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512.6 — Asset Inventory
Issue Date
Eff c ' e D to
1 o /23/20
1 Revision Date
Cindy Carter
Vice Chair
Tom Taylor
Richard Stevens
512.6 Asset Inventory
512.6.1 Policy & Procedure Goal: The purpose of an asset inventory system is to
gather and present information needed for the preparation of financial
statements and to provide for the control and accountability of the assets
of Grant County. Maintaining an asset inventory system demonstrates to
the public the legitimacy of the expenditures as well as the government's
sense of responsibility for the proper care and maintenance of assets
purchased with public funds.
Authority for Policy and Procedure
The Grant County Board of Commissioners require all departments
to use this policy to protect and report on assets held by the County.
Responsibility for maintaining and updating the policy lies with the
County Auditor's office.
The Office of the State Auditor (SAO) requires a reporting and
accounting system for local governments (RCW 43.09.200). The
county Auditor is designated (in RCW 36.22.140) as the "ex officio"
deputy of the SAO for accounting and reporting, including capital
assets. Furthermore, in RCW 43.09.240, every department has a
responsibility to keep their records in a standard prescribed format
(as monitored by the County Auditor's office and the SAO).
RCW 36.32.210 requires the Board of County Commissioners to file a
full and complete inventory of all capital assets with the County
Auditor. The report is due on the first Monday of March or another
date chosen by the Board of County Commissioners for the twelve
month period ending December 31St of the preceding year.
512.6.2 Responsibility of Elected Officials and Department Heads: The Board of
County Commissioners shall, on the first Monday of March each year,
adopt the inventory according to RCW 36.32.210. The Board of County
Commissioners has delegated to the County Auditor the responsibility for
compiling, maintaining, updating and reporting the annual asset
inventory. One of the fundamental responsibilities of public officials is to
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make certain that public property is adequately protected and that its use
is properly managed.
a) Physical Inventories: Each Elected Official (EO) and
Department Head (DH) will receive in November of each year
an inventory update document for the annual inventory
process. This document shall be used to reconcile the
department inventory. Missing or incorrect information shall
be reported to the County Auditor. The inventory
reconciliation shall be conducted by a person or persons not
directly responsible for the assets.
b) Reporting: Each EO/DH is required to use the Grant County
Property Transaction Form as prescribed by the County
Auditor for any purchase, transfer, sale or other property
actions (i.e., tagged assets over a $5,000 purchase value).
c) Internal Controls: Each EO/DH is required to assure that
there are proper internal controls over their property,
including assuring that only authorized and needed property is
procured; property is recorded timely and accurately on the
Grant County Property Transaction Form; physical security
measures are commensurate with the size, type and value of
property; transfers, disposals, and losses are reported timely;
assets are properly requisitioned and used exclusively for
government activities.
d) Audits from the County Auditor: When an EO/DH leaves
office, a physical inventory may be taken to reconcile the
property of the department at the time of transitioning in the
new EO/DH.
512.6.3 Responsibility of Accounting Clerk in the Auditor's Office
a) Responsible for the input of all capital asset documents and
assisting in the maintenance of all capital asset permanent
b) Responsible for sending out capital asset inventory to all
EO/DH and Designees by November.
c) Responsible for updating the Polices and Procedure manual
for Capital Assets.
512.6.4 Acquisition of Assets: Assets may be acquired by outright purchase,
construction, lease -purchase agreement, installment purchase contract,
eminent domain, tax or special assessment foreclosure or gift.
512.6.5 Inventory Account Classes:
a) Land: This class usually includes all land purchased or
otherwise acquired. Purchased land shall be carried on the
records at cost. Donated land should be recorded at the
appraised market value of the land at the time of its donation.
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b) Buildings: This class usually includes the value of all buildings
at purchase price or construction cost. Donated buildings
shall be recorded at the appraised fair market value as of the
date donated. Additions and improvements to buildings as
well as the cost of heating and ventilating system or other
permanently attached fixtures may be added to the building
value if it is betterment to the building.
c) Improvements (other than Buildings): This class usually
includes such items as infrastructure (e.g., parking lots,
sidewalks, bridges, and roads) and site improvements (e.g.,
fences). Items are recorded on a cost of construction basis.
d) Machinery and Equipment: This class usually consists of
property that does not lose its identity when removed from its
location and is not changed materially or expended in use.
