HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - New Hope DV/SAYouth Homelessness Demonstration Project CFDA ##14.276
Subcontractor Agreement (SA)
(Hereinafter HOPESOURCE)
New Hope
(Hereinafter NEW HOPE)
This YHDP-EOS SA is entered into as of the 1 St day of October, 2019 (effective date) by
and between HOPESOURCE, organized as a Washington nonprofit corporation, having
its principal place of business at 700 E Mountain View Avenue, Ellensburg, WA 98926
acting as the YHDP Contractor and GRANT COUNTY NEW HOPE, a Not for Profit,
having its principal place of business 311 W 3rd Avenue Moses Lake, WA 98837
acting as the YHDP subcontractor.
I. Purpose of Subcontractor Agreement
The goal of the Youth Homeless Demonstration Project is to develop a coordinated
emergency response and permanent housing system that works effectively for our
youth and young adults experiencing and at -risk of homelessness. HOPESOURCE
and NEW HOPE are dedicated to impacting the four core outcomes identified by the
United States Interagency Council on Homelessness: 1) stable housing; 2)
permanent connections; 3) education and employment; and 4) social -emotional well-
being. Through the YHDP process, we are collaboratively designing a system that
• Identify and engage youth and young adults at -risk of and experiencing
• Minimize the inflow into the homeless system by intervening to prevent the loss
of housing and diverting youth from the homeless system back to family and
natural supports whenever possible;
• Provide immediate access to low -barrier shelter and crisis services; and
• Deliver effective housing assistance and services without preconditions that
create sustainable solutions and avert cycles of recurring homelessness.
The purpose of this SA is to identify the roles and responsibilities of each party as
participants in the 2019 — 2021 YHDP contract in achieving the Four Core Outcomes
identified above.
The parties hereby agree to participate in the project as outlined in the SA.
HOPESOURCE Subcontractor Agreement with NEW HOPE
YHDP Grant NO. WA0435YOT011700 - Support Services
II. Term of Subcontractor Agreement
The term of this SA shall be effective from 10/1/2019 (effective date) through
9/31/2021 (end -date). Should this grant be renewed, automatic renewal will occur
annually, unless the subcontractor does not meet performance standards at which
time this agreement will be terminated under the terms and conditions of this SA.
111. Compensation
Payments will be based on reimbursable expenses for eligible services monthly upon
approval of invoices and backup documentation. Compensation will follow the
agreed upon annual budget. Changes to the annual budget must be approved per
YHDP rules.
IV. Performance
Fiscal Performance
HOPESOURCE is committed to offering quality services following YHDP contract
rules. To align the subcontractor's performance with these objectives, performance
milestones and agency responsibilities are stated below. The following milestones
will be monitored to ensure performance objectives can be met:
Milestone 1 — Fully executed subcontractor agreement by October 30, 2019
Milestone 2 — Monthly Invoice, backup documentation for October services submitted
by November 15, 2019
Milestone 3 - Monthly Invoice, backup documentation for November services
submitted by December 15, 2019
Milestone 4 — Monthly Invoice, backup documentation for December services
submitted by January 15, 2019
Milestone - Monthly Invoice, backup documentation for January services submitted
by February 15, 2019
Milestone 6 - Monthly Invoice, backup documentation for February services
submitted by March 15, 2019
Milestone 7 - Monthly Invoice, backup documentation for March services submitted
by April 15, 2019
HOPESOURCE Subcontractor Agreement with NEW HOPP.
