15 $2,367.44 $62,960.22 .."__.__. PREVENTION RENT ASSISTANCE _ $60,501,68 $60,501.68 SO:Oo PREVENTILION OTHER FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE $2,050.00 I .� - $1,935.83 _ ------------ TOTAL. .51,71#,775.83 ", 51;"464,-�7.4b :. $44 --::$205,221.84..._... ✓ PROGRAM APPROVAL The individual Matth: Year 1 Dollars I Coding c Il 8 P Y 9 )_. _.... si nin this vouchar warrants the havethe Whorit to sign ihisvaueherx "" "' "" "- "` ---------------------- DATE PRINTED NAME: SIGNATURE. P( I7 NO, REFERENCE DOC NO, VENDOR NUMBER and SUFFIX _ ACCOUNTNOx _. . SUB TRANS MASTER $us oBJ SUB GL SUBSID AMOUNT INVOICE INDEX OeJ ACCT - -- -- - ---- A ------ SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNTING PREPARER FOR PAYMENT - --------------- ------------------------------ - ------- --- DATE WARIUNTTOTAL ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT DATE Ek 00hses.: ubc6ntea'dor45: Subcontractoe,46 Grantee�''. subcontractor#1 ISubp6ntractor#2 Su dontrac Subco'ntrktor #4 9 N 'Inn- 0.00 saw ammim HMIS ;$0.00 Training.fupiqtj Street Outreach Outreach Essential Services 7,$0.00 Hazard Pay (unique activity) Handwashing stations1portable bathrooms (unique activity) $0.00 Volunteer Incentives (unique activity) $0 00 Training (unique activity) Subtotal Street Outreach $0.00 $0.00 ,$b.00 $0,00 o" loom"" "Hwom momme momm 1* 0 00 -$0.,00 I li�� ft, son" SO lawka a NO" AMNON"S "MUWW W %Mjftd *,r -$6.00 I "own" a T6 poraryL mergen e te CYL:Sfi; Im E Shelt& n Isseritla �17 'd �C 2 M II$20710173 , Sh6lt&bpeta ion . . . . . . . . . . 33 L pro egy L -o easin a L p reS .,,,'$o ,00 cqu'isl A d6n,:,,,� 00 t enoVaj I0 00 C y:(unique:d HO Hazard so. 00 veSL" IV61untee lnbehth igya'acrivito, ,$0.00 Trdhj�h4 n ig ue d;m vity) �$o 00 OthetShel $42;0,15 58 0 ra t ni ho��h 6 I t� ISubtota 'Reh si .Ra pi d $0 .00 en 61 AsM t RRH R' $ 0 ASSisltance�' RRH Ot 6 man cla 0 . 00 RRH,CaseVanagern 6 o6d6dinj'g4hd. tsiential �i evi 66 0, 00 azakd niqu acii H wiy) $0 00 I -incentives ique andlor L $6 00 V01U Cti nteef'ht0rffives--(unjquep ;�b 60 ng ti 00 Subtotal Reip 6.6 Homelemness'.Ptevention $0. 0,0 Preve nVom, enta s�MAance,,': I0 00 p Ot er F n ncla re ehtioh. h 6 A4 -367.. 6V6 L $Z anagemen., inc u q - CE' E Pr ticoC .an d! ssen n am,m I ding I$ 6. 00 aza ed _$0 .00 Incentives Landlord 0 '00 V0 /0 n* teerIn c6i iiv�i' 0.,00 ti rain ng Vity).:L: f I ' fuh i4 ue T 3.67 §67 44 tion' 4411 reven IS btotal.Home'lessness.P invoice i otal: ?f4f4,a:)4.aD Contract- QQ SubmiftedtoGCby': Request for Reimbursement No. Grant County's Shr lent Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? Authorized (car not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? Approved by the federal awarding agencv,,.if required. Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version) , Attachment B, Items 1-43? For payroll transactions: V/ Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-1 22? Allocable to the program? (i.e., was the dollar amount charged to the program I lie reiavve to the benefits received by the program ? Is the federalrantor being 9 charged its fair share of the cost?) Based on actual costs) not budgeted -or projected --amounts? Applied uniformly to. federal and non-federal activities (i.e.. is the federal government being charged the same amount as if non-federal funds werebeing used to pay the cost)? Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting'periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the samepurpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only Vito wim respect to final cost objectives), i Calculated in conk r formity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of 'accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a 'prior period? Net of all applicable credits' err volume volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be in claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.�., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendo r'i nvo ices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form, Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period- ? N:\StafAASC FilesUStrickler Pre Feb 2018100 Grants\00 Subrecipient Checklist.doax Page I City of Moses Lake PO Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 I TO Grant County Attn: Janice Flynn Via Email INVOICE DATE June 21,, 2023 DEPT #110 INVOICE #C.DH23.01 FOR: EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT COVID-1 9 BILL CODEEE SG Description - January 2023 Sleep �Center Operations Amount Subcontract work for Grant County; Dept of Commerce Contract 20461 3C- 100 .Modern Buildi -ng Ground Works will'scot IFP, Inc, GC PUD City of ML Utilities Basin Propane Basin Septic General Laundry HopeSource R,EFERENCE-INVOI-CE:NER,'ON''PAYM,ENT'TO'E'Nr*,$Uk-eAPROM'PTESP ft ONSE Payment Is due within 30 days of invoice date, $894,31. or - $45830a3 $1896.020/ $12,285.00 $501.55/ $1178.6 6 $42.96/ $220,00/ �$1875.75 $21,374.78 Balance Due $44,852.36 Make all checks payable to City of Moses Lake or call 509-764-3715 or 3719 to pay with a credit card. If you have any questions concerning this invoice,, contact Finance Department at 509.764.3732 or 3735. ERN Ig Ki BUILDING SYSTEMS PO BOX 110 a 91193 Potter Rd Aurnwille, Oft 97325 800,682.1422 Invoice Page - Invoice Number-. 0139719 Invoice Date: 1/1/2023 Contract: R005155 Billing Cycle 2/1/2023 3/1/2023 1 Bill To; 825.00 Less Discount: 0.00 Freight,* 0.00 Sales Tax: Ship To Address: City of Moses Lake 894.31 Less Deposit: City of Moses Lake PO , Box 1579 $9440,31 1045 E Broadway Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Customer PO: Ship Via: Confirm To., Terms, ...... Rick Nell 25th of Month Item Number Ordered - ­­ Unit Price Extension 2577 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 575.00 575.00 Rest room/' Show r STAIRS 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2%,00 250.00 Stairs Access Ramp Please Submit. Paymet to: RO. Box 110, Aumsville OR 97325 Net Order: 825.00 Less Discount: 0.00 Freight,* 0.00 Sales Tax: 69.31 Order Total: 894.31 Less Deposit: Order Balance: $9440,31 X:J Growid Works'llirce LIX Invoice I Way 122-4 S Noncei Moses Lake. WA 988317 I Bill To I City ot*.kfoscs Lake 32 1 S Balsam St 11.0. Box, 1574) Moses Lake. WA 988.17 Date Invoice I 12. 7 / 2- 0.). -1 17 -------------- --- - P.0, No. Terms Project Quantity Description Rate Amount I M,ONTI-IL,Y RENTAL Monthly Rent for prolvrt,% loctued $at 1045 and 1049 Hroadwa.\% 4. s s.;..l 0 . ............ . . Total $1-41-55 833.3 WILLSCOT TM 4646 E VAN BUREN ST PHOENIX, AZ 85008-6927 ' (800) 782-1500, Option I custamersuccess@willscot.com www.W11fscat.com Fed ID# 52-0665775 469 CITY OF MUSES LAKE 401 S BALSAM ST MOSES LAKE INA 93837-1761 1lr'1lr'11111111111111Jill 111111111111111111111111111111'111111'11 W1515505 1 1 2 1 1 1 28156588 1 159090 95570 '46X ,0 MOBILE OFFICE (42X10 BOX MCK-06667 PERSONAL PROPERTY EXPENSES ADA/I BC RAMP -W/ SWITCH BACK DATA HUB RENTAL T2 AICA/IBC Ramp -wl switchback PAPER CHECK FEE 158968 I NTE REST CHARGE 9 haps://portat,mobilemini.com % (800) 782m1500, Option I You remain responsible for the Invoice balance if there Is an Issue with your method of payment. Late fees and Interest charges may be assessed if payment is not made within tarmq. Thank you for your business► 624 6100.2 023010664104.00469 INVOICE BRANCH: M D SPOKANE WA 3310-N FLORA RD SPOKANE INA 9921E-1705 (509) 892-6778 Ordered• • Period A r 0 Allison Williams 1/15/2023- CITY OF MOSES LACE 5097643712 