HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (004)Housing Authority of Grant County 1139 Larson Blvd. • Moses Lake, WA 98837-3308 Phone: (509) 762-5541 • Fax: (509) 762-2202 Toll Free: (800) 747-9202 • TTY: (800) 833-6388 ,A-wa.hagc.net October 8, 2020 Grant County Board of Commissioners ATTN: June Strickler PO Box 37/35 C Street Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear Ms. Strickler: Please consider this letter and attached documentation the Housing Authority's claim for draw #1 for September, 2020, for the Eviction Rent Assistance Program. I certify that: The information on the A-19 and supporting documentation for the Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP), contract # 21-4614C-108, in the amount of $25,592.32 is a true and accurate report and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the ERAP grant. Sincerely, �0, Christopher A. Sutherland Financial Director Dated this % day of 2QQ0 Board of County Commissioners Grant County, %Xashington Approye Disapprove Abstain Dist#Io Dist#1 Dist#1 Dist # Ist #2 Dist #2 Dist #3 Dist #3 Dist #3 f2r T,eHousfngAuthorityofGnmt Countyi Washingtonis an equal opportunityproviderand employer and does notdiscriminate on the basisofrace, color, nationalarigm, religion, sex, physical or menta! disability, arJamilial status. The Housing Authority oJGrara Cbmsty's polities and practices are designed to provide assurances that persons with disabilities will be given reusonabie accan+modations, EQUAL HOUSING upon request, so that they may fully access and utilize the housing programs and rcliaed services. OPPORTUNITY 4 you or anyone in yourfamily is a person with duabilitics, and you require a specific accommodation in order to fully utilize our programs and services, please contact the Housing Authority, Grant County/GCHA Contract*21F4CO-1( RAP) Submitted to GC by: HAG,R. Date:+ ID Requestement No. #'I Grant County's Subrecipient Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: _x_ Made for an allowable activity under the grant guidelines? _x_ Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? _x_ Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? _x_ Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: _x_ Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-122? _x_ Allocable to the program? (i.e., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) _x_ Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (i.e., is the federal government being charged the same amount as if non-federal funds were being used to pay the cost)? _x_ Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives). _x_ Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? _x_ Not included as a cost (or used to meet cost sharing requirements) of other federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? _x_ Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). _x_ Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? _x_ Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). _x_ Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? H:\ACCOUNTING\LOTUS\LOTUS\EVICTION PROTECTION GRANT\ERAP Subrecipient Checklist.docx Page 1 . 4 ?r WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE EVICTION RENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AGES CY NUMBER Short Code Commerce Contract Number 21-4614C-108 Activity Form 19 -IA VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION > v; GRANT COUNTY INSTRUCTION TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT: Grant Balance PO BOX 37 Submlt this fcan to claim payment for matenala, merchandise or services EPHRATA, WA 98823 Show complete detail for each !tem. VENDOR OR CLAIMANT (Warrant is to be payable toe $100,000.00 $0.00 Vendor's Car if cafe: t hereby certify under penury that the items and totals listed herein are proper $100,000.00 Housing Authority of Grant County charges for materials, merchandise or services furnished to the state of Washington, and that all goods 1139 Larson Blvd furnished andlor services rendered have been provided without discriminatfon because of age, sex, marital status, race, creed, color, national origin, handicap, religion or Vietnam era or disabled veterans Moses Lake, WA 98837 atetaa. By: -- $0,00 