YHDP Grant NO. WA0435YOT011700 - Support Services
Milestone 8 - Monthly Invoice, backup documentation for April services submitted by
May 10, 2019
Milestone 9 - Monthly Invoice, backup documentation for May services submitted by
June 10, 2019
Milestone 10 - Monthly Invoice, backup documentation for June services submitted
by July 10, 2019
Milestone 11 - Monthly Invoice, backup documentation for July services submitted by
August 10, 2019
Milestone 12 - Monthly Invoice, backup documentation for August services submitted
by September 10, 2019
Milestone 13 - Monthly Invoice, backup documentation for September services
submitted by October 10, 2019
Milestone 14 — Performance will be reviewed annually by the Grey Region Regional
Leadership Team, including the Youth For Youth Advisory Group, using data
collected through the Regional coordinated Entry System to determine the re-
allocation of clients and funds to regional partners as required to meet the needs on
the youth homeless population.
Program Performance
Execute program to achieve all Performance Measures and program deliverables
applicable to Programs defined in Section VI as required by the YHDP Program
Grant and Performance Measures defined in the Grant Agreement.
Milestonel — Twenty percent (20%) of the budgeted funds must be utilized by the
end of the 1 grant quarter, December 31, 2019. Performance will be reviewed
Regionally for possible redistribution of funds.
Milestone 2 - Forty Five Percent (45%) of the budgeted funds must be utilized by the
end of the second grant quarter, March 31, 2020. Performance will be reviewed
Regionally for possible redistribution of funds.
Milestone 4 — One Hundred (100%) of the budgeted funds must be utilized by the
end of the fourth grant quarter, September 30, 2020. Performance will be reviewed
Regionally for possible redistribution of funds.
Milestone 5 — Ten (10) clients are required to be enrolled by the end of the first grant
quarter, Dec 31, 2019. Grey Region reserves the right to subtract the value of each
client (value of grant/number of clients) not meeting the minimum requirement.
Milestone 6 — Twenty (20) clients are required to be enrolled by the end of the
second grant quarter, March 31, 2020. Grey Region reserves the right to subtract the
value of each client (value of grant/number of clients) not meeting the minimum
Milestone 7 — Thirty (30)clients are required to be enrolled by the end of the third
grant quarter, June 30, 2020. Grey Region reserves the right to subtract the value of
each client (value of grant/number of clients) not meeting the minimum requirement.
Milestone 8- Fifty (50) clients are required to be served in the grant year.
Milestone 9 — Performance will be reviewed annually by the Grey Region Regional
Leadership Team, including the Youth For Youth Advisory Group, using data
collected through the Regional Coordinated Entry System to determine the re-
allocation of clients and funds to regional partners as required to meet the needs on
the youth homeless population.
If there are concerns with subcontractor performance the following steps will occur:
1. A written notice of performance shortfalls will be issued to the subcontractor
with a corrective action plan requested.
2. If failure to meet objectives is still a concern after implementation of a
corrective action plan a meeting with the Administrators of the subcontracting
agency will be required.
3. Final action may be the termination of this SA and discontinuation of payment.
V. HOPESOURCE Responsibilities
1. Oversight of grant compliance and deliverables
2. Provide and administer the Regional Youth Services Coordinated Entry
System for use in the four -county region for the YHDP Program.
3. Utilize the HUD Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and
input required data elements for tracking client entry, exit, and services.
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HOPESOURCE Subcontractor Agreement with NEW HOPE
YHDP Grant NO. WA0435YOT011700 - Support Services
4. Provide guidance and technical assistance regarding the systems and
services best suited to enable partners to meet contract objectives.
5. Coordinate regular meetings as needed
6. Provide monthly and quarterly reporting structure
7. Tracking and reporting of subcontractors progress towards milestones
8. Review subcontractor's invoices for completeness.
9. Provide assistance to support NEW HOPE in providing services following all
contractual requirements of the YHDP grant
10. Make a payment on subcontractor invoices, within 10 days of receipt of a
complete invoice.
11. Retain all YHDP grant client files, client lists and supporting back up
documentation for return to the YHDP Program Office if required by the grant.
12. Collect all equipment purchased by the YHDP grant for return to the YHDP
Program Office if required by the grant.
V1. NEW HOPE Responsibilities
1. Implement a plan to impact the four core outcomes identified by the United
States Interagency Council on Homelessness.