2/14/2023 1045 E BROADWAY AVE MOSES LAKE WA 98837 $498.02 Rental $498-02 T* $6.23 $6.23 T* $340.00 $630.00 T* $52.50 _ $52.50 T* $378.00 $418.50 T* $10.00 W-00 T* $55.89 $55,85 N* Sub -total $1,,721.14 Late Payment Fee #0.00 $35.00N* Tax _�i qq_Ri iNvoics TOTAL ( $1,896.02 Invoice In USD T* - Denotes taxable Item, N* � Denotes nen-taxable item. PLEASE REMIT WITH PAYMENT INVOICE TOTAL $1,896.02 Invoice #: 9026548101 Due DatL' • 1/15/2023 Customer: CITY OF MOSES LAKE Customer #: 10452459 PLEASE. REMIT TO: WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC, PO BOX 91975 C H I CAG 031 L 60693-1975 IPP, INC. 601 Pioneer Way, Suite F, #178 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Bill TO City of Moses Lake 321 S. Balsam Moses Lake WA 98837 Invoice Date Invoice # 1/9/2023 559 1FP; INC* 01 Pioneer Way, Suite P, # 178 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Bill TO City of Mases Lake 321 S. Balsam Mases Like WA 98837 Invoice Data Invoice # 1/17l2023 561 IFP, INC. 601 Pioneer Way, Suite F, #178 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Bill To City of Moses Lake 321 S. Balsam Moses sake WA 98837 Invoice Date I nvo ice 1/2312023 563 Page 16 of 28 Date: 01/31/2023 AMOUNT DUE: Customer: City of Moses Lake (Continued) -Service Address: Russell Ave S , Moses Lake WA 98837-00 00 fContinuedl 410", Billing Demand: 1,824 Rate 2 - General Service Power Factor: 99.9998% Billing Period: 12/ 1 16/2022 - 01/16/2023 3117 Usage -History (in KWH) Prior Balance Payments Applied THANK YOU 2.404 Balance 1870 Energy Charge 509,304 kWh $0.04245 $21,62 *"SUBTOTAL FAIERGY*** $211.62 1247 CItY Tax $3.29* CURRENT CHAR G*ES 623 --CURRENT AMOUNT DUE Aft -0 n Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 2022 Service Address,o 1045 Broad yL%�eE Sleeping Centg, Mbses Lake WA 9,8837,0000 KD89937715 12/12/22 01/11/23 113,283,548 123j936.12I 051.573 11 00 10,651.577 KWH No Bill.lhg Demand: 25.728 Power Factor: 100.000o% Rate 2 - General Service Usage History (in KWH) g Period: 12113/2022 Payments Applied THAIVK YOU -$448.39 6929 Energy Charge, 10,000,000 . kWh @ $424,50 Energy Charge 651,577 kWh @ $OtO4245 'SUBTOTAL EIV 2310 City Tax CURRENT CHARGES $28,319 0 CURRENT AMOUNT DUE Jan Feb Mar Apr may Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2022 jan 2023 Service Address.- Neppel Landing Park Christmas -/ 000000020000080016-0028TGoSrmmT0202302253301 L 000000f CITY OF MOSES LAKE P.O. BOX 1 579 Idoses Lake, WA 98887-9224 (509) ` 64-3719 or (509) 784-8715 www.cityofml.com / ub@cityofml.com Water Consumption 5850 � 52650 46800 48950' 35100 29256 23400 17550 11700 5850 0...,......�.u.....,.,..,A....._.. __._.. ,JAN FES MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SLP .00Y NOV 050 JAN 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 CITY OF ML C/O PROJECT OPEN DOORS PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE WA 98837 REGULAR CITY OF MOSES LAKE P.O. BOX 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 CITY OF MOSES LAKE .. MOSES P.O. BOX 1579 Mases Lake, WA 98837-0224 s (599) 754-3719 or (509) 784-3715 i +�`ft yofm1.Vom f ub@cityofml.com This stub ensures that your payment is processed accurately, CITY OF ML C/O PROJECT OPEN DOORS PO BOX 1579 MOSES LAKE WA 98837 REGULAR CITY OF MOSES LAKE P.O. BOX 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837-0224 BASIN PROPANE 955 E BROADWAY MOSES LAKE,'WA 98937 (509) 766-0068 s 0 CITY OF MOSES LAKE L PO BOX 1579 D MOSES LAKE WA 98837 T 0 H�M R ACCT NO. -------- ------------- ---- CUST 1.0, INVOICE NO. fNVOICCE DATE DOCK 1444 CITMOS 32271 01/23 LOC 1 CITY OF MOSES LAKE PO BOX 1579 DOCK MOSES LAKE WA 98837 I NVOICE AmouNT: $ 42.96 WOUIC REPAITTEP. PEMIqN TOW KALF W-TH PRAfT,"l*APlr;l $Htp VIA TERMS 30 DAY 32271 PT ............. S. UNITS UNIT PRIOR AMOUNT [GA" .......... 