HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Sheriff & JailPa g 2025 HEALTH SERVICES. AGREEMENT .Grant,CountyJail THIS AGREEMENT -islentered into between the Remedy Inrnate'Med cal services' a,nd GRANT COUNT`', Washi ngton,(COUNTYa bliti.tal subdivisionI of the State W sh.in ton. R1,1_ PQSE id 40' 1 The pyrpose ofthls'Agreernetle d t " �s. r vide'reasona, e an necessarv. asic, b medical care to the i .,n m.atqs Is 6f ther' ht' 6 u- 'I,_'(JAIL) in:.accordance to -the :Sanddrai -I6d Jau .r . _ �. - . I e, ica vices lnjdils� deve,op for M y I C i 0 on- 1.�H a Ithare (N'tt th.e National omm,s_sion onC rrecti �a e 2..AUTHORITY - This 'A r d by Titl geement is,-.'aluth authorized e 6 RCW* or ze REL.ATIO SHI D FTREPARTIES.- ReMedyln.mate edical Services; through itsphysida nW 6r,:detgnee s hall b 6:responsib le:for the 1c ..'e, S 0 s A th PTA e OT,medicine,within J��!L­and A edi al,d cl, i n llbo` mad, b F.,. CILITY0 All m y e responsible phy-skian,or desi""' a gnpe, prtnrou h approved wriIter pro r st I -dpro e.pcedW itteh. andpA ng or ers, ot written direct,,ofders iss.u,W,6hd carrieddesrnab utb"y"'te,R' emed 1, : a e e4ica_l.Servies a ndor td NTY of ti personnel. The brant -Co t tiff (SHERI FF) shall blef of JAIL ar�d uny Sheriff r sponsi eppera ion FACI LITY4-Rerned "InmateMedial ,service t t.6viders:sha abid�bCOUN Tyn needss securandd safety, On'.dwill desigp such arocOd.ures:and pi'ders �as atenecess 1ty fdr -th Pebper,opergtion:— 6f the r.edical pd tillM p Iy with tees needs, rograpn �_,,z n to 4. RE P . O.'NSJI RAE -PHYSI'ClAk Remle y rvitetth4 110- id`;'Ii '-d S to .0e. -,r s p I n VnIate Medl.ta e rovi e icense e .s ib.le forthe ofga.n.tzation -ur up-rit -ne­ p s to: this te'"r Of SHERIFF �s d" ica ser v* e rit;Ver"ifida OT current 1i cen, ing and c certifi.Oitlb d a n'tairied. t n - rq, tiais hi i a theAN'COUNTYi. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES ReOP 9'.Med b Med icall S grvice I s 1) �Assist JAIL and FACILITY sta'ff. ASsis t JAIL and. FACILITY.iftm'e6ting its dudes�,to a inmates,as stated in .W.ash*nton State Standardsof J, 'Ill 'Health.Care. The' -au med9.- "I --- d These i6lblroce ire JAIL d includitat�se -el an,,..,,,FACILITY ing.Without th mi.on, atedlo.. COUNTY'HEALTH SERVIC.E5AGREEMENT ,a) receivingscreening,-jnProcedures, health appraisal ..data::'collectioh.�procLprocedures. e c) 'referrals of serio usly:ill patients, ,d) provision ,of rr.Qh7emergency medic'al services. e) referral to Obtain emergency medical and deeital services. f hron" c I.0.C.0-rev g) convalescent care. .h) preventative maintenancei 0 screening:.Of rhentallyi.11 or deve*,loPmehtally delayid inma.tes, Page 2 j) referral Of mentally, ill or develop rn entaflyd delayed in ate e rn s. k) detbx`ific- a.tion. referral. 1) the f6rrhulaty for all ' m 6dicat" ions.. M) policyOftethi11 '9 ."ditaladMinisteation, me I n) method of recording recordsentrJes in niedical, :W6,W6-tkbfWallfied`.rned'on cal persnel. u pl)denn"I"tare referral. es 40d (duan'dec ng,the emergenc nature of i n s or.Y vry,g a standard work,daV). ..notification of next of.kir 'S. Th n e The respo sibl 'Ohys'cian shall review ti Me-edica-1 Se rVices.at JAIL arid, F APILITY at, least:th thlyon.. 