2. Operate the YHDP Supportive Services Only Project providing outreach and
supportive services to youth ages 12 -24 in the Grant/Adams county area as
outlined in the YHDP Program Guide and in accordance with HUD's CoC
Program Interim Rule — Subpart D "Program Components and Eligible Costs"
and 578.37 "Program Components and Uses of Assistance" and 578.53
"Supportive Services".
3. Maintain sufficient staff to provide services to a minimum of Twenty (20)
homeless or at -risk youth ages 12 — 24.
4. Attend all YHDP regional meetings, webinars, and phone conferences to
remain up to date with YHDP updates.
5. Implement new program guide updates as/when they are released and include
in the NEW HOPE/YHDP program guide and document how updates are
being implemented into daily process.
6. Required to self -monitor program, process, and procedures to ensure proper
and consistent operation of the program.
7. Utilize the Regional Youth Services Coordinated Entry System to capture
initial client information and services following established processes and
- procedures -specified in the "YHDP Care .Coordination Portal User Guide" and
"YHDP Coordinated Entry Contact Procedure Guide".
8. Utilize the HUD Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), (or
provide sufficient data elements to HopeSource to complete data entry) for
tracking of client entry, exit, and services maintaining a data error rate of less
than Fifteen Percent (15%)
9. Share ideas, successes, and challenges openly with other partners, while
maintaining client confidentiality.
HOPESOURCE Subcontractor Agreement with NEW HOPE
YHDP Grant NO. WA0435YOT011.700 - Support Services
10. Maintain current contact information (name, phone, email) for subcontractor
staff supporting the project.
11. Notify HOPESOURCE regarding changes in agency Leadership or YHDP
Program staff.
12. Return all client files, client lists and supporting back up documentation to
HopeSouce upon the termination of this Subcontractor Agreement or
cessation of services under the YHDP grant for return to the YHDP Program
Office if required by the grant.
13. Return all equipment purchased by a subcontractor with the YHDP grant in
good condition and working order for a return to the YHDP Program Office if
required by the grant.
VI 1. Confidentiality and Nondisclosure
HOPESOURCE and NEW HOPE respect the privacy of all clients. Personal
information collected, used, or acquired in connection with providing emergency or
homeless housing services is only used for those programs.
HOPESOURCE and NEW HOPE will not release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell or
otherwise make known to unauthorized persons the information without the express
written consent of the client or as provided by law.
Personal information includes any information that identifies an individual's health,
education, business, use or receipt of governmental services, names, addresses.,
age, telephone numbers, social security numbers, driver's license numbers and
finances including financial profiles, credit card numbers or other identifying numbers.
NEW HOPE acknowledges and agrees to secure the confidentiality of the program
participant's information during the intake process through the use of NEW HOPE's
standard Consent Form.
Vill. Site Visits - Monitoring
The grantor and HOPESOURCE, through authorized representatives, have the right,
at all reasonable times, to make site visits to review project. accomplishments and
provide technical assistance as may be required. If any site visit is made by the
grantor -or HOPESOURCE on the premises of the subcontractor, the subcontractor___.____
shallprovide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience
of the government representatives in the performance of their duties. All site visits
and evaluations shall be performed in such a manner that will not unduly interfere
with or delay the work.
HOPESOURCE Subcontractor Agreement with NEW HOPE
YHDP Grant NO. WA0435YOT011700 - Support Services
Monitoring may consist of on-site or remote techniques and will be individualized
based on the results of the risk assessment according to HOPESOURCE monitoring
policies and/or procedures. Grantor reserves the right to require HOPESOURCE to
undertake special reviews when an audit or other emerging issue demands prompt
intervention and/or investigation.
IX Modification of Subcontractor Agreement
This SA may be modified at any time by mutual agreement of both parties. Such
modifications shall not be binding upon either party unless they are in writing and
signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties.
