HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - FairgroundsGrant Colanty Fairgroutids, Licen.,,:'w Agreement Control Nuni 3
.ber: 20.213-001G,07(3'
Grant County Wash*ngton
K23-1 10
Grant County Fairgrou:n.ds
Likensefor Use of Resources (Facilities, Equipment and Se.rVlees)
ThIS is aLicense toU-se agreement between Grant County-, Grant, Coutity Fairgrounds (herein after referred.to as "GCF") and the party
named, on line I.B. I (here mi after referred to as "Li censee"),Ih consideration of the -inutual cave. naits and agreernents stated In Part .1.
and Part 11 of this docuinent and, all. attachments hereto, the parties acy-ree as -follows-,
I.A. Lwr�.Nst',, i7o . GCF WsoURCES
G -CF hereby graL
is to Licensee,, and ice se hereby accepts, a license to use GCF-resorc
ues for the puofrpose hoa lding conre-
and/or event, as described in, IJIB .8.
NAME OF CONTRACTING PARTY(Li. ' � Columbiasin ca
Rodeo Assoition (CBRA)
r,ensee.). 'Ba
PRINCIPL.u, ADDRESS'. P,O. Box 367, Moses Lake, WA. 98.837
3, AUTI 1,10RIZEt) R.EP R)EI.�S:-,.E.Nl,",,i�T.I*V*E FOR LicENISEE', Star t*Platt,President
4. CONFIEA.ENCE /EVF.NT PROMO 'E' NAME,! NIOSe,,S.Lake. Roundup Rodeo and,,I)em.o:I'I.tl'.oii,.I)e•rby-
rI.NES,* - t -, with Wednesday being the T.h.1rd, Wednesday prior to Labor Day'Weekend of
5v EVIEN'T DA W'cdnesday hrough Saturday 1. 1
each year. Consiid eration -for said agreements, herein are made with. -die understanding that the Licensee's Events run,
concurrent with the GrwACount, ir,
y Fai
6. SETUP DAT The agreed on, facilities willbe made. available -to the Licensee by- 6ani. the Saturday, airee'(3) weekends
prior t<) the first -even- is scbedLiled, as I.Isted in I.B. 5, unless otherwise noted,
.'rhe a,(,yrecd; upon facilities shall.1 be released by Licensee at I I -. 59 RM the Saturday . 'l"EARDOWN/CLEAN-'LIP'D�,vr'E("'S�)*
Follo-wing the weekend. after. th-e.last -event schedUled, as listed in I.B.5
8. EEM' To hold. a, .rcoldemolition derby and other spectator events, Licensed use from Setup
tart I.' to Tear Down(L0 7) end will. he ped" d. of 29 days.
2 23
9. TERM OF CONTRACT: nfis contract shall. be for a period of approximatelyfi
ive(5) years, cotnmenc'
g or
I.C. Facillities AND: FEES
1. Licensee acknowledges that this agreement is, subject-. to the Dates, atz, stated, 11.1 I.B.51 13, 6, I.B.7., and die EventActIv'id les., aS
stated in I.B. 8. In. as:inllch as the to-tal'I'license fee and the purpose: of -the use of such 1fac.11itles are based,, in. part, tpon. dates arid
act.Wity,. GCF may, at its option, reneg-odiate the tenns of this Contract ifthy: actual dates or the activity is inconsistent with. the
dates, as stated in .13.5, 13. 6, 13.7., or* the Event Activity, as<stated in 1,B..,8.,. or- both.
I AL. ACI'Llyr]'ES.-.LI'C.r!,.N.S-ED',-
Page 1. of 6
Rodeo Arena
Rodeo Arena,jrack,Am.ouncers Booth nstalled.�:.�
�� e Use
Grandstand. and Bleacher Seating, Grandstand Concession.
Stand. Incess on.
