HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreements/Contracts - Juvenile10/15/19 Walk-on without being on the ASC Agenda: County Program Agreement between State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services (Department of Children, Youth, and Families, DCYF) and Grant County for Consolidated Contract FY20- 21, DCYF Agreement No. 1963-59047. Agreement term is July 1,, 2019 through June 30,, 2021 with Juvenile and Youth Services. ..................... . ............ 7/15/19 -- . :! ........................ I by ......................ated ...... ........:�K".-. rp.19........................ K19-164 yy, x: 7� , :' COUNTY R- M K A'.. G' E-E,v& 'NUN C sofidated -on-r:tra DC F A'ree�ntnt' Umber .. N:' 9 1963-5 .047 TTNPrd.g'ram Agream-ent-'ts �y and b6tween' -the state- -ofashington Adkn*1-6i§tr�iboh -dr Division Deipat--of So jal. rtmenand: c 'H -,e' ServiGes (.QCY,-F*) and1he Coun.ty-- Ii•d.entlfied Agreement Number bbloww, and Js is.8.uod in .b!�MjUnbtio:M with a':0oUhty-A,n.d DCYF Agre'ement On ­Gepieral Terms. a,nd:'-C.on-dit..i*on.s,,,�wh:ic'h is incorporated by- refe:rerre'e.o County:-Agreeme .-Number DC.YF ADMINISTi�ATTON DCYF DIVISION :DOY- F INDEX NUMBER CC.S­-`C0NTR-ACT -Q.ODE ,Deppr.tm:L7int:6f-Child -e-n., Youth: Chudren, Youth and k72CS and Fam.11fes I Fa mit :DC . -.YF CONTACT"NAME.AND-TITLE DCYF.00N TA QT -ADDRESS -Del Ffontano-sas PO Box 4572-0 Grants & Cantwts -Managpr Olympia, - W -A 0*85CF4. M-4 U'UN 1.RU-1 t&;fVJA1L 360)902-W-87 (360')902-8108 -.,watgov d6yf '-COUNTY NAME 'COUNTY DBA COUNTYADDRESS ran o y. E2h-rata, -WA 988-37 -CC t •1 Y U -N :1 FOKU S.KES& ID RBIENTI FIER'( 'BI) COU T" CONTACT NA. ME 1-3.6-00-784 Slh6lyslininger C OUNTY CONTACT TELEPHONE COUNT Y -CONTACT FAX C. OUNTY-ZONTACT-E.-MAIL 5497 M-Sit-hinger@0rantcaun't ,@-09.� 7 =.gov 14S TH-E:.CC)U NTY A5 U-BRECIPIENT...F. R PURP E.$. OF THIS-. PROGRAM C -FDA, NUMBERS .0 A-GREE M*ENT? No PROGRAK AGRf�EM*ENT--$TA-RT:D-ATF_ PROGRAM AGREEMENTEND DATEQ. G. MAXIMUK-pP. RA;AGREEMENTAMOUN*T 071M. 20.1'9 06/30.1262.1 8-ee Egh'ibits ..10-11ow" g Ex*NM8 a4re-attaofted and ;are-- incorporated -EXHIBITS'. When the bo,b.ofow Js m.z0k-ed" ith.. X- L. an in jinn.-o4his Coupty.Progra-M- Agreement: -Ex*`hJb[ts:(.s.ped.fy.): R E�Xhi . b-it,,,A::- Cons*ofidated . C'ontradt-Tiarml ..Rel'fti,but�si�m*e''nt'Pro.cedu.res,.-a'n'd Program Respon.'ibilit'es;..M'E..xhib4itB:Ju,ven'-"-I-e..C*-,.our.t"Blo-ck-.G-ra.ntI -Exhibit - C: .'Detention Servicess. I J The 'his fa I cind a],Jehtire and. ju. 1. -cif t " -Colhb dt.:--ato �ih- iq�i�gr;Efflton. ..repres�i'htation,:.bf.,thefi n. S'.v e unde',tt;�ndln�- betwt-so*n th.6 grwr ppft"e,8-tqpor�-.ediqg. and:fner".9"ing iMl -prevlous:,q e 6meftt�-', iting.si, a" d co- mm- u-. n i or -at orothe Ise rding--the su�jbot --ott t df thi's Cphtra rw1 rega M. P tract. The' parti6s signifig,b-016-w- - re nt;thatA- preae htiy, have, ri��a: d and tand-.thl -,Cpntr4-qt ob.dute th'18COnrl-ttact.. This .',Co.ntta'ot'-shat�"'be'b*:n�di.n.g,,:on...DCYF.onty Undert (IS Upon signdtUt6-by-DC.Y.F. -COUNTY' SIGNATURE.'(S) PRINTED NAME, -'ANfD TITLE�:�:3 1GN-ED DAT (S) 5 U1 VCY.r,SIG'NAT-U1RE- PRINTED NAME AND TITLE DATE. -SIGNED' DeJ.Hontanosas- t4 i G:rbhts -.and C.-cyntradt.s.ManAber' DOpartm-erft.W Childroh,Ycift, and' Rarriffiles 2.07.2 -CS C.6-uh.�y 0onikifid,ated P.rog'ram. Agreemer'!t"&22-0=291 9- Special Terms and Conditions state employees, oontnactorsAandnftheohnleoimdudedin8A/44RCW (Sex Offenses). |naddition, the Secretary shall disqualify for employment with @ contractor iDany position with access toanoffender, any person: a. Who is found by the department, based on a preponderance of the evidence, to have had intercourse or sexual contact with the offender; or b. Convicted of any crime specified in chapter 9A.44 RCW (Sex Offenses) when the victim was an offender. |fany actions are taken under 13.4O.57ORCVV.subsections (3)Or(4).the Contractor must demonstrate to the Secretary they have greatly reduced the likelihood that any of its employees, volunteers, or subcontractors could have sexual intercourse or sexual contact with any offender. The contract shall not be renewed unless the Secretary determines significant progress has been made. 4. Subcontractor |fthe Contractor utilizes subcontractors for theprovision ofservices under this Contract, the Contractor rnU8t notify JR in writing and maintain 8UfUCiGDt documentation to verify that the subcontractors meet all the requirements under this Contract. /nnoevent shall the existence ofesubcontract release or reduce the liability ofthe County for any breach ofperformance. 5. Monitoring The County shall assist the JR to perform reviews of sites where services are delivered at regular intervals using agreed upon forms and methods. 