31) :.St6ff Billin."g—: ke rh- tidy Inmate'Medikal Services III wi provide C01U.NTY with monthly,.statO 'Onts. to "thi ed z by .cost category,fees are fully loaded and shzill incIud.e all41tc" t progrpm;suppo,rt :adminstrative0e d t 'costs q.nd,.suppIi.es-.Al.l pdsit'ioh�,.a .''re'standard�'wotkda' Ys. 4'Wh ay, hrougn. Friday, non-hol.1days:. Rates .are ,jaddress'ed on Atta'hment L'1'1-:St4ff 4) (' embers shall includeir"but -are.�%,h6t, firYiI ed to, the followng: ik, ,a) 1. ;Assistant- Ad'' ed Re is --d'N -ner: Y�;Ician.�:van ore urs P" to ct,i to Shall meet the: nl*h4murnfit6, nsi.i1g,requirern nts., �b) Minimum'schedule will bg1wice.,weekly -R `- "ll b os�,�Ogreod to by the es. emainingschedule wi e b an as ne 6 : ,ed psis, , ..and .'sick .call ,:,avat.labil'it fb rurgent need,M hdqy through Friday 00 Sth -to 5:00." p -M c) Visits to the JAIL or FACIL[Wshall bei -tilled at the h. :dy rate� as yet forth in r pnendi . 5) Physfqian: Sup ervisory o it�o ►. IfPhys' I A istants a' iable:-' h' ns,n6ed report. to It an ss re wav;, ilp., ys,icia- -not SAI L, or'', F ACI I_ITY* 6) AV liablefdt e -1 p on­.ephone support. Visit to oth e facilities shall .e billed atthe rate.' Teleghone'backupri1lb�e--lbilked MbV;ftthI-the �C6ntrac'tecrat-- rate. 7)�$ervices. Bi M ng- I-REWDY I.N.MATM,EDIC­ALSERVICES 1lj 'd'- -a month 't w ride i ,e.S,HER1FF.Wkh­ ly'sta forsrvi s. pro. 10 AL'�SERVICES, VK qd to the E -M E. DY.1 NM ATE: VEDIC 8) R Y EMED. INMATE: MEN -CAL pro nu SERVI,CESSh;flI vide JAIL 'rsing'staff Frith e to ith, th fidenitialh�eldical .. n record of in-mat,e S"tte , ated REME,DY..INM -,SER �TE VIC.ES. 9) REMEDY INMATE MEDICAL SERVICES shall maintain :4,, manual of h e.al-,t.h care pqjl+�ries and procedures end tyre reat.ment:,gwide.linesfor public health .n, urses. MEDIC L LIAISON OFFICER SHERIFF'Will designate a registered nurse asa medi,cal 11in officer h'o s first, id, trai ... .... .. .. 3 a. R ..,.....eceivin.g,anld.st.reo-ning inouiryi on all inmates up' on .'a-dlmission't.o.JAIL and .FACILITYend ,notificationto JAIL and FACILITY health care/ nursing staff if medical 'attention is he'ed'ed. b. Daily tollection of each inmate" to -Al o e t b -a d FACILITY c s medical complaints'�(' ki s r v.. ewe.d by J'Al L n staff, and,triaged ban RN.- o A c. Pr sion-of emergency care., incl ding, but "not _'ited to signed 'infdrmatIonre and tea' fe r agreements. for ddntaI,a.nd maodic, I e . emergencies. Dotal,emergenciesh' It be referred to the s a Moses La"ke' Co' m miuhsity Hea1thCenter, Pro'. vision of m - edit aI lend dent, I dare outside of JAILI and FACILITY e , responsibiep,YSi, an dete'erhinre-s that the health the inmate -e I - off . Oct --do o. inmate would be otherwise 'a e s e dv, r- ya e do COUNTYWIlint ma ain the contidential inmate,nedical record$' Including,modical recordId -:1 b s.provi ed� y REMED-YANIVI ATE MEDICAL SERVICES t 4 o nma. es, e. Main, ten ance--of the .modic tion, ana �m -- rit, - 11 a g e po. cy i nco,-dant6 W' owed written S (at- tan4ard 6.0erabpro cedure.,, Prov jSjonof 4&' u q ate'security ogh tof 'goard I versi.t e whip REMEDY, INMATE MEDICAL,SERVICES p:ersonne p g:se vices in accordance rbvidin'- t this.Agreement. 