X. Termination of Subcontractor Agreement
Either party may terminate this SA upon 30 days prior written notifications to the
other party. If this SA is terminated, the parties shall be liable only for the
performance rendered under the terms of this subcontract before the effective date of
termination. If the Balance of State Continuum of Care should terminate this contract
with HOPESOURCE this subcontract will be terminated at the same time.
X1. Indemnity
Each party hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the other party harmless from any
damage, liability, claim, fine or other obligations that may arise due to the negligence
or willful misconduct of the indemnifying party or any of their principles, employees,
agents, subcontractors, or independent contractors and,
NEW HOPE agrees to maintain a Certificate of Liability Insurance listing HopeSource
as additionally insured, as it relates to the performance of this agreement.
XII. Retention and Access Requirements for Records
The Recipients must maintain financial records, supporting documents, and all other
records pertinent to an award for three years from the date of submission of the final
expenditure report. The only exceptions are the following:
a) If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the three
years, the records must be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings
involving the records have been resolved and final action is taken.
b) Records for real property and equipment acquired with Federal funds must be
retained for three years after final disposition.
c) When records are transferred to or maintained by HUD, the three-year
retention requirement does not apply to the Recipient.
HOPESOURCE Subcontractor Agreement with NEW HOPE
YHDP Grant NO. WA0435YOT011700 - Support Services
X111. Timely and Unrestricted Access
HUD, the inspector General, Comptroller General, or any of their duly
authorized representatives have the right of timely and unrestricted access to
any books, documents, papers, or other records of recipients and sub -
recipients that are pertinent to the award, in order to make audits,
examinations, excerpts, transcripts, and copies of such documents. This right
also includes timely and reasonable access to a recipient's and sub -recipients
personnel for interview and discussion related to such documents. The rights
of access in this paragraph are not limited to the required retention period but
must last as long as records are retained.
NEW HOPE agrees to federally required restrictions on lobbying,
HOPESOURCE agrees not to place any restrictions on sub -recipients that limit
the right or ability of the sub -recipients of their agents to contact or otherwise
conduct business with the federal government.
XIV. HUD has a toll-free number for collecting information concerning fraud,
waste, or abuse under grants and cooperative agreements. Such reports are treated
as sensitive material and submitters may decline to give their names if they choose to
remain anonymous.
XV. Federal Debt Status
You may not be delinquent in the repayment of any federal debt. Examples of
relevant debt include delinquent payroll or other taxes, audit disallowances, and
benefits that were overpaid (OMB Circular A-129).
XVI. Flowdown Requirements
You must execute your project (e.g., productions, workshops, programs, etc.) in
accordance with the following laws, where applicable.
a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, provides that no person
in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be
excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subject to
discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial
assistance. Title VI also extends protection to persons with limited English
proficiency. (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.) -
b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 provides that no person in the
United States shall, on the basis of sex or blindness, be excluded from
participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any
education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. (20 U.S.C.
Sec. 1681 and Sec. 1684 et seq.)
c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provides that no otherwise
qualified individual with a disability in the United States, shall, solely by reason
of his/her disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or
HOPESOURCE Subcontractor Agreement with NEW HOPE
YHDP Grant NO. WA0435YOT011700 - Support Services
subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal
financial assistance. (290 U.S.C. Sec. 794)
d) The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 provides that no person in the United
States shall, on the basis of age, be excluded from participation in, be denied
benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance. (42 U.S.C. Sec. 6101 et seq.)
e) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination
on the basis of disability in employment (Title 1), state and local government
services (Title 11), places of public accommodation and commercial facilities
(Title 111). (42 U.S.C. Sections 12101-12213)
XV11. Debarment and Suspension. You must comply with requirements regarding
debarment and suspension in Subpart C of 2 CFR part 180.
