HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - BOCCAGENDA GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Public meetings held by the Grant County Commissioners can be accessed via WEBEX Conference Call or Video only. Access information for each even is listed within each meeting appointment below. MONDAY, DECEMBER 14,202 8:30 a.m. — 9:30 a.m. Grant County COVID-19 Healthcare and Public Health Briefing (ZOOM Meeting) 10:00 a.m. —10:20 a.m. Commissioners Office Staff Meeting Phone Number: 1-408-418-9388 Event Address: https://grantcowa.webex.com/grantcowa/onstage/g.php?MTI D=edd82 a4bc2efe924b24387c8772be90c1 Event Number/ Access code: 146 414 5389 Video Password: BOCC2020 10:30 a.m. —10:50 a.m. T Gaines, Central Services Update Phone Number: 1-408-418-9388 Event Address: https://grantcowa.webex.com/grantcowa/onstage/g.php?MTID=e4Od2 96d6bf535d26a90df19810bf7f37 Event Number/ Access code: 146 533 1280 Video Password: GCCS2020 11:00 a.m. —11:20 a.m. J Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Update Phone Number: 1-408-418-9388 Event Address: https://grantcowa.webex.com/grantcowa/onstage/g.php?MTID=eOldaf c41838cc99004448cc7ab3fa7d8 Event Number/ Access code: 146 128 4443 Video Password: ASC2020 NOTE: ALL TIMES ARE ESTIMATES TO ASSIST IN SCHEDULING AND MAY BE CHANGED SUBJECT TO THE BUSINESS OF THE DAY AT THE BOARD'S DISCRETION THE BOARD MAY ADD AND/OR DELETE AND TAKE ANY ACTION ON ANY ITEM NOT INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE AGENDA. ANY SUBJECT PLACED ON THE AGENDA REGARDLESS OF HOW THE MATTER IS STATED ON THE AGENDA MAY BE ACTED UPON BY THE BOARD AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) ACCOMODATIONS PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. Page 2 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of December 14, 2020 1:00 p.m. —1:20 p.m. M McKnight, Assessor's Office Update Phone Number: 1-408-418-9388 Event Address: https://grantcowa.webex.com/grantcowa/onstage/g.php?MTID=e00b8 730f819cf504e33a21b69512027a Event Number/ Access code: 146 528 5894 Video Password: ASSESSOR2020 1:30 p.m. — 2:20 p.m. K Eslinger, Human Resources Update Phone Number: 1-408-418-9388 Event Address: https://grantcowa.webex.com/grantcowa/onstage/g.php?MTI D=e4a21 8c97c143ba65700b881ada60e717 Event Number/ Access code: 146 073 5349 Video Password: GCHR2020 TUESDAY. DECEMBER 15, 2020 10:00 a.m. —10:50 a.m. J McKiernan, Fairgrounds Update Phone Number: 1-408-418-9388 Event Address: https://gra ntcowa.webex.com/gra ntcowa/onstage/g.php?MTI D=elb33 142968e9c119e6eb086de66d2596 Event Number/ Access code: 146 330 5583 Video Password: GCFG2020 Plans for 2021 Go over ideas for 2021 Demolition of unused buildings —thoughts • Old Koots • Eagles Booth • GC Animal Outreach booth • Milking Parlor Additional events for 2021 • Dia de los muertos • Movie Nights • Demo Derby partnership with rodeo folks • Car show • Horse clinics Schedule for 2021 0 Our buildings are going to be very full except in the first quarter Page 3 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of December 14, 2020 11:00 a.m. —11:20 a.m. J Gingrich, Deputy Clerk of the Board Phone Number: 1-408-418-9388 Event Address: https://grantcowa.webex.com/grantcowa/onstage/g.php?MTID=ee669 4c268a59dee96645f7e85a406e52 Event Number/ Access code: 146 510 8165 Video Password: DEPUTY2020 1:00 p.m. —1:20 p.m. G Dano, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update Phone Number: 1-408-418-9388 Event Address: https://grantcowa.webex.com/grantcowa/onstage/g.php?MTID=e4960 8b746afefc230881a7e43339e71d Event Number/ Access code: 146 066 5243 Video Password: GCPA2020 1:30 p.m. — 2:20 p.m. S Castro, Public Works Update (1 Item) Phone Number: 1-408-418-9388 Event Address: https://grantcowa.webex.com/grantcowa/onstage/g.php?MTID=effa4c 489d292a2e6297680a7a44f2d43 Event Number/ Access code: 146 080 7555 Video Password: GCPW2020 1. Authorization to Purchase Equipment on the 2021 Equipment Expense Program through State Contracts. • Two (2) each 2019 Kenworth T370 4,000 gal water trucks, in the amount of $336,000 including sales tax from Pape' Machinery through Sourcewell contract #032119. • One (1) each installation of truck mounted dump body, plow, wing, and sander body onto 2021 Western Star 4900 FA cab/ chassis for road district operations, in the amount of $134,478.90 including sales tax from Northend Truck Equipment through state contract #01117. • One (1) each installation of truck mounted dump body, plow, wing, and tailgate sander onto 2021 Western Star 4900 FA cab/ chassis for road district operations, in the amount of $135,099.29 including sales tax from Northend Truck Equipment through state contract #01117. • One (1) each John Deere 772 G Motor Grader 6WD including Henke wing, Balderson front lift group, and rear mounted ripper/ scarifier, in the amount of $336,581.48 including sales tax from Pape' Machinery through Sourcewell contract #032119-JDC. • One (1) each John Deere 644L Wheel Loader with JRB 418 hydraulic coupler, 4.5 Yd. bucket and 8 ft. fork attachment, in the amount of $276,622.55 including sales tax from Pape' Machinery through Sourcewell contract #032119-JDC. Page 4 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of December 14, 2020 One (1) each Trail King TK50RB tilt deck trailer with 10Ft deck, in the amount of $67333.85 including sales tax from Pape' Machinery through Sourcewell contract #032119-JDC. One (1) each Caterpillar 826K Wheel Dozer & Compactor, in the amount of $859,974.81 including sales from NC Machinery through Sourcewell contract #032119 -CAT. One (1) each John Deere Wheel Loader with Waste Handler package, 4.5 Yd. bucket, JRB 418 hydraulic coupler, front blade with angle, and 10 Ft angle broom, in the amount of $347,171.29 including sales tax from Pape' Machinery through contract #032119-JDC 1:30 p.m. —1:40 p.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Public Works Surplus of Misc Equipment and Vehicles Open Record Public Hearing to consider the following items for surplus: SURPLUS EQUIPMENT 2020 MAKE MODEL APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION VALUE KING ELECTRICAL MFG. KFUH 30 30,000 WATT 240 VOLT ELECTRIC SHOP HEATER $200.00 KING ELECTRICAL MFG. KFUH 30 30,000 WATT 240 VOLT ELECTRIC SHOP HEATER $200.00 REZNOR FE165 165,000 BTU/HR NATURAL GAS SHOP HEATER $500.00 BEALL N/A 6,000 GALLON HOT OIL TANK $500.00 UNKNOWN N/A 2000 GALLON STOVE OIL TANK $200.00 UNKNOWN N/A 8,000 GALLON HOT 0 1 L STO RAG E TAN K SALVAGE 2:30 p.m. — 2:50 p.m. Consent Agenda (Items 1 through 16) Phone Number: 1-408-418-9388 Event Address: https://grantcowa.webex.com/grantcowa/onstage/g.php?MTiD=e0103 2189094182d13d9bdOe49fd22e42 Event Number/ Access code: 146 836 3698 Video Password: CONSENT2020 COMMISSIONERS OFFICE e' 1. .Al 2. 3. (4). Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers for approval. Settlement and Release Agreement between Grant County, Sheriff's Office and Phillip and April Leitz related to an injury to the Leitz dog. 2021 Eastern Washington Vacation/Travel Planner contract between Grant County, Tourism Commission and NW Weekend Get-Aways (Harry Hayter), LLC to produce a vacation/travel planner. Reimbursement Request #3 on Washington State Department of Commerce Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP) Grant No. 21-4614C-198, administered through the Housing Authority of Grant County, in the amount of $2,787.16. Review and action on a Round 9 Department of Commerce, Contract No. 20-6541C-013 CARES Act grant funding