3.95000 37 53 nvest .24000 `.Z8 Basin Soptic Services Inn, 220SUIumillan Rd -es- hike. WA 98837 Phone -0 509.465-4002 Fin. 4 509-765-7384 BIJITo: nvoice'Date - I 11voice 0 If 141102 0 d2. 3 1`63279 Job At: City Ofkloses I. Like Bro'cidivoy extended & Highway 17 Mases L-Uke WA 98837 INVOICE City l"Moses Lake11 A P 11 'a a S '0 & a I * a '6 1% " i% PC A' " 01 C '1 2 * A 0 4 9' 0 6 0 1 2 A & 2 1 k 9 A 1 0 a 4 b a 4 a & 4 q q a ., 0 ti 11-0. :]*>Llrq-.ASE PAY Maso I bake-, WA 98837 rnIS A MOUNT $2A 12 0 0 0 OVA I b644 ad Make diecks payable to: Baqhi SeptIC SVj-Vj(,,�$ 1111V I 11vose Owd box lhiddruss is hicorrea or has changed. larid 111111V FI -M4,111? 111cuse %4,dte It here'. Indicate ch9nge(:4) on reverse side. [III's-ill sept -le Services file, PLEAS11i', DETACII AND 1414TURNTOP PORTION WITTI PAVNIENT ,220 IS Hami I toll W Moses Lake, WA 08837 C/ P.O,, No,, Due Date Project 'Not 60 3/15/2023 City o1*mL-Bj,-oad... Description Qly Rate Amount 811111tlzelu,� 00 14/2612.3 2 110.00 1110,00 2 240 0. 0 0 Sales Tax (8.4%) $0,00 " U It q 1) C I I I" CKS. TH11'4111'Ap WILL BE A $35 CHARGE FOR ALL RUAT'N F4l'otal $2" 2 0. 0 F, 'I NA N C U' C I 1111 G 11'ISON .101 AY PAS'T' DU13`AC,'C0LJNT'S ARFA 1..5%0,AAW" - — milk MORTH WITH A S.5.00 IVIINIMUM. 11,11y men ts/C ivid its L_ - -, -'-.u- ... ! . 26ow"fimm Balance D Billing Implif q? C1111 509-765-4002 1 ue rk,)0.()0 'ro /y IN ACOUNT WIT 1-1 H nsen, ire 10619 Handicap Dt S . . ..ee: ........._. ....e....✓.. ,n. .rMc rover .q..rw . .��.�!� { p}. yyv��j, gp.��, r�+{+� fy) � H rovMxNsw ✓. . �r(jy�'y}y^��,�P,��'gjyw.�"T'�����vn.,�, _4.!'i . Y..,...Y YYY'-iaI'w'aHvrr.IWUMVFn..;w._....-+.+w.....ww.w...........rwr.....,yi..w✓.......e.w.r:......,...gq 0 X04 °bl"ii-2246/ Roland 333 :: { rn+xs knr�v%M%%»r+- `+o� .r�✓�Y�Mw.�Mk+i,r:4X�aryr„� „�byaK+'MeK«wWe�wM%Sw Program Staffing Ch nges: Please c mplete monthly to ... rep rt new or departin PROGRAM staff Staff Change Typo Na Yj es If yes, enter emptoyee name, ob tine, 8: email frev<46v\ Yr -^W rx-ss 19 laytce witk bt 6kktA -6 rtco-,,Atn es, y_&A_�tr +kctn e5 6 ATTN* Allison Williams 16 K zj City of Moses Lake Grant Bars*, Code: 7 Gil: Ad: ,c 0 U h t in" C. EDEN.`Pibjbct.1.A _c ounfin-4: J ode,, HOMELESS GRANTS GRANT REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT, Submit this form to request payment for serVices, or materials, CITY OF MOSES LAKE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO SOX 1579 Attach accompanying proof of expenses (i.e. receipts, timesheets) MOSES LAKE, WA 98837-1679 Venddr'it Certificate; The ihdWtjal _Ogr�ma this voucher below warrants they have the at&� to do -so as auftrized and on behalf at 91a an'tity Identified in the Vendor/Claimant S"Wn_ The irdMdual sigring below cartifia a tinder Penalty of perjury khat 04 itonis arid lotals Wed. harein are proper charges for materWs, merc handiss or sorvikes furtishod for the Grant an4 that all goods furrishod aiWlor saMco% randwed have been Provided vAthout criscrkWination because of VENDOR OR,CLAIMANT (Warrant is to be payable tot) Hopesource/Rapid Re-Housing/Hotel VOUCher Program 700 E Mountain View' Ave Suite 50 1 age, sox marital statim, race, croad, color, national origin, handicap, rawgi'on or Vietnam era or d1sablad veterans. status, D Ellensburg WA 98.926 --- ------- By* Contact Person: Susan Grindle Phone: 509-899-0978 (SIGNATURE) CFO 06115/2023 -Email: skgrindle0hooesource.us Graht,Period-.-.-..�-7,'.'-.''..4M/2021-9/3012022, - -------- -------- -- ---- - Title (DATE) REPORT PERIOD/Month &Year., Jan -23 ------------V 11 /21 �-9/22 ESG-CV One'' Items,,' .Grant Budfit6t 90 (441/21 /3/22) ------------ --- 0ensos TO - -DAte Report Period Request t Line 1 tem Balance rin j is t F" 5,,044 5, j ,$ -Z� 7' ?4 11910.58 $13,134.00 �'tQY D# 11,907.64$469.34 $7,623,02 �J, $1,467. 