I .Bur er Barn Co I Stand, RopIng. Pens cwd
Equlpinent,, Bucking Chutes and .Rough Stock Holding
Rodeo Arena RV
All cainping areas inside the Rodeo Arena,
-ETN'.01,11-sive Use
Fe�c�in n,,,available' first Mond,a: after First
Rodeo Restroom
Restrooin. to the East ofRodeo Arena,'F'xclusive
Use .�...
Restroom 4
Located to the West of Rodeo Arena
during scheduled
events 0
Equine Stalls
48 Permanent Stalls., Portable Stalls up to the -aivailable
Exclusive Use
inventory with a milli um of 30.
Additional Stalls can be -nizde available., if needed,. from.
stalls ou,tside of 'Rodeo Area (fair Side.). Fair Side Stalls,
Page 1. of 6
G I-;
rant Co'LitityFairgrounds, L.I.C.ellse Agrreement
Control.Number: 2.023-001GCFG
-enee sixalthave the to rail Concession Spaces located in. the'' 11odeo Areas and. GCF will
a., Concession. Vendors-� I ic , s q
waive tlic� ustual perce, ntagefee charged to Coticesslonalre Vendors contracted by- Li 'Licene will be, responsible
icensee. se
for the on-site COD.duct of said 'Ven dor during, the duration. of this Contr a*ct...
b. Commercial Vendors: Licen.-see shall have the rlgil'it to contract for commercial vendars located in, the Rodeo Areas and
4 CF will waive -the ugual. electrical fee charged. to Comm. . ial'Vendors contracted, by Licensee. icensee w
ered . L ill be
re-sponsible fbr the on-site - miduct of sald'Vend.or during the duratiOn of this contract.
c. RV Hook-ups and. Dry Camping: The Rodeo Area consists of RV'Wateraind, Electrical hook
11 be avallable to
ip that wi.
s. -w' I wa"-Ver the usual. per tim
L icensees attendee, , GCF 11 1 site hookup fee for the dum I -i of Licensee",; ocaupancy of the 'R(-.)de.o
1, RENTAL FEE M.Posril: Licensees -hall -deposit with.. the Graut CountyFairgrounds a $5000 deposait prior to A.pril I" off' each
year. Deposit Mill, be considered. the .p.te-Paynient of - the 'Reaital Fee as listed in .1.C4.
24 PA11TICIPAN"I"'FAIR LNTR Y FEEI: Withm" 10 Business Days after the last. scheduled event.,licensee. shall i
I s-ubmit a, report to
GCF of tickets sold and re.deernedfor Licensees, Events. GCF will. produce an inavoice based oil -this, report using the rates
listed ffi'I.C.4.
GCF will accept Checks., Casffi, Visa and MasterCard. Checks should. be made payable to the Grant County Fairgrounds
Licensee -will be chi dapplicable Washington State Sales and U'se,:']'�, ' mes unless a current, State of Washington,, Department
of Revenue, i Certificate and related, account riumber is provide.d. p.1' r
Sales and. Use Tax Division, Exemption,
1 0.. Jj ensee shall
be responsible -for the payment of any and all 4-tppll:cab-le.feder.al..,,9,ta.te and local. taxes connected to the use of the RODEO
FACILITY and th.6 production. of the events authorized by this- . contract and. any adde-ndum. thereto.
1'his agreenient will not be vand, nor NN1'11. reservations be: guaranteed by GCF, until it, isgig n d and, retumed by icensee to
the Grant County Fairgrounds, 398,5,kin vay Drive NE.rvlo sesll.jakev WA. 98.837'..
1. 'he Licensee or GCS" ma term- itiate this Agreement with sixty- (6 0) days, written notic-paid, to addresse,malled, postage pre
118ted in. LD 2 or 1,D.5 req)ectively-., If Licensee terminates the agreenient less thall. (60) days pr . tor to the first Event Setup
day as noted mi I.B.5., Licensee -shall forfiel"t the security deposit.
