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Grant Related - BOCC (008)
GRANT COUNTY INFORMATION SERVICES Me -1-11-M To: Board of County Commissioners �= From: Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Data November 24, 2020 Re: BOCC Review/Action on Round 8 CARES Act Grant Funding Applications from the Grant County EDC Grant County is in receipt of the EDC's Phase 8 applications for CARES Act Grant funding, which were electronically forwarded to BOCC members for review. All Phase 8 Grant County Small Business and Nonprofit Cares Act Grant applications received by the County are listed in the attached spreadsheet. We ask that you please: (1) enter "Yes" or "No" in the appropriate column of the spreadsheet for each company requesting these funds; (2) write in the amount the BOCC is approving for each applicant, as applicable; and (3) indicate below your approval of the allocations determined by the BOCC on the spreadsheet. Thank you. Dated this day of 20a�d I Board of County Commissioners Grant County, Washington Ani Disu, ro 'e Abstain Dist Dist #1�— Dist #1 Dist # 2 Dist #2 / Dist # 2 D' t #3 Dist # 3 Dist # 3 71 �6,�V �� M,6w �� rvt,o Yl-� NOV 2 5 2020 ROUND 8 APPLICATIONS Company Name Area p of Emploees Employees Laid Off due to COVID-19 p of 1 potential jobs lost Estimated Revenue Lost Amount Requested Liklihood of Business Closing SOCC Approved? YES or NO If Approved, for What Amount? Hamilton Market Group LLC, Michael's Bistro Moses Lake 40 23 d $ 10,000.00 Low Good Medicine Massage Electric City 0 1 1 a $ 10,000.00 Low Hamilton Price Inc. (Michael's on the Lake Moses Lake 59 33 e $ 10,000.00 Low P & L Enterprises Moses Lake 1 0 10 38% $ 10,000.00 Medium The Rock Top LLC, Rock Top Burgers & Brew Moses Lake 48 34 d $ 10,000.00 Low Kris's Skincare LLC Moses Lake 1 1 b $ 10,000.00 Medium L ire Cv t $ 70,000.00 S Total Budget $2,500,000.00 Amount PAID OUT TO DATE $ 1,999,653.27 Total Remaining $500,346.73 ,before rounds b, 7, 8) Grant County EDC has requested reimbursement of $5,027.20 for administrative costs. Key for Estimated Revenue a) $0-549,999 b) 550,000-599,999 c) $100,000-$249,999 d) $250,000 - $499,999 e) $500,000-$749,999 Date Submitted: Grant County Aft Economic Development Council GRANT COUNTY SMALL BUSINESS AND NONPROFIT CARES ACT GRANT The information provided allows the Department of Commerce to evaluate your grant application. This contract must be filled out completely to be considered for the CARES Act Grant. This grant is a reimbursable grant that will be awarded after proper documentation and submission of verified expenditures accrued. ***Requirements for this reimbursable grant areas follows:*** (a) Businesses with 20 or less full-time equivalent employees; (b) The business is situated in Grant County, Washington; (c) The business has been In operation for longer than six -months; (d) The business has a valid Unified Business Identifier (UBI); (e) The business has completed an Application form and entered Into the agreement with Grant County EDC. (f) The total amount of grant funds available to any one business shall not exceed $10,000.00. Company Name: Hamilton Market Group LLC, Michaels Market Bistro Establishment Date: In Operation for at URI Number: Least 6 months? i Location: 221 W. Broadway Ave. Moses Lake WA 98837 03/2009602911013 E Yes ❑ No CEO/Owner I Name: Michael Hamilton, and Michael Stevens j Email: jordan@michaelsonthelake.com Phone: 509-765-4006 Industry M Retail H Business ❑ Restauran Food Sectors tf Hospitality O Manufadtxing O Other. I Has your business been affected by emergency public health protections 0 13 No in place and/or mandatory closure by executive order due to COVID-19? YeJ Amount of Emergency Grant Money Being aequesW: # 91 up to $10,000 COMPANYBACKGROUND " Total Number of Employees as of 40.0 Number of Workers Laid Off Due to COVID-19: 23.0 01/01/2020: If one employee only, is this a sole proprietor? ❑ Yes ❑ No Company Description: Describe the company and its products/services. Full Service Restaurant ( Bistro Style } - Dine in and a Retail Kitchen Store Economic Impact: _ Describe the effect of the public health crisis on the business and how allocated funds can help the business. Why funding is critical to this business? The public health crisis of Covid-19 has drastically affected the way we do business: A complete closure for 9 weeks beginning, March 17 2020 then only allowed to operate on a take out basis, then transitioning to a mandated operating at 50% I capacity, no catering events and now back to a mandated take out only again effective 11118/2020. Additional expenses have been incurred for guest and staff safety,with no increase to revenue. Take out sales approx. 30-35% of our normal revenue. =-7-7 ---..-......_ _-----_-- __� Page 1 of 2 When did the impact start? startDate: 03117t2o2o- Estimated revenue losses in 3/2020-10/2020 compared to last year, please give details. ' We are down approximately 16% at the Bistro an equivalent of over $250k. Our Kitchen Store ( Retail Sales ) are down 23.5 % 'an equivalent to $60k. A combined total of $310k. All stemming from the way we have been mandated to operate. Take Out/Deliver to Reduced Capacity, Closures, increased expenses on PPE hems we wouldn't have normally purchased. Likelihood ofaMly Closing the Business . 