'g. NTYdesto' .pa,REMEDYINMATE M'OICAL SERVIhayr actualCES a,rnPnth.ly is o. services performed and for prof e S' :1 so. Thcosts -::a 11 dire t, program support,, s iona medical se These ,.wi inc lude -c administratire costst.,.a. ,and ies, -tps:shall be��b*lled.,,to.,.COUNT�Y"e'ach mon 1.. Attu services for in,dividual,,inma "t th, COUNTY a, gree.s to remit a p es it n th fre eip't--,--of,the billing:a.for th-e's'e'servic wi thirty 3} W, 0. 'MtLiry ce "d --d -b- the I p'- h -hvsi ; cian.. 11, r.of,0% 10 h j t,"P' V rovi e ysician -_key he bailed �rnqnthlyat the P. rtes ps.addresse A .,-d in-Atta.chthe'a C01 Monthly/ A -N without re es sha.11 hot Pagr es to, em' ..e.�axecute'd�wi out, approva of ,...UNTY, r Paymentfor ".theseserVicesvith i n thirty (3 dais of recelpt.,fthe''billin-g. a t u COUNTY-ag-re" "t 'ti - - �o --S rth in es. o p.ay,-a rate 'one.,.and.,-One ,half (1-1/ ;*,--,h r y rate a ed MP$Aho�l set fo Attachment I fo'r'Wke I d e eeg e h m ency, ne �,a d aft6r-'ho hour visits of a 'REMEDY INMATE MEDICAL SERVICES nv staff amber. h. Provide timely #anspprtation of inmates ter i thin JAIL 8hd FACILITY: to'.'prom.ote the" smooth operation of various practitioner -clinics. `8- OUTSIDEWSTS, RWEDY INMATE MEDICAL SERVICES has no r' "cal, bility for t e- orov(s 1ps pons! i h Jon of any sulchouts"Ide-medl ental, transportation,, consumable ties, 0a.'rm"aceutical and other. services and sup Ii consua P pes not i ats-ocia'ted with sick call or medical assessme-ntperformed in JAIL and n'd FACILITY. NON-CO.M.PLIANCE ....... . . Page 14 In the eVeat t IkEMEDY INVATE ME IC L SERVICES e iifo 1' ac rdance ith this Q A SER or COUNT fails s _0 p rm n co. w Agreet ne,ntHEI IFF REMEDY IN ME or MATE DICAL SERVICES shall first notify the party in writin' 9 Frith: a.Aclear -stat,ement.sp.e:c*ifi,calI'ootlinin allf�il Y 9 ures to cornply; and b, Afeasona . ble'll,mel"m"t 'in hic'h to remed the, st "d tdrn I" i I w .. y a e on p.ja.nc.e. Ifth.el"fel sir e-toco" I mp,,,y is. na.�.qqrrected�qithin, the tim S lilm!�0,1 HERI.FF,O't REMEDYINIVIATE M8DICAL SERVICES shall h'. r of t nty,0*MMj -sl-w 7 i , t inth, re :6 3 business da Ainu d ot he .Boa d " . ..C. .1 ou., ssian h p, er , ys. Co'n e. nontompliars after s.u. chhoibtificatj'- m aye �result i n i m med i to terniin,atio I. n of thistgreement., 10i, EFFECTIVE DATE Thjs Agreement sba.11 betbme &fktive upn.exect _ptliqn_'.� 11#- DUMTI0N 0 FCC I' ACT Th.eterm' .o'f this A ree en:t shall beerr .20231hrough De''' J cembee -3-1,2025,jilclusi'' rovi Id d that this Are�em+�rr� _�Mpy be,� ren bt'(�Xtended. Upon tfla ­ is.,I-dified,g ed, mpi MU. Up WrittenMe ,aere :int of the ,parties :h,e e 0',.Or.-"as.,p.rov6ided-here'i, n., 126:AME NDI' ENT � This Age eenee t-'- a 'be. "d d M a'hien .e, oni M.Utua., written consent of bpth parties. All, amendments, shall be S'jgneck �; bpy beth Ypa tti.e, :attached th d t , this Agt. edm` 6 h'- 't - a 1, Icor porate' ,y reference.: 13, TERM INAT-1 1, n -othe pa, 't least tiktv 60) 04ys . AnV party rn- ay. er 'th"IsA -pement without: cause hyo �glvi. g �tK mina.t,e gr e r rty written prior notice' *-; An-, y',t6r'mi4'nio''-nI shl 'requireA"hevt r - _no ifcotlh. of I h .