Page 2 of 6 Initial for :Licensee:
requested will not be av auflable for use until the Thursday
Prior to the Flr(st Schedule Event, as listed fil. LB.5
Con-in,10.11. Areas
A.11 areasInside Rodeo Arena'Fefic'
Exclusive Use
Blue Ticket Booth�mm
1. ...Half Windows).hi Blue Gate Ticketoo
Exclusive UsJue
4H Buil.diEg__
jor, queen pag- eant mid annual banq.,Et ,is. available
..... ......
300.,per event
. . ............
40 1 ster placed, near Green rate cludes: ha-uling
_y dd.
Exclusive Use
-enee sixalthave the to rail Concession Spaces located in. the'' 11odeo Areas and. GCF will
a., Concession. Vendors-� I ic , s q
waive tlic� ustual perce, ntagefee charged to Coticesslonalre Vendors contracted by- Li 'Licene will be, responsible
icensee. se
for the on-site COD.duct of said 'Ven dor during, the duration. of this Contr a*ct...
b. Commercial Vendors: Licen.-see shall have the rlgil'it to contract for commercial vendars located in, the Rodeo Areas and
4 CF will waive -the ugual. electrical fee charged. to Comm. . ial'Vendors contracted, by Licensee. icensee w
ered . L ill be
re-sponsible fbr the on-site - miduct of sald'Vend.or during the duratiOn of this contract.
c. RV Hook-ups and. Dry Camping: The Rodeo Area consists of RV'Wateraind, Electrical hook
11 be avallable to
ip that wi.
s. -w' I wa"-Ver the usual. per tim
L icensees attendee, , GCF 11 1 site hookup fee for the dum I -i of Licensee",; ocaupancy of the 'R(-.)de.o
1, RENTAL FEE M.Posril: Licensees -hall -deposit with.. the Graut CountyFairgrounds a $5000 deposait prior to A.pril I" off' each
year. Deposit Mill, be considered. the .p.te-Paynient of - the 'Reaital Fee as listed in .1.C4.
24 PA11TICIPAN"I"'FAIR LNTR Y FEEI: Withm" 10 Business Days after the last. scheduled event.,licensee. shall i
I s-ubmit a, report to
GCF of tickets sold and re.deernedfor Licensees, Events. GCF will. produce an inavoice based oil -this, report using the rates
listed ffi'I.C.4.
GCF will accept Checks., Casffi, Visa and MasterCard. Checks should. be made payable to the Grant County Fairgrounds
Licensee -will be chi dapplicable Washington State Sales and U'se,:']'�, ' mes unless a current, State of Washington,, Department
of Revenue, i Certificate and related, account riumber is provide.d. p.1' r
Sales and. Use Tax Division, Exemption,
1 0.. Jj ensee shall
be responsible -for the payment of any and all 4-tppll:cab-le.feder.al..,,9,ta.te and local. taxes connected to the use of the RODEO
FACILITY and th.6 production. of the events authorized by this- . contract and. any adde-ndum. thereto.
1'his agreenient will not be vand, nor NN1'11. reservations be: guaranteed by GCF, until it, isgig n d and, retumed by icensee to
the Grant County Fairgrounds, 398,5,kin vay Drive NE.rvlo sesll.jakev WA. 98.837'..
1. 'he Licensee or GCS" ma term- itiate this Agreement with sixty- (6 0) days, written notic-paid, to addresse,malled, postage pre
118ted in. LD 2 or 1,D.5 req)ectively-., If Licensee terminates the agreenient less thall. (60) days pr . tor to the first Event Setup
day as noted mi I.B.5., Licensee -shall forfiel"t the security deposit.
Page 2 of 6 Initial for :Licensee:
Grant County, Fairgrt ..ds,., License. A-green.ient
ControlNumber: 2023-00".lGCFG
I.F. By signature, ingy pressly wa
,auyperson-execuft . thisagreementex iTants that s/he is tan wthorized representative obi. ]'Acensee, as
stated in IR 1. and assumes complete repons :lel lit)y for fulfillu-nent ofall commitn.i,ents agreed. to herein.