0 fth 0 Medium III LOW 0 Business posed Due to Governs Directive Business Number of potential jobs lost Will this grant help retain jobs? If so, how many? No i ' Has the company received any state, federal, or other funding? If yes, please provide "Us. Yes. PPP Loan, and a $10,000 Disaster Loan Assistance earlier this spring. hh -- EXPLANATION OF USE OP FUNDS — -- - 6�lain how fuck will be used to help the busines. This Infonnatlon an heip Grant County ensure that the expenses proposed are eligible for relndrusenierll i Applications without a list of proposed expenses will be considered incomplete. Fund usage; purchase PPE ( Personal Protective Equipment ) for both staff and guest safety. Gloves, Masks. Additional Sanitation supplies beyond our normal, due to the increase In frequency cleaning for safety purposes. Paper Products ( to go containers, bags ), to safety deliver our guest orders during take out. Allowable Experntanlading an be ,ed fowdrds CVVID-19-relatedmedkal or public health expenses; payroll expenses for employees who are �bstantial/y dediated to mitigalirg w responding to the COV1a19 puldc health emergency, expenses to 410htafe compliance mM COVID-19 pubhc health eawres, expenses associated wiM the proN5da7 ofeconomk suppodnecessary for rawmaing to COWO-19. . - Unallowable Expens"EVenses for Me state share of Mediald damages covered by Insurance, payroll or benefits to employees whose everyday gore duffer are not substantially dedketed to m*wding to COVID-19, expenses Mat have been or will be reimbursed under any federal program such ¢s GIRES Act mntdbuNons by state to state unemployment finds, m0ibursemenf to donors far donated items or services, workAxce bonuses other than hazard pay or overtime, severance pay, and legal .settlement, L__ EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Average Annual Payroll, $ 775,000.00 Average Annual salary for One IndMdual: $ 000 Benefits Pad to Employees -,?:D --- _ ---- Yes © No Is the app4cant's LNI --..- -' - - !account current?J� N Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Sure You may look up the businesses online at titlosJ/sitcure.1nima ooviv rifv! What measures the company tat shutdown we reduced staffing, and reduces hours. Those that where layed off where put on standby Is already taking or trying to knowing that financially there was federal and state benefits to help with the financial gap. This 2nd shut take to support employees during the pandemk?dow^. we are reducing hours, keep those that We can, and unfortunately laying the rest off. ADDITIONALINFORMATION t]arently, is the cornparly facing any perWing litigation or legal action? — -- No i Has the company had any state mmphance/reguWory issues within Washington or another state you are or have done business in? NO SIGN: "I declare under pentity of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing Is true and correct": Page 201`2 1- Grant County Aft Economic Development Council Date Submitted: November 19, 2020 GRANT COUNTY SMALL BUSINESS AND NONPROFIT CARES ACT GRANT The information provided allows the Department of Commerce to evaluate your grant application. This contract must be filled out completely to be considered for the CARES Act Grant. This grant is a reimbursable grant that will be awarded after proper documentation and submission of verified expenditures accrued. ***Requirements for this reimbursable grant are as follows:*** (a) Businesses with 20 or less full-time equivalent employees; (b) The business is situated In Grant County, Washington; (c) The business has been in operation for longer than six -months; (d) The business has a valid Unified Business Identifier (UBI); (e) The business has completed an Application form and entered into the agreement with Grant County EDC . (f) The total amount of grant funds available to any one business shall not exceed $10,000.00. Company Name: Good Medicine Massage Establishment Date: In Operation for at UBI Number: 320 Sunny Drive, P.Q. Box 657 Electric WA 98123 least H "�`"�? 603010530 Number - Location: Y �Y. 4!26/2010 Yes 0 No CEO/Owner Name: Esther DeRusha Email: estherderushaQgmail,com Phone: 406-471-6498 Industry 0 Retail 0 Restaurant/Food Business 0 Hospitality Sector: Has your business been affected by emergency public health protections in place and/or mandatory closure by executive artier due to COVID-19? Amount of Emergency Grant Money Being Requested:$ Total Number of Employees as of 01/01/2020: O up to $10,000 0 Manufacturing IN Other: massage/nutrition 8 Yes 0 No COMPANY BACKGROUND If one employee only, is this a sole proprietor? 