HomeMy WebLinkAboutRequest to Purchase - Sheriff & JailJohn McMillan Undersheriff. Office. 50,5-.754-2011 ext. .2017 jmcm,ill,a.n,@gra"ntcountywa.,g.ov. Oar,y Mansford. Chief deputy. InVestigations Office 509�754-,2011 ext.20261 gmansf6rd@* grantco,untywa.,gov Beau Laurens Chief Deputy Field Operations Office 509,754-2011 ext, .2018 blarne1n,s@gran.tcountywa,gov .Josh Sainsbury 'Chief. Deputy Ernergency Operations . office 509"754-2011 ext, ,4522 jspinsb,ury@gran.tc.ountywa.gov Phillip, coats , Chi6f.DepUty corrections 5 . 09-754-2011 ekt,.2021 pcoats@gra1ntcouniywa,gov Traqy Hill Administrati've Assistant Office 509.754-2011 ext. 2014 thill@grantcountywa, gov 1/12d 023 ►- Sheriff. Joe Kriete Nwr c U.. _,Ti7v� F RO. Box 37, Ephrata, Was.hi.ngton 98823 Telephone 509-754-.2.01-1 ext. 2001 April -19, 2.0213 Rob Jones, Chair Cindy Carter-, Vice"Chair Danny stone,, Mel' b.er Re., Authorization for Capital Purchase --$47,113,58 Board of COuntly Corn s$ , ners, am requesting auffiorization to purchase chase8 +art_UtiIitY_Vehicle forthe Interagency Narcotics 'Enm forceent 1;-.eam not to ecce This vehicle 'Will be to replace -a 2015 Ford F-150 V_ hicle'w►i�hmi les, This e #7100) over.160,,000 vehicle will NOT be, a t- p i c ;, al lice" ty �) " vehicle and'W" 11 be a civiha�qlmod__ po. s e. pur6ased from th e- Grant Cou.ntyVend' r List.. The Sheriffs'offices .deked three (3) separate aids that included. tax 'Ii en.se and fees,---iP i d s,pieattachd forYour review. ale would requestpurchasing froBOd Ciar y of MosesLa 6�as they .came r w $47,113. ire with the loestbid 0 . . f 58 including,,,,, 11-fee's"once ti le granted, the, e is, vehicle will beplaced.oWtho,E UghPublic blic The fun,ds utilized for suc*h.. rch-s Wi pu a e..W_ll derivefto' m' the- .0CS0 41NE_TSe* iz-ure Account ,(109.1151)i This account. has in excess of $320,000 from prior drug'seizures and forfeiture's with an anticipated forfeitu're -0 f over $200,000 expected this 2028, Thank yo q in advance for yo or 1r.e q u e st. APPROVED Undersheriff Grant County Sheriff's Office APR 2 5 2023 Cc: Joe, Krietel Sheriff cQNSENT Donna Harrington, Financial Specialist Katie Smith, Chief Accountant FINANCIAL REQUEST ReqUestor John McMillan Requestot's Department Sheriff Date 4.2G.2023 Fund/Dept of Request 109.151 Capital Asset Approval Yes Budget Extension No Establish/Close Fund No Cash Transfer No Notes: This will be purchased using funds from the [NET drug forfeiture account. Three separate bids 'front three separate companies on the existing County Vendor Ust are provided. Bud Ciary Auto in Mos es Lake had the lowest bid which.1s, attached. CAPITAL ASSET PURCHASE APPROVAL BUDGET REQUIREMENT Asset Description, 2023 Jeep Grand Cherokee Additional Expen'se p. Total Purchase Expense 47,114 Additional Revenue Less*. Existing Approval Additional Cash Requirement Additional Approval Required 47 J14 Additional Funding Source Capital Facility Related No Grant Reimbursable, No Documentation Quotejs attached BUDGET EXTENSION REQUEST Fund Narne Revenue' code .s Account Description Amount INET 109 Forfeiture Account: ccount. Fund Name Expense code/s Account Description Amount CASH TRANSFER REQUEST, Fund Name (From) Code Account Description Amount (Frorn) Fund Name(Toi Code Account De-scniption Amount (To) COMPLETED BY ACCOUNTING .FUND CASH SUMMARY Notes'. Beginning Cash 325,609 Expense Bd,gt (w/amendments) 258t400 Expense Ext, Requeste.d Budget Hearing., N/A Revenue Bdgt (Wfamend m*ents) 100,0.00 Revenue Ext, Requested (excl'308) Estimated Ending Cash 167,,iZ09 Reviewed By ej Bud Clary CJDR of Moses Lake bate; 4481202 1 � 5alespersoni Jere My Vargas mana*g er, Adriahla Flynn Aft -W FOR. INTERNAL USE ONLY � COSTOMER, Jeff Wentworth Home Phone. Address W.btk Phone'-, E -Mail: 1swentworth(c—Dwantcount ywa.gov Cell Phone VEHICLE, .Stock# ::AC230150 New t Used: New vlN 1G4RJKAG2P8786140 Ivilleaqo: 5 Vehicle ,2003 Jeep Grand CharoAoe L color Sdver 4ypfth Type.* Laredo 4dr 4x4 WLJH?5 Market Value Selling Price, 4 �,765.00 Discount, 1:1500.00 5,000.00 42,265.10,0 Tak 321999,58 Theft Shield 349.00 Licence Fee 300.00 0.10P fee'. 200,Ob Cash De'p'oalt I . .00 Balance . .......... 4711158 CusidmerApproval: BY signing t�ls 4igh-arl Madagem4nt Approyal: zation form. you certify that 1he above Oemorial information is correct and accurite, and authorize release of credit in q ploym Wormotion. By signiog abdve, 1 13111 proMq to the dealership and [19 affiliates consent to cOmmuni6ate With me AboUt my VehIcle or any ftj(ur4 -hitlesusingelec verbal. and wfltter� communloationa including but not limited to eNW11, text messaging, vi% tronla, For Inlotmatla Q, SMSf phonecalls and direct m 0 nOnly.Thisisnotan offer . -all. Terms and CondWons, subjoct t credit 0 contract for sal'a, dij approval,