Contact Person: Istephanie Bothwell Phone: 509-762-5541 (SIGN IN BLUE INK) C - r -b 16l16le 1204-4 Email:. sbonrvellCla haac.net Contract Period: AUGUST 1, 2020 -DECEMBER 31, 2020 REPORT PERIOD: Sep -20 RITLE� (DATE) PROGRAM APPROVAL (The ,rdi dual signing ods veuor ., warrants they have the authority to sign this -cher) CURRENT DOC. NO. REFERENCE DOC NO. and SUFrlx DATE DOC DATE ASD NUMBER VENDOR MESSAGE ACCOUNTYO. SUB INVOICE SUB Gi. AMOUNT sGe OeJ OBJ ACCT TRANS MOTET 3UBSID CODE INDEX DATE WARRANT TOTAL DATE SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNTING PREPAAER FOR PAYMENT ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT revised 3/2.5111 A19 -1a - basic forth ai Expenditure Expenditure Request Activity Budget > v; Previously Reported this Period Grant Balance ADMIN $100,000.00 $0.00 $0,00 $100,000.00 RENT $886,808.00 °" . $0,00 $21,951.83 $864,856.17 OPERATIONS $72,000.00 $0.00 $3,840.49 $68,359.51 TOTAL $1,058,808.00;. t, $0.00 $25,592.32 $1,033,215.68 PROGRAM APPROVAL (The ,rdi dual signing ods veuor ., warrants they have the authority to sign this -cher) CURRENT DOC. NO. REFERENCE DOC NO. and SUFrlx DATE DOC DATE ASD NUMBER VENDOR MESSAGE ACCOUNTYO. SUB INVOICE SUB Gi. AMOUNT sGe OeJ OBJ ACCT TRANS MOTET 3UBSID CODE INDEX DATE WARRANT TOTAL DATE SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNTING PREPAAER FOR PAYMENT ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT revised 3/2.5111 A19 -1a - basic forth General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 09 Ending 9/3012020 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 01 - 0"00£,+ � + 38 7 Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 401000-8-01 MGMT SALARIES - ERAP 0.00 883.87 0.00 883.871 883.87 408200-8-01 MGMT FICA - ERAP 0.00 66.67 0.00 66.67 66.67 408201-8-01 MGMT SUTA - ERAP 0.00 10.87 0.00 10.87 10.87 408202-8-01 MGMT L&I - ERAP 0.00 4.52 0.00 4.52 4.52 411000-8-01 ADMIN SALARIES - ERAP 0.00 1,458.48 0.00 1,458.48 1,458.48 418200-8-01 ADMIN FICA - ERAP 0.00 111.71 0.00 111.71 111.71 418201-8-01 ADMIN SUTA - ERAP 0.00 17.72 0.00 17.72 17.72 418202-8-01 ADMIN L&I - ERAP 0.00 17.20 0.00 17.20 17.20 419017-8-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES - ERAP 0.00 1,021.95 0.00 1,021.95 1,021.95 419018-8-01 POSTAGE - ERAP 0.00 44.00 0.00 44.00 44.00 471501-8-01 HAPPAYMENTS-RENT -ERAP 0.00 21,951.83 0.00 21,951.831 21,951.83 PROJECT 01 -Total: 0.00 25,588.82 0.00 25,588.82 25,588.82 011 3s640.49G+ Run Date: 10/712020 2:03:36PM Page: 1 G/L Date: 9130/2020 User Logon: CAS 0"00£,+ � + 38 7 + 66-67 10.87 + 4.52 + 1 +45848 + 111.71 + 1772 + 17=20 + 1,021.95 + 44.00 + 3.50 + 3s640.49G+ Run Date: 10/712020 2:03:36PM Page: 1 G/L Date: 9130/2020 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Summary Report for Period 09 Ending 9/3012020 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) PROJECT 02 - Account Number/Description Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 419018-8-02 POSTAGE - ERAP 0.00 3.50 0.00 3.50 3.50 PROJECT 02 - Total: 0.00 3.50 0.00 3,50 r 3.50 Report Total: 0.00 25,592.32 0.00 25,592.32 25,592.32 tii 0.00G+ 3*640.49 + 21 =951 -83 + 25+592.326+ 6) Run Date: 10/7/2020 2:03:36PM Page: 2 G/L Date: 9/30/2020 User Logon: CAS General Ledger Detail Report Detail Postings for Period 09 Ending 9/30/2020 tAP HOUSING AUTHORITY OF GRANT COUNTY (GCH) Account Number/Description Period Date Journal Comments Beg Balance Debit Credit Net Change End Balance 471501-8-01 HAP PAYMENTS -RENT - ERAP 0.00 09 9115/2020 AP -003717 000100235 AN: 0AN&JONONNOM 167.00 0.00 167.00 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100235 AN: M1MIrPPP41111818 153.00 0.00 320.00 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100235 AN: 167.00 0.00 487.00 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100235 AN: 1 647,00 0.00 1,134.00 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100235 AN: 647.00 0.00 1,781.00 09 9/1512020 AP -003717 000100235 AN: 01800ONWAididkk 512.64 0.00 2,293.64 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100235 AN: MMRI NMPlPP*PR 698.17 0.00 2,991.81 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100235 AN: 700.00 0.00 3,691.81 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100235 