0 Yes 0 No Company Description: Number of Workers Laid Off Due to COVID-19: Describe the company and its products/services. As a nutritional practitioner, I provide nutritional response testing for my clients, provide the suppliments, and administer therapeutic massage therapy. Economic Impact: Describe the effect of the public health crisis on the business and how allocated funds can help the business. Whyfunding is critical to this business? Discontinued physical contact massage causing business collapsed with litte income. Forced to leave my rented store front in May, moved my business to specially built space in garage of my home. Allocated funds will maintain office space, provide me with needed nutritional supplement inventory maintaining the healthy immunity needs of my clients and support increased mailing and delivery expenses. Page 1 of 2 When did the impact start? Start Date: Mirth 2-20 Estimated revenue losses in 3/2020-1012020 compared to last year, please give details, Between March and October of 2019 my income was approximately $24,000. In 2020 during the same period, my income from the business has been but a total of $5,000. Likelihood of Pemiarrenthf O High N Medium ❑ Low 9 Business Closed Due to Govemofs Directive Closing the Business t Number of potential jobs lost Will thisant help retain jobs? Use how many? It williceep sole proprietorship afloat until we reach a new normal Has the company received any state, federal, w other funding? If yes, please provide details. I got unemployment payments of $700 a week from the end of May through July or $6,300. EXPLANATION OF USE OF FUNDS Explain how funds will be used to help the business. This information can help Grant County ensure that the expenses proposed are eligible for reimbursement. Applications without a list of proposed expenses well be considered incomplete. Supplement orders- $1,500 monthly, Mailing Fees $150 monthly, Delivery 50 miles monthly, Phone/Internet $108, Office Heating/Lighting- $200 monthly, Cleaning Expenses $100 Allowable Expensesfunding can be used torus COV1D49-ra/ated medical orput,#c health expaeses, payrdl expenses for eur{oloyees who are substantially dedicated to mitigating orrespanding to the COVID-19 Publichea/M emergency, expenses to facilitate compliance KqW C0VrD619 public health inwsues, expenses associated with the provision ofecanomicsupport 'necessaryfor respondirtg to COt90-19. Unallowable Experses£xpenses for the state share of Medi"caid, damages covered by iimiance, payroll or beneALs to employees whale everyday ntrork duties am not substantia//y dedicated to responding to COVID-19, expenses that have been or will be reimbursed under any federal program such as CARES Act contributions by state to state unemployment finds, reimbursement to donors for donated items or services, worldarce bonuses other than hazard pay car overtime, severance pay, and legal settlements. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Average Annual Payroll: $36.000 Average Annual Salary for same One Individual: Benefits Paid to Employees?: ❑ Yes 19 No Is the applicant's WI ❑ Yes ■ No 0 Not Sure account current? You may look u the businesses online at n , " Y P 1P1F.e52"1,Ln; _',r•cor;,:=r:..,: What measures the company self employed, no employees is already taking or trying to take to support employees during the pandemic? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Currently, is the company facing any pending litigation w legal action? no Has the company had any state compliancelregulatory, issues within Washington or another state you are or have done business in? no SIGN: 'T declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that 'ng is true and correct': 0 OZ�e Page 2 of 2 Date Submitted: Gricatnt County Aft Economic Development Council GRANT COUNTY SMALL BUSINESS AND NONPROFIT CARES ACT GRANT The Information provided allows the Department of Commerce to evaluate your grant application. This contract must be filled out completely to be considered for the CARES Act Grant. This grant is a reimbursable grant that will be awarded after proper documentation and submission of verified expenditures accrued. ***Requirements forthis reimbursable grant are as follows:*** (a) Businesses with 20 or less full-time equivalent employees; (b) The business is situated in Grant County, Washington; (c) The business has been in operation for longer than six -months; (d) The business has a valid Unified Business Identifier (USI); (e) The business has completed an Application form and entered Into the agreement with Grant County EDC . (f) The total amount of grant funds available to any one business shall not exceed $10,000.00. Company Name: Hamilton Price Inc. ( Michael's On The Lake j Establishment Date. In Operation for at UBI Number: � Least 6 months? Location: 910 W. Broadway Ave. Moses Lake WA 98837 01/1991 E Yes ❑ No 601315049 CEO/Owner Name: Michael W. Hamilton Email: jordan@michaelsontheiake.com Phone: 509-765-4006 Industry 0 Retail N Restaurant/Food Business ❑ H Sector: ospiWlity ❑Manufacturing Has your business been affected by emergency public health protections E Yes 0 No in place and/or mandatory closure by executive order due to COVID•19? ! Amount of Emergency Grant Money Being Requested: $ O up to $10,000 COMPANY BACKGROUND ! Total Number of Employees as of 59.0 Number of Workers Laid Off Due to COVID-14: 330 01/01/2020: If one employee only, is this a sole proprietor? ❑ Yes O No Company Description: Describe the company and its products/services. Full Service Fine Dining Restaurant i Economic Impact: Describe the effect of the public health crisis on the business and how allocated funds can help the business. Why funding is critical to this business? The public health crisis of COvid-19 has drastically affected the way we do business: A complete closure for 9 weeks beginning, March 17 2020 then only allowed to operate on a take out basis, then transitioning to a mandated operating at 50% capacity, no catering events and now back to a mandated take out only again effective 11/18/2020. Additional expenses have been incurred for guest and staff safety,with no increase to revenue. Take out sales approx. 