I have read thl's agreenient, iuitial, ed all pages and accept all ternis included 113.'Null",Part 11, and 4any addendun.18. attac1.mi.eijt',-;, �or
.1 -
schedules herefit
For Licensee
.Printed. LQ 4,
.... 17
eh- of 4' Bo
Title: DIrector., ("Ireant Counaty- Fairground -s
--�5 l a -
Danny Sto e,, M. ember
.Pale 3 of 6 lnitial for Licensee:
GrantCounty Fair grou.-rds Aggreem-ent
ControlNumber: 2023-OOIGCF
11A.FACIL,I"I"I'ESA(^,"CEPI"A*..N'CE/D:A'M'AGES,-I Licensee accepts the lice nsed.prearises In "as is" condition without any Obligation
by GCF toalter or make changes in any of its Ohysical familities. Licensee. may, at its own expense make alteratiOlis,
ensee agrees to pay
prov -GC1. to do so.. L*
instatlations., decorations and Ike items provided. it reocives the prior -written. ap a]. of ic
-for any required or requested special and additional services, facilittes, equIpinent, niaterials, technicians, -etc., supplied,ley
ae of each. activiity. A list of these rates nuay be obtained from the GCF office,
GCF, I I 1 1.
,. at prevaili-ng rates and conditionns, at the fin
Licensee agrees to pay for any damage, beo: d, norinal, wear and tear -to any structure, landscaping,
Y n equipmezit, etcv that can. be
attributed. to the Licensee s use, equ�pmeiit, stal , or attendees. -CF will bill All attributed. dainages to the Licieasee and wl I
not be res , collection frorn. individuals.
ponsib I I
Licensee and GCF shall schedule a watk--througb of Ea.c.111ities with. -In 48 hours of flit start of the Setup -Days as noted. in I.B.6.
This ineeting shall note. the status of the facilities as received. by Licensee.
H.B. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Licensee covenants and, agrees -to abide; by all rules wl -id regalations established by GCF an,,..d
its authonized representatives; to provide any licenses and. permits required to comply with. Bederal., state, county and cit
y laws,
statutes resolutionsr dinances.; to incur no bills or obligatioti-s for labor., ni.ateri 'a
Is or otherwise for which, G;CF may -be or
become liable; and -to abide, by all of-GCF's policies.,
Licensee;s,hall. ii -either use or �occupy -die Rod,QoFacility or- ariy part, thereof :do r anyunlav%4'41, disreputable, or ultra -hazardous
business purpose.I nii,,�in�nereo.nst,i-,tutin. It li.e BR shall:
nor operate or conduct itsbus ffiess ia.i.
irmnedlately, on discovery of any unlawf-'41, disreputable, or ultra-haza-rdous use, take act-
ion. to such activity.
H.C. INSURANCE: The CB',Rk shall. obtain, and, keep M. lb roe: during the term of diisAgreenient a policy ofco.m. mere."al. general,
public liability insu. rance. insuring the CBRA agamis ii
ah all.liabifityaris' ig out of the use, occupan. ..#�ntellance or operation, of
I: il-17
A i
-DEO F CILITY and/or activities. r :late to the execution of th is S1111. . i .. n j: oi'l I
(Micluding its officens, of:fic als and ewployees) as, an
dda"t, �16The CBRA shall list -the COUNTY'
additional insur:'d:`:::d..
The COUNTY shall be provided with a copy of said hisurance pollcy withii n, fourteom (1.4) da.y.s.- of the las.-,t event, and shall be
notified in wriblig by the ilisurance c=icr within forty-elght (48) hours. ifjai d policy is tenninatedj'canc�eled for any reason, by
either the policy-1holder or the insurance crurier..,
11-D,EX.I.S'.I"rNGSY*iSl":E','.NIS-. GCF* will fu-iiii�..buii,lt-"Mpu.blic -address systems., beat or air conditioninn.g., and li,,(,vb.t as provi
ided. by
t an e
existhig equipilien, d fixtur is in. the licensed premises during acti-vity hours ondy. Any additional. facilities or equipment
required to fi-irnish additidnat electrioa'l current or sound to meet tho needsof Li.celllliee.Will. * paid. 'or by Lice see, Provided,
be f Li
however,. that none shaft be installed Wiless agreed -to by GCF i achrance. N' unauthorized hoo ups to, any wilities sball be
in 0 k
allowed on. premises without approval of GCF.