AN: !W 700.00 0.00 4,391.81 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100235 AN: 422.58 0.00 4,814.39 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100235 AN: 475.00 0.00 5,289.39 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100235 AN: SRR 632.00 0.00 6,921.39 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100235/IN: 632.00 0.00 6,553.39 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100235 AN: 3611MAIMMINNOWAO 371.00 0.00 6,924.39 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100236 AN: 1000MOUNNINMk 371.00 0.00 7,295.39 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000100235/IN:�I 371.00 0.00 7,666.39 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000106829AN4 936.00 0.00 8,602.39 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 00010682911N. 936.00 0.00 9,538.39 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000106829 AN: S11111116000111114PW 936.00 0.00 10,474.39 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000106829 AN: 233.44 0.00 10,707.83 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000106829 AN: 226.00 0.00 10,933.83 09 9/1512020 AP -003717 000106829 AN: 811.00 0.00 11,744.83 09 9/15/2020 AP -003717 000106829 AN: VII&W M111111111latlME 811.00 0.00 12,555.83 09 9/16/2020 AP -003719 0001076351K. 1,179.00 0.00 13,734.83 09 9/16/2020 AP -003719 000107635 AN: 1,179.00 0,00 14,913.83 09 9/22/2020 AP -003722 000100235 AN: !) 460.00 0.00 15,373.83 09 9/2212020 AP -003722 000106788 AN: VMMMMMMMMOPW 634.00 0.00 16,007.83 09 9/22/2020 AP -003722 000106788 AN: NMNMMMMMMIWW 790.00 0.00 16,797.83 09 9/22/2020 AP -003722 000106788 AN: JONIONNOIlarM 790.00 0.00 17,587.83 09 9/22/2020 AP -003722 000106853 AN: SOW 575.00 0.00 18,162.83 09 9/22/2020 AP -003722 000108599 AN; 080000MMiNOPM 905.00 0.00 19,067.83 09 9/22/2020 AP -003722 000108882 AN: 600.00 0.00 19,667.83 09 9/22/2020 AP -003722 000108882 AN: 006�l 60.00 0.00 19,727.83 09 9/2212020 AP -003722 00010888211J. 1 600.00 0.00 20,327.83 09 9/24/2020 AP -003723 000107176 AN: sommmml`9 553.00 0.00 20,880.83 09 9/24/2020 AP -003723 000107176 AN: Sd *MNMW iNAMir4 518.00 0.00 21,398.83 09 9/24/2020 AP -003723 000107176 AN: 553.00 0.00 21,951.83 0.00 21,951.83 0.00 21,951.83 21,951.83 Report Total: 0.00 21,951.83 0.00 21,951.83 21,951,83 Run Date: 10/5/2020 8:26:48AM Page: t GIL Date: 1 0/512 02 0 User Logon: SAB d* Washington State Department of 4 Commerce Eviction Rent Assistance Program ERAP -Report Form through December 2020 Report Period: Enter corresponding week or month that matches the invoice reimbursement request. Instructions: Match all of the information below to the information collected on the ERAP Household Information and Eligibility Form. Grantee: Grant County Report period: September 1- September 30, 2020 Household Pa spent Information Head of Household information (select from dropdown) Household ID No. of months rental arrears paid No. of months Current/ Future Rent paid Total Rent Payment Gender Race y Ethnicity Staying with Friend Family? []!AMPLE! 080120200945 2 1 1500 Gender Non -Conforming (i.e. Black or African American not exclusively male or female Non-Hispanic/Non-Latinx No AV09012020 3 0 1848 Male Refused/Don't know His nic/Latinx No RC08312020 1 1 1872 Male White Non-Hispanic/Non-Latinx No JL.08162020 1 1 897,58 Male Refused/Don't know His nlc Latinx No T508182020 3 0 1113 Female White Non -His anic/Non-Latinx No RH08192020 2 1 2098.17 Male White Non -His nic/Non-Latinx No KSD8192020 1 0 512.64 Female White Non -His nic/Non-Latinx No 7508252020 1 1 1169.44 Female White Non-Htspenic/Non-Latinx No KG08242020 1 1 2358 Female Black or African American Non -His nic Non-Latinx No GG08242020 1 1 1294 Female White His anic/Latinx No AC08242020 3 0 487 Female White Non -His nic/Non-Latinx No AS08202020 1 1 1264 Female Multiple Races Refused Don't know No DD09092020 1 905 remale Multiple Races His anic/Latinx No /508262020 1 0 460 Female White Non -His nic Non-Latinx No AM09DS2020 575 Female Refused/Don't know His nl Latinx No NNO8262020 2 1 1260 Female White Non -MIs ntc/Non-Latinx No MS08252020 2 1 2214 Female White Non -Hi ni Non-Latinx No AS09152020 2 1 1624 Female Multi le Races Hispanic/Latinx No