There are circumstances under which we may receive information concerning your
fitness to carry out a project and administer Federal funds; for instance:
a) Conviction of, or civil judgment for, the commission of fraud, embezzlement,
theft, forgery, making false statements;
b) Any other offense indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty
that seriously and directly affects your present responsibility; and/or
c) Any other cause of so serious or compelling a nature that it affects an
organization's present responsibility.
In these circumstances, we may need to act quickly to protect the interest of the
government by suspending your funding while we undertake an investigation of the
specific facts. We may coordinate our suspension actions with other Federal
agencies that have an interest in our findings. A suspension may result in your
debarment from receiving Federal funding government -wide for up to three years.
XV111. The Drug -Free Workplace Act requires you to publish a statement about
your drug-free workplace policy. You must give a copy of this statement to
each employee (including consultants and temporary personnel) who will be
involved in award -supported activities at any site where these activities will be
carried out.
You must maintain on file the place(s) where work is being performed under
this award (i.e. street address, city, state and zip code.) You must notify the
Program Office of any employee convicted of a violation of a criminal drug
statute that occurs in the workplace. (41 U.S.C. Sec 8102 et Sec. and 45 CFR
Part 1155)
XIX. Lobbying. You may not conduct political lobbying, as defined in the statutes,
regulations and OMB Circulars listed below, within your Federally -supported
project. In addition, you may not use Federal funds for lobbying specifically to
,HOPESOURCE Subcontractor Agreement with NEW HOPE
YHDP Grant NO. WA0435YOT011700 - Support Services
obtain awards. For definitions and other information on these restrictions, refer
to the following
a) "No part of the money appropriated by any enactment of Congress shall, in
the absence of express authorization by Congress, be used directly or
indirectly to pay for any personal service, advertisement, telegram, telephone,
letter, printed or written matter, or other device, intended or designated to
influence in any manner a Member of Congress, a jurisdiction, or an offical of
any government, to favor, adopt, or oppose, by vote or otherwise, any
legislation, law, ratification, policy, or appropraition, whether before or after
the introduction of any bill, measure, or resolution proposing such legislation,
law, ratification, policy, or appropriation; but this shall not prevent officers or
employees of the United States or of its departments or agencies from
communicating to any such Member or official, at his request, or to Congress
or such official, through the proper official channels, request for any
legislation, law, ratification, policy, or appropriations which they deem
necessary for the efficient conduct of the public business, or from making any
communication whose prohibition by this section might, in the opinion of the
Attorney General, violate the Constitution or interfere with the conduct of
foreign policy, counter -intelligence, intelligence, or national security activities."
(18 USC 1913. Lobbying with appropriated money).
b) 2 CFR Part 200.450- "Lobbying" Regulation clarifies that lobbying is an
unallowable project cost. The regulation generally defines lobbying as
conduct intended to influence the outcome of elections or to influence elected
officials regarding pending legislation, either directly or through specific
lobbying appeals to the public.
c) Certification Regarding Lobbying to Obtain Awards. Section 319 of Public
Law 101-121, codified at 31 U.S.C. Sec. 1352, prohibits the use of Federal
funds in lobbying members and employees of Congress, as well as
employees of Federal agencies, with respect to the award or amendment of
any Federal grant, cooperative agreement, contract, or loan. While non -
Federal funds may be used for such activities, they may not be included in
your project budget, and their use must be disclosed to the awarding Federal
agency. Disclosure of lobbying activities by long-term employees (employed
or expected to be employed for more than 130 days) is, however, not
required. In addition, the law exempts from the definition of lobbying certain
professional and technical services by applicants and awardees
XX Trafficking in Persons
This government -wide award term implements Section 106 (g) of the Trafficking
Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, as amended (22 U.S.C. 7104), located at 2
CFR Part 175. Under the statutory requirement, in each agency award under which
funding is provided to a private entity, section 106(g) of the TVPA, as amended,
requires the agency to include a condition that authorizes the agency to terminate the
award, without penalty, if the recipient or sub -recipients-
HOPESOURCE Subcontractor Agreement with NEW HOPE
YHDP Grant NO. WA0435YOT011700 - Support Services
a) Engages in severe forms of trafficking in persons during the period that the
award is in effect;
b) Procures a commercial sex act during the period that the award is in effect; or
c) Uses forced labor in the performance of the award or sub -awards under the
Full text of the award term is provided at 2 CFR Part 175.a5.
