HomeMy WebLinkAboutAccounts Payable Batch - Accounting (002)Payable batches audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board: As of this date, 05/02/2023 the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those payable batches Payable Total: 750.00 Reviewed and certified Commissioner Commissioner ChairmAn.,of �tard of Commissioners Date: 5/212023 Invoices/Batches not approved: Double Checked by: Date,. R E C -E PAI! GRANT COUN" ly AP BATCH ID. G EM+ 512/2023 Grant County Claims Clearing Account ;. 9201 Came FUND AMOUNT CURRENT EXPENSE. 061.006. COUNTY ROADS 101 CARES ACT » ELECTIONS 102 METS ASSISTANCE 104 KAVA 3 ELECTIONS 106 FEDERAL DRUG 107 DENTAL HEALTH 108 75 ST DRUG SEIZURE 100 LAW LIBRARY 110 TREASURER. O1M ill JAIL CONCESSION 112 ECON ENHANCMNT 113 TOURIST ADVERT 114 COUNTY FAIR 116 INET INVESTIGATION 118 PROS CRIME VICT 120 LAW & JUSTICE 121 TURNKEY LIGHT 122 AUDITOR O/M 124 DID RESIDENT PROG 125 $ $ 1,500.00 $ - $ 1,500.00 R.E.E.T. 1 St 114% 126 $ 750.00 TRIAL COURT IMPROV. 127 0.00 DOM 'VIOL SRVCS 128 AFF HOUSING 129 HMLS HS LOC 130 REET 2nd 114% 132 Econ Enh. Rural Co 13 Di.spate Resolution 136 Building 138 DEET Admin 139 SHERIFF SURPLUS 140 SHB 1406 141 GC ABATEMENT 150 HILLCREST CRICK 161 GRANTS ADMIN. 190 AICPA '19 AOC BLAKE DECISION 102 MUSEUM CONTR.UCTION 304 MACC Band 307 MCKINSTRY ESSENTION 306 COUNTY FAIL SEWER 309 PROP 1 SALES TALC 311 ERP RESERVE 312 SOLID WASTE 4Q1 DATA PROCESSING 501 INSURANCE 503 INTFUND BENEFITS 505 UNEMPLOY COMP 506 DENTAL INS. 507 OTHER PR BEN. 508 VISION BENEFITS EQUIP RENTAL 509 510 COMMUNICATIONS 511 PITS & QUARRIES 560 TOTAL TRANSFER: 75 AP COMPLETED BY: KYANEZ GCEMEC-05.02.23 CHECKS: VOIDED: BATCH JOURNAL. ENTRY. TREASURER NOTIFIED: POSTING COMPLETED BY: 609842 _ PMCHK CREDITS PMTRX x.00 $ 750.00 - $ - $ 1,500.00 $ _ $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500.00 $ $ - $ - $ $ _ $ 750.00 $ T50.00 $ 11500M $ 1,500.00 $ $ 1,500.00 $ - $ 1,500.00 $ 750.00 $ 1,500.00 $ $ 11500.00 0.00 GCEMEC-05.02.23 System: 5/2/2023 11:41:09 Al County of Grant User Date.- 5/2/2023 CASH REQUIREMENTS REPORT Payables Management Ranges: Vendor ID: 1 - zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Vendor Name: First - Last Vendor Class: First - Last User -Defined 1: First - Last Sorted By: Vendor ID Payment Priority: First'- Last Due Date: First - Last Discount Date: First - Last Payment Date: 5/31/2023 Page: 1 User !D: nayanez Vendor TD Vendor Name Document Document GL Account Amount On Hold Total Number Date ---------------------- M ------ W-- - ---- ---- ----- - - - -- -- - - ---------------------------------------- -- WPMGC WTNDEPIAERE PROPERTY PIANAGE 12530255 5,01.23 5/2/2023 108,150,00,0000.564004502 ------------------- $750.00 --------------------- MOO ------ $750.00 TOTAL FOR FUND # 108 ------------- $750.00 ---------------- $0.00 $75030 ------------- GRAND TOTAL ----------- $750.00 --- -------------- $0.00 $750,00 System: 5/2/2023 11:42:41 Al County of Grant User Date: 5/2/2023 COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER Payables Management Page: 1 User ID; nayanez Batch ID: GCEMEG-05,02.23 Audit Trail Code: 2MCH00003197 Batch Comment: Posting Date: 5/2/2023 Checkbook IDw. U. S. BAND * Voided Checks Check Number Date Payment Number Vendor ID Check Name Amount ---------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------- 9201609842 5/2/2023 0212829 WPFiG-C WINDERMERE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT $750.00 --------------------- Total Checks: 1 Checks Total: $750,00 System: 6/2/2023 8,433:03 AM County of Grant Page: 1 User Date: 6/2/2023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST User ID: rgonzales Payables Management Batch ID: REN EW-50123RG Batch Comment. Batch Frequency-, -Single Use Trx Total Actual: 1 Trx Total Control: Audit Trail Code: Batch Total Actual: $750.00 Batch Total Control: $750,00 Batch Error Messages.