�Gra ht',C vny. oard o ClommissivrWs rf'' he'billy► agree tol e the ontr Ws o . be'haff.&COUNTY-1 pla�rtiesmaytnut a prm,i,nat ct:at,any time., 14. NOTICES AW btic"esunder "ib is Akr6eirnehf shll be in hall.,beetiv whn mailed b +crtiied tiir- Postage, prepaid -..a hi'd.hftue h receipt i pt b d ce rL ues e to the party t h,e noof€end , -at th.io.- address set p forth heei in or, at secsr-address at,ether0a1- A ymay froom UL6 ti. eA signateInwriting: COUNTY i Beard: afCounty:.Comm' ssi 16ners'. Attn: Adm' i.nist'ratiVe:.Se",r'V*i'cesd C.00r Jnat.or PO'Box 37 Ephrata, WA 9.8823-0037 REMEDY INMATE IVIEWCALSERVICES, -Attu',6 Morgan Fife 408 viewrhont DR SE Moses Lake, WA,988P 0 Page 15 15, ENTIRE C0*N.TR,ACT The parties ,a h .grpe that Jth' s Agreement is.the complete -expression ofthe terms and an'y bra.represeintatioh notdf Unde'rstandingjin-corporated herein are excluded. 16, ,COMPLIANCE WITH. LAWS The parties in the �Iiee ma -A for nce off.this gree- t comply -lawsand ....Ton._ag.reeto fully y with all applica�ble re - 'fl,at* .,.,,, jon.s'.. 17...R.E.ME­DY INMATEMEDICAL SERVICES HOLD HARM LESS,AND­IN DEM N IFI '10 __N With res pec..., P.theb derthis Agre6i;meht REMEDY INMATE bligatignan.d.,activi �un -flestarried out MCR,n'yqfen. ' 6- eiEDIAL SEVICES agreestoidem #,,4andheld ONTYitsldd offic I S, 0 sj and agents har'I'le­fromd i ss an aganst any i oss., :expense, fee' liability S. othierc: or claims arising wholly',or t"All' f e or. intentional to �the a r I you' tb any error ot o-missi.onb part of �any employee, r 0r.*0gPht-'0fREM.EDY.INMATE-�*MEDICAL:,SERVI'C-EW e er .51 h­� th: direct ,.or i-nd re the ffo­ ement, ether s*e m. e p. h ctt in Pe rmance -of hi :�Agre _h r than th, ­ ' d e- dd6tly�taken ac obs the �t, I it- o ti on shall'�4� part ofthe s ern to ee r agent" 'f*.C-,O,UI`I'r"ii", 'n ` he event it legal pr y tany sui , or egaeding 'h' ofitsff.�_o of t,.oga'in.st,.COUN-TY'',dr��a'hy micer.s.premp oyee.s. otany ii -M,6. n-acco .0 ntof, or. by ri�' so'.. a h o an. om,is.4 or,d6ft''It.'' 'f "REM EDY,IN,MATt'ME1'D.jCAL SEAM' and or anyone. . ­ i lect u 0 _y:a.ct,, qct"Q,n) nog,. ,'Irectio -ALSERVIC indlud,i t acting f beif Of.: th , or, on -,.n,.Qf REMEDY INMATE.MEDIC 0 withou'. Imitation', independent, s ub.-contraciing-parlt es,'REMY.1 AT&MEDICALSERVICES' heIebV ­'. covehcovenantsand agrees to assunle-the d6fbnse t'hersarni� and1o, defend the ..at�,REMEDYINMATEEDICAL SERVICE$ ownoi�x­ ny and 'all 6 t 'char ttorne es; en'se;an 16­pa-ylb� y :fees and other 'that _ W 11 'b 'd bi or' btaitied:- O*U TY or an of its e pe �scs ars any ;ani al1ludgments: m, eincurre y o y agaJ n st C UN T" vials bffi cers., employees, or pgents in,suche -suitspr :oth r pr ocee ings di ,.a.: Prof ssiohal LiabrlityIris:urinC. During the life; of this A reern " t d `f 'in fe thi -A men. COUNTY,th"All g,�, q1n j,,an__or,�.anyr.,jCj" j..,jtyor'j matin . g", 9 9 t is :Provide Professio 6"61 qrpgql(�tthe benei-indiv'd 'a Ise I Aeft� ­ li'a'bility�l"ns'u.ta''n'ce--,'cov': .eif of he rvice pr th -tion err including,withou A ors. a d 't'6h'j..0: d -d* t, I n Omis I s I! n jgpp ce n e performancepf me 8 d ce:shadl include-,ia I insurance C Agree J.''