30-35% of our normal revenue. Page 1 of 2 When did the impact start? Start Date: 0 311 7/2 02 0 Estimated revenue losses in 3/2020-10/2020 compared to last year, please give details. We are down approximately 24.8%, an equivalent of over $500k, with a large catering loss in this past April of $100k. All stemming from the way we have been mandated to operate. Take Out, Reduced Capacity and no events. Likelihood of Permanently ❑ High ❑ Medium ■ Low ❑ Business Closed Due to Governor's Directive Closing the Business 1 Number of potential jobs lost f Will this grant help retain jobs? If so, how many? No Has the company received any state, federal, or other funding? If yes, please provide details. Yes. PPP Loan, and a $10,000 Disaster Loan Assistance earlier this spring. EXPLANATION OF USE OF FUNDS Explain how funds will be used to help the business. This information can help Grant County ensure that the expenses proposed are eligible for reimbursement. Applications without a list of proposed expenses will be considered incomplete. j Fund usage; purchase PPE ( Personal Protective Equipment ) for both staff and guest safety. Gloves, Masks. Additional Sanitation supplies beyond our normal, due to the increase in frequency cleaning for safety purposes. Paper Products ( to go containers, bags }, to safely deliver our guest orders during take out. Allowable ExpensesFunding can be used towards COKD-19-related medical or pubrc health expenses, payroll expeizses for employees who are �ubstan&lly dedkated to mf#gatfng or responding to the COWD-19 public health emergency, expenses to fadlitate compbance WM COVID719 public health measures, expenses associated with the prov/slon of economic support necessary for responding to COV7D-19. Unallowable Expensesfxpenses for the state share of Medicaid, damages covered by fnstrrance, payroll or benefits to employees whose everyday work duties are not substantially dedicated to responding to COVID-19, expenses that have been or will be reimbursed under any federal program such �s CARES Ad contributions by state to state unemployment funds, reimbursement to donors for donated items or services, workforce bonuses other than hazard pay or overtime, severance pay, and legal settlements. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Average Annual Payroll: g 1,300,000.00 Average Annual Salary for $ 32,000.00 One Individual: Benefits Paid to Employees?: 113 Yes O No Is the applicant's LNI 2 Yes ❑ No O Not Sure account current? You may look up the businesses online at httos://secure_lni,wa.Qov/verify/ v — j what measures the company, t st shutdown we reduced staffing, and reduces hours. Those that where layed off where put on standby III is already taking or trying to ' knowing that financially there was federal and state benefits to help with the financial gap. This 2nd shut take g support employees down we are reducing hours keep those that we can and unfortunate) lam the rest off. during the pandemic? g P � Y laying ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Currently, Is the company facing any pending Iltigation or legal action? No Has the company had any state compliance/regulatory Issues within Washington or another state you are or have done business in? NO 1 SIGN: "I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing Is true and correct": I Page 2 of 2 Date Submitted: 11/14/2020 Grant County Aft Economic Development Council GRANT COUNTY ALL BUSINESS AND NONPROFIT CARES ACT GRANT The information provided allows the Department of Commerce to evaluate your grant application. This contract must be filled out completely to be considered for the CARES Act Grant. This grant is a reimbursable grant that will be awarded after proper documentation and submission of verified expenditures accrued. ***Requirements for this reimbursable grant are as follows:*** (a) Businesses with 20 or less full-time equivalent employees,- (b) mployees;(b) The business is situated in Grant County, Washington; (c) The business has been in operation for longer than six -months; (d) The business has a valid Unified Business Identifier (UBI); (e) The business has completed an Application form and entered into the agreement with Grant County EDC . (0 The total amount of grant funds available to any one business shall not exceed $10,000.00. Company Name: P & L Enterprises Establishment Date: In Operation for at UBI Number: Least 6 months? 