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Grant Related - BOCC (003)
GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To: Board of County Commissioners From: Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinatof Dato May 4, 2023 Re: Authorization for Release of Funds, Dept of Commerce, CDBG CV1 #20- 6221 C-111, Subrecipient O/C Request #28 01C has requested reimbursement regarding the above -referenced grant in the amount of $19,190.39 for February 2023 expenses. Their documentation is attached for review. I am requesting the release of funds for payment to 01C in the amount of $19,190.39. The attached A19 reflects both CV1 (01C) & CV2 (Renew) expenses for February 2023 as a combined A19 is required by Commerce. Thank you. MAY U 9 2U23 CONSEN F R E C E TV—` r"E* G R A N T C 0 U1 I STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPT OF COMMERCE ATTN: CDBG PROGRAM PO BOX 42525 OLYMPIA, WA 98504-2525 SUBRECIPIENT: OIC OF WASHINGTON 815 FRUITVALE BLVD IYAKIMA SUVA 98902 (TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED THIS PERIOD: CDBG Public Services Expenditure Report CDBG CONTRACT NO: 20-6221C-111 REPORT MONTH: Feb -23 REPORT NUMBER: 29 $14,432.68 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - CV GRANTS HOUSING & SUBSISTENCE CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information on this form is a true and accurate report of the cash status and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the referenced grant. Signature: Printed Name: Eliza Baysinger Title: Senior Accountant Date: 4/27/2023 1. Name of Service Program: HOUSING CDBG CV IICDBG amount requested for these program activities this period: Description of service program and how low- and moderate -income (LMI) persons were served this period: Assistance was advertised by radio, print and social media to targeted areas and qualifying households throughout the service area. 2. Naive of Service Program: SUBSISTENCE CDBG CV JICDBG amount requested for these program activities this period: Description of service program how low- and moderate -income (LMT) persons were served this period: Assistance was advertised by radio, print and social media to targeted areas and qualifying households throughout the service area. 3. Name of Service Program: ADMIN HOUSING/SUBSISTENCE & OPERATIONS. 11 $143432.68 Description of service program how low- and moderate -income (LMI) persons were served this period: General administration expenses associated with managing Housing and Subsistence activities p p �' oversight and assessments. Indirect admin. CDBG Public Services Expenditure Report STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - CV GRANTS DEPT OF COMMERCE MICRO -ENTERPRISE ATTN: CDBG PROGRAM PO BOX 42525 CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information on this form is a OLYMPIA, WA 98504-2525 true and accurate report of the cash status and that all reported expenditures are properly chargeable to the referenced grant. SUBRECIPIENT: ' CDBG CONTRACT NO: Signature: - OIC OF WASHINGTON 20-6221C-111 815 FRUITVALE BLVD REPORT MONTH: Printed Name: Eliza Baysinger YAIRV[A WA 98902 Feb -23 REPORT NUMBER: Title: Senior Accountant 29 Date: 4/27/2023 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED THIS PERIOD: $49757.71 1. Name of Service Pro am: MICRO -ENTERPRISE CDBG amount re uested for these proEam activities thisperiod: Description of service program and how low- and moderate -income (LMI) persons were served this period: Assistace was advertised to Micro -Businesses by radio, print, social media and face-to- face and assisted to financially qualifying businesses within the service areas. 2. Name of Service Program: ADMINISTRATION MICRO -ENTERPRISE CDBG amount requested for these program activities this period: $4,757.71 Description of service program how low- and moderate -income (LMI) persons were served this period: General administration expenses associated with managing Micro -Enterprise activities oversight and assesments. Indirect Admin. A19 VOUCHER FORM Voucher #8 iE)IS, P,RO;JECT AGENCY NUMBER, NUMBER COMMERRCE CONTRACT KIJMSERZ WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE A19 VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION 1030 1®7 20-6221C-111 AGENCY NAME INSTRU CTION'TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Submit this form to claim payment for materials, merchandise or services. ATTN: CDBG-CV PO BOX 42525 Vendor's Certificate: I hereby certify under perjury that the items and totals listed herein are OLYMPIA, WA 98504-2525 proper charges for materials, merchandise or services furnished to the State of Washington, and that all goods furnished and/or services rendered have been provided without 'VENDOR QR CLAIMANT (Warrant isIto be payable to.-),., discrimination because of age, sex, marital status, race, creed, color, national origin, handicap, religion or Vietnam era or disabled veterans status. GRANT COUNTY E, y PO BOX 37 (SIGN IN BLUE INK) EPHRATA, WA 98823-0037 83 2, 1. A all 'In an, S eS, M-1 I r Gou-n-V, Exp 0-i Q* 23,090.00. 23, 0,0011, 4,09 8311 44 ''es) Nb Adm Bu 05Id SlerVi in gQ C _,t� (QJ f r _") Q. r - . - . .. 1, � r .11 r. . 367.94 432 '12,99 8;b 6, 6 9314 05 Q J�ienc&.Paylnehts '(rent,,, n Aity) (011,Q) -ib age, .150,00( OQ 90 �991 8312 X 05 PS-' Hou% §Jng Counsels (91c, Ir 10,715.59. 563.57 19.1�.. 62." 'S 8-7,9 `59, A 83 3, MiCroen� erp,�., t ise. st ne e, Ad,, A sisi Ad,, 151 03 4.57 4, 12,045 1, 'S31 3. M e F J 1. croent r nae: -JnAnc a 8 ta'ned: C A �0. P 50�00 6 VIS 180 Mi&'0e"nferrse T ain,p 0001,00, 05.0 -;,�Ufkent Need- Mefit ReAft ne Pub al h G�, r4 -4i (G' .0t: c ra :.00 :19 8''001D 0 0 rgent Nee MAI HeAh- Wth nt r i 06 -"Tj -d-", Me -T e -H 32 .5 .00, 7 05 �gen ce Mere/ A -Cduhtyy:� 'ail 0` V . . . - I . I He . �n :$� 10 6j,000 I '� S - . 