11.E, PARKING.-- Parking shall be shared. bewreen, the Licensee anF d G'C" Ir% or 4 �
li 011itproduction, of the Grant. Cou nty Fair an i
Licensee's. events. Traff-ic co.n,t-ro'[,,i.ii.(J.R'V/Caml�itig verii'lcation
i, inside the ficensedpreinises istic sol,cresporisibi,l.ltyof,tlle
lie anssee. Exce.
ption, -will be. made during move-ui and levy e -out of Anitnals for the Grant County Fair,, Dwing this titne., GCF
shall have fultres ponsibi1ity. If due preparation and care is notexerci , -sed. by Licensee, GCF reserves the H -. W t,pr liae.
0., ov
needed personnel, at flie. expense of the Licensee, to meetGCF expectaft 'ons of traffic and. public safet needs, Tn. all., instances
.Fire lanes shall be.kept open and parking shall. -not obstruct fire. hydra. its or fire tat.1.011s.
HE lvi-'U'SI.SAL 'E'.NTERFA,fNMENT:LI'Censees who fall -under the definition ofC'm ni� merclia.l. Activity and provide musical.
entertainment, other, than profes'sional. enterta.min.i.e.n.t, has the responsibility of securing ASCAP, BMI, and/or SESAC pemi.ifs,
as. needed,.
N1;1 BL F.CI,HIE S: In case t1w ficense:rer i e sliall become un. usabte because of tire or, other unavoidable casualty,
this Agreeniti-asball. tet .mate, if such tannination, occurs before dit Ificense begins., G,CF will refundto .1, leet see any deposit
beretofpre paid by Licensee after deducting from such. deposit, any expenses '11curred. to that ti. Ine by GCF in connection witb
thl's Con -tract. In. the event. of such termination: Li - e he by wa*
Mense re ives any claisn -..for- ales or con.. -ven. sation whi(�hniight
arise out of such tennination.. L__
Pa 4 of 6 1-ndial for Liceti"Set:
Grant County Fairgrounds, License Agreenient
Control N11111ber: 2023-001GCFG
it.* Emoi',rriON, -the ri
F1 D REVONSTRUCTION: GCF."re.-SeINTS g 1A notNivithstanding any clause in a Facility Licen-se Ag.rcement,
and Withow penalty, to cancel or modify this a.greernent if GCF wishes to develop or re-novateany portion of -the facl.1.1fies, if
GC.*F intends I-.() iniple.nient this ctause, it- Neill: be one so after additional. ne-gottation between th-Licellsee and GCF and with
due consideration given to licensees use and needs, I'll. the event that this contract is cancelled for this, reason., 1. .
Acenseeshall not
forfe-it Calk deposit received to secure the use of a space or faci.tity.
Y .
I.I.I. LIE.N.'S AND INSOLVENCY: Licansee -siliall keep Licensext FacilitiesLand equipment f'ree :from any liensarising out of any.
W. A I j'. . . I e
pel-fonn,ed., linaterials Furni,shnsied,. or obligationnurred by tine cense
e Lie,. In the event theLicensee b , coiner insolvent.
voluntarily or involuntarily banld-upt, or if a receliver,,., &Sslgilee or other liqui.dating officer is aj�pomited f'(.)r the business of flie
1-i-censee, then. G -CF may immediately cancel. and termInate tliis Agreement at. the GCFs optioni...
