HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - JuvenileJuvenile Court & Youth Services June 23, 2020 Agenda Submitted by: Suhail Palacios 1) Financial 2) Intakes 3) Courts: COVID-19 Operation i. Offender/Diversion: ii. Truancy: iii. Dependency: 4) Martin Hall 5) Administration June 23, 2020 submitted by S. Palacios 1) Financial: $35,723 for a total of 216.5 Days in May 2020. Average Used Bed =6.98 Maltin Hall Slats Dec -19 Jan -20 WO Mar -20 Apr -20 Maw20 J&N JA0 Aut•20 Sep Z Oct -20 NOV-20 AVG/MO YTO TOTALS 1019 OU06ETED AMOUNTS # of days 101,5 144 118 183.5 101 116.5 101,r,40 " 000 0 0 163.41 9845 2555,56 8UDGffD DAYS IN 1019 #ayouth 15 113 11 13 18 11 0 137.439 Benton/Franklin 696,684 1 2211 133 -Avg Used Bed" 6.69 4,65 4,41 5,91 3.31 6,98 7.110 4,018 0 29,869 0 5.34 31,01 coo $37,391$23,701$21,1201$30,278 4.182 2,363 $16,665.$35,7231 0 146,927 Clark 1,151,540 $11,483 $164,895 $ 60,000:80060 $ INACCT,60,5100 AMTC'4V/ BUD6ET 6k63 1575.06 $195,105 Juvenile Court Block Grant Revenue Sharing - SFY 2020 Revenue Available z 7 8 County FY20 Allotment Returns SSODA Requests SSODA Awards EBP - DA Requests EBP • DA Awards Other Requests Other Awards Revised FY20 Allotment Adams 101,r,40 " 000 0 0 L' 90 640 AsotinlGarfield 137,439 0 0 0 137.439 Benton/Franklin 696,684 0 0 0 696,684 Chelan 199,132 7.110 4,018 0 29,869 0 203.150 Clallam 144,563 4.182 2,363 01 0 146,927 Clark 1,151,540 0 0 0 1,151,540 Columbia/Walla Walla 203,768 0 0 0 203.768 Cowlitz 329,499 0 0 0 329.499 Douglas 86,474 15.000 0 0 0 71.474 FerrWStevens/Pend Onelle 122,910 15.000 0 0 0 107,910 Grant 251,362 15,929 9,002 0 0 260,365 Grays Harbor 116,416 20.000 0 0 01 96,416 Island 131,9061 0 01 0 131,906 Jefferson 143.662 0 0 0 143.662 Kin 2,951.187 0 0 0 2,951.187 Kits 451,583 0 0 0 451,583 KrMs 90,292 18,000 0 0 0 72,292 Klickitat 87,317 15.296 8,644 0 13,987 0 95,961 Lewis 338,213 0 0 0 338.213 Lincoln 56.881 0 0 0 56,881 Mason 127,573 0 0 0 127,573 Oka an PacificMahkiakum 217.644 121,941 23 500 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 217,644 98.441 Pierce San Juan 1,864,151 52,155 88.916 50,250 0 147,833 0 0 61,039 0 0 1,914,400 52.155 Skagit Skamania 178,506 60,762 0 0 0 0 0 0 178,506 60.762 Snohomish Spokane Thurston Whatcom 'a`hitman Yakima 1,459.121 912,289 520,941 341,364 87,780 713,459 ld,d5tilS4 10.000 29.641 37.993 1 1 0 16,751 21,471 0 0 0 112, 00 147.833 0 0 0 0 0 0 48,500 153.39 0 0 0 01 0 C 0 1.459.121 929.041 542,412 341,364 T7,780 713.459 14.4 0,154 Extra savings. Since I took over in February 2020, 1 have been reviewing all Martin Hall expenses, and I have discovered an extra cost we have been paying Martin Hall, by releasing youth after 10AM. Martin Hall then charges us for a full day, which is $165. 1 have informed Martin Hall that they are to be at our facility by 0930, on day of release. This is a savings of $82.50 per Juvenile release. $ 90,006.60 $ amt we WILL reduce our budget by not filling our 16th position in 2020 W1.11700A0005211011W REG SALARIES&WAGES $ 4,57214 OPEN POS 16JTzCouniBUDGETED PER MONTH $4,57124 $4,57124 $4,512.24 $4,51214 $4,53214 $ 4,572,24 $4,57224 $4,512.24 $4,572.24 $4,57214 $4,57124 $4,512,24 001.117,00.0000.527101201 TEMPORARY HELP S OPEN POS 916 BUDGETED PER MOO $ $ $ S S S $ $ S S S S 001,117,00A000001202 OVERTIME OPEN POS PI6BUDGETED PER MONTH 001,111.00,0000,527101300 OTHER COMPENSATION $ OPEN ?0S916BUDGETEDPER MONTH $ $ $ S S S $ $ S S S S 00127,00,0000.527102100 RETIREMENT $ 587.99 OPEN POS 416 BUDGETED PER MOO $ 581.99 $ 587.99 $ 581.99 S 58199 $ 581,99 $ 587.99 $ MTN $ 581.99 $ 58799 $ M7.99 $ 587.99 $ 587.99 SOCIALSECURITY $ 30.1 OPEN POS 416 BUDGETED PER MONTH S 3491 S 349.78 $ 349,78 S 349,18 S 319.78 S 3491 $ 349.18 $ 34918 S 349,E S 319.78 S Al $ 349.18 MEDICAL & LIFE INSURANCI $ 1,91150 OPEN POS 416 BUDGETED PER MONTH $1,917.50 $1,91750 $1,911.50 $1,91750 $1,91110 $ 1,917,E $1,91150 $1,917,10 $1,917.50 $1,917,50 $1,917.50 $1,917.50 001.1172 Z' -00,5271023C1 -Y7 $ 6.11OPEN POS --I6BUDGETED PER MONTH $ 6.71 $ 6.71 $ 6.11 S 6.71 S 6.71 $ 6.1': S 6.71 S 6,71 S 6.71 $ 6.11 S 6.71 $ 6.11 001,111.000000527102400 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE $ 20.61 OPEN 0# 16 BUDGETED PER MOP $ 20.61 $ 20.61 $ 20.61 $ 20.61 $20.61 $ 24.61 $ 20.61 $ 20.61 $ 161 S 20,61 $ 161 $ 20.61 00111704.00DC52710M UNEMPLCOMP•INWNO $ 4A OPEN POS 916 BUDGETED PER MONTH $ 4512 $ 4512 $ 45.12 $ 45.12 $ 45.12 $ 45.R $ 4512 $ 4M $ 45.12 $ 45.12 $ 45.7! $ 4512 2 372.466 98 21020 total budget granted 'ed"C; 7Jdge 11,114.01 $ amt we MUST reduce our budget 2) Intakes: Today's Daily Population Report: We currently have 5 Juveniles in detention. ( 4 awaiting to be sent to the Institution, and 1 for a PV warrant) Intakes as of today. Even though we only have 5 intakes as of today. We have had 4 juveniles awaiting to go to the Institution. (2 brothers since April 26, 2020 for Robbery 2nd, Theft of a Motor Vehicle and Attempt to Elude Police Vehicle. Also another 2 brothers have been with us since May 20th, 2020 for Robbery 11t, Theft 11t and Vehicle Prowling). Tracking Offenders and Non Offenders 2020 120 100 so 60 bo 20 23T5 263 1(16 20 81 ?'' 3'' 0" I 111 Jan Feb Mar Apr 1212 SII 044 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■ Truancy ■ Offender ■ All Intakes 100 8 1 totals totals $ 90,006.60 3) Courts: COVID-19 Operation i. OFFENDER/DIVERSION: Technology Services was able to install District Court's Biamp in our court room, and we did a trial run on June 15, 2020, for ourJuvenile Docket. Things didn't go as well as everyone hoped with the system, the audio had a humming sound and the dockets will be back downtown until Technology Services is able to get more stable working system installed. We are now hearing all civil and criminal matters via WebEx and in person court hearing for Dispositions. Diversion hearings are being held telephonically. ii. TRUANCY: All of the truancy matters have been dismissed for this school year. iii. DEPENDENCY: The dependency unit is also doing regular dockets hearings via WebEx. Martin Hall: No issues with transportation or communication. Administration: Martin Hall Board Meeting will be held on Thursday June 25th, 2020 via Zoom. I will be attending that meeting. Needs of the Department o Technology Services will be working on fixing the current Biamp system in our courtroom, and they are still waiting to hear back from the company that sales the Biamp systems as we are currently waiting for our own. We are borrowing District Court's Biamp for the time being. o New management update.