application from Loose Ends Salon. This application was previously denied due to location. It was determined that it is in Grant County and its recommended that this be approved and awarded. Page 5 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of December 14, 2020 6. Reimbursement request #20-04 from the City of Moses Lake on Washington State Department of Commerce COVID-19 Outbreak Emergency Housing Grant, Contract No. 316-46108-10 in the amount of $109,070.86. Request from Grant County Mosquito Control District No. 1 for permission to operate within the borders of Grant County for the purpose of mosquito abatement for the year 2021. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) recommendation on the disbursement of 2021 grant funds through the Grant County Tourism Commission: Columbia Basin Allied Arts Promotion $ 5,000 Columbia Basin Rodeo Association Event $ 7,250 Coulee Corridor Consortium — Sin Capital $ 3,000 Coulee Corridor Consortium Promotion $ 1,750 Ephrata Chamber of Commerce Promotion $59 00 Mas uers Theater Promotion $ 5,000 Moses Lake Spring Festival - Freedom Festival Event $ 15,000 Moses Lake Spring Festival — Spring Fest Event $ 13,000 Ridge Riders Saddle Club — Colorama Rodeo Event $ 5,000 Sand Scorpions Event $ 5,000 Total Recommended Grant Distribution in 2021 $ 65,000 AUDITOR'S OFFICE 9. Payment of vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. 10. Authorization of Canvassing Board Representatives - Auditor's Staff, to act under authority given in RCW 29A.60 for Dedra Osborn, Michele Blondin and Kaylyn Orozco to act as representatives for the County; and for Maria Lugar and Karrie Stockton to handle the ballots through the mail room process for the Special Election to be held February 9, 2021. 11. Designation of County Commissioner Cindy Carter to serve as the County Legislative Authority on the Canvassing Board for the Special Election to be held February 9, 2021. CENTRAL SERVICES 12. Budget extension request in the amount of $281,300.00 to receive a Department of Commerce grant for the MUSCO Lighting project at the Fairgrounds. 13. Request for repair of electrical work at the Rodeo Grounds within the Fairgrounds. Neppel Electric is currently contracted to perform other work and will perform these repairs for the amount of $53,645.00 utilizing funds from other Fairgrounds projects and 309 -Bond funds. TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 14. Purchase Order No. 339 in the amount of $35,686.84 to Motorola Solutions to purchase the Annual Software Maintenance License for 2021. Page 6 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Agenda Week of December 14, 2020 PUBLIC DEFENSE 15. Agreement No. ICA21013 with the Washington State Office of Public Defense for use of Public Defense Grant Funds (pursuant to RCW 10.101) in the amount of $90,340.00 for use in 2021. GRANT INTEGRATED SERVICES 16. Reimbursement Request (A-19) for contract work performed by Grant Integrated Services, during November, 2020 in the amount of $457.50 on Washington State Department of Corrections (DOSA) contract. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16,202 7:00 a.m. — 8:00 a.m. T Taylor, Grant County Economic Development Council Board Meeting 9:00 a.m. —10:00 a.m. R Stevens, WRCIP Fiscal Committee Conference Call 9:30 a.m. — 11:30 a.m. TOURISM COMMISSION MEETING 1:00 p.m. — 2:30 p.m. C Carter, Grant County Suicide Prevention Taskforce Meeting THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2020 10:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. Martin Hall Juvenile Detention Center— Board Meeting 6:00 p.m. —8:00 p.m. C Carter, Grant Transit Authority (GTA) Board Meeting FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2020 No meetings held