600-457-858 Location: 6724 Bacon Ln NE, Moses Lake, WA 0611994 E Yes ❑ No CEO/Owner Name: Paul J Cunningham Email: plenterprises4@hotmail.com Phone: 509-766-6824 Industry p Retail 0 Restaurant/Food Business O Hospitality O Manufacturing ® Other: s�M� Sector: Has your business been affected by emergency public health protections Yes ❑ No in place and/or mandatory closure by executive order due to COVID-19? Amount of Emergency Grant Money Being Requested: $$ 10,000.00 ❑ up to $1D,000 COMPANY BACKGROUND Total Number of 1.0 Number of Workers Laid Off Due to COVID-19: 0.0 Employees as of 01/01/2020: If one employee only, is this a sole proprietor? Ri Yes ❑ No Company Description: Describe the company and its products/services. P & L Enterprises performs repair, calibration, mantenance and warranty work on all major brands of welders, plasmas machines for farmers, industry, and customers primarily in the Grant Countay area. Economic Impact: Describe the effect of the public health crisis on the business and how allocated funds can help the business. Why funding is critical to this business? Loss of customers due to stay at home mandate, uncertainty of economic impact on their financies and not wanting to be exposed to virus. 1-2 extra weeks in getting parts due to 25% capacity of our suppliers, & added cost of sanitizers, masks & time extra time in wiping down machines. Help pay for supplies, improve abilty to safely load/unload customers equipment, a more efficient and productive work environiment. Without help can't afford to stay in business much longer. Page 1 of 2 When did the impact start? Start Date: 03/18/2020 Estimated revenue losses in 3/2020-10/2020 compared to last year, please give details. We have had approximately 38% loss in revenue and lower number of customers compared to last year. Likelihood of Permanently p High Medium ❑ Low © Business Closed Due to Governor's Directive Closing the Business Number of potential jobs lost 10 Will this grant help retain jobs? If so, how many? Yes. Except for welder parts, we buy all supplies & equipment locally from Lake Auto, Norco, A -L, Oxarc, Ziggy's, North 40, Platt's, Columbia Bearing, Fabers, Moses Lake Steel, Lowes, home depot, Etc. Has the company received any state, federal, or other funding? If yes, please provide details. NO EXPLANATION OF USE OF FUNDS Explain how funds will be used to help the business. This information can help Grant County ensure that the expenses proposed are eligible for reimbursement. Applications without a list of proposed expenses will be considered incomplete. Repair/replace forklift used for loading/unloading customers machines safely, help pay off credit cards used to purchase supplies, supplies, more efficient heater for shop, update computer to improve shop environment & productivity. Allowable Expensesfunding can be used towards COV1D-19-related medical or public health expenses, payroll expenses for employees who are substantially dedicated to mitigating or responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency, expenses to facilitate compliance with COVID-19 public health measures, expenses associated with the provision of economic support necessary for responding to COVID-19. Unallowable ExpensesExpenses for the state share of Medicaid, damages covered by insurance, payroll or benefits to employees whose everyday work duties are not substantially dedicated to responding to COWD-19, expenses that have been or will be reimbursed under any federal program such as CARES Act contributions by state to state unemployment funds, reimbursement to donors for donated items or services, workforce bonuses other than hazard pay or overtime, severance pay, and legal settlements. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Average Annual Payroll: $ 19,000.00 Average Annual Salary for $ 19,000.00 One Individual: Benefits Paid to Employees?: ❑ Yes O No Is the applicants LNI D Yes 0 No 0 Not Sure account current? You may look up the businesses online at htt1)s1/secure.lni wagov/verifyl What measures the company Provide masks, hand sanitizer, gloves and spray to wipe down machines & equipment is already taking or trying to along with frequent hand washing and social distancing. take to support employees during the pandemic? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Currently, is the company facing any pending litigation or legal action? No Has the company had any state compliance/ regulatory issues within Washington or another state you are or have done business in? No SIGN ;T dectare Jrni enalty off perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct / 764 \ / t Page 2 of 2 Date Submitted: Grant CountyAft Economic Development Council GRANT COUNTY SMALL BUSINESS AND NONPROFIT CARES ACT GRANT The information provided allows the Department of Commerce to evaluate your grant appliabon. This contract must be filled out completely to be considered for the CARES Act (rant. This grant is a retmbursab/e grant that will be awarded after proper documentation and submission ofverified ed expenditures accrued. ***Requirements for this mimbumble grant are as follows:*** (a) Businesses with 20 or less full-time equlvaknt employees; (b) The business is situated in Grant County, Washington; (c) The business has been In operation for longer than six -months; (d) The business has a valld Unified Business identifier (USI); (e) The buss— has completed an Application form and entered into the agreement with Grant County EDC . (f) The total amount of gram funds available to any one business shall not exceed $10,000.00. Company Name: The Rock Top LLC, Rock