6,00.0 00 9,190,39 0 0 $ I:::' �:929.365 a ances .6 'IsliNe,,' 'O"RpTAft M NT-' F.". OMM E �:7 E OL -WAS �0 CODE D MASTER INDEX SUB 084 08J ACCT SUBSID AMOUNT INVOICE, NUMBER C1 622CO320 NZ SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNTING -PREPARER FOR PAYMENT DATE -AL 'Invoice 10: WARRANTIOT CMS Jennifer Lewis, Program Manager ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FOR: PAYMENT, DATE' 6 fie- Pelk c"K 01 42Contract # 20-6221 C-11 Submitted to GC by: OIC OF WASHINGTON Request For Reimbursement 18 February 2023 Grant County's Subrecopient Checklist: State Auditor's Office Audit Procedures for Testing Activities Allowed And Not Allowed, As Published In 2007 Questions to ask before submitting a payment request Was the expenditure or cost: X Made for an allowable activity under the .grant guidelines? X Authorized (or not prohibited) under state or local laws or regulations? X Approved by the federal awarding agency, if required? N/A Allowable per Circular A-87 (June 2004 version), Attachment B, items 1-43? For payroll transactions: X Does the employee's time and effort documentation meet the requirements of Circular A-122? X Allocable to the program? (i.e., was the dollar amount charged to the program relative to the benefits received by the program? Is the federal grantor being charged its fair share of the cost?) X Based on actual costs, not budgeted or projected amounts? X Applied uniformly to federal and non-federal activities (i.e., is the federal government being charged the same amount as if non-federal, funds were being used to pay the cost)? X Given consistent accounting treatment within and between accounting periods? ds? (Consistency in accounting requires that costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, be treated as either direct costs only or indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives). X Calculated in conformity with generally accepted accounting: principles, or another comprehensive basis of accounting, when required under the applicable cost principles? :et cost sharing, requirements) of other X Not included as a cost (or used to me federally -supported activities of the current or a prior period? X Net of all applicable credits? (e.g., volume or cash discounts, insurance recoveries, refunds, rebates, trade-ins, adjustments for checks not cashed, and scrap sales). N/A Not included as both a direct billing and as a component of indirect costs? N/A Properly classified (e.g., some costs may be incorrectly claimed as a direct cost instead: of being incorporated as part of the indirect cost rate). X Supported by appropriate documentation? (e.g., approved purchase orders, receiving reports, vendor invoices, canceled checks, and time and attendance records.) Documentation may be in an electronic form. X Correctly charged to the proper account code and grant period? 1:\DATANONSHARED\ACCOUNTING\Accountingjliza\Grants—Contracts\Grants—Contracts 20222023\500CDBG COVID 19 fund (EB)\2- Billings\Subrecipient Checklist.doc Page 1 00 00 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-E 030-6 030-E 030-62 030-62 030-62 030-62 030-62 030-62 030-62 11xi1a OIC of Washington CDBG CV1 Expense Tracking Summary - 500 Grant Period: 10/01/2020 - 06/30/23 20-6221 C-111 R10 I tsar; PF=Ptnn- PPRPI 1A1PV gn7z DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT BUDGET YTD EXPENSED (as of 02/28123) YTD BILLED (as of 01/31/23) BUDGET BALANCE DIFFERENCE (as of 02128123) 050 PUBLICSERVICES-SUBSISTIENCE PAYMENT'S PUBLIC .S8AVICE$A M10 034-62,030`-62-50 1 05X ASSISTANCE TOTAL RV LI.G SE�V1`CE, ADWN DUDGET $96 367.614 $96,367.84 ADMINISTRATION - INDIRECT 009 $231767.27 $13,993.86 $97773.41 $23,767.27) ADMINISTRATION - DIRECT •008 $317.83 $317.83 $0.00 ($317.83) Salary 5311 $24,512.66 $21,947.47 $2,565.19 $241512.66) FICA, OIC Exp 5351 $1,809.78 $1,625.58 $184.20 $1,809.78) L AND I, OIC Share 5352 $149.88 $129.94 $19.9410 $149.88) State UCI,OIC Exp 5353 $411.90 $384.72 $27.18 ($411,90) PFML 5355 $135.67 $115.15 $20.52 $135.67) Disability, OIC Exp 5360 $280.37 $244.81 $35.56 $280.37 Medical Insurance, OIC Exp 5361 $3,726.18 $3,064.67 $661.51 $3,726.18) Life Insurance, OIC Exp 5362 $111.46 $97.36 $14.10 $111.46) Pension, OIC Exp 5363 $11750.51 $1,570.95 $179.56 ($1,750.51) Accrued PTO Exp 5364 $1,583.94 $17243.88 $340.06 $11583.94 Audit Costs 5402 $105.21 $85.21 $20.00 f ($105.21) Website design & Hosting 5403 $11201.50 $1,029.30 $172.2041. ($11201.50) Mileage/Perdiem:-In state 5500 $1,284.02 $1,284.02 $0.00 ($'1,284.02) Depreciation Exp Equip 5602 $18.77 $16.87 $1.90 r $18.77) Consumables 5700 $783.30 $783.30 $0.00 ($783.30) Reproduction Supplies 5712 $86.26 $86.26 $0.00 ($86.26 Equipment -added 5800 $738.98 $738.98 $0.00 $738.98) Insurance 5910 $108.40 $101.15 $7.25 ($108.40) Advertising 5945 $2,250.00 $27250.00 $0.00 ($21250.00) q Communication (Telephone/Cell & ISP 5960 $986.61 $837.16 $149.45 f ($986.61) Postage 5970. $22.75 $0.00 $22.75 .► ($22.75) , Depreciation Exp Bldg 5601 $38.99 $31.52 $7.47 ($38.99) " Depreciation Exp Equip 5602 $0.04 $0.04 $0.00 $0.04) Space 5611 $158:66 $150.34 $8.32 ($158.66) Utilities 5630 $39.13 $27.35 $11.78 ($39.13) Build Re air/Maint. 