HomeMy WebLinkAbout*Other - Public WorksMemo Grant County Department of Public Works 124 Enterprise St. S.E. Ephrata, WA 98823 To: Board of County Commissioners From: Keith M. Elefson, PE County Road Engineer Date: October 8, 2020 Re: Draft 2021 Annual Construction Program Honorable Board of County Commissioners: Serial No. 20. 148 ry Wu 71#1 Beard of County Commissioners Grant County. Washington Approye Dist/ rp ove Abstain Dist 41 a Dist # 1 Dist # 1 Dist #T-411V—Dist # 2 Dist # 2 Dist #3 Dist # 3 Dist # 3 In accordance with WAC 136-16-010, we are submitting the draft 2021 Annual Construction Program for your consideration and files. This draft includes recommendations from the Office of the County Engineer for all road and bridge construction projects, as well as all road equipment purchases for 2021. Please advise us of any revisions deemed necessary by the Board. KME LILHANT CGUWy C "To meet current and future needs, serving together with public and private entities, while fostering a respectful and work environment." Keith Elefson, County Road Engineer .................. Ext. 3502 Ed Lowry, Supervisor -Dist. No. 1................................Ext. 3540 Bob Bersanti, Construction Engineer .................... Ext. 3503 Mike DeTrolio, Supervisor -Dist. No. 2 ........................ Ext. 3591 Loc Ohl, Accountant Lead ....................................... Ext. 3555 John Brissey, Supervisor -Dist. No. 3 ........................... Ext. 3541 Rod Follett, Foreman -Sign Shop ............................ Ext. 3579 John Spiess, Supervisor -Central Shop ............. (509) 754-6086 Samuel Dart, Assistant Director .........................Ext. 3519 Jason Collings, Solid Waste .......................... (509) 754-4319 Andy Booth, Bridge Supervisor .................................... Ext. 3535 Information .................................................(509) 754-6082 FAX............................................................... (509) 754-6087 E-mail ............................. publicworks@grantcountywa.gov 3504 Sam Castro, Public Works Director ....................Ext. I0/8/2020 aboul:btank Grant County 2021 Annual Construction Program WAC 136-16 (A) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION DONE (total sum of column 13+ column 14): $10,765,200.00 Date of Environmental Assessment: (B) COMPUTED COUNTY FORCES LIMIT: $1,307,392.50 Date of Final Adoption: (C) TOTAL COUNTY FORCES CONSTRUCTION (total sum of column 14): $720,000.00 Ordinance/Resolution Number: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (N) (y) (10) (I1) (12) (13) (14) (15) Sources of Funds Estimated Expenditures Atumi 6 Year Ruad Segment Inr.rmatw. Project Project Type Environmental Dollars Program Ruad Program Project Num. Read Ruad Name BMP EMP FFC Length(mi.) Code Assessment Other Funds PE&CE Right.(W.v Construction Grand Total Item No. Item No. Cuu.n Ruxd Funds Amount Program Source (595.10) (595.20) Contract C.... Forces (All 595) Road Name: Coeloms Rd 41500 From: Airway Dnve 0.00 0.25 17 $808,022.00 STPIUS) 1 CucMan&lriMar To: On- Rd 0.89 RC. E $IJJ.NIeI $145,500 $934,21x1 UN�� N� SI IIr Road Nome: Ottmm Rd 5126,178.00 HIP(US) 41500 From: Otimm Rd 0.25 0.89 17 To: Valley Rd Road Name: Stratford Road NE 2 Stratford Road - Phase) 94025 From: 12-NERsmd 9.23 13.24 07 4.01 2R E, 543(1,(110 $750,000.00 RAP $80,()00 $800,000 5300,000 $1,180,000 To: 16 -NE Road Read Name: Valley Rd 3 Vasey Road Grtnd/lnlav 41250 From: Caxade Fmk 0,49 1.53 16 1.04 2R F $113,400 $726,60.00 STP(US) $20,000 $820,000 $840,000 Tb: Swtt Road Name. U -NW $115,150,W HSIP 4 Wh,fi, Trod SR 26 &White 93010 From: U -NW 22.95 22.91 07 0.06 18 F $115,150 $2303,000 52303.000 Road R oro 76: SR 28 $2,072,700.00 WA M- 5 Fl,,hmg LED Stop N/A S.f.t, E $0 5528,000.00 HSIP $20,000 $508,000 $528,000 Signa Phase 1 & 2 Road Name: B -SE Road From: 0.24 Mile South of Lower Crab 6 B -SE Culverts 20550 Creek Road 0.74 044 09 0.20 Br E S200,0DO 55,000 $195,000 $200,000 To: 0.44 Mile South of Lower Crab Creek Road 7 ADA Ramp/Sidewalk N/A Other E $100,000 $20,000 s0 S80,000 SI00,000 Upgrades - Phase8l 8 Mixell'oeous Projects N/A Other E $250,000 $25,000 5225,000 5250,000 Road Name: Grape D.- 42350 From: Begin Term- 0.03 0.27 18 y Grape & Maple D -e To: End Term- 0 y9 RC E $205,875 $1319,125.00 STP(US) $125,100 s0 $1,400.000 so $1,525,00D Read Name: Maple Drre 42600 From: Begin Termuti 0.00 0.75 18 To: End T -on Road Name: Stratford Road 10 Stretford Road - Phase 2 94025 From: 16 -NE Rsmd 13.24 17.24 07 4.00 2R E S20,000 520,000 $20,000 To: 2( E Road Read Name: 3 -NP; 11 3 -NE Ph..3 94020 From: S -NE 8,91 10.90 07 1.99 3R E $1001000 $1,000,000.00 STP(R) $100,000 $0 $1,000.000 so $1.100,000 To: U -NE 12 U -SE Road 0 -lay N/A E $322,000 51,903,000.00 STP(R) $25,000 $2200,000 52,225,000 $2,002,225 $9,348,775 $585,800 s0 $10,045,200 $720,000 $11,351,000 about:blank I/I