These assets are to be recorded at cost, including freight,
installation and other charges incurred to place the asset in
e) Construction Work in Progress: This class usually consists of
the amounts that have been expended on an uncompleted
building or other capital construction project. When the
project is complete, the cumulative costs are transferred to the
appropriate asset class.
f) Infrastructure: The term infrastructure means roads, bridges,
sidewalks, water lines, drainage and similar systems. A
complete and accurate inventory of infrastructure includes;
capturing all costs related to developing the infrastructure and
putting it into service; providing a documented audit trail of
changes in infrastructure value over the life of the asset; and
establishing an efficient means of monitoring the
infrastructure's condition and reconciling the results with the
fixed asset accounting system.
512.6.6 Inventory of Assets: All assets as defined below are to be inventoried and
reported using the mandatory inventory form as prescribed by the County
a) Capitalized Assets: Includes all assets that cost $5,000.00 or
more and are to be capitalized in the asset inventory system.
b) Small & Attractive: Includes property items that cost less
than $5,00o but $550 or more.
c) Leases /Purchased Assets: Includes all leased and purchased
d) Grant Purchased Assets: Includes all assets purchased with
grant funds. It will be the responsibility of the Elected Official
or Department Head to indicate on the inventory form which
office or department will have custody of the asset when the
grant program/project is finished.
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e) Other Governmental Owned Assets: Includes all assets that
have been assigned to Grant County from other governmental
The following assets will be the responsibility of the Elected
Official or Department Head to keep an inventory of:
a) Small and Attractive Items: Are items that fall below the
capitalization threshold of $5,000 that the EO/DH or
Designee want to track. These assets may be mobile in nature
and/or could easily be subject to misappropriation. Given
their vulnerability to misappropriation, the following
attractive assets are required to be tracked by the EO/DH or
Designee, but not limited too;
Guns Camera Equipment
Radios Televisions
Fax Machines Cell Phones
Printer Copy Machines
Computer Equipment Video Equipment
The tracking of all other attractive assets is discretionary.
b) Artifacts and Library Resources: Includes books, films,
documents or other audio-visual under the control of a
recognized cataloging system and which are to be recorded on
the records of the agency as a single item. Primary control of
this type of asset is to be maintained through the cataloging
512.6.7 Identification of Property
a) All assets are identified, marked with a property number and
recorded promptly upon receipt and shall remain so
identified as long as they are in the custody, possession or
control of Grant County. Assigned property numbers are
recorded on all applicable vouchers, receiving, transfer and
disposal documents and any other records that may be a part
of the inventory asset system. Such markings and
identification are removed or obliterated from the property
only when sold, scrapped or otherwise disposed. Once a
property number has been assigned, no change is made
during the life of the item.
b) A unique number shall be assigned to each asset. These
numbers will be preprinted on Grant County Property
Number decals. Should the identification number be
accidentally or mistakenly obliterated, defaced or removed,
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the equipment shall be marked again with another tag and a
new inventory form will be created showing both the original
and the new replacement number.
c) Tagging should be approached carefully. Many assets, due to
their size and immobility, need not be tagged. For those
items that are tagged, consistency must be developed on the
placement of the tag. When an asset has an identification
plate, locating the tag adjacent to the plate is a good practice.
On other assets, a policy of placing the tag on the upper left-
hand corner is generally accepted. Tags should be placed so
that they are not hidden and can be scanned with a handheld
scanner without moving the asset, yet they should not distract
from the appearance of the asset.
d) All vehicle license numbers will be recorded on the inventory
form and will be assigned a vehicle number that shall be
plainly and conspicuously marked on the lower left-hand
corner of the rear window in accordance with Ordinance No.
2000-39CC dated April 25, 2000 for definition of County
Owned Vehicle Markings.
e) A manufacturer, model and serial number should identify all
individually controlled equipment such as business machines,
power tools and audiovisual equipment.
512.6.8 Valuation of Assets: Assets should be accounted for at cost or, if the cost is
not determinable, at estimated cost. Donated assets should be recorded at
their estimated fair value at the time received. The cost of an asset
includes not only its purchase price or construction cost, but also ancillary
charges necessary to place the asset in its intended location and condition
for use. Ancillary charges include costs such as freight and legal claims
directly attributable to the assets acquisition.
a) Estimated Costs: In some cases the original purchase
documents may not be available. It may therefore be
necessary to estimate the original cost of such assets on the
basis of such documentary evidence as may be available,
including price levels at the time of acquisition and to record
these estimated costs in the appropriate asset accounts.
b) Gifted or Donated Assets: Donated assets should be recorded
in the department that has custody of the asset, at their
estimated fair value at the time of acquisition.
c) Constructed Assets: Assets that are built, such as cabinets or
shelves, will be reported on an inventory form with the value
to be reported as the total cost, including labor.