- Posting Date-. 5/2/2023 User posting access denied -------------------- v6h orD Document WU'mb' 'e P tir .Ven N WPMGC 12530255 5.01.23 612/2023 0387892 $750.00 $750.00 WINDERMERE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GRANT COUNTY, INC Description 12630255 OBRA EMERG.HO USING Payment Information Checkbook/Card Payment Number Document Date Amount Check 010/0000 $0.00 Distribution Messages: Work Messages: General Ledger Distributions Account Account Description AccountType 108.160,00.0000.664004502 MENTAL HEALTH.,,EMERGE t PURCH 692.001.00,0000.211000000 WARRANTS PAYABLE PAY Debit Amount 750.00 0.00 750.00 Credit Amount 0.00 750.00 750.00 System: 5/2/2023 8:3&03 AM County of Grant User Date-, 6/212023 PAYABLES TRANSACTION EDIT LIST Batch ID Payables Management Page: 2 User ID: rgonzalas Purchases Amount Terms Disc Avail [Document Total $750.00 $0.00 $750.00 .......... State of Washington -County of Grant I r the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services Pandered or the labor performed as described herein, that any advance payment is due and payable pursuant to a contract or is available as an option for full or partial fulfillment of a contractural obligation, and that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the county, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. Subscribed this a±.day of _J (Signed) For . ......... . Department Approved and Authorized By -- - --- --------------- --- 4o ­ Commissioner - Commissioner Commissioner Date Allowed AWAVVIM w (include a phOtO if YOu need a specific item)IIItem(s) Recluest,dI'Qnl A pr *mate Costwil P OXI if known* r.u,,dlldng Source, I for Request" "ason K Date Needed By$ Date Supervisorys signature sign the -form and please have yo I ur supervisor Department. Ot to the Finance then return I HMIS Client Release of lnformat*on and Informed Consent IMPORTANT: Do not enter persona'lly Identifying *,,formation I from a dom estic V101an ce, dottin ty violence, Into HMIS for cheats Who are., 1) in DV agencies or; 2) sexual assault or stalking sittlatlon currently Fleeing Or in longer status (ie.; HOPWA); or 4) und* . '3) are being served in a program that requires er 13 With no parent or guardian avalfabfe to disclosure of HIV/AIDS If thts appiles to you, consentto ell �jTQP-�,.Dqqpnot sjQn this hortn. erre the minor's information in HMIS# 2 This agency Paftticipates in the Washington State Homeless Management ll-,fori-natlon Systern MIS) by collecting Infornlation, ove". tl W mej about the characteristics and service needs of People facing homelessness, RC43,185C.180 and RCW 43,185C.030 I To provide the most effective services In moving people from homelessness to permarient housingo we need an 'accurate count of all PE!0Ple experienCing homelessness in Washington State, In order to insure tflat ts are not counted twice, We need to collect Identffying 111forma-0n. Specifically, we Collect: name, pieces of personalfyl V bir c1len four Pr th date, and race/ethniclty. You may le 0 also Choose to o0de Vour social security number, However, signing this form does not require you Your Information. database for 7 years after the last date of service, if you have q�testjons about Will be stored In our ro -3028 rights reprding Your PGrsonally [dentifyIng In' ri-natilon.. contact the HMIS System Administrator at� (3 60) 725 collection of data or your We use strict