1"[J� PROMOT.ION AND ADVERMS.T.N.G: Unless,othen-vise stated within or provide dby addendum,attatime nt etc. to this
agreeinent,, GCF shalt :h no msponsibility,. of whatever nature or kind., to promote. or advertise inn nuanner whatsoever the
Event(s). N'either Licensee nor any of its aggents or enployees shall, in any pr m. or advertise ment for the. Event or
otherwise,, in any -way -tate, or imply t1lAt GCF or any of Ifts employees, agents, or departments, is in i -dany way, af filiate .
This -restniction. 11 .0
with the Event(s), S' all not pr Mbit statements which indicate merely where the eveiit is to be held.. AU
a t" al or audible fonn that in-clude the facitity nam.
dvertisements or promotioiis whether in visu e sh.-all use "Grant Count�7
PERSONNEL: :.ftsball be the responsibility- of IA'censee to provide all 'personnel ne-eded during tine t, rni, If G - CF deternillies
that all or any of the personnel or other items listed herein ars needed, t.perate the prein-nises, such detern-.11
ination sball. be;
conclusiveas between the parties, and. Lioe'msce., andits agents and einployees,,,,effiall iin. no way ititerfere. with the persorme.).
h in 'I th
designated by:GCF, Not,hin ere" shall be deemed torenderGCF responsible f) eEvenft
(s) . Inadditior -. to all. other
personnelLIcenssee desires to have pr lit:; it shall s�pecifically be the. responsibility of'Licensee -to ensure that adlecluate
einerggency ni.edical P ersonnel is present at. all willes duning -the Event(s). Seven. (7) days pri-or to, the beginn" g- of the tern.3.,
Licensee shall Tann GCF'of the emergency medical personnel it I is to -sup 1:
. ply. Prior to the, Evenf(s), G -CF shallnobify Licleillsee
of the, personnel to be $'UPj)j1'edby- GCF. Nothing herehil sliall. be construed to create an, eni.ployer/employee relationship or
partnership between, G -CF and Licensee or any other person or entityni.e....tihereunder and, no such. otber person. or entiT,
shall have any claim, of wliatever nature or kind, for ally bene -fits of w4liatever nature or kind, agai st G(T. Lize nsee Is
rcsponisible 1"or all payroll, - taxes. as othenviopn t., ilI
se tip ecuding without, 11imitation Federal Social Se�curity taxes, 17ederal
. I pr a
X 's compens ge nd State -u.netnployment ta es and State work-r-nen".ation, insurance prennums, license feesfm. rj
jp� ot�j.j.jg c0q,,,
outfitting expenses, and any: other expenses of theCBRA related to the, execution of -this Agreement,
GCF has not. and -shall not be res poh,sible for wi.thholding or pa inent of any taxes or Social. ecu ,half of -e 'I'*
Y MY 011. be , . th . Acensee,
including Without- limitation, industrial insurtatic-e prOtn' The Licensee shall be fi-ifly.respollsible Bor any' Such withliolding Or
pay.tne.nts, including w.11t.h.outhinitation,.,, taxes, and social security a -lid indusarial, insurance prei.-nium s..
No: aaent, offidial, officer, ein,toyee, sear atit, *volunteer or representative of the Licenseeshall be deme
ed to be an officer,
The.1-Jeen see shall. be solely and enti'rely fficial, employee, agent,, servant or representative of GCF fog: any pur pose,
responsible for its acts and for ffie acts of 1118 agents, et:nplc yees, servants, volunteers or representi-aiveso.
1,11, EVENT M.0-NITORING: CF reserves the right of enti-y onto, the licensed premises.for -the purpose ofmon.11oji
-111g. C0.1"uplialice
with all stated policles and cond.i1j.01:1,S Of -the license agreemen.L. Further, GCF reserves the, right of entry to perform repairs. or
i hig -that. ffie entr shall. not um-easonably interfere with..[,-Acenseel�s qperation of their event. Glc
im-provenients pro Y F -reserves
the - n."ght to dete nnine a conditlon of einergency and. to act accordingly-,
ILM, ALCOHOL., Licensee, is respoii.slible: for coinplylli-g with, all laws of the State of Wast i
iington, and :r pt County or any
appl . icable. muni.cipatity-, concerning the consumption. of a1coholic- ges on, pub tic property.