512.6.9 Capital Leases: If a lease is a Capital Lease, the lessee must record the
property acquired under the lease as an asset at the inception of the lease.
The amount recorded under the lease should equal the present value of the
lessee's payments under the lease, excluding lessee payments for
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insurance and maintenance. If the present value of the payments exceeds
the fair market value of the property at the beginning of the lease term, the
lessee should record the property at its fair market value. A Capital Lease
must meet one or more of the following criteria:
a) The lease transfers ownership of the property to the lessee by
the end of the term of the lease;
b) The lease contains an option to purchase the property at a
bargain price;
c) The lease term is equal to seventy-six percent (76%) or more
of the useful life of the leased property as estimated at the
inception of the life of the leased property; or
d) The present value of the lessee's payments, including any
purchase option price, equals ninety percent (go%) or more
of the fair market value of the property at the inception of the
lease term.
512.6.10 Disposal of Assets: All items sold, traded -in, scrapped, abandoned or in
any way removed from service are considered disposals.
a) Surplus: Inventoried assets of the County valued at
$2,500.00 or more and quantities of 5 or more assets of a like
kind, valued at $550.00 or more, that are no longer useable
to the County, are no longer of value to the County or are
surplus to the County's needs may not be removed from
County ownership, sold or in any other way disposed without
approval by the Board of County Commissioners.
i. Departments/ Office may surplus multiple assets at a
time. If doing so, a list with details of each asset shall
be presented to the Board of County Commissioners
for approval.
ii. Each request to surplus must have the county asset
tag number(s), model number(s), serial number(s), a
value assigned to each unit and a recommended
method of disposal for each unit.
iii. The County Treasurer can only sell property declared
surplus or delegate in writing each year the sale of this
property by another County department (e.g., the
annual County auction). Elected Officials and
Department Heads can, per resolution by the Board of
County Commissioners, accept sealed bids for the sale
of a County asset.
b) Interdepartmental Transfers: Each transfer from one office
or department to another is reported by the receiving office or
department on the inventory form as per RCW 43.09.210 and
per State Auditor's Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting
Systems (BARS) manual.
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c) Lost or Stolen Equipment: Lost or stolen equipment must be
reported immediately to the Law Enforcement agency
jurisdiction in which the item was lost or stolen, and to the
County Auditor. If, after go days, the equipment has not been
recovered, it shall be removed from the inventory records.
d) Trade-ins: RCW 36.34.070 states the policy for the trade-in
of equipment. The trade in must be included in the bid
e) Destroyed (broken) Assets: A destroyed asset should be
disposed of properly and an inventory form shall be
completed immediately.
f) Intergovernmental Sales: As per RCW 36.34.130, the Board
of County Commissioners may dispose of County property to
another governmental agency and may acquire property from
another governmental agency by means of private negotiation
upon such terms as may be agreed upon and for such
consideration as may be deemed by the Board to be adequate.
512.6.11 Depreciation: Depreciated capital assets will use the straight-line
depreciation method with no residual value with one exception, that
exception being Fund 510. Fund 510 will use ninety percent (go%) of
current price and a residual value of ten percent (10%) except on
Buildings. The asset life will be determined by the IRS guidelines.
512.6.12 Real Property: The Accounting Division of the Auditor's office will receive
copies of all deeds of all real property purchased, sold, donated, vacated or
foreclosed upon by Grant County.
512.6.13 Physical Inventory Policy
a) RCW 36.32.210 requires the Board of County Commissioners
to annually file a full and complete inventory of all capital
b) The requirements of RCW 36.32.210 are met by an annual
physical inventory of all capital assets which consists of
building, land, improvements, furniture and equipment with
a cost of $5,000 or more and a life of one year or more, and
for all vehicles regardless of price.
c) It is the responsibility of each EO/DH or Designee to make
sure that an annual physical inventory is conducted to
ensure the Inventory Verification Report is accurate for their
d) The EO/DH or Designee will initiate any changes required in
order to accurately report their department's inventory by
completing the appropriate Property Transaction Form.
e) The Accounting Clerk will send capital asset inventory and
instructions to all EO/DH and Designees by November.
f) When the physical inventory is complete the Inventory
Verification Report must be signed and dated by the EO/DH
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or Designee and returned to the Auditor's Accounting Clerk
along with the appropriate Property Transactions forms for
all corrections or adjustments required in order to accurately
report their department's capital assets.
g) This report is due to the Accounting Department by January
15th, for the preceding twelve month period ending
December 31st.
Any Department opting to perform an annual physical inventory earlier
than December in any year must notify the Accounting Clerk and
request the current "Inventory Verification Report".
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