5640 $61.20 $48.41 $12.79 ($61.20) )Insurance 5910 $0.22 $0.22 $0.00 $0.22) Liability Insurance 5912 $18.29 $13.37 s $4.92($'18.29) 9 SUBTOTAL $961367.84 $66,459.78 $52,219.72 $14,24010.6 $29,9Q8,06 SUBSIS'TENGE._PllELIC SERVICES PAYMENTS 030-62, 030-62-50 TOTAL SUBSlTE;NCE_PS;PAY'IVIENTS BUDGET $15'9,000,06' $150,000.00 Client Mortgage Payment 5618 $23,019.85 $23,019.85 $0.00 ($23,019.85) Housing Asst/Rent 5619 $20,231.10 $20,231.10 $0.00 ($20,23'1.'10} Services 5959 $7,392.13 $7,392.13 $0.00 ($7,392.13) � Client Mortgage Payment 5618 $7,573.46 $7,573.46 $0.00 $7,573.46) t Housing Asst/Rent 5619 $42,074.45 $421074.45 $0.00 ($42,074.45) SUBTOTAL $150,000.00 $1001290.99 $1001290.99 $0.00 $49,709.01 05X - HOUSING.INFORMATION AND DEFERRAL SERVICES (0130-645,030-64-50) TOTAL PS HOUSING COUNSELINC DUD'GET $110,7'16.59 $110,715.59 q Salary 1 5311 1 $61769.00 $61769.00 $0.00 ($61769.00} I:\DATANONSHARED\ACCOUNTING\Accounting_Eliza\Grants_Contracts\Grants_Contracts 2022_2023\500_CDBG COVID 19 fund (EB)\2- Billings\CDBG (500)_Expense Tracking 4/27/2023 M 030-6t 030-6• 030-6, 030-6, 030-6, 030-6` 030-6, 030-6. 030-6 030-6. 030-6' 030-6' 030-6' 030-6' 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-64-5 030-64-5 030-64-5 030-64-5 030-64-5 030-64-5 030-64-5 00 00 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 030-6 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT YTD EXPENSED BUDGET (as of 02/28/23) YTD BILLED (as of 01/31/23) BUDGET BALANCE DIFFERENCE (as of 02/28/23) FICA, OIC Exp 5351 $510.46 $510.46 $0.00 ($510.46 L AND I, OIC Share 5352 $36.66 $36.66 $0.00 $36.66) ,State UCI,OIC Exp 5353 $99.23 $99.23 $0.00 $99.23 PFML 5355 $46.47 $46.47 $0.00 ($46.47) Disability, OIC Exp 5360 $68.34 $68.34 $0.00 $68.34) Medical Insurance, OIC Exp 5361 $471.36 $471.36 $0.00 ($471.36 .Life Insurance, OIC Exp 5362 $27.17 $27.17 $0.00 $27.17 Pension, OIC Exp 5363 $542.15 $542.15 $0.00 ($542.15 Accrued PTO Exp 5364 $398.12 $398.12 $0.00 ($398.12) Audit Costs 5402 $45.46 $25.46 $20.00 4 ($45.46 Credit Reports 5411 $403.80 $403.80 $0.00 ($403.80 Mileage/Perdiem:-In state 5500 $1,293.75 $17293.75 $0.00 $1,293.75 Dep reciation Exp Equip 5602 $5.75 $3.46 $2.29 ($5.75 `Consumables 5700 $1,209.81 $17,209.81 $0.00 ($1,209.81) Supplies 5712 $161.96 $69.98 $91.98 ($161.96) -Reproduction E ui ment-added 5800 $21568.42 $2,568.42 $0.00 ($2,568.42 Insurance 5910 $26.81: $26.81 $0.00 Advertising 5945 $6,220.00 $6,220.00 $0.00 ($6,220,00 Staff Training 5949 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 $200.00) Communication (Telephone/Cell & ISP 5960 $11433.24 $1,403.29 $29.95 $1,433.24 Postage 5970 $169.011 $169.01 $0.00 ($169.01) Depreciation Exp Bldg 5601 $5.59 $0.82 $4.77 4 ($5.59) ' Depreciation Exp Equip 5602 $0.01 $0.00' $0.01 ($0.01)1 Space 5611 $17.08 $0.00 $17.08 to ($17.08 Utilities 5630 $7.79 $0.00 $7.79 $7.79 Build Re air/Maint. 5640 $14.64 $0.00 $14.64 ($14.64) I Insurance 5910 $0.02 $0.00 $0.02 ($0.02) Liability Insurance 5912 $4.09 $0.00 $4.09 M ($4.09 StJBT ?YAL $110.7115.59 $22,756' 9 $22 553.5 $1.92.62. $87.,959.40 t s.. 2;• Y' f..,. a .,I ,g� L -'•' b fr• 3=s rl L.A.. 4 'W �' 'j�`,1.1.,,. ,.�. .a.. _ o•-, w Sk tea' y. ,�4Y., ,. .a •v.J7L. / ..N,k�,. _ } . ...4 ,.:�:k �-d.. .�' 4 o -S._ re^ _..%�'. , �>I � � . ,t5.-: ':s'• i : 3. . t x•-1. '� .. f ..y . >..'�:A. \ •. :'<< e "5.., - 5z.=. `tri-- n4.�ir. .:7�� _W.. '..i'•t .1" I.:t )-i t••.Y• 4. Y i 1 J L N 4 -:{• J I is •>` 1 vl'i i5 S' r i 4 - 4 '14 2.x:8••.= �, � 43- 67• X76:4 _ : M. 1 357: 083. � 3 X1::9 � . {1' .:itx.�� •$ - at .."5. ..,...2.2:>... ..,..> ..�OTAL,UB:SIUS�N�.:�.�W�..�.� !�,WMCROIENTERPRISE ASSISTANCE AN�^�IN, w -min afA.3?.. TO►T;4L NIC>Ca ASSrS AD.IUIrI B(l1301ET ''151,.03457 ` $151,034.57 ADMINISTRATION - INDIRECT 009 $67179.94 $2,958.15 $3,221.79 ($6,179.94 ADMINISTRATION - DIRECT 008 $49.50 $49.50 $0.00 ($49.50 Salary 5311 $6,680.22 $67680.22 $0.00 ($61680.22 FICA, OIC Exp 5351 $496.22 $496.22 $0.00 ($496.22 L AND I, OIC Share 5352 $40.39 $40.39 $0.00 ($40.39) State UCI,OIC Exp 5353 $78.45 $78.45 $0.00 $78.45) PFML 5355 $36.00 $36.00 $0.00 $36.00 Disability, OIC Exp 5360 $40.38 $40.38 $0.00 ($40.38 Medical Insurance, OIC Exp 5361 $644.92 $644.92 $0.00 $644.92) . Life Insurance, OIC Exp 5362 $16.05 $16.05 $0.00 $16.05 Pension, OIC Exp 5363 $420.05 $420.05 $0.00 $420.05 Accrued PTO Exp 5364 $277.88 $277.88 $0.00 ($277.88 Audit Costs 5402 $105.21 $85.21 $20.00 $105.21) Website Design & Hosting 5403 $11201.51 $1,029.30$172.21 ($1,201.51) Miles a/Perdiem:-In state 5500 $769.69 $769.69 $0.00 $769.69) Depreciation Exp_Equip 5602 $3.49 $3.49 $0.00 ($3.49) Consumables 1 5700 $292.60 $292.60 $0.00 ($292.60 I:\DATANONSHARED\ACCOUNTING\Accounting_Eliza\Grants_Contracts\Grants_Contracts 2022 2023\500_CDBG COVID 19 fund (EB)\2- Billings\CDBG (500) Expense Tracking 4/27/2023 R YTD EXPENSED YTD BILLED BUDGET BALANCE DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT BUDGET (as of 02/28/23) (as of 01/31/23) DIFFERENCE (as of 02/28/23) 030-63 Equipment -added 5800 $31968.68 $2,941.86 $1,026.82 ' $31968.68) 030-63 Insurance 5910 $13.81 $13.81 $0.00 ($'13,81) 030-63Advertising 5945 $1,566.67 $1,350.00 $216.67 ($1,566.67 030-63 Communication (Telephone/Cell & ISP 5960 $60.46 $2.78 $57.68 $60.46 )-63-50 Depreciation Exp Bldg 5601 $4.20 $4.20 $0.00 $4,20) )-63-50 Depreciation Exp Equip 5602 $0.01 $0.00 $0.01 )-63-5o S ace 5611 $21.65 $0.00 $21.65 $2'1.65 )-63-5o Utilities 5630 $4.61 $0.00 $4.614 $4.61 )-63-5o Build Re air/Maint. 5640 $11.88 $0.00 $11.88 ' $11,88);• )-63-50 Insurance 5910 $0.04 $0,00 $0,04 $01.04 -63-5o Lia ility Insurance 5912 $4.35 $0.00 4.3 .. x? i"z'l' rz•�5€a „ . t.3' ;.. ,. .. 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REPAIR/MAINT. 