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Invoices - Technology Services (003)
Technology Services 35 C ST NW Suite 308 WA 98823 Vendor CD WGI Zj _._._S Purchase Order Date P.O. No. 9/22/2020 335 Item Description Qty Rate Amount Software Mainter, Annual renewal for BARRACUDA support contract 1 This is a budgeted expense for Software Maintenance 22,722.00 22,722.00 Total $22,722.00 TS Approval BOCC Approval GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CDW PAYMENT RESOURCES P.O. BOX 5066 HARTFORD, CT 06102-5066 855-444-2304 Address Service Requested Please provide address/contact changes on the reverse side. 5744005514 PRESORT PBPS014 <B> COUNTY OF GRANT ATTN:JOSEPH CARTER 35 C ST NW EPHRATA WA 98823-1685 Remittance Section Contract Number: 100-5344541-001 Invoice Number: 11041809 Invoice Due Date: 10/10/2020 Current Invoice Due: DESCRIPTION Total Amount Due: $22,722.00 Amount Remitted: $ Payments received after 09/15/2020 are not reflected on this invoice. Use enclosed envelope and make payable to: CDW PAYMENT RESOURCES P.O. BOX 5066 HARTFORD, CT 06102-5066 011005344541001000106853500110418090022722002 Keep tower portion for your records - Please return upper portion with your payment - — - - - - -- - -- CDW PAYMENT RESOURCES Account Name: P.O. BOX 5066 Invoice Date: HARTFORD, CT 06102-5066 Invoice Due Date: Important Messages County Of Grant Contract Number: 100-5344541-001 09/15/2020 Invoice Number: 11041809 10/10/2020 Total Due: $22,722.00 Need extra payment flexibility? Email us at.modificationrequestO-administration-services.com with your full contact information, business operating status, and requested payment relief. Please include your customer name and contract number in the subject line. We'll get back to you as soon as possible with options that may help as we work through this uncertain time together. CONTRACT CONTRACT I SALES\USE LATE TOTAL NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAYMENT TAX CHARGES 100-5344541-001 Barracuda Essentials DATE DUE 10/10/20 $22,722.00 $22,722.00 PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT $22,722.00 If you have questionsregarding your bill, or if you would like to pay by phone 855-444-2304 please give us a call and we will be happy to assist you. • topage 1 of 2 Pay Online Today at www.e-payadmin.com Account / Contact Changes (check one) Customer Address ❑ Billing Address ❑ Equipment Address ❑ All ❑ Please provide your new address or telephone number and return this portion with your payment. Your records will be updated on request. Company Name: Contact E-mail Address: New Address: City: State: Zip: Contact Name: Phone Number: Fax Number: Authorized Signature: Contact Us: is By Phone: 855-444-2304 is For payments by check: CDW PAYMENT RESOURCES, P.O. BOX 5066 HARTFORD, CT 06102-5066 • For e-mail inquiries: customersupport@administration-services.com • For payments online: www.e-payadmin.com Sample Invoice Key: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES P.O. BOX 5066 HARTFORD, CT 06102-5066 Address Service Requested Please provide address/c W charges on the reverse tide. BILL SAMPLE 123 MAIN STREET ANYTOWN, USA 12345.6789 Remittance Section O Contract Number. 001-1234567-001 Invoice Number: 000000 O Invoice Due Date: 07/20/2008 Total Due. '.620.1 O Alnould Remitted: S Payrtwa received eller 08/2//1008 are rat refected on theinvoice Use mdosed envebpa and make payable a: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES P.O. BOX 5066 O HARTFORD, CT 06102-5066 IrIrrLlrlrrrlrlrll,rdrrlrrlLrr,IILrrLr1.L,JllI,,,I 012345678900000000000123456789000000123456 Keep lower porton for your records. Please refum upperp,~ with yourpsy~f ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Account Name: BILL SAMPLE Contract Number: 001-1234567001 P.O. BOX 5066 Invoke Number: 000000 HARTFORD, CT 06102-5066 Invoice Date: O 06/24/2008 Total Due: $820.68 Invoice Due Date: 07/20/2008 Important Messages Please reference this section of the invoice for important information regarding your contract. CONTRACT DESCRIPTION CONTRACT SAI-ESIUSE LATE ........., .,.....-..- -... .,.....�-- TOTAL Please Pay This Amount 5820.68 If you have questions regarding your bill, or N you would like to pay by phone, please give us a nil and we will be happy to assist you page 2 of 2 O Contract Number - Your account number. It will be helpful to have this number when calling customer service. O Invoice Due Date - Bill must be paid before the Due Date to avoid a late fee charge. O Amount Remitted - Please indicate the payment amount included with your remittance. O Remittance Address - Send your payment to this address with your remittance slip for proper credit to your account. © Invoice Summary - Information pertaining to your invoice. Ifc-140294