XXI. Conflict of Interest and Kickbacks
The subcontractor or parties doing business on behalf of the subcontractor shall not
use or give the appearance of using, their positions for personal gain of themselves
or those with whom they have family, business or other ties. Subcontractor shall not
have or acquire any interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict with the
performance of services under this SA. Subcontractors shall not employ or
subcontract with any persons who have conflicts of interest. Subcontractors are
prohibited from inducing, by any means, any employee or subcontractor to give up
any part of the compensation to which they are otherwise entitled. (See Anti -Kickback
Act, 18 U.S.C. 874).
XXIL Miscellaneous Provisions
1. Use of Names: Each party shall have mutual authorization to identify each other
as participants in the Project in external communications, which shall include a
running list of providers participating in the Project on YHDP's external website.
2. Materials: Any materials or curriculum are the property of the YHDP program and
to be shared with all partners for the good of the project.
3. Acknowledgment: All publications, press announcements, posters, oral
presentations at meetings, seminars, and any other information -dissemination
format that is related to this project must acknowledge the Grey Region
4. Electronic Contracting: The parties agree that if this SA is transmitted
electronically neither party shall contest the validity of the SA or acknowledge
thereof, based on this SA or acknowledgment contains an electronic signature.
XXIII. Instructions for Subcontractor Agreement and attachments
Subcontractor shall complete and return the following via email to Susan Grindle at
skg rind I eC@.hopesou rce. us:
1. Subcontractor Agreement — reviewed and signed
2. Attachment A — Agency's confidentiality policy
3. Attachment C — completed W-9
-------- ------
HOPESOURCE Subcontractor Agreement with NEW HOPE
MHDP Grant NO. WA0435YOT011700 - Support Services
4. Attachment D — Proof of Insurance naming HOPESOURCE as additionally
5. Attachment E — P1 Budget
XXIV. Contacts
Contact Person for HOPESOURCE:
Name: Susan Grindle
NEW HOPE Contact:
Name: Susie Fode
Address: 700 E. Mountain View Avenue Address: 311 W 3rd Avenue
Ellensburg, WA 98926 Moses Lake, WA 98837
Telephone: (509) 925-1448
Fax: (509) 925-1204
Email: skgrindle@hopesource.us
Telephone: (509) 764-8402
Email: sfode@grantcountywa.gov
HOPESOURCE Subcontractor Agreement with NEW HOPE
YHDP Grant NO. WA0435YOT011700 - Support Services
XXV. Complete Agreement:
This Service Agreement expresses the parties' complete agreement and
understanding. No other terms or conditions, whether oral or in writing, shall be
considered a part of the parties' agreement. The parties authorized representatives
hereby execute this subcontract and agree to abide by the terms and conditions
outlined in this subcontract as well as the YHDP Grant Agreement No.
WA0435YOT01 1700 — Support Services.
(signature) (date)
Susan K Grindle, CEO
(signature) (date)
Tom Taylor, BJCC Chair
Board of Grant County Commissioners
------------------ --
HOPESOURCE Subcontractor Agreement with NEW HOPE
YHDP Grant NO. WA0435YOT011700 - Support Services
? Yk�DP BUDGET Breakdowr� 2 Years s
YH E}f Cte,gory
N ew
Support Services
Case Management
Outreach Services
Subtotal Support Services
Direct Services
Rent Assistance - RRH
Subtotal Direct Services
Program Operations
Administration Cost
TO. Grant Fund.::.. ..........I...................
. .............. ..
Mat h Requirement
:... 51,981. 5
Grand T�tai .. :...