5910 INSURANCE 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE Total for sub program 50 -----> Total for program 80 -----> Program: 82 CFO / FISCAL 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP 5960 COMMUNICATION Total for sub program -----> Sub program 50 FACILITY MAINT 5601 DEPRECIATION EXP BLDG. 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP 5611 SPACE 5630 UTILITIES 5640 BUILD. REPAIR/MAINT. 5910 INSURANCE 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.16 0.00% $0.00 ($0.16) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $10.17 0.00% $0.00 ($10.17) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $10.33 0.00% $0.00 ($10.33) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $2.41 0.00% $0.00 ($2.41) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.02 0.00% $0.00 ($0.02) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $44.34 0.00% $0.00 ($44.34) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $8.84 0.00% $0.00 ($8.84) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $35.96 0.00% $0.00 ($35.96) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.16 0.00% $0.00 ($0.16) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $5.42 0.00% $0.00 ($5.42) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $97.15 0.00% $0.00 ($97.15) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $107.48 0.00% $0.00 ($107.48) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.77 0.00% $0.00 ($0.77) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $26.53 0.00% $0.00 ($26.53) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $27.30 0.00% $0.00 ($27.30) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $5.78 0.00% $0.00 ($5.78) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.04 0.00% $0.00 ($0.04) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $106.14 0.00% $0.00 ($106.14) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $21.16 0.00% $0.00 ($21.16) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $86.08 0.00% $0.00 ($86.08) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.38 0.00% $0.00 ($0.38) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $12.97 0.00% $0.00 ($12.97) General Ledger System OIG OF WASHINGTON For User: Eliza Baysinger Fund Expenditure report for: 500 - CDBG-CV1 10/1/20-06/30/23 (Fund status: Report year: 10/1/2020 thru 6/30/2023 Period endin :February 2023 -------------- Monthly -------------- -----------------To Date --------------- Account Budget Expenditures Pct Budget Expenditures Pct Total for sub program 50 -----> Total for program 82 -----> Total for department 008 -----> Department: 009 INDIRECT ADMIN Program: 02 ADMIN. POOL -BASE 5312 SALARY ADM. ALLOCATION 5354 P/R TAX & BEN. ADM ALLOC. 5999 NON PERSONNEL ADM. ALLOC. Total for sub program -----> Total for program 02 -----> Total for department 009 -----> Department: 030 COVID 19 Program: 62 SUBSISTENCE 5311 SALARIES,WAGES EXPENSE 5351 FICA,OIC EXP 5352 LAND I,OIC SHARE 5353 STATE UCI(ES),OIC EXP 5355 PAID FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE 5360 DISABILITY OIC EXPENSE 5361 MEDICAL INSURANCE,OIC EXP 5362 LIFE INSURANCE,OIC EXP 5363 PENSION,OIC EXP 5364 ACCRUED PTO EXP 5402 AUDIT COSTS 5403 WEBSITE DESIGN & HOSTING 5500 TRAVEL 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP Page: Page 2 of 6 Date: 4/26/2023 Time: 8:07:27 AM Annual budget Unexpended $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $232.55 0.00% $0.00 ($232.55) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $259.85 0.00% $0.00 ($259.85) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $367.33 0.00% $0.00 ($367.33) $1,321.00 $2,885.05 218.40% $38,308.40 $17,964.12 46.89% $43,592.40 $25,628.28 $554.00 $1,339.90 241.86% $16,066.00 $8,445.86 52.57% $18,282.00 $9,836.14 $255.00 $0.00 0.00% $7,395.00 $3,537.23 47.83% $8,415.00 $4,877.77 $2,130.00 $4,224.95 198.35% $61,769.40 $29,947.21 48.48% $70,289.40 $40,342.19 $2,130.00 $4,224.95 198.35% $61,769.40 $29,947.21 48.48% $70,289.40 $40,342.19 $21130.00 $4,224.95 ` ",1.98.35% $61,769.40 $29,947.21 48.48% $70,289.40 $40,342.19 $814.00 $2,565.19 315.13% $23,606.06 $24,512.66 103.84% $26,862.06 $2,349.40 $58.00 $184.20 317.59% $1,682.00 $1,809.78 107.60% $1,914.00 $104.22 $7.00 $19.94 284.86% $203.00 $149.88 73.83% $231.00 $81.12 $19.00 $27.18 143.05% $551.00 $411.90 74.75% $627.00 $215.10 $3.00 $20.52 ' 684.00% $87.00 $135.67 155.94% $99.00 ($36.67) $13.00 $35.56 273.54% $377.00 $280.37 74.37% $429.00 $148.63 $258.00 $661.51 256.40% $7,482.00 $3,726.18 49.80% $8,514.00 $4,787.82 $5.00 $14.10-F 282.00% $145.00 $111.46 76.87% $165.00 $53.54 $71.00 $179.56 * 252.90% $2,059.00 $1,750.51 85.02% $2,343.00 $592.49 $89.00 $340.06' 382.09% $2,581.00 $1,583.94 61.37% $2,937.00 $1,353.06 $25.00 $0.00 0.00% $725.00 $105.21 14.51% $825.00 $719.79 $0.00 $172.20, 0.00% $0.00 $1,201.50 0.00% $0.00 ($1,201.50) $38.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,102.00 $1,284.02 116.52% $1,254.00 ($30.02) $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $18.77 0.00% $0.00 ($18.77) General Ledger System OIC OF WASHINGTON For User: Eliza Baysinger Page: Page 3 of 6 Fund Expenditure report for: 500- CDBG-CV1 10/1/20-06/30/23 (Fund status: Active) Date. 4/26/2023 Report year: 10/1/2020 thru 6/30/2023 Period ending: February 2023 Time: 8:07:28 AM --------------- onthly------- ------ -----------------To Date --------------- Account Budget Expenditures Pct Budget Expenditures Pct Annual budget Unexpended 5618 CLIENT MORTGAGE PYMENT $641.00 5619 HOUSING ASST/RENT $128.00 5700 CONSUMABLES $76.00 5712 REPRODUCTION SUPPLIES $51.00 5800 EQUIPMENT $0.00 5910 INSURANCE $10.00 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE $15.00 5945 ADVERTISING $64.00 5949 STAFF