73 -- - - --------- $10.5 1 2, M, o �-`rt ker-,: 27ase�:-. -,hie .5 F,-7r;7W, 74, f ,8-9 S39913 4.71 $17329.52 $251.44 t %19M $20 64.70 j987.07 .$8816 M She ��r$25j987.38 $1,20848 ($7,523 Wage me 44 -7 ,3 - $125,068.04 $17)909.26 N� 6 Api Mx sl fanc V) A R"" d''B" $40j742.83 $44)257.17 P, "U"'. h -.c -p 4; F' _;.987i �X 4774-32 $2,7367.44 $62,1846,05 A's, fi P ti* jet t�` t 68' $60 557. 40 ----$3j393,00_ ($3448. A 1-Pt"Ov 01_149'J, r- ,AO,rr, nce J 05031`� Ina "0, 4.$21050.,00 $0.00 V 4 Fun. s, 2 ""S ,0 $732,717.70 $24 ,767 $225,773.54 . *j i U, R, r Ii. gg 4" MSR iR Now Grant Balance- for Current Reimbursement Request th'3 is $24,767.78 Fiscal Year Reporting Feri d FOR C17Y USE ONLY., '_:N7 4 Voucher Approval Signature. DATE. 40 Program Staffing Ch nges: Please c mplete monthly to ... rep rt new or departin PROGRAM staff Staff Change Typo Na Yj es If yes, enter emptoyee name, ob tine, 8: email frev<46v\ Yr -^W rx-ss 19 laytce witk bt 6kktA -6 rtco-,,Atn es, y_&A_�tr +kctn e5 6 Elope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transadons Jncluded In Report 632202111 - ESO- Grant County From 1/112023 Through 11`3112023 Sub Divisi... CL division Code Division 'Title Cade GL Title Session ID Cade Debit Credit 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 0.00 Opening Balance (MLES) 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7000 Salaries &. Wages CDSPRO1350 99999 3,357.60 349.85 (MLES) 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1353 99999 96.40 (MLES) 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7100 PICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1350 99099 264.17 (IDLES) 612003 Permanent Shelter Case Management 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1350 99999 349.85 (MLES) 0920€13 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1350 99999 450.02 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7106 Unemployment lnsurance Exp CDSPRO1350 99999 33.11 (MLES) 612003 Permanent- Shelter Case Management 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1350 99999 38.78 (MLES) 4,589.93 349.85 Transaction Total Balan... Permanent Shelter Case Management 40.08 612003 (MLES) 612005 HMIS- Personnel 7000 Salaries & Mages 99993 0.00 Opening Balance 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1347 99999 232.40 31.91 612006 HMIS-- Personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1350 999.99 93.70 11.70 612006 HMIS personnel 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1353 99999 8-40 612006 HMIS Personnel 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1347 99999 19.18 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1350 99999 7.93 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1347 99999 31.91 612006 HMS- Personnel 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1350 99999 11.70 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1347 99999 73.29 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1350 99999 21.43 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7106 Unemployment 1nsurance,Exp CDSPRO1347 99999 3.08 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp CDSPRO1350 99999 1.08 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7107 L & 1 tax expense CDSPRO1347 99999 2.60 612006 HMIS- Personnel 7107 L & 1 tax expense CDSPRO1350 99999 1.20 512.95 43.61 Transaction Total Date: SMAJ.23 01:ss:40 PM Page: 9 DMsi... Code Division Title Satan... 