Licensee mustap ly for a 'W�Shlngton State "[J"quor Control Board, Banquet Pannif or License. A icat
P ions are available on
line at the Washington State Liquor Control Bwar d website.
icense inu,��t be roof of appy o-�led Washington State Liquor Con-trol'Board Ranquet Permit OR WSLCB Special Occasio-n Li
submitted to GCF no less dian, two weeks prior to the scheduled eve nt.
0 If alcohol is being, ds I i * I provide, at Licensees expense bonded security ( gene to supply security within, the,
serrve. _Acensee wil
1. y
pre... mises for the duration. of Licensee" s t,,vent. Requiredsecurit staff wll.].beb,asedo.n,atte--ii d�iroc eofe.gra .e.tilt aii.&"orpoteiit,i.al.
ri-skand-a eedupon -nit -e
-joi ly b: gree GCF and Li
.Rr icensee.
Page 5 of 6 "Witial for Licensee:
Grant Co*unty Fairgrounds, License Agreement
Control Ntimber: 2023-OOIGCFG
IJX INCIDENT REPORTING: GCF management is to be notified immediately of any incident that occurs during the event,
CBRA is to report all injuries or accidents to persons, property, violence, theft, fire, or hazardous conditions of any kind to GCF
Director immediately and submit a written incident report within 10 days of the occurrence.
11.0. ASSIGNMENT: No portion of this license, or any rights or responsibilities thereunder, may be assigned or delegated by
Licensee without tho prior written approval of GCF. Licensee has no right to sublet any portion of the premises without the
prior written approval of GCF-
II.P. DISCRIMINATION: Licensee, in its use of the premises, shall in no way discriminate in any manner on the basis of sex, race,
national origin, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or otherwise, and shall abide by all applicable state, federal, and
local laws governing same,
II.Q. AMENDMENTS AND REVISION: This Contract cannot be amended, modified, supplemented, or rescinded except in writing
signed by GCF and Licensee. No waiver of any provision of this Contract shall be valid unless such waiver is in writing and
signed by GCF.
II.R. BINDING: This Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors
and assigns.
H.S. ENFORCEMENT: The failure by GCF to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this License Agreement, or any rights
with respect thereto, or to exercise any election herein provided shall in no way be considered to be a waiver of any such
provisions, rights, or elections, or in any manner affect the validity of this License Agreement, and shall not preclude GCF from
availing itself of such at any time.
H.T. DISPUTES: The parties mutually agree to first attempt to resolve any disputes regarding interpretation or enforcement of the
terms and conditions of this Agreement by good faith negotiation. If good faith negotiations does not rin a resolution solution of
the dispute, both parties agree to enter into arbitration.
IIX, VENUE AND CHOICE OF LAW: In the event that any litigation should arise concerning the construction or interpretation of any of
the terms of this Agreement, the venue of such action of litigation shall bo in the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for
the County of Grant. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington.
11.U. ADA COMPLIANCE: Licensee will establish and implement policies and procedures, take all needed steps, and provide all
necessary personnel to ensure that the Activity(s) are accessible to 'individuals with disabilities as required by law. This will
include, but not be limited to, informing individuals with disabilities of accessible areas in and features of the premises,
II.V. ACTIVITIES AND ADVERTISING: The Licensee shall keep all activities mid advertising matters within the space designated
and shall place no advertising on the outside of the permanent buildings without the GCF's permission. All advertisement that
includes GCF as the location must announce or list the facility location as "Grant County Fairgrounds"', unless express
written permission is obtained from GCF.
This License Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement among the parties hereto with respect to the subject
matter hereof and contains all of the agreements among the parties with respect to the subject matter and Supersedes and
replaces all agreements, both oral and written. There are no other arrangements, understandings, restrictions, representations,
or warranties among the parties hereto as of the signing date of this agreement.
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