TRAINING $47.00 5959 SERVICES $512.00 5960 COMMUNICATION $48.00 5970 POSTAGE $7.00 Total for sub program -----> $2,999.00 Sub program: 50 SUBSISTENCE MAINTENANCE 5601 DEPRECIATION EXP BLDG. $11.00 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP $0.00 5611 SPACE $17.00 5630 UTILITIES $15.00 5640 BUILD. REPAIR/MAINT. $15.00 5910 INSURANCE $0.00 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE $3.00 "Total for sub program 50 -----> $61.00 Total for program 62 -----> $3,060.00 Program: 63 MICROENTRPRS 49.79% 5311 SALARIES,WAGES EXPENSE $1,569.00 5351 FICA,OIC EXP $112.00 5352 LAND I,OIC SHARE $14.00 5353 STATE UCI(ES),OIC EXP $38.00 $0.00 0.00% $18,589.00 $23,019.85 123.84% $21,153.00 ($1,866.85) $0.00 0.00% $3,712.00 $20,231.10 545.02% $41224.00 ($16,007.10) $0.00 0.00% $2,204.00 $783.30 35.54% $2,508.00 $1,724.70 $0.00 0.00% $1,479.00 $86.26 5.83% $1,683.00 $1,596.74 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $738.98 0.00% $0.00 ($738.98) $7.2510 72.50% $290.00 $108.40 37.38% $330.00 $221.60 $0.00 0.00% $435.00 $0.00 0.00% $495.00 $495.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,856.00 $2,250.00 121.23% $2,112.00 ($138.00) $0.00 0.00% $1,363.78 $0.00 0.00% $1,551.78 $1,551.78 $0.001#11010 .00% $14,848.00 $7,392.13 49.79% $16,896.00 $9,503.87 $40.40 84.17% $1,392.00 $986.61 70.88% $1,584.00 $597.39 $0.00 0.00% $203.00 $22.75 11.21% $231.00 $208.25 $4,267.67 142.30% $86,971.84 $92,701.23 106.59% $98,967.84 $6,266.61 $0.00 0.00% $319.00 $38.99 12.22% $363.00 $324.01 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.04 0.00% $0.00 ($0.04) $0.00 0.00% $493.00 $158.66 32.18% $561.00 $402.34 $0.00 0.00% $435,00 $39.13 9.00% $495.00 $455.87 $0.00 0.00% $435.00 $61.20 14.07% $495.00 $433.80 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.22 0.00% $0.00 ($0.22) $0.00 0.00% $87.00 $18.29 21.02% $99.00 $80.71 $0.00 0.00% $1,769.00 $316.53 17.89% $2,013.00 $1,696.47 $4,267.67 139.47% $88,740.84 $93,017.76 104.82% $100,980.84 $7,963.08 $0.00 0.00% $45,501.02 $6,680.22 14.68% $51,777.02 $45,096.80 $0.00 0.00% $3,248.00 $496.22 15.28% $3,696.00 $3,199.78 $0.00 0.00% $406.00 $40.39 9.95% $462.00 $421.61 $0.00 0.00% $1,102.00 $78.45 7.12% $1,254.00 $1,175.55 General Ledger System OIC OF WASHINGTON For User: Eliza Baysinger Fund Expenditure report for: 500 - CDBG-CV1 10/1/20-06/30/23 (Fund status: Active) Report year: 10/1/2020 thru 6/30/2023 Period ending: February 2023 --------------- onthly-------------------------------To Date --------------- Account Budget Expenditures Pct Budget Expenditures Pct Page: Page 4 of 6 Date: 4/26/2023 Time: 8:07:29 AM Annual budget Unexpended 5355 PAID FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE $7.00 $0.00 0.00% $203.00 $36.00 17.73% $231.00 $195.00 5360 DISABILITY OIC EXPENSE $25.00 $0.00 0.00% $725.00 $40.38 5.57% $825.00 $784.62 5361 MEDICAL INSURANCE,OIC EXP $497.00 $0.00 0.00% $14,413.00 $644.92 4.47% $16,401.00 $15,756.08 5362 LIFE INSURANCE,OIC EXP $10.00 $0.00 0.00% $290.00 $16.05 5.53% $330.00 $313.95 5363 PENSION,OIC EXP $136.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,944.00 $420.05 10.65% $4,488.00 $4,067.95 5364 ACCRUED PTO EXP $172.00 $0.00 0.00% $4,988.00 $277.88 5.57% $5,676.00 $5,398.12 5402 AUDIT COSTS $25.00 $0.00 0.00% $725.00 $105.21 14.51% $825.00 $719.79 5403 WEBSITE DESIGN & HOSTING $0.00 $172.21-0 0.00% $0.00 $1,201.51 0.00% $0.00 ($1,201.51) 5500 TRAVEL $51.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,479.00 $769.69 52.04% $1,683.00 $913.31 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $3.49 0.00% $0.00 ($3.49) 5618 CLIENT MORTGAGE PYMENT $51.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,479.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,683.00 $1,683.00 5619 HOUSING ASST/RENT $1,435.00 $0.00 0.00% $41,615.00 $0.00 0.00% $47,355.00 $47,355.00 5700 CONSUMABLES $102.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,958.00 $292.60 9.89% $3,366.00 $3,073.40 5712 REPRODUCTION SUPPLIES $64.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,856.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,112.00 $2,112.00 5800 EQUIPMENT $102.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,958.00 $3,968.68 134.17% $3,366.00 ($602.68) 5910 INSURANCE $10.00 $0.00 0.00% $290.00 $13.81 4.76% $330.00 $316.19 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE $15.00 $0.00 0.00% $435.00 $0.00 0.00% $495.00 $495.00 5945 ADVERTISING $64.00 $216.67-0 338.55% $1,856.00 $1,566.67 84.41% $2,112.00 $545.33 5949 STAFF TRAINING $51.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,479.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,683.00 $1,683.00 5959 SERVICES $51.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,479.00 $25,697.02 1737.46% $1,683.00 ($24,014.02) 5960 COMMUNICATION $48.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,392.00 $60.46 4.34% $1,584.00 $1,523.54 5965 CLIENT TRAINING $51.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,479.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,683.00 $1,683.00 5970 POSTAGE $7.00 $0.00 0.00% $203.00 $0.00 0.00% $231.00 $231.00 Total for sub program -----> Sub program: 50 MICRO MAINTENANCE 5601 DEPRECIATION EXP BLDG. 