.'n' Said :..: I overage- r a e e n. e repo Ing pedodbf at fO. h, kt 'd d ,least three (3) y -ears beyond the tdr m.1,nafloh.6f the.principail insurance cov .iprag VI e�prc) 'ded., 7 by,CQUNW COUN.TY'Shallpay :all pm iumtandanyd'eductibi 'ntain or m deductibles necessary to'mai. give effect- to such. cessaryto-,give-effect.to insuranke''p+aiicy­hd/or-coveragq�16jud :imi d 6 dUttibles''he 0. 0 Irlgany'PrL umsan e thLztail /ext 6hde­d ing per" d �c report !o. overage. The aforementioned !in' rn t' btained from any s U eab CO ': a� y e q. 0 Insurance company authoriied''ta do. business Jn the State of Wash ih -t ''-ft of i g, Qn..�andshal[ha've policy lir nits MilliOnAnd No/ 100 D Ila ($1 m re. Wit ib th! (.30) days fsignatwre,of the last 0 rs 000,000.00) or o h Ily partythis Agreement, COUNTY shall submitevidence to REMEDY INM ATEMEDIC -A L.SERVICES copy o: most recent, 4 ecla rationspage) that �such insurance -is in.fill force and effect and that such insurance +ill not be Cancel-e'd by Grant Count y during the time period, REMEDY INMATE MEDICAL .SE RVICES hast fully execute all of ,the termsand_ conditions. of thisA greernent unless such policis y replaced by another- policy, with, equal 'or better coverage. The' coverage p liabilit f y qovering events occurilng Outing this Agreement shall exte A'theA'nd f6r three years,a greementisterrnlnate�d by, its terms, or -order' of a"' court -With jurisdiction. _ C, Proof of Ins,ura nce Cettif icat es -or othe'er: evidence cohfirming-the,existence, terms, and conditios o fi n a ll'insbrarice requirecl in GR_ this- A EEMENT shall be kepton file ,bv REMEDY INMATE MEDICAL SERVICES and, provided to the COUNTY Admin.i.. rvice.s C dil n o E stratNe Se oor inator within te .,(10) days 'MMEDYINIVIATEM EDICAL SERVICES s recOip.t.of the- notice -DfaWard o"►f this AGREEMENT. The `lpo- licy ies of ,insurance requiredto ll bo%maintained ,in accordance .`".with ihisAGRE­be-fle-Q given notic ,e of non-renWENT shall not ,canc L d -ren al nor sall ,the tetms.brconditions the thereof be a Itered'o or ended wi ; th out forty -.five ,(45) i days. prior "tte n notice n'to C Wrl tice give. OUNTY.. d. Additional I d COU-NTY,.-shall be,-specifically'n: d 'h* and -811 lic es. shall be am as a dd two I i i n'a'l In— on a poacies.,,, PO: p ri m a ry, to .a ny other va I id a n d C61 lecta b I e OP UNTY:vie thi, tnsurance.,At its tion may wa ve s requirement where in'suran te carriers -!I[not.un.sw er' any circustances :ext nd sec ndaryinsuredtove"ta e`fo, r phys!"Cians' professionalliability,, Or a-r�hitectsl,:ci'nd.englin.eers'- "insuran . Y alsaw ceUNTaive this requirelment.wh,or'eintur6'hcL,*cartie swill notunder ah,' p rcurnstances extend secondfiI de I* ty bon'ding tovera.e.for priva­tonr ' fit,o gailizcritic ns, 1'8,,C.O.U.NWHOLD. HARMLESS AND.IND.EMNIFICT ION �A. With res-pec't.,toth."e'o'blig"at,i,d-n anal activities carried out under this Agreement COU. NITTagrees, to 1.nd,q.mnifV,. defebd, and hold REMEDY IIS IRATE -and em 10 eyes harmles's ATE MEDICALSE VICES, its, fficers 0 . tt Pm and. agartist .any.loss 'ex --a ofney ees., ot, pense, '"'her.c'.ost,�;�'.1i�bi'lity,otclaimsclringwhqjly.or .part aLit of any error or orrillssion, the ia­ .negligence or on ;a ny� art of.. emplo p ye officiaj. ,oe'UNTY, w' . , t , 'i6e:­orfficr:of COhether-dired or1ndirectjnh , peffoerhance.of this reemenCthrtbon a o 6 icla s ts"'o ��REI E -SERVICES- those 'ctloft on 'the part.