6. Billing and Payment a. If reports required under this Contract are delinquent, DCYF.JRmay stop payment to the Contractor until such required reports are submitted toJR. b. The Contractor agrees to accept this payment as total and complete remuneration for services provided tooffenders under this agreement. This does not preclude the Contractor from seeking other funding sources. No indirect costs are allowed. o. The Contractor shall use these funds to supplement, not supplant, the amount of federal, state, and local funds otherwise expended for the services provided under this agreement. d. Under no circumstance shall the Contractor bill twice for the same services. e. The Contractor shall maintain backup documentation of all costs billed under this contract. f. If the Contractor bills and is paid fees for services that JR later finds were either 1) not delivered or 2) not delivered in accordance with this contract or contract attachments, JR shall recover fees and the Contractor shall fully cooperate. 7. Compliance with JR Policies and Standards. a. In addition to the governing Federal and State |8Vvs and regulations, the Contractor shall comply with all [)CYF and JR Rules and Policies as applicable to the services provided. Department orChildren, Youth, and Families 2or2ooCounty Consolidated Program Agreement 6-20-2019 EXHIBIT A Consolidated Contract Term, Reimbursement Procedures, and Program Responsibilities 1. The purpose of this Agreement is to fund and support the program services described in the attached Statements of Work. The contract term begins July 1, 2019 and expires June 30, 2021. 2. Funding. As of July 1, 2019 the rates paid to the County will be the rate calculated for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2020-2021. If by July 1, 2019 the County does not have a completed written application for funding approved by JR and signed by both parties, JR will temporarily reimburse the county according to the rates from the State Fiscal Year Consolidated Contract 2018-2019 (DSHS No. 1763-96321) until September 1, 2019 to provide for continuity of services. Once the County's application is signed and approved, the SFY 2020-2021 funding rate shall apply retroactively to July 1, 2019 and the County is responsible for adjusting its expenditures during the remainder of the agreement term to account for any discrepancies. If the County has not properly accounted for the difference between the two rates by April 30, 20207 JR may adjust the amount reimbursed to the County for the final two months of the agreement to account for these discrepancies. 3. Statements of Work. As of July 1, 2019, the County is responsible for adhering to the Statements of Work described in the Exhibit B: Statement of Work — Juvenile Court Block Grant. If by July 1, 2019 the County does not have a completed written application for funding approved by JR and signed by both parties, the statements of work from the State Fiscal Year Consolidated Contract 2018-2019 (DSHS No. 1763-96321) shall apply to all work performed under this agreement until September 1, 2019 to provide for continuity of services. Once the County's application is signed and approved, the County shall be responsible for providing services in accordance with the SFY 2020-2021 Statements of Work from that date forward. 4. Late Applications. If the County does not have a completed written application for funding approved by JR and signed by both parties by September 1, 2019, JR may discontinue reimbursement until the application is completed and approved. Department of Children, Youth, and Families 2072CS County Consolidated Program Agreement 6-20-2019 responsibilities and duties of JR. g. The County Juvenile Court shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal licensing and accreditation requirements and standards necessary in the performance of this Contract. h. When licensing or other statutory requirements differ from contract requirements, the County Juvenile Court shall meet whichever requirement imposes the higher standard. Any variance from licensing requirements shall require a licensing waiver. 