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP 5611 SPACE 5630 UTILITIES $4,707.00 $388.88 8.26% $136,503.02 $42,409.70 31.07% $155,331.02 $112,921.32 $14.00 $0.00 0.00% $406.00 $4.20 1.03% $462.00 $457.80 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.01 0.00% $0.00 ($0.01) $20.00 $0.00 0.00% $580.00 $21.65 3.73% $660.00 $638.35 $18.00 $0.00 0.00% $522.00 $4.61 0.88% $594.00 $589.39 General Ledger System OIC OF WASHINGTON For User: Eliza Baysinger Page: Page 5 of 6 Fund Expenditure report for: 500 - CDBG-CV1 10/1/20-06/30/23 (Fund status: Active) Date: 4/26/2023 Report year: 10/1/2020 thru 6/30/2023 Period ending: February 2023 Time: 8:07:30 AM -------------- Monthly -_------------ -----------------To Date --------------- Account Budget Expenditures Pct Budget Expenditures Pct Annual budget Unexpended 5640 BUILD. REPAIR/MAINT. 5910 INSURANCE 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE "total for sub program 50 -----> Total for program 63 -----> Program: 64 HOUSING 5311 SALARIES,WAGES EXPENSE 5351 FICA,OIC EXP 5352 LAND I,OIC SHARE 5353 STATE UCI(ES),OIC EXP 5355 PAID FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE 5360 DISABILITY OIC EXPENSE 5361 MEDICAL INSURANCE,OIC EXP 5362 LIFE INSURANCE,OIC EXP 5363 PENSION,OIC EXP 5364 ACCRUED PTO EXP 5402 AUDIT COSTS 5411 CREDIT REPORTS 5500 TRAVEL 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP 5618 CLIENT MORTGAGE PYMENT 5619 HOUSING ASST/RENT 5700 CONSUMABLES 5712 REPRODUCTION SUPPLIES 5800 EQUIPMENT 5910 INSURANCE 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE 5945 ADVERTISING 5949 STAFF TRAINING $18.00 $0.00 0.00% $522.00 $11.88 2.28% $594.00 $582.12 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.04 0.00% $0.00 ($0.04) $4.00 $0.00 0.00% $116.00 $4.35 3.75% $132.00 $127.65 $74.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,146.00 $46.74 2.18% $2,442.00 $2,395.26 $4,781.00 $388.88 8.13% $138,649.02 $42,456.44 30.62% $157,773.02 $115,316.58 $1,648.00 $0.00 0.00% $47,792.74 $6,769.00 14.16% $54,384.74 $47,615.74 $118.00 $0.00 0.00% $3,422.00 $510.46 14.92% $3,894.00 $3,383.54 $15.00 $0.00 0.00% $435.00 $36.66 8.43% $495.00 $458.34 $40.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,160.00 $99.23 8.55% $1,320.00 $1,220.77 $7.00 $0.00 0.00% $2Q3.00 $46.47 22.89% $231.00 $184.53 $26.00 $0.00 0.00% $754.00 $68.34 9.06% $858.00 $789.66 $522.00 $0.00 0.00% $15,138.00 $471.36 3.11% $17,226.00 $16,754.64 $10.00 $0.00 0.00% $290.00 $27.17 9.37% $330.00 $302.83 $143.00 $0.00 0.00% $4,147.00 $542.15 13.07% $4,719.00 $4,176.85 $181.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,249.00 $398.12 7.58% $5,973.00 $5,574.88 $7.00 $0.00 0.00% $203.00 $45.46 22.39% $231.00 $185.54 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $403.80 0.00% $0.00 ($403.80) $51.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,479.00 $1,293.75 87.47% $1,683.00 $389.25 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $5.75 0.00% $0.00 ($5.75) $153.00 $0.00 0.00% $4,437.00 $7,573.46 170.69% $5,049.00 ($2,524.46) $1,128.00 $0.00 0.00% $32,712.00 $42,074.45 128.62% $37,224.00 ($4,850.45) $89.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,581.00 $1,209.81 46.87% $2,937.00 $1,727.19 $64.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,856.00 $161.96 8.73% $2,112.00 $1,950.04 $102.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,958.00 $2,568.42 86.83% $3,366.00 $797.58 $10.00 $0.00 0.00% $290.00 $26.81 9.24% $330.00 $303.19 $15.00 $0.00 0.00% $435.00 $0.00 0.00% $495.00 $495.00 $89.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,581.00 $6,220.00 240.99% $2,937.00 ($3,283.00) $51.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,479.00 $200.00 13.52% $1,683.00 $1,483.00 General Ledger System OIC OF WASHINGTON For User: Eliza Baysinger Page: Page 6 of 6 Fund Expenditure report for: 500 - CDBG-CV1 10/1/20-06/30/23 (Fund status: Active) Date: 4/26/2023 Report year: 10/1/2020 thru 6/30/2023 Period ending: February 2023 Time: 8:07:31 AM --------------- onthly-------------- -----------------To Date --------------- Account Budget Expenditures Pct Budget Expenditures Pct Annual budget Unexpended 5960 COMMUNICATION $48.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,392.00 $1,433.24 102.96% $1,584.00 $150.76 5970 POSTAGE $12.00 $0.00 0.00% $348.00 $169.01 48.57% $396.00 $226.99 Total for sub program -----> $4,529.00 $0.00 0.00% $131,341.74 $72,354.88 55.09% $149,457.74 $77,102.86 Sub program: 50 HOUSING MAINT 5601 DEPRECIATION EXP BLDG. $14.00 $0.00 0.00% $406.00 $5.59 1.38% $462.00 $456.41 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP $0.00 $0.00 .0.00% $0.00 $0.01 0.00% $0.00 ($0.01) 5611 SPACE $20.00 $0.00 0.00% $580.00 $17.08 2.94% $660.00 $642.92 5630 UTILITIES $18.00 $0.00 0.00% $522.00 $7.79 1.49% $594.00 $586.21 5640 BUILD. REPAIR/MAINT. $18.00 $0.00 0.00% $522.00 $14.64 2.80% $594.00 $579.36 5910 INSURANCE $0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.02 0.00% $0.00 ($0.02) 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE $4.00 $0.00 0.00% $116.00 $4.09 3.53% $132.00 $127.91 Total for sub program 50 -----> $74.00 $0.00 0.00% $2,146.00 $49.22 2.29% $2,442.00 $2,392.78 Total for program 64 -----> $4,603.00 $0.00 0.00% $133,487.74 $72,404.10 54.24% $151,899.74 $79,495.64 Total for department 030 -----> $12,444.00 $4,656.55 37.42% $360,877.60 $207,878.30 57.60% $410,653.60 $202,775.30 Fund Totals $14,574.00 $8,881.50 60.94% $422,647.00 $238,192.84 56.36% $480,943.00 $242,750.16 Wperiod year 2022 2022 2022 2023 2022 2022 2022 2023 2022 2022 2022 2022 2023 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2023 2022 2022 2022 2023 2023 2022 2022 Previous Month Expense AmountDR $2,711.16 $994.99 $1,060.08 $56}4.50 $66330./ 3 $1,274.76 $461.09 $431.17 $277.34 $2,444.36 $545.74 $183.39 $266.03 $995.16 $20.00�,' $20.00 $1.90-- $1.90 1.90-M'$1.90 $1.22 $16.78 $8.08 $1.78 $19.73 $19.73 $41.73 be40 $09.05 .4 t4 $6.40 $12.87 $3.48 $22.75---- $1.69 $5.78 $7.47-- $3.92 7.47•►$3.92 $4.40 $6.32 �'�' -1-. ProSubobjet Fund Dept Transaction Transaction ®ocumen . gra Pro ob�ectname Description I® ID tl® ®ate 1'yp el'ext tNumber ml ara 500 009 02 5312 SALARY ADM. ALLOCATION 2/27/2023 AJE 144012 10/22 Admin Pool Salary & Benefits Alloc 500 009 02 5312 SALARY ADM. ALLOCATION 3/1/2023 AJE 144057 11/22 Admin Pool Salary & Benefit Alloc 500 009 02 5312 SALARY ADM. ALLOCATION 3/1/2023 AJE 144072 12/22 Admin Pool Salary & Benefit Alloc 500 009 02 5312 SALARY ADM. ALLOCATION 2/28/2023 AJE 144030 1/23 Admin Pool Salary & Benefits Alloc 5312 Total 500 009 02 5354 P/R TAX & BEN. ADM ALLOC. 