612006 612008 612008 612008 6'12008 612005 612008 612008 HMIS- Personnel Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transaeilons Included In Report 632202111 - ESC- Grant County From 111/2-023 Through 113112023 GL Code CL Tule ' Session Ill Prevention - Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages =46%9-34 Prevention - Case Management 7000 Salaries & Wages AP1044769 Prevention - Case Management 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense AP1044769 Prevention - Case Management 7101 Employee Tac AP1044769 Prevention - Case Management 7105 Health Benefits API044769 Prevention - Case Management 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp AP1044769 Prevention - Case Management 7107 L & 1 tax expense AP1044769 Balan... Prevention - Case Management 612038 Sub division Cade Debit Credit 7000 =46%9-34 99999 0.00 Opening Balance 99999 1,415.11 00999 138.48 99999 344.89 99999 428.59 99999 20.72 99999 19.65 612010 Permanent- deep Center Case 7000 Salaries & Wages 99999 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 7000 Salaries &Wages CDSPRO1347 99999 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 7000 Salaries &'Wages CDSPRO1350 9999; Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 7000 Salaries & Wages CDSPRO1353 99999 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7100 FICA & Medicare tense CDSPRO1347 99999 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7100 FICA & Medicare Expense CDSPRO1350 M99 Management 612010 Perrrtaner d Sleep Center Case 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1347 99999 Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 7101 Employee Tax CDSPRO1350 99999 !,Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1347 99999 Management 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7105 Health Benefits CDSPRO1350 99999 Management 612010 Permanent- Steep Center Case 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp CDSPRO1347 99999 Management Date: 3114M 01:33:40 PILI 2.357.44 9.00 Transaction Total 2,367.44 �C&v ,. 0.00 Opening Baiance 6,570.25 761.63 5,161.39 597.88 89.84 516.97 406.10 761.63 597.85 7.47 5.08 89.97 Page: 2 Hope Source: Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 1.1112023 Through 1131/2023 Divisi... GL Sulo division "` 9. q 0 Code Division Title Code GL Tule Session ID Code Debt Credrt 612010 Permanent- Sleep Center Case 7106 Unemployment Insurance Exp CDSPRO1350 99999 63.70 � Management L & I tax CDSPRO1347 90000 99.10 6112010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 7107 expense � Management 612010 Permanent Sleep Center Case 7107 L & I tax expense CDSPRO1350 90999 79.57 Management 14,448 95 1,359.51 Transaction Total Bolan... Permanent Sleep Center Case '13,089.44 612010 Management 613001 Program Support - Pool 5010 Professional Fees 99999 0.00 Opening Balance 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1042997 99999 209.95 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1043875 99999 5.50 613001 Program Support - Pool 8010 Professional Fees AP1043914 99999 31.49 613001 Program Support - Pool 8100 Office Supplies AP10443838 99999 9.38 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 Communication Expense AP1043336 99999 30.73 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 Communication Expense AP1043742 99999 25.19 613001 Program Support - Pool 8200 Communication Expense AP1043915 99999 1.91 613001 Program Support - Pool 8400 Rent - Space Lower County API043084 99999 198.88 613001 Program Support - Pool 8405 Utilities - Ellensburg AP1043628 99999 5.99 513001 Program Support - Pool 8406 Utilities - Upper AP1043748 99999 33-68 County/Offs1te offices 613001 Program Support - Pool 8406 Utilities - Upper AP1043836 99999 .20.31 County/Offsite offices 6[ 3001 Program Support - Pool 5420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1043618 99999 1.80 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1043621 