Top Burgers & Brew Establishment Date: In operation for at U81 Number. Least 6 months? Lowden: 930 N. Strafford Rd. Moses Lake WA 98837 04/2012 I IN Ye, O No 160323282 CEO/Owner Name: Jordan Hamilton Email: jadan@michaelsonthelake.00m Phone: 509-7654006 Industry 0 Retail ■ Restaurant/Food Business 0 Hospitality 0 Mamd'dctudng 0 Other. Sector I Has Your business been affected by emergency public health protections Yes 0 NO In place and/or mandatory closure by executive order due to COVID-19? IN CAmount of Emergency Grant Morley Being Requocted: il ®up to $10,000 COMPANY BACKGROUND Notal Number of Employees as of 48.0 Number of Workers Laid Off Due to COVID-19: 34 0 01/01/2020: N one employee only, Is this a sole proprietor? O Yes ❑ No Company Desafptlon: -. --- -_.. Describe the company and Its products/servi es. — - -. Full Service Restaurant - Dine in I Economic Impact: Describe the effect of the public health crisis on the business and taw allocated funds can help the business. Why funding Is critical to this business? The public heafth crisis of Covid-19 has drastically affected the way we do business: A complete closure for 9 weeks beginning, March 17 2020 then only allowed to operate on a take out basis, then transftioning to a mandated operating at 50% capacity, no catering events and now back to a mandated take out only again effective 11/18!2020. Additional expenses have been incurred for guest and staff safety,with no increase to revenue. Take out sales approx. 30-35% of our normal revenue. Page 1 of 2 When did the impact start? Start Date: 03/i7/2020 FstJmated revenue losses In 3/2020-10/2020 compared to last year, please give details. We are down approximately 25%, an equivalent of over $400k, All stemming from the way we have been mandated to operate. Take Out/Deliver to Reduced Capacity. Likelihood of Permanently ❑ High O Medium ■ Law ❑ Business Gosed Due to Governors Directive j Closing ft Business I Number of potential jobs last I Will this grant help retain jobs? If so, taw many? No Has the company received any state, federal, or other funding? If yes, please provide details. Yes. PPP Loan, and a $10,000 Disaster Loan Assistance earlier this spring. EXPLANATION OF USE OF FUNDS Explain how funds will be used to help the business. This information can help Grant County ensure that the expenses proposed are eligible for reimbursement Applications wIt out a fist of proposed expenses will be considered Incomplete. Fund usage; purchase PPE ( Personal Protective Equipment ) for both staff and guest safety. Gloves, Masks. Additional Sanitation supplies beyond our normal, due to the Increase in frequency cleaning for safety purposes. Paper Products ( to go containers, bags ), to safely deliver our guest orders during take out. i Allowable ExpensesfandMg can be used towards COVID-19-rdafed mwlical or public healtlt expense; payroll expenses for enpby ees my o are substantahy dedicated to m/t/gatng a,respor d to die COV1619 puNc health emergency, awenses to fadlitate mmpl/i with COVID-19 pubic bee/M measures, expenses associated with Ire provision of emnomicsupportnecessary for responding to COV 0-19. Unallowable ExpensesExpenses for the state share of Medicaid, damages covered by Insurance, payroll or benefits to employees whose everyday Work duties are not s.bstanlia/N dedicated to responding to COWD-19, exp m. that have been or w1l be rdmbursed under any federal program such as CARES Ad confrOudons by state to state unemployment funds, reimbursement to donors for donated items or siervice4 workforce bonuses other Than hazard pay or overtime, severance pay, and legal saftements. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Average Annual Payroll: $ 980,000.00 -- ' Average Annual salary far $ 32,000.00 - - - One Individual: Benefits Paid to Employees?: O Yes O No Is the appiranes INI I account Current? N Yes O No O Not Sure — -- --- — — --- — -- — --- You may took up the businesses online at https:f/secure.int.wa,00v[vedfv/ What measures the company list shutdown we reduced staffing, and reduces hours. Those that where layed off where put on standby is already taldml or trying to I knowing that financially there was federal and state benefits to help with the financial gap. This 2nd shut take to support employees down, we are reducin h during the pandemic? g ours, keep those that we can, and unfortunately laying the rest off. ADDITIONALINFORMATION Cumiintiy, is the company facing any pending I figaw or legal aztton? Yes, 7 year old litigation with a previous vendor Has the company had any state compliance/regulatory issues within Washington or another state you are or have done business In? NO SIGN: `I dedare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct": Page 2 of 2 GRANT COUNTY SMALL BUSINESS AN Date Submitted: 10/27/2020 Grant County Aft Economic Development Council GRANT COUNTY SMALL BUSYNESS AND NONPROFIT CARES ACT GRANT The information provided allows the Department of Commerce to evaluate your grant application. This contract must be filled out completely to be considered for the CARES Act Grant. This grant is a reimbursable grant that will be awarded after proper documentation and submission of verified expenditures