2/27/2023 AJE 144012 10/22 Admin Pool Salary & Benefits Alloc_ 500 009 02 5354 P/R TAX & BEN. ADM ALLOC. 3/1/2023 AJE 144057 11/22 Admin Pool Salary & Benefit Alloc 500 009 02 5354 P/R TAX & BEN. ADM ALLOC. 3/1/2023 AJE 144072 12/22 Admin Pool Salary & Benefit Alloc 500 009 02 5354 P/R TAX & BEN. ADM ALLOC. 2/28/2023 AJE 144030 1/23 Admin Pool Salary & Benefits Alloc 5354 Tota 500 009 02 5999 NON PERSONNEL ADM. ALLOC. 3/13/2023 AJE 144175 10/2022 Admin Pool Allocation 500 009 02 5999 NON PERSONNEL ADM. ALLOC. 3/14/2023 AJE 144255 11/2022 admin pool allocation 500 009 02 5999 NON PERSONNEL ADM. ALLOC. 4/18/2023 AJE 144622 12/22 ADMIN POOL ALLOCATION 5999 Tota 500 030 62 5402 AUDIT COSTS 3/6/2023 AJE 144108 Financial/Retire audit fee 5402 Total 500 030 62 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP 4/10/2023 AJE 144508 1/23 SERVER DEPRECIATION EXPE 5602 Total 500 030 62 5960 COMMUNICATION 2/27/2023 AJE 144003 10/22 server cost 500 030 62 5960 COMMUNICATION 3/3/2023 AJE 144083 10/22 Verizon Wrls 500 030 62 5960 COMMUNICATION 3/1/2023 AJE 144048 11/22 Moses Lake Phone Cost 500 030 62 5960 COMMUNICATION 3/6/2023 AJE 144098 11/22 Server 500 030 62 5960 COMMUNICATION 3/6/2023 AJE 144091 11/22 Verizon 500 030 62 5960 COMMUNICATION 3/28/2023 AJE 144386 12/22 Verizon 500 030 62 5960 COMMUNICATION 4/19/2023 AJE 144636 1/23 Verizon 5960 Total 500 030 62 5970 POSTAGE 3/27/2023 AJE 144382 10/22 postage costs 500 030 62 5970 POSTAGE 3/30/2023 AJE 144402 11/22 Postage Cost 500 030 62 5970 POSTAGE 3/30/2023 AJE 144408 12/22 Postage Cost 5970 Total 500 030 62 50 5601 DEPRECIATION EXP BLDG. 4/10/2023 AJE 144520 1/23 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 500 030 62 50 5601 DEPRECIATION EXP BLDG. 4/10/2023 AJE 144529 1/23 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 5601 Tota 500 030 62 50 5611 SPACE 3/9/2023 AJE 144141 10/22 Moses Lake Space Cost 500 030 62 50 5611 SPACE 3/13/2023 AJE 144189 11/22 Moses Lake Space Cost 5611 Tota Page 1 of 4 AmountDR $2,711.16 $994.99 $1,060.08 $56}4.50 $66330./ 3 $1,274.76 $461.09 $431.17 $277.34 $2,444.36 $545.74 $183.39 $266.03 $995.16 $20.00�,' $20.00 $1.90-- $1.90 1.90-M'$1.90 $1.22 $16.78 $8.08 $1.78 $19.73 $19.73 $41.73 be40 $09.05 .4 t4 $6.40 $12.87 $3.48 $22.75---- $1.69 $5.78 $7.47-- $3.92 7.47•►$3.92 $4.40 $6.32 �'�' Previous Month Expense Page 2 of 4 Fund Dept Pro Sub ®bjec Transaction Transaction Documen txtperiod year gra Pro ob,ectname Description AmountDR ID 1D t'® ®ate T eText yp tNumber ml care October 2022 500 030 62 50 5630 UTILITIES 3/9/2023 AJE 144141 10/22 Moses Lake Space Cost $5.67 November 2022 500 030 62 50 3/13/2023 AJE 144189 11/22 Moses Lake Space Cost $6.11 ` `5630 s�UTILITIES 5630 Tata! October 2022 500 030 62 50 5640 BUILD. REPAIR/MAINT. 3/9/2023 AJE 144141 10/22 Moses Lake Space Cost $5.20 November 2022 500 030 62 50 5640 BUILD. REPAIR/MAINT. 3/13/2023 AJE 144189 11/22 Moses Lake Space Cost $7.59 5640 Total $'! 2.a -or October 2022 500 030 62 50 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE 3/9/2023 AJE 144141 10/22 Moses Lake Space Cost $2.31 November 2022 500 030 62 50 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE 3/13/2023 AJE 144189 11/22 Moses Lake Space Cost $2.61 5912 Total $4.92 �. December 2022 500 030 63 5402 AUDIT COSTS 3/6/2023 AJE 144108 Financial/Retire audit fee $20.00 5402 Total $20.00 .. December 2022 500 030 63 5800 EQUIPMENT 3/28/2023 AJE 144386 12/22 Verizon $501.71 January 2023 500 030 63 5800 EQUIPMENT 1/31/2023 Voucher 205848 F262756/PO 870783 CDW $525.11 5800 Tota! $1,026.82 -• October 2022 500 030 63 5960 COMMUNICATION 2/27/2023 AJE 144003 10/22 server cost $2.88 October 2022 500 030 63 5960 COMMUNICATION 3/3/2023 AJE 144083 10/22 Verizon Wrls $38.12 November 2022 500 030 63 5960 COMMUNICATION 3/1/2023 AJE 144048 11/22 Moses Lake Phone Cost $10.15 November 2022 500 030 63 5960 COMMUNICATION 3/6/2023 AJE 144098 11/22 Server $6.53 5960 Total November 2022 500 030 63 50 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP 3/10/2023 AJE 144158 11122 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $0.01 BQ To $0,01 October 2022 500 030 63 50 5611 SPACE 3/9/2023 AJE 144142 10/22 Moses Lake Space Cost $2.09 November 2022 500 030 63 50 5611 SPACE 3/10/2023 AJE 144158 11122 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $19.56 5611 Tata! Dctober 2022 500 030 63 50 5630 UTILITIES 3/9/2023 AJE 144142 10/22 Moses Lake Space Cost $3.00 November 2022 500 030 63 50 5630 UTILITIES 3/10/2023 AJE 144158 11/22 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $1.61 - 5630 Tota 1 $4.61--- Dctober 2022 500 030 63 50 5640 BUILD. REPAIR/MAINT. 3/9/2023 AJE 144142 10/22 Moses Lake Space Cost $2.75 November 2022 500 030 63 50 5640 BUILD. REPAIR/MAINT. 