99999 2.49 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1043622 99999 5.63 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1043778 99999 0.41 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1043779 99999 1.20 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1043782 99999 15.12 General Date: 6114123 01:33:40 PM Page: Hope Source Expanded General Ledger - BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transacfions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 11112023 Through 113112023 Divisi... GL Sub division 4 3,S Code Division Title Code GL Title Session ID Code Debit Credit - - •3 "7 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP 1043810 99999 3.27 � General , 6113001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1043812 99999 59.97 General u36 f o' 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1043814 99999 113.88 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1043822 99999 68.66 ............ General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance - AP1043833 99999 1.13 0.03 1, General 613001 Program Support - Pool 8420 Repairs & Maintenance -- AP1043838 99999 0.21 General 613001 Program Support - Pool 40 Insurance Expense AP1043945 99999 118.2{ 613€1111 Program Support - Pool 8990 Interest Expenses AP1043939 99999 101.14 -- 1,030.25 0.03 Transaction Total Balan... Program Support - Pool 1,030.22 613001 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops 8990 Interest Expenses 99999 0.00 Opening Balance 613008 Permanent Shelter Program Ops 8990 Interest Expenses AP1045368 99099 332.31 0.00 332.31 Transaction Total Basan... Permanent- Shelter Program Ops 2.31 613008 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Cps 8200 Communication Expense 99999 0.00 Opening Balance 613018 Permanent Sleep Center Program Ops 8200 Communication Expense AP1043915 99999 43.35 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 3510 Program supplies and tools AP1043527 99999 40.61 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program Ops 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1043661 99999 74.33 613010 Permanent- Sleep Center Program tips 8510 Program supplies and tools AP1043885 99389 352.28 510.57 0.00 Transaction Total Balan... Permanent Steep Center Program Ops 510.57 613010 Date; 6114133 01:3&.40 PM Mage: 4 Divisi... _ Cede Division Title 614002 Prevention- Rent Assistance 614002 Prevention- Rent Assistance Basan... Prevention Rent Assistance 614002 Report Opening/Current Balance Report Transaction Totals Report Current Balances Report Difference DaW. 611413 01:36.40 PM Hope Source Expanded General Ledger., BL- ESG-CV - Unposted Transactions Included In Report 632202111 - ESG- Grant County From 1/1/2023 Through 1/3112023 GL Cade GL Tide 6940 Rent Assistance 5940 Rent Assistance Sub division Session ID Code Debit Credit 62945 0.00 Opening Balance AP1043913 62945 3,393.00 3,393.00 0.00 Transaction Total 31393.00 Fir"$ t Balance 632202111 - 24,767.73 ESG- Grant County 0.00 0.00 26,853.09 2j085.31 26,853.09 21085.31 Z4,ffjf.ft5 Page: 5 HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) Report[FY 2023]CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 01/01/2023 thru 01/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Total number of persons served Number of adults (age 18 or over) Number of children (under age 18) Number of persons with unknown age Number of leavers Number of adult leavers Number of adult and head of household leavers Number of stayers Number of adult stayers Number of veterans Number of chronically homeless persons Number of youth under age 25 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children Number of adult heads of household Number of child and unknown -age heads of household Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more Mon Feb 6 09:05:36 AM 2623 Count of Clients for DQ 46 21 25 0 15 9 9 31 12 1 2 5 3 16 0 3 J Count of Clients. 