accrued. ***Requirements for this reimbursable grant are as follows:*** (a) Businesses with 20 or less full-time equivalent employees; (b) The business is situated in Grant County, Washington; (c) The business has been in operation for longer than six -months; (d) The business has a valid Unified Business Identifier (1.18I); (e) The business has completed an Application form and entered into the agreement with Grant County EDC . (f) The total amount of grant funds available to any one business shall not exceed $10,040.00, Company Name: GOSI, Artisan Wood Fire Establishment Date: ;In Operation for at UBI Number: Least 6 months? Location: 9545 Baseline .5 SE 07/2019 E Yes ❑ No 604427044 CEO/Owner Name: Nicholas F Galfano Email: contactgosi@yahoo.com Phone: 509-989-8149 Industry ❑ Retail H Restaurant/Food Business Sector: ❑ Hospitality ❑ Manufacturing ❑ Other: Has your business been affected by emergency public health protections in place and/or mandatory closure by executive order due to COVID-19? Amount of Emergency Grant Money Being Requested: $ $ 10,000.00 ❑ up to $10,000 COMPANY BACKGROUND Total Number of Employees as of 1.0 Number of Workers Laid Off Due to COVID-19: 1_0 01/01/2020: if one employee only, is this a sole proprietor? ® Yes ❑ No Company Descripthim: _.._._........._......._......_..----.___.___.--- Describe the company and its products/services. Brick Oven food traler and catering! ❑ Yes ❑ No Economic Impact: Describe the effect of the public health crisis on the business and how allocated funds can help the business- Why funding is critical to this business? Gosi was shut down in January due to Covid•l9 Payments on financed trailer mounted and I was unable to open my door. Once we entered phase 2 1 was able to open with many restrictions and unable to cater events. My entire events calender was cancelled and unable to re -schedule due to the uncertainty of Covid-19. I am currently leasing a space at 1517 Yonezawa Moses Lake, WA. I am working on re-buiding my business, however, I have trailer payments that need to be brought current and funds to advertise are short. Page 1 of 2 When did the impact start? Start Date: 02/01/2020 Estimated revenue losses in 3/2020-10/2020 compared to last year, please give details. $56,000.00 1 opened COSI July 2019, and then my health failed and I had to wait until October 2019 before opening again. Then, along came Covid-19 in February 2020, which stages closed me down. I was able to re -open again after the opening of phase 2. All of my catering that was sheduled had to be cancelled and no re -scheduled due to the uncertainty of Covid-19 Likelihood of Permanently ❑ High ❑ Medium ❑ Low ® Business Closed Due to Governor's Directive Closing the Business Number of potential jobs lost Will this grant help retain jobs? If so, how many? 2 Has the company received any state, federal, or other funding? If yes, please provide details. i no i i i EXPLANATION OF USE OF FUNDS Explain how funds will be used to help the business. This information can help Grant County ensure that the expenses proposed are eligible for reimbursement Applications without a list of proposed expenses will be considered incomplete. Help to catch up on payments. Allow me to advertise so I can re -build business lost. Allow me to hire 1 more employee. Allowable Expensesfunding can be used towards C011ID-19-related medical or public health expenses, payroll expenses for employees who are substantially dedicated to mitigating or responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency, expenses to facilitate compliance with COVID-19 public health measures, expenses associated with the provision of economic support necessary for responding to COVID-19. Unallowable ExpensesExpenses for the state share of Medicaid, damages covered by insurance, payroll or benefits to employees whose everyday work duties are not substantially dedicated to responding to COVID-19, expenses that have been or will be reimbursed under any federal program such as CARES Act contributions by state to state unemployment funds, reimbursement to donors for donated items or services, workforce bonuses other than hazard pay or overtime, severance pay, and legal settlements. I EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Average Annual Payroll: $ 48,000.00 Average Annual Salary for $48,000.00 One Individual: Benefits Paid to Employees?: Is the applicants LNI account current? What measures the company is already taking or trying to take to support employees during the pandemic? ❑ Yes (E No ■ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Sure You may look up the businesses online at httos://secure,Ini.wa,goviverifyj I have only been able to pay myself sometimes. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Currently, is the company facing any pending litigation or legal action? no Has the company had any state compliance/regulatory issues within Washington or another state you are or have done business in? Ilue SIGN: "I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct': n i e h o l a s f g a Ifa n o Digitally signed by nicholas f galfano Date: 2020.10.27 15:51:17 -07'00' Page 2 of 2 i Grant County EDC 6594 Patton Blvd NE Moses Lake, WA 98837 Bill To Grant County Commissioners Ms. Brittany Rang PO Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823 Invoice Date Invoice # 11/25/2020 2019-1078 P.O. No. Terms Due Date Account # Project Net 30 12/25/2020 Description Qty Rate Amount Check order reimbursement 1 33.00 33.00 Estimated hours to completion CARES Act reimbursement for hours October 25 121 21.88 25.00 547.00 3,025.00 1 -November 30 CARES Act reimbursement for hours October 65 21.88 1,422.20 1 -November 30 Total $5,027.20 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $5,027.20 Detailed report toggl 2020-10-05 - 2020-11-30 Date Description Duration User 10-05 CARES Act 1:00'.00 Nic Existing Business Development - [Grant County CARES Dollars] 08:00-Gs:00 10-05 CARES Ad 4.00:00 Nk Existing Busintss Dt:�_iopment - [Gr-:nt County CARES r ollars] 13:00.17:G0 10-06 CARES Act 6--00:00 Nk Exiting E:usiness Development 0E:00-14:00 1007 CARES Act 6:00:00 Nk Ex' ting Business Development 08:00-14:40 10.08 CARES Act 5:00:00 Nic Existing Business DeMopment 08:00.13:0 10-13 CARES Act 2:00.00 Nic Existing Business Development 10:00-12:00 1044 CARES Aet 4:00:00 Nic Existing Business Developrr:.�nt 09:00.13:00 10.15 CARES Act 3:00:00 Nic Existing Eusiness Deve opm_nt V10-12:00 10.16 CARES Act 300100 Nk Ex:stir, j Bu _=i ness Deva'c pm� nt 12:00-1 S: W 10-19 CARES Act 300:00 Nic Existing Business Development 09:00-12:00 10-20 CARES Act 310:00 Nic Exi,ting 3usir.• ,s Development 11:00.14:00 10-21 CARES Act 4:00" Nk Existir^, E? asiness Devel::pment 09::: 13:00 10.22 CARES Act 2:00.AD NIC Existing Busir•es; Deve.`:ipment 12:00-14:00 1023 CARES Act 2.0000 Nic Existin^ P nrr .,s De,,-:upment 1r 0114 1026 CARES Act 50000 Nic Exi.tin Busin�ts DL : opm>nt 11 YS" 10-27 CARESAct 3-'00:00 Existing Fusiness Development 11:00.14:00 10.29 CARES Act aro0:00 Existing Business Di .elcpmert 10:W14:00 11-02 CARESAct 3:00'-00 Existirg Business Dei-elopn:ent 10:00.13:10 1143 CARES Act 3:00:00 Existing Surines+. De eziopment 10:00.1':00 11.04 CARES Act 3410:00 Existing Buslw5 Developm-att 11:00A4:C11 1145 CARES Act 4:00:00 Exison^ Otwit>s Development 12:00.16:00 11.06 CARES Act 4:00:00 E> !sting Business Development 12:00-16:00 11.10 CARES Act 8:00-•00 Existing Cusinr.s Development M.,JI-16:00 11.12 CARES Act 4:00:00 ER»;iinq Business Devel,)pment 12:00-16:00 11-13 CARES Act 3:00:00 Existing Business Devrrioptnent 12:CO-15:00 11-19 Working Washington 2 4:00:00 Existing Bustnens Development MOC-13:00 11-19 Working Washington 2 2:00:00 Exi atmg Business Ccvelopment 14:00.16:00 11-20 CARES Act 4t00t00 E•'.+sdnll, E• asiness Deve'opment 12:00.16:00 11-23 CARES Act 1:00-'00 Existing Bu ine- Developm -nt 12:-:0.13:0 11.25 CARES Act Existing Gustness Develroment 11-25 Working Wad0ngton 2 340:00 Ewstin_ Business Dei elci n _nt 11-26 CARES Act 31" Exi tingBu.r-: sD_ •4:mtr-t OiOYM10 11-26 Wonting Washington 4*M Exi�tmn r . nc Dtvelnr Pint 12:00-16P) Nic Nic Nic Nic Nic Nic Nit Nic Nit Nit Nlc Nic Nic Nic Nic M Nlc Nic 11-27 CARES Act _�isnng BuGiness Devei I,pMtnt 11-30 CARES Act E=lstm^Bu intssDevtiopment 2.'00:00 Nic 1100.14;00 2.'00:00 Nic 1,.f )-14:00 Created with toggl.com 10 South First Avenue BANNER� P.O. Box 907 BANK 4"Ia Walla, WA 99362-0265 bannerbank.com Deposits and Additions Date Description 10/09 Deposit 10/15 Deposit 10121 Deposit Withdrawals and Deductions Statement of Account Statement Date 10/30/20 Page 2 of 3 Account Number XXXXXXXXXXXX5442 (509) 527-3636 1 (800) 272-9933 Toll -Free Amount 289,815.00 221,000.00 148,527.00 Date Description Amount 10/07 HARLAND CLARKE CHK ORDER PPD 3114000006 30 -33`.00` 10/30 Service Charge -2•.70 Checks In Number Order Date Check No Amount Date Check No Amount 10/28 275 10,000.00 10109 2081 4,935.00 10/15 2010* 10,000.00 10/06 2082 10,000.00 10/07 2036* 10,000.00 10/07 2083 10,000.00 10/01 2041* 10,000.00 10/07 2084 10,000.00 10/13 2044* 10,000.00 10/05 2085 10,000.00 10/06 2045 10,000.00 10/05 2086 10,000.00 10/06 2046 10,000.00 10/06 2087 10,000.00 10/02 2047 10,000.00 10114 2088 10,000.00 10/06 2049* 10,000.00 10/05 2089 10,000.00 10/07 2050 10,000.00 10/08 2090 10,000.00 10/08 2051 10,000.00 10/19 2091 10,000.00 10/07 2052 10,000.00 10/06 2092 10,000.00 10/06 2053 10,000.00 10/05 2093 10,000.00 10/09 2054 10,000.00 10/13 2094 10,000.00 10/06 2055 10,000.00 10/05 2095 10,000.00 10/06 2056 10,000,00 10/05 2096 10,000.00 10/06 2057 10,000.00 10/02 2097 10,000.00 10/05 2058 4,237.00 10/08 2098 5,000.00 10/06 2059 10,000.00 10/09 2099 10,000.00 10/06 2060 7,520.00 10105 2100 10,000.00 10106 2062* 10,000.00 10/09 2101 10,000.00 10/08 2063 10,000.00 10/13 2102 10,000.00 10/09 2064 10,000.00 10105 2103 10,000.00 10/07 2066* 10,000.00 10/05 2104 4,500.00 10/07 2067 10,000.00 10/05 2105 10,000.00 10105 2069* 10,000.00 10/05 2106 10,000.00 10/13 2070 10,000.00 10102 2107 10,000.00 10/06 2071 10,000.00 10/05 2108 10,000.00 10/06 2072 10,000.00 10/05 2109 4,000.00 10/05 2073 10,000.00 10/07 2110 3,500.00 10/06 2074 10,000.00 10106 2111 10,000.00 10/06 2075 10,000.00 10109 2112 10,000.00 10/06 2076 10,000.00 10/19 2113 10,000.00 10/14 2077 10,000.00 10/05 2114 10,000.00 10/15 2078 10,000.00 10/06 2115 10,000.00 10/05 2079 10,000.00 10113 2116 10,000.00 10105 2080 5,000.00 10/06 2117 6,000.00 4004