3/10/2023 AJE 144158 11/22 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $9.13 5640 Teta _ $11 88 November 2022 500 030 63 50 5910 3/10/2023 AJE 144158 /22 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $0.04 _INSURANCE 5910 Total ..11 $0,04 �- Dctober 2022 500 030 63 50 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE 3/9/2023 AJE 144142 10/22 Moses Lake Space Cost $1.22 govember 2022 500 030 63 50 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE 3/10/2023 AJE 144158 11/22 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $3.13 59'! Total$4,35 ' Page 2 of 4 Previous Month Expense txtperiocl Fund Dept Pro Sub Objec Pro objectname Transaction Transaction Documen ®escript�on Amount®R year 0® I® gra tID Date T eText yp tNumber ml care December 2022 500 030 64 5402 AUDIT COSTS 3/6/2023 AJE 144108 Financial/Retire audit fee $20.00 5402 Total $20.00 December 2022 500 030 64 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP 3/24/2023 AJE 144358 12/22 Dep Exp ML $1.83 December 2022 500 030 64 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP 3/24/2023 AJE 144370 12/22 Server Depreciation Exp $0.46 5602 Total $2.29 -� November 2022 500 030 64 5712 REPRODUCTION SUPPLIES 2/22/2023 AJE 143980 11/22 copy costs $21.72 December 2022 500 030 64 5712 REPRODUCTION SUPPLIES 3/29/2023 AJE 144425 12/22 COPY COSTS $70.26 5712 Total $91.98 -� November 2022 500 030 64 5960 COMMUNICATION 3/1/2023 AJE 144048 11/22 Moses Lake Phone Cost $2.64 November 2022 500 030 64 5960 COMMUNICATION 3/612023 AJE 144099 11/22 Server $2.27 December 2022 500 030 64 5960 COMMUNICATION 3/27/2023 AJE 144434 12/22 VERIZON $14.75 December 2022 500 030 64 5960 COMMUNICATION 4/3/2023 AJE 144571 12/22 ML PHONE COSTS $7.44 December 2022 500 030 64 5960 COMMUNICATION 4/6/2023 AJE 144551 12/22 SERVER $2.85 5960 Total $29.95 -' December 2022 500 030 64 50 5601 DEPRECIATION EXP BLDG. 3/24/2023 AJE 144358 12/22 Dep Exp ML $4.77 Total otal $4. Rw November 2022 500 030 64 50 5602 DEPRECIATION EXP EQUIP 3/10/2023 AJE 144159 11/22 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $0.01 5602 Tata{ $0.01 --- November 2022 500 030 64 50 5611 SPACE 3/10/2023 AJE 144159 11/22 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $13.42 December 2022 500 030 64 50 5611 SPACE 4/18/2023 AJE 144606 12/22 ML SPACE COST $3.66 5611 Total $17.08 - November 2022 500 030 64 50 5630 UTILITIES 3110/2023 AJE 144159 11/22 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $1.11 December 2022 500 030 64 50 5630 UTILITIES 4/18/2023 AJE 144606 12/22 ML SPACE COST $6.68 5630 Total $7.79 *� November 2022 500 030 64 50 5640 BUILD. REPAIR/MAINT. 3/10/2023 AJE 144159 11/22 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $6.27 December 2022 500 030 64 50 5640 BUILD. REPAIR/MAINT. 4/18/2023 AJE 144606 12/22 ML SPACE COST $8.37 5640 Total $14.64 -� November 2022 500 030 64 50 5910 INSURANCE 3/10/2023 AJE 144159 11/22 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $0.02 5910 Total $0.02 * November 2022 500 030 64 50 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE 3/10/2023 AJE 1-44159 11/22 815 Fruitvale Space Cost $2.15 December 2022 500 030 64 50 5912 LIABILITY INSURANCE 4/18/2023 AJE 144606 12/22 ML SPACE COST $1.94 Page 3 of 4 Wperiod Fund Dept Pro Sub objec year ID ID gra Pro tID objectname ml, ca ra 5912 Total Grand Total Previous Month Expense Transaction Transaction Documen Description Date TypeText tNumber Page 4 of 4 AmountDR $4.09 G $10,308.89 COVID-19 Utility/Rent/Mortgage Subsistence Payments Project Detail Report Grant County CDBG Contract #XX-XXXXX-XXX As of 2/28/2023 on -gong V.1). Assistance Detail - _ Note.' eta dir6da ments to Clients) Cltent Q t >I�s _ Assistance'' Details - co�ID iii it�iti . ��Ir�ifcatic�n Intake lnto>Fr�tatl+�ll� ©ia . -Address, Q ..Date : _. ieno it : atat CV0 Purchase Qrrferi Type Vf Ass[StAnce;rFKfttilt of lel( i'$SSlstariC t. i l �in .. pl H.ouseh ( APPr¢YI n Pa awntt€� 3rd Y Client Name or triitials Client . titil' /Rent/ Monthly Assistance Assistance Assistance' e - Dale Adds Patio �a nX $ y � old Masi iatarr�ti�r� = I=�oi�r is eFn act P I##take t"take Sf$if Party # or ldent ftcation # Client Address 1p Code _ Mortgage Payment Given Patd to: Payment Appti - atlo Assistance Paid ess n of t Eli i 9 dt#e to CO�dll3 Iaateltirite i;ame it aPpltcable ) Works in a restaurant and his 20-)0000( Ann Smith or A.S. or 123 Rock Lane, Client #1 Olympia_ 98502 11 ff Main St; ABC Rent $ 1,000.00 $ 3,000.00 P Olympia, 61212020 44012 Y N Y o <50% Y . hours were reduced due to COVID, the still did to -go orders y 9. 5129/20 Anne Mary Smith Mary 5/29/20 A artments 985D2 • 's o it didn't stop entirely,. but was Shirley 0 reduced by half. None - _ $ 2/28/2023 COVID-19 Micro- Subsistence Payments Project Detail Report Grant County CDBG Contract #XX-XXXXX-XXX As of 212812023 2/28/2023 on is an IDA I t ce: bia-t- -go!;Ig,, 0 ss N paym ( 'o ents, to c (e Ar"Itent Details -A I ne-a- DeWls COVIDE ligibili rti icatiori . ....... .. .. . ............. .... ... rn P n- Intak Respt Purchase Qr-ded A!Iw 19--"it, t Di* -R 14,06 e hm ftprow., Fayuwent to 3rd Client Narne or Enitials ClIent— Type of AsWstnnc*.-,.- Monthly A*ssli.i�ft �6 -Patter., ''M I Mrive �-iraila Ur. PQMkC 1M, ..-,Adc.k oto �I#Vo I pZl akO 6 Ir$ Haff, ;Wpe[Ws QF party # or klenfiRcation 9 Client Addreso Zip Cock Mico -Subsistence ant., A f 04yrne 0 P� -- � 1 1, nt,� oldlw, yfi-w ppl.4Wlp A$:*l*t4n0qPidd'-eS*,:: xt :C QvtQ. rrw f" (F, applipab4a ......... . --------- Works. in 4 restaEwpr it and hi*, 20 XV Ann Smith or A.S. or 123 Rock Lane 065012 Mkro-Sub4fstence ABC 1111 WIT St $ 1,000,00 $ 3, 0M 00 Olympia, W/200 44012 Y N Y <50% Y tipum warc red_ d duo, t COVID, Itm-y atill did I "-,p qrd@ts- 512W20 '{Q- Anne Mary Smith client #1 owpia, Apartments 88502 sQ it didn't t 0 entirely,. WA was Fn St-Ifty, fV30120 Md -Luc -w- by hnift None $ -gill i ..... .... F -,T ---- ---- 2/28/2023