� f the" _ffl ern I f`DYAN'M p. pyges o rage n ATE MEDICAL S abh" a sf- in-the event any suit. 't 1 :1 'o' "d 1 h 11 e,broug t o ega pr cee,. n' .,9a!A,._RE_MEQY INMATE�.MEDICALER VIC ES, or any of i's'ffi' mplp"e *me,. on act, tl'*' a a o, cers orp oumbf,dr'by.�reason of arty dion,, neglectj : blnission(,, or defai ult, 6f,'COU.NW and/p,r anyone acting for, :on b Air t1oh. f COUN behalf of, or at the ec I o Tyj a h t h .COUNTY hereby coven ts:and agrees o assume the defen "e s t.hereof.'and toAefend theerneat any and all -cost.. chanes,�a' f6 �CQUNTY's.pwn expense and to pay a, ­ --ttorney es and other expenses and any and all ments that may be:w incurred by orobtain d against •EMC o �h o it e r y f s.,pffic.ersorern pl.0,yee.s. in: such,suJits.or anther. proceedings, 19 SECURITY'. COUNTY,by n and o throug gh SHERIFF, reserves the right to refuse admittance of any REMEDY INMATE MEDItA Principal or ager:. er p it deemed a security threat. 20. WHEN RIGHTS. AND REMEDIES ARE NOT WAIVED In no event shall any paym ent key COUNTY or acceptance, df paymentREMEDY INMATE MENI... CAL SERVICES constitute- or tae co.nstrwed to be a. waiver by such of any breach of contract, covena nt, or g e 7 def aultwhich mayth n�exist­ e on the part of the other, The.ma,ko Ing.or acceptance cif any suc pay 'h vent while any stithbriiach.or default shall e'isth�ll s ire no wa' -1 Pair or prpju.cl:i ight -or remedy y iris ice anyr e available -with respect to such breach ' r default. .21, -LICFNS,ING:AND.ACCREDITATIO N, STANDARDS hall 6 ith REMEDY INMATE ',MEED ICAL SERVICES and its &ficers, offi 1,als, ia"Mid agents co W1 C e e s s ge all applicablo loc'al,!tate and f deral licensingg,requirementst-standar&rrecess a'':-thep&for :antes ofym th'Isgree ment,, 012.CONTk ACTOR-aNIOT EMPLOYEE, OFFICER, OFFICIAL 0 _R A.G ENT Of COO NTY REMEDY INMATE,' MEDICAL SERVICES'and its emplozg p ye or,. en is prforming,pndpr this A gwee m.en are notdeeilne.d: to be:ernlayyees. offi s of -:any.m8.hhhofficers or. ag ent- ,In erw atsoever., No REI' Eb* INMATE -:MEDI CAL.SER'ICE S ern -Y':HEA,LTH,$ERVICESAGREEMENT��o-- .'hal ployee.'COUNT r a, ts 1 hold ..,gen s. : , himself/herself 60t,'a'-sa.4b ., no m o. be', an ..officer, employee, or q -',b f agent of NTY y reason ereo an d h' e -c a rn 0 wi, .n. otma k'-,anV:::such-. applicable- I i ;de"a d) t right e m. n r.app ica7.1oh to car rl of,priVilege . 231.8EV0,ABLLITYOFPROIII ONS an t rm, covenant, cond it rovisioh f this A t6&�je-nt -1 s�:he'ld y, e ion, ..orp 0 .9 c b ouet-,of',compatent y jdNisdictionin arbitrator t iewing:. :y with j ur' 4i Ydj une rce I bod is ctidn) to.be Vol in nfo able, 'I SU r of 'men't -shall not be a therek�y�nc'f 11 fdh '6d effthietem6ihde �theAgree, ffecteda remain in u, ce a effect * f "C' ;remainder wo 61 d'then tbntin de toi con fortnto the terms,. nd.re "d 8ha- it an__ _qwrempilt s of,applicabte law n e 11, at' -ed th' . reby. continue in f'll,f u orce �and *d- effect:atidsha*llih'n'o.W�yb'e,a.