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PrI'o.ritIZ*I.ng'-c"apitaI projeCts.8t.the Falrgroq`nds. for 2020.
Gkrant County F i - - d-
ai roun s
395-3 Ainygy Dr NE
Moses L'AkeAVA988514029'
Ta X: (509) 7663 7940
(509) 7G5 3581
www .3da Irgro lulds. C Orn
Ca'mpground iimpro ve' m*ents — hu
potential fir increa'sed revenue
Upgradjhg'Qui iaxis ti ing horse, staI18- — solidifying our revenue
* Add.j'n.g temp orafy hotse stalls, possibly some covered — increased revenue.
* Co mmerc . I.al kltthen investme.-m— increased reven'uesubleasing.
8quipment needs -
0 Tables
o Chair"s
o Bleachers
o New groomer altaChment
o Miscellaneous
0 Sqisso.r Lift
* -G.dod used Y4 ton pickup
* New:outdoor canopies
* Pub tablesfor rentals.
-m prove d1i�ghting.
p R.od-.eo arena.
o Purplet *
0 'Exhibition building.s.
Und e*rground. sprioklers
New gate signate at Blue and Gold gate5
Readerboards Jn the rdell and Harwood. Pavil'
EC* TIOmi ; C I Stu
mpact dy
o Asphalt ofareas for better ADA access
0 �.Sheep* barn peas
0 L_andscaping.mprovements.
0 AED"s for 4-H and Comiercial buildiqg
New Fencin rou.nd Rrodnds
g a
New chlicklen cages:
-Budget'items that bleed'to be better understood
o Professional services budg.etfdr Fair
Secur'itv bud
get for Fair and non -Fair
:o Ticket sales aid ta�kets►co-ntr.act.Lzds-erv.tces.(M-'OVi,n:g.-topr.o-f' "" al.soles r th. rtha:
Q5.� a. e rnnon-
pro: its.
0 Entertainment budj�.et
o. LiMitln'g carn r I c m 'd t 27'
:pe. lengths'nNorth a groan 0