3. Supervision and Programs All supervision and program services performed by the County Juvenile Court under the terms of this Agreement shall be in conformance with the County's Application and the County's Application Response. The County shall provide all services in compliance with applicable RCW, WAC, and Appellate case law for the following programs within available resources. a. Consolidated Juvenile Services (CJS) At -Risk Programs The County Juvenile Court shall provide services pursuant to RCW 13.06, Chapter 388-710 WAC. b. Special Sex Offender Disposition Alternative (SSODA) The County Juvenile Court shall provide services pursuant to RCW 13.40.162 and the following standards: (1) In a timely manner, pursuant to RCW 4.24.550, provide local law enforcement officials with all relevant information about offenders placed on the SSODA program. Additionally, for the purpose of risk level classification, provide Juvenile Rehabilitation with all relevant information for the End of Sentence Review Juvenile Subcommittee in accordance with RCW 72.09.345 for youth adjudicated for any registerable sex offense. This includes SSODA offenses and any other sex offenses that require registration. The Juvenile Risk Level Classification Process and Contact Information is hereby incorporated by reference. (2) Provide a combination of services identified in the Sex Offender Treatment Provider assessment and the Washington State Juvenile Court Risk Assessment, deemed most effective to decrease recidivism, increase youth protective factors, and decrease youth risk factors. Specifics of family, group, or individual sessions shall be identified in the provider treatment plan provided during assessment and shall be updated quarterly Document in the case record reductions in the levels of supervision and support for such reductions. c. Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Disposition Alternative (CDMHDA) (1) The county shall provide services pursuant to RCW 13.40.165 and the following standards: (a) Utilize a Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR) approved chemical dependency assessment as detailed in Attachment A of the County's Application; (b) Include family service strategies and components; and (c) Include random urinalysis testing. (2) Courts may utilize deferred or stipulated order of continuance with CDMHDA eligible youth. d. Suspended Disposition Alternative (SDA) Services Department of Children, Youth, and Families 2072CS County Consolidated Program Agreement 6-20-2019 (c) Clinical guidance as supplied by the University of Washington. (6) Employment Education and Training (EET): (a) General precepts and practices contained in the EET Statewide Manual. (b) Feedback from designated EET statewide Quality Assurance Specialist in on-going consultation and site visits. f. Promising Programs County Juvenile Courts may utilize their funding to implement a Promising Program when they have met the criteria developed by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy and approved by the CJAA Advisory Committee. 4. Performance -Based Contracting Implementation a. Beginning July 1, 2019, DCYF is strategically implementing quality and outcome performance measures in contracts that provide services to children and families as required by House Bill 1661. b. The purpose of this change is to help achieve DCYF's long-term outcome goals, with a focus on building partnerships, using data to learn and improve, and advancing racial equity. c. DCYF Outcome Goals supported by Juvenile Courts' EBPs include: (1) Parents and caregivers are supported to meet the needs of children and youth; (2) Youth school engagement; (3) High school graduation; and (4) Youth mental/behavioral health. d. The quality measure below only apply to Juvenile Court EBPs, which are described in the Statement of Work, Section 3.e. e. Quality Measures: The Contractor shall participate in ongoing reporting, monitoring, and discussion with DCYF for the following quality measures. Program starts Goal Youth access needed Evidence -Based Programs (EBPs) Metric Number of youth who start an EBP Target 100% of youth, identified in contractor's application to start an EBP Reporting Contractors will continue to report program starts in PACT (See Requirement Section 2.b & c) Performance N/A; informational only. DCYF will collect baseline data during the Management contract period to validate the target and identify a performance management tool the following contract period. Continuous DCYF will support continuous improvement by establishing a Improvement performance feedback loop to share and review performance data with contractors at least annually. Department of Children, Youth, and Families 2072CS County Consolidated Program Agreement 6-20-2019 9 are not billable. Risk Assessment costs will be billed separately. d. Costs incurred for direct treatment services may be billed for youth residing out of state whom are on a SSODA, CDMHDA, or SDA. e. Costs incurred for supervision of youth on a SSODA, CDMHDA, or SDA may be billed for the actual time spent providing supervision at the rate of the probation counselor providing the supervision. f. Detention costs, for up to 30 days per period of confinement and consistent with RCW 13-40.200Y for SSODA, CDMHDA, and SDA committable offenders will be reimbursed at a rate no higher than that charged to other courts purchasing