46 21 25 0 15 9 9 31 12 1 2 5 3 16 0 3 1/8 HUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Grant) Report[FY 2023]CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 01/01/2023 thru 01/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 11 11 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 5 5 Number of children (under age 18) 6 6 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 0 0 Number of adult leavers 0 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 0 Number of stayers 11 11 Number of adult stayers 5 5 Number of veterans 0 0 Number of chronically homeless persons 0 0 Number of youth under age 25 2 2 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 1 1 Number of adult heads of household 4 4 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 0 0 1/8 Mon Feb 6 08:53:52 AM 2023 Powered By TY HUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality Report [FY 2023] HopeSource (Grant) CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 01/01/2023 thru 01/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 59 59 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 59 59 Number of children (under age 18) 0 0 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 2 2 Number of adult leavers Number of adult and head of household leavers 2 2 2 2 Number of stayers 57 57 Number of adult stayers 57 57 Number of veterans 3 3 Number of chronically homeless persons 12 12 Number of youth underage 25 5 5 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 0 Number of adult heads of household 58 58 Number of child and unknown-age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 8 8 1/8 Mon Feb 6 09:09:57 AM 2023 Powered By�•LARITY �' HUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality HopeSource (Kittitas) Report[FY 2023]CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 01/01/2023 thru 01/31/2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients. Count of Clients for DQ Total number of persons served 26 26 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 13 13 Number of children (under age 18) 13 13 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 0 0 Number of adult leavers 0 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 0 Number of stayers 26 26 Number of adult stayers 13 13 Number of veterans 1 1 Number of chronically homeless persons 0 0 Number of youth under age 25 0 0 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 0 Number of adult heads of household 11 11 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 0 0 1/8 Mon Feb 6 0$:32:05 AM 2023 Powered By CLARITY HUMAN SERVICES HMIS Data Quality Report [FY 2023] HopeSource (Grant) CoC Category Filter: Agency CoC Date Range: 01/01/2023 thru 01 /31 /2023 Q1. Report Validation Table Program Applicability: All Projects Category Count of Clients for DQ Count of Clients Total number of persons served 1 1 Number of adults (age 18 or over) 1 1 Number of children (under age 18) 0 0 Number of persons with unknown age 0 0 Number of leavers 0 0 Number of adult leavers 0 0 Number of adult and head of household leavers 0 0 Number of stayers 1 1 Number of adult stayers 1 1 Number of veterans 0 0 Number of chronically homeless persons 0 0 Number of youth under age 25 0 0 Number of parenting youth under age 25 with children 0 0 Number of adult heads of household 1 1 Number of child and unknown -age heads of household 0 0 Heads of households and adult stayers in the project 365 days or more 1 1 1/8 Mon Feb 6 09:03:55 AM 2023 Powered By19.1 1, TYCLARI � HUMAN SERVICES