- affected, mpaired oar inva e 24. DISPUTES ARBITRATION Disputes:-orI* c qirnsarlslng under hiAgwee men Ve an d REMEDYJN MATE ME _t betW M' COUNTY.:a In ICAL .SERVICES -shall i n"itial Peso ve,,, byconsu tation between RE�'1. aYINMATE MEDICAL SERVICES a'hd COUNTY and ire b" efe rence to the, laws:of th -of W gh'in .1f to q e res6lved in r e!Stab�: so u ion of t Wh sU �'h dispute or Jai i da h c -tion,,.:the cera Is. s . ons,u t y4 of � �6� a proposa.. may be submitt'"d b ' three'(8) person genet for fir 1, d. S- bit ' "k- ift-o'' de:rn e to 1, �bih 1.11, ar 1. ration r demanded party hereto, under ,the (We'sati'd-d" proce ures of the ration Association then in -for S -ch,:' ..,..,American: ce u panetshall. consist of three er b rs, one W C (1) 6f hicKth '11 b' s' ..-a e e. ected.-,.b C''OUNTY,, onel) �sele -Y - , " . � vl ted by REMEDY INMATE MEDICAL SERVICES,,. and thethird si: "oi tl by W members. Decisionthe by the panel thal.1 be reached bsimplernPpriy vote e:0f its me4ors. n,notvent. shall the demand for 'arbitratioh be ads afthe Aa institution er t te. when in titution of leg 'I feq i 'ta b e a or ut I 0.r6ceedln�gs based. on such cla"Im disp the matter question would be barred byAhe.ap "tation The vte-:orot rm plicable-statute of limi S* award, rendered by the arbitr t ts shall be final, and jud�t�ent'be a o may entered upon it *h accord ht' I a e with,aicable `J H n pp llawin any court having *urisd ct o' thereof. e o MODIFICATIONS N o t h I n '. c" o n" t a ,in e` d in tb),SAgreernent shall be deemed to p iude�an' p rt fro"'seekin' rec y a y.. m g, modification of any term conuined herein should ark. unforeseen and material han,L:1 c Mstances arise. An g. In y .agreement, contract.. understanding, dific'p-ti'on made between the pa an ng, or Mo e rti essubseque ttothis n I Page 18 Agreement must be executed with identical formality as this Agreement, otherwise the same shall not be enforceable. 26. ASSIGNABILITY REMEDY INMATE MEDICAL SERVICES may not assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement to an unaffiliated third party without the prior written consent of COUNTY, or as otherwisepermitted herein. 27. NO WAIVER No failure of COUNTY or REMEDY INMATE MEDICAL SERVICES to insist on the strictest performance of any tern of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any such term or an abandonment of this Agreement. 28. HEADINGS NOT CONTROLLING. Headings used in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not be considered a substantive part of this Agreement. 29. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. Should this Agreement be L - subject to scrutiny by a court of law, arbitrator or other reviewing body with jurisdiction, it shall De interpreted as if drafted by both of the parties herein, 44 Approved this day of Jammi Qa 1rr, 2023 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 17110 A klyr 1"'Ifl I T T&M, Y Is & r UTP*7,rqr^kT yasquez A roved as to for .......... Rebekah atylor, WSiXG53257 Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney mate: --5/-;;�i �-2-� REMEDY INMATE MEDICAL SERVICES Attachment -1 - LAN MEDICAL:. SERVICES, EE PROPOSALFOR'2023-20,25 1_ Telephone .a� 2� P��d�� *C*" overage _