beds. g. For SSODA, CDMHDA, and SDA programs, the County shall be eligible for reimbursement for supervision costs for up to 14 days following a youth being placed on absconder status and a warrant being issued. Program payment will be reinstated when the youth is apprehended. h. Reimbursement for SSODA expenses may be for up to two years. If a youth is extended beyond two years, the juvenile court must provide JR with a court order documenting the extension. The court may continue to be reimbursed for SSODA expenses throughout the extension. For CDMHDA programs, a chemical dependency inpatient treatment provider shall be reimbursed for services up to 72 hours following discharge, if a committable youth has been discharged from a subcontracted inpatient facility on a temporary basis and is expected to return, and/or if a committable youth has left the program against clinical advice and the bed is being held for readmission. j. For CDMHDA programs, in the event of a revocation, the County shall be eligible for reimbursement for treatment services until the youth is committed to JR. k. For CDMHDA programs, the County shall be eligible for reimbursement in the event of a new offense for up to 14 days from arrest. Payment is reinstated when the youth is placed back to active CDMHDA status. Reimbursement for administrative and equipment costs shall not exceed 15% of the original annual allotment. Administrative costs shall remain with the agency providing services paid under this contract, include discrete, assignable activities, and cost necessary for overall management and support of a program. m. The County must maintain backup documentation of all costs billed under this Block Grant Contract and provide this information as requested by the JR. 7. Racial and Ethnic Disparity Reporting a. Juvenile Courts shall receive individual court data from the JR (data is extracted from the PACT by the Washington State Center for Court Research). This data will show the number of youth eligible, started, and completed evidence based programs (EBPs) for each juvenile court. The data will be broken out by program and by race/ethnicity. b. Juvenile Courts shall review their data and see if barriers are present regarding equity in access to EBPs. Juvenile Courts will provide answers to questions in the Response to Application. c. Juvenile Courts shall provide an annual update on progress made towards reducing the barriers identified in the Response to Application. This annual update will be due 8/31/2020. 8. Items Incorporated by Reference Department of Children, Youth, and Families 2072CS County Consolidated Program Agreement 6-20-2019 ill STATEMENT OF WORK Detention Services 1. Purpose EXHIBIT C To provide secure detention services to youth pending transportation to a JR residential facility that are: 1) state committed; 2) parole revoked; or 3) community facility transfers. 2. contractor Obligations a. The Contractor shall provide secure detention center services including care, custody, supervision, education, and recreation to the following JR youth while in detention: (1) For youth who are committed to the State. In addition, the Contractor shall: (a) Make direct contact with the JR designated staff of commitment; and (b) Provide and make available to JR with the following information for each youth committed to JR: i. Court Order ii. Complete Sentencing Worksheet- iii. orksheet iii. Contact Information for Youth's Parents/Guardian Detention stays become billable upon notification and receipt of the above documentation by JR (except when information is received after 4:00 pm on a Friday). (c) Make available the following information for each youth committed to JR: i. Information to the Court on the Offense ii. Police Reports on the Offense iii. Victim Witness Interviews (when completed for sex offenders) iv. Previous Reports to the Court (if available) v. Incidents Reports from Current Detention Stays (if applicable) vi. Other Social File Materials (e.g., mental health reports, school information, etc.) (2) For youth who are on parole revocation or, if applicable, a community facility transfer due to threats of health or safety of others. 3. consideration The Contractor shall be reimbursed at the rate of $120 per day, per youth for detention services. The Contractor shall be guaranteed the first day of detention services. a. For youth who are committed to the State, Billable days will be those days that the youth spends Department of Children, Youth, and Families 2072CS County Consolidated Program Agreement 6-20-2019 13 DATED this day of , 2019. ATTEST: Barb Vasquez, Clerk of the Board BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Tom Taylor, Chair Cindy Carter, Vice Chair Richard Stevens, Member