security policles designed to protect your privacy, Our computer sys features such, as data encryption, passwords, and tWo-factor authenticatf tem Is highly secure and usos up--date10 n - There is a small .on requIred for each system User, e protect' security breach, and someone might obtain and Use your fnforma � risk of a Von Inappropriately. if you ever suspect the data in HMIs had; been Misused, Immediately contact the HMIS System Admintstrator at,,(36'0) 725-.03028 The data you provide may be combined With data from the Washjng Education Research and Data Center for the purpose Of futther analysis, tOn. State Departm. ent Of Social and Heatth Servl��s AHS) and in any lYsis, X0 —UrMmm-e—a nd othh e r Ide ntffi/Ina: Info rnia t " M - not 68 included =,Qqa.g�b�llcat�fgm, 0111Y a lImIted number of staff members, who have Signed confidentiallty agreements Wl It be ab this Information, You'r information will not be used to determine eligi le to See Ington St' t4HMIS em This includes 4Lhe UePartment of Co syst administrators havefull access to all information in HMIS bIlItY for DSHS programs, Wash administrators, acrd the software vendor, mmerce staff, designated' HMIS system' By signing this form, you acknowledge and allow I)epartment Of Cornmerce-staff to obtain additional records of information from other State agencies with which there is a data sharing agreement (DSA) on file b ' transfer and storage securitj protocols. If DSAS are in place, Com etween Commerce and the other agency, Our DSA guides data evaluation purposes any other data . you have providedmerce 15 authorized by You to obtain, add to HMIS, and use for to other Washington state age nelles, Your dfariginn to participate in thpW NA P%' W-111'not affect the Uall or uant,� Will riot be used to deny outreach, assof iou are elirghlim +r, recalve u do choose to participate., --` C% services jr, the region rnay information about homeless Individuals and the services they need. Furthermore, some fund il*s MAY requfre improve If we have accurat, , if yo lfsbnce, shelter or housing. However from this amen and that You consent to provide your Personally ldent*lng informatlon In Hr IS in order for yot,1 to re calve services from the I understand the above statement t funding source. .s and consent to the Inclusion of personally Identify'n I and any dependent th Partner agencies, I understand that MY Personally Idetitifying informatioti will Listed below, and authorize information collected to be shared wit 9 information in HMIS about me not be made public and will only be used with strict conf,*jd `Client Revocation of Consent form with this agency. I un fgntlatity. I also understand that I may withdraw my consent at @"y time forms signed electronically. derstand that I May obtain a COPY Of My signed Consent form from ' by filing a this Agency (InClUditla- Dependent children under 18 in hOusehold, If any (Please print first and, last names): Client Signature J—tu rP - ---- ----- Client Name (Print clearly) Client refused consent .. (Agency Staff Initials) Client Release of information End Inf6rmed Consent wf� Date Agency Staff Nam (Print clearly) els HN41SUnique ldentifter{opt ioval )_ This form may not be. amended excePt bY WrOval of the 'lit-ashingtor, State Department of Commerce Revised 612o18 Approved as to Farr.n by Sandra Adix, A451sbrtt Attorney General, G/SnO18 w*09 Form (Rev. October 201 0 Do al'theTreasur (ntemal F t nue se VIVe Nature baa tea vn 011 yourw W1ndermero Propert; 9 Dualnese nsrneldfsrenam Ident" Request for Taxpayer ffication Number and Certification to wMV-1"8-90v1F0rMW9 fortrtstruotlons and the latest Information, eorme (Ax return), Marne is required on thte; do not leave this litre bianit� Management Grant qui°►► trtc, J enDy nam% If different front above Olga Form to the roquester. Ido not sand to the IRS. i M Cheek cpPropriate box fcr federal taij clam)(lcation cif tiro pewaun whose name Is entered follow1no seven boxae, r d vrt line � t �ttecic only ane of the 4 Exerrrptlons (codes apply o�jly lit F, o Ind(vlduAllsole proprietor or 0 0 Corporation El 8 Corporation p F�artnersp ®i'nratlaatake certain entltlw, dot individuals; ase Instructions on Pale }� 6111910 -member Lt.+ � k Llmlteri ilabill company, �' coat p y ��tor the tai etasslfio�tlorl corporation,Gt3rpar-gtlot�E I�=F�arinership} ;� ��errtpt payee oc�de (if arty Note: Ctto+ok the epproprlate boa; In -the line move for the Lax olass€ilcation of the stn ia.member evmer, L.L if the L�« Is alas ir!1ec as single-roambor L to that la d1oregsr'ded from s owner unl s the owner a the LLC Do no! 1nk €mother L!O iltart Is n*t dNr'egarded from the owner for to{ tedarsi �xemptir�n from FF�7OA r�poaing k �� c #aoa, is dleragmded from th$' owner should oheclt the a�pproprlate box kr the to if oaticn of Its ov mor merrtbar• Lt, that ocde f any) 0kiler Daae instru+�tlorss) � 6 Address jnumber, street.. arraopt, or cite #f�tk o it e----- �nsr �tsr��t�,��r��►���r�rt��,r r d . . $.. ash tE SUIte Requeater s nama and addreaar Joplional) 8 city, slava, and ZIP coda NIOSeS Lake, WA 98837 7 List acooUnt number(a) stere fcr_116mll Jimm Taxpayer Identification J ui r MIN) Enter Your TIN In the appropriate box, The TIN Provided must Match the name glycn on line I to avoid backup w1tl' holding. For indIVIdualsI this Is general ly your social secttri r` number p8t l)r However, for a resident alien, 10 proprWor, or disregarded el�tlt+1, see file Instructions for Part 11 later, For other orttitlas, It is Your employer Identification number (E11\4. If you do not have a Number, see How to got a TIA later. NOT. If the account Is In more than one name, acro the Instruotlons for line 11- INsO �� tuber To fve fete Requester for uldellnos on whose nulxtbor to enter, `� � What Name ani 5001 1 So0�ar tY n€ Mbee or �Mployer ldentifl artiott number 2. 6 ernfatio Undor penalties of pedury, I oortlfy that*- 1 a ` ha number shown on t1 is forret Is my oorroct taxpayers ldentificatlon number or 1 am v�a1f(r� for r a number to be kssued to rete), and 2.1 arrn not subject, to bacl�up Withholding becaciso� (a) t �ri�t vxem Om baclp Withholding, or ) I have not sen notified b� t ervloe (IRS) th t am subJeot to badkup withholding as a resurtiofa failure to m ort all 1 s Faroe �evor,rue no longer sub eot to boot up withholdIn9i and p I r ter st Qr dividends, gar o [ has notified rrJe that 1 errs 3. I am a U.S. cltIzen or other U.% person (defined b9low), atad 4. The FAT A coda() entered on this fore (VaIA Indicating that I srt*r axompt froth FATGA re ortln Is ora p � rrec� Cartiftowlen Instructions. you rn-rst �r'ogs out, (tern 2 above If yott havej been notified by the l � mat you � �urrentl sub*t to baola� Yater have Palled to report interest anal dildonds ortorar trx return, For real estate trarrsaotiarls, Isom dens r1a apply. y 1 P wltlll�old(hg because acqul ition ` abanciQlMnt mf seMwad pr'opor , cancellations of debt oontrlbubons to an 1ndlvld a,l , etir0Mt)nt arratentr RA mortgage d Ienresi , pa other than ftfl�rest and dlvidands, you are not required to slgn the certifloat 0n, brat YaU :must proliide our ourroct TIN. e �� � steal r P y later, f y � fihe lnstl�otl+cns For i'art ll, Iator�. esti 619nature of,,,... ... Here IJA pers£FA«i�,s • t3� "` -- �k General Instru 0n) S Form 1099 -DI (dividends, intoludlr�l those from stoolis funds) � or mutcaal Sections rcferarr€�es are to bra Internal l�at�ertue bode �rniasa oth�rw(se � Form �I ���-��11� noted, (ad%ls types of lncome, prizes, aviards, or dross t~ ire developments. For the latest Infor'moton about dovelopmonta pr000ads) related to Perm W-9 and its lnstr-uotI0ns, such as lecgi�slatiors ertaoted � Form X0043 tock or Mutual nd sales and cartaln othor after they were published, go to www.frs.,gov1ForraE�lV transactions bytrcker�) #Forma 1099-S (prooeeds frail real estate t�ranuactlons) ���`�� �� �� a Fcrt'n I o,99 -Kc o An It�dl�rld uai cr en'ty �orm'V�f-� requester)who le re �ttrod tc f ll� art. � Fc �i� r pant card and third party flet�l��ort transcr�ctl�at�s) # errs `� nmo rrtcrkgare Interest), 1098-E (sNdunt burr Intarot, It° fc rna#Icn retut`al with the tl Must obtain yoLir correot taxpayet, 1098-T(Eu`hion) Identification number (TV4) which maybe yoursocial security number * For M- ( N), individual toxpayer Identifications number (ITIMs adoption m 1 0 (cancolod debt taxpayer lden�llf[ootlon number (ATIN), or employer IdentifPcation number *Form I OAO-A r`acquisitton or abaridanmolit of Secured property) (Eli), to report oft an lnformatton return the amount paid to you, or other Use Forret W-9 or+ly ityou are a U. . arse p d amount ropottabrle on an Infcn-nauon return, Emamplos of intbrrr<tation aliens), to provide your correct TIN, p n �lnciud(>^tc� a resident raturne Irtoludo, but are not limited to, the fallowing. If you too not reframe Form W-9 to the requester w4h a TIA you m1ghf I�crm 1099 -INT (In�#erest earned or paid) �o subject to b-ackup wtth1761d>'ng. See what. Is _ with o tafer, backup h Idin, ---------- cat. No. 10231X Farm -9 (Rev, 10-201 a;. RCOPUER POI U. lti [ :E€ . a5 Z9�i, v755A4, � idt tt3 , 57 '.'aJ, S�i3 64, GD tt1lDO , Vendor ID Name account Payment Number Cheek Date Document lumber WPMGC WINDERMERE PROPEWrY M.i-kN.A 9201609842 0`37022/2023 0212829 Invoice- - ---------- Number Description Date mount Amount Paid -- ----:let Paid Amoun 12530255-5.01.23 12530255 CBR. E ERG,HOUSING 0510212023 $750.00 $750.00 $750,00 -`; THIS CHECK ii.sy 3s^,�4 E�39'ti.3/ 2 .-.i $ Vis£% � .sez. 'tet u -i. y.. .. .. ... - .. .. _. .. ...... ..... .... ..... ... .� ... -... ... _,... ,. v ��� .. ... .. .. ....... -..- .. - .�,. ............ -.._. - ..-__. _. .. %'.1.-u HE .s. s VOID ..y yOU -t �. ° may' .y': :�? -a. /r,� x max _ .�_.� sy.-, .< .. ... »,.. y �.- ,s. -.. e .� se s y �. .r/s� 1 �s � � s � 3 s -i� � i.:. y F, % f2 � �' /.:. �.=�; �r-s��s ., _ ...... -.. .... ..... ... s.s.. *sem-.c..x... is o. s. .. ii. oi,: _-. � - /-�- y -.. �' - �s .: �. sem' £ %-'s/. �� 3.- �� PLUS 1--f-al-4110-14-IT -� ate+ �a.o �n �Uti �sy. ,� .. ys P .x. . -� a - r. �s2 c2".ED 50 � :E -' %A1 S f, x - i, Uy s? 1�'�,� y VV - y, � � yss2.. -2 ......_.. ......_. .._. :..,. _. � .. s�i i•y �<.�.. .1 .'t.-�„�.-.d.Faw�e� s ,sem � s�+'��� a. � f �.q�. �'�. � '�y: 's`�` 'f��”. - .-.u..%G'� � i..th %f�'. G y" � � .%J� .�'i fii 's'/ k �. i; fh.' `712 riii-a: � r �,v s :.�. y 'a. .,�snsxa. �. ��.��-.�.,-=ar i..,.�f�ak��: �C3h � a��. �i si'"ty`. ���%-G' .. �%c# � VSs v-��s>,-y� Yss �I��`% y -.t $m:.�� N ' s ' tZ ,u.s�•.2 N �+rn' !. 3�sx �. �c SAYABLE THROUGH GRAi\jT CSTATE OF SHINGTO', BANK ; -888-800-862.6 TO THE TREASURER OF GRANT COUP s. f -671 Warrant Number EPHRATA, WASHINGTON 239Z.Ul60!9%84ZAft PAY THIS AMOUNT Sever B.undre F1' -Doll rs and 00 Cents 4 7.,� 0,00 e 13. CHECK DATE 0502/2 0 225y WINDERMERE E PROPERT MANAGEMENT GRANT COUNTY, INC /1 - o: 324 S ASH ST SUITE A�r MOSES LAKE, k" . 988237 s.. ►1'19 2010981, 21111 I' L 23206? l0i: L5 607I 95300