HomeMy WebLinkAboutReimbursable Work Request - GRIS (003)Zti Form " , "n=V.UCh., Inw AGEM1CYNAME Health Care Authority 6218th Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504 ympl Grant County 840 E Plum St Mos es Lake, WA 98837 Agency No. Agrwment ID or Conbecl Number1070 K3919Als-tA Vedrr's C"b""te. thereby Gedifyunderpenaltyafpejaythattheitems andtotals fortedhers'nareproperchages formaterials, merchandiseorservices t-ished to the State of Washington, and that all goods furnished auto services rendered have been provided Wthart disMm nal/on because of age, sex, marts, status, race, need, color, national origin, handicap, religi Vietnam era a 11 11,d vet ae status. (sign in ink) n v '�-I�C,SSCdIt%CM1r A- /Q �� 71 (title) (data) TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER "'1319 MONTH/VEAR OF SERVICE Sep -20 RECEIVED BY DATE RECEIVED BARS PROGRI,Y AGTYRTnaYE CLAP STRATEGY Iam SHBG OPS PFS 2018 PFS C1Ry°V1r EP DMA SOR NCE SGR SDR S.pp SGR II MHPP PP General TRW 11.1 Admin 0.00 581.58 1.461.88 2043.46 21 Community -Based Coadnamn-P. Community -Based Process Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.5 Community Co Iibon Coordmala Ccmmunity-Basad Process Universa -Direct o co 22.5 Community Coallbm Community -Based Process Universal -Direct 0.00 22 11 C-rn-t, C -t- Coordinator- ML Community -Based Process Universal -erect 6.030 17 6,030.17 2Z5,1 1 Commurnty Coa,bon - MLCommunil Based Process Universal -Direct 317.93 317.93 221,2 PAX -Good Behavior Game - ML Intametion Dissemination Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.2.1 Positive Action - ML Education UniversakDiracl 0.00 22.2.1 Youth EmpoAerment - ML Education Universal -Direct 0.00 221,2 Outreach 8 Education -ML Information Dissemination Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.1.2 Talk. They Hear You- ML Information Dissemination Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.1.2 Udder The Influence Of YGu- ML Information Dissemination Universal -Indirect 0.00 22,1,2 Character Strap - ML Information Dissemination Universal -Indirect 0.o0 22.1.2 You Cal - ML Information Dissemination Universal -Indirect D.00 22.6.2 Restorative Justice -ML Envk--W Universal-Irdirect D.00 YP8P Trwma-Infamed Schools - ML Environmental Universal -Indirect D.00 22.7.1 CoBlibaVCommunity Training- ML Other Universal -Direct 0.00 22.7.1 Coordinator Prolessional Development - ML Otlner Un-,Dkect oB0 0.00 22.5.1 Community Coalition Coordinator - O Coni-ly-Based Process Universal -Direct 7,585.97 7,585.97 22.5.1 Corm N't Ceelioan-O Commundr Based Process UnivasaFDeect 0.00 22.2.1 Strengthening Families Progran-O Education Universal -Direct 0.00 22.2.1 eo'"ej°Education Universal -Direct 2,51004 2,510.04 22.3.1 HedlhY Altanabves-O ARerratives Universal -Direct 0.00 22.1.1 ' Information Dissemination Universal -Direct 2668.05 2,888.05 22,1,2 You Can - O Information Dissemination Universal -Indirect O.DO 22.1.2 Under The Influence Of You- O Information Dissemination Universal -Indirect O.DO 22.1.2 R sr. nNPer-G»rer°m wn.P-I.anvN N.e area Information Dlsseninalkm UniversakIrdiract 5.50948 5,509.48 22.1.2 Stats With Ons O Information Dissemination Universal -Indirect ().DD 22.6.2 Dnp Free Parks 'Q Environmental Universe46dkacl 0.00 22.6.2 OHS Disciplinary- O Environmental Universal -Indirect 0.00 22.7.1 Coalitlon/Cornmunity Trailing -O Other Universal -Direct 0.00 22.7.1 Coordinator Professional Devekprn-t - O Oean Universal -Direct 0.00 22.6.2 Px Sustamabdty Polley- O Environmental Universal -Indirect 0.00 22 72 Community Education Workshops -O Other Universal -Indirect 0.D0 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 6,348.10 581.58 0.D0 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0 D 19.735.42 0.00 0.00 O.DO 26,865.10 PREPARED BY/ DATE Rey- Go -Is 17I5I2020 TELEPHONE 509 7642660 A19 Effective 7/1119 through 6/30121 REVISED 1012020 CURR DOC NO DOC DATE VENDOR NO. AGENCY APPROVAL: SWV0002426-00 Sarah Mariani, 360-725-9401, Sarah.Mariani hca